!deleted6508 avatar



I’m just a weird, furry, pan guy (cis he/him). I also have a big, blue username.

I’m learning Japanese so sometimes I might write something out in romaji just to practice. Please correct it if it’s wrong!

Profil ze zdalnego serwera może być niekompletny. Zobacz więcej na oryginalnej instancji.

Kolanaki, (edited )
!deleted6508 avatar

Dark Souls/Bloodborne/Elden Ring/Sekiro

Love 'em. But also hate 'em.

The love should be obvious to other fans. The hate isn’t from the difficulty, though. The hate comes from little niggling bullshit like the size or shape of certain hitboxes, the way the input queue works, the delay in rolling because roll and run are the same button, the fact enemies don’t use up stamina or mana, etc. There’s always one thing or another that will make me fume in all these types of games related to one of the above mentioned things. Like in Fromsoft’s offerings specifically I regularly get upset by the camera and lock on not doing what I expect or want. But Lies of P has a really nasty habit of totally eating my inputs where sometimes my dude won’t even swing his god damn weapon. And The Surge has the most funky input queue so if you accidentally press a button twice, you are fucked.

!deleted6508 avatar

Not having the right to repair doesn’t mean I can’t actually repair the thing myself. It just means I can no longer get official support from the maker of the thing if I do. Which isn’t an issue if I know how to fix it myself.

What’s wild to me is that those stupid fucking warranty void stickers they use to determine if you attempted to repair your shit? Yeah, those are illegal. They have been illegal since before I was born. And yet I don’t think I have ever opened up an electronic device that did not have one.

!deleted6508 avatar

Couldn’t you, like… Connect the pins directly to a power source while pushing them together to make the contacts on the pogo touch or something to bypass any of that?

!deleted6508 avatar

Everything except The Witcher, Shin Megami and Yaluza I am a fan of because of the first 2 games.

The Witcher 3 I skipped out on because the first 2 were jank as fuck and I couldn’t actually finish either of them despite thinking the ideas and story were rad. It wasn’t until way later I gave it a shot and it was definitely a better game than the first 2, but the combat got super stale after 20 hours and that’s not even like 1/5th of the story.

I don’t know why I never got into Persona or his other games. Just never tickled me. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Yakuza I only recently found to be awesome with Lost Judgement.

My friends usually wanted to hang out at my house because I was the only one with a PC and the only way they could ever check out shit like Fallout and Diablo.

!deleted6508 avatar

And I really liked 1 because of all that. I just didn’t like the game breaking bugs that didn’t allow me to finish it :(

Maybe it might work better now… 🤔

!deleted6508 avatar

I am legally allowed to make backups of my hardcopies. I can very legally buy TOTK and dump a ROM for Yuzu. In fact, that is precisely what I did to get my copy for Yuzu.

!deleted6508 avatar

The authorized cartridge thing would hopefully be ignored due to several other times Nintendo tried to stop developers like Tengen from bypassing their licensing system and developing their own carts for the NES (you know those weird ones that were usually blue or black? Those were “illegal” in Nintendo’s eyes but they lost every single case they took against them to try and stop them from being made).

!deleted6508 avatar

by allowing you to game on a GeForce PC for free

Are they implying that soon they’re gonna charge you a subscription just to have one of their fuckin’ graphics cards?

!deleted6508 avatar

It’s only $40 in the US which is what I expected it to be.

If that translates to $61 bucks in CAD: How much is the base game? Because I wouldn’t expect it to be the same $60 base price of a AAA game like it is in USD.

Edit: Just looked on SteamDB, the price of the base game in Canada is $80. Which appears to be typical for anything that’s $60 here in the states.

Kolanaki, (edited )
!deleted6508 avatar

Heat VR. Not even for the adult content; just staring into the character’s eyes or mussing their hair is incredibly relaxing.

VRChat, too, but since those are all real people you can’t just necessarily go around admiring them up close since it would disrupt their experience. Just as rude IRL, imo.

What game do you recommend someone who likes the mechanics but not the setting of Baldur's Gate 3? angielski

I saw people going on about how great BG3 is on this site, so I thought I’d check out a let’s play to see what all the fuss was about. I immediately fell in love with the graphics and the mechanics, such as the classes, races, spells, dice etc, but I disliked the emphasis on gore/horror in the game, and I know I wouldn’t...

!deleted6508 avatar

Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics.

Shadowrun Returns.

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader.


This does only assume by setting you mean “fantasy.” If you just mean Forgotten Realms, there are tons of fantasy turn based tactical RPGs. Owlcat has a bunch of good shit like Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous.

!deleted6508 avatar

start with 1, then 2 then 3

Do you mean the DLCs or have they actually made 2 sequels that I somehow never heard about?

What games do you recommend for my girlfriend? angielski

My girlfriend has never really gamed. But she’s now forced to move less than she would like to (health problem) and she’s getting bored. I was thinking of introducing her to a game or two that we could play together. She’s not the real action game type, and seeing as she has no experience with controller/mouse and keyboard...

!deleted6508 avatar

Start her on Dark Souls so that nothing she plays after will seem difficult.

!deleted6508 avatar

Er… Yeah I totally misunderstood. I wasn’t thinking about using the PSVR2 on a PC, but using PCVR HMDs on the PS5. 🤦‍♂️

Borderlands players - what is your opinion about the new movie trailer? (piped.kavin.rocks) angielski

Apologies that this is not a pure gaming question, but I’d really like to hear people’s opinion on the Borderlands movie trailer and especially from people who have played the games. That’s why I’m asking here, I hope that’s ok.

!deleted6508 avatar

That’s pretty much how the games are, too.

!deleted6508 avatar

Who the hell is the random psycho just chilling with the main characters? Did they just add the dude from the game covers to the main cast like he’s actually a character?

!deleted6508 avatar

DLC for which of the games?

!deleted6508 avatar

Sometimes they say funny things involving dicks or poop. Or both at once like that time a dude named some monsters “boner farts.” I laugh.

!deleted6508 avatar

Maybe it’s that thing from Star Trek: Generations that trapped Kirk.

!deleted6508 avatar

It’s a reboot. They could definitely turn it into a AAA budget production. Maybe make it an open world GTA clone, like the Yakuza series; where 90% of the game is side activities that don’t even involve driving a taxi.

!deleted6508 avatar

Hold up… Battle Royale in CRAZY TAXI? GaaS wouldn’t be surprising, but that last bit gives me doubts. Then again… It’s an arcade game. I suppose instead of a high score table, it could be an elimination thing… 🤔

So you prefer playing as another gender? (quanticfoundry.com) angielski

Well, as a guy, I’ve been asked multiple times why I systematically play games female characters in video games, to the point of skipping a game if I’m forced to pay a male one, with a few exceptions (I really liked Albus from Troubleshooters for example). Whenever there’s romance in a game, I’ll also take the F/F route....

!deleted6508 avatar

I really don’t care. I’m fine playing genderless shapes (and if PacMan didn’t have “man” in his name nobody would even know he was a he) if the game is fun. Even when finishing the first Metroid back when I was a kid and discovering Samus was a woman didn’t really blow my mind like it did for so many others.

The only time I care is when it actually matters in the game. Such as Fallout 2 and being able to skip fighting the Slavers to rescue Vic but only as a woman, or older FPS games where the smaller frame of a female model came with a smaller hitbox, or even Demon’s Souls where male and females have different armor sets so my gender changes with my build.

!deleted6508 avatar

They need something that both looks good on a shelf and is harder to just slip into a pocket.

!deleted6508 avatar

Not having an N64 or a copy of that game stops me.

This and the other WWE games on N64 is why I went through so many controllers… A lot of them had you spinning the stick to get out of stuff and it would wear down the springs until the stick was worthlessly flaccid. 😩

!deleted6508 avatar

“Quit boo-hooin’ 'bout having blue eyes and being strong as fuck. ‘Oh woe is me! My eyes look sick as hell and I can swing a Buick like a butter-knife. Wah wah wah!’ That’s what you sound like!”

!deleted6508 avatar

I remember liking this game, but can’t remember if it was the one that’s like a combination of Burnout and Trials or the one like Stuntman Behind the Wheel but actually good. 🤔

!deleted6508 avatar

I actually dislike most adaptive game music because most games that use that term just use it for having combat music that swaps in dynamically when you’re near a hostile mob.

The games where the music is just a combination of things based on what’s going on, however, are fucking dope as hell. It’s not something I see (er… Hear) all that often though which is disappointing.

It’s awesome when you notice that you can affect the music that’s playing by jumping or doing specific attacks/actions or based on how many/what kind of enemies are around, etc and not just “the music is this now because you’re fighting.”

!deleted6508 avatar

The voice acting has quite a range of stereotyped accents. Nothing they say is overtly racist, but the over the top accents themselves are insensitive.

!deleted6508 avatar

Torchlight 1 and 2 (diablo 1 and 2 but better)

Path of Exile (diablo the MMO)

Titanquest (my personal favorite non-diablo diablo game)

The Ascent (diablo with guns!)

Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance (D&D diablo on consoles)

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel (Fallout Diablo on consoles)

And so many more… There was a time in the 90’s after the success of Diablo 1 where everyone and their mother was making clones of Diablo.

!deleted6508 avatar

Because this is about the 4th recent trailer I’ve seen playback at this weird slow frame rate: is it just me? The Death Stranding 2 trailer was also slow and choppy like this but it was super early footage so I just assumed it was from that, but now I’m wondering if a setting is messed up on my browser.

!deleted6508 avatar

I’ve never looked at that before so I’m not sure what it means that more than 80% of the frames were being dropped. Is that bad?

!deleted6508 avatar

This is on my phone, actually.

!deleted6508 avatar

This kinda stuff makes me wonder how animations work that they can do all that without it being done on purpose.

!deleted6508 avatar

The only numbers I dislike in games are the kind that fly off things when you attack them. That shit is visually annoying and I hate every game that uses it without an option to turn it off outside of old turn-based JRPGs. So I totally understand that.

They’re not meaningless, per se, but most of the time you also have a gauge indicating health and it’s far less distracting than a ton of numbers flying off obscuring the action.

!deleted6508 avatar

So they really did copy Sea of Thieves. 🤔

Or is it even worse than that was on launch?

!deleted6508 avatar

The real SMB2 was on Super Mario All-Stars for the SNES and I gotta say… The reskinned Doki Doki Panic is a better game.

!deleted6508 avatar

Even back then, when you jumped onto the first enemy and just… Stood on them instead of killing them was pretty different.

!deleted6508 avatar

Curious about something, I installed Dragon’s Dogma since I had it from sometime it was given out free. It wasn’t what I thought it was. I must’ve confused it with this other game because I’m actually getting into DD here. Still no clue what the name of the game I was confusing it for is though.

!deleted6508 avatar

That’s the thing; I’m not even sure they had a similar name. I had thought that Dragon’s Dogma was this Monster Hunter knock-off built on the Source engine. I didn’t care much for it so just wrote it off until I saw a video on DD2 which also showed the first game and made me go “huh… That’s not what I remember.” lol

!deleted6508 avatar

Street Fighter feels better as a competitive game and Mortal Kombat has always felt more button-mashy and arcade like.

I never really liked Mortal Kombat’s game play over Street Fighter because of this. I’ve continued with Street Fighter to modern times, but having not really cared for it back with the original trilogy, I haven’t touched modern MK games much.

I do however like the lore and story for the MK games way more than SF. I watch all the movies and anime and stuff; those are way more fun for me than the games lol

!deleted6508 avatar

Didn’t Aragorn have to tell those ghost dudes he was the king to get them to fulfill their oath? 🤔

!deleted6508 avatar

I kinda figured those rumors were bullshit. They may be secretive, but Fromsoft still wouldn’t just quietly release a major dlc for one of the biggest titles they’ve ever made.

Shit must be massive for it to take this long, though, without much news other than a title, and two updates that they are still working on it.

!deleted6508 avatar

Is this why the site was down for maintenance almost all day the other day? I just wanted to log in and see if I owned a game on there or not and was getting time out errors most of the day. Tried in the evening and loaded to a message about extra maintenance because they were migrating to a new system (and still couldn’t log in to check anything).

!deleted6508 avatar

I have to admit, upon seeing the teaser for this I thought it was live action for some parts.

!deleted6508 avatar

There was no gameplay; it was just a tech teaser that showed a bunch of digitized actors looking super realistic (mostly).

!deleted6508 avatar

All I can think of is a Donald Glover bit where he said he had a fear of someone just putting a gun on him and telling him to put his dick in his butt and came to realization he can just tuck underneath instead of trying to reach around his waist. So I’m incapacitated by laughter to think of my own times this has happened.

!deleted6508 avatar

I haven’t played the first to really compare them, but as someone who hasn’t really been into the old school Squaresoft style RPG for a long time: It’s fantastic.

!deleted6508 avatar

Mickey Mouse is about to get a Victory Royale.

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