rem26_art, do games w 15 More Free to Play Overwhelmingly Positive Steam Games avatar

I'd throw in a vote for HoloCure. It's like Vampire Survivors, and even if you know nothing about Hololive, its pretty addicting.


Will check it out, just stumbled into vampire survivors that game is awesome


As someone who doesn’t follow vtubers, I can confirm Holocure is excellent, and obviously made with love. Every character has a unique playstyle, and the aesthetc is a nice departure from the gloom common to the genre.

UntouchedWagons, avatar

I played a bit of it and what I got was completely different to what I saw kronii playing. She had what looked like a fishing and farming Sim while I had reverse bullet hell. Runs great on the steam deck though.


“Holo House” is the farming and fishing minigame. I believe you unlock it once you beat stage 1, it shows up in the main menu as “???” until unlocked.

slurpinderpin, do games w ASUS breaks your ROG Ally if you don't pay $200 for warranty repairs: SCAMMING COMPANY!

Tech Jesus had a video about this recently too. I’ll stay far away from Asus

Chainweasel, (edited )

I think Gamers Nexus also did a video on it recently.

Edit: I’m an idiot and I just recently started watching GN so I had no idea it was the same channel 🤷‍♂️


Louis picked it up from Gamers Nexus, as he says in the video.


Tech Jesus is a colloqial name for Steve Burk of Gamers Nexus because of his hairstyle resembling old depictions of Jesus.


I believe Steve did a video on it as well recently. Fortunately, looks like I dont own any Asus devices.

ripcord, avatar

I believe also Tech Jesus did a video too. Lots of stuff going on with this.


GN too!


I forget the channel, but this guy with long dark hair and a goatee covered this issue.


Tech Jesus = GamersNexus

All hail Steve!


I’ve known about GN for years and with everyone talking about Tech Jesus I thought I’d have to look up a new tech reviewer. Never heard him referenced as TJ before but I can see it. Such pretty hair!

altima_neo, avatar

Tech Jesus he mentions he spoke to Louis Rossman about this in his video. So it kinda makes sense Louis would also make a video about it.


Gamers Nexus is killing it over the past few years. So many shitty companies taken down.


Yeah, that video made me switch out the motherboard I was planning on buying for my next build

Dremor, do games w ASUS breaks your ROG Ally if you don't pay $200 for warranty repairs: SCAMMING COMPANY! avatar

My own experience with Asus warranty was of utter incompetence.

It was a long time ago, around 10 years or so, and I sent a newly acquired laptop for repairs because of constants BSOD. Waited a month before getting it back… Without sound. Turn out they forgot to reconnect the sound card. I sent it back for repair, waited another month (because even if they are at fault, they won’t even fast track that repair), only to get it back with a nonfunctional touchpad. I don’t use it, so I didn’t send it back a third time, because who know what would have come back damaged that time.

So their repair woes aren’t recent. When their stuff works, it works well, but pray that you won’t need to RMA it.

MentalEdge, avatar

I had a nightmare situation a few years back with a ZenFone 6.

It bricked itself within a week, and after I sent it in I got months of radio silence, until I started calling them about it. They had no clue what the status of my repair was, there were a ton of orders for part after part, and it just kept going.

Eventually I just started pressuring anyone I could with “I need a new phone, this old one is falling apart, I can’t just keep using it for months on end as you figure your shit out” and they eventually relented, instead just giving me an entire new unit.

Last year I bought an Asus monitor with clearly advertised “on-site-warranty” (which means a courier comes to your house and just drops off a replacement in exchange for picking up the old one), it was DOA.

I thought great, “on-site-swap” should have this sorted by tomorrow. I started the RMA and the first thing they want me to do is ship my monitor to Germany at my expense. I said “fuck no”, and instead returned it to the retailer as I was still within the return window, and then just walked into another retailer with more in stock, to pick up another, which then worked.

Then, months later, some dude calls me and asks when I’ll be home for my on-site warranty swap, straight up dropping my jaw to the floor. I know I cancelled my RMA.

Lo and behold, the RMA case-number wasn’t even the same, so for some reason Asus decided, on their own, to open another RMA, WITHOUT TALKING TO ME for a monitor I TOLD THEM I WOULD BE RETURNING. Maybe someone tried to fix the fuck-up of not honouring the on-site warranty, but holy fuck if that took two months, thank god I took it into my own hands and got it fixed within 24 hours.

Railcar8095, do games w The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom – Announcement Trailer

Should have been called The Legend of Link just to perpetuate the confusion


The biggest missed opportunity this century.

kaffiene, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed?

Why? It’s a pretty bad game in many ways. Also good in other ways. I can totally see why it’s polarising

totallymojo, avatar

To me it was a disaster because I expected it to be way more next gen after all these years. And it was very expensive compared to the quality I got.
Meanwhile my friend was all like “Eh, it’s fine. Pretty much what I expected.”
So I think people had very different expectations.

What I absolutely cannot comprehend is those who say “10/10, game of the century!”
Come on… No way. If you really think that, you have really low standards or haven’t played a new game in 8 years.

Carighan, avatar

I expected it to be way more next gen after all these years

It is “next generation”:

  • It’s the next generation of huge.
  • It’s also the next generation of empty.
  • It’s the next generation of pretty.
  • It’s also the next generation of soulless.

I mean, it basically heightens all previous design parameters for open world games, does it not?


It is absolutely NOT the next generation of “pretty”. Can’t even sign up for the qualifiers for that competition.

Caligvla, do games w [F4 Mod] Fallout London - Official Release Announcement avatar

I had completely forgotten about this. Such an interesting idea, especially considering Fallout is so “American”, I wonder if it’ll work out and still feel like Fallout or just a derivative.


The few glimpses at technology (future bike for example) and ads gives me hope for a neat spin on the classic elements of the setting. That’s all we can do for now, I guess.


Would be funny if people try to stab you with unloicensed butterknoifes instead of shooting

tacosanonymous, do gaming w Steam Deck is the ❝Biggest Threat❞ to Xbox [Fan The Deck]

Meh. They are their own worst enemy. If you’re going to make a console, you have to give people reasons to buy it. Their lack of console selling games isn’t the steam deck’s fault.

I thought the ps3 might kill Sony’s console dreams but they buckled down and delivered with the ps4.

M$ can salvage this, if they genuinely reflect and start delivering.


The video content isn’t talking about the current market or the past, but how Steam Deck is the biggest threat to Xbox in the future. Xbox has a lot of potential. The leadership changed (which is addressed in this video too). When Microsoft was at its worse, Steve Ballmer was the boss of Microsoft and Don Mattrick was ruining Xbox in the ground with XBox One. Now we have Satya Nadella and have Spencer, who did bring back the Xbox brand and seem to understand their stuff better.


Sony also built up momentum during the second half of the PS3’s lifespan by focusing on what’s most important for a games console: games. And they made the PS3 more affordable and therefore accessible with a great, focused PS3 redesign in form of the PS3 Slim, saving costs while only cutting features that weren’t really important to most potential customers (PS2 backwards compatibility).

They took that momentum, watched Microsoft fail and made a home run with the PS4 based on the perfect storm that was created.

The PS5 was simply a continuation of their good form, and Microsoft has just been going along with their Xbox brand and consoles, seemingly not knowing where to go, buying studios left and right which then proceed to release mediocre titles. They also tried something with their subscription service, but it turns out most people just buy the games they want to play instead of picking from a selection of games of which they wouldn’t have chosen most of them if they weren’t included in a subscription.


After being away from consoles for a long time now, they really have little appeal beyond their easy setup and cheaper hardware. The exclusives on any console are not worth buying a whole new console to play. There's so much more value in PC gaming, the intial barrier of entry and possible technical problems just put people off.

I really think Steam Machines could make a major comeback now, the deck has proved the software side, SteamOS is much more mature.


I couldn’t agree more. Back during the initial pitches of the Steam Machines, I was a supporter of the concept and was looking forward to the release. In my market, they took a long time to release and ended up being stupidly expensive. To give an idea, in my market an i3-powered unit was expensive as an i7-powered one in the US despite not having that problem with PC components or even prebuilts. Eventually I spent the money on a parts to build my own rig that was significantly more capable than what the Steam Machine of equal cost would have been. I found little ways to make being a couch PC gamer viable without breaking the bank on horribly expensive niche products like lapboards and it’s enabled me to become a PC gamer despite having been a console boy for so long. It’s a shame because I think Steam Machines would make PC gaming so much more approachable to the average consumer (which I was at the time) and I hope they still manage to in the future.


Oh I agree with that and I’m a PC gamer 99 % of the time (well, like 95 % desktop PC, 4.5 % Steam Deck, 0.5 % consoles). I mainly use my PS5 for playing BluRay nowadays. I don’t fancy paying more for games, a subscription for online gaming and getting a worse experience (in terms of graphics/performance and things like modding but also voice chat options etc.).

simple, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed?

From Metacritic

Metacritic user ratings have literally never mattered and never been an indicator for anything. I’m pretty sure every relatively popular game on it gets “review bombed”, because anyone who actually wanted to review it wouldn’t review it there. This is non-news.


Doesn’t metacritic aggregate reviews from other sources on their review scores as well? I havent really considered any of the big name review places a reasonable source for a long time anyway…

Everyone expects the next big game every game. How often can a studio really live up to the hype people create?

emptyother, avatar

Everytime if they just listened to a guy on the internet who has no clue what it takes to create a game.

MeatsOfRage, do games w Fallout: London | Trailer

If you’re unaware of the recent history of this project, the big Fallout 4 update that came out a few months ago broke this project. GOG worked with them to build an installer that would downgrade Fallout 4 to the required version to run this (hence the GOG logo at the start). Good guy GOG to the rescue.


Plus, they needed a place to host that big a mod with connections to Bethesda to prevent a probable takedown order…


Any reason to think this would be a probable takedown? Mods on Bethesda games have historically been a thriving community unless they directly infringe on another company’s copyright.

Cobrachicken, (edited )

It was mentioned in one of their previous interviews as reason to parner with gog. I’ve unfortunately not bookmarked it, though, and I’m too lazy to search for it, sry.

edit: found it: “At the very least, GOG is sure that its support for Fallout: London won’t upset Bethesda,“They’re also our partners so we wouldn’t want to do anything to harm our relationship.””



That says that GOG is sure that Bethesda won’t have a problem with the mod, not that they will do anything to prevent it.

It’s literally the opposite.


The more relevant section is here

“It’s not uncommon for larger game companies like Bethesda to have mixed reactions to fan-made projects of this scale, we saw this with things such as Fallout: The Frontier,” says Carter, referencing the game-sized mod for Fallout: New Vegas that launched in 2021. “They often tolerate projects’ like ours’ existence as long as they don’t infringe on their intellectual property or negatively impact their brand.”

That said, I agree with you. The Frontier had issues because they put problematic shit in their mod. Bethesda has explicitly given shoutouts to Sim Settlements (I’m pretty sure there’s others) in the recent past.

Coelacanth, avatar

It’s a shame the writers and directors of The Frontier were so shit. The programmers did stellar job within the confines of that crappy engine and I’m still salty Xilandros fantastic vehicle implementation isn’t made available as a standalone (officially).

ExtraMedicated, do games w 15 More Free to Play Overwhelmingly Positive Steam Games

The Looker was a funny parody of The Witness. Made me laugh.


The ending had me rolling. I didn’t realize what was going on until just right before the reveal. Great game to check out because you can beat it in a couple hours


Do you have to have played the witness to get the jokes, or does it stand alone?


I’ve never played it. So I’d say no. I still thought it was great.

addie, avatar

It would still be a fun little puzzler, but it’s very much a single-note satire, and a lot of it would come off as “lol random” rather than taking the piss out of The Witness. Which is also brilliant, love them both.

Lev_Astov, avatar

I just love the review of it that states, “if you like The Witness, you’ll like The Looker, but if you hated The Witness, you’ll love The Looker.”

elouboub, do games w Unity ...It Just Keeps Get Worse avatar

If the studios don't switch to Godot and contribute back, they'll be setting themselves up for another Unity a few years down the line.


I’m also interested in checking out Stride tomorrow. Hopefully I can find a good alternative to Mirror for multiplayer networking and the FinalIk package I had in Unity.

elouboub, avatar

I'm curious why they chose C#. Maybe to be a Unity alternative without requiring to invest in a new language?


I don’t know, but I like C#. It’s got a lot of features that I like such as extension methods and custom attributes. And I feel comfortable with it.


Godot has C# as an option.


If we don’t get together and destroy capitalism itself, we WILL get another Unity every few years.

elouboub, avatar

The easier path is opensource. You can use it today, no need to wish the fall capitalism and do nothing until then

ekZepp, do gaming w Game publishers want to end preservation. But we have a chance to stop them. avatar
dojan, avatar


The people that matter have gotten paid anyway, unless of course the publisher steal from them too, which happens from time to time, see Bethesda and Mick Gordon.


And the studio will be shut down either way regardless if the game was a success or not. See Hi Fi Rush.


These big game publishers and studios really aren’t giving people a reason to pay for stuff. Pay for it:

  • it doesn’t belong to you
  • it comes with malware aka "anticheat"
  • the dev team is fired even if it’s successful
  • sequels are canceled

Seriously, what’s the point of paying them?

Anti Commercial-AI license

dojan, avatar

Thankfully the talent still exists, so they might move on to other places, do their own thing, or leave game dev altogether.

Gamedev is an extremely toxic career, and it has been for a very long time. I’m glad people are finally starting to at least somewhat care, if only for the studios themselves.


I like the cut of your jib


Then I be happy.

Kolanaki, do gaming w Steam Deck is the ❝Biggest Threat❞ to Xbox [Fan The Deck]
!deleted6508 avatar

Microsoft is the biggest threat to Xbox.

dlpkl, do games w Skull & Bones Beta Preview: Yes, We Really, Finally, Actually Played This Game | IGN

So no boarding, no diving, no hunting, no on foot combat or exploration. Wtf have they been doing all this time lol


From my understanding they’ve been desperately trying not to release it lol


Yeah. Underwhelmed is a bit of an understatement.

aniki, do games w ASUS breaks your ROG Ally if you don't pay $200 for warranty repairs: SCAMMING COMPANY!

I love how the latest generation of gamers are finally finding out that Asus has always been, and always will be, a dogshit company.


Yeah even in this video the guy was saying they used to be great, but after having like 3 motherboards fail prematurely and dealing with their crappy RMA process, I learned long ago that their reputation isn’t deserved. I did buy a couple of their routers which seems fine for now but I won’t be giving them more money in the future after watching this


Back in university at the turn of the millennia I was a front-line desktop support guy and the amount of Acer and Asus laptops that came in just completely falling apart was insane.


Sounds like a nightmare. I don’t have a lot of firsthand experience with Acer but I did peg them as low quality too somehow

celeste, avatar

I was in college around the same time and recall doing my usual minimum research for a new system and still to this day think "acer's crap, right?" when someone mentions it, even though the memory of why is gone.


Acers would start with a QWERTY and after a few months would be down to Q–R-T. If you were lucky one of your USB ports hasn’t detached from the motherboard.


I don’t have experience with their systems, but I had to go back to the store twice for an Acer monitor. First monitor had a dead HDMI port, second had a gap in the chassis at the top. Don’t know why I didn’t just go with a different one after the second replacement; it would end up developing a line of shadowing after about 18 months.


The Toshiba satellite. Pure trash.


Fucking Asus transformer pad.

Please send it back for free and we’ll check if the damage is under warranty. If not you’ll need to pay 50$>to get your device back.

FUCK. OFF. Ship it back for free if it isn’t under warranty. Or have a contract with a shop nearby that can determine if it’s under warranty.

Last time I bought anything Asus.


Actually that’s a lie. I have their routers in house which, for now, all seem to run pretty decently


I bet they are rebranded! :-D


Maybe I’ve got a broken set. The ones that were assembled properly

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