
woelkchen, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Wait, the mod removed the option to set a gender in the character editor? Why don’t these people just make a male character and be done with it?


They need to force their views on others. If anyone believes what they believe, then they are suddenly just like everyone else instead of the bigot they know they are deep down

underisk, (edited )
@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

They aren’t really forcing their views on anyone though, they’re just jacking themselves off. No nonconforming person is going to download this and inflict it on themselves, and they have no reason to use it themselves unless they’re just really closeted and lack the will to not express their own nonconformity. It can literally only exist to rile people up who sought out the mod specifically, which includes only them.


If they weren’t trying to force their views on others they’d just make their character a guy and move on. They go through the trouble of coding this mod to push their agenda on others.

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

What I’m trying to say though is that most of them just do make their character a guy and move on. They don’t need the mod and the people who they think do need it aren’t going to install it. It’s not just a transparent attempt to ignite culture war arguments online, but it’s a stupid and ineffective one.

AmbleHamble, (edited )

The point of the mod is not to change something in game, its to appear in the list of mods and remind some people that they are hated and bigots will never stop hating them.

Its a weird “I was here, and I hated x people”.


I have trouble imagining enough people wanting to download a mod to do this to get it to appear on anything but the most recent releases list, and to only be on that list long enough for some other mods to get released.


Well, the type of person that would do this wouldnt be opposed to spoofing the number as well. And they can just keep reuploading the mod so it’s always appearing in the list.

The point is, their ineffective methods still worked a little. Ruining someone’s day, hour or even minute is validation enough


Apparently nexus mods has some sort of ad sharing with mod makers. Could be a grift. Grift is popular among right wingers, possibly because they are on a fundamental level stupid.

Some grifter makes an anti “woke” mod that probably took 5 minutes. A bunch of stupid chuds download it to pwn the libs. Grifter makes money. Chuds feel good about their shitty lives.


How does installing a mod on a single player game force views on anyone?


Insisting that Nexus Mods should host this bigoted mod is the losers who walk in fear of “woke culture” trying to enforce their bigoted views on the rest of the world. The assholes are still free to install that mod but Nexus Mods is just as free to not host that trash.


I can think of one: a parent who installs this before letting their child play it to enforce their culture of hatred within their house.


Then they couldn’t do their performative outrage, which is all they have.


Because they’re little fucking babies.

@Jimbo@yiffit.net avatar

Looking throughout history, aalways have been

@darq@kbin.social avatar

Because it's not actually about the pronouns. These people aren't actually angry about pronouns.

They're angry about trans and non-binary people. They're angry that people are growing to accept these people, who they do not think should be accepted. They are angry that a group they don't think is normal, is being accepted as normal.

@Sludgehammer@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think it’s even about that, they’re angry because the want to be angry. The why doesn’t matter, if the current right wing outrage du-jour had been… I dunno, left handed people rather than trans people, you’d see all the same people working themselves into a screaming tantrum if a game or movie had a left handed person in it.


For sure. And when there’s not enough people focused on trans people they’ll shift their focus to some other marginalized group to harass.

These limp dicked losers have literally nothing better to do but jerk each other off in their seedy racist forums and message boards.

@Stanley_Pain@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Oh no, it’s very much hatred. The same hatred they had for black or gay people.

librechad, (edited )

Who the hell are you to say that I hate black and gay people? You’re overgeneralizing a group, how much different are you in this case? Stop with that man, this is why we can’t have actual debates.

@Stanley_Pain@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The problem is you want to debate.

There’s no debate. No one has to tolerate your intolerance.

Gay people exist. Trans people exist. Fin.


Stereotyping people and overgeneralizing things without actually debating your point is ridiculous. Grow up man.


And the "replaced white people". And the female leaders. If someone wants a taste, go through the Steam forums for the game. It's a complete deranged mess.


Steam forums are the absolute bottom of the barrel for game discussion, maybe tied with 4chan.

@transigence@kbin.social avatar

It's not "about trans and non-binary people," it's about the injection of identity politics into video games. The removal of the mod shows that activist fiat is necessary to present the illusion that people buy into gender ideology.


Pronouns, gender, genitals, etc. in player-character customization are just yet another option for someone to tailor their gameplay to whatever experience they want.

The only identity politics comes from the people politicizing it.

Laticauda, (edited )

The existence of trans and nonbinary people is not an injection of identity politics into video games. The fact that they exist and a video game is acknowledging their existence is not political.


No no no, you have to break their brains.


White people in a video game is political. Statistically, the default is Han.


Wow 2+2 is 4 in this video game??? Didn’t know it’s going so WOKE


You just but I wouldn’t be surprised if that happened.

Conservatives have a long running feud with the sciences.


I thought 2+2=4 was anti-woke? Wasn’t there a whole weird Twitter drama thing a couple of years ago where 2+2=4 was considered the racist side?


did a bot write this? what are you even trying to say?

Are you one of those people that thinks anything that’s not straight cis white is “identify politics”? That anything that isn’t your world view is “political”? If so, please go fuck yourself. If not, I have no idea what you’re on about.


Not a bot; just a bigot. If you scroll to the very bottom, a good 30% of the total comments are this guy digging a hole trying to prove it’s “woke” society that’s the problem and not him.

@Snowpix@lemmy.ca avatar

That’s legitimately just sad. What a pathetic individual.


It got worse:

The only thing left to fight for is the right to indoctrinate very young school children into gender ideology and show them, graphically, how to be gay.

Either a troll, or too far gone to help.


Teaching children how to be gay, sure.

Hey, Children. If you like somebody and they like you back, don’t worry about which gender you think you belong to.

People can love people no matter if they are the same gender or not.


“Identity politics” always seems to mean “I am upset that different people exist.”

This is a nothing option in a video game. Nobody’s rubbing your nose in it. It doesn’t affect you, at all, but it’s a neat little extra for other people. Do you give a shit about other people? Or does the mere possibility of anyone distinct from you, the protagonist of reality, fill you with emotions you can’t handle? There’s no third option, here. It’s a checkbox for how NPCs choose voice lines, in exactly the same way they’ve done for decades. It’s just separate now.

But of course one glance at your profile shows you’re an unapologetic bigot, and what you mean by “gEnDeR iDeOlOgY” is exactly what every other diet Nazi means by it: you hate queer people, and you want it to be their fault.


darq, (edited )
@darq@kbin.social avatar

,"Identity politics" in this case meaning "trans and non-binary people exist and are trans or non-binary respectively".

The removal of the mod shows that activist fiat is necessary to present the illusion that people buy into gender ideology

Bullcrap. It shows nothing of the sort. It shows nothing more than that NexusMods doesn't feel like hosting assholes.


I mean if you don’t want to “buy into gender ideology” you should be non-binary and not pick a side there Chet.


It’s only politics because people go out of their way to oppress them. There’s nothing to be political about if people are allowed to be who they are.


Yeah, having that "he/she/they" toggle and calling sex "body type 1 and 2" instead of male/female sure is political. You know when it became political? When people saw them and went "REEEEEEEEEEEEE" because they're bigoted dumbfucks.


The fact that you unironically used the term 'gender ideology ’ proves that you are, in fact, a bigoted little shit.


I can’t imagine being such a pussy that pronouns in another character’s profile would make you cry from extreme butthurterie like a little beta wuss

@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar



The crazy thing is how hysterical they’re being over something you can fail to even notice is there. It gave me male pronouns as I choose the male body type, and the button prompt to change it is hidden way down at the bottom of the screen. It’s literally on screen for a few seconds and then never mentioned again in a game with hundreds of hours gameplay.


Yeah, I’d see reaction videos before I played, and I honestly couldn’t find how to change my pronouns for a good 30 seconds.

God, Bethesda sucks at UI.


Yeah, it took me ages to realise the prompt was at the bottom of the screen, I didn’t even want to change them, I was just wondering why it set off such a wobbler with the bald bloke.


Does it matter? I have a mod to improve blood splatter, does murder meet your approval?

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

If someone made a “killing Jews” mod it wouldn’t be allowed either.

Nazis aren’t welcome.

souma, do games w Epic Games Cutting 870 Jobs, 16 Percent Of Its Workforce, also selling Bandcamp

TiL Epic had purchased BandCamp


God damnit if I didn’t open this post to write this, verbatim

Honestly after unity shit the bed and payday 3 looks like a turd they probably realized they don’t need to try as hard anymore on unreal and fortnite, respectively

troyunrau, do gaming w Larian Studios Is Officially Done With The Baldur’s Gate Series
@troyunrau@lemmy.ca avatar

I bet this is a falling out with Hasbro execs on royalties. BG3 royalties were a cash cow this year for Hasbro, pushing Wizards (as a division) to be quite profitable, while almost all other divisions in their company lost money.

So now the agreement is over, and Larian is like: we will own the IP on our next project instead of paying $90M to Hasbro… And fair enough – they’ve shown they can kick ass. Hasbro is probably gambling that it’s the IP that made the money, and not Larian being magic in a bottle as a developer. So they’ll kick tires on selling BG4 to another studio.

BG3 will go down in history as the legendary game before enshittification. Larian will make a few great games that don’t sell as well – before selling out to a whale that dumps money on the owner’s front lawn (see also BioWare). The devs who made BG3 will found indie studios and make cool shit for a decade or two. So the wheel turns.

@MeDuViNoX@sh.itjust.works avatar

Such is life, but I am saddened by this news.


Larian already made DoS2 (which is better imo then bg3). In any case I look forward to the next Larian project.


Same. It bugs me that people think larian only existed when making BG3. When DoS2 released on steam that game hit overwhelmingly positive in no time and I bought it day one with no idea what it was because the reviews were so good. Larian will be fine because they stick to what they’re great at and they’ve been around a long time.


I feel like this was part of their plan though. Get the limelight with dnd and show the kind of games that they make to people that wouldn’t have known beforehand. Now their next fully owned game is going to make them absolute bank in both money and good faith I think.


I really hope they’re going sci-fi. I can only replay the Mass Effect trilogy so many times.

@troyunrau@lemmy.ca avatar

Keep going, I’m almost there


This. If you like the mechanics of bg3, go play Divinity Original Sin 2. It has a lot of the same enhancements that Larian added to dnd for BG3. Including more comprehensive elemental fields and height mechanics.

And it has a great modding community.

The sad part about Larian and BG3 is I was hoping for a definitive edition that gave Karlach her good ending.

@Amir@lemmy.ml avatar

Going with her to the nine hells is her “good” ending.

Letting her explode is her bad ending.


Nah, that's her kinda bad ending. They cut the good good ending.
There is another ending for her involving the upper city(cut at the last minute due to performance issues) and I suspect the purified metal you get at the factory that involves her staying.

@swab148@startrek.website avatar

They did say something about releasing more endings (and also mod support) so here’s hoping! 🤞


I don't think we're going to get the dos2 level of tools, simply because it would become a competitor to wotc's fabulous virtual tabletop microtransaction simulator.

It's nice to hope though, with you on that.


I turned her into a mind flayer. She seemed fairly happy.


DOS2’s fatal flaw for me is that you really can’t have an optimal mixed-damage party because you have spell shield and armor, which each block one of two kinds of damage. If you go all physical, you can just blast through armor and then kill people that way. All magical and you can do the same thing for people with shield. Mixed damage parties just kinda suck by comparison because you’re effectively splitting your damage output.


It’s true, you should go either full magic, or full physical within a specific character, however a 2magic/2physical party is great as well since almost all the combat encounters will have a mix of heavy physical armor guys and heavy magic armor guys.

But really once you learn how the action economy works, as long as you don’t gimp your characters by putting dex on a mage or whatever, you can blow up most encounters regardless of the magic/physical make up of the party.

And of course you can also go lone-wolf archer and single handedly win all encounters on your own ;)


If possible, play with mods, there are a few good ones that modify how the armor/magic armor system works in different ways.


Can I hug my big muscly girlfriend in that one though?


You can hug a very thin, very tall, cannibalistic girlfriend though.


Sounds close enough

@Nacktmull@lemmy.world avatar

Sebille ftw!


If that’s what makes reagular game a great game, there are not many great games…


Such is life. Grim and unfair


Can’t wait for the EA live service BG4


I hope paizo will jump in and Larian will make a pathfinder game next (it’s the better system anyway)


This would be very feels good the whole way round.

@Nacktmull@lemmy.world avatar

Hasbro is probably gambling that it’s the IP that made the money

Laughs in Divinity: Original Sin 2

@0x1C3B00DA@kbin.social avatar

Hasbro is probably gambling that it’s the IP that made the money, and not Larian being magic in a bottle as a developer

This is probably true, but how can executives be so stupid? Every review I read praised Larian specifically and how the made a huge game with no microtransactions and tons of little loving touches. You have to be willfully ignorant to think it was the IP and not the developer and their work that people were responding to.


You have to be willfully ignorant

At this point I’m convinced that MBA classes are really just training willful ignorance, in favor of “line go up” strategies.


That is all they teach.

Jack Welch is seen as MBA-Jesus and they all strive for similar stockholder returns as to what happened under him with GE. If you want a good read, GE under Welch is the OG enshitification story. He took a juggernaut of a company and completely destroyed it for short term shareholder gain.

Now it’s just a shell of its former self, but those guys at the top sure made alot of money.

AngryCommieKender, (edited )

Screw Hitler. If I invent a time machine, Jack Welch will get a tommy gun to the back of the head before he can lay off one worker, or gut a single workers protection.

Edit: autocorrect got me

@Ferk@lemmy.ml avatar

The thing is that being “willfully ignorant” has served them well, so it makes it the smart move when the goal is “line go up”.

Give me money and call me stupid, why would I care what a few “smart” people think when millions of “stupid” people give me all I want?


I think it’s probably more a situation where they are not a good fit for each other anymore. The D&D license has value and Hasbro rightly wants to capitalize on that. Larian is a hot commodity right now and they don’t need to borrow the credibility that comes with a big license like D&D. There’s also a timing issue. BG4 is unnecessary when BG3 will continue to sell for years to come. Larian will put out at least a couple more games before BG4 makes sense.

Larian is in a position where they can make whatever game they want and it will sell like hotcakes. Why the hell would they want to pay enormous royalties again when they can bring the writing in house? Sure, Hasbro could reduce their fee, but they can’t reduce it to the point where it’s worthwhile for both them and Larian.

If I’m running Larian, there’s no way I’m making another D&D game. The lore is great, but the rule set sucks. There are better systems in the tabletop space and there’s no reason to even be limited to that after you’ve already made the decision to not make D&D. Wizards isn’t exactly a paragon of reliability and stability either so there’s risk there. Not to mention, it was Larian who helped pull Hasbro’s asses out of the fire. They were facing massive backlash from their core customers until a kick ass movie and BG3 made everyone forget about it.

In short, Larian is riding high and Hasbro is not. There’s a lot more money for Larian doing something else and probably good money for Hasbro licensing to another developer.

@Ferk@lemmy.ml avatar

I think it’s more that executives think the average consumer is stupid and cares too much about IP branding. And I feel they are not completelly wrong. Though I think the OGL fiasco showed the D&D fanbase might be smarter than that …hopefully.


Basically Blizzard’s story.


How can we take our beloved cash cows and completely destroy them…


Don’t think most people read the last part. Pretty good take until then


Agreed, it was pretty good until then. But the last paragraph is what made it a great take.


Laughs in Divinity Original Sin 2


It’s like poetry; it rhymes.

Nath, (edited ) do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
@Nath@aussie.zone avatar

To confused people exploring from all Communities trying to understand what the hell is going on:

  • Bethesda is a game studio who does a decent job of giving people choice to do/be whatever they want in their games. Out of the box they included the option to choose your pronouns in a new game called “Starfield”.
  • They also make it possible to modify their games to make very drastic changes to the player experience.
  • Nexus is a site that hosts thousands of mods to all sorts of games. People make mods, upload them to Nexus and players download them.
  • Someone made a mod to remove the option to choose pronouns from Starfield.
  • Nexus decided they don’t want to host this mod. It’s hurtful to people and goes against their values of inclusivity.

That’s about it. Most of the people whinging about censorship don’t even play the game. They’re just here to whinge about how the world is moving on from old bigoted ways and they want to stay in the past and be jerks to people for merely existing. If they actually cared, they’d just download the mod from some other site. The mod itself is probably not much bigger than this reply.

@Chailles@lemmy.world avatar

Most of the people whinging about censorship

To further add on that, to complain about censorship for a mod that LITERALLY censors the game.


I didnt even think about that lmao


In undue fairness, a mod to downgrade nudity or vulgarity would kinda make sense, if someone personally didn’t want to see that. (Or if they were concerned about it for streaming. Or they had kids in the room.) For example, there’s some racial slur graffiti in Bioshock Infinite that is used for highly effective shock value and characterization, and I could see someone wanting to tone it down.

The root issue is what’s being removed: the abstract possibility of characters being called “him” or “her” independent of their appearance. To people who won’t use the feature, it is literally nothing. It simply does not exist beyond a checkbox they’ll scroll clean past. The game part of the game will work exactly as they expect, from start to finish.

They’re whining about censorship because the real purpose of this mod is to signal that they’re against anyone else having that option.

They are performatively upset by this trivial separation of character model and branch condition. Because they hate trans people. There is no other possible motivation, because this pointless change is simple and direct.

This removal is a website telling those bigoted trolls: poop in someone else’s yard.


I’ll add that my understanding is that you aren’t even prompted to choose a pronoun in-game – it defaults to one or the other based on your character creation choices, and you can then change it if you want to. It’s literally a non-issue.




I can’t imagine being such a pussy that pronouns in another character’s profile would make you cry from extreme butthurterie like a little beta wuss


This is like that old “progressive redneck” meme. I agree with the spirit of what you said but shit that’s not how I would say it.


Sometimes you have to speak to them in their own language


Happens all the time IRL to me. I use both he and she pronouns and ignorant people always ask why bother just pick one. Well, I did, they’re my PERSONAL pronouns and I chose both these.

@Riven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I like to call them snowflakes. Makes them mad when you use their own words against them.

Sorry jimmyjohn, I’ll use whatever pronoun I like. We live in AMERICA I can do whatever I want, stop being a snowflake.

doctorcrimson, (edited )

Good for Nexus

Happy to continue using their services

mindbleach, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

Moderation exists to identify and exclude people who are being absolute cocks.

You don’t need any grand philosophical statement about values. You don’t need to defend the paradox of tolerance against absolutist demands for unrestricted expression. It’s perfectly fine to say: you were doing some diet Nazi shit, that’s awful, fuck off.

@Metal_Zealot@lemmy.ml avatar

“but you need to hear BOTH side of the arg-”
No we don’t.

snooggums, (edited )
@snooggums@kbin.social avatar

We already heard the terrible arguments for intolerance and don't need to rehash it over and over again in every new piece of media.

@Metal_Zealot@lemmy.ml avatar

Yea don’t even give these dinks the light of day, they’ll instinctively slink back to Voat and enjoy their hate echo chamber


Yep. Some questions have a right answer. Next.


In this case the guys who are leaving are literally trying to make one side shut up.

EdibleFriend, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs
@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

Dude slapped away his career.


Used to be one of The top movie stars in the world. Not even Tom Cruz has thrown it all away yet. Smith managed it though.

@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

Fucking seriously. Dude was a massive box office draw and on top of that had had a truly wholesome career. He was well respected. Could really act…had solid comedy chops. Very few true stinkers in his IMDB page. And he threw it all away for a bitch who LAUGHS about cheating on him.

I hate the word because of right wing fucks but there is no other way to describe it. He’s a fucking cuck.


His wife even gloated about fucking thier kids friend. Dude could have had any woman in the world and he picked that bitch.

@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

Thats what I will never understand. Maybe sticking with her after cheating? but to LAUGH ABOUT IT IN AN INTERVIEW.


It’s just abuse and people are most often helpless to leave. Actors are just normal bags of meat too.


Very true


Wasn’t she originally tupacs girl or something? And basically chose and treated will as second choice from the beginning


Tupac didn’t want her, think he banged her a few times and realized how nuts she is.

Only bullet Tupac ever dodged.


The only bullet Tupac ever dodged was Jada.


Ton Cruise is incredibly successful, vastly more successful than better people with no baggage. It’s kind of weird because Cruise’s cult is way, way worse than the slap. But Cruise also seems to be more talented and outwardly likable and his cult is pretty good at staying hidden.


Cruise can pull on that star power like no one else.
Everyone knows the shit cult he’s in, but when he’s in a movie it doesn’t matter. Even basically kidnapping Katie Holmes didn’t stop him. I can only imagine how much of an insufferable asshole he is day to day, but he still rocks as an actor.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

If you’re one of the most charismatic men in the world, what you actually believe is much less important to people.


dude went for a full CHA build and actually raids end content.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

From what I’ve heard he’s a legit nice dude.

I think about that interview with Spielberg where he refused to make a comment about Julia Roberts. Julia Roberts only ever appeared in one Spielberg movie. He’s Steven Spielberg, he doesn’t have to work with assholes if he doesn’t want to.

Tom Cruise has appeared in multiple Spielberg movies. I take that as a sign he’s not an asshole. He’s just in a fucked up cult.

@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah it’s hard not respect his professional work. He is one of the few people making modern day action movies fused with old-school elements.

Also, Cruise doesn’t go around championing his cult to outsiders as far as I’m aware so it kind of makes it easy for people to ignore it.

@pancakes@sh.itjust.works avatar

Also Tom and Will are both Scientologists (or were, I don’t keep up) so that part at least cancels out.


Didn’t he jump on Oprah’s sofa yelling about how they’re going to save the world?


No he was excited about marrying Katie Holmes.


True, he doesn’t push it on outsiders. He is number two in the cult though and makes speeches and stuff for them regularly. His best friend is the head guy.


Will and Jada have some suspicious ties to the Church and its beliefs too. They’ve denied being part of it but some instances are so overt that it’s likely true.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

That’s the thing. You see Tom in interviews and he’s actually talking to the interviewers and making jokes and stuff. He is likable.

He’s also one of the only celebrities I’m okay with separating art from artist. He makes some goddamn entertaining movies.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Dude understands what makes a movie work. So if Tom Cruise is involved with a movie it’s likely to be really good.

It’s a kind of “say what you will about Tom Cruise, but the man knows story structure” kind of things.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

From pretty much all reports Tom Cruise is generally really nice to people. If you’re a nice weirdo then whatever, they’re Hollywood people, they’re all weirdos.

But if you’re an asshole weirdo, that’s when people won’t like you anymore.


He was well washed out before the slap.

@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

Eh…not really. He hadn’t done anything Independence Day level for a while but he was still cranking out popular shit. That movie about the Williams sisters was only 1 year before he threw it all away and that did pretty well.

@ripcord@lemmy.world avatar

He was there literally receiving an award for that movie, even

@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

Hahaha I honestly forgot that


My boy, he won the Oscar for best actor on slap night. He was still pissing gold.


Goes to show how much the slap stole the show, cause I can’t even recall what he was nominated for. Had to look it up, but he won for King Richard (the movie about Sernea and Venus Williams).

@TheBat@lemmy.world avatar

That reminds me. Some social media feminists were furious that movie about Williams sisters is named after a man.

I was like, they’re both executive producers and their other sister (Isha Price) was also involved in the making of the film. Maybe they wanted to honour their dad?


Isn’t it alphabetical?


I mean… Five minutes before the slap, he was sitting in his front-row seat at an internationally-televised award ceremony where he had just been nominated for two of the most coveted honors in cinema. I dunno if he was that bad off.


I just checked the game out on the steam store.

Outside of it looking like a game from 2012, it seems to be very much pay to win, clunky, and I watched their videos and looked through pics and read the description on the games page…Not a single picture or mention of Will Smith at all. Nothing.


Is it actually known that the slap had a negative effect on his career? I don’t follow these things, but most of the reactions I’ve seen were on the neutral/comedic side

@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

People make jokes about it but… People also make jokes about Elon musk while at the same time hating the fucker. He’s not Elon musk level hated now but the reaction in this comment section seems to show that both people really don’t like him anymore. I know I’m one of them for sure and I grew up with the dude. So many huge things in my life were him.

And then look at the facts… He’s done basically nothing since then. There’s this game. He has a few producer credits on his IMDb. And last I heard the only actual movie he works is a completely nonsensical sequel to I Am Legend.

He fucking died at the end of that movie! They flat out said they’re just going to pretend the end of the movie didn’t happen so they could make a sequel lol.


There’s two different endings. In one of them he survives, but accept that he won’t cure the disease because the camps are the next step in human evolution. Also, he realizes his experiments to cure the disease are horrific and he has become a monster.

@EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

Yep. The one that’s closest to the book. But the actual theatrical ending he died.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Much is made about online cancel culture, but that’s just people making a lot of noise on the internet and doesn’t matter much.

The real cancel culture is when most people simply don’t like an actor as much as they used to. If the majority of people like an actor just 10% less than they used to, they take a massive hit to their career. Just liking someone a slightly less means you’re just going to watch something else instead. But when a majority of people feel the same way then liking someone a little less means translates into a large percentage of people not watching something. It’s not like you are going to watch 90% of a Will Smith movie because you like him 10% less, you either watch a movie or you don’t.

Real cancel culture isn’t “I HATE THIS GUY SO MUCH I’LL NEVER EVER WATCH ANYTHING HE’S IN!” as portrayed on the internet. The real version is “Will Smith? Meh… there’s probably something better to watch.”

I don’t vehemently hate Will Smith for the slap. But The fact that I’m a little less likely to watch his movies now and the fact that there’s always other things to watch means it’s unlikely I’ll watch another Will Smith movie.

And whatever, he’s got lots of money already, it’s no big deal if his show business career is over.


Doesn’t help that he’s a bitch

Rikj000, do gaming w Fallout 4 Fans Are Begging Bethesda To Stop Updating The Game
@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

My “nExT gEn” update experience:

  1. Get baited to re-play Fallout 4 through the new TV show + Next Gen update
  2. Be disappointed since the graphics aged like milk + Official HD texture DLC sucks
  3. Be disappointed since the update broke nearly all mod support
  4. Roll back to the release before the Next Gen update + Uninstall the Official HD texture DLC
  5. Install 205 mods, and happily play with nearly everything in 4K

FYI, most mods I installed are from:


Yeah, but you’ll get a few hours in and uninstall because you stop playing.

@Rikj000@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Currently at 30ish hours and still enjoying it.

Reminded me that Bethesda does release some great / huge games.

Albeit quite bugged at release,
but since they (usually) embrace the modding scene, lots of this can be / has been patched and even improved by the community.

The Next Gen update is a stupid cash-grab though, and imo should have never happened…

An official modpack would have been much better.


Albeit quite bugged at release, but since they (usually) embrace the modding scene, lots of this can be / has been patched and even improved by the community

Except that all of their patches broke all the mods.

FO4 also was a mediocre fallout game but a decent FPS and base builder


The world is great to explore. Lots of hidden goofs to uncover, but yeah, you play New Vegas for story.


I also play FO1 and 2 for the story.

  1. Be disappointed since the graphics aged like milk

That’s kinda spoiled, lol


Brother the company is owned by Microsoft now. You can complain about their product in any way you want. Its sold under Microsoft, you can complain. Again, Microsoft


I’m not your brother.

so much about blahaj.zone…


I’m not your buddy, guy


Y u do dis?

@Sturgist@lemmy.ca avatar

Because lol

@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s an old South Park meme www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH3K2rkkU7g


People have complained about FO4’s graphics since release. I always thought it was a good looking game. Coming back after the next-gen update I still think it looks good.


It always looked like nearly next generation. Better than New Vegas, but when stacked up against the other releases that year like Witcher 3 and Bloodborne it just felt a but underwhelming.


IMO the graphics look great, it’s just that it’s so clearly built on the creation engine. Like, the models and textures and lighting are great, but the animation is just so…creation engine


I was very let down with them on release. The animations are worse though.


How did you roll back to before the game was updated?


No offense but this is totally 🤡 meme. You just walked deeper and deeper into bullshit and convinced yourself to keep stepping the whole way

AClassyGentleman, (edited ) do gaming w Nintendo DMCAs Palworld Mod That Makes Everything Pokémon

One extra thing a lot of articles haven’t pointed out is that the mod was locked behind a patreon paywall. Sticking mods behind paywalls has been a hot subject (to put it gently) in the community for a while now. Not to rush to the defense of the most profitable franchise in the world, but yeah that’s absolutely gonna get you shut down.


Paywalled mods are debatable themselves. Throwing one of the most protected IPs that’s ever existed in the mix?

Lmao, yeah. Of course this would happen.

I’m surprised it hasn’t happened to Palworld directly.


My guess is Palworld has done their homework on how to be “legally distinct” enough. It’s quite a different gameplay loop, after all and Nintendo can’t copyright “cute little animals that do the manual labour for the humies” otherwise things like Digimon already wouldn’t exist.


This kinda flies in the face of what I heard the Palworld devs are: a rag-tag handful of nobodies on a budget of $0 making a Steam game in their free time.

I heard they didn’t even use a version control system because they didn’t know how to use one, they just put a copy of the code repo on a flash drive once a day, and when they ran out of drives, they went to the store to buy more.

If even a slightly less embellished version of half of what I’ve heard is true, I wager none of these people got anywhere near a lawyer before putting this game out.

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

Life has taught me a zillion times over to never buy into the story of the scrappy underdog. 9/10 it’s completely fabricated where it turned out actually no they were a multiberyllionaire oil baron who had everything they needed to succeed 30 times over. Even that other 1/10 times it’s still a massive stretch of the truth where the person in question was more than prepared for what was ahead of them. People naturally embellish their opposition and downplay their capacities; and underdog narratives crank that natural tendency up to 11.

DebatableRaccoon, (edited )

You don’t necessarily need a lawyer on-hand to figure out “legally distinct”. Everything that Nintendo has taken down before has blatantly used the name and existing characters in both name and likeness. Even if the core idea when they started the game was “pokemon but with guns” - which I doubt - it’s still a good start in the vein of “inspired by” instead of “ripping off” and I bet Nintendo knows this otherwise Palworld would have been hit just as quickly as the mod was considering this is a company who made themselves infamous for going after youtubers making let’s plays of a basic racing game. They’re famously litigious so they’re going to be watching Pocketpair and Palworld like vultures after their next meal but either Pocketpair are more careful than they’d like the public to believe or their idea is different enough from the get-go that Nintendo will never get anything on them.

Odo, do games w GTA 6 is likely to skip PC again and only launching on current gen consoles

I’m confused why Kotaku mentioning next gen in the title when Rockstar only commented on current generation PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.

Because they’re still referring to PS5 and XSX as “next gen”, which is ridiculous this far into a generation. I’m glad even their own commenters are calling that out.


It almost seems like a bait and I fell for it 🫣

The only reason I clicked on the article is because I thought next gen launching late 2025 with GTA6. Ps5 came out over 3 years ago so 4 year generation sounds about right.

It’s not the first time either. Time to pop Kotaku into the block list.


The last few console generations have been around 6-7 years, and this gen may be longer:



Yeah, we’ve not had a generation run short for 20 years. Even then most last 6 years historically and I think people’s perception is skewed because Microsoft rushed out the 360 quicker than normal.

What would new consoles even be at this stage? They’re still fast, can do 4k, some ray tracing etc. and yeah they compromise on things but you need to spend more on a graphics card alone to get more on PC. The cost vs benefit isn’t there yet not to mention (anecdotally) the “general public” talk about current consoles as if they’re new, so I don’t think there’s an apatite or need.

@Exusia@lemmy.world avatar

The general public didn’t have access to them for almost 2 years. Ps5 and Series are functionally 1 year (maybe year and a half) into wide adoption.

@wizardbeard@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

A lot of games are still doing dual releases on last gen and current gen.


I’m not saying it’s necessary but “some raytracing“ is very little, the next hardware refresh will be a lot more raytracing.


apatite is a mineral

@CleoTheWizard@lemmy.world avatar

They’ll run longer for sure. We will get slim versions here in a couple years or pro versions like with the PS4 pro.

Next gen won’t happen until ray tracing is truly established and AMD has a solution to ray tracing and frame generation technologies.


I think this gen is good for a while yet.

We’ve only just got to the point where games don’t run on PS4 any more.

Current gen has good SSDs, 16GB RAM, fast CPUs and 4K (or at least scale to 4K acceptably) graphics. Most stuff runs at 60fps (with an option to turn on the graphical wankery and drop to 30-40), and when it doesn’t there’s VRR to paper over the cracks.

The only area it’s really lacking is RT performance, and only nVidia are there right now. The pricing for cards capable of dropping old lighting paths entirely (e.g. for Cyberpunk Overdrive mode) is obscene. Frame generation is a red herring. It won’t make games feel more responsive. Only real frames can do that. We’re a long way from dropping traditional lighting.

@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

4 years is the typical halfway upgrade, not a new gen. Gens are usually 7-8 years.


Nah there’s not rules for “gens” it’s all bullshit that could be anywhere between 3 to 7 years looking at wiki release tables. Now especially new generation is super easy to release as consoles are just PCs.

@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

I didn’t say there was a rule for it.

Four years isn’t enough time for technology to develop and make a significantly more powerful console, that would be like buying a new 1100 dollar phone because they made the camera slightly better and the battery not as shit.

Consoles aren’t just PC’s, their physical architecture is completely different. Even if it was the same, I wouldn’t go out and build a completely new PC every four years because that would be a waste of money. I wouldn’t even notice a difference on most games.


We have no idea what kind of hardware will be released, tech can go through all kinds of spikes even if seems to have leveled out. So while I agree the next generation or even future generations for awhile after that won’t significantly improve in 4 years, I disagree with the sentiment. Also:

Consoles aren’t just PC’s, their physical architecture is completely different.

Lol, no.



  • Loading...
  • Fridgeratr,

    Not at all, there is no PS6 or… whatever Microsoft decides to call the next Xbox


    XBOX 1NE Series X mark II

    @Appoxo@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    They should switch to pokemon gen naming scheme aka 5th gen consoles.

    rbesfe, do games w The First Borderlands Movie Clip Looks Like An SNL Skit

    The fact they chose Kevin Hart to play Roland shows how little they care about the games themselves


    It’s all IP baby. They think we are the unwashed masses with no taste or critical thinking and just consume whatever they excrete.

    fsxylo, (edited )

    Close, but they genuinely think video games are a lesser medium than movies. So of course they don’t take this movie, or our standards seriously.


    I think some game developers think like this too, that’s why they try to turn their games into movies, either directly or by making their games more “cinematic”.


    In my opinion, not all cinematic games are trying to be movies, some do it right and preserve the essence of what game is, about others we probably not hear too much except for how bad they turn out to be


    At least it’s not still just Uwe Boll making adaptations.


    At the same time movies based on a recognized intellectual property tend to omit crucial pieces of character and world building, because come on, the audience is supposed to know that.

    And this is how they often produce garbage that is impossible to understand if you are not in the know, and impossible to watch if you are ¯_(ツ)_/¯


    Or Cate Blanchett. Like if me and my friends were dream casting this movie one of us would say Cate Blanchett as a joke and we’d all laugh and move on. Don’t get me wrong, she’s one of my favorite actresses, you can Tar and feather me all day but this was frankly a bizarre call.

    Reminds me of the show Barry, the character Sally is on a press circuit and someone throws the question at her “Who should play the next Spiderman” and confused by the question she says Ben Mendelson


    Looks wise Hayley Williams is great for Lilith, don’t think she acts but there has to be a ginger actress other that Karen Gillian interested


    anya-taylor joy so that it all comes full circle to mad max


    But then noone will watch it


    She could rock a Lilith.


    That sally example is such a good pull lol

    @bigmclargehuge@lemmy.world avatar

    Me and my sister have a running joke casting for a movie of the Uncharted games, I’m pretty sure Danny DeVito was Sully and Mel Gibson was Elena. I’d rather watch something that stupid than something as uninspired as this.


    Tar and feather

    I see what you did there


    My personal theory is that they wanted The Rock (who would be straight out of central casting for Roland) but he declined and so some exec was like “okay, just use KH instead, they both work together on a lot of the same movies”


    Or Jack Black. I love him, but this dumb Hollywood trend of hiring Jack for anything comical is absurd.


    Supposedly he met the creators at a party after the first game came out and asked to play claptrap. I don’t have a source to share with you, but if that’s true then I’m fine with it.

    But yeah, most of this movie looks very bad.

    Chozo, do gaming w Dr Disrespect Admits To 'Inappropriate' Messages With Minor: 'I'm No Fucking Predator Or Pedophile'

    How quickly we went from "I didn't do it" to "I did it, but it wasn't that bad".


    Wait for it…

    That didn’t happen.

    And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.

    And if it was, that’s not a big deal.

    And if it is, that’s not my fault.

    And if it was, I didn’t mean it.

    And if I did, you deserved it.


    Overused comment that has almost nothing to do with the point.


    Just admit you’re too stupid to understand.



    simple, do games w Will Smith Zombie Game No One Has Heard Of Bombs

    Bonus: Dunkey made a video on the game

    I’m 100% convinced this was an elaborate scam. No way this broken asset flip needed over 100 million dollars.

    @tsonfeir@lemm.ee avatar

    Oh my god they broke out into a song.

    Game of the year.

    @AFallingAnvil@lemmy.ca avatar

    Holy shit, that really was worse than it sounded

    @JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

    How did I miss this masterpiece of a game?


    Maybe he needed a tax writeoff to avoid paying some taxes?


    This is not made by Will. He only did some advertising and stuff for it I think.

    @theodewere@kbin.social avatar

    that is what i call a BBB game


    I’d go CCC myself, but to each their own.


    I like how men look like regular men but all the women are almost anime like goddesses

    QuadratureSurfer, (edited ) do gaming w Helldivers 2 Community Manager Seemingly Gone After PlayStation Login Meltdown
    @QuadratureSurfer@lemmy.world avatar

    Better/additional info here: gamesradar.com/…/helldivers-2-community-manager-s…


    “Generally it’s not a good idea to tell people to refund and leave negative reviews when you’re a community manager. TIL,” Spitz said. “I appreciate all the support and I appreciate even more that everyone can play the game again without restrictions. I knew I was taking a risk with what I said about refunding and changing reviews. I stand by it. It was my job to represent the community, that’s what I did.”

    They added: “I wanted to work for Arrowhead because they’re my all-time favorite studio. I got that chance. I’m thankful for that opportunity. I’d happily continue working for them if I had the choice, but that isn’t up to me or anyone else in here. I can walk away happy and I don’t want anyone causing trouble on my behalf, especially not to people I still have a lot of care and respect for.”

    This definitely sounds like Sony wanted them out and Arrowhead wanted them to stay.

    @RandomStickman@kbin.run avatar

    He is a bit dickish before the debacle but I also appreciate him jumping on the grenade for telling people to leave bad reviews and refunding.

    @altima_neo@lemmy.zip avatar

    Truly someone with the strength and courage to be free

    people_are_cute, do games w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod
    @people_are_cute@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    This is all fine and well, but am I the only one a bit concerned about how NexusMods is practically a monopoly in the modding scene? Why does literally every modder have to use a rate-limiting host as a platform, especially when Github exists?

    @derin@lemmy.beru.co avatar

    I mean, github does exist. It looks like people just prefer platforms with a pre-existing community.

    @Chailles@lemmy.world avatar

    Mods uploaded to github does really suck for discoverability though. There’s the roguelike Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. The modding scene exists entirely on Github and you’d basically never find them unless you go searching for mods on their Discord channel.


    Steam workshop exists as well, for games that support it.

    @ahornsirup@artemis.camp avatar

    That's even worse though. Plenty of games (e.g. Stellaris and RimWorld) are also available on platforms like GOG or, ugh, Epic. But if you want to use mods and you bought the game on any platform other than Steam it's fuck you.


    Even if you buy Terraria off of steam, you can use steam mods. Sounds like a per-game problem, rather than a steam problem.

    @ahornsirup@artemis.camp avatar

    I know it is, developers can block downloads unless the user is signed into a Steam account that owns the game. But as an end-user that's distinction without difference.


    steamworkshopdownloader.io never gotten this to work myself but I put the least amount of effort in as possible. There may be others as well but I remember when I did my research a couple years ago that it was a real trudge and almost not worth it.


    I know there are workarounds, but this is true. There are very little games I buy (at least directly) through steam nowadays, because I didn’t like what it became after the Greenlight/Direct debacle and I didn’t want my library to be that dependent of them anymore.

    I have playnite as a unified game library launcher (with GoG, itch.io, humble, Ubi, EA, even Amazon Prime and freaking EGS just for the free games), so where I get my games from doesn’t matter much for me now.

    But workshop integration is basically the only thing that makes me want a Steam copy for a game.

    Though among the games in that case, there were Rimworld and Dwarf Fortress, and for both if you get a copy directly from the developers, you get DRM-free and a Steam key. So, that’s what I did.

    @Chailles@lemmy.world avatar

    There’s a couple issues with it. I mean, it’s simple for games where you’re not using a bunch of mods, but at some point it just becomes excessive. Not to mention that when a mod updates, the mod will automatically update breaking your game sometimes, or when you’re trying to play a game, a mod just doesn’t update causing it to break the game that way too. There’s just a lack of control that’s often necessary when modding.


    For beatsaber (which doesn't use steam workshop), the there's no steam integration and its a pain to deal with.

    For terraria (which uses steam workshop), the modloader is smart enough to know which mods don't work with the current version of the game and disables them and steam lets you easily change which version of the game you have by using the "beta" options. Only time I've had issues with updates breaking things since 1.4 release was during beta-builds of 1.4 tmodloader (and those were generally easily fixed by going to the discord and finding the file to fix it). Since then, no needing to find files and paste them over the existing files, etc. No trying to install one mod at a time out of a dozen or two until you find which one breaks it and redoing the whole process over again. Pretty sure it also just uses the version of mods that support the game version you have, deals with dependencies automatically, etc.. The modloader will also direct you to things like the non-steam pages for mods (sometimes forum posts, sometimes discord, etc).

    I don't think the steam integration is needed for such a seamless mod experience, but its certainly compatible with it. And terraria is an outlier because the game devs encourage mods and has a huge and dedicated community. For smaller games with devs that don't like mods, simply trying to keeping things working may take so much work, so that time that making a good integrated user experience is probably difficult.

    Chailles, (edited )
    @Chailles@lemmy.world avatar

    Let’s be real here though, Terraria is an unfair comparison considering it’s modloader is integrated into the game itself and holds significantly greater support than most other mods with Steam Workshop support. (Oh and that the modloader is basically a community made mod manager anyways and is akin to using the community mod managers for the games mentioned below)

    Stellaris, Rimworld, Divinity: Original Sin 2, Total War: Warhammer 3, Binding of Isaac, Dwarf Fortress, Space Engineers, Cities: Skylines, all of these very popular games with massive modding support are still plagued by the issues I mentioned above. And you know what? It has the issues you mentioned as well. Did you subscribe to an outdated mod? Oh, well, good luck figuring out which one that is. Forgot to download a dependency? Crash. Did a mod update and Steam just didn’t update the mod? Figure out what mod that was and unsubscribe to it and subscribe to it again. Did a mod just update and Steam updated the mod, even though the update breaks save compatibility? Well, unless the mod author uploaded the older version of the mod, good luck trying to have fun.


    I think it’s just the internet being the internet. Or at least how it’s been for awhile. There are big sites that a lot of people crowd to and that becomes the default. Like auctioning things off online. Ebay. That was where everyone went to. Need to order a few different things online? Amazon. Are there other online stores? Plenty. But Amazon is seen as cheap and convenient.

    Nexus mods is just the popular site, but the moders have other options.

    @Metal_Zealot@lemmy.ml avatar

    That’s kinda like saying PlanetMinecraft monopolized sharing world’s, isn’t it?


    That went so well until your proposed alternative was Microsoft.


    At least github is easier than the shit that is nexusmods

    Also there are alternatives

    Gitlab… sourceforge…

    Ive downloaded a lot of mods from sourceforge over the years


    Ive downloaded a lot of mods from sourceforge over the years

    Your poor malware ridden computer….


    Yeah, but all of it’s for Windows XP.


    Yeah, an alternative using git would be good probably, but maybe don’t use github. Preferably though, it’d be agnostic and just target some git repo anywhere. It’d pull from a description file for the page to ensure a uniform appearance preferably, and it’d show and manage versions from some uniformly named folder on the repo.

    @people_are_cute@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    I know what Microsoft’s general reputation is, but it’s undeniable that GitHub has only seen improvements since Microsoft acquired it.

    Patches, (edited )

    since Microsoft acquired it.




    They have not changed.


    That only makes sense if Microsoft had a GotHub competitor lol. I think it was more about getting that juicy data and making copilot.

    Kaldo, (edited )
    @Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

    I was really hoping thunderstore and mod.io would take off more since they seem more platform-agnostic and FOSS-like with their integration with git and versioning (and for some games they have), but people just prefer convenience of nexusmods and steam workshop unfortunately. They just have a bigger community and better discoverability in the end


    They have integration with Ready Or Not iirc. MSFS also has far more mods on Flightsim.TO than on Nexus.


    Natural monopoly. Nobody else offers as good of an experience. The closest is ModDB and their UX is stuck in the mid 2000s.


    I remember using ModDB back then, I’m shocked that they have never updated their site since then


    They’ve sort of moved on to mod.io, leaving Moddb on the back burner.


    I don’t think that term really applies here. It’s not like the barrier to entry for a webservice hosting game modification data is all that high. It’s very different from the railway, waterworks and power grid markets.

    Also there are at least the competitors Loverslab, Curseforge, ModMD and Modrinth from the top of my head.


    Indeed, it applies as much as accusations of monopoly. Two sides of the same coin. Really, it’s not a monopoly situation or any kind at all. It’s just by far the best of its kind and it has no competition.


    Network effect creates barriers to new competitors, regardless of quality. Either for the upstarts or the leaders. See: Twitter. Once some choice is the default, anything else faces an uphill battle.

    Adoption is a feature you can’t design.

    barsoap, (edited )

    Does any one of those integrate with Mod Organizer or do I have to download the mod (often also with an annoying wait time) and then point Mod Organizer to it. Do they have an API that enables “a new version is out” notifications, or do I have to hunt everything down manually.

    It really wouldn’t be that hard, but none of them cares. Nexus kinda has itself positioned well there as they would not have to support any third-party API endpoints in Vortex, but Vortex isn’t even the popular choice for many games.


    Well, for one thing, Nexus gives modders a share of ad revenue. Under a different name, I have a mod that’s a backend requirement for a big, popular mod, and that nets me a reliable few bucks a month.

    That said, a good portion of the modding community also exists on Gamebanana. If you want BotW, ToTK or Source engine mods, GB is the go-to.


    Wait I have a stupid subscription to nexus and idk why I haven’t canceled it (used it for one month for some mod back in the day). I use nexus for all mods. Should I keep my sub then because all I care about is modders getting something.

    @Default_Defect@midwest.social avatar

    I bought lifetime premium years ago when it was still an option and have never once regretted it.


    The lifetime access was such a good investment. I missed a lot of other lifetime subscriptions, and am glad I get such great download speed.


    Well, if you’re paying for premium, you’re still part of the site’s profit, part of which goes to the mods you use, so either way shouldn’t matter.


    R2Modman and thunderstore.io has grown it’s catalogue quite a bit as of late, but it’s mostly (don’t know if it’s entirely or not) unity games. It’s my favorite modding platform with features that make sharing modlists for multiplayer a breeze.


    There’s stuff like Curseforge, but it’s only for some games, mostly Minecraft. The problem, if someone considers it a problem, is really that communities for games generally centralize around one site for their mods for the most part, and Nexus has garnered a lot of trust and therefore has more pull/inertia for communities working those things out.

    As for Github, I believe the vast majority of mods have Github pages, but Github itself doesn’t really have a UI suited for mod downloaders, and no real incentive to implement one. So sites like Nexus and Curseforge are still a necessity.



    Starfield mods (a few) on Curseforge currently


    Nice! Personally I don’t have any particular issue with Nexus, but it’s always nice to see diversity. Monopolies are pretty much never good for end users.


    My only issue with Nexus is that I have to create a login to download mods there. I don’t want to sign in to websites just to DL something. Curseforge is good for Minecraft mods and doesn’t hassle me with a login prompt


    That’s fair.


    Nexus has the lions share, but only for some games, I had a premium subscription but still found for like half the games I mod that nexus either didn’t have a modpage for them or that most modders for that game used other sites to host their mods


    In Curseforge we trust

    carpelbridgesyndrome, (edited )

    Not really sure curseforge is better. Its another of those sites with an sketchy bloaty overwolf launcher that makes you jump through hoops to load mods onto a server.

    It’s concerningly hard to avoid overwolf in modding


    I hope that was snarky because CF has really gone downhill.


    It’s like I didn’t think it could get worse but it just kept getting worse and worse lol.


    Yeah no question Curseforge ain’t great and if you want to get a modpack as opposed to a singular mod you get kind of screwed by the launcher.

    Thing is, the alternatives tend to suck more. Plus my point was that Nexus ain’t alone.


    There’s also steam workshop. Neither are shining examples of a free modding community. I think nexus mods starting out better and slowly enshittified but I don’t know the extent of it.


    Nexus hasn’t changed much over the years. They just make a new mod tool every few years it feels like lol.


    There’s also the Thunder store!


    We don’t. My ultrawide mods get thousands of downloads and I haven’t uploaded a single one to Nexus.


    Their rate-limiting isn’t bad at all, their integration into everything is excellent, and for games without much of a community Vortex is often the only mod manager. Their API isn’t closed down, so Mod Organiser can integrate with Nexus just as well, and they probably would also do it with other mod sites if those ever bothered to set up a version check etc. API. They have an excellent search function.

    In short: They provide a good service. Like the most annoying part about Nexus as a freeloader is the five or what seconds wait before your mod manager picks up the download.

    And, no, their rate limiting really isn’t bad. 1.5MB/s for people with adblock, 3MB/s for people without. How often do you download gigabytes worth of mods it’s not like they’re bullying you into a subscription.

    @people_are_cute@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    But any rate-limit is worse than no rate-limit. GitHub exists and can provide the same features in a better manner with no limits whatsoever.


    Github has other ways to make money, and Microsoft capital to back up everything. And granted Nexus could use a better bug tracker, but you won’t see them getting into the private repository business any time soon.


    I believe modrinth will be expanding to be more than Minecraft mods iirc.

    ethanolparty, do gaming w Fallout 4 Fans Are Begging Bethesda To Stop Updating The Game
    @NoSpiritAnimal@lemmy.world avatar

    Console skyrim mod enjoyers are weeping having to re-download 75 mods because Todd liked the word Creations more.

    @v4ld1z@lemmy.zip avatar

    Or weeping because mod creators pulled their mods in protest :(


    lol perfect.

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