@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar



Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

Profil ze zdalnego serwera może być niekompletny. Zobacz więcej na oryginalnej instancji.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Economist: exponential growth, infinitely!

Physicist: uuuuuhhh…

Star Trek: Discovery Cancellation Gets Even Worse (www.giantfreakinrobot.com) angielski

Despite Star Trek: Discovery's critical success, it was far from a fan-favorite. Though all four seasons boast an average 85 percent critical score, the audience score is at a dismal 37 percent. Since audience scores are more strongly correlated to overall viewership, Discovery simply wasn't pulling the numbers to make it a...

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I enjoyed the federation reborn as well. I have an opinion.

The writers were so busy patting each other on their backs with how “deep” they were being with symbolism about the importance of communication, that they went and made the whole cause of the burn a child being lonely on some planet somewhere so they could twist the burn into a big symbolic point about how “if only we had been a little better” something like it would never have happened.

It was so fucking telegraphed that I saw it coming episodes away and was rolling eyes every time the show referenced this symbolic circle jerk.

No. Shit happens. The universe doesn’t care, and it WILL fuck your shit up, I would have been far more impressed with the crew rebuilding the federation after an inevitable natural disaster, making a point of life finding a way despite the random crap reality throws at us, and how communication and understanding is one of the things that help us do that.

Star Trek is supposed to be optimistic, not delusional, and as such the core message of that season rings hollow. It’s too hopeful. Instead of “we might not be perfect, and we might not know what’s coming, we know we are enough” it was “we’re nearly there, we just need one more step to be perfect, and nothing bad will ever happen because of this ever again”.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

The Expanse was fantastic. I’d love to see the rest of the books adapted some day…

As for other sci-fi, my god there’s so much good shit in literature that will never be seen on a screen.

The Three Body Problem is getting several adaptations, one of which might or might not fix my issues with that series, but it does have conceptual potential.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Apparently any further sales of the game will have a cut going to even the staff that was laid off.

That’s commendable, but overall this is still an unfortunate development. I wonder if microtransactions in big games like apex and genshin are down this year? Is this an overall trend, or are people choosing to spend on one game, foregoing titles like Jumplight Odyssey for bigger spending on one (arguably less deserving) game.

Valve needs to step up on Anti-Cheat angielski

So yeah, I want to discuss or point out why I think Valve needs to fix Anti-Cheat issues. They have VAC but apparently its doing jackshit, be it Counter Strike 2 (any previous iterations) or something like Hunt: Showdown the prevalence of cheating players is non deniable. For me personally it has come to a point that I am not...

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Cheats will only grow more advanced, at some point you’ll be able to train an AI to play exactly like a human, but while performing perfectly far more reliably than a human.

The line between what skill looks like versus cheating will only get blurrier.

The real long term solution is to enable the vetting of players (not by the game company or god forbid the government, looking at you china), by returning to community based servers/private matches. And to have reports dealt with faster and by people who care about the game personally.

As a member of the Northstar community, cheating is basically a solved problem for us atm.

There is no anti-cheat, instead a global ban tracking system was put in place and server admins are now able to share the identities of players who have been caught cheating, banning them on every server, regardless of who is running them, by the hosts simply opting into the global ban system.

People used to form “gaming-clans” in order to find people to play games with to begin with, and that structure for a community around a game is likely to become relevant again simply to be able to fill matches with people who you can be sure are honest players.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

EA account ID. Northstar is the community modded version of Titanfall 2.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

While that’s all true, the day you can just fire up an undetectable AI to play for you, and all the matchmaking queues are flooded with people doing the same… Players are going to beg for the ability to not just team up with people they know, but play against people they know.

Maybe that wont be privately hosted servers, or even fully custom matches, but when cheaters become indistinguishable from the highly skilled, forming even the most basic community bonds in order to find people to play with will be preferable to matching with randos.

For similar reasons people already prefer to team up with someone they know, as opposed to a stranger they might have to carry. People will want to be able to pick who they go up against, as well.

Once the cheaters win, (and they will) the first game to figure out a system to let players do this, WILL be a better experience than current matchmaking algos.

Edit: An example of a game that kinda already does this is Elite: Dangerous. There are two main modes, open and solo, in open you can run into all other players also playing in open, that means you might have to defend yourself against other players.

But, if you want to avoid PvP, but still want to run into other players, you’re in luck! Because there is a third option, private groups. When in a private group, the game works as if you’re in open, but you can only see other players who are in the same group. Meaning other players who also do not want to engage in PvP.

Mobius is likely the largest such group, essential it’s a giant clan of non-PvPers who play the game together. Something similar could absolutely be done for other games, where smaller communities can then vet their members and get rid of players who break the rules.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

It’s open source.

No choice? I can still apply my own bans on top no matter what the mod does. Spyglass isn’t what enables bans, it just makes them networked and tracked. And I could modify the mod to work however I like, or even fork the whole thing and make my own database.

That’s not been necessary as Erlite has been maintaining the spyglass mod and database with integrity.

There’s no chokehold here, no problems have arisen, and if they do, only then are additional solutions warranted. I’m not suggesting this is the final solution for all games, but that this kind of community driven counter-cheater work, is.

Cheating is being treated as a tech problem with a technological solution, when really it’s a social problem which should be solved with inter-social solutions.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I’m not denying any part of what you’re saying, I’m saying that this specific case is currently working fine, and that it is merely an example of the kinds of solutions I want to see enabled.

Obviously the bigger the community, the more complex the solution needs to be, and the more bases have to be covered. You’re nitpicking a specific example I gave (and doing so from a position of ignorance concerning northstar and its community), rather than my ideological thesis. Which is that communities should be empowered with social structure so that cheaters can be properly ostracized. Spyglass is just one way for a community to implement that.

Northstar isn’t big enough to even begin to compare with discord or minecraft. The concurrent playercount on all servers put together seldom matches ONE big minecraft server.

If the factors you bring up become a concern, I’m ready to pick up the tools to deal with it myself, as I’ve already done before. But so far, there has been no need.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Psygnosis, later known as Studio Liverpool.

Sony shut them down a few years ago. Man seeing that old owl logo hits me hard in the nostalgia bone.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

They seem to consider only massive franchises like GoW and TLoU and Horizon worth their time… But most gamers need variety outside the mainstream game genres, so I don’t see why they are shutting down anything with a smaller fanbase.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

It’s software. I’m pretty sure my linux desktop can do this… It’s not a special feature, exactly, the system state gets saved to RAM, and then the CPU goes to sleep.

On resume the kernel reads the state from RAM and puts everything back where it was and things continue from the exact same point from which they were suspended. Theoretically.

It’s a complex sequence, and windows sleep is famous for getting it wrong on lots of hardware configs. I’ve had trouble with it on linux, as well, almost always relating to the GPU.

Valve very likely put in some work to have it work as well as it does on SteamDeck, but theres no reason it couldn’t work on any given device.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Sleep has almost never worked with games, though. I’m not aware of any games that can survive wakeup without crashing on windows.

One of the ways Valve was able to expand the OS in a manner they could never have if the steamdeck ran windows.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Really liking Endeavour! Finally hopped over from the unstable mess that is Manjaro.

Still not as noob friendly as VanillaOS or some other options. HoloISO or Bazzite are both supposed to be good in that regard, as well.

Acclaimed roguelike studio behind Slay the Spire releases new deckbuilder after publicly abandoning Unity over fee debacle (www.gamesradar.com) angielski

TL;DR the developers of slay the spire created a fun free card game within 3 weeks to explore and learn the Godot game engine. You can play it here: megacrit.itch.io/dancing-duelists

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

That’s because it’s not a product. It’s an experiment for figuring out what they as a studio might be able to do with something new and untested. This is a trial run of a new engine, and they simply decided to publish the result for others to see.

This is more like publishing research findings than trying to market and sell something for a profit. Whether the result is good or bad, it’s informative either way.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Except they just got CoD. Playstation is about lose one the mega-franchise cross-platforms games that “everyone” buys.

IIRC they did sign the deal that let’s the continue to get releases for a couple more years, but no way MS just keeps releasing their games on PS forever.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

More likely, they’ll just buy Ubisoft or EA.

We want lots of smaller corps competing, not just a couple giants. Every merger is one fewer of the former, regardless whether it forces one of the existing big corps to step up their game.

Not that ABK was small, and for once I’m split because holy hell did it need new management.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Standard tactic when making unpopular changes, and a company would really like to keep them. Sacrificial CEO gets replaced, to make it look like things changed.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Except it needed to be literally perfect for me to give Blizzard Activision another cent.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

No he’s suggesting the game would be so shit that buzzwords were the only way it could get any runway.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

This game in particular, yes, but Molyneux certainly could make non-blockchain games.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

TLDR: They can’t afford the greater costs of the new license, so they are sticking with the version of unity their current license is for.

This will block them from releasing a switch port as nintendo version gates unity games to a recent version of the engine.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

the company believed they undervalued the games.

Almost definitely true. The type of games that devolver publishes are often fantastic, but they are smaller experiences that a subscription pay model would nigh certainly never pay for fairly.

New Minimum Age Classifications for Gambling, Loot Box Content in Australia - IGN (www.ign.com) angielski

From September 2024, any games featuring simulated gambling (such as social casino games) will be rated R18+. R18+ is a legally restricted category in Australia, and games rated R18+ cannot be sold to people under 18....

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

We remember it with fondness, and yet, it was the lootbox that started it all.

Good riddance.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

True enough. But Overwatch was the first big game where they basically got completely ignored as an exploitative mechanic on PC.

Micro-transactions were for a long time mobile only, then it was free-to-play only.

Remember, OW was a full-price title. Yet, it still worked like a free-to-play.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I would love to see some other genres covered, tho.

RIP Studio Liverpool.

At the same time I get that GoW and Uncharted sell better than WipEout… but come on, I want at least something more than different flavors of the same game type.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Marketing? If it was any of the same people that did TR marketing when they were with square enix, good riddance.

I have two old Mass Effect 2 Editions in my Steam and don't know the difference (kbin.social) angielski

I have two different versions of original Mass Effect 2 in my Steam library and don't know what the differences are. They have unique ids and even the space for installation differs. Notice: This is not about the Remasters. Have a look at the links please. Can you tell me what's going on?...

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Ima take a guess that the bigger version comes with the DLCs that add Kasumi and Zaeed.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Official Document Reveals Open-Ended Gameplay, New Combat Abilities For Main Cast (wccftech.com) angielski

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth seems to have addressed one of the biggest issues of the original, as an official document from Square Enix suggests the game will have open-ended gameplay in the vein of a full-on open-world title....

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

While I don’t mind that Rebirth will be more open world, perhaps like fifteen, I never considered Intergrades linear design an “issue” that needed “solving”.

There’s nothing wrong with linear game design, quite the opposite. It lends itself to a more focused experience. Games often have so much “stuff” to do, half of it ends up irrelevant.

I really enjoyed the tightly paced experience that was Intergrade.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I weep for all the talented people working under squenix. They seem determined to squeeze blood from a rock, shattering it into a thousand tiny shards, few of which are worth paying for anymore.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

If Echo Arena wasn’t safe, then neither is anything else.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

So now it’s just a convoluted way to do revenue share.
FFS, just dump the install fee. Now it’s just an excuse to spy on their users since unity would have to come with telemetry to track installs.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

The effect in game rendering is called subsurface scattering. It’s a fairly expensive effect, though in vegetation can usually be done quite cheaply. Most games do tend to try and get away without it.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Zero Dawn on the Deck is damn near perfect.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Oh dear. The only option left will be to pirate it… And in the new model, the dev might have to pay unity even for pirated installs.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

That’s fucking funny. Lots of faith in their own decisions, huh?

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

The new model makes no sense whatsoever.

If I install a game I bought on both my desktop and steamdeck, the devs have to pay unity twice. If I uninstall it and re-install it, they have to pay it thrice. Four times if I ever use my laptop to play.

If I share the game with my dad and sister via steam family share, the devs have to pay yet another two times.

But I only paid for the game once.

It’s complete insanity. Do they have to pay again for every update, does that count as a new install? What about games on subscription services?

Unity reveals plans to charge per game install, drawing criticism from development community (www.eurogamer.net) angielski

Unity has announced dramatic changes to its Unity Engine business model which will see its introduce a monthly fee per game install beginning on 1st January next year - a move that has already send shockwaves across the development community....

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Ah. Yet another reason for game studios to turn away from commercial dev tools and turn to FOSS software like Blender and Godot.

And since game devs are, you know, developers, they can even contribute to these tools with heir dev time, improving them and accelerating the industry shift away from this commercial bullshit even more.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

The real threat is Godot. It’s getting better and better. Why pay for a commercial game engine, when you can use one that comes with a literally no strings attached FOSS license? And you have full access to the source code, so you can fiddle with any line of code, if need be.

MentalEdge, (edited )
@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

I’ve heard of no such thing.

But drama almost never kills FOSS software. It just causes it to fork. FOSS software can become like an olympic flame that just keeps getting passed from dev to dev. Once there are people actively using something, those same people are motivated to fix any issues they have with it, or add any features they are missing. That then drives improvement of the software, which in turn drives adoption, which drives more improvement…

There was huge drama around Emby going closed source, but FOSS Emby simply got forked, becoming Jellyfin.

There’s an example just within lemmy, the lemmur app apparently stopped development due to some drama, but it got forked and Liftoff picked up right where it left off.

Yes. There can be drama around FOSS projects, and there often is. Loosely organized groups of volunteers putting together serious software don’t work as efficiently as a paid team of devs led by a visionary with final say. But FOSS projects are capable of becoming self-perpetuating in a way proprietary software can never do. Once they reach a high enough level of adoption, they are very hard to kill.

And Godot is definitely up there.

List of specific video game communities on the Threadiverse, feel free to comment with more (kbin.cafe) angielski

When I mean “specific,” I mean things like something dedicated to a certain genre, a certain video game, to gaming suggestions, to asking whether you should buy a certain game… anything that isn’t just one catch-all for any video gaming topic. So I’m not including the various !games@instance or !gaming@instance links....

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Indeed. Fingers crossed there’s a way to bring a save over from PS4 again like with HZD, need to play the DLC but I got the game on PS4…

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Fucking finally. Still have to see if they actually go through with it.

@MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

Nintendo is absolutely one of those companies that has been breathing its own farts for too long.

A part of me is worried that they will patent this, and then just sit on the tech forever, and kill hall-effect joysticks for good.

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