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He had to be doing something inappropriate for him to get blasted off twitch and his own gaming company and shit.

Just because it wasnt enough for him to be arrested doesnt mean it wasnt harmless. Probably just means he got caught to quickly.


what is it with asshole streamers always ending up being pedophiles?


Fallout 4 sucked, too.

Its a fun shooter game, but its not a fallout. Throwing supermutants into a game doesnt make it a Fallout. Especially with how they fucked SPECIAL.

Fallout TV is probably the last decent product from Bethesda, and I’d wager thats only cause Bethesda isnt in charge of writing.


I got starfield for free with my video card, and I still feel ripped off and wish I could refund lol.

But yeah, I’m not dropping a single goddamn penny on Starfield. It feels like a game that was made for the xbox 360 or something, with all the loading screens and shit.


Horse armor that didnt even give the horses armor. It just gave them a cosmetic appearance change and increased their health by like 3 times.


yep. Never underestimate how stupid the average gamer is.

Then realize half of them are even dumber than that.

Which is why gaming is in the state it is right now, cause a bunch of drooling mouth breathers keep throwing their wallets at problems because god forbid they do without or make a single sacrifice.


talk about damning with faint praise…


I would love for Obsidian to get another crack at Fallout, but I don’t think they are the only ones capable of making a good fallout game (though they would undoubtly be the best).

It just takes passion for the property, and a vested interest in the world. Something Bethesda is clearly lacking. Bethesda seems to be in the phase of “throw darts at a bunch of sticky notes on the wall” of trying to figure out how to make a game, and it just leads to a disjointed experience.


And the only aspect thats any good is the shooter part. Cause it is a fun shooter. Especially at higher levels with more exotic weapons.

But the story is shit

The RPG Elements… the SPECIAL/Stats were shit on and ruined to enable some vague idea of nearly infinite growth within an uncapped level system.

and the settlement building is somehow worse than how a New Vegas mod managed to do it.


Play 1 and 2 if you dont mind isometric, cause they are a definitive roleplay experience.

and New Vegas if you gotta have that 3d.

A_Random_Idiot, (edited )

No ones disagreeing with that.

Fallout 3 was all around an inferior game. Not just an inferior fallout, but an inferior game, compared to 4.

Mostly cause Fallout 3 was a disjointed mess.

But just because Fallout 4 is better by comparison, Doesnt mean fallout 4 is good.

I hate beets. But give me the choice between a bowl of shit and a bowl of beets, and put a gun to my head? I’ll eat the beets gladly and happily. Doesnt mean I love them.


Outer Worlds is a great, fun game.

The only bad thing about it is idiot gamers heard the basic premise, and that Obsidian was making it, and immediately stroked their hype boners up over “OMG NEW VEGAS IN SPACE!” when it was nothing of the sort.


because Fallout 3 is at least fallout-ish despite its horrible writing, story, and world building.

4 is just a shooter game with Vault Tec and Super mutants thrown into it.


I hate having discussions. Opinions aren’t allowed to be held because theres always some entitled ass that has to come in and misrepresent what everyones saying so they can fulfill their personal fantasy of being offended and attacked.

A_Random_Idiot, (edited )

Except it’s even worse than that. Because these companies hired psychologists to tell them exactly how to tweak the levers in people’s brains to get them to pay.

Which is where the whole concept of using real money, to buy fake money (and never in the exact amounts that they charge for items), so you obfuscate the actual cost, especially once people start carrying a balance of fake money due to never being able to get the exact amount of fake money for the item came from.


You have to understand.

The overwhelming bulk of gamers just don’t care

Nothing will stand in the way of getting their current precious. Not even their own complaints and bitching.

They’ll sit there and complain about how a company is evil, its practices exploitative, and how everyone should avoid buying from them so they can die in the fires of Bankruptcy.

Then the second the next game/expansion/DLC/Whatever is announced, they are immediately in line to preorder the ultra deluxe mega fuck you 500 dollar package. because it comes with a unique mount and a special armor skin, and they just cant miss those things! they’re rare! and they’ll never be able to get them otherwise! /s

And then they’ll go into the obfuscated-cash-shop and spend another 700 dollars on digital bullshit.

Then, when they are all done, the overwhelming majority of them will come back to the internet, and cry and whinge and moan about how a company is evil, its practices exploitative, and how everyone should avoid buying from them so they can finally die in the fires of bankruptcy.

Cause the majority of gamers are brain damaged fucktards who, at the end of the day, just love throwing their wallet at things.


I’m glad I’m not the only one to remember that Dragon Age: Origins quest.

Its the specific and singular reason why I never bought any of the DLC, or any of the sequels.


Buy nintendo stuff.

Just buy it used, and hack it, lol.

Its what I did with my New3DSXL (god I hate the naming conventions on these things…)



5 was okay and different, but was definitely the start of the downward spiral.

4 is the best of what civlization has to offer.

4 was also great in that it got two expansions

instead of 150 million tiny DLC for insane prices.

A_Random_Idiot, (edited )

The stories already fucky enough as it is in Kingdom Hearts, without doing a FF7 remake to it and releasing each game in chunks for a total cost of 200+ bucks for each game.


It’d be a lot more reasonable if they simply said “No public discussion of this game, period”

Trying specifically to squelch the negative comments so any claims can go unchallenged is bullshit and entirely unreasonable.

A_Random_Idiot, (edited )

they shouldnt be releasing it to streamers and youtubers to play, in alpha, on their goddamn channels, while muzzling them in how they can respond to issues that present themselves during their video/stream, if they want to “protect” (shut down any legitimate criticism concerns) their “alpha” (free advertising)


Shooters are much easier to understand: aim and shoot. You don’t need to follow YouTube guides to understand that.

They demand so much time and patience. Whats the best weapon load out, where to move to be safe from fire, how to avoid enemy snipers, trying to figure out the excessive complexity of what WSAD does.

RTS games are much easier to understand. You drag a box around your units, and click the enemy and watch them blow up. You don’t need to follow youtube guides to understand that.


RTS games going mainstream are what killed my precious baby boy Command and Conquer.

God damn EA. Tiberium Wars was blegh, but what they did with Twilight… Thats just molestation of a corpse.


Okay, and?

You’re allowed to like and enjoy things, even bad things… Hell, theres entire fandoms around liking bad things (like B-Movies), that doesnt make them less fundamentally bad. and it doesnt make you wrong for liking them.


Leaving early access?

Are they sure its time?

Its only been…11 years

Surely thats not enough time to get this puppy fully baked?



Yep. It will never change As long as gamers continue to buy from shitty companies, the companies have no incentive to change in any direction but worse. Bethesda is a brilliant example of it, how every game is more simplistic and devoid, and more reliant on randomly generated content than the previous.

Ubisoft is another example, with the outright hostility, hatred and downright contempt they have towards their own customers.

and they are both still multi-billion dollar companies, cause idiots keep throwing them tons of money.

These updates from C:SL team mean nothing, cause they keep doing stupid shit despite of their sweet words. Like they did with trying to sell DLC for a broken game. Their actions and focus speak far louder than any of their honeyed words.


The golden age of gaming was the late SNES/early playstation era.

Graphics were beautiful, games were long and generally had incredible, immersive, and even heart wrenching stories.

Unlike today, where the focus on hyperrealism, generally at the expense of story and definitely performance. but hey, its only 6 hours long and you get to pay 80 dollars for it, so thats great, right?


MechCommander came out in 99, too, didnt it?

That was my introduction to battletech. Fuck I loved that game, I played it SO much.


IIRC, Valve pretty much admitted that they really have no interest in making games anymore, unless they have a interesting technology to play with and learn, and the game is an excuse for that.

Thats why Alyx got made, cause they wanted to play with VR.


That MadCat was such a gamebreaker if you could capture it. I had all my mechs just do cockpit aims since blowing the oil tanks carried a solid risk of outright destroying the mech.

and it was not nearly as easy as I’m making it sound, it involved lots of running my lance around in circles and whiffed shots (And some reloads) before i ever landed a shot on its cockpit.

Honestly Yakety Sax should have been playing the entire time while i was doing it, lol.


but its okay, cause 4 years later we’ll release an expansion and what we are declaring the final patches to finally have the game in a state it should have been when it was fucking released.

Thanks for all the money, suckers customers!


I’m a simple man.

I don’t believe their bullshots and promises.

I’m just happy if a game arrives in good, playable condition, feature and story complete.

and Cyberpunk couldnt even live up to that. Perhaps it was story complete on release? I dont know, I was never able to beat the game until like 2 years after release due to encountering a mind-numbing amount of bugs and catastrophes and thus giving up and walking away from the game for a good long time.

I would have refunded it and never thought about it again if it wasnt a gift.

Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' (www.pcgamer.com) angielski

Well, I mean, I would have launched it first (as an AAA game), but I’m no game developer. 🤷 And neither are they, from the looks of it. Good at perpetually raking in money for himself and his family, though!


Well, see, with Star Citizen, you buy it to have an unreleased game that will allow you to buy a ship for 8000 dollars that you can… stand around inside of and look at.

Seriously, This is peak gaming… how can you losers not understand how great this is?! /s

EA just added classics like Dungeon Keeper, SimCity 3000, and Populous on Steam (www.theverge.com) angielski

There hasn’t been a lot of good news out of EA lately, but here’s some: the company just launched a bunch of classic games on Steam. The new (old) releases include nine games in total, spanning franchises like Dungeon Keeper, Populous, and SimCity....

A_Random_Idiot, (edited )

Simcity 3k unlimited on sale for 2 bucks?

i was just searching for my cds this morning! Fuck yeah i’ll buy it for 2 bucks!


So excited over SC3KU for 2 bucks I missed Alpha Centauri, which is also two bucks! bought that too :D

edit again

Command and Conquer games are still way to expensive for how old they are, though. To bad.


Huh, isnt showing up for me, had to view an individual games store page and just click add bundle to get it.

A_Random_Idiot, (edited )

No one tried to fuck kids.

Kovic pranced around naked in the office on cam with a girl he was actively cheating on his wife with.

and Ryan manipulated emotionally vulnerable people into sex to cheat on his wife with. One of which was 17, but iirc she admitted about lying about her age, So while Ryan was a predator, he wasnt a child predator iirc.

These two were just the tips of the iceberg. Roosterteeth has been problematic since damn near the start.

One of their early advertisers was “Alpha Brain”, some sugar pill that was supposed to make you think better to game better. Pure pseudoscience junk.

Much later they started shilling for an online prescription mill to their young audience, and in typical roosterteeth fashion. They got really super pissed off at being called out about it, then had geoff come out and try to twist the valid criticism into an attack on his miraculously convenient Erectile Dysfunction.

They also had MASSIVE issues with bigotry behind the scenes, Which IIRC is why Micah Burton and KDin got the fuck out of dodge. (I strongly suspect that Gavin was one of the worst about this, judging from edits early videos made around him and just my pure supposition, I can totally see him being the kind of person to drop the hard R in casual conversation without warning, and think its a laugh).

Also they spent years exploiting fans for free/low cost labor. Not just at expos and events, but behind the scenes in their animation department.

and anytime there was valid criticism about anything they did, They’d spend an entire post/podcast/etc railing against their “idiot” fans for not knowing better… I think at one point, someone… maybe burnie? told all the old, diehard, complaining fans to fuck off and that the can be replaced with new fans?

Which really turned out well, considering they’ve been floundering for years before the guillotine finally came down.

This is just the shit I can remember. Theres a whole plethora more of bullshit that Roosterteeth has done. Sucks for the behind the scene not-asshole folks to be losing their jobs, but RT deserves its ignominious death.

edit This is all to the best of my recollection, If I have some small details wrong let me know so I can correct.


I got no hard evidence, largely cause they edit the shit out of the videos and arent dumb enough to say it in public, but there have been off hand comments referencing gavins awfulness behind scenes and shit and there was one video where they were doing a LOT of editing around what cavin was saying (I think it was an AWHU from a very long time ago, like pre-ryan long ago), that I would 100% put money on the fact that… like I said, he not only says the hard R, he says it with laughter and glee.

and hes probably not the only one, I just think hes the most likely.

but to be clear, supposition and such.


maybe thats what i’m thinking of. it was a long time ago.


pretty much my reaction, and was the moment I started shifting hard away from RT/AH/Etc


Yes, because who wants to own their shit when they can just perpetually lease it with the unending dread of losing it all at any moment (digital platform of choice) shuts down or just says fuck you, we’re taking the games away and you cant do shit about it.


and imagine how much pollution was created just for you to be a stupid cunt on the internet.

between you and physical games, I know which one I could surely go without.


yeah, but how rare is that compared to today, where almost every bloody game is ridiculously broken and needing major day 1 patches… an day 2 patches, and day 7 patches.


Or no disk at all. Just a slip of paper with a CD key written on it that you have to type into steam.


Always a corporate apologist.

“Things were easier back then! You have no idea how hard it is for them to finish a game before releasing it!”


Ah yes, the Corporate White Knight twisting the argument and defend the poor downtrodden multi-billion dollar companies from the horrors of deserved criticism.


just result in companies releasing even shittier games just to protect their IPs.

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