

Trans rights 🏳️‍⚧️ (she/her)

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I go to the open critic page and nab their reddit formatted review thread from the copy button under “share this game.” Then I click on the reddit export.

This formats it nicely for Lemmy as well and I just paste that in

Just finished Alan Wake 2 angielski

I just finished Alan Wake 2 and the 3 episodes of the DLCs. Alan Wake 2 is a literal masterpiece in my opinion, the gameplay was similar to its first game but refined, the story dark, mood, mysterious and weird. I also loved the references to the other games. Like Ahti. The ending of Alan Wake 2 made me wonder and sad (I won’t...


Alan Wake 2 was published by and likely would not exist without Epic. It is unlikely it will come to steam


Control is on steam because it was published by 505 games.

Don’t get me wrong I’m anti epic buying exclusivity for games. But like if they fully funded the development and published it…


I find the game plays a lot better than the first one. I played the remaster recently and found it a bit of a slog to get through but absolutely adored the sequel


Oh for sure I definitely agree there haha. As far as software is concerned I don’t like the epic store. Steam is much better on that front. But I also don’t have any true moral issue with the epic store. Especially for playing a game they funded. Epic also funded and published the Alan Wake remaster. They effectively were able to bring back a long dormant series, and for that I am happy since Alan Wake 2 ended up being one of my all time favorite games.

I wish they didn’t have to keep it in their store, since I like steam more, but at the end of the day I’m not too bothered by it


While I agree having more options is always a better thing, I really can’t see body type A and B with pronouns choosing anything other than more inclusive, a good thing, and not something that deserves getting up in arms about.

I don’t really see how it could be seen as not more inclusive. Sure it’s not more inclusive than having full blown sliders that let you change every bit of a character’s body, but it’s adding more pronouns and not forcing those pronouns on a certain body type. If we look at number of options, it is more than the previous “male and female” options. Thus including a broader set of people

chloyster, (edited )

Would anyone in good faith, with only two options “Stereotypical Brodude or Fashion Magazine Cover Girl”, is going to play the former with she/her or the latter with he/him?

I think so. Why not? There are as many valid genders and identities as there are people in the world. Who am I to judge what people want to be referred as? Also even if there wasn’t people like that, I can almost guarantee there are people who would want to put a “they/them” to those body types, which seems to be the main point of this body type trend.

I don’t see it as a bad faith thing to be like “hey, we should include the ability for NB people to have their preferred pronouns”

Again, I agree that having more options would be better, but why does perfect have to be the enemy of good?

Edit: I also want to say that NB does not equal androgenous. Sure many NB people may desire or have an androgenous look. But I also know people who like to look and be feminine but are still NB, and the other way around


I guess I just really don’t see it that way. Man and woman and “she/her” and “he/him” are so much more than the way a body looks. Like someone could be the most traditionally culturally masculine looking person and go by she/her. That’s valid, that’s fine.

I don’t see it as the studio not seeing you as a woman. I am somewhat confused by that statement. Like you get the ability to choose she /her with a couple body options. The she / her is the woman here no? They recognize it as a thing. You can look however. I mean fuck I certainly don’t have a body type B, but I’m still a woman


This is absolutely unacceptable here


As another trans woman, I just have to say you do not speak for all trans women. I have met sooooo many trans women whose idea of transness are much different to my own. It’s so broad and expansive there are no absolutes here


While I don’t personally agree with OP, I still believe that they are discussing in good faith. I see nothing here that says they think NB people are “alt right trolls”. Our rule here is to be(e) nice. Please don’t resort to unfounded personal attacks


Pronouns don’t necessarily = gender. Someone can identify as a woman. Be into other women, and still prefer he / him pronouns. It is a real thing


Monkey island is a series I got into relatively recently and I absolutely adore it.

I mentioned in another thread recently how humongous games was a huge part of my childhood. Pajama Sam especially was and remains some of my all time favorite games.

As I got older and learned more about Ron Gilbert (the creator of humongous and all of those things) I learned about Monkey Island and knew I had to play. I have yet to play the non Gilbert games (I know curse of monkey island is beloved by many) but the 3 Gilbert ones are all masterclasses of point and click in my opinion. I think they hold up very well, and the recent return to monkey island was a delight to play. I know some didn’t love the art style of the new one but I really enjoyed it.

Also have to say that monkey island 2 has one of my all time favorite OSTs. (


That’s cool! I hope it ends up good. My dad was friends with some of the original humongous entertainment crew and all of their games were a huge part of my childhood, especially pajama sam!


Nice! Yeah blasphemous slaps. The platforming as you say though is unforgiving. I hate the instant spike KOs… Something the sequel thankfully changed


Ah see for me all I can hear is Chris Redfield when Batman talks haha. He does an ok job but he’s no Kevin Conroy unfortunately. Totally agree on the detective stuff! I love the random case files that come up that aren’t some crazy supervillain plot. Just random crimes done by random people. Good fun


It unfortunately isn’t happening


Please be nice on our instance


Sure they are, however if you come to the conclusion (if you decided to read the article) that voice actors being told with no preparation that they were going to be performing scenes involving SA are whiny babies you’ll be told you’re not being nice which is what we expect on our instance


Yeah… Kind of bummed on it. I’ll try it out with some friends but I doubt we’ll play it for long


No clue but I’m down for a Spelunky short by the people who did love death and robots lol. Sounds lit


Same boat here 😔. I can still remember when I first heard it was officially cancelled. I’ve never been more devastated by any media being cancelled than this


Holy crap that’s an amazing turn of events! And they have the IP. I’m shocked tbh. Microsoft had such a beloved IP in their hands and they let it go. But I’m happier this way!



  • Steam Deck
  • Analogue Pocket
  • My PC I suppose. Can do the most!

Least favorite

  • DS-i: just a lot worse than the lite imo. The camera and the few dsi downloadable games were not worth losing GBA back compat
  • PlayStation TV: had potential but was just a worse vita and mediocre streaming box.
  • Piboy: a weird raspberry pi 4 based handheld I had by a company called experimental pi. It was actually kind of cool, but they had their own custom software needed to run on the screen and they were really bad about getting fixes out, and some patches would brick the machine iirc. The company seems to be defunct now. The website is a 404 now
chloyster, (edited )

I kind of feel a lot of 8 bit era games haven’t aged the best. But there are a few that I love. Of course smb3 is really outstanding. That game is timeless and really showed how well Nintendo can make games. While I may personally prefer smw, smb3 was in my eyes the first to perfect the side scrolling platformer.

Mother is another game from the era I enjoy a lot. It hasnt aged as well as smb3, but it’s still a fun game to look back on. I feel the game was a bit ahead of it’s time, and with a few gameplay changes I think it would still be worth playing for any jrpg fan today


Lol that’s fair! Been a while since I played it without save states


Just for the controllers I believe


Yeah I think the display port plugs into the headset and that’s the picture data. The controller data is via Bluetooth

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