@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar



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After the catastrophe of Concord Sony is reportedly cancelling other projects including a God of War live service game (www.pcgamer.com)

In the graveyard of live service games Concord may just be the biggest headstone, and that seems to have focused some minds over at PlayStation. Previously the noises coming from Sony were all about the importance of live service games to its future strategy, and it had announced plans to launch more than 10 live service games...

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

They’ll ask the AI what to make then ask the AI to code it and use AI art.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m personally surprised by Nintendo continuing to include user accessible SD cards in their consoles from the DS through the Switch. It becomes incredibly convenient for piracy and I would have thought they were doing it on purpose to at least sell the hardware if it wasn’t for all the evidence you the contrary.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Nintendo bad for making QoL console releases? Again, Nintendo is not the only company to do that. PS4/PS5 Pro, the recent Xboxes, etc

Nintendo has a history of doing something different each hardware generation: Snes had the 4 button + shoulder buttons controller. N64 controller was designed for someone with 3 hands, DS had 2 screens, 3DS had 3d without glasses, Wii had motion controls, Wii U the tablet controller, Switch is a console and portable… Every system had something that made it unique. What’s unique about the Switch 2?
Nintendo is not able to compete with other consoles on power, it’s the unique hardware that gives a reason to own it over something else.

They’ve put basically zero effort into shutting down emulators for consoles they don’t sell anymore.

Technically correct. They may not be shutting down emulators, but if they hear a whisper of a ROM for Mappy Land on the NES they have their lawyers on speed dial. ( Me typing that sentence means someone from Nintendo is now watching this thread to see if anyone links to a ROM.)

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Okay, but as I understand PlayStation and Xbox do not have easily accessible drive ports at all. Or am I mistaken?

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s possible to find APKs with the Netflix login patched out. I’ve been playing Into the Breach recently.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

A couple weirder Rogue-lite suggestions:

Against the Storm is a Rogue-lite City Builder, which sounds like 2 things that shouldn’t go together but works surprisingly well. It has a generous demo on Steam that lets you freely play up to level 6 or something in the standard biome, so give it a try

Shape-Hero Factory is a Rogue-lite Factory Builder. Another weird combination that is surprisingly effective. It’s in Early Access so there’s a lot of features that are still planned, but you can do full runs and go up to I think Ascension 6. It had a demo during nextfest, not sure if the demo is still there.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m thrilled that Into the Breach is available on Android, massively disappointed that I cannot purchase it. But at least that means patched APKs exist…

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Seconding Inscryption. Excellent game. Read nothing about it and explore it on your own.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

People have built wands that can teleport you to parallel worlds, and the developers did not intend for that to be possible.

Alright, this has convinced me to give Noita a shot.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

You don’t own anything on Epic either. Epic is actually significantly worse for people losing their accounts and having no way of recovering them.

If for some reason I lost access to my Stream account I would just pirate copies of the games I’ve already purchased.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

I ignored the autumn sale because I knew the winter sale would be right behind it and assumed it would have better deals

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

If you like ARPGs I’d recommend checking out Last Epoch, I found the customization and skill trees much more satisfying than Grim Dawn.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Yo ho ho

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Fair. I have quite the backlog of games to play, so if something on my wishlist is on sale I don’t bother if I currently have something I’m playing. The sale will come around again.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Satisfactory promotes a good work ethic, no problem here.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

See: every RPG ever.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Super Mario Bros promotes the consumption of psychedelics.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Tetris is Russian propaganda that teaches children doing good work is pointless as it will just be taken away and you’ll be forced to do it again until you do it half assed.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Diablo 3 had a rainbow in it somewhere, clearly woke garbage.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

You wouldn’t steal a casino!

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Recently started playing and it reminded me of when I used to play MtG and tried to build decks with broken combos.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

The employees got paid while working on the game. They don’t only get paid based on sales.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

I am not a dev. You are also not a dev. Here are some thoughts from an indie dev about Steam and Epic: reddit.com/…/jason_thor_halls_pirate_software_tho…

Note the comments he makes about why an Epic exclusivity window is valuable to a dev.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Because it is in a monopolistic position

Is it forcing a monopolistic position? Or is it’s “monopolistic position” just a result of it being popular and widely used?

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

You can’t hide behind a bad analogy simply due to it being an analogy. It’s still bad. McDonald’s doesn’t get paid until someone buys a burger. Walmart doesn’t get paid until a customer leaves the checkout. This is very normal for businesses that you don’t get money until the consumer buys your product. If I start an independent business selling socks I can make all the socks I want, I don’t get paid unless people buy them. That’s a normal risk to starting your own business.

All of this is besides the fact that I don’t blame devs for taking the offer, I blame Epic. If a game later becomes available on another service I will consider it then, I will not let Epic have any of my money.

You’re also completely forgetting about indie devs.

Okay, let’s ask an indie dev.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

(pirating is already piss easy)

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

As a consumer I’m more concerned about Epic’s anti-consumer practices than what they are paying devs.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

To make that burger they need to acquire the property, get permits, build the restaurant, purchase and receive equipment, get more permits, train staff, get supplies, advertise…

Yes, all that will take 2-3 years. I worked at a McDonald’s that was getting rebuilt and the process for a restaurant that already existed took longer than 2 years.

Thank you for focusing on the last relevant part of my comment to signal that you don’t have any actual valid criticisms of what I said.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Do we need to wait until they start abusing their position

Should we be punishing Steam for things they haven’t done?

Epic was already trying to abuse their position as soon as they started up.

“You should purchase from the shitty company because if you purchase from the better company they might maybe one day become shitty” is not a compelling argument.

If Steam starts abusing their position and becomes shitty then I will stop using Steam. There is nothing morally or ethically wrong (or difficult) with “pirating” the games I have legally purchased on Steam in order to access them outside of the Steam environment.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

I don’t know where you got lost with:

As a consumer I’m more concerned about Epic’s anti-consumer practices than what they are paying devs.

Talking about how much they could charge devs does not change my experience as a consumer. It does not provide a compelling argument for me to use a service that does noticeably make things worse for the consumer.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Gog takes 30%, The Microsoft store takes 30%, Xbox and Nintendo take 30%, GameStop and Walmart take 30%…
So why is Steam the villian here?


@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar


@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Console exclusives have a logic to them, it takes extra time and money to translate a game to be playable on different hardware.

Store exclusives do not make sense. No game is only purchasable at GameStop, and the only reason for it is to avoid competition.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

TIL having standards means you are sheltered.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

So how is somebody insisting games be on GOG a DRM shill?

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Walmart and GameStop provide a physical place, that’s it. The Developer sends them the physical product.

Steam provides unlimited downloads, user forums, automatic updates, remote play, user reviews, Steam workshop etc…
None of these other stores provide these things.

Maybe Epic should charge more than 12% and invest that money in improving their client, or at least do that instead of wasting it on exclusivity deals. Then maybe I as a consumer will give a shit about Epic.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

What is it you think Steam should be doing that it isn’t?

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

How is that unclear from the context?

Because it was in reply to someone saying

There are lots of games you can play without even having steam running.

I hate when a PC game is ONLY available on Epic Games store (lemmy.world)

Nothing more disappointing to me than seeing a game I might enjoy… and then it’s only available on PC on Epic Games store. Why can’t it be available on Epic, Xbox game store and Steam? It’s so annoying, like you have no choice but to use Epic… which I would literally do ANYTHING not to use.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

The difference is the developer deciding they don’t want to bother going through the effort of making their game available on every platform on the Internet, vs. a dev saying “we are going to release a game on this platform”, even doing presales, and then saying “oh, some guy just gave us a bunch of money to not sell you the thing we promised.”

Ya, that’s great for the devs being given a bunch of money, but that’s shitty for me so I’m not going to give money to the rich asshole doing this so that he can keep doing it

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Consumers are going to use the platform better for consumers. I’m not going to purchase a shitty car because the company pays its workers more.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

If I like the game then good for them. Epic didn’t get any of my money and they’re the one I have an issue with.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Copying my reply to someone else:

Epic is anti-customer: medium.com/…/why-i-turned-down-exclusivity-deal-f…

Tldr: Kickstarter Game with a lot of interest while in development announces a release date on Steam. After the date announcement they get contacted by Epic saying “we’d love to host your game” for an exclusivity deal.
Dev responds that they would be happy to have their game on Epic but promises were made during crowd funding that it would be available on Steam.
Epic replies that they aren’t interested if it’s not exclusive.

This tells me that

  1. Epic is full of shit. "We’d love to have your game, but only if it’s exclusive.
  2. Epic doesn’t care about being a better service for its customers. Having the game available on Epic as well is strictly better for Epic’s customers and they easily could have done that. They chose not to.
  3. Epic is not interested in actually having to compete with other companies. This would require them to provide a better service in some fashion. They are only interested if they can force people “if you want to purchase this game you have to buy it through us” which is anti-consumer.
@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Steam is really good, they’ve been putting massive resources into making it better for many years

Damn, imagine how good Epic could be if instead of buying exclusives it spent that money on improving itself?

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

going to bite our asses real bad when gaben retires.

Blizzard was a good company when they released StarCraft, so I purchased StarCraft. Blizzard is a shit company now so I do not purchase or play their games now.

If Steam becomes a shit company in the future I’ll stop using it. I don’t understand the argument of "you should purchase for a shitty company now instead of a good one, because if you purchase from the good one it might one day become a shitty one.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

So we’re talking about everything except this moment in time?

  1. Epic doesn’t have disks either so it’s irrelevant to the discussion of Epic games. If you want to complain about eliminating physical media try talking about it in regards to someplace that actually sells physical media.

If Steam is bad because no physical media then so is Epic.

  1. But I guess Epic is okay because of how things are right now right? but I shouldn’t bring up how things are on Steam right now? In direct comparison?

Pick an era in time you would like to complain about, and if it’s the early 2000s then go bitch to people in the early 2000s. I’m sure many of them are complaining about the loss of physical media. People still used Steam anyway and now it’s the norm. Now people are complaining about exclusivity deals, if people still use Epic anyway then that will become the norm.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

That rich asshole doesn’t try to actively interfere with things in my life.

And if your only response is “Gabe is also rich” I guess that means the rest of my post stands.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

If Steam blocks my access to my legally purchased games or I refuse to run the Steam launcher there is no moral or ethical issue with me pirating my library.

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