Wahots, do games w Cities: Skylines 2 "absolutely cannot" have the decade of DLC features that the original game added | GamesRadar+ avatar

As much as I like C:S, the thought of getting a relatively barebones game with $200 in DLC over the next 5-7 years to make the city feel complete makes me feel depressed.

That was the bummer in the original game. Only two ways to deal with trash, unless you bought $30 of DLC. I’ll be waiting to see if the game is good or not, or if they totally gimped certain parts of the game like bridges, ports and transit to resell back as a la carte DLC.


I don’t understand this attitude that the new game needs to include the DLC of the old one that’s never been a thing in games. New versions of an old game never previously included the DLC for the old game apart from anything else because it wouldn’t make sense because they’ve changed so many systems.


I think the difference now is that DLC adds features, and so people are upset when the new game is missing features from the old DLC. Where in the past, say with Oblivion or Skyrim, it was just more story, maybe some new skills, in one case there was a new feature (house building) and their newer games do include that feature. But people don’t expect the story line from the DLC in the new game.

Features in DLC feel different these days. In the past DLC had a more limited scope, and you looked forward to the new game for new features. But now if the new game comes out with less features it can be a bummer for people used to the old game. There isn’t really a great solution because I don’t think it always makes sense to add all the DLC features in the new game.

ME5SENGER_24, do xbox w Starfield surpasses 6 million players to become Bethesda's best launch yet, beating Skyrim and Fallout

Skyrim’s launch was less impressive than it’s eternal longevity. Released on 11.11.11 and ported to everything but a Texas Instrument’s calculator. (Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s been done too, mods included)

Metal_Zealot, do gaming w GTA 6 and Alan Wake parent companies are locked in a trademark dispute over the letter ‘R’ avatar

Remember when King tried to trademark the word Candy?


I didn’t know about this one. The first one that popped in my head was this

“In 2016, the Fine Brothers, formerly known as FBE, attempted to trademark the word “react” for their reaction videos.”

Metal_Zealot, avatar

Lol I forgot about that too! Fucking morons

kindenough, avatar

Me too, looked it up just now, still 20 million followers. Loads and loads of morons.


Remember when Apple invented rectangles with rounded edges?

RightHandOfIkaros, do xbox w Starfield surpasses 6 million players to become Bethesda's best launch yet, beating Skyrim and Fallout

Good, the game is fantastic.


I have complaints, but over all I’m having a lot of fun. Pretty typical with any Bethesda game to be honest.


You’ll fix every complaint and be able to make every man in the game into a waifu once mods are officially added. It’s gonna be a game I play for the next 5-10 years for sure.


Oh yeah. It definitely has that classic Bethesda jank in many of the normal places, but it still feels good in all the ways that matter. Like you’re finally awake.


Yeah. Skyrim is my top 5 favorite games of all time but I got issues with that game for sure. It’s not perfect. But damn is it a blast.

Feeling the same with Starfield, I got issues, but the core of it is so fun. Having way more fun with it than Fallout 4.

Quentinp, avatar

Agreed it’s not perfect but it slowly sucked me in more and more. Ready for NG+


Fair warning about NG+: Think long and hard about it when you do. That is all.

Quentinp, avatar



It really is. I can't stop playing it.

worfamerryman, do gaming w Hades player beats unmodded 64 Heat difficulty run - "arguably unachievable in thousands of hours"

Website has a link to a Reddit post which is just a link to YouTube. How many jumps did I need to make to watch the video at the source?😂


Aren’t all the videos linked directly from OP’s post?


I think he was just criticizing the journal website not op

p03locke, avatar

Yeah, OP’s videos in the posts were the exact ones I would have linked. Go watch those.

Haelian’s reaction is more informative than just being an average reaction video, because he describes the decision making in the choices Angel1c made.

Kolanaki, do games w $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players
!deleted6508 avatar

Why is the 30% publishing cut thing even part of a CLA of players? It literally doesn’t affect them.



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  • Kolanaki,
    !deleted6508 avatar

    If games on Steam were 30% more expensive than anywhere else, you (and the lawsuit’s plaintiffs) might have had a point.

    magi, (edited )


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  • stardust,

    Steam also enforce a strict key price parity.

    Do they?

    if you think a 30% cut doesn’t reflect on the cost a player is paying, you’re out of your mind. This is business 101.

    Isn’t business 101 charging as much as possible and not passing on savings to customers, and trying to capture as much high paying consumers as possible before being forced to start capturing price sensitive consumers with discounts?

    Price of games that didn’t release on Steam seem to reflect that. Even games released by platform owners like Sony or Nintendo first party exclusives and the beloved Blizzard. Isn’t that pricing strategy business 101 as opposed to this belief that savings pass onto consumers? Lowering price right away doesn’t seem like good price maximizing strategy when goal would be to increase retail price consumers are willing to pay over time.


    As far as I know, they do - for Steam keys. If you’re selling your game through other stores, not just a Steam key, there aren’t any demands placed upon you. The OC might’ve been talking about that.


    Those are steam keys.

    I’ve bought most of games through other sites because the games would be discounted lower and sooner than Steam. So it’s more personal experience than theory in my case.

    Humble bundles on the even more extreme end of like 8 games sometimes being cheaper than a single title has ever been discounted.


    Huh, interesting… You know, I’ve never really wondered about Humble Bundle specifically, but you’re right, they seem to be selling your run-of-the-mill Steam keys, or at least you can activate them effortlessly in Steam. Maybe it’s a case of Steam themselves handing out keys (instead of the publishers) to increase user retention? I honestly don’t know, this is all just speculation.

    I actually didn’t click on your link at first, because I assumed it would just show other stores where you could purchase the whole game instead of a key, so I’m sorry that you had to clarify that.


    Isthereanydeals is a great resource. I always make sure to look up a game there before buying to check what the lowest price it was ever sold was.

    That link was for helldivers 2 which is only available on steam on pc. From what I understand the keys are actually provided by the devs/publishers and steam doesn’t get a cut of key sales.


    Yes. You understand how pricing works. The stores charge what the market will bear. That’s why games had been stuck at $60 since the 360/PS3 era.


    Steam also enforce a strict key price parity.

    No it doesn’t. The price parity thing is only if you are selling the game on Steam platform, i.e. selling a steam key, it’s essentially a way to allow publishers to sell the game on their own website, without paying the 30% to steam, but don’t allow them to undercut steam entirely while still taking advantage of their platform.

    Games on GoG, itch, Epic store, etc, can have any price they want, as long as they don’t give away a steam key valve doesn’t care what price you sell your game elsewhere.

    This is one of the most annoying fake news out there, Valve are going above and beyond what any other store is doing, and they get bad rep from people who have never read their policy, published a game there, or talked to anyone who has.


    They do prevent you from linking to your own store within your Steam game though. Even though they don't provide a complete solution for things like microtransactions and DLC.

    How it works on Steam:

    1. User makes an in-app purchase using the steam wallet integration
    2. Steam processes the payment taking 30% and gives you a reference number for that transaction
    3. You query that transaction every time the player logs in to see if they've refunded it or not. That transaction doesn't actually contain any information about what they bought though.
    4. You then maintain a separate purchasing server whose whole job it is is to keep a record of what the player purchased in reference to that transaction number.

    For that Valve wants 30% of in-app/DLC purchases. At that point it's stripe and nothing more. Unlike standalone DLC Or expansions, these unlock purchases don't come with serving any additional content in the form of downloads.

    If you make your own service to handle these transactions (with only a 3-4% transaction rate) Valve will prevent you from linking to it, or mentioning it anywhere on your page, forums or within the game itself. You need to direct players elsewhere and then mention it. Even for cross-platform games where having Steam maintain a transaction list for a portion of the users is just a needless additional layer.


    I know how Valve’s publisher API works, others are similar in case you didn’t know. But that is only true for games that need online validation of some sort, DLCs for offline games don’t need to implement this.

    Valve is hosting the game, providing the storefront and bringing in a lot of customers. If you didn’t think those 30% were worth it you would not have put your game on steam.

    Plus all of this is irrelevant to the point that Valve doesn’t enforce price parity.


    For the base game, which I think 30% is still more, I think it certainly makes sense.
    Because they're providing a complete solution.

    For in-app purchases or unlock purchases, whether or not the purchase is in-app, the solution isn't complete, and not worth the 30% they charge on those transactions. It would be trivial for every transaction to have a custom field where you could store an array of what was purchased in in that purchase and have it returned when the transaction was checked. Boom, complete solution. Specifically for in-app purchases if they wanted to take 5% since all they're doing is the job of Stripe and nothing more, then I'd consider that fair.

    Carighan, avatar

    Certainly not the players, given current costs - where Steam is virtually always cheaper than elsewhere.

    Cirk2, do gaming w Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is" avatar

    “But throughout that time, I actually had no inkling what game development was actually like. How hard the designers, programmers, artists, producers, and everyone else worked,” he says. “The struggle to bring a vision to life with constantly shifting resources. The stress.”

    Then tell us about it. Make it heard where you get Stressed and where you rub up on the state of the art. List off what had to be finished in crunch time. What got pushed by Marketing or Management. Leaving everything up to a nebulous “you don’t know” makes any criticism easily dismissed and reduces leverage against systemic issues.


    Ideally they didn’t have any crunch time.

    savvywolf, do gaming w Why did Baldur's Gate 3 blow up? Larian lead writer says it's thanks to "a big gamble" with CRPG standards avatar

    So I bought the game a while ago, but haven’t really been playing it (I need to get into the right headspace). However, I’ve come to realise something.

    This is the first game I’ve bought for over £40 in a while where I haven’t felt scammed or that I’m complicit in something immoral. I feel like they “deserve” the money, which is a strange feeling considering the AAA industry right now.

    The game doesn’t even include DRM, not even the “free” one you can enable through steam.


    I know the feeling. It is the first time I have spent more than 30€ on a game and not regretted it.

    Callie, avatar

    same here. I typically buy games on super deep sales a few years after the games comes out just so I don’t end up disappointed by the product, but this game feels properly polished. a few bugs here and there but none so far that I’ve encountered that are game-breaking

    SteefLem, do games w EA flop Immortals of Aveum reportedly cost around $125 million, former dev says "a AAA single-player shooter in today's market was a truly awful idea" avatar

    Is this a single player shooter? I thought it was multi player? And theres nothing wrong with single player shooters “in todays market” look at jedi fallen order great game and singlr player. But a shit game is a shit game single or multi.


    It's worse than shit, it's mediocre.

    At least people talk about shit games, which means some people buy a copy just because they're curious.

    Mediocre stuff? No one's interested.

    maxenmajs, do gaming w GTA 6 and Alan Wake parent companies are locked in a trademark dispute over the letter ‘R’ avatar

    Bullshit lawsuit. The two R logos are quite distinctive. Rockstar has their iconic star and Remedy’s R is whatever it is.

    Shelbyeileen, avatar

    Thank you for this. It’s a pretty shit article when they don’t show the comparison.

    Chailles, do games w More than Skyrim or Fallout, Todd Howard says Starfield was "intentionally made to be played for a long time" and Bethesda's looking 5+ years ahead avatar

    We can just wait for the mod that recreates Skyrim in Starfield.

    Dr_Cog, avatar

    Land on a planet, you step off the ship, and you suddenly get captured. Hard cut to black.

    Slow fade in… “you’re finally awake”

    Chailles, avatar

    “Walked right into that UC ambush, same as us and that thief over there.”

    “That’s Solomon Freestar! The true High King of Skyrim!”

    And the dragons are just space ships and the souls you absorb are just… uh… radiation I guess from damaging the reactor. Or the magic space civilization from Starfield originated from here, so that’s why everyone has magic.

    I’m not backing down from the space ship dragons though, that part is just brilliant.


    “Spaceships are dragons” Buddy we all know you’re just trying to make an excuse for your vore mod.

    “No, no, you need a warm and soft fleshy interior which you have to enter through the mouth, how else would you have dragon spaceships”

    We all know how this goes

    !deleted6508 avatar

    Why do I have to enter through the mouth? What if I want to take the backdoor and be less conspicuous?


    God I love Lemmy lmfao

    Chailles, avatar

    It’s just a coincidence the airlock happen to be teeth shaped. A teeth pattern ensures none of the air escapes.

    sarsaparilyptus, do gaming w THOSE GAMES is a pitch-perfect parody of "those games"

    This is not the Katamari Damacy people, it’s the people who ported Katamari Damacy Reroll.

    big_duck_energy, do games w BioWare vet says Mass Effect and Dragon Age got "too homogenous," wishes Dragon Age had been more "Neverwinter-like" avatar

    I absolutely loved Dragon Age: Inquisition, don’t hate me.


    Origins was amazing DAII was serviceable Varric did a lot of heavy lifting. DA:Inquisition I played 10 minutes of and dropped it.

    I played all games in succession after buying on steam too.


    Calling DA2 serviceable is probably some of the highest praise it’s received. The game is steaming dookie. It took out every single thing that made Origins a masterpiece and gave us a dialogue wheel and an entire game made of 5 copy+pasted rooms. Also a nonsensical main plot with no real player agency and the most forgettable ending of all.

    DAI is mid af but it looks like a God damn masterpiece next to DA2.


    Don’t feel bad, man. I’m one of the 6 folks who enjoyed DA2.

    !deleted7120 avatar

    I’m also one of that small number. It’s actually my favorite in the series.

    Mass Effect 2 is also my least favorite in the series, so I know I’m in the minority for both franchises.


    If they hadn’t reused the maps it’d been remembered as one of the greats.

    I also thought the balance on Nightmare or whatever was an atrocious mix of ubertank enemies and getting one-shot by rogues but the actual story and companions were fantastic.

    !deleted7120 avatar

    I can only imagine how good DA2 would have been if BioWare had been given more than a year and a half to make it.

    Murais, avatar

    I guess that makes me number 3?

    The ending was a bit silly, but the Qunari storyline was fucking incredible.

    !deleted7120 avatar

    When I found out that fight with Orsino had been mandated by higher ups who demanded another boss fight be added, it explained so much.


    What exactly do you mean by that? Like, he could have indeed been a well meaning mage just trying to live under templar thumbs? Instead of also being exactly the smoking gun?

    !deleted7120 avatar

    The Orsino fight doesn’t make much sense if you side with the mages - there was no reason for him to go Akira monster when he did. Even BioWare acknowledged how little sense it made, in a conversation you can have with Varric in Inquisition.


    Listen, it might’ve looked cheap as fuck, but I found a certain charm in the “every dungeon interior is just one of three dungeons with different parts blocked off”. Plus the combat flowed really well. I played that whole game through like… 5 times. One right after the other.


    If you play it after coming off Mass Effect 1, the “every colony bunker or mine is one of three options” regardless of the planet just becomes part of that Old BioWare’s aesthetic.


    Great ideas, cool combat system, great art style and graphics, ruined by writing that was somehow chaotic and utterly predictable at the same time and stupid ass kill ten rats/fetch 10 letters filler quests.


    The combat got pretty repetitive imo. Though that wasn’t helped by just how many times you had to do the same fights against rifts/tears etc


    Didn’t finish but liked it a lot more than most people.


    Well I wasn’t planning on hating you but due to my compulsive contrarianism we are now bitter enemies. See you in Hell and have a nice day!

    algorithmae, do gaming w For the first time in 28 years, Super Mario 64 has been beaten without using the A button – and it only took 86 hours

    I could have sworn there were a dozen A presses left, and it turns out there is: for 120 star. For anyone else wondering, this is 0x a press for any%


    It uses a glitch that’s only possible on Wii Virtual Console as well. All other versions are 1x A press any%.

    jjjalljs, do games w After 10,000+ hours grinding, MapleStory's first level 300 player slams the brakes at 299.99 to rant about the MMO and then quit, all on a dev-promoted stream

    I think I played maple story in like 2007 and it was garbage then. My excuse at the time was I was broke, and there weren’t many good free games out. Path of Exile wasn’t until 2013. Same with Warframe. Huh I never realized those came out the same year.


    I didn’t realize 2007 was after the pinnacle of F2P gaming

    Between demos that could be full games, flash games, open source, and Byond f2p used to be so huge

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