@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar



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@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Apparently they don’t like Sweet Baby’s focus on “promoting inclusivity”, so just some bigot getting their panties on a twist that the “out-group” is being treated with a basic level of human dignity. They then spent a bunch of time and effort to let the world know they think inclusivity is bad.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

and not that you want to shove your political agenda into places where it does not belong

Do you have any direct examples instead of just names of games (screenshots, quotes, etc)? What specific"political agenda" is being pushed, and is this falling into the pit of “everything is politics, but this is politics I don’t like?”

games have always been inclusive

That’s just a lie. It’s always telling when on Steam discussion pages I see people complaining that they can’t customize their character and to play a certain class they have to be female or a minority, as if for 99% of games the protagonist doesn’t have to be a white male. “I feel included so it’s inclusive.”

its also bad to mischaracterize what the argument is really about.

When trying to get a direct answer as to what the argument is really about is like pulling teeth, then people are going to misunderstand. Even in your post you’ve provided no sources to show that Sweet Baby lowers the quality of games, but you *do" complain about inclusivity. So the only “fact” that I can actually pull away from your post is that you don’t like them because of their focus on inclusivity. You say it’s because it makes the games worse, but you have shown no evidence of that.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

that the work they do is shit and is associated with bad games so nobody wants to buy them

If nobody wants to buy them the list seems superfluous, the Steam reviews should be sufficient to warn people off.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar


I thought Joss Wheadon was known for good writing and snappy dialogue?

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

if you really want sources use some yourself first

“This company does bad work! Everyone needs to avoid anything they’ve work on!”

“Okay… can you give me some examples of their bad work?”

“No! First YOU prove that the work they are trying to do is good!”

How hard you work to deflect the conversation speaks volumes towards what the real issue is here.
I tried going to the Sweet Baby Inc detected page to see what the actual issue is but nothing is explained. Just a list of games and the comment “SBI worked on this.”
Why should I care? It’s never explained. You say they do bad work, and when I ask for an example you give a long winded no. For someone who feels so passionately about them being bad you are very reluctant to actually back up your claims.

You are upset that I “mischaracterize[d] what the argument is really about” but it is impossible to find any direct statements as to what the argument is really about. Any clear statements of the curation page would help prevent “mischaracterization”, but people are twisting themselves in knots in order to not make direct statements.
I have no strong opinions about SBI, I could be convinced that they are bad and best avoided, but nobody wants to present any actual arguments no matter how much people ask. Makes it really sound like a group of people too afraid to say the quiet part out loud because it wouldn’t be acceptable.

sweet baby does never make there own games they leech of other peoples games and get payed for it.

You mean games hire them for a service? Lots of games do that. I’ve yet to see any example of the service they provide being bad.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

that’s the whole point you make it before you buy because you cant always tell on what game they worked because they don’t make the game.

But why should I care so much if this company was involved in a game? If the game is bad the reviews will reflect that, I don’t see the reason for checking an extra source to see if this company was involved or not. Let the games stand on their own.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

i m not going to repeat myself on what the issue is.

Seems like it would have been trivial to copy past if it had already been made clear.

maybe you can show us sources and proof

Of what? That nobody is making a clear statement as to what the issue is with SBI? Okay, here’s one source that implies SBI is bad but gives no reasons as to why: …steampowered.com/…/44858017-Sweet-Baby-Inc-detec…

I am not arguing that SBI is good, I’m trying to get a clear argument as to why SBI is bad and keep hitting brick walls. I don’t know what type of “source” you expect for that other than gestures broadly at the comments.

and the point is that sweet baby is shit company that does shit work that makes games worse

There’s lots of shit companies that make shit games. I don’t need a curated list of shit games do be able to avoid them, I can look at reviews and even get a refund through Steam. What makes SBI special such that reviews and refunds are insufficient to be able to avoid poor quality games?

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

This is important for people to know, so I’m going to tell them “to do their own research” and not answer any questions!

Your complaints about the argument being “miscatagorized” fall flat when you refuse to make an actual argument.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

I have. All I’ve seen are deflections, and vague statements that the company does bad work with nothing to back it up or to clarify why their work specifically requires a curated list instead of just reading reviews and avoiding poor quality games.

Is there a comment I missed?

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

I keep asking you to make a clear direct statement which you are purposely refusing to do. So that just leaves me to guess at what that reason could possibly be that you don’t want to say it out loud.

what is the fucking point

If you’re not going to say anything then what is the fucking point of replying? It would take just as much effort to “repeat yourself” and prove my questions are as disingenuous as you claim.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

i have said it its in the fucking comments you just need to read like i already told you.

And, to repeat myself: I have. All I’ve seen are deflections, and vague statements that the company does bad work with nothing to back it up or to clarify why their work specifically requires a curated list instead of just reading reviews and avoiding poor quality games. (see how easy that was to copy and paste?)

sweet baby is a superficial performative hollow fake company

So what is the need for the curated list? If the company doesn’t do anything useful that’s on developers to not use them. If the company makes games bad that’s what reviews are for and I won’t buy games that are bad, I don’t need to cross reference my purchases with a 3rd party list to avoid poor quality games. If they work on a game that isn’t bad why should I take the advice of this list to not purchase it?

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Good for you?

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Firefly gets by solely on the setting.

So Space shows are popular just because they are in space? Andromeda would like a word…

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s going to get reported and found by Steam pretty quickly. Steam already holds onto the money from sales for 2 weeks in case they need to issue a refund. Once they discover the scam, which will take less than a week, they won’t hand over any of the money.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

+1 for Last Epoch

Each skill has its own talent tree you can use to customize it, and if there’s a certain build you like in Diablo you’ll probably be able to find something with a similar playstyle.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Early Access is available now and is good. 1.0 launches next week.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s only expensive to make if studios decide to make them incredibly expensive. There are plenty of high quality indie games made by a single person.

The problem here is they went all in on “THE BEST GRAPHICS EVAR!!!” And it flopped because of the lack of story and gameplay. The lesson here is to not make it incredibly expensive to develop by focusing all efforts on graphics, and instead focus on gameplay and story and people will tolerate much less flashy visuals.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

The modifications you can make to your deck are straight forward but feel ridiculous by the end of the run.

“Change 3 cards to diamond”
Sure, why not.
“When you play a diamond, increase how much it scores.”

By the end of the run 40 cards in my deck are diamonds, my Flushes are worth 3x as many points, and each card is scoring points twice.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Start game
Make number go up
Become better at making number go up
Make number go up more

Somehow almost every game ever made

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

They could develop different features to succeed in separate environments, over time filling different niches, until eventually they are unrecognisable as coming from the same source.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

So they designed something specifically for their target market? I’m not seeing the evil here.

I’ll try and dig up some sources

You keep saying that. Maybe you should dig up a source instead of constantly posting the same comment.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

There was someone the other day going on about how violent Palworld is and you have to be a psychopath to enjoy that, so they’re just going to stick to Counterstrike instead.

I have no words.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

it brainwashes people into liking human enslavement and shooting at civilians.

Neither of those things are actually encouraged by the game. Attacking civilians causes guards to come after you, and nothing in the UI indicates you can capture humans (you don’t get a catch % when holding a ball and targeting them like you do with monsters). It’s only when you do throw a ball at them that you find out it is possible, but the catch rate sucks and they’re not worth using.

Meanwhile it’s made abundantly clear that Pokemon are sentient, so the brainwashing and dogfighting rings aren’t any more ethical if you want to argue that way.

Alternately, it’s a game. I’m against war but I play plenty of war games.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve played a fair number of pokemon games. There are a lot of Pals that I thought I recognized as pokemon.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

If the average person can’t tell the difference between a Pal and Pokemon enough of a case could be made to require changes to the assets.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Rogue-like: each run is unaffected by any previous run.

I would tweak this slightly. Each run does not have upgrades that carry over into future runs, but you might unlock new characters to play or items to encounter.

I would call FTL a Rogue-like, but arguably a new run can be affected by a previous run if you’ve unlocked a new ship design.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

And just to stress: if a game features meta progression it is not a true roguelike. In true roguelikes, you start from zero every time.

What about meta-unlocks? In FTL you can unlock different starting ships, but you will always start the same when starting with the same layout.

In Slay the Spire you unlock different cards you may be able to find, but you always start with the same deck.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

However, dorks like the guy who wrote this article need to understand that language evolves.

When they tried to call things “Rogue-like-like” is where they lost me.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m just so clueless what to do with classes, jobs, etcetera.

Don’t worry about trying to pick the “best” or “strongest” thing, just do the thing that sounds fun. There are different ways of handling things so you don’t have to worry about doing it the “right” way, just pick something that works for you and go with it. If you really want you can worry about maximizing your build or playing a different class in a second run.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Por que no dos?

If I’m not buying anything on Epic then I’m also not buying from developers that agree to Epic’s exclusivity. Two birds, one stone.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

They’re trying to enshittify PC gaming.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

The end result is the same for the consumer.

It really isn’t.

In one case a publisher is choosing to publish where the customers are. If consumers don’t like that service they are free to publish somewhere else

In the other case a company is trying to force consumers to use their service, instead of providing a better service that they would want to use.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Feel free to boycott it. Just don’t go around telling others which store they should be buying from like you did at r/pcgaming.

“Why can’t you just boycott silently?!”

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

No one is upset about having to use EGS for Fortnite. Their own games that they develop themselves they can do what they want with.

The issue is when Epic approaches other developers, especially those that have already announced a Steam release, and try to get exclusivity out of them: medium.com/…/why-i-turned-down-exclusivity-deal-f…

Epic: We would love to have you on our service
Dev: I’m not interested in exclusivity
Epic: then we have no interest in having you on our service

Having more options for their customers makes their service better, but Epic isn’t interested in being a better service.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Personally I prefer Last Epoch. Each ability you equip has its own upgrade tree that lets you customize how it behaves.

God of War Creator Is Unhappy With New Games and Kratos' Story (comicbook.com) angielski

Despite being nominated for numerous awards and even winning Game of the Year in 2018, the creator of God of War, David Jaffe, is not a huge fan of the new direction the series has gone in. Jaffe himself hasn't worked on these new God of War games, but thinks that they're not staying true to the spirit of the character and the...

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

There’s a place for both, really.

Sure, but when someone whines “Why did they give this character depth? They could have made them shallow and boring!” I’m not going to give that person much credit.

Also, DOOM guy does have some backstory for those that care to look for it in the games. Easily ignored for those that don’t.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Found David Jaffe’s account.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Not every game needs to have a background story or even a story at all!

The original GoW games had a lot of story. They didn’t add more story to the new games, just better story.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Is Nintendo owned by Wizards of the Coast?

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

These showrunners aren’t making Lord of the rings over here

Of course not, Lord of the Rings already exists.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

After completing a settlement you can choose to continue playing it.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

It’s a Rougelite Citybuilder with a demo that lets you play the actual game (only limits your max level and what biomes you can play in). That’s all it took to get me in.

CileTheSane, (edited )
@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Make sure you have housing for everyone, upgrade your hearth, and unassign your woodcutters during Storm.

Citadel upgrades for essential blueprints of race specific housing and field kitchen will help keep resolve up in the early game.

Cornerstones the reduce hostility will help a ton in the mid to late game.

Edit: And don’t open a glade unless you have a reason to. Every glade you open increases the hostility level.

Personally I don’t open small glades unless I have a cornerstone that triggers off it or my humans or foxes have seen something there. I’ll spend the first 2 years building up my initial settlement, then start of drizzle year 3 break open a dangerous glade for those sweet event rewards. I’ll continue to open a dangerous glade every year or two afterwards depending on how things are going.
Much like how once you get comfortable with the difficulty level it’s time to increase it, once you feel comfortable with how your settlement is running it’s time to open a dangerous glade.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

I’m not convinced there are “unwinnable” settlements. They might be unwinnable for me at my current skill level, but there are people who play at Prestige 20 who I’m sure couldn’t possibly lose at the difficulty I’m playing at regardless of what RNG throws at them.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ve done plenty of SNES and NES emulation, haven’t done much on SEGA yet. Any suggestions for SEGA games that are worth trying?

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

That is a good starting list, thank you. I will check those out.

@CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

Lenna’s Inception: A 2D Zelda clone about the world glitching out and you taking the place of the main character.

I will be checking that out, thank you for the tip.

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