!deleted6348 avatar



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!deleted6348 avatar

Miceosoft!? Create original IP? Agreed they’ll keep regurgitating their IP no matter how many lame halos it makes.

Hell not even dos was theirs.

!deleted6348 avatar

I’m usually pretty cautious on stuff like this, I’m in the minority that says the newest games don’t need to get 60fps 4k ultra on the newest GPUs, that it’s okay if you can get medium. Gives games room to future proof themselves.

But this is bad. A mid tier brand new GPU can’t play your game more than 720p 35fps? That’s laughably bad. I’ll wait to get some other reviews before I judge completely, but that’s just utterly unacceptable.

!deleted6348 avatar

But they care so much about history there at Ubisoft

!deleted6348 avatar

They’re years behind and they have a half baked idea. Of course they’re going to come out with one!

They also have piles of metrics saying it’s going to become the dominant in the market, that it’s way better than the competitors, and that the Xbox interface will be loved by all.

And then it’ll come out, be mediocre at best, and silently dropped in 3 years.

It’s Microsoft. I’ve seen this one before

Day 245 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots angielski

I have finished Red Dead 2’s story completely. This has got to be one of my favorite games in recent memory. They could have just stopped it at Arthur’s death and brushed over everything that happened to John in between the games, but instead they gave us this amazing 2 Epilogues that perfectly tie the two games together....

!deleted6348 avatar

RDR2 is one of the best story games ever. It’s one of probably 3 or 4 I would call masterpiece, and it legit made me cry. I connected with the characters, I felt the pain of the gang falling apart, I felt fear and pity for dutch, it was just amazing. RDR2 is one of those few games where you can say "sure, it has amazing gameplay, the side games are fun, and it plays great, but I don’t play it because it’s one of the most fun games to play, I play for the story "

!deleted6348 avatar

Oh good! Maybe MSFS2024 will finally work!

!deleted6348 avatar

I’ve used 2020 on Linux many times, works well!

!deleted6348 avatar

Oh gears, amazing co-op! Great cover system and a chainsaw on a gun. Phenomenal!

!deleted6348 avatar

Truly just the brute force solution. Need a shitload of compute? GPUs can do it! No one stops to think if we really need it. It’s all about coulda, not shoulda. Yeah, ML and AI has a place, but big tech just thinks “slap an LLM everywhere”. Just such horseshit

Why AC Syndicate Is So Bad? angielski

I recently finished Assassin’s Creed Unity and loved every minute of it. The story, the gameplay, the revolutionary Paris setting, the movement—everything was amazing. Even in 2025, Unity’s ultra settings look incredible, and I don’t think any other game has managed to handle crowds of NPCs as well as it did....

!deleted6348 avatar

I actually think Syndicate is one of my favorites, behind only black flag… I absolutely loved it. To me Unity was the boring one

!deleted6348 avatar

True, I do dislike when gamers just unilaterally say “this game is bad”, because it’s such an opinion. Is it bad, or do you just not like it? Maybe other people do like it

!deleted6348 avatar

Self host, codeberg, make mirrors everywhere

!deleted6348 avatar

Which is why looking at some of those games I kind of get why games need to charge more. Definitely not keeping up with inflation. However, I also see a much broader range in those games, and if they want game prices to go up then they also need to understand price ranges for quality.

Something like RDR2, true masterpiece, I would go to 100. Maybe 120. That game is perfect, no flaws, and several hundred hours of gameplay.

Assassin’s creed could stick at 60. Very much a mid game, gets a mid price.

!deleted6348 avatar

I disagree. I have no problem if a product is of high quality and it gets it’s value.

!deleted6348 avatar

You’re going way off point of what I originally said, and I’m not having an argument here about rich vs poor or class systems. All I said was that a higher quality game earned a higher price than a lower quality game. Anything else you want to assume or believe is your own, but it’s separate from my statement.

!deleted6348 avatar

Got it, you want to argue your point, I don’t want to, we’ll leave it here.

Day 227 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots (lemmy.world) angielski

Today’s game was Halo Reach. I had finally hoped to finish it up today with my friend, but i miscounted how many levels were left. Hopefully tomorrow should be the day and I will have finally played Master Chief Collection through in it’s entirety on Legendary. Though, i plan to go back through Halo CE on Legendary because...

!deleted6348 avatar

That mission was one of the best in all of Halo. Where you really feel how dire and ruined everything is. Mixed with running around actual civilian places contrasted to the numerous forerunner built, bunkers, or nature locations or the other games and it really hits home.

(Outskirts and New Mom asa got close, but with the graphics of the time and mostly being outside it didn’t quite hit the same)

!deleted6348 avatar

And they’re shocked that no one bought the PS5 pro for 800 dollars

!deleted6348 avatar

Eh. That’s not a big of a loss as you’re making it out to be. I purposely buy my games, I want to own them. (Asterisk with licensing and all). Point being that I don’t agree with Ubisoft that we need to get used to Games as a Service. I don’t want to rent my games. Even mid tier games, I want to own them.

!deleted6348 avatar

and if they let me buy it license free I would. However between the options of buying a license to play a game whenever I want vs renting it for 1 month, I’ll take the license.

!deleted6348 avatar

Shocking. When your entire customer base asks “why?” When you announce a product that’s usually a good indicator. Also wasn’t it like 800 dollars?

!deleted6348 avatar

That’s a huge problem I have with the franchise though! It’s been their cash cow so every game has some sort of riff on the whole future story bit, but they can’t commit to any of it and there’s no end in sight. So I refuse to get attached to their overarching story because I have no confidence that it will every complete!

The two scenarios that will play out are (and I’m not saying which one is likely, just these are the only two):

  • Assassins’ Creed continues to be huge -> They will never end the overarching story and it will keep trickling in
  • Assassin’s Creed dies out -> They won’t know it until their last one bombs so bad that the suits never make another, leaving it open

So why be invested in the story at all?

!deleted6348 avatar

For me it’s the arrogance. It’s the calling of themselves “AAAA” gaming and trying to push base prices of games past $100 and then making bland boring games. They think they’re amazing. This is their reality check. Their games are what I play when I have nothing, and I mean nothing else to play

!deleted6348 avatar

Hey maybe shadows will finally turn them around, I’m sure they did I’m something interesting and new with the game to get us to take notice.

!deleted6348 avatar

I would never expect anything day 1, ever. Scalpers ruined day 1. And though I would be surprised if they were out of stock a week later. Unlike Nvidia they actually want to sell cards.

!deleted6348 avatar

Unfortunately it’s pure capitalism. No matter what company got paid. They don’t care about it users got the card they wanted, or even if the scalers make a profit or go bust, they already got paid.

!deleted6348 avatar

I’m very sorry man, I’ve been through that, and I have friends that have been cut at unity before. They treat their workers terribly.

Focus on getting better first, just process it for a bit. When you’re ready to start looking, the market is warm right now. I’m more than happy to help review resumes.

!deleted6348 avatar

Good then, glad you’ve made it through, but obviously stay frosty. Those execs will cut every engineer as long as they still look good. Be ready for anything

!deleted6348 avatar

Romanian trains are always so pretty

The Sims re-release shows what’s wrong with big publishers and single-player games (arstechnica.com) angielski

A few days ago, EA re-released two of its most legendary games: The Sims and The Sims 2. Dubbed the “The Legacy Collection,” these could not even be called remasters. EA just put the original games on Steam with some minor patches to make them a little more likely to work on some modern machines....

!deleted6348 avatar

Archived. Of course they have no legal reason to take it down, but I’m sure that won’t stop them.

Is Civilization 7 not fun? angielski

Never played the Civ series before, but I’m totally into strategy games. Recently got 200 hours into Pennon and Battle and kinda burned out now. The Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era which I’m hyped for isn’t out yet, and there’s nothing else in the strategy genre grabbing me. Was about to jump into Civ 7 but saw the...

!deleted6348 avatar

I hate questions like this. How would anyone but you know if it’s fun? Fun is completely subjective. Some people didn’t have fun in Veilguard. I had a lot of fun in Veilguard. Was Veilguard A good game? Now that’s a bit different question.

Things can be both not good but also fun. Among Us isn’t going to win game awards for narrative, but it was fun as hell to play.

Only way to tell if it’s fun is to go and play it, and return it if you don’t like it. Stop letting other people tell you if you’re having fun or not. Just, go enjoy things

!deleted6348 avatar

Your disclaimer is what I really like tbh. We’re all just random people online with our own opinions, why would anyone take our word for if something is fun?

I’m glad you’re having a good time though!

!deleted6348 avatar

Then it becomes 10.

I raided 6 2tb SSDs for my games now. It’s great, but it’s almost full.

!deleted6348 avatar

In Halo they’ve given up on moderating unranked. Unranked is where ranked people to to “practice” now, you can see their shitty clans running around and 360 no scoping all of us just trying to chill. Inevitably every game is crazy one sided, they high five and move on, and we get swamped 50-13

!deleted6348 avatar

So EA put way too high of a sales target on the game, obviously held it back from becoming what it could be, and now are blaming the studio with layoffs, ensuring the next game will flop.

I don’t care what their “numbers” and “projections” were. The game was on the top 10 list in Steam. Even if it wasn’t an A+ game I’d say it looked like it at least hit Assassin’s Creed numbers, I’d hardly call that a failure. Sounds more like a failure to accurately predict, maybe they should fire their business analysts instead of the people who you know, make the games.

!deleted6348 avatar

I’d like to see how they measured success. Was it to break even? Well from what point? Including the time that it was supposed to be a live service game? Through the committees and executives shutting down ideas? It was in the top 10 for games on Steam that week and had generally favorable reviews. If that didn’t match their plan, that’s on them.

Fortnite Leaks King of the Hill Crossover (gamerant.com) angielski

A prominent Fortnite leaker has claimed that the game will soon feature a King of the Hill crossover, with Hank Hill as an upcoming skin. The popular animated sitcom created by Mike Judge and Greg Daniels first made its debut in 1997 and stayed on the air for 13 seasons. While the show originally premiered on Fox, it found a...

!deleted6348 avatar

Taste the meat, not the heat - Pro-Pain

!deleted6348 avatar

Oh great, they’re “modernizing” the gameplay, sailing, and more. It’s literally one of two AC games I enjoy, why change anything?

!deleted6348 avatar

What a horseshit article. 90% of the “comparisons” are “We don’t know yet”. “It’s up in the air on the switch”. Only concrete thing I saw is that it has 2 USB-C ports.

After the catastrophe of Concord Sony is reportedly cancelling other projects including a God of War live service game (www.pcgamer.com) angielski

In the graveyard of live service games Concord may just be the biggest headstone, and that seems to have focused some minds over at PlayStation. Previously the noises coming from Sony were all about the importance of live service games to its future strategy, and it had announced plans to launch more than 10 live service games...

!deleted6348 avatar

I’d say also it depends on the franchise. Depp rock? Be a funny space dwarf yelling rock and stone? Hell yes imma do that with some friends.

God of war? No. Much more serious tone, I want to do that alone to explore the narrative

!deleted6348 avatar

I always felt Andromeda got a bad rap. It’s not a great game. It’s not on par with mass effect. But it’s fine, I had fun. I never felt like it was a waste of money. Not a masterpiece, but I enjoyed it

!deleted6348 avatar

Definitely, instead we only got a kinda crappy book

Why So Many Video Games Cost So Much to Make (www.bloomberg.com) angielski

From Jason Schreier. “The plural of ‘anecdote’ is not ‘data’,” but this is some analysis from Schreier seemingly rooted in many anecdotes. The long and short of it is that development on AAA games tend to routinely hit bottlenecks where entire portions of a team are waiting for some other team to unblock them so that...

scrubbles, (edited )
!deleted6348 avatar

As someone who works in corporate America this is 10000% true. Giant corporations are hugely bloated, inefficient, slow, and stupid. I honestly can’t believe they are somehow the best way to do things in groups of people. I have never had less work to do than working in a huge corporation.

It’s no surprise that indie games can compete with them. Working in startups compared to huge corporations, I did more code and we got more done in shorter amounts of time vs big corps. There’s no red tape, there’s no committees or directors or people you have to please. There’s no political games, you just do your work. As simple as that. You come in, you code for 7-8 hours, you push your feature, and you go home.

In a megacorp you come in, you get 5 minutes for coffee before 3 people are pinging you on slack for some stupid downstream thing they didn’t read the manual on or was never documented, and then you have 5 hours of meetings, lunch, 2 hours of ad hoc meetings, and then Shirley has to swing by to ask you to take another HR training. So you get maybe 20 minutes of coding done in a day.

For you engineers who have never coded in a megacorp - As an example, most megacorps have an ID service (usually named after a comic book character). This is usually a real service deployed somewhere that nobody maintains anymore, but it’s where you get your… IDs from. Really wrap your head around that. It’s a microservice who is in charge of returning Guid.NewGuid(). Then they get pulled into meetings because the ID service doesn’t support this or that, they never thought of this case or that case, how can we upgrade off the old ID service to the new one. In a startup, you’re calling Guid.NewGuid()

!deleted6348 avatar


Yeah this is X over at Microsoft. Kindly asking, what the actual fuck are you doing? Minecraft 2? You realize you don’t own any of those rights anymore. You have pretty much one chance to go back on this or you’re sued into oblivion. Regards, Microsoft.

!deleted6348 avatar

I’ve always thought they do such a good job at building worlds but are absolute shit on story and content. I wish there was a way they’d just build worlds and then hand it off to someone who knows how to make a decent story. Valhalla and Odyssey had amazing worlds that deserved better stories

!deleted6348 avatar

Got assassin’s creed mirage. Was a decent game. For the $20 sale price I mean. Wouldn’t spend more than that

After years of holding out hope, 2024 was the year I finally gave up on BioWare (www.pcgamer.com) angielski

I really tried to enjoy myself. God, I tried so hard. I attempted to find nuggets of joy within its hamfisted dialogue, one-note companions and the flashy but soulless fights. But I just couldn’t do it. Every time there was a glimmer of hope, it was dashed against the rocks of infinite disappointment....

!deleted6348 avatar

They’re just so risk-adverse. It’s the same as Andromeda, and Ubisoft is another great example. They’re so worried about getting the most players that they’re afraid to take risks. What if players don’t like this, what if the audience is smaller? Everything is done by committee and it becomes a fairly flat game.

!deleted6348 avatar

How hard is it for them to realize this? Graphics are a nice to have, they’re great, but they do not hold up an entire game. Star wars outlaws looked great, but the story was boring. If they took just a fraction of the money they spent on realism to give to writers and then let the writers do their job freely without getting in their way they could make some truly great games.

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