With GOG, I just put the installers onto a thumbdrive.
With Steam, I was burning discs using its offline backup tool, but I haven’t had a disc drive in my PC for years now. IDK if those can be backed up into a thumbdrive these days… It only allowed CD/DVD images to be created the last time I ever used it.
Tons of my games were owned physically before Steam existed though. Those I just keep in their boxes in my closet/storage bins.
Based on what the OP said, Cyberpunk 2077 would still pass the filter because it does not use a single instance of the words “dystopia” or “dystopian” anywhere on the store page. 😌
I know it was the mic itself in my case, because the accessory also could be used in Quake 3 Arena and a few other online games for voice chat and it literally just stopped picking up sound after some time.
It wasn’t that seaman would just hear me wrong. The thing was cheaply made so it doesn’t really surprise me. But it also sucked that there wasn’t any other mics for the system, like there were VMUs.
What I really remember about the game was how fucking shitty the microphone was. I literally went through 9 of the fucking things before I just gave up on it. They would just stop working for no good reason. Quite possibly the worst hardware accessory for the Dreamcast.
Maybe if they made it for PC I might actually get to have some fun for more than an hour or two with it, since I’d be able to use a good microphone.
Seeing as how the US Army had created America’s Army as a recruitment tool, I could see that also being why this game console is being made. As a military recruitment vessel.
Putin releases the RuskieStation. It’s fine. Not awesome or anything. Shortly after, Yum! Co. finally releases the KFConsole. Plays every game, even ones from the future, at 8k in real time FPS while also cooking an entire KFC meal for you. For only $299. Russia’s economy collapses. Putin is banished to the shadow realm. Somehow this also leads to peace in the middle east.