!deleted6508 avatar



I’m just a weird, furry, pan guy (cis he/him). I also have a big, blue username.

Currently on Earth for 8 years ensuring steps to unite humanity and usher us into the galactic civilization just so I can see my boyfriend again.

Profil ze zdalnego serwera może być niekompletny. Zobacz więcej na oryginalnej instancji.

!deleted6508 avatar

I only recently started playing again specifically because I found out that all the missions in online mode that required you to be in a public lobby are now able to be ran in a private lobby. Playing in a solo lobby is basically like getting more SP story (there are story missions in GTAO; it’s not all races and DM). Don’t have to deal with cheaters or asshats.

!deleted6508 avatar

Take Battlefield’s, but add a few more arcs as the bullet bounces.

!deleted6508 avatar

The max cap is 100% but the game uses floating point numbers while only showing the player a whole number after rounding up. A 100% chance to hit is anywhere between 99.5% and 100%.

There are mods that just make the UI show the actual percentage to hit.

!deleted6508 avatar

Brink was cool, if a bit flawed. It could have become better if they had given it more of a chance.

Shattered Horizon was awesome at first, but eventually the game changed entirely and at some point an update just broke the game for hella people (myself included) so we couldn’t even play on a local server with bots and it was never fixed. :/

!deleted6508 avatar

Loosely: Games that make you feel cozy.

Does not necessarily challenge the player, might not even set goals. Has a certain aesthetic that is not drab or dreary.

Stardew Valley is considered to be a cozy game, as an example.

!deleted6508 avatar

It does not challenge you at all and is colorful as hell. Children love it.

!deleted6508 avatar

When do we get Howard the Duck? At least give me Spider-Ham.

Gaming on controller & "typos"

Sometimes I game on keyboard + mouse, sometimes on controller, depending on the game. I love my keyboard, but being able to slouch with controller in hand is welcome as well. Unfortunately I’ve played so many games over the years with a controller that I struggle immensely to tap the right buttons when shit gets real. It’s...

!deleted6508 avatar

Switch between GTA V and RDR2 and end up punching my damn horse every time I try to ride it because entering vehicles is F in GTAV but in RDR2 F is your dedicated melee button.

Capcom is experimenting with generative AI to help generate the “hundreds of thousands of ideas needed for game development" (automaton-media.com) angielski

Resident Evil and Street Fighter series developer Capcom is experimenting with introducing new technology, including generative AI, to tackle the ballooning costs and man-hours required for game development. In a recent interview with Google Cloud Japan, Kazuki Abe, a technical director at Capcom, gave some specific examples of...

Kolanaki, (edited )
!deleted6508 avatar

According to Abe, one of the most time-consuming and labor-intensive parts of game development is coming up with the “hundreds of thousands of unique ideas” needed to create the in-game environment. For example, if you want to put a TV inside of your game, you can’t just use an existing product as is – you need to think of a fictional TV design from scratch, including the manufacturer’s logo and everything else about the object.

I can just go into the asset browser and find a whole slew of TVs I can just add to my game and either use them as-is, or tweak the look a bit to fit my aesthetic choice and not need to reinvent the wheel every damn time. It’s such a small thing that’s just filling out the background, that adding details like a fictional logo aren’t necessary at all, unless it’s actually relevant to the plot somehow. What the fuck is Abe smoking with that example?

It does make sense if you replace the word time with money. Paying all those artists to make all those little details for every little thing is costly. But AI will do it for free.

!deleted6508 avatar

“The” asset browser could be any number of sources, some of which are not coupled to any specific engine. AAA games do also use already made shit, especially when it’s an inconsequential background item like a TV. They just don’t use them for the entire game.

!deleted6508 avatar

The reason I don’t really like these games with randoms is because even if you’re really good at the game itself, the other players won’t necessarily play the game and just fuck around a vast majority of the time, making it unfun. And if they actually are playing the game to win, it’s too easy to be on the crew and impossible to win as the imposter because the majority of games like Among Us I’ve played favor the “good guys,” which is also unfun. 😮‍💨


!deleted6508 avatar

When you can get a lifetime supply of Fancy Lad Cakes, Locust Pizza, and Paramite Pies just looting the 50 bad guys that tried to kill you, you don’t really think about stocking your fridge. 🤷🏻‍♂️

!deleted6508 avatar

What’s that FPS someone made to be as small of a file as possible? It’s like a Quake rip-off, but the game runs as a single executable and is small enough to barely take up the space of a floppy disk (like just a few kilobytes)?

!deleted6508 avatar

Hell yeah :D

!deleted6508 avatar

I’ve heard “we’re going to do something never been done in a game before” a few times in the last decade, and even the people who I genuinely thought could do it, haven’t actually done it. CDPR was already one of those developers. Now they’re saying it again?

!deleted6508 avatar

Aw sweet. Finally I can understand what it would be like to play as the narrator in The Stanley Parable. 😃

!deleted6508 avatar

Pixel Dungeons/Nethack be like that depending on the RNG. The color of the potions doesn’t indicate their effect; the effect is randomized and you could totally end up with Red potions that give magic, and blue potions that give health. Tho more than likely the red potion will be acid and the blue potion will be a bomb, and consuming either kills you.

Day 188 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots (pixelfed.social) angielski

I picked up Slime Rancher 2 along with the Entire Assassin’s Creed Bundle (it was only $70 for me, so why not?) today. I wanted to give it a try after first playing the earliest version on Xbox Cloud Gaming. I have to say, this one feels a lot more forgiving. I feel like i’m drowning in Chickens within days. For context this...

!deleted6508 avatar

Slime Rancher 2

There’s a sequel?! :O

!deleted6508 avatar

Man, you think inserting an image into your document fucks things up, just wait until you insert DOOM into it.

!deleted6508 avatar

The first time I was hit with something like this, I was playing Doom and my dad said if I pressed CTRL+ALT+DELETE, I could access the cheats.

This was back when it didn’t come up with the little prompt and some options, that command straight up reset the PC.

!deleted6508 avatar

He misbehaved and was forced to be stretched on the rack.

Kolanaki, (edited )
!deleted6508 avatar

There are a couple of mystery games that are available in early access/beta that already use LLM AI to generate dialogue.

I’ve messed with 1 and it’s The problem with it is mostly in how it doesn’t necessarily regurgitate the info it knows into something coherent and logical to actually solve the mystery. That or they never ever tell you the truth. Since the only way to solve the mystery is by talking to NPCs to get enough info to piece the puzzle out, it often leads to unsolveable mysteries.

Now, if that problem with LLMs could be fixed, so it isn’t conflagrating multiple pieces of data into something new and novel, I think it would be awesome for making game worlds that are more alive and natural. Like instead of walking up to an NPC and clicking “rumors” you can actually just talk to them like a real person and they would respond in kind, as if the NPC was actually a person living in that world. It’s really the only thing I think would actually work well with generative AI chat bots, but the generative AI still has too many problems to make it truly viable.

It actually works better with trying to play D&D, because even IRL, players often misinterpret rules and argue. Which you genuinely have when trying to play with 3 AI characters.

!deleted6508 avatar

Nah. Nanomachines, son.

!deleted6508 avatar

Philistine - a person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts, or who has no understanding of them.

I think you fall into the latter part in this case.

!deleted6508 avatar

Being critical usually comes with reasons and not “it’s shit and everyone who likes it is dumb.” You’re not actually being critical. You’re just hating.

!deleted6508 avatar

If GTA6 is $100 for the basic copy I hope absolutely nobody buys it.

!deleted6508 avatar

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun

StarCraft (not sure how the remaster is but the OG is something I would consider a “must play” game)

!deleted6508 avatar

As someone who likes games that can go on forever, I actually kinda want to see generative narratives to just have an endless story that provides more variety than the kind of “mab-lib” style procedural narrative for repeating activities.

!deleted6508 avatar

Just once, I would love to see a game being played via musical instrument, and when you’re actually in the shit against a boss, it ends up creating a banger of a song.

!deleted6508 avatar

Counter-Strike and PUBG are still in the top 10 most played games on Steam. CS is literally number 1.

Kolanaki, (edited )
!deleted6508 avatar

X3: Reunion/Albion Prelude


Elite: Dangerous

Spacebourne 2

Shit, even Star Trek: Online does what Starfield promised better, and it’s basically just another dime a dozen MMOs with a high profile licensed IP behind it.

For the most part, it’s either going to be missing a few things you’re looking for, or will offer everything but not actually be good/finished (such as with Star Citizen or anything ever made by Derek Smart, and why none of those are in the above list).

Help me out: which looks better for the Duck - the neck tie or the bow tie? (lemmy.world) angielski

So I’m re-doing some of my Do Not Press The Button (Or You’ll Delete The Multiverse) character models and I have this duck that is kind of inspired by the Companion Cube in Portal. I want to make it as appealing as possible so the players will attach to it and carry it around with them. Which looks better! I’m more partial...

!deleted6508 avatar

¿Por que no los dos?

Let’s see what a combination neck and bow tie looks like on the lil guy.

Day 179 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots (pixelfed.social) angielski

My wifi was still out until this evening, so i decided to finally pick up Max Payne 2 since i had it installed, if only so i can finally clear it off my list. I made it about halfway through the entire thing today before stopping when my Wi-Fi came back on....

!deleted6508 avatar

The truth was like a green crack through my brain. Weapon statistics floating in the air, glimpsed out of the corner of my eye. The repetitious act of shooting, time slowing down to show off my moves. The paranoid feeling of someone controlling my every step. I was in a computer game. Funny as Hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of.

!deleted6508 avatar

If you can still download the legacy version of Dwarf Fortress from Bay12Games website, Adventure Mode is the best rouge like I’ve ever played. It’s not yet in the Steam version, though.

For a more action-oriented rogue like, I find Returnal to be fun as hell. Roguelike bullet hell 3rd person shooter, with a pretty intriguing story line if you manage to actually get all of it (finding story bits is as random as everything else).

Edit: Er… They’re on PC, though. DF could run on pretty much anything; returnal might need a decent gaming rig (or a PlayStation).

!deleted6508 avatar

Named it 4X; but the X stands for words that begin with E.

Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate.

Why aren’t they 4E games? 🤦‍♂️

!deleted6508 avatar

Everyone was laughing about the announcement the other day on here. I’m going to choose to believe we did this by hurting his feelings.

!deleted6508 avatar

Why on earth would I want to smell stinky fungus zombies? Stinky zombies are literally the thing I point to NOT wanting with Smell-O-Vision!

Sony: “Pfft… You also said you wanted to see Morbius again you bastards! We be doing the opposite of what you ask for from now on!”

!deleted6508 avatar

So… Is the movie mostly without dialogue or just 1 character who talks to nobody in particular? This is one thing I can not see being anywhere close to what the original is like, because the game wouldn’t really make a good movie if they were faithful to the story.

!deleted6508 avatar

Ever since CGW stopped publishing, I’ve just gone back to going by word of mouth. If a real, actual person is telling me in their own words a thing is good or bad, I generally trust them. Especially if they are someone I actually know personally, or at least have shown themselves to have similar tastes to mine.

And obviously if something becomes super popular, I gotta see what the fuss is about if it also seems like something I would like.

!deleted6508 avatar

It originated as a desktop os and you can download it right now

Kolanaki, (edited )
!deleted6508 avatar

Well good news: They’ve also recently announced that they’re going to be updating it to be the same as what’s on the Deck. THough we probably won’t see an actual release until either just before or just after the new version of the deck is officially announced/released.

Also: The failure of the Steam Machine had little to do with the operating system and more to do with the fact there was not one singular “Steam Machine.” It was any number of prebuilt PCs with extra stupid steps. TO say it wasn’t meant for general desktop use is bullshit; a Steam Machine was nothing more than a desktop PC running this OS.

!deleted6508 avatar

That’s why his new game is going to suck, on purpose. 😃

!deleted6508 avatar

Wrath of the Righteous does it pretty good. The only sub game in the game that kinda sucks is the strategy game for the giant wars toward the end, and it’s more due to the fact that it’s not super robust; it’s just the bare minimum needed for that style of play.

Really that’s the most common flaw I see with “everything games;” they spend too much time putting everything in, but it’s never as fleshed out as it would have been if they focused entirely on one aspect.

!deleted6508 avatar

I used to run 7 instances of Ultima Online at once so I could play all my characters at the same time.

!deleted6508 avatar

You can sequence break the game and not ever soft lock it. You probably missed a puzzle or something. Check the manual for clues.

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