@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar



Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

Profil ze zdalnego serwera może być niekompletny. Zobacz więcej na oryginalnej instancji.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Indeed. Looks like Muse Dash on steroids.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Oh cool! It’s like four-lane Muse Dash?

I’m really keen on playing a rhythm game with this level of presentation. Hi-Fi Rush left me thirsting for more rhythm games that have more character and impeccable style.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

The title suggests that there are files for an actual expansion, half-finished and unpublished.

When really it’s just some concept art and initial design sketches.

“Unrealized plans for Cyberpunk ‘Moon’ expansion appear online” would be more accurate.

The chose title is technically accurate, but also pretty clearly chosen to make this out to be more than it is.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Those are still what I would consider “sketches”. Just not the two-dimensional kind.

There are a couple more detailed assets, but tubes and boxes laying out locations, interiors and buildings is something you do when still exploring ideas and don’t want to lock anything down.

The written material suggests the writers got the furthest into it. But this is very much planning, not production.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


Did the shitstorm that happened last time teach Bethesda nothing?

What am I saying, no, of course it didn’t.

Thoughts on Space Games, Part 1: Top-5 AAA Games angielski

Hey everyone, I’m a big player of Space Games of all forms, and this mini-genre (or ‘theme’, if you prefer) really has a TON of range and depth, and is a very fertile ground for indie and unique projects. I was recently playing a game called Avorion, after owning it for years without ever really engaging with it, and...

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

There has always been ways to make stupid money in the game.

My favorite has been to cozy up to a local faction so I can get assassination assignments that pay the big bucks, and void opal mining was still super lucrative last I checked.

Bounty hunting is a bit slow, but taking on a a mercenary contract with a faction to fight for them in conflict zones pays well IIRC.

The real grind is engineering your ships and weapons, though that was also improved significantly by making it so re-rolling your mods can only make them better, never worse.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Please get rid of the looney toons sound effects.

Completely ruined Eternal for me.

Edit: Do people actually like them that much? They make me feel like bugs bunny, not the doomslayer.

I don’t care if others enjoy the game, that’s fine. But Eternal is unplayable for me because of that tiny tonal shift that has me cringing to death every time I get a headshot or a glory kill, and I wish it weren’t.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Ah yes.

The game that just straight up gives you a giant handgun if you simply ask.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Oggdo Boggdo flashbacks.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

“For the love of all things holy, it’s just a pink poncho, please leave me alone.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I had a nightmare situation a few years back with a ZenFone 6.

It bricked itself within a week, and after I sent it in I got months of radio silence, until I started calling them about it. They had no clue what the status of my repair was, there were a ton of orders for part after part, and it just kept going.

Eventually I just started pressuring anyone I could with “I need a new phone, this old one is falling apart, I can’t just keep using it for months on end as you figure your shit out” and they eventually relented, instead just giving me an entire new unit.

Last year I bought an Asus monitor with clearly advertised “on-site-warranty” (which means a courier comes to your house and just drops off a replacement in exchange for picking up the old one), it was DOA.

I thought great, “on-site-swap” should have this sorted by tomorrow. I started the RMA and the first thing they want me to do is ship my monitor to Germany at my expense. I said “fuck no”, and instead returned it to the retailer as I was still within the return window, and then just walked into another retailer with more in stock, to pick up another, which then worked.

Then, months later, some dude calls me and asks when I’ll be home for my on-site warranty swap, straight up dropping my jaw to the floor. I know I cancelled my RMA.

Lo and behold, the RMA case-number wasn’t even the same, so for some reason Asus decided, on their own, to open another RMA, WITHOUT TALKING TO ME for a monitor I TOLD THEM I WOULD BE RETURNING. Maybe someone tried to fix the fuck-up of not honouring the on-site warranty, but holy fuck if that took two months, thank god I took it into my own hands and got it fixed within 24 hours.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Except Arrowhead isn’t some sony-owned subsidiary studio, whose every statement is little more than puppetry.

They are an independently owned company, in a publishing deal with Sony.

By sabotaging the product like this, Sony is straight up stabbing them in the back as a business partner.

Sony can survive botching a game. Arrowhead might not. They’re being polite, but if I was at Arrowhead, I would be fucking livid with Sony right now.

Their supposed sponsor, a rich entity with more than enough capital, is literally trying to risk their lunch because it wants even more.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

The problem was never the PSN requirement, it was dropping it on people months after launch. No one would be pissed if it had been enforced from day one.

They don’t want out, they want sony to wise the fuck up and get with the program.

All I’m saying is, this isn’t some planned-in-advance good cop bad cop routine.

Agreeing to terms isn’t the same as watching your business partner mismanage the customer base to the point your lunch goes up in flames.

Sony is the publisher. Launching the game in countries that don’t even have PSN is 100% on them. Sony is taking action that makes no fucking sense in context, no matter what Arrowhead agreed to.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

That’s all well and good, but then you take issue with the companies involved for completely different, industry spanning, reasons.

That’s not a retort to what I was saying.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Your approach to discussion is similar to that of a wrecking ball.

Next time, just add a single sentence along the lines of “still glad seeing everyone involved anti-consumer bullshit crash and burn”.

That’s still a valid take. But you’re not gonna see the improvement in the industry we all want realized without caring about the nuances, or acknowledging how and when most people actually care.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I know. But that doesn’t matter much in the face of how it actually got handled and the community reaction it led to.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar


It’s good. Very good.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I’ve kinda ruined scary games for myself.

I’ve been leaving my guns in the stash because so far, kiting around enemies is just more efficient, and it frees up inventory space.

Last time I properly shat my pants was the giant baby in REVillage… The dollhouse was pretty cool, too.

I’m just loving the crap out of the atmosphere, art, mystery and lore in Signalis.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

People go back to playing old games.

M$: wait no

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Fuck this. I would have been STOKED to see another game by Tango.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

It’s a hoard shooter. Most of the time.

The main gameplay loop is as follows.

fly to planet > choose operation > select mission > “helldive” down to the surface to complete an objective (evacuate civilians, launch ICBM, eradicate swarm, etc) > complete optional objectives and gather resources > call down a shuttle and extract back to your ship > spend resources on upgrading gear and your ship > repeat

The ship provides “stratagems”, basically various forms of orbital support. You can call down mechs, orbital bombardments, automated weapon emplacements, etc.

The enemy’s designs are very varied, it’s possible to sneak around them and the gameplay down on planet surfaces is generally just very diverse compared to other hoard shooters. Mission types are many, guns, stratagems and gear are many.

There is also a macro game, where all completed operations contribute to the war effort as a whole. All players are fighting the same galactic war, though each mission is always a four player max instance. Playing on a certain planet will contribute to its occupation/defense/invasion, and what planets the community spends their time on, determines where ground is gained or lost.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Well if you link it, you will “gain the right to appeal a ban”.

(This is not a joke it’s in the actual announcement from sony)

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Valve doesn’t need to make games anymore. Their corporate structure allows for it, but relies on people at the company wanting to work on it.

But if they don’t, it’s not really a problem. The company is doing fine.

I think they just lost interest. They got back to it with Alyx because VR was exciting and new territory to explore.

A personal argument for a benefit of gaming

I grew up hearing all the talking heads (media), religious groups and parents strongly criticizing video games. You’ve, probably, heard some of this. For example, video games involving any type of violence causing people to become more violent, etc. As far as I know, the academic community has failed to produce any negative...

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I agree so much. Compared to the highs and lows of a good game, TV series and movies feel like background noise at times.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Because if good games from a decade ago are freely available, they can’t shove a new overexploiting live service game down our throats when it pales in comparison to the entertainment that’s available for free.

They can only sell less for more, by taking the previous option off the table.

Heroes 3 appreciation post

The Heroes of Might and Magic III, 25 years old and still awesome. I honestly think it’s the most replayable game ever (at least for me). Plenty of maps out of the box. Most of them can be played with a different town each time. If you’re done with that, you can change the difficulty. If you’re done with that, you can...

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Opening the pause menu will cause the traveler to immediately sit down, according to my sister who played the game religiously for a while, this is the equivalent to “BRB” among people who play a lot.

Each secret you find will add embroidery to the clothing of the traveller, meaning players can tell which one should likely be showing the other around, as well whether someone is a first-timer.

Sticking together is also not that important. The game will match you with a new player if you get separated.

People who play it more than once typically do it to show new players around, that’s where the value of repeat playthroughs comes from.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I am so fucking jealous you’ve heard the ost live.

An orchestral performance cannot be captured by any kind of recording in a way that does it justice.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

You’re right, I recalled the pattern being more complex and showing the progress towards the white robe, but I’m misremembering. The patter simply show how many times someone has completed the game, up to three times.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

That’s the version people actually play, and which has the furthest developed systems to do bigger stuff. Look up PaperMC, it enables some wild stuff for Minecraft multiplayer.

The server options available for multiplayer in Bedrock are truly pathetic in comparison.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

No shit.

It was way too early back when you did go on a studio buying spree, too, so maybe just stick to funding the studios you do have.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Forbidden West’s PC release. They made some odd choices about how the mouse should work with the weapons select wheel, but it’s a damn good game which I can’t wait to get to the new DLC content of, which I’ve yet to play.

Still jumping into Helldivers 2 for an operation now and then.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

What did you use to get there? My longest range ship is still a Viper mkIV I engineered for small worlds 2 at 35ly.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Activision is burning the rope that is the ancient goodwill of Blizzard-fans at both ends.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

It’s a long rope. Woven from decades of WoW, StarCraft and Diablo.

It’ll run out soon. Mostly it’s only been burning so slow cuz people have been in denial over the fact for so long.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

They are, Ghost Ship Games.

DRG was never an indie, it was published by Coffee Stain Publishing, which is a subsidiary of Coffee Stain, which in turn is a subsidiary of Embracer.

Ghost Ship got fully acquired by Embracer in 2021, though their publishing deal with Coffee Stain started in 2017, before Embracer had even touched either company.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Ghost Ship did not self-publish DRG, they published with Coffee Stain. The publishing deal started in 2017, with Embracer/THQ buying Coffee Stain a year later in 2018. And even later buying Ghost Ship, as well.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I’m taking a week off work to drown myself in Forbidden West when it comes out on PC. Again.

I already did it back when it launched on PS. No regrets. So I’m doing it again.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

They seemed to be acquiring and funding good things for a while there, and then out of the blue went “oops, spent a bit too much there lol, gotta melt some of these down for cash” and then threw some seriously good shit right into the crucible.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Even if that deal had worked out, it would not have left a nice taste in the mouth.

They really shouldn’t have played as fast and loose as they did.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

After the initial trouble with the Zero Dawn port (which they actually put in the work to fix), the ports have been stellar.

The extensive accessibility settings and configurable graphics have been even more accommodating than some PC-only titles.

And sony has been releasing drivers for the PS controllers so that ported PS5 games could still access and use the unique features on the DS5 controller, even when not running on an PS5. And not just on windows, but on Linux too. Sony has been going out of their way to not just bring the games over, but to explicitly support unique features they could have locked down and made exclusive to PS consoles.

Getting to play with the half/full adaptive trigger pull for main/secondary fire in Rift Apart on PC, was really cool.

It almost feels too good to be true in comparison to companies like Apple and Nintendo.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Stop reminding them we used to be able to do better.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

But how are we going to emulate proprietary online services for games relying on them?

Games preservation should be legally enshrined, and require client and server source code to be published if a provider decides to stop running the online services required to play.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Preserving an accurate record of human cultural history, isn’t going to be very accurate if we only save the good parts.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Personally I probably miss Battleborn the most. It got so utterly overlooked, it died fast.

And Gearbox in their infinite wisdom developed it so that even the story mode was online-only.

Though there’s some modding happening to maybe bring it back…

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