@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar



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ThunderingJerboa, (edited )
@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean also it just seems like a case of normalization. You start out with slow meaningless MTX then you move it more and more. Hell its a bit odd since I'm glad there was some outrage over the MTX in this game but as you said its most likely due to the increase to $70 usd which is a slap in the face to deal with MTX in a fucking single player game but Capcom is one of the shittiest companies when it comes to dumb/pointless MTX.

Monster Hunter, Devil may cry, Dead Rising, and Resident Evil all have this kind of shit with very little peeps about it. So you basically hit the nail on the head on this on why there was such a big outrage this time around. Also I'm really surprised fucking Street Fighter doesn't, the literal poster child of pointless/odd additions which in a funny way has actually only gotten better in the digital age. I'm not a big fighting game fan but season passes have sort of solved having so many fucking editions of a single game. Like holy shit there were 5 fucking versions of Street Fighter 2 in a span of 3 years. 3 versions of SF3 in 3 years.

Edit: marked by bold, I was tired when writing this comment and seems I just forgot to finish my full thought before posting.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Are we going to ignore that VR adoption is basically held up by Oculus/facebook. I hate facebook and their support for their titles on the VR space are dreadful for instance it is unacceptable what they did with Echo Arena but you can literally look at the steam hardware survey and see that Oculus/facebook makeup nearly 70% (67.4% to be more accurate) of VR headsets in the market today for PCVR. Who the fuck is funding many VR game devs right now? I can tell you it ain't many publishers and the biggest one right now is Facebook as much as I hate to say it. Facebook absolutely is a crutch VR needs to survive in this market but we gamers should make use of them for as long as possible then ditch them whenever its convenient for us.

Hell the PSVR2 looking very juicy if that has great PCVR support and it doesn't require any ps5 nonsense to work but PSVR2 is a perfect example of how VR is not in a great place and a big part of it is price related. Like VR nuts (like I) would gladly pay higher tier prices for a good headset but to some average joe, they see a headset that costs as much as a fucking console that only works with a limited number of games. Hell the thing can even make you sick trying to use it. Most people aren't going to pay 1000+ dollars to try VR to see if they "like it", hell they aren't even paying $550.

Again I'm not here to advocate for Facebook but I will sure as hell make use of their investments in VR because they are sort of throwing that money in a fire pit with how the market is. Facebook plans on trying to fill that fire pit with so much money it becomes a bridge that is profitable and it might be in the future but right now if you want someone to try VR, a oculus headset is probably the best bang for your buck headset especially if you buy it used since realistically most people are going to play with it for a month then be done with it and try to hock the thing.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean not really. Again the index is a great headset but look at how long people actually use their headsets for. Is it better to throw your money into a pit that is $400 or $1000. VR is a weird since you either love it or hate it. Most people are going to hate it and many people aren't really into the idea of reselling their stuff. This isn't to say facebook good or some nonsense like that but from a prospective customer's standpoint why spend so much money on something you might not even like. You don't have to drill any holes in your walls to put up base stations while inside out tracking isn't great it gets the job done and again its far more convenient. I like the option to have base stations but again realistically putting in so much work for something you might only spend a week or month on is not a great investment of your money or time. If you like VR, I would highly suggest getting a better headset than a quest or oculus headset but a newcomer I will 100% suggest a quest over anything else especially a used model to save them extra cash.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Vr is very price prohibitive and Oculus/Facebook sell headsets at a loss to make their marketshare. Its not great but if you want to "try vr" especially something you hear will make you physically sick to use and you might not even like. Its just logical to spend the least amount of money on it for a "proper headset". Like if you value your privacy that is fine and completely understandable but lets be honest here, most people don't. Especially with the popularization of social media and smart phones like we can even apply the same logic with your argument with phones like why would you buy a device that has so many cameras and microphones and wave it around your home and toilet. Hell I think the phone is actually worse since most people bring them everywhere while a headset is a bit more constrained on where you can take it.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Like I agree with your general point but this has nothing to do with online games licensing besides its being pulled from digital store fronts. Brick and mortar stores can have product recalls as well and this would likely be in that same category of problem (its a bit weird with preowned games since publishers were already given their cut) so they can continue to sell those but a brand "new" copy may have suffered a similar fate but we have to remember Spec Ops the Line is from the 360 era so I doubt there would even been many "new" copies around. Also I can't fault publishers from just "deleting" a game from existence because spending thousands for merely upkeeping the licenses for a game they realistically haven't sold in major volumes for nearly half a decade (at minimum) seems a tad bit unreasonable. Most music labels likely aren't even going to sell a perpetual license as well, so its a can of worms of people wanting to get their cut.

Where's Our Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Review? (IGN denied review code) (www.ign.com) angielski

In a bad-vibes moment, they’re denying a huge outlet like IGN a review code. No matter what I think of IGN in particular (nothing good tbh), that’s not something I can find a real explanation for other than “We made DC’s Gollum and want to avoid bad press as long as we can”.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

You are referring to Doom 2016 actually. While that turn out decent, one of their key arguments was due to it being online focused. We all know Doom 2016 had rather generic multiplayer.

With that said, it feels silly not to have issues when publishers refuse to send out review keys. Its a huge red flag for a game, this doesn't mean it will be bad but its a trend we shouldn't be happy about. Its only done to help preserve preorder numbers.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean it isn't but sort of is at the same time. It firstly depends on what kind of kickstarter it is. There are many ways where its just a system for a publisher to gauge interest in the project. Those are typically just preorders however many others are just throwing money into a well and hoping something comes of it. I get people's hatred of crowdfunding and it can easily be a trap. Where a ton of people are just there to get the money and leg it or who are simply too incompetent to use the funds properly. Hell even experienced developer can be too incompetent, double fine studios/Tim Schafer is a poster child for this. While I love their work, they had a horrid run with crowdfunding and I guess it should have been expected since they are always late and overspend on their budget when they were working with publishers.

Now with all the negatives said, I think crowdfunding in all its forms can lead to wonderful project that simply couldn't have existed due to a lack of interest by publishers. Hell I doubt we would had Baldur's Gate 3 without crowdfunding and this isn't talking exclusively about BG 3 since the Divinity Original sin games really got the ball rolling for Larian Studios. Crowdfunding can lead to the rebirth of genres once thought dead.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Yeah development hell is a rough spot. Sometimes it can turn out great projects (Doom 2016 is a decent example, when it was originally meant to be Doom 4 it was closer to a call of duty style game) but alot of the time it turns into a mess. You already mentioned Duke Nukem forever, you also have Spore, Too human, Final Fantasy 15, Dead island 2, etc.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

The dead space remake. Its just so wonderful since it basically captures everything I love about the first, horror games seem to be one of the few games that just get dramatically better as they get graphically more intense since it helps with the immersion. Now it is a bit questionable since I rather see new games but I won't lie and be excited to see a Dead space 2 remake since holy shit they added flesh stripping and it just fits in so perfectly. Just wish they make better subplots since they had to radically change the narrative and how the other characters interact with you since Issac is now a far more active character (which honestly should have always been the case) since it just makes sense the engineer character comes up with engineering solutions.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean while I don't like EA, the route they took with 3 was pretty disappointing. Was just way too actiony for its own good and what I'm seeing for 4 is interesting but I'm not sure I would call it dead space since they wanted to add some survival elements and being a bit more open ended. Like the pitch they were going for seems to be in a weird way a roguelite style of approach in the vain of cryptark or void bastards at least from how they were describing it. Like what was being suggested seems too wide but once it actually hit development it would have downscale quite a bit then likely gotten more toxic monetization. Looks like they were trying to keep the gun customization of dead space 3, which honestly just broke that game since balancing was all over the place.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

But didn't TOTK also have the issue that to some it felt like an "expansion pack" (Probably closer to a switch's version of Majora's Mask, where many assets are reused and remixed with a new gameplay element added). While it was a good game its probably not as revolutionary as BOTW. It also doesn't help it was the switch's first 70$ title.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I'm going to be put on a cross but I disagree. Its a balancing scale, one shouldn't ignore all other aspects because they favor one, its fine to prioritize one over the others but there shouldn't be a huge gap between them especially in the AAA field. Dwarf Fortress is a perfect example. It is one of the most mechanically deep games around and I think its wonderful at what it does but it is almost unplayable for most people until fairly recently because most people don't like Ascii. Hell even something like Aurora 4x is very mechanically deep but looks like a glorified spreadsheet, everyone has their breaking point and unfortunately for me Ascii is that out. I think many people throw away graphics since the AAA likes to glorify it too much but I think for a soulslike game, graphics need to be the 2nd most focused aspect because I consider animation quality a big part of graphic budget and I'm sorry a soulslike where there aren't good animations is a very bad soulslike. Predictability and reaction are a huge part of that subgenre.

Edit: Everyone has their own values on what they are looking for in a game and its specific subgenre, the recent debates about Cities skyline 2 shows this where people are some reason fine with a game like that being targeted for 30 fps. While sure its playable, I think we are in a modern era of gaming and 60 feels it should be the standard everyone shoots for.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean the big part of why I want the steam version is the mouse control (also waiting for adventurer mode, which is something I did actually play with original ascii DF with tilesets later down the road), yes yes I know its slower but when you are learning a new game sometimes its just easier to take it slow like that. Yes typically ascii games do have tilesets with them at least the ones I know of CDDA, DF, and ADOM, its just people want things to be "good" out of the box. They don't want to faff about for 2 or 3 hours to get the "optimal" experience.

Have you seen Aurora 4x? It is probably one of the deepest 4x space games on the market to this day. The problem is it looks like a spreadsheet and I'm sorry but when people are focused on gameplay only style games, one of the things that get dropped off by the wayside is the user experience and the UX. It is fucking efficient as fuck once you have it down but when you are trying to learn the system, its a bit of a cliff to overcome and if you don't have a ton of time to game that can be quite the burden on someone. Seriously for newcomers it can seem a bit counterintuitive that capslock/shift dramatically change what actions you can take (talking from personal experience was very thrown off by capslock actually have an effect on what you are doing since shift + key is pretty normal for rts/stuff).

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Oh yes, because everyone knows. They say one thing it totally won't morph into something new afterwards. Also how do you imagine they will "restrict" the modding? By making the game more tamperproof and harder to mod. So while it may not be "prevented" they will basically make the only mods around texture swaps or some shit.

ThunderingJerboa, (edited )
@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Except they have been increasing the prices this whole time... Most of the prior race packs which focused on 2 factions from Total Warhammer 2 were 10 dollars per pop. Hell the last 2 dlcs were so much bang for the buck since they basically made a pair of 19$ dlc obsolete (yes, with the new pack you only get 1 lord each but having 1 lord but a whole new faction for 10 bucks is good value and that doesn't even count that you also get a number of units from a different faction as well). So Total Warhammer 3 comes out and to say it was a fucking mess at launch is an understatement. Their first new dlc is a race pack at the price of 16 USD. So we see an increase of about 60% right there for many units that simply should have been in the game at launch since the chaos roster was very light compared to the other 2/3 factions in the game as well. So come around to when we get a new faction, prior to this factions cost around 19$ and the price increases to 25$ and personally the community was angry but I was 100% fine with this since yeah prices increase and factions have been this price since 2016. So its fucking insulting they do a new race pack and give us a bullshit letter saying I quote

To get right into it: our costs are up. Unfortunately, that means that prices have to rise. We know any increase is going to be tough, which is why our prices have remained fairly stable over the past few years. The downside is that any increase today is going to be more noticeable.

When this is a blatant lie, this new race pack that gives us less content than prior is now an increase of 150% from 10$ it used to be in total warhammer 2 but a ~60% increase from the last fucking price they had from a year prior. It also doesn't help when they haven't patched the fucking game when there is obviously broken shit. For instance they dropped a patch for the honorable frenchmen (Bretonnia) but some faction features were broken for nearly half a fucking year until after this whole. Hell Nakai the kroxigor (A big fuck off giant lizard alligator man who can do a death roll) lord for again half a year couldn't recruit his special units and kroxigors. This anger is coming from a place where obviously the money they earn is being misused on other projects that end up crashing and burning. Like a fucking new extraction shooter that was a money pit gets canned that was DOA (technically never got released but I know they were running beta test and I imagine it getting canned was based on how much engagement was around it, I remember seeing so many fucking ads that beta test). A reskin of Total war Troy (A newly released AAA priced game that had a peak of 5,424 user), which has failed by basically most margins. So its god damn insulting to hear a lead say basically if you don't buy this dlc expect this game won't be supported anymore even though it is literally CAs only cash cow right now. People want better support for this game, it is under horrid management. A ton of anger is strictly coming from how poor a game WH3 released as and the continued support it has seen. We need a proper custodian team who can actually patch this game more than once or twice in a span of half a fucking year.

Edit: I also want to hammer home how fucking bad TW Pharaoh did.
Peak users
TWW3: 166,519.
Shogun 2: 10k or 50k (can't get an accurate count since Steamcharts only goes back to 2012 but SG2 came out in 2011) was 10k (as long as we ignore when the game was given away for free then it was at 50k).
Rome 2: 118,240
Attila: 26,237
Rome Remastered: 18,407
Three kingdoms: 191,816

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

100% disagree. Like in theory I agree with you but they already did an "enhanced" edition for System shock 2. It was their literal first game release. It was their port of System shock 2 that allowed it to run on modern systems, which released in 2013.

The following was the feature list of system shock 1 enhanced edition:

Higher resolution support up to 4K widescreen mode
Mouselook support
Rebindable keyboard/mouse/joystick commands
Adapted to Nightdive's KEX engine
Support for both Direct3D and OpenGL
Option to switch between hi-resolution Mac assets and the original DOS assets
Official support for fan missions and fan mods
New unified options menu that allows changing preferences before gameplay
Adjustable FOV (Field of View)
Smoother camera rotation and translation
Improved control scheme which allows faster and streamlined experience
Brand new achievements
Remappable keys with three profiles to choose from: original controls, custom controls, and lefthanded controls.

Many of these things are minor.
This allows them to update SS2 into their KEX engine but this just feels so unambitious. People are chomping at the bits for a proper remake of SS2 not another remaster.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

While I agree with you, we have to keep in mind even though Bethesda games are pretty fucking shallow. Some people just love them the way they are. Console players are the perfect example of this. I know consoles "recently" added modding but its far more limited than their pc counterparts. Those games had legs even without the modding scene. Its just on the PC market mods are probably the main reason why people play it on that platform.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Come on now that is a bit unfair.

Its a bloodborne PC port.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean Lies of P is probably worth a try while its not a 1 to 1 to bloodborne it shares a decent amount of dna with it. Just wished there were more eldritch abominations.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean and there are a ton of people who are super into the far cry games even though I see them as generic games. Like sure people can find the game fun but I was expect CRPG levels of details but what I got was CDPR's version of Far Cry minus the pointless filler with capturing radio towers (thank god for that) but filled with all the other filler from those games. The story writing was pretty good and that was its big advantage but the AI was pretty brain dead, which made the fighting rather dull. Add on top of that on launch you could literally stand in the same exact spot and clear a section of the AI and then repeat ad nauseam. I haven't kept up with far cry since maybe 3 but I have played the Division 2 although that game has many failings one of its biggest pluses was the AI was pretty smart compared to most other AIs in the modern day and I would hope the other "Tom Clancy games" would use a similar AI but who knows.

Like having cyberware only be useful for combat, just feels like a pointless thing. We should have RP/world moments with them but at least in 1.0 there was none. Just the game is filled with so many missed opportunities. The og trailer for this game was sold on the importance of Cyberpsychos but in the game they are just some filler quests that you can get some lore on before you fight them but vanilla you got nothing unique for doing it (apparently in 1.2 you are now given a proper reward for it but it shows how sidelined that "questline" was). Very little destructible terrain. Like I'm not some fanboy who watched every trailer before release. I only watched the 2013 and the E3 gameplay premiere for it before buying the game whenever it released (after seeing it was scored pretty highly by reviewers). It was just a deeply disappointing game where they basically showcased the prologue showing how "reactive" the world was but beyond the prologue the world really doesn't take in account of the things you have done. There are some things but its alot smaller than what was showcased.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Its a mixed bag. The Pico headsets are around the same price point but at that price point, you are typically paying with your user data as well. Its just a question of who you are giving it to facebook or some random ass Chinese company. While Facebook trying to own "VR" for itself is bad I will at least thank them for making headsets that make it more likely people are willing to dip their feet into VR. While facebook sucks, only having to pay 300 to 400 to get into something you may absolutely hate. They make for great "starter" headsets that you can probably easily find on the 2nd hand market for sub 200. Try out VR on a quest and if you like the concept and feelings of it probably invest more on a better headset. Hopefully we will hear more about Valve's Deckard soon.

Edit: I almost forgot to mention PSVR 2 which is pretty damn good but for 550, I don't think it will have a massive appeal to console games seeing as they are gaming on something funnily worth less than that headset. It being locked to only the PS5 is also a massive penalty against it and there is no news of a fan made driver for it on pc.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

100% not equivalent. I said entry since it gets the job done but it has a ton of limitations. The biggest one is it having to compress the video via the link cable and it having to decode on its own cpu. So this can lead to a some artificating and some stuttering issues. This is a problem that can be solved if Meta chooses to use DP over usb via the displayport protocol but that makes engineering a bit harder and it runs counter to their whole point of the device being a standalone unit, this isn't even an unrealistic ask since this is how the PSVR2 works.

2nd one and this is only a partial issue but its still worth mentioning battery life. For many people having a link cable will extend the life of your quest 2 but it won't keep the same charge level so a session will probably stop after 2 or 3 hours. Which is fine for a single person but if you are doing this for a party or something, may not be enough time to let everyone have a go with the thing. So a standard headset will just have a dedicated power cable and can go for as long as you want it to. Like said I'm hesitant to put too much faith on meta since they can easily drop support for these headsets. To my knowledge the quest 1 still works with a link cable but how long do we expect that to be the case, maybe one day a software update with their oculus platform basically makes it impossible to use it.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Yeah, have no clue why people don't think they are just doing this. They literally did this with RDR 2. Like we aren't in the days of the 360 and PS3 where consoles were very weird architecturally. Things have been mostly smoothed out and porting while can be quite a task especially if you want to do it right (however Rockstar hasn't done great with doing it right) but its far more trivial compared to the past.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

If you read the article this isn't purely about the Epic game store but around the publisher of the game who was bought out by Epic. there are about 30-50 reviews per month for the title on steam. So I think its a safe assumption that it has at least sold some copies in a period of 2 years. There were at least 70ish reviews for the Holiday "expansion" standalone in 2 years.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Have no idea what you are talking about. The fan VR modding community has been the primary reason why VR hasn't died on PC. Mechwarrior 5 vr, Resident Evil 2/3 VR, 7 days to die vr, Half Life 2, Deep Rock Galactic, and many more titles. VR is an immersion enhancer and I am glad there is such a vibrant community for it. The library of possible VR games are also going to expand rapidly once Praydog finally release the Unreal 4/5 wrapper.

Edit: Can't believe I forgot to mention Mother VR (Alien Isolation)

ThunderingJerboa, (edited )
@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Unfortunately don't think there are motion controls. Works great with Hotas though. I wished we would have motion controls but can't ask too much from modders who are doing this on their free time.

Edit: You also may need to elaborate on what you mean change your weapon groups like MW4, it has been quite a bit since I played that one.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I don't have MW5 installed anymore but from my memory you can assign a weapon to multiple firing groups. The only thing I think they did remove is it doesn't use a select fire active group button anymore.

Yeah don’t care about motion controls, those are best left to standing games.

Not sure if you have tried it but VTOL Vr may change your mind on that. It will never beat HOTAS but its far more immersive than relying on your keyboard or controller.

Valve just pulled a Blizzard and seems to have gotten away with it. (kbin.social) angielski

I find it odd there has been very little noise about this. Like sweet its awesome to see that there is a new Counter strike and the features they are adding seem awesome. People were very angry when Blizzard did this same exact thing, where is the anger right now about this?...

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Kicker is the PC VR mode has been done for months now but can't be released until the PSVR release.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean to be fair to them, they actually made Xen good instead of a chore.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean some people would rather play their games on the move than be sat down at a console or pc. Its just the hardware is completely outdated, hell even their flagship games struggle with it a bit like BOTW and TOTK do have some frame dropping problems.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I guess it depends on what reviews were reading or even if you were reading them. I will give it to you that it rated pretty highly but I'm fairly certain most of the reviews I read at launch talked about the bugs, some even mentioned how pointless the open world was since it was just pointless set dressing.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Yeah like if IGN doesn't follow their rules. Welp no Witcher 4/whatever its called review copy when that comes around. Even though IGN sucks its probably better to have more voices than less in the review space. Playing these stupid games set out the publishers is the only way to play since I doubt there will be any solidarity done for IGN.

Hell I'm scheezed out by so many games doing this whole "preorder for early access" and getting around reviews. Look at Payday 3, it has done it and there are basically no critic reviews on it. Not sure if its due to an embargo or they literally didn't even send out review copies, which isn't a great look.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean it has a place in the market. Even though facebook sucks, they are the leaders/pushers of VR at the moment. No new person wants to spend 1000+ dollars on something they may end up hating especially with the rumors around the quest 3 lite. Like meta makes up about 60% of the market-share of those who take part in the steam hardware survey.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

So does Pixmax, HTC, Valve, or Pico no longer exist? VR is facing issues with adoption. I'm sorry but to the VR snobs even though I love VR having people argue you can't experience it unless you spend close to a grand on something that many people's feelings towards it are take it or leave it is a bit too much for most consumers. Meta is problematic with buying up so many of the vr game makers but at the end of the day these companies chose to sell themselves and lets be honest here the VR market isn't hot right now and prior it was fucking worse.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Sucks they bought up most things but those devs chose that option and I can't fault them since lets be honest here, VR market is utter garbage, there is very little money in it. I don't like meta, they fucking suck but the quest series has basically provided the option of the common person to actually try vr. Not many people want to spend close to 1k to 2k on a thing they will maybe fucking hate. I wouldn't say they are the sole reason its dogshit but the reality is people need an entry point headset. The market wasn't providing that and now that it does, people can finally get into VR even though it may lead to technical downgrades since the market is targeting those users.

Hell even though the PSVR 2 is a fantastic headset, most console gamers aren't going to spend more money on a peripheral than they actually spend on the console they are playing it on. Hell I would love Sony to give the drivers to PSVR 2 to pc players since shit a bang for your buck for specs but that ain't happening.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

The irony of saying "Cmon man have like a single thought for yourself that ain’t propaganda" while just defaulting to "FaCeBoOk BaD" is peak. I already made mention of how facebook or whatever they are called is shit but you have to be braindead to see before meta entered the scene, VR was dead in the water. So yeah they tried to establish their little stupid metaverse thing and it thankfully failed. You aren't even addressing my point of no consumer wants to pay 1000 fucking bucks on something they likely hate. Most consumers drop off hard on VR. So cheap headsets are a net good thing for VR, even though the cunts who make them are dick heads.

Game devs aren't just going to be developing games if there is no fucking audience to play/buy them. So yeah many of those devs got bought out since Meta was the only one handing money out for VR related tech/games. It was a devil's bargin as shown with Echo VR and many others but I can't fault the devs since getting food on the table pretty fucking important than sticking with the values of some idiot VR snobs who think the only way VR should work is via pc connection on a pc that is valued in the 1k to 2k range on top of the previously mentioned VR headset that can set you back another 1k to 2k. Like I have the opportunity to have a pc in that range and I see how the quest 2 is very inferior to many other headsets but you have to be a fucking moron to invest thousands on something you will play with for a fucking week. So I'm thankful Meta (who is likely spying on its users) gave me an opportunity to try out VR at a "decent" price so now I know I'm into it and can invest further into the industry but nah. You stick with your idiotic groupthink of "MeTa BaD" when I will say I'm glad exist since people can take advantage of this deal and see if they want to further invest in the medium. I can't wait for they to die out but I ain't looking a gift horse in the mouth when they are ones who are the only pushers of VR right now. Apple doesn't give a shit about gaming and while Sony pushes out a pretty damn good headset, they don't let you use them on PC where most of the enthusiasts are. Console players don't want to spend the price of the console they are playing on to possibly play a handful of games with little support afterwards.

Payday 3 developer drops Denuvo from the game before it's even out (www.pcgamer.com) angielski

It's common practice for PC games today to launch with Denuvo, a form of DRM designed to stop the spread of pirated copies of games, and it's also common practice for developers to remove Denuvo several months after launch as interest (and the risk of piracy) dwindles. Less common is a developer publicly announcing it's removing...

ThunderingJerboa, (edited )
@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

But its multiplayer only (which has its own problems). So a crack would be pointless. Its always pinging home, so it just wouldn't work.

Unity cancels town hall over reported death threats (www.theverge.com) angielski

The Unity pricing debacle has taken an unfortunate, dangerous turn. In a new report from Bloomberg, the company has reportedly canceled a town hall meeting due to what the publication called credible death threats. According to Bloomberg, Unity CEO John Riccitiello was set to address employees Thursday morning, but the...

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean you are assuming the person who is trying to murder you is a rational actor but you can't really be a rational actor if you are threatening death to someone because of their shit monetization policies on your entertainment. Hell some people throw "Death threats" at people because they decide to change a reload speed by a fraction of a second. So yeah "gamers" can be quite unhinged. Hell you had idiots in Jan 6 who loudly stated their intention and beat a cop to death. Hell we have seen situations of weirdos getting close to celebrities (in their heads) then trying to kill them, and I imagine cases like that will only get worse with parasocial relationships getting a bit out of hand with modern influences and streamers.

ThunderingJerboa, (edited )
@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

If you read the article you would know this is all being done via cloud gaming. So the phone isn't doing the processing/rendering. Its just being given a stream that you can interact with. Latency and honestly I imagine graphical quality will suffer due to compression but maybe AV1 encoding will give it a bit of a lead. I'm not saying this isn't awesome but its no secret cloud gaming may not have great longevity and I doubt Apple is going to let you keep your copy of _________ if they ever shut down the service.

This is apparently incorrect, these are running natively which is surprising. So I will retract my former statement but keep it for posterity .

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I'll be damned, I seem to be wrong. I don't know how they are going to run these games natively but I'll be damned they are running natively (probably).

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean you aren't wrong, Epic did the same exact thing when Valve said no NFT bullshit on their market.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I think that will be dreadful. Like not a huge fan of the dlc price increases (seriously almost 150% increase over the last game when their last lord pack COC was already an increase), just TW on console just sounds awful since the controls just aren't precise enough for what you need to do in those games. Yes, you can plug in a keyboard and mouse in a console but I don't think many people would be willing to do that for just a singular game except for the most tryhardy of people

ThunderingJerboa, (edited )
@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I mean even then, its odd but I don't see a problem if modders aren't selling the mod as a "expansion" to users. Ai voices are iffy but they can bring so much cool things to the modding scene. The biggest problem is when large corporations like Rockstar/Take two/etc start using them to replace actual voice actors. A modder isn't going to have the money to pay an A list voice actor to voice act in their mod

Edit: I do think it does cross a bit of a line if said mod is a sex mod but realistically that isn't a logical difference between that and a normal mod but it does feel like its crossing a line.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

Its iffy isn't it? Like we have to remember video game mods are a whole can of worms and they are plainly in a gray area for many regions. Say for instance you have a mod where you have a party member who was modded in who was something like John Wick, Indiana Jones, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, Macho man Randy Savage, etc. Some of these mods would likely rip audio from other source material or they can be impersonation but you are taking someone's "likeness" in a similar fashion. Is it just a step too far because we are copying a voice? I'm 100% for modding but we have to be aware it is on pretty shakey ground. Its also hard since some voice actors do have a ton of range and would it really count as "stealing" someone's likeness if you are copying a voice of a character they have played but you aren't copying their regular speaking voice

I understand why people fear AI but I just think when its being used by hobbyists its a bit different compared to a company doing it especially when the hobbyist isn't doing it for commercial gain. Like the recent outrage about a fan animation of scooby doo using AI voices where an actual voice actor sent a hate mob and trying to blacklist the person for daring to have a shoestring budget and make a silly non serious fan episode of scooby doo.

Edit: It seems crazy to see someone dismiss a person's hard work just because 1 element isn't up to snuff. I don't agree with people hating the concept of "AI art" but this person did a full 10 minute 3d rendered retro style felt/puppet animation but the voice acting is the massive hang up and seeing their work dismisses because of it is infuriating.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

That is quite the fucking interesting take. I guess props for being consistent but those style of mods are typically seen as one of the best type of mods. Massive overhauls that bring one game into another universe take a ton of work and have worked as a basis to work from. Hell Total Warhammer may not have existed without the Call of Warhammer from Medieval 2. I just fundamentally think the world is a far better place when fans who aren't making money can work on projects that would never get the go ahead to continue in a commercial setting.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

you're saying that some games are incomplete just because you prefer a modded, remixed version of the game rather than the one they actually made, which is a definition I'd also disagree with.

I would argue no, its more the systems in place feel like a first pass. For instance, the civil war of skyrim feels like a very unfinished concept. Its something that was slap together to just say they have it as content. You do a few side missions then a siege and repeat. There is little ebb and flow to it, it is a straight line, you as a player are on a monorail. Your actions have little impact on the world besides what arbitrary flag is being flown. Also build variety of Stealth archer? There is very little reason to change your playstyle compared to DOS 2 or BG3 where your different classes/attributes do have a major factor in how you solve encounters. The teleportation gloves of DOS 2 are the perfect example of how equipment can easily change how people interact with the game. Sure we don't need games where there are exclusive routes but the common Open world approach is keep it as open as possible. Like cyberpunk 2077 suffered from problems with the empty space that Witcher 3 didn't because you are on the hunt for recipes for new armor sets and witcher potions.

Hell even some of the games I recommended do suffer from some mechanics not hitting well. Pathfinder Wrath of Righteousness had some issues like the crusade minigame since it feels like the devs said hey would it be cool if we had a HOMMlike minigame in our already packed crpg. That sounds badass but the minigame wasn't that fun however everything around it was phenomenal like the troop recruitment even though it didn't matter had some very interesting talking points and choices. Like you pick the lich route, should you use death row inmates as undead meatshields to liberate your nation under assault of demons. Like it didn't hit well but it felt like the mechanic was thought about and had effort put into it from other sections of the game. It isn't some isolated system that is just there.

I am not a fool who thinks expansion packs are the devil. Hell I am in favor of hefty expansion packs since I remember when you got 1 or 2 and that was about it for the game.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

I think saying you can make 2/3 games out of the effort of 1 is a more cynical approach of you should be milking your consumers, you don't need to put this much effort into the game when 1/3 of that would have been "worthy" of release in the modern AAA space.

Since yes in a reductive point I'm just saying "Make good games, not bad ones idiot AAA devs" I'm just anti devs (more realistically publishers) trying to milk consumer's wallets.

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