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Not much to add other than I am yet another voice that considers HeartGold SoulSilver to be the peak of the franchise


This game looks awesome. Definitely checking this out


Did you mean to have more in this post? I’m not sure I fully understand. I’ll remove if there wasn’t more you were trying to say


11:14 for me here… My finger is hovering over the ban hammer 😈


That was my thought too lol. Some good ol cathartic Nazi killing


Hell yeah. 90% of my game time has been Isaac. Finally motivated to go for dead god with the new update. I got all marks for the non tainted characters last week :)


Super fair! That’s what I did for most of my play time. Something clicked for me my most recent pick up of the game though. Been blazing through it


I want to like these games so bad. Most of my friends are super into it but it just hasn’t clicked for me. There’s just… Sooooooooo much to do in these games. I get that is the appeal but it burnt me out hard. When 0 turned into a real estate management mini game I ended up calling it quits. I may get back to it eventually but dang. These games are huge despite their smallish maps


Oooo didn’t even realize this one was local multiplayer. Def checking this out next time I have friends over


Divers is a game I really want to get back into. I’ve put so much time in most of the games but kinda bounced off divers. I think trying to play it so soon after porgy made me oceaned out lol. But this has inspired me to give it another shot!

Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 20th

Three day weekend … Messed up my schedule. Oh well, what have you been playing? I’ve been checking out a ton of cool playdate stuff, as well as more binding of Isaac. I also picked up a game called the roottrees are dead that I’m excited to check out! It seems like a game similar to case of the golden idol which is one of...


It’s been awesome! Despite seeing videos and images I was seriously not prepared for how small and cute it is 😍. The crank is so awesome too haha. Mainly I’ve checked out the 2 Season 1 games I have access to off the bat, and I obviously had to buy Mars after Midnight. Damn that game is awesome. Also wow web request support that’s so cool! It definitely seems like a really vibrant community :)


Yes it is! It’s coop which was why I got it. My partner and I got into mtg a bit while visiting her family for the holidays and thought a coop deck builder would be a fun thing to have, and I love sts so it seemed like a no brainer. I will warn the game is quite expensive and sort of hard to find but if you can get your hands on it I highly highly recommend it!

I for instance ordered mine from a game store in Illinois even though I live in WA. I believe more reprints are coming through


Got some raaaaaare games on sale stranga…


As for the real the answer: I’m assuming what they mean is, since gaming is such a popular medium (which can be seen from how much money the industry makes) it makes sense otherwise unrelated outlets would have articles about it.


How is that game? I’ve always been intrigued by it


UFO 50 without a doubt. Most creative bang for your buck that’s ever been released imo


Been super excited to get back from my trip to be able to play this!


Yeah with my 3080 I’ll be able to run it pretty well I think. Unfortunately I can’t do the full ray tracing since it only has 10gb of vram :/

I believe it needs a minimum of 12 for full ray tracing


Oh awesome, I’ll check this out. I’ve been playing the last couple days and the game really is good. Been running it great without rt and am almost done with the Vatican


Yeah thankfully I have a built in group to play with haha. I can imagine randos being toxic


I believe it’s full coop. Not like from soft games. Seems to be a kinda 3 player roguelite thing. 3 players get random builds and weapons and make their way to a spot where a circle is closing in to fight a big boss together. Not a live service. Full game for one price


Ahh I see. I like that more I think. Cool!


If you’re into puzzles you can check out and add it to your home screen. Works great on mobile and has really fun daily games!


Obra dinn is great!!! You should check out case of the golden idol and it’s sequel if you liked obra dinn!


From the UFO 50 website:

AUTHENTIC BUT ALSO MODERN - We carefully chose what elements to modernize. Every game shares a unique 32-color palette and we took great efforts to make them look and sound like actual 8-bit titles from the 80s. On the other hand, it was important to us that UFO 50 was fun and surprising for modern players, so we chose not to limit ourselves to the genres and design conventions of the past.

They’ve said in interviews as well that they choose to view UFO soft as a game company that was very ahead of its time

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