Stillhart, do gaming w Space sim Squadron 42 is "feature-complete" and gunning for Starfield's lunch with massive new video

I admit, they fooled me into contributing to the Kickstarter. But at this point, anyone who has anything positive to say about this project is a paid shill (paid for by us!) or heavily in denial thanks to sunk cost fallacy. They say you can “play” it now, but it’s still not a game, it’s a tech demo and sandbox.

I’m perfectly happy to write this off as a failed Kickstarter, it happens from time to time. But when they keep trying to con money out of new suckers, it really pisses me off. Enough is enough. Assholes.


It’s still the best spaceship sim I’ve ever played. It does a ton of things no other space game does. Just because you don’t enjoy it or you completely clueless of the current state of the game doesn’t change the fact a lot of people enjoy the game.


I didn’t pay for a spaceship sim. I paid for the next Wing Commander and Freelancer game. Whether I enjoy it or not, the product they’re making isn’t the product they sold me. Perhaps wasting your money buying the “game” now gives you a better chance of receiving the product you think you’re paying for, but I wouldn’t bet on it. They’ve already proven themselves to anyone paying the slightest attention.


If you bought an idea of a game through kickstarter and it missed your expectations that’s totally on you. I waited till there was an actual game, reviewed it, bought it and enjoyed it since it was what I expected. Just sounds like you had a normal kickstarter experience.

Kusimulkku, do games w Epic Games reportedly hit by 189GB hack, including login and payment info

189GB hack

That’s how we’re quantifying them now??


They stole half a copy of the latest Call Of Duty


Is that street value?

Carighan, do games w Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League review: a looter shooter in need of rescuing avatar

Having now had firsthand experience with this, I’m very happy I didn’t buy it myself. It is so soulless. And the characters feel nothing like their inspirations, while they are distinct, their distinctions just aren’t between Harley Quinn and Captain Boomerang and so on. They’re just “random asymmetric abilities we tossed in”.

Ah well, GaaS ruins another in-theory solid idea for a game.

aniki, do games w Final Fantasy 17 needs "a younger generation" of lead developers, suggests FF16 producer

The Final Fantasy Franchise needs much more than just new developers.

SnotFlickerman, avatar

Maybe they need to listen to the name and fucking end it already.

Try something new.

FunnyUsername, avatar

They’ve been “trying sometime new” since final fantasy 11.

SnotFlickerman, avatar

I mean “new” as in “Not Final Fantasy.”

Not something “new” as in “New Stuff in Final Fantasy.”

No, scrap the fucker. It’s well past done.


The Final Fantasy series has many loved entries in which recurring characters, archetypes and items make a looping comeback. It is very fun to see how different those elements are handled in different entries. They just need to step back and realize not every FF needs to be a game that pushes its platform to its hardware limit. That may have worked well for them up to the PS2 era, but it’s not a thing anymore. You don’t need extreme ultra realistic eye twitching for your game to be grandiose.

Aielman15, (edited ) avatar

First of all, I don’t see how a series where each and every entry is unique and has nothing to do with the previous ones (apart from a few recurring names) could be “well past done”. They don’t even share the same gameplay or combat system.

And also, Square has “tried something new” pretty much all the time. Triangle Strategy, Live a Live, Nier, Kingdom Hearts, Star Ocean, SaGa, Mana series (with an upcoming title next year), Dragon Quest, Octopath Traveler… I’m just listing a few, but I could go on. It’s not even a thing they suddenly decided to do. Even a few gens back, I remember playing Star Ocean, Last Remnant, Resonance of Fate and other lesser known titles. If you want to go back to the PS1 days, Vagrant Story and Threads of Fate come to mind, but there are surely a lot more I’m currently forgetting. EDIT: Xenogears too! I don’t know how I could forget that one.


It saddens me that Lost Odyssey isn’t in this wonderful list you threw together.

Aielman15, (edited ) avatar

I played Lost Odyssey and very much liked it, but it’s not Square.

It was made by Mistwalker with MS backing, after Sakaguchi left Square.

Actually, re-reading my list, I noticed that I mentioned Resonance of Fate, which wasn’t Square, either! It was published by Sega. The other titles should be correct.


Wait what.

Lost Odyssey is the most FF game there is. I can’t believe it wasn’t SE.

Aielman15, avatar

Mistwalker is the company founded by Sakaguchi, the creator of Final Fantasy. It should come to no surprise that the game is really evocative of many early FF titles.


I get the feeling you’ve never played more than one final fantasy game.


Boo this guy!

helloharu, avatar

You don’t know what you’re talking about do you?


Why though? Each Final Fantasy has its own world and whatnot. FF15 played a lot differently than FF13 which played a lot differently than FF12 which played a lot differently than FF9. They‘re all JRPGs of course but I don‘t see why they should throw away the brand recognition for the heck of it. It‘s not like they’re FIFAing. It seems to me like whoever is gonna develope the next game isn‘t gonna be held back by the name.

helloharu, avatar

Why though?

seems to be because he’s never played any of the games to understand that, thats why.

Cybersteel, avatar

It’s clear from the naming nomenclature that they’re sequels to each other without even needing to ever play them you halfwit

helloharu, avatar

Huh, turns out you do need to play a game to know about it


You forgot your “/s”

helloharu, avatar

Honestly, I picked up on that and wasn’t offended by what they said. Shame that others didn’t and they’re being downvoted for what was supposed to be a joke.


Do you know what the word anthology means?


Uhh what? Square Enix has a ton of games that aren’t final fantasy

z3rOR0ne, avatar

Roflmao, yeah, it should be more along the lines of the “Yet Another Fantasy” series. False advertising is what that is /s.

Like The Never Ending Story.


“haha the name!”.

The laziest of “jokes” possible.

LadyLikesSpiders, do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games

This subject keeps popping up, and I think the part that’s really upsetting me besides the whole “I bought this, Capcom, let me do with it what I want” is the idea that you can have a game where the solution to your problems is blowing someone’s head off with a shotgun, but god forbid Chun Li have exposed tits

I’m not here saying that Capcom should just stop putting violence in its games, or that it should just sexualize all of its games. What I AM saying is that the idea that sexuality is inherently more offensive than killing is straight up backwards to me. It’s not even a capcom thing. That’s just most societies, but Capcom is hitting a nerve with this


I remember hitting a point when I realized how insane it is the most media will solve all problems with guns. Like it makes more sense why the culture cherishes guns after becoming aware how weird it is.

Zion, (edited )

What I AM saying is that the idea that sexuality is inherently more offensive than killing is straight up backwards to me. It’s not even a capcom thing. That’s just most societies, but Capcom is hitting a nerve with this

Exactly, it’s ludicrous and always was. Especially in this day and age.

  • Mom/Dad: Billy what are you watching?
  • Billy: The Texas chainsaw massacre.
  • Mom/Dad: What happens in that?
  • Billy: People get hacked up with a chainsaw.
  • Mom/Dad: Oh, ok.

Later that day:

  • Mom/Dad: Billy what are you doing?
  • Billy: I’m playing Street fighter.
  • Mom/Dad: What’s that?
  • Billy: It’s a one on one fighting game.
  • Mom/Dad: Oh, that’s nice… Wait a minute, IS THAT A PAIR OF BREASTS BILLY!!!
  • Billy: yeah, I installed this mod and…
  • Mom/Dad: THAT’S IT! (Proceeds to confiscate the console)

As a parent myself, I understand not wanting to expose your kid to sexual content depending on their age, but in the context of sexual intercourse etc, not just a naked body.

notfromhere, do games w Microsoft Nintendo acquisition hopes revealed by leaked Xbox exec email

"I’ve had numerous conversations with the LT of Nintendo about tighter collaboration and feel like if any US company would have a chance with Nintendo we are probably in the best position. The unfortunate (or fortunate for Nintendo) situation is that Nintendo is sitting on a big pile of cash, they have a [board of directors] that until recently has not pushed for further increases in market growth or stock appreciation.

“I say “until recently” as our former MS BoD member ValueAct has been heavily acquiring shares of Nintendo and I’ve kept in touch with [ValueAct CEO] Mason Morfit as he’s been acquiring. It’s likely he will be pushing for more from Nintendo stock which could create opportunities for us.

Let the enshittification begin


Publicly traded companies was just the worst damn idea ever… growth for growth’s sake is ruining everything.


Honestly to me the real shame is everyone’s retirement is tied up in Wallstreet, but no one is personally voting, that’s all done by investment managers. Even in the cases where people get their proxy votes, they mostly throw them away.

Retail investment is a quarter of the market, but only 32% of retail shares had their votes cast (vs 80% for the market as a whole), and on average only 12% of a firms retail accounts vote at all.

WheeGeetheCat, avatar

If I own shares through a vanguard index, can I vote in each of those companies?

If so, how?

Someone could make a tool to make it quick and easy


Depends what fund, seems like they are trialing a new proxy vote system

Gradually_Adjusting, do games w Animal Well creator plans to follow the superb Metroidvania with a game that shares its world but “may not be a direct sequel” avatar

Billy Basso is a protean talent. He built his own game engine and did AFAIK all the work on Animal Well, which on release was closer to its vision than any of the critically acclaimed games I’ve played from this decade.

I wish I could cloister myself for three weeks just to play AW. It is rich.

garretble, avatar

I was telling a bunch of friends to not be surprised when Animal Well ended up on a bunch of GOTY lists.

And they were like, “Nahh” until they played it when they were like, “Ahhhh.”

From top to bottom it’s one of the most interesting and well put together games I’ve played in so long.

v4ld1z, avatar

You’re nitpicking and biased, I win bye bye

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

This is hilarious. What?

v4ld1z, avatar

The “owner” of Animal Well’s publishing company, Big Mode, is a well-known YouTuber called videogamedunkey who makes gaming-related comedy video. This is a reference to one of his videos

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

I guess I’m not as big of a dunkus fan as I thought

v4ld1z, avatar

Enjoy. It’s around the 1-minute mark but the whole video is worth a watch

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

I give this video a 5 out of 7, it has a little something for everyone. Shutting the website off now bye

v4ld1z, avatar

: ^]

ceenote, do gaming w Elden Ring is getting a free-to-play mobile version with in-app purchases

You know there are people at tencent unironically thinking “People were happy with how unmonetized Elden Ring was. How can we monetize that satisfaction?”


Usually, the devs aren’t thinking that, management is and that’s what’s shoveled downward. Still people at tencent, but I imagine it’s not everyone ludicrously evil.


Still, this is a reminder not to get too attached to any particular developer. Doesn’t matter how sincerely dedicated to producing fun and satisfying experiences From is: when Tencent talks, they have to listen.

ZombiFrancis, do games w Baldur's Gate 3 patch 3 releases today and lets you change your appearance and pronouns

First they let you choose them. Now they let you change them! Aaagh the freedom is crushing! How can such control ever be given to gamers!?


Is Starfield even multiplayer?

Kolanaki, (edited )
!deleted6508 avatar

The question about Starfield being multiplayer (it’s not, BTW) just made me wonder if other players in the BG3 session see your character’s pronouns (I haven’t played online yet).

Wouldn’t be that cool if the other players keep misgendering my gnome.


I honestly don’t know why I said Starfield. I am almost certain I meant BG3. Or maybe I also was reading about malding over Starfield pronouns.

Ah well.

!deleted6508 avatar

Haha I figured it was on purpose linking this news to the current Nexus drama over the removal of a mod that removes the pronoun option at character creation.

CrazyEddie041, (edited ) do games w Baldur's Gate 3 patch 3 releases today and lets you change your appearance and pronouns avatar

I'm ready for the impotent screeching of all the manlets who hate parts of speech.


PrOnOuNs rUinEd my BG3 BeAr SeX!!

Aielman15, do games w Microsoft Nintendo acquisition hopes revealed by leaked Xbox exec email avatar

Microsoft will buy my teapottery if anti-trust regulations don’t keep them in check. And, in today’s climate, I don’t believe for a moment that anybody will make a reasonable attempt to do so.

tsonfeir, do games w Manor Lords gets its first big patch, with new taxes, animations and changes to trading avatar

Also puts a stop to “overly high ale consumption”

Fucking prohibition.


Not even in games can an honest peasant drink.


If you drinking, you ain't making daddy Lord any mother fucking money?! Is u pleb?


damn this update literally ran me outta town

MyNamesNotRobert, do games w No Man's Sky Orbital Update brings full ship customisation and a complete space station overhaul

That was the only thing left keeping me from being interested in the game. Finally, ship customization. Finally.

RoxActually, do games w Meet the men hiding their FIFA Ultimate Team addiction from their families

I remember getting getting sucked into opening packs years ago in Madden Ultimate team. I stopped when I realized I had spent twice over what the game itself cost. I stopped then, and never played ultimate team again. I am not an addictive person, but even the most strong minded individual can get sucked into their vortex. The fact that lawmakers let this industry be self regulated means these companies can keep abusing players.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

i did that once with microsoft points i got for my birthday. never did it again when i found out that after X number of games all those great players i have cannot be used unless i buy some fucking dumb shit thing to refill their playing meter? or something dumb like that

Car, do gaming w "They don’t care": Inside the triumphs and failures of accessible gaming hardware

I’ll drink the half-full glass: accessible gaming hardware is more widely available than it has ever been.

Big corporation Microsoft bad, but as the article points out, they have been one of the major players in the accessibility field with hardware and software accommodations to help meet some of the common needs of disabled gamers. Valve’s platform allows for dynamic reprogramming of just about any key binding that I can think of to get around games that have their inputs hard coded in.


I believe the CEOs son has some special needs and he’s been big on pushing them to develop inputs methods that are accessible. It’s definitely getting better! As a gamer who’s been playing since they were a kid and now in my 30’s I’m starting to get RSI like issues and definitely appreciate some of these accessibility movements because they allow me to change up my input more often.


Not to mention accessibility settings in games themselves. Fortnite has an option to visually show sounds and their directions on the HUD and it was amazing when I spent a month with no audio solution, I can’t imagine what a breath of fresh air it is for deaf gamers. The Last of Us Pt2 is also wildly player-friendly, and recently I’ve even been seeing some indie titles like Metal Unit do their best to assist players and let them enjoy the game.

Accessibility is only getting better, and I think this cynicism is unwarranted. We should certainly keep up the fight and demand for it, but you go back two decades and games didn’t even come with subtitles as standard. Doom 3 still pisses me off in that regard.


Agreed, and it’s been such a quick change in the industry too which is a great sign. It really wasn’t that long ago that you didn’t even get a brightness slider, and hell some games still have a static 50 FOV.


MS's Adaptive Controller is actually really good, compared to the PS one. Giving easily adaptable 3.5mm jacks to every function was a genius decision.

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