Risk, do games w Epic Games reportedly hit by 189GB hack, including login and payment info

In the situation that payment details are leaked - I presume one must cancel the associated card?

Carighan, avatar

Hrm, depends. Usually in modern online payment systems it should be impossible for the debitor to have the CVC of the card and hence leaked information could not make actual payments from it, but it could spam the card’s number with bogus payments to continuously keep it being blocked.

In any case if you’re affected I would recommend asking your bank how to proceed, just to be on the safe side.


On the other hand, when steam had a leak a few years ago (where you could see other people’s account details after logging in instead of yours) my credit card got exchanged automatically by the bank, as they saw that I had used it to buy games on steam - even though in this „leak“ only the last 4 digits were leaked and nothing more

webhead, (edited ) avatar

That’s not a requirement. You can make payments without one though the odds of approval aren’t great. If the actual real card numbers got leaked, you need to cancel that card. Also if they actually leaked REAL card numbers, Epic is going to be in deep shit with the card brands.

This article has no real details though so we’ll see. I kind of doubt this is legit.


I guess the answer is money, but why would you do any handling of card details in-house. Having a third party process transactions passes to some degree ensuring security onto said third party.

I’d still doubt any risk of full card details being leaked unless the hack goes much deeper than just Epic.

Fredselfish, avatar

Good thing Epic doesn’t have my card information because I only use it for the free games. Now if this was steam I be worried.


That was my thought, too.


But you’ll get free credit checks for a year so nothing to fear


I’m not sure if I’ve ever entered mine either. I ought to go check…


I can’t see any listed in the Manage Payment Management section.

I assume I never saved them, when I bought Outer Wilds years ago.


It’s almost surprising, for good shitty EGS is, that they don’t makes you save a payment method to check out the free games.


For me I started using a service called Privacy a few years ago and haven’t looked back so far. It’s changed how I handle all online transactions. It let’s you create virtual cards that are either good once or forever and once it’s used by that merchant it’s tied to them. So if someone ever did try to charge you that wasn’t that exact merchant it gets blocked. You can set daily, and monthly limits as well and pause the card or close it whenever. So I would use this virtual card for the payment on epic and then this happens and all I do is close it out and open a new one. So far I did have 1 place that had my card charged from a place that wasn’t them. The cool part is you know who almost screwed you because of the card thats being used. It was a local pizza place and I called to let them know they probably got hacked.

jaykay, avatar

You can’t sound more like an ad haha


My bad lol. It is really great though!


One used to have a similar thing before they got bought out by Walmart and started dropping features 🙃


No, when you store your card, it doesn’t actually store the whole card details. It communicates with the payment processor and when the card is approved, it gets back a token that says “this card is valid”, so in the future they just have to send that token and the payment processor says “yup I know the card you’re talking about”.

At least that’s how it’s supposed to be. You’re really not supposed to store card info yourself.


My last role was in payment processing and this is exactly how we did it.


Mine was too. We still had a couple systems using the old methods, but mostly had moved to the token system.

You also just get laid off? They took out ~50% of the payments department at my last job


Nah, got laid off last March.


That’s the ideal, but not always the case. Last time I read the PCI rules, merchants could (still) handle/store card details just as they could before the hands-off approach existed; it just required someone to attest that precautions were taken. I’m sure you can guess how foolproof that is.


At least that’s how it’s supposed to be. You’re really not supposed to store card info yourself.

Don’t forget that we’re talking about a company that took 3 years to add a shopping cart to their store


Just don’t use a debit card?

Credit cards have all sorts of consumer protections if the card gets stolen.

Everblue, do games w Removed from sale: Peter Molyneux's Godus and Godus Wars, never finished

I just wanted a successor to black & white God damnit. What a letdown it turned out to be.

ChaoticEntropy, avatar

I remember all the marketing and promises for Black and White 2 that were never realised. It doesn’t feel like they really managed the first sequel, let alone another one.


I’ve been trying out The Universim recently. It has a lot of the same ideas, but gets rid of many which I felt didn’t work. Most notably, there is no creature bound to your will. I think the game is better for the omission. Version 1.0 is slated for January, and is supposed to include interplanetary colonization.


That’s the whole point of Black and White though?

notannpc, do games w Epic Games reportedly hit by 189GB hack, including login and payment info…/112010182183098717

Trustworthy infosec folks seem to suggest that this ransomeware group is full of shit. I suppose we will see though.

bizzle, do games w No Man's Sky Orbital Update brings full ship customisation and a complete space station overhaul avatar

Well, with ship customization this game is finished enough for me to play it again.

Stanley_Pain, do games w Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 has been delayed until late 2024 | Rock Paper Shotgun avatar

These days I hail a delay as a smart move. Wish more devs/publishers would allow for this.


There are so many games to play, it makes no sense to release crap unless you’re in it for making money. Then you can release whenever and someone somewhere will buy it. See MW3.

Stanley_Pain, avatar

I think the last COD I played was when they were a WWII game back in '03 lol.


Those were the good ones.

Edgelord_Of_Tomorrow, do games w Lords of the Fallen’s Steam reviews improve as performance patch lands, devs advise players not to use graphics settings “their rigs cannot handle”

Is it contractually obligatory for UE5 devs to blame the people buying their product for the shit performance?


Hey some people over fucking estimate their shit tier rigs.


But if your game runs like shit on the top of the line consoles too, then maybe the problem is the developer.

Only in PC gaming can they get away with blaming the customer.


The problem with PC is always going to be the amount of possible hardware variations, it’s difficult to make sure the game is well optimized for all of them.

It also doesn’t help that some people don’t understand that they need a good CPU as well as a good GPU and end up with a massive bottleneck.


Idk, I’d really like to play this on my PS5 however the PS5 version of the game only runs at 1080p upscaled.


Should have put a better GPU in your PS5 obviously


AFAIK it’s poopy pants lazy behavior on the dev part. I can play it on my PC but I just wanted to sit in my living room.

Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

TV as additional monitor?


Creation Engine devs like to do it as well. Seems to be a general thing in the industry

AdmiralShat, do gaming w The Day Before studio say the game's downfall was thanks to "a hate campaign"

The Last of Us 2 absolutely had a hate campaign long before it released, it was review bombed within minutes of release

This game had everything on its side. All the youtuber who covered it the months before release were like “it seems too good to be true, but if it’s true it’ll be great”. Everyone wanted it to be good, everyone wanted it to succeed

interolivary, (edited )
!deleted5791 avatar

Yeah I remember the “waaaa it went woke, Abby is trans” insanity

Edit: no brain, it wasn’t Ellie


It wasn’t her it was Abby, because she was buff they claimed she was trans. Then there was a sex scene with Abby and man and they claimed is was an unskipable gay male sex scene (it was skipable, btw, and it was hetero sex, but she’s got biceps)

!deleted5791 avatar

Oh yes doi of course, that was just a brain fart. But yes exactly this, it was such a spectacularly gAmEr moment.


Can't help but feel some distaste for the idea that a mandatory gay sex scene is grounds for boycott, while most of them don't mind a mandatory straight sex scene in an M-rated game.

I have my issues with TLoU2 but that one really brought the chuds out of the woodwork.

!deleted5791 avatar

They take any presence of minorities as part of an agenda to, uh, I don’t know what exactly. They always screech about an agenda but I don’t think even they know what the agenda is supposed to be about.

DmMacniel, do gaming w Space sim Squadron 42 is "feature-complete" and gunning for Starfield's lunch with massive new video

Always remember: SQ42 is only 2 Years away (since 2016)


Early Access when?


Original release date was actually announced as 2014 originally (during the 2012 Kickstarter), iirc.


Always. Two. Years. :)

zik, do games w Among Us’ first new map in over two years brings beaches, mushrooms and toasty marshmallows

Can we talk about Rock Paper Shotgun’s horrible dark pattern with cookies? It took me a couple of minutes to work out how to reject all cookies, and even then I’m not sure I did it correctly.

I thought there were laws about the number of clicks required to reject cookies?


I miss Rock Paper Shotgun. What’s there now is a corporate zombie built out of the corpse of a formerly wonderful gaming site.


Sounds like the system is working as designed


I hate it, but it was two clicks. Manage cookies -> Save & Exit. They all defaulted to reject for me.

simple, do games w Lords of the Fallen’s Steam reviews improve as performance patch lands, devs advise players not to use graphics settings “their rigs cannot handle”

According to some steam reviews it’d automatically turn on ray tracing if you set some options from med to high, that’s why many people were confused why high-end performance is so bad (especially on AMD)


It says that in the graphics description for both of those options (reflections and global illumination). While I think those being separate toggles should have helped being able to work with graphics options (and optimize for your device) should be a basic requirement for playing on a PC


I just wish the optimize for your device worked. I feel like when a game has it, it always sets the setting way lower then needed.

Iwasondigg, do games w Baldur's Gate 3 patch 3 releases today and lets you change your appearance and pronouns

The bear fucking was one thing. But the damn genital-less mindflayers even want to jump your bones. This is the horniest game since Leisure Suit Larry!


Modded Bethesda games since(and including) Morrowind want a word about being the horniest games.

LoafyLemon, (edited )

The fact is, vanilla Bethesda games are as dry as they come. At least when it comes to any form of adult content, even implied. Baldur's Gate 3, on the other hand, is down bad through, and through.


Hey, so am I, so I’m here for it. I <3 this slut game.


Gay demon sex enthusiast has entered the chat.


It’s true


I’m not judging.

Sabata11792, avatar

I still partially blame Oblivion for my spider girl fetish.


Care to elaborate? I don't remember this.

Sabata11792, (edited ) avatar

Spider daedra. I don't remember them having models that shitty though, but I guess my standards for horny were pretty low.


Oh yeah, that was a thing. Other images available online seem to be more... interesting. I can see how it could influence your arachnid tastes. 😆

canthidium, avatar

There was some stuff that came out a couple weeks ago I think that said the extreme horniness was a bug and it’s patched now. So they won’t try to jump your bones so quickly and aggressively now, lol.

Ghost33313, avatar

Morrowind had some pretty crazy implied stuff if you went down the right quest trees and read the little details. Remembering about stripping for Crassius Curio still makes me feel a touch dirty and violated. Telvanni had some rapey stuff going on too.


The Lusty Argonian Maid wants to have a talk with you.

Wonder how many furries that short story awoke…

CarbonIceDragon, avatar

Honestly, I’d imagine the presence of lizard and cat people as playable characters did more for that than a little bit of suggestive in game flavor text tbh

CarbonIceDragon, avatar

Didn’t daggerfall have some nudity on some of the npc sprites or something?


Patiently waiting for the horny Starfield mods myself

Kolanaki, (edited )
!deleted6508 avatar

I’m just thinking of how I have mods for both Skyrim and Fallout 4 that turn every character into furries, and how Starfield doesn’t have multiple races. I’m not sure if modding can add more races because every single mod I’ve ever seen from Morrowind to Fallout 4 only ever uses the same number of races the vanilla game offers. But it would be a little disappointing for there to only be 1 race (maybe 2 if you count robots) for mods like that.

WhyIDie, (edited )

there's literally a sex% speedrunning category

!deleted6508 avatar

They know there’s a good chunk of gamers that are into the tentacle stuff.


Mindflayers but instead of multiple tentacles it’s just multiple dicks

helloharu, (edited ) do games w Peter Molyneux thinks generative AI is the future of games, all but guaranteeing that it won't be avatar

Remember that time when Peter Molyneux said he wasn’t going to speak to the press or about games anymore?

“I understand that people are sick of hearing my voice and hearing my promises. So I’m going to stop doing press and I’m going to stop talking about games completely.”



Man renowned for over promising over promises. More at 10.

sanpo, do games w Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 has been delayed again, this time until the first half of 2025

I’m surprised it’s not cancelled yet.

I think at this point its development is even more troubled than the original, which is kinda impressive in its own way.

Hubi, avatar

It’s pretty close to a Duke Nukem Forever situation at this point.


This is at least the second attempt to make VTMB2. The original version by Hardsuit Labs was entirely scrapped and restarted at The Chinese Room.

I spoke to the new devs at PAX last year and they said they were only reusing assets from the Hardsuit Labs version and otherwise completely making a new game from scratch.

This new version has only been publicly announced since late 2023, although it probably started development sometime in late 2021/early 2022.


Right, that’s why I’m not convinced this will ever actually release.

Abandoning all previous work, and the fact that new devs don’t exactly have experience with this genre…
I’m still gonna give it a try, but I’m not hopeful.

Coelacanth, (edited ) avatar

It’s such a terrible shame that we had Brian Mitsoda and Rik Schaffer back and actually working on a sequel and none of it will see the light of day. Say what you want about Mitsoda’s thin-blood protagonist idea (I’m not a fan) but watching the trailers of" version of the game you can at least see the lineage of the original.

rockerface, do games w Elden Ring is "the limit" for From Software project scale, says Miyazaki - multiple, "smaller" games may be the "next stage"

Yeah, and SotE was the size of Limgrave


(stacked 6 times)


The verticality is absolutely the best part. My biggest gripe with Elden Rings world is that it’s an “open world” game in kind of the same way Ubi games are. Traversal is largely trivial, so you stop paying attention to the map after you’ve reached major areas.

In my opinion, Dark Souls I is also an open world game, but instead of a 2D map all the zones are tangled up together in a confusing but interesting web.

Shadow of the Erdtree brought some of that back by having zones stacked on top of each other to a much heavier degree than the base game, while also segmenting off geographically close regions.

I wanted to be a level designer for a lot of years, so this is admittedly a bit of a soft spot for me, but I absolutely loved having the game world come at you as as a challenge, almost a character to be fought and bested, outside the legacy dungeons.


Agree, it felt so satisfying reaching an area and realising “hey, I saw this spot from afar in the beginning of the game - and now I’m here”


Was it really? I’ve seen this figure thrown around a lot and why we can ignore the layers upon layers I still thought it to be bigger. At least the size of Limgrave + Weeping penisula


It’s not, but when asked in an interview Miyazaki said it was the size of limgrave. Clearly it’s way, way bigger.


Thank you. I missed some of the pre release interviews


I think this was a reference to Miyazaki saying it’s the size of Limgrave:…

Like OP meant

Yeah okay Miyazaki, “smaller games”, like how SotE was “the size of Limgrave”


Yep. What I’m saying is Fromsoft like to underpromise and overdeliver, which is a breath of fresh air compared to most other AAA studios and overall very based.

Also I might be biased from Brandon Sanderson’s books, which seem to get thicker with every new novel despite his apparent efforts to have mercy on the publisher


Lol I think we were replying to the guy at the same time even - don’t worry, I gotchu (⁠☞゚⁠ヮ゚⁠)⁠☞

And no you right, about FromSoft and Sanderson - that guy’s a hero, in my book! I got my little sister into his work, she just finished the Mistborn/Alloy saga, so I gave her Stormlight to start on. So good.


Life before death!


Thank you, I’ve missed the interviews before release.


Np dawg, I gotchu 🙌 I barely remembered myself, it’s been a while!


Technically Weeping Peninsula is just a sub section of Limgrave, along with the Eastern forested area of it right before Caelid.


I think it took me longer to finish the DLC than my playthrough of Dark Souls. They really like to over deliver.


I bought the DLC a month ago and chip away at the game whenever the kids are asleep. I’ve spent 80 hours already and nearing the finish line. It’s crazy.

Hubi, do games w Fables creator places Wolf Among Us universe in public domain amid clash with DC over Telltale adaptation

Wow, pretty radical, but what a cool move. I’m sure it’ll be a good thing for the fans of the games and universe in the long run.


It's a shame that it's even considered "radical" since it's basically a copyright holder upholding their end of the bargain in the promise behind the origin of copyright. To incentivize creative content, a creator is given sole ability to monetize it for a fixed period of time. In return for that protection, the public gets it at the end of the term. Today's copyright is so far off course that it defeats the intent. There's no incentive to create anything new if you can keep milking existing content. And the public never gets a return for offering that protection.

mindbleach, (edited )

Companies expect to sell something a million times and still own it.

Nah, guys. Culture belongs to its audience. It’s ours. We bought it. That’s what the money was for.

PM_ME_FEET_PICS, (edited )

Pretty radical for a dude who throws his conservative believes into everything?

The author of Fables is very conservative in his political beliefs. He has written anti-abortion and pro-Isreal material into the Fables comics themselves.


I mean, yeah, considering “conservatives” generally only seem to care about taking rights away from others. Giving back is pretty radical of them.

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