HawlSera, do games w Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell"

Don’t sell? Bukllshit

yamanii, do games w Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell" avatar

Reminder that Arkane was on bad waters before Red Fall, immersive sims just aren’t that popular with a lot of people, and these companies want to do AAA with everything.

ByteOnBikes, do games w Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell"

“We can’t make those games because they don’t sell”

“We” as in Irrational Games? Or “We” as a industry?

Small 20 ppl studios are cranking out some really cool games that don’t need AAA budgets. They will be the ones making the next BioShock.


And AAA budgets could crank out fantastic games if they put all their money into think-tanks full of designers instead of thinking graphics hit as hard as they did 10 years ago.

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

Or microtransactions/battle passes/dlc.


The companies that made your favorite games aren’t privately owned anymore, they’re publicly traded now. That’s why it all sucks.


Yeah it’s amazing what you can accomplish when you’re not blowing millions of dollars on the salaries & golden parachutes of completely worthless executives.

Mango, do games w Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell"

Make them good instead.

yamanii, avatar

Is Prey 2017 bad? It flopped, as did Okami.


I just got it, so I guess I’ll find out.

BroBot9000, do games w Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell" avatar

We can’t make art because of capitalism. Fucking sad.

They don’t sell because no fucking company wants to market a product that they can’t milk every fucking cent from. They aren’t producing anything of value, only subscriptions, game passes and addictive gambling loot boxes.

Games as a service is a scam. Stop preordering the latest AAA wank and support indie devs.

More standalone experiences that are unique and creative instead of factory produced sludge.


There are still good AAA games. The trick is to wait for reviews with gameplay videos and only buy the good ones.

BroBot9000, avatar

Yeah, buy them two years later once the bugs have been finally patched and the DRM is ripped out and gameplay doesn’t stutter anymore.

Or just 🏴‍☠️ AAA and give that money to indie devs that are actually trying to produce a unique and creative experience.


Bro, most of the games I’ve been playing are ports of older titles, Indie Games, or straight up non-profit fan games (Dr. Robotnik’s Ring Racers is the kart game of the ever btw)


I only buy games which are 5 years or older at this point.


Valid, gotta know which games won’t run on FOMO and if it’s going to be a case like Overwatch where it starts out as a good game and quickly devolves.


Try space station 14!

magic_lobster_party, do games w Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell"

It must be some mismanagement issue going on in the games industry. Wrong stakeholders who have no idea of game development influencing the wrong decisions.

sharkfinsoup, do games w Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell"

Marketing is a big money drain for a lot of games too. Cyberpunk 2077 and GTA V are two games with marketing budgets big enough to finance a dozen other games. I guess a new title like cyberpunk would need more marketing (still not $142 million worth of marketing) but GTA was already a well established franchise that probably didn’t need as much marketing as it had.

Even games like call of duty and assassins creed which have a core fan base that can expect a new game on a regular basis don’t need to market as much as they do.


I think marketing is always important no matter how established you are. Coca Cola aren’t skimping on their marketing budget even if they’re the most recognizable brand in the world.

It’s about constantly reminding everybody “hey, I exist! Don’t you want to buy me?”.


I was just talking about this the other day. I think Coke and some companies have reached a saturation point that makes advertisements useless.

I dont know if we have any data to model off of, but I’d love to see if their profits dip by any meaningful amount if they stopped advertising for 3 months straight. Let the movie theaters, and the restaurants, and the culturally embedded soft drink preferences do their thing and see if the dial moves.


I don’t think they would keep investing in marketing if they didn’t know if it worked. I’m just guessing, but I believe there’s a noticeable bump in sales after a successful marketing campaign.


And that’s what I think they’re failing to measure. I think they’re unable to accurately divorce the increase in sales from other incentives/market forces, and so they’re just doing what they’ve been doing regardless of actual merit, or the merit is being improperly evaluated


Coke keeps running ads because that’s how they keep the brand as a cultural staple. They aren’t trying to sell more coke right now, they’re making sure that people in 50 years will still be buying it.


I’m not saying they shouldn’t be marketing at all. Just that marketing budgets for many AAA blockbusters have become so bloated, they can account for nearly half of the development cost. As someone with very little knowledge as to how games get made, it seems like some of that money could be better used

BlackLaZoR, do games w Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell" avatar

Netflix is also working on a live-action film adaptation

This totally won't be a disaster.

NOT_RICK, avatar

There have been quite a few great video game adaptations lately. Last of Us and Fallout come to mind


Neither of which were Netflix series. They just have a way of ruining franchises

NOT_RICK, avatar

Castlevania and Edgerunners were good but I recognize those aren’t live action.


They’re going to hyperfocus on the shades and the armblades, and totally miss the whole point of the series, I guarantee it.


I would argue that Bioshock is one of the few video game franchises that would probably do well in a non-interactive story medium. It's a very story driven video game. As long as they trust the writers to respect the source material and come up with a compelling story, I think it could be great. There's always a chance that it's a disaster though.

BlackLaZoR, avatar

As long as they trust the writers to respect the source material

Witcher flashbacks...

ripcord, avatar

Fallout flashbacks.

Both can happen.


The book was really good. Unfortunately Infinite made it non Canon

ripcord, avatar

Interesting. How did Infinite do that? Or was it Burial at Sea?


It was specifically Burial at Sea. Some of the gaps it filled in cant coexist with the gaps that the book filled in


Luckily Infinite is the worst game of the series and I have no problem discounting its lore.

ripcord, avatar

People say that, though it’s my favorite. And I am not alone.

I feel like the DLCs were much rougher, though.


Tbf we can have both. The book hasnt stopped existing just because Infinite came out

ms_lane, do games w Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell"

Skyrim was made with a staff of around 100 people.

Starfield was made with a staff of around 450. It’s worse in almost every way.

Too many cooks.


Also too many mouths to feed. When you’ve got so many people (including admin) to keep paying, then you can’t “afford” to make a cute little experiment. You’ve got to go huge production, latest fads, cutting edge, and super broad appeal.

What kind of identity can a game like that even hope to have?


One that appeals to a mindless horde of idiots that need the newest shiny.

ripcord, avatar

So, a hit…?


No, a game crammed with psychological tricks to keep players addicted while milking them dry through microtransactions.


You’re forgetting all the labor by mod authors to fix Skyrim.

/s kinda


And skyrim<Oblivion<Morrowind. I don’t like the trend.

HawlSera, (edited )

Morrowind is only “good” because of nostalgia goggles Oblivion > Morrowind

IsThisAnAI, (edited ) do games w Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell"

Nah modern game development is fantastic. Y’all just dont remember getting 2 good titles a year and the rest being garbage. There are more great games out there than ever before.


I actually agree. If you don’t just focus on the tippy-top AAA/AAAA live service / gambling simulators / hi-fi vapid adventure, then there are some incredible games coming out all the time.

Arguably, the “triple-I” Indies and AA mid studios have taken over the culture/price-range/innovation niche vacated by the big studios climbing over each other to impress shareholders.


Name a year that only had two AAA games come out that were any good.

Now, we just have great access to a bunch of lower budget indie games that put gameplay over graphics, so they can take more risks and some of those games are fantastic. But there hasn’t been “just two” good games a year in the past 30 years.


You are totally right. We are living in a golden age of not only video games, but entertainment in general, thanks to ridiculously powerful computers and the internet. People with video game nostalgia remember how those old games made them feel, because the games were new and exciting and they were young. But video games (and board games) have done nothing but improve over the years as developers figure what works and what doesn’t.

Nowadays there is just of ton of…everything. We are spoiled for choice. There are so many excellent games at every price point, and also tons of crap, and yes, too much shovelware and too many rehashed franchise games. But here’s the thing: these things aren’t mutually exclusive. We have all of it, all at once, and reviews and advice are everywhere. If someone is tired of rehashed AAA franchise games, they can spend the rest of their lives playing clever indie games and they’ll still barely scratch the surface of what’s available.

Gradually_Adjusting, do games w Ken Levine says BioShock nearly went nowhere and was almost canceled: "We can't make those games because they don't sell" avatar

We overpay executives, who overpay consultants, who tell companies to churn out cash grabs that test well.

This doesn’t pain me. I have enough indie games to occupy my time.


The cancellation of Deus Ex Mankind Divided Part 2, pained me quite a lot.

But I’m sure the executives that got a fat bonus were happier than I was upset. (insert meme happiness comic)


I contend that the next great Deus Ex game will not come out of Ubi, and it won’t be under the name Deus Ex, but it will be a new kind of immersive sim made with love by developers who grew up on the originals.

I contend this for a lot of the classic franchises tbh

BroBot9000, avatar

This is what should happen. You like the game, make one that’s inspired by it, grow the concept and give it new life.

No. We get franchises and wallowing in profits of milked IPs


Worse, you’ve even got some copyrighting gameplay concepts, Shadow of Mordor with their “nemesis system.”

Imagine if the concept of the “first person shooter” was locked down by Atari after their employees made Battlezone.

yamanii, avatar

Just like how Thief lives on as Gloomwood.


Whoh there mate, you are forgetting shareholders. They are the ones you truly need to please as they are the ones that can actually fire a board.

Lets_Eat_Grandma, do games w $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players

yay billion dollar lawyer paycheck

hark, do games w $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players avatar

I won’t say no to cheaper games. The 30% cut was settled upon in the days where physical copies were the norm and Steam was still under heavy development. Given how established Steam and digital distribution in general is, it’s not really fair to developers to dedicate almost a third of the price of the game to a hosting platform. Yes, exposure is important, but that’s a service provided passively due to the fact of being the largest platform. Reducing Steam’s cut hurts no one except maybe Gabe’s ability to buy another yacht (and even then, not likely). Even if customers don’t see lower prices if Steam were to reduce their cut, it’d be great to see the actual developers getting more money from the games they put all the effort into making.


They being the largest platform because the consumer wanted their service, not out of obligation. Epic provides cheaper cut for the developer and is steadily building up their library. But why don’t users flock there? Heck, they even have some actual exclusive titles there. EA and Ubisoft too got their own store, and they too got a few exclusive title. So why does steam is still being chosen? Maybe there is other value provided besides hosting, like, idk, remote play? Controller remap? Family sharing? Opening linux gaming market? Social feature? Forum? Modding?

hark, avatar

Momentum. Steam was among the first on the scene and provided the best experience. Thankfully Steam has kept the momentum going instead of enshittification (thanks to being a privately held company), but almost a third of the price of the game is still ridiculous if you consider the effort that goes into making a game vs maintaining a mature platform.


Its not momentum, its that the competition is garbage


I mean, did the competitor even make an announcement to have at least feature parity with steam? Last time I heard, GOG doesn’t have regional pricing, Epic is not supporting linux just because, and EA/Ubisoft is just a glorified ad


I won’t say no to cheaper games.

Ahh yes prices will magically lower to match what publishers were already making, because companies famously are never greedy

hark, avatar

The end of my post is where I address this. Publishers have the option to use their bigger cut to reduce prices, but even if they don’t, money is moving closer to the people actually making the games possible instead of a platform provider. There are also a lot of indie developers. It’s not just all greedy publishers.


Somehow production costs increased exactly as much as valve’s cut got reduced. Crazy, ain’t it?

bitfucker, do games w $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players

I’ll reiterate here that I think it would be funny to see steam actually lowering their cut to 20-10% or something and the mass migrations of developers from other competing stores to steam, and finally making the other store even more insignificant. That’s what they want isn’t it? And even more funny when after the changes are applied there is no difference in price because after all, publishers get more money for free, why should they lower their profit? If anything, when the policy is reversed/back to when it was, we will only see an increase in game price lol.


The thing is when people put games on Steam they account for the fee that they take. So in a sort of way the lawsuit is right, Valve are effectively causing players to get overcharged for games.

But if I put the same game on both Steam and GoG And make the gog one 20% cheaper, I still get more sales on the Steam page. If I only have it on GOG people actually complain even when you point out that it’s cheaper that way.

So Valve are causing players to get overcharged but players are forcing publishers to put their games on Steam. So players are causing players to get overcharged, so what can you do?


Alright, I don’t have the data nor time to research it now. But just try to check the pricing on EGS when a game was exclusive there AND after the exclusive deals run out AND the game is then sold on steam. Did the price increase? Or if that feels flawed (which I get it, maybe the dev has no intensive to change the price), try to get the average cost of those exclusive AAA games from other stores and compare it with average AAA games on steam. See how different it is.

Kecessa, (edited ) do games w $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players

In 2022 the median household income in the USA was $74 580, that means 50% of households had less than $74 580 in income.

A person that has at least a billion in wealth (like Gabe Newell) owns at least the equivalent of 13 409 times the median income.

I would love to illustrate it by copy pasting $74580 13409 times, but it creates a comment too long Lemmy.

If we go by net worth instead?…/average-net-worth-americans/

5190 US medians, 25 615 US medians for people under 35 (the crowd on this platform).

No one deserves that kind of wealth and anything that’s done to prevent it is a good thing.


Your point is valid but this kind of lawsuit isn’t really the way to go about the change you’re describing


Suing them because they’re making too much profit isn’t the way to go to make it so they’re prevented from making too much profit in the future…




yes you’re right this is a lawsuit about too much profit and it will directly set a precedent where companies aren’t allowed to have too much profit.

Pretty smart, as a leftist maybe I’ll sue every corporation for being privately owned, this is a whole new avenue for systemic change. You opened my eyes


Wealth is not money.


That’s why I included both numbers, but if you know how to deal with your finances, at some point wealth is pretty much the same as money.


You have confused the two numbers. Again, what is NOT money.

Kecessa, (edited )

Check my comment

I talk about wealth then I talk about income, compare both, then I compare wealth to net worth (which is how you measure wealth)

If you have enough wealth, it’s used to get money as your wealth is used as collateral, you don’t need to be rich to do that, you just need to own stuff that is paid for. I know people who only own a house that isn’t worth a fortune, the got a mortgage on it when the rates were down to 1% to invest it at a higher interest rate, their not rich, they just have wealth that can be used as collateral to get money.


I saw some stats the other day that if you remove the top 1000 incomes in the united states the average drops to around 35k. So that average of 75k is bullshit.


Median != Average.


The median is an average. But it isn’t the mean, which is presumably what the other comment was using.

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