@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar



Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor

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@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Is there any minecraft clone that uses non-blocky character models? Or how would one go to mod Luanti to use different meshes for some of the characters?

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

I remember reading a review, i think from Ars Technica, that said that the dad was by far the worst parent and, as a character, someone who didn’t evolve or learn anything. Is that right?

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Yea yea, it’s all sweetbaby and DEI fault and not corporations being greedy hellholes that only worry about quarterly profits since forever. /s

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Activision is a lefty company with a lefty culture. Dear fucking lord, that has to be one of the worst takes I’ve read on lemmy. What’s next, Mark Zuckerberg is a deep cover lefty librul?

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

ITT we can see hardcore gamurs that eat the shit from gamergate and gamergate 2: sweetbaby boogaloo without putting 2 and 2 together

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Please point out where I implied that corporations got greedy “only now”. Hint: i said “since forever”, the implication is that they were always shit. Then again, can’t expect much from you.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

I thought the first gamergate was about gatekeeping women away from games games journalism. Imagine getting mad at trans people existing in a game where shapeshifting monsters and magic exist.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Metal Gear 2

Sneaky Snake at the Slug!!

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

I started Elex but probably stopped around the 3 horu mark, went to play something else. The character you control is a fucking unlikable asshole during those initial hours.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

2 has very interesting character development and interaction, but I agree that the final boss is a fucking joke, both as a fight and as something within the lore. Those collector praetors were much harder for me to deal with, the fuckers would easily kill off my team and fully restore barrier as soon as I started hitting its actual health

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

My friends actually took good care of borrowed CDs. My older brother, on the other hand… One time I handed him down a PSOne (back in 2006 i think, he was never big in videogames, but he played once in a while) - the dense fucker kept a thesaurus on top because he couldn’t figure how to close the lid (there was a small, bumpy part next to the open button, you had to press the lid there so it’d click close). That almost fucked the actual clicky thing

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Battlestar Galactica boardgame. It’s mostly cooperative, with the chance of having one or two players being traitors, but even without them, it’s very unlikely the humans win in the end. It’s expensive and needs a lot of table space to play, tho.

Captain Sonar can be an interesting choice, since it can be played turn-by-turn or in real time, with two teams of 1-4 each. If you working with your team doesn’t create a sense of connection, I don’t know what will.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Mentioning the releases costs USD1.99

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

They move in realtime, but they finish a meal in 10 seconds. Bathroom breaks and baths also take ~10 seconds. Not to mention that clothes changing is a single spinning jump. Wish it was that easy in real life

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

“I’m willing to sacrifice potential sales in order to have an easier dev cycle” - I’m frankly amazed that the higher ups ok-d that

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

CRT? What’s wrong with cathode ray tubes?

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Frankly, I’ve never touched the online part in GTA5 but I hear it’s quite successful.

The microtransactions kept a very steady flow of hundreds of millions of dollars per quarter to Rockstar, so yeah, it’s absurdly successful

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Damn, I’ll have to give that a try. I’ve tried to get back into DW via emulation and man, the game is ruthless! The enemies you fight on the first screen (after beating Agumon) will wipe you if don’t bother training at least one entire day first.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Battling against wild Digimon is a waste of time in the original game

And required for certain evolutions. Not fun times heh

Made a few mistakes on the way, and now you’re stuck with a Numemon, Sukamon, or another Digimon you don’t like? Just buy a Reset Radish to revert to an egg and try again (younger me would’ve loved that item).

Back in my PSX days, I would “save up” the poop so that my 'mon would evolve straight from a baby into Sukamon on the first missed potty. Since that evolution halved all stats, and a baby’s stats were super low, it was easily a net positive as training a champion had much larger gains than a baby.

providing a fix to the “bonus try” in the gym

So now it’s possible to actually hit all marks? Because I couldn’t get it with fucking save states.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Yeah, there were also some areas where you’d pretty much get fucked because you’d hear the digimon footsteps and, as soon as the screen faded back in, SURPRISE BATTLE. Your mon having to fight up to 3 enemies made things even harder

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar


+1 for that. One of the best space sims, despite its age, and my first contact with actual zero-g dogfighting (boost, turn off engine, rotate ship to try and hit the enemy)

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Considering all the problems Bethesda had with simply making space work at all, I’m not surprised they didn’t even try to look into better games to copy from

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

That’s not my favorite AAA company, it’s my favorite AAAA company!

Also, the bit on the right is from a rather shitty looking, “anti woke” site.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Probably an effect of the angle. Standing erect, the wrist will usually be aligned with the groin. Women tend to have shorter torsos and longer legs compared to men of the same height, so a wrist that goes a bit below the groin line will still look ok. Since the Marvel Rivals character designs are all very stylized, you can bet she has really nice legs

The pic that gives the biggest impression tho is the first on the left, with the arm stretched back a bit, but again, mostly an angle thing.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

It shows Lands of Lore 1 near the end of the video. I only skipped through, can’t sit and watch/listen properly, what with being at work :)

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Ashes of Singularity tends to be easy on the action-per-minute requirement, since there’s no micromanaging individual units, unless it’s the larger ships, so you can probably have a good time with it.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

They are Billions is a very interesting game, but stupidly stressful. It takes ONE fucking zombie getting past your defenses to completely fuck your base

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Which kinda proves that Nintendo is right with how to balance Smash Bros: it’s a game to be played for fun, not for pro player tournaments (no items final destination fox only).

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Have you checked Tooth and Tail? I don’t think it has base building, but is a very controller friendly RTS

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

This update added a lot of new stuff to the game not counting the new really big island. Human bosses, an “arrogant pal tamer” that wants to see specific pals, a NPC that asks you to do specific emotes and one hidden npc that gave me a book that increases 1 work thingy by 1 (got one for handywork, the game crashed, then got one for planting, so there’s possibly one for each work)
My biggest gripe at the moment is with predator pals, which don’t always spawn where they’re supposed to (fixed locations, unmarked on the map) but drop predator cores, which are needed for the inventory expansion, as well as giant pal souls.

It also added some high QoL chests: one that lets you check ALL the chests in the base and the Guild Chest, which acts as a shared base chest. Another super useful building is the skill fruit farm: plant one, get 3 of the same skill.

The new island starts with several anti-air missile places, but at least it seems you only need to disable them once. Whether the missiles will go through walls or rocks and kill your flyer seems to be random chance, but it at least tries to be physical projectiles.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

On the performance side of things, Elbrus has nothing to write home about based on benchmarks that have largely found it “completely unacceptable” for most tasks.

(in a linked article) The testers cited “Insufficient memory, slow memory, few cores, low frequency. Functional requirements not been met at all” as key reasons for the failure.
Elbrus-8C: 8C/8T, 1.30 GHz, 16MB L3, 70W TDP, quad-channel DDR3-1600 memory, 28nm, 250 FP64 GFLOPS

It can probably run Doom, but likely won’t run Crysis.

The other console, “MTS Fog Play”, is just cloud gaming

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Purkeypile explained that Starfield’s main city, New Atlantis, was the “antithesis” of Fallout 4’s Diamond City.

Baity clicks are still clicks. Very shitty behavior from the site.

“I didn’t work that much on that city,” Purkeypile explained. “I worked on Akila and Neon a fair amount, but New Atlantis, I wasn’t really involved in that much. But I got lost in that all the time when I tried to play the game too it’s so big and Diamond City, you can see, is kind of like the antithesis of that like sprawling city thing.”

There, everything anyone checking needs to read

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Outpost Infinity, Executive Assault and something that was cheap and on my wishlist for a long time, totalling BRL 89 (~15 dollars)

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

It also has a bad habit of keeping a zombie process running after you fully close it

I didn't expect there would still be new games similar to Heroes of Might and Magic III nowadays

I found a new strategy wargame “Pennon and Battle” on Steam. It’s surprising to see that there are still teams willing to make games similar to Heroes of Might and Magic III. It can’t help but remind me of the good old days when I used to play H3....

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

What the fuck is this shit? Buy the game and still be expected to in-app purchase gems???



Ah yes, server rewards for doing the campaign, be a good boy and play daily!!

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

(and the incredibly obscure Blue Empire II - I doubt there’s anyone here who has even heard of it).

Google only shows Age of Empires 2, trying “blue empire” game gives unrelated results. Couldn’t find anything on Mobygames either. Was that a mod?

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

On GBC, Shantae is a lovely game.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Awesome work on archiving it! I guess it not having an english version, even if there isn’t much text, makes it significantly harder for non german speakers like myself to have heard of it.

I see that the game was made using Delphi/Pascal, as there’s a number of .bpl files, so maybe it’s possible to attempt a translation using Lazarus. This also probably explains why I could run it straight away on Windows 10, no need to turn on compatibility mode.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

I’m not the best person to answer, as although I have programmed in Pascal a decade ago, I also never really fiddled with anything outside school. I do have a interest in the language, given it tends to be as fast as C, has object orientation and other goodies, and seems to be able to compile to just about any architecture with minimal fucking around or code wrangling.

Anyway, according to the Freepascal wiki, “The compiled file is called .bpl in Delphi. This is effectively a (special) DLL. In other words its linking is finalized. The needed metadata (.ppu, inline function and weak packaged units (see next point) go into a .dcp file.”

According to Embarcadero Delphi’s help page, the .bpl is a binary file built from source, so it’s probably not a simple matter of just telling Lazarus or Delphi to open it.

Maybe, and this is me being hopeful, using something like this, IDR, will make things simple and straightforward.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Reportedly found on a Wii test kit discovered at an e-waste recycling center

Man, talk about a find.

The reason for it being canned so late seems to be mostly on internal higher up conflict within Lucasarts, whose leadership became bean counters. www.eurogamer.net/free-radical-vs-the-monsters

And then we went from talking to people who were passionate about making games to talking to psychopaths who insisted on having an unpleasant lawyer in the room." (David Doak on the change within Lucasarts after Jim Ward left)

“LucasArts hadn’t paid us for six months,” says Norgate “and were refusing to pass a milestone so we would limp along until the money finally ran out. They knew what they were doing, and six months of free work to pass on to Rebellion wasn’t to be sniffed at.”

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

15 for Timesplitters 1, around 30 for Timesplitters 2, according to Steve Ellis and Lee Ray on that Eurogamer piece.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

I wonder how many marriages were… “spiced up” due to long bouts of Crusader Kings

I also suspect Factorio must’ve ruined a number of marriages. Women are temporary, factories are forever

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

I only ever played the free stuff of the game. Decent shooter, but too expensive for my cheapass BRL tastes

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2, if you haven’t played already. Think of them as the stepping stones for BG3.

Spec Ops: The Line is a 3rd person shooter with an incredible story, I think it takes 4-6 hours to go through the campaign. Short when compared to RPGs, but worth the time. People also talk about Titanfall 2’s campaign being great, I haven’t played it yet.

Mass Effect trilogy is also very good, mainly the 2nd game. The first game is the jankiest of the bunch and the 3rd is much better after all the DLC, though I still don’t like how the optional Paragon/Renegade prompts from 2 became obligatory QTE in 3.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

Square and Blizzard have been like that for ages now

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