@luciole@beehaw.org avatar



Doesn’t know the lyrics. Just goes meow meow meow.

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@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Do you know of good beginner friendly undervolting guides for AMD & Nvidia? This would go a long way towards people heeding your advice.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

I’d say not. During the last crypto fuelled shortage there was practically nothing available and anything you could get your hands on was ludicrously expensive. Just checked on a few stores and there is currently some offer at varying prices. Just don’t obsess on last gen Nvidia products.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

I’m in awe at your skills! I suck so bad at everything on UFO 50 bee sob emoji

Gaming on controller & "typos"

Sometimes I game on keyboard + mouse, sometimes on controller, depending on the game. I love my keyboard, but being able to slouch with controller in hand is welcome as well. Unfortunately I’ve played so many games over the years with a controller that I struggle immensely to tap the right buttons when shit gets real. It’s...

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Gah this is the worst. It breaks the enjoyment of a controller with Switch+PC compatibility for me.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

My usual strategy although still imperfect for me. Elden Ring has been in my active games for a while now, and it’s hard to properly try Hyper Light Breaker with my kid because of this issue.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

And what are we supposed to do with our Switch now? I know it’s been out for a while, but my growing resentment for the linear economy is giving me huge console generation cycle fatigue.

luciole, (edited )
@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Been playing mostly Our Adventurer Guild. Super fun indie strategy RPG. Pretty close to the ending I think. If you’ve got a Final Fantasy Tactics itch I recommend you check it out! The art and the dialog is kind of goofy, but don’t be fooled this is a solid game.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Just to start off, there was a thread about this some time ago.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

😅 I went a bit fast lol. It’s been a while so I’m sure new stuff will come up (like Balatro was mentioned)

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Nah I feel you. Grew up with the NES as well. I played for a few hours and then I bounced off it. I think I’ll play it some more at one point. I love that it exists, I love the idea of it, but playing it leaves me pretty neutral.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

There’s this theory that if an infinite amount of Bored Apes make games for an infinite amount of time at one point they’ll make a decent one. I don’t buy it.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

I have the utmost respect for ConcernedApe’s Stardew Valley, I’m happy it’s a success and I’ve played it plenty. I have to say though, there’s something in the game that leads some of us straight into a minmaxing management race-against-the-clock frenzy. I think I could play it casually, but I’d need an unwavering discipline… and that’s the problem.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Good luck assembling, you’ll love PC gaming I’m sure!

Just in case you don’t know already: pcpartpicker.com is an amazing site to plan a build. You can put all the parts you’re aiming to buy and it’ll tell you if there are any compatibility issues. You can share your parts list with a community too and ask for specific advice.

Concerning parts, XFX AMD GPUs are very well built and go for a reasonable price. Their 6000 series have great cost/performance value imho. I have a 6750XT in a PC connected to a 55’ TV and it’s hardly breaking sweat provided I don’t go overboard with game settings. For a normal computer screen you could have plenty of fun out of a 6650 XT I’m sure.

Could you get Amazon delivery from say, amazon.it? It could give you a chance to find what you’re looking for.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

That just sounds like any normal day on Twitter. I feel bad for the community managers that still have to put up with that dumpster fire of a platform. This little flame war does nothing to my impression of Godot engine. To be honest I’ve been more worried about reports of rampant bullying.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Have you played the Trails series?

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

I’ve only played the two first entries so far (Trails in the Sky FC & SC) and I’ve found them be fun JRPGs. I’d recommend starting by the beginning.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Pathfinder Kingmaker & WotR are such strong titles in most aspects, but in both instances the mini-game they tacked on top of a perfectly fine RPG got on my nerves. Kingmaker’s management sim and WotR’s Heroes-of-Might&Magic-like army battles felt to me pretty rough around the edges (and ultimately tedious), especially compared to how engaging the rest of the games are. Ugh, I love-hate them sooo much.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

I started Planet Crafter and I’m hooked. It’s a low budget yet brilliant Subnautica like game with a higher emphasis on crafting.

I’ve been playing Tyranny as well. It’s a nice CRPG with factions in a bleak setting. A little obtuse with the consequences of dialog options. Still refreshing. I really could use the tank character in my party composition, but he’s such an insufferable square I’d rather not use him.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Don’t even try completing an FTL run at normal though. Easy is where the fun’s at.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

I sided with the rebels and Barik became this massive frustrated Northerner supremacist, despising Tiersmen every chance he had and urging me to let the Disfavored civilize them. Fuck that.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Have some empathy for megacorporations. They’re moral (lol) entities just like you and me. /s

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn made me realize I vibe so well playing as a woman. If I had had the choice I probably would have picked the masculine option since that’s my gender. I’m glad that game forced my hand, now when I have a choice I give it a real thought.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Don’t OpenCritic only offer critic scores, and no user scores?

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

The NES was epic for its time, but nowadays those controllers make my hands cramp after minutes. Thank God for the modern big curvy controllers.

Some classics of that time might be of interest to the contemporary gamer, although I think you need to have some kind of historical curiosity for it to be worthwhile. The tools of the times were rudimentary to an extent that hurt what the devs could do even more than the capacity of the consoles imho. I mean, they were flipping bits in assemblers.

The audio though. 8-bit music is fucking stellar. The energy contained, the catchiness, it’s amazing.

As for recommendations: The Guardian Legend is my pick. Cool scifi action-adventure/ shmup hybrid.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

The only flaw of SMB3 to me would be that this game needed save games reeaal bad.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Oh, new game from Cross-Code devs, neat!

The low poly 3D for environments looks good, and the 2D isometric was getting me confused sometimes in Cross-Code, so yay!

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

I’ve been progressing through Divided Reigns. Very indie, retro JRPG. The story reminds me of FFIV & FFVI in good ways. Battles are much more involved then the aforementioned classics though: while remaining turn based there are plenty of types, effects and skills involved. A rage meter brings in some form of planning ahead between turns, somewhat like Octopath Travellers or Bravely Default. All around solid game. Only downside is the dialogs being sometimes pretty silly.

Been playing Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla as well. So here’s my theory: inside Ubisoft there are two wolves. The first wolf is made up of thousands of creative, talented, diverse artisans working hard to make the open world formula fun and beautiful. The second wolf is a handful of suits looking for ways to milk the first wolf’s output for money in all sorts of shit ways. I’ve found out that if you put the Ubisoft launcher in offline mode, you’ve blocked the second wolf. As for the game itself, it remains faithful to the series. There are some welcome improvements, such as the end of garbage equipment loot. In terms of storyline, I can’t say I’m feeling especially involved so far. There is a certain cruelty to the protagonist which I struggle with. On the other hand I must also say that at times the game feels unapologetically woke which I thoroughly enjoy. The side quests are also super goofy.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

I can’t say I have a favorite, but I do strongly favor anything strictly turned based. I’ve been playing Divided Reigns and its combat system is stellar imho, so there. Lots of weapon types, lots of attacks for each types, lots of skills, lots of magics. Makes non magic users at least as satisfying to use as spell casters.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

I hope you feel better soon knokelmaat!

I only played Animal Crossing on the switch right into the pandemic. I was sick in the first wave and that strain was wild. The whole world was in a state of panic and AC was a cute little haven while we bunkered down. I played every single day until two llamas got married and I was hunting for little hearts… then I had a moment and I never touched it again.

It’s funny that that franchise shares the same acronym as Assassin’s Creed.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Well, if the parents are both working 40+ hours and spending 10+ hours in transit every week, there will be no free time. It’s kind of unfair to solely blame parenthood for that though imho. Another important point to remember is that kids grow fast.

it's hard out here for a dragon-plesiosaur-bird (beehaw.org)

[alt text: a two frame comic, made entirely with sprites from the Pokemon games. The top panel shows the three legendary beasts Entei, Suicune, and Raikou looking at the legendary bird Ho-Oh. Ho-Oh is saying, “I will bring you back to life,” while the beasts are responding “thank you, Master”. The bottom panel shows the...

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Articuno is an ice type you gotta ❄️ not 💦 and hit that flying type for super effective damage. Bro this is basic math please.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Super Mario is today what Mickey Mouse wishes it still was: a joyful, universally recognizable character deeply entrenched in the childhood of millions.

There is a special place in my heart for the infamously strange Super Mario Bros 2. Many connoisseurs will justly mention that it is merely a reskin of the lesser known Doki Doki Panic. What is often left out is that Doki Doki Panic was created as well by Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto and that it originally contained references to its previous work on Mario, such as the POW blocks. In the long run, I feel that Nintendo of America’s decision to adapt DDP as SMB2 for the occidental plebs boosted the series with several charming monsters, a more interactive world, as well as multiple playable characters. We owe Bobombs, Shyguys and Ninjis to this very title.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Feel the same. My switch is collecting dust and I just don’t feel like touching the backlog there. The fleeting nature of a console is depressing.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

I’ve been playing Etrian Odyssey 3 HD and I’m enjoying it. It’s a lovely blobber with an interesting take on mapping. You can choose between full, minimal or no automapping. I’m playing with minimal automapping and I’m rediscovering the joys of mapping a dungeon crawl, a thing which I thought I was officially done with. At “normal” the difficulty is just right for me. I’m particularly enjoying the total absence of brutally obtuse puzzles, a staple of western RPGs for some reason. Only downside is the fan service some of the art suffers from, a staple of JRPGs for some reason.

The Indie Chat & Recommendation Thread (cdn.imgchest.com)

“Inspired” by the Square-Enix putting their foot in their mouth thread, I thought it’d be interesting to make a little thread about indie games. People always talk about wanting to try different, cheaper titles, but with how hard it is to get good gaming news and the state of advertisement/marketing, word of mouth tends to...

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

I have played some of the Avernum games. In my opinion it’s peak Jeff Vogel. If you’re fine with the graphics, you’re in for excellent writing, nicely done non linear exploration and original world building.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Siralim Ultimate is a very special monster collector. The sheer amount of everything is delightfully overwhelming, the depth is nonsensical and the grind is real. I love it.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Right?! I freaked on the same paragraph. Most depressing thing ever said about game dev. These suits would rather fire everyone and play stonks all day if it earned a dime more. I’m so mad for the massive creative force being crushed by this broken system.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Just be careful not to idealize the past as some golden age of gaming. During the SNES era, worthwhile titles were few and far between on top of spotty regional availability on account of profitability (supposedly). The bar to entry for gamedevs was huge: the dev tools were obtuse and the distribution methods were shit and centralized (toy stores, computer stores, magazines). The offer was also ridiculously sanitized, at least on consoles.

It’s great that we can still enjoy the good games of the past, but I absolutely love what indies come up with nowadays. There are so many and they’re so creative! ❤️ Some talented big studio devs even manage to release something nice once in a while despite the organizational structure they work in. I never want to go back to gaming in the 90’s. Furthermore, I’m of the opinion that there are many past titles being hailed as classics solely based on some unconscious nostalgia for youth (I’m looking at you GOG).

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

To be fair when it came out seven years ago it really shook up the portable gaming scene. Every portable console coming out since is an iteration on that design. The joycons can go to hell though. And those weird ass online plans.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

I really liked the original 2DS personally. The announcement left everyone incredulous as the device sounded and looked like a dumb downgrade. I mean, it was hard to tell if it was joke or not. In the end though it’s light, cheap, tough and surprisingly comfortable.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Cheaper than many phones as well.

A personal argument for a benefit of gaming

I grew up hearing all the talking heads (media), religious groups and parents strongly criticizing video games. You’ve, probably, heard some of this. For example, video games involving any type of violence causing people to become more violent, etc. As far as I know, the academic community has failed to produce any negative...

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

He chooses to beat Elden Ring in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of his energies and skills, because that challenge is one that he is willing to accept, one he is unwilling to postpone, and one he intends to win, and the others, too.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Non traditional input devices are fascinating, so thanks for posting your research. In your precise situation though, my advice would be to put down the baby.

@luciole@beehaw.org avatar

Still playing Final Fantasy XV. I still think it’s weird, but I’m having so much fun! I have found the catboi outfit.

I started playing Star of Providence. What cool shmup roguelite! My hand eye coordination is mediocre, so I predictably suck. There’s so much charm in it that I want to endure though.

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