Weslee, do games w Unity ...It Just Keeps Get Worse

Am I the only one that wishes these video posts had some text explaination for those of us at work and unable to watch videos in the middle of the office?

Candybar121, (edited )


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  • BlinkerFluid, avatar

    I don’t own any airpods. Is Apple discipleship so strong that we all just assume everyone has the newest tat?

    Quick, check your iPhone…


    Ok man youre fucking retarded. I use android.

    Candybar121, (edited )

    Airpods came out in 2016, that’s not exactly the newest “tat”

    You’re fucking stupid btw, I use android.

    Cylusthevirus, avatar

    hipsters who hate everything Apple

    If anyone needed conclusive proof that the word "hipster" is now functionally meaningless, here it is.


    thats crazy, you’re telling me language evolves? does anyone else know this?


    This is conclusive. Time of death 11:41, September 15.


    Have you considered that plenty of people probably find your advice stupid and condescending regardless of saying the word “airpod”?

    Or that the word airpod was also unnecessary since you already said headphones?

    Apple defaultism is pretty dumb on its own, but it’s hardly the biggest problem with your comment.

    Candybar121, (edited )

    How was the original comment condescending? If you take offense to “Have you considered wearing headphones? You can pop an airpod in and listen to the audio without even having the video on your monitor. Or enable captions and just read the video like an article.” then you’re a bigger snowflake than any liberal. Now I’m being condescending on purpose, because every reply I’ve gotten has been idiotic and a waste of my time to read. OP said I can’t watch the video because I’m at work so I offered 2 solutions. I’m so sorry I tried to help! I’ll make sure to ignore anyone asking for help for the rest of my life. Thanks Doug!


    Some of us here didn’t grow up in the YouTube generation, where what could be a one minute read has to be turned into a ten minute ad-riddled video with over the top voice acting, “artistic” shots, and useless transitions.

    ekZepp, (edited ) avatar

    Done 👌


    Thank you!


    Excellent work srgnt

    executivechimp, avatar

    I’ve found this useful:

    ekZepp, avatar

    Nice tool


    If it does what it sounds like, it really should be integrated directly into Lemmy or Lemmy clients.

    BigVault, avatar

    That's one for the bookmarks. What an incredible site.


    looks very useful but the description is pretty sus haha

    Get a summary of any long YouTube video, like a lecture, live event or a government meeting. Powered by ChatGPT.

    government meeting?


    Parliamentary debate or similar?

    JackGreenEarth, (edited )

    Doesn’t this? (Jerboa) image


    Yeah it was added by op. (thank you op!) Very kind


    Yes, they did, but I meant the link summary under the link, not the text body. Unless that is also made my OP.


    Ah yeah but that summery inside the box doesn’t really give any info


    I’ve had that thought about 6 separate times this morning sitting at a hospital. I miss RIF showing me the link before I go to it.

    Pregnenolone, (edited ) do games w 5 Games Made in Godot To UNIFY You


    ΔV: Rings of Saturn

    Sprout Valley

    Hauma - A Detective Noir Story

    Noreya: The Gold Project

    Those are the games



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  • dom,

    And cassette beasts


    Cruelty Squad too.


    You’re the real MVP.


    I especially like Those are the games

    _haha_oh_wow_, do games w ASUS breaks your ROG Ally if you don't pay $200 for warranty repairs: SCAMMING COMPANY! avatar

    Gross, glad I bought a Steam Deck instead.

    So disappointing to hear all these stories about Asus pulling shady stuff, they used to be one of the best PC companies out there.

    Retrograde, avatar

    but won’t somebody think of the shareholders?? Line must go up!!

    But for real though the steam deck was always going to be a better option for so many reasons

    ricdeh, avatar



    They’re still pretty good at least here in Asia. The horror stories I hear of Asus support in the US is a might and day difference from what I experienced. Their Taiwan HQ needs to smash some sense into the US office and clean house.

    reagansrottencorpse, do games w ASUS breaks your ROG Ally if you don't pay $200 for warranty repairs: SCAMMING COMPANY!

    Why would anyone buy this instead of a steamdeck?

    Sneptaur, avatar

    Because some gamers think windows would be better for this. And maybe a little bit of gamer brand loyalty

    TexasDrunk, (edited )

    Yeah, some folks don’t want to tinker and do like to play games with DRM that won’t work on Linux. It’s also a little more powerful than the Deck.

    I love my deck so much that I broke my tinkering with computers outside of work hours rule in order to set up some Steam remote play boxes (HoloISO based) on mini PCs scattered throughout the house so I don’t have to be next to my gaming rig to play. I don’t really play anything online that has the Windows only DRM so Linux is great for me. But I get it when people have things they want to do and don’t have the time, know how, or desire to fuck with their systems.

    ripcord, avatar

    What’s the advantage of the mini PCs over a relatively cheap Android TV with the Steam Link app or even an old Steam Link hardware?

    What’s the hardware you’re using?

    I have been doing local streaming from my gaming PC to devices around tbe house (using mostly Steam and Moonlight) for nearly a decade.

    I just find the steam stuff maddeningly buggy (setups that worked a month ago suddenly start having some new issue, usually Steam Input or otherwise controller-related). But when things work, it’s fantastic. Especially for living room gaming with friends (or my kid)


    I’ve had exactly one problem using the built in remote play with Steam, and that was a bad update that was put out just a few months ago. I’ve got a few Bee Links with the 680m iGPU (I’m not home to check the model right now) so they were a few hundred bucks apiece which is a huge con for some folks. But that also allows me to play a variety of emulated games and games that aren’t graphically intensive locally if someone is streaming from another room.

    So if I have a friend with kids over, we can play BG3 couch co-op in the bedroom or garage while the kids play Mario Kart or Hollow Knight in the living room. That’s worth it for me.

    However, cheap Android TV devices work for a lot of people and I’ll never knock them.


    Because they don’t need touchpads and like an asymmetrical layout



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  • ripcord, avatar

    OK, that’s true for a few places, but why is it true in the majority of casss where people are buying the ROG?

    _haha_oh_wow_, avatar

    It’s got better specs on paper but in practice, my Steam Deck just just about everything without issue, even new games and most games that are “unsupported” (at least as far as I’ve tried).

    Some people might also like the layout better or just be fond of Asus as a company from the good old days when they were actually decent.


    Because it’s better?


    On paper. In practice, meh.


    Own both

    Ease of use - Ally Graphical capabilities - Ally Battery usage - Steam Deck (because less graphical capabilities) Gaming platforms/launcher availability - Ally Customization and layout - Steam Deck, and it ain’t even close.

    I love my Ally and my wife loves my Steam Deck. But the Ally is better in all the ways above. I will say the Steam deck is easier to open up for repairs, but not by much


    The Steam Deck also isn’t made by a shitty company with a shitty warranty. Which puts the Ally on the blacklist.

    There’s a lot of options in this space, and more coming out. I wouldn’t even glance in the Ally’s direction right now.


    I was just refuting the bit that it’s not better off the paper. By all the measures above, it’s not “meh” better. The steamdeck could drastically improve by taking some notes in what the Ally does well.

    I agree though that Asus isn’t a company I choose to do business with first, they just had the best product for what I was looking for.

    Xatolos, avatar

    Online gaming for certain games. Proton doesn’t work with some online DRMs.



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  • Fubarberry, avatar


    Isn’t the Ally a lot more expensive than the Deck?

    easier to use

    I’d also question this, obviously everyone’s familiar with windows but the handheld experience is pretty rough when compared with SteamOS.


    Yeah, those two are debatable at best, but the other points sure make a lot of sense, and definitely have value. I say this as a SteamDeck user who never even considered the Ally for myself.


    Walmart prices:

    512 GB Ally: $399

    512 GB Steam Deck: $499

    Fubarberry, avatar

    To be fair, that’s the low power Ally with a pretty significant 20% off sale.

    I’m not well educated on the power difference, but a quick google search shows the cheaper Ally gets about 60% the benchmarked performance of the more expensive Ally when plugged in. There’s also a significant drop when not plugged in, but less severe (only about a 20% drop in fps). Source

    I suppose the real question is how does it compare to a Steam Deck at that price, and if the drop in power is worth the price difference.


    iirc they’re all similar amd chips but the steam deck has the lowest performance by a small margin. But the steam deck uses less overhead with Linux.


    As a Steam Deck Expensive Edition owner, I will say the Ally is atleast prettier…

    Not that that would be a deciding factor for me, but some people care about that…


    I bought it because I was able to go to Best Buy and trade in my Mac Book for a gift card and walk out with one.

    capt_wolf, (edited ) do games w ASUS breaks your ROG Ally if you don't pay $200 for warranty repairs: SCAMMING COMPANY! avatar

    They’ve been a shit company for over a decade at least.

    I got a laptop for my wife back when we were in college. It developed a problem with the monitor where the screen would look all corrupt after using it for a little bit. My wife, while reciting the prayer of percussive maintenance, would whack it and the problem would go away for a while. So I figured the connection had come loose. No biggie, just reseat it or replace it. The warranty had expired, so I cracked it open to see what was wrong. I reseated the cables in it and it worked… for a bit. Then the problem came back. Eventually we got fed up and bought another one, same model, figuring it was a fluke… It developed the same issue. Come to find out, Asus cheaped out in the ribbon cable for the monitor and installed ones that were too short for the laptop. Looking online, there were a bunch of people complaining about the same thing.

    Around the same time as I had gotten her the new laptop, I’d also bought an Asus ZenPad for her to read on. We’ll, that suddenly developed a screen issue too! Almost exactly the same as the laptops! My wife, ever eager to apply kinetic reinforcement, found that twisting the tablet a little bit also fixed the issue. I went online and, sure enough, Asus used cheap cables again! They would last just long enough for the warranty to expire before they’d detach.

    I swore to myself I’ll never buy another Asus product as long as I live. If I ever have kids, I’ll disown them if they do too… Fuck these scammers.


    I highly doubt they used those cables maliciously knowing they’d go out right when the warranty expired. It was probably a cost thing, and they later realized (too late to fix it) during production sometime that the cables were a warranty issue.

    Engineers don’t do thing maliciously with their designs. They pick things based on cost, and probably even raised the cable length as a risk/concern during the design and testing phase, and were overruled by the bean counters.

    It’s happened to me before.


    Even in your defense, you point out that someone at the company made the explict choice to sell devices with defective cabling. At no point did he blame the engineers who designed it for that choice.

    That’s a shit company that doesnt deserve anyone’s support, regardless if it was “engineers” or “bean counters” that opted to continue to sell what they knew was a defective product.

    The fact that it happened over and over with multiple devices means it’s a culture issue with the company, not a one off mistake.


    I’m just suggesting a probable scenario. I would be really surprised if this was malicious.


    Intentionally selling a defective product without informing you customers beforehand is malicious, no matter the justification.


    I’m fine not having this conversation anymore. I just gave a perspective from an engineer. No need to continue shitting on me. I’m not even defending the practice.


    I haven’t shit on you at all. Re- read my comments and point out one negative thing I’e said about you or engineers.

    Ive only talked about buisness ethics, and the pervasive negatives that come from misleading customers. If you feel that’s a dig on you, some self reflection might be warranted.

    RGB3x3, do games w Batman: Arkham Shadow - Official Teaser Trailer

    “Releasing exclusively for Meta Quest 3”

    Great, they told us upfront why I don’t need to care about it.


    I was wondering why it has a stupid name.

    “Arkham shadow” surprised it isn’t “Arkham quest heroes”.

    Ep1cFac3pa1m, avatar

    Ah, thanks for saving me the trouble of watching it.

    Astroturfed, (edited ) do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed?

    People like to claim any big ticket game that doesn’t get like 8/10 or higher is being review bombed. Seems as if people have legit criticisms of the game and it’s pretty fairly reviewed.

    daellat, (edited )


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  • ObiWanGurobi,

    Metacritic’s user rating system is just shit. You see the game rated higher than deserved and you can either

    • give it an honest rating resulting in the total score dropping by 0.01
    • give it a zero rating and have the score drop by 0.1

    Of course most people chose to rate it in a way that has more impact on the total score, so it’s no wonder we see 0/10 and 10/10 more than anything else.

    This phenomenon will be even more exaggerated if critics ratings are undeservedly high, as is the case with Starfield.



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  • ObiWanGurobi,

    The reason it’s lower on metacritic is mainly due to the fact that the critics rating is too high, imo. This leads to disappointed players leaving extra bad scores (i.e. 0/10) to offset the total score. In a way that’s review bombing, but only as a reaction to the inflated critics’ reviews (which I often suspect to be bought or bribed).

    Usually the Steam reviews are a lot more reliable. As I said, metacritic’s system is shit and encourages rating manipulation.



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  • ObiWanGurobi,

    Because my initial comment was about metacritic and my argument is that metacritic is a bad indicator of review bombing because it actually encourages it



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  • ObiWanGurobi,

    Check the usernames, that wasn’t me


    So my question repeats: why mention it as if I’m defending it when I merely correctly stated its a review bomb. Like why are you trying to make that a discussion when it’s not…


    I’m not even making it a discussion. You mentioned metacritic in your (now edited) comment and I explained why metacritic’s system actively encourages review bombing. So it’s no wonder you’ll see a decent amount of review bombing there.


    I did not mention it at all not even in my original comment, also yes its ME that said it was a review bomb lol. it’s like talking to a wall. cya.

    KairuByte, do games w 15 More Free to Play Overwhelmingly Positive Steam Games
    elouboub, do games w 15 More Free to Play Overwhelmingly Positive Steam Games avatar

    If you want to explore the most toxic community on the internet, install Dota 2.

    ekZepp, (edited ) avatar

    😅 No thanks?

    elouboub, avatar

    Appropriate reaction honestly


    my good sir, have you ever had the displeasure of playing League of legends?

    elouboub, avatar

    My Lord, I had the distinct displeasure of being granted access to a few pre-mades. Not to be repeated


    I have, before Dota 2 beta invite.

    How is it nowadays?


    just as gobshite as ever of course


    It was such a shame, too.

    It fixed a lot of issues of W3 era of Dota, but could not hold a candle in any gameplay aspects.


    Ah yes, the “if you don’t know the hero then don’t play it” game


    I too remember getting chewed out for randoming in an unranked match.

    Now my friends exclusively play in private lobbies with bots.


    It’s really sad considering how amazing DOTA was umpty bajillion years ago. Also Enfo’s survival.


    and also X Hero Siege and Hero Line Wars


    I remember the pain of trying to find people hosting things like parasite before I was able to host things for myself


    Where gamers play to not have fun


    I stopped playing dota after thousands of hours because I got fed up with the community. I only have a certain amount of time I can game now and it’s frustrating to waste that little bit of time with super toxic and raging teammates. Does it happen in every game? No but it happened enough that I don’t want to risk it.

    It looks like they finally are working to fix that, however I transitioned over to a new game - Path of Exile. It’s great, the only person I can blame for mistakes now is myself 😀.

    Potatos_are_not_friends, do gaming w Portal: Revolution - Trailer - YouTube

    Really hating these no context video drops.

    A quick Google search.

    Portal: Revolution is a fan-made mod for Portal 2 which plays before the events of Portal 2 in the dead and decaying Aperture facility. MECHANICS.

    kadu, do games w Starfield Review - Buy, Wait, Never touch avatar


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  • beefcat, avatar

    It sounds like this one doesn’t really need patches to be fun, it is in a pretty polished state on day 1. Which is weird for a Bethesda game.


    Seems more polished than other games. Winner what kind of fantastic mods are going to be made for it.


    Don’t forget to save some cash for the XE, YE, ZE editions that will come out every three years and woo the modding community.


    Tbf, Fallout 4 only have goty and vr edition as an option, which is pretty standard for game.

    nostradiel, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed? avatar

    This game is just ridiculous. Overhyped advertising, terrible optimalization, 10 years old graphics, so many loadscreens, plain story, no real space exploration, perk wall to do anything, horrible UI and they call it next gen open world space exploration RPG. I stopped playing after 10 hours so I can make a good assumption but it got only worse and worse. I don’t have time to waste it on this. Even if it starts being more enjoyable later it doesn’t excuse all the issues.

    circuitfarmer, avatar

    I feel you. The first 10-15 hours did feel like kind of a slog. I will say, I hit a point where I’m legitimately enjoying the game and things seem to have coalesced in a way they just don’t in earlier game. I’m 20 hours in though. That’s a slow starter if there ever was one.

    nostradiel, avatar

    You’re a patient man. If you enjoy it, that’s good. But that game is not for me. Last game I enjoyed from Bethesda was Oblivion so I’m not much surprised. I’m quite picky…

    nico, avatar


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  • circuitfarmer, avatar

    Mostly yes.

    CosmoNova, do games w Unity ...It Just Keeps Get Worse

    One gripe I have with this video is that he said the situation at the unity office - namely the supposed death threat by an employee against their employer - was “understandable”. It absolutely isn’t understandable. No matter how shitty your tech CEO is, unless they happily throw puppies into a wood chipper in the office, death threats are definitely not understandable.

    ekZepp, avatar


    whileloop, avatar

    What if they only indifferently throw puppies into a wood chipper?


    I’m ok with it then

    ekZepp, avatar

    Man, i’ve missed this. 😂


    They still shouldn’t do it in the Office. They should do it at home, like all others puppies-in-wood-chippers people I know. Boundaries, Karen!


    I assumed the threat was from a developer whose life's work is ruined by these terms. I wonder what the employee's motive was.


    I presume a day off work.

    HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

    Boss needed a bomb threat called in

    StarServal, avatar

    Active evil vs passive evil.

    What’s the difference between puppy-chippers and starving out families with policy changes?


    I wonder now whether that means that you feel that egg industry CEOs deserve death threats…

    TragicNotCute, do games w 15 More Free to Play Overwhelmingly Positive Steam Games avatar

    OpenTTD is a good time if you like those types of management games. The graphics are old, but it’s still fun.

    mihnt, avatar

    I caught a stream of TheSpiffingBrit playing it the other day and I downloaded it because of that. It's neat, but it does take some learning.


    My favourite OpenTTD gameplay video is the Valefisk video where he invites his Patreon supporters to play a game with him and his friends and then ruins their day by basically starting the server early so that his corp already has more money than the other players.


    UntouchedWagons, avatar

    Master Hellish has a tutorial series on YouTube that’s very good.


    If you find yourself enjoying openTTD, I’d highly recommend trying the JGR patch pack. Link It adds loads of improvements that the steam version doesn’t have. I started on the steam version, loved it, and love the JGR version even more.

    maynarkh, do games w Skywind 2024: The Road So Far

    I get that a lot of people are saying “oh this has been taking forever”, but from what I’m seeing these guys are producing an AAA-sized title with an engine they don’t own, with an IP they don’t own, all on volunteer time.

    This is amazing.

    FatTony, avatar

    I am seriously in awe just from the sheer dedication. I can hardly keep up a project for more than three days before getting bored of it.

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