tuckerm, do games w The Talos Principle 2 | Demo on Steam Available Now

Portal (1 and 2) and The Talos Principle are the only puzzle games I've played that not only had a story, but also managed to make the puzzle gameplay actually make sense within the story. Like, there is an in-universe explanation for why you are solving puzzles. I'm sure there are other games that do it, but those are the only ones I've played and they were fantastic. That's a hard thing to pull off -- how do you make a compelling narrative, complete with characters, around "moving some boxes?"

Looking forward to playing the sequel. Also, the original is $3 on Steam right now!


Have you played The Witness? Not quite as story driven, but just as cohesive and my personal favourite of the 3 (by a small margin)


Could not really understand the hype for it, having to do the same kind of line puzzle over and over just felt stale.


If that were the full extent of the game, I’d probably agree. I can’t say much more without spoiling it


I don’t see how anyone can consider the sound puzzles in the jungle, the Tetris piece puzzles in the swamp and the color theory puzzles in the greenhouse the same kind of puzzle and be arguing in good faith.


I have not -- I'll add it to my list!


The game has multiple “endings”. My only advice: Don’t start a second playthrough or browse any online communities until you’ve reached the credit scroll. I wish someone had told me that before I started…


Did Antichamber have a story? I don’t remember if it did, only that I loved that game.

nekusoul, avatar

Like, there is an in-universe explanation for why you are solving puzzles.

That observation actually made me go through my library looking for more examples and, yeah, it’s surprisingly few. There’s ‘The Entropy Centre’, which also falls into the “You’re a test subject” category. Other than that there’s the Zachtronics games, where the reason for puzzle-solving is because it’s your work.


Quantum Conundrum too ! it’s excellent, but a bit difficult. I never finished it 🤫


In Zachtronics Infinifactory, the setting is that aliens have kidnapped you and force you to build things for them, in return for kibble and other things humans like, such as a little league third place trophy. Always enjoyed that.


Looking forward to playing the sequel. Also, the original is $3 on Steam right now!

Hey, thanks for the tip! I totally just gifted this to a couple of my friends.


Try QUBE too, it’s great.

pleasemakesense, do games w Riot Games and r/leagueoflegends moderators being called out for censorship over the state of their game. avatar

Thought it was well known the reddit league mods had some sort of connection to riot (even some being riot employees?)

e-ratic, avatar

IIRC the recruitment of new moderators has to go past Riot first

mihnt, do games w Godot is Getting EPIC // 10 Games & Projects Made in Godot avatar

The title is in poor taste all things considered.


I don't get it, was it changed?

mihnt, avatar

I see the word EPIC in a gaming title and my brain immediately goes "OH NO, not them again. What fucked shit are they trying to convince everyone of now?"

obinice, avatar

Is Epic taking them to court or such?

brawleryukon, avatar

Quite the opposite. Epic gave them a $250,000 MegaGrant a few years back.

They even offer Godot through EGS.



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  • brawleryukon, avatar

    It’s almost as if Epic actually does have developers’ and the industry’s best interests at heart despite the shit takes from the terminally-online Gamer™ crowd…


    It’s not entirely against their own self-interest. More accessible engines on the market means more beginner devs who may graduate to Epic in a few years, and more products to sell on the EGS. Also more devs potentially means more asset store customers.

    Regardless, it’s certainly more helpful to the industry than Unity at the moment.


    Mozilla’s primary revenue is from Google, because Google doesn’t want Chrome to be broken up by the FTC. Same reason Microsoft kept Apple afloat in the dark times before Jobs returned.

    HughJanus, (edited ) do games w 15 More Free to Play Overwhelmingly Positive Steam Games

    I pretty much just assume “Free To Play” games are full of microtransactions, is that wrong?

    E: to be clear, I don’t think microtransactions are an inherently bad thing. In fact, if people want to make games where other people with more money front the costs of development, I’m all about it.

    What I hate is being reminded every 5 minutes that it has garbage skins that I can pay IRL money for.

    Lev_Astov, avatar

    Yes, there are good games that are just totally free. I’ve enjoyed the hell out of both ΔV: Rings of Saturn and South Scrimshaw lately. Both offer things you can purchase, but you get the full experience without them.


    Yeah, the question for me is “are they shoving those things you can purchase down your throat every 2 minutes?” because I find that disgusting.


    I could have sworn rings of Saturn wasn’t free


    I thought I heard once that the demo is just the full version, but you can just also buy it to support the devs? That might be outdated or just wrong information though.


    Also there are several really good open source games which are obviously microtransaction free. OpenTTD from this list is an example and Osu!lazer and SuperTuxKart also come to mind


    I have like 1000 hours in Warframe and only spent like 20$ on it. Even that wasn’t really necessarily. You can farm shit and easily make enough of the in game money for what you need selling it to other players.


    I know Holocure isn’t, but my gut reaction to F2P is to steer clear.


    F2P with microtransactions isn’t inherently bad. Legends of Runeterra is that way and is maybe the best-done F2P model I’ve ever seen.

    SeeJayEmm, avatar

    I wouldn’t put Path of Exile in that bucket. The cosmetics and stash upgrades are there but they don’t push at all.


    They’re all way too expensive though. I’d have bought way more if they were lower and enjoyed the game more for it.

    ago, avatar

    True, but there is nothing wrong with that really unless it’s a multiplayer game where you get unfair advantages. It’s hard to expect a f2p game to not have micro transactions.


    Which is why I avoid them


    Grimm’s Hollow. It’s free and has 0 micro transactions. Enioy my friend:]

    klyde, avatar

    That’s so fucking stupid lmao. Crying about stuff that doesn’t even do anything but make you look different.

    HughJanus, (edited )

    I think you may have missed my initial reply where I stated specifically stated that I was not concerned about “stuff that makes you look different”.

    RickRussell_CA, do games w A Brief History of the GTA Game Series, The Most Famous Game in History! avatar

    The Most Famous Game in History!

    Tetris would like a word.

    GrammatonCleric, avatar

    Senet would also like to have a word (nobody said video games)


    Sensationalist click bait knows no such thing


    Pac Man as well.


    And chess is just rolling its eyes.


    I honestly thought of Mario first but yeah, Tetris, Mario, pacman and maybe space invaders would be instantly recognisable to everyone. If I was to show my non gamer dad a picture of Niko, CJ or Trevor/Michael/Franklin then he would have no idea who they were. Where as the other games he absolutely would recognise the characters or the names.

    dallo, do games w The ROG Ally is Still Getting Better (Updated Review)

    The ROG Ally is Still not running Linux by default


    Yeah it can only get so good before Windows starts to show its ugly face. Steam Deck works so well because it runs games within it's own compositor with absolutely no bloat or distractions.


    Honestly a positive for me . Xbox Gamepass is the main reason I have a handheld . It doesn’t work natively on Linux.


    I don’t like to not own my games, but you do you.


    Pro tip: you can do both ;)

    smort, avatar

    Yeah I’ve played some games on GamePass on my Deck via MS Edge and xcloud. It works pretty well for anything where input lag isn’t a factor, like turn-based games.

    I tried Rocket League and Forza just for shits and giggles, and while it’s not unplayable, it’s also not responsive enough to be enjoyable


    Just install windows on it then?


    yes but you can flash either chimera or nobara to turn it into a steamdeck


    Or bazzite

    almost1337, do games w Castle Crashers DLC Announcement: Painter Boss Paradise

    What year is it?


    It’s 2009 wake up


    Where’s my Sobe?

    ElPussyKangaroo, do games w Hogwarts Legacy - Developer Blooper Reel

    Glorious. I absolutely would love such reels at the end credits of a game.

    Maybe even simulated bloopers like with the original Toy Story credits. To watch these characters act like actors would be hilarious.


    Or like the L.A. Noire bloopers/outtakes.


    Haven’t played L.A. Noire yet. Is it worth the money and time?


    I think so. It’s got an interesting story, and finding all the evidence to catch the perp is pretty fun too imo. It definitely plays up the “noire” of it all, with the pulpy detective cases and interrogations.

    Definitely give it a shot.



    M137, avatar

    It’s a very old game now so you’ll easily find it for just a few bucks in many places.


    Okay. Will do.


    I think it was Mario Tennis on the GameCube that had a blooper reel. I can’t remember if Camelot did any others but I think they may have.


    Bloopers for Mario?


    Yep. The game has a decent intro movie and at some point you get to watch the bloopers. W minutes of great stuff.




    So, I had a look at it… It feels like a Blooper reel made for the game… The Toy Story one I believe started off with them using bloopers from the VA sessions.

    But nonetheless, to have such content requires the game itself being fully finished before the deadline. This is the basic requirement we lack currently, so such stuff will only add to the stress of the devs.


    I loved the DLC they did for Saints Row 4. The game itself was barely good, a lot of wasted potential IMO, but the DLC was exactly this kind of fun.



    avater, do games w How Baldur's Gate 3 Becomes Game of the Year? avatar

    because it’s a fucking good game. There, spared you the video.


    Worthless video anyway. Bad AI voiceover reading a bad, probably AI generated script.

    avater, avatar

    didn’t even clicked on it 😅

    drkt, do gaming w Star Engine Tech Demo (Star Citizen 4.0) No Commentary CitizenCon 2953 4K

    I booted it up yesterday. Flew around at 10 FPS and gawked at some pretty locations. Bought armor and weapons for my allotted alpha money and crashed.

    Booted it back up today, all gone. FPS was better. Took an elevator and got stuck in an ether-world. Respawned. Had to wait 10 real-time minutes for my ship to be “delivered” to the station it should’ve already been at. Flew to a lagrange point just to see the volumetric gas clouds. Couldn’t find any stations. RTB, quit, uninstalled.

    I’m going to be brutally honest; if they do not start designing their ship cockpits with at least input from a real pilot then I’m gonna start being upset about it. You can’t see anything! Huge canopies in fighter cockpits, can’t see shid. I would accept this if they had implemented synthetic vision so you could just x-ray through the ship hull, but you can’t, and I’ve never heard them talk about it so I assume it’s not on the table. A lot of the ship HUDs are also dense with useless information, blocking more of my view.


    Waiting 10 whole minutes to get your ship back is the devs not respecting the player’s time.

    I know why they do it though, they want people to buy more ships so that they have one ready while the original is in a cool down period. This is also a similar tactic used by shitty mobile phone games.

    t3rmit3, (edited )

    The only time you have to wait for the ship is if it’s destroyed or lost. If you fly it to the station or landing zone and stow it, the delivery is immediate.

    And you can buy and rent ships in-game, using in-game money. This is about preventing you from instantly jumping back in the same ship repeatedly which could have huge implications for PvP, for instance.


    The point still stands though. Arbitrary time restrictions like this make it more difficult to enjoy the game because you don’t get to fly the cool spaceships anymore, now you’re stuck on land or in a station somewhere until the timer expires.


    Or, you know, you could

    a) do stuff there since the landing locations are not just empty waiting rooms,

    b) use another ship that you bought (in-game),

    c) use another ship that you rent (in-game), or

    d) fly/ get a ride with someone else.


    Exactly. One could spend at least 10 mins just getting provisions like food liquids and gear by walking/running across the station and trams. Plenty to do with how spaced out (no pun intended) the facilities are. Maybe they should put ship insurance kiosks near the apts so that by the time you get to the space port you’d have to wait a minimum amount of time.


    They really just haven’t implemented the insurance kiosks yet. I do think they should take a lesson from real life and let those claims happen remotely.

    I’m happy that the Citizen Con update included S42 being feature complete. I hope they will start moving some resources back to SC with that.

    What people often forget is that SC has been a minor focus for a couple of years while they finish up Squadron.


    They do mention exactly this. Once S42 drops we will start to see a flood of quality of life improvements in SC. This is one of the reasons my main fighter is the Aegis Gladius.


    Yeah there is plenty more to come they just need to finish up S42 and get that on a slow burn to deal with the inevitable bugs, and reallocate resources to the verse.

    Been out of the game for about a year now and a lot has changed and it seems like there are nearing completion on some of the major framework. I think with the reallocation and framework mostly complete we’ll finally get some real content.




    Those are excellent points if the game wasn’t a broken mess where your ship will blow up on the pad for no reason. It’s a tech demo, they even say as much, so I don’t understand why you have to insist that it’s a real game that people totally play for realsies. There are like 14 people who play the current iteration seriously, everyone else are just trying to keep up to date on the status of SC.

    I would be a much bigger fan of SC if I didn’t have to grind for days to experience half of what this tech demo wants to demo me. Are we alpha testers or are we suckers? Also the game ate my money, anyway.

    The time restriction will make sense when there is a game to play, not while it’s a tech demo.

    t3rmit3, (edited )

    There are like 14 people who play the current iteration seriously, everyone else are just trying to keep up to date on the status of SC.

    At this point you are just flailing.

    If you actually had any clue about SC or had bothered to Google it, you’d know DAU numbers (50,000 average daily players across all regions, in 2022), and you’d never have made such an inane claim.

    And no, CIG does not call it a tech demo, they call it an alpha, the 2 of which are not remotely similar.


    I’d like to meet those 50000 average daily players, because they sure aren’t on any of the server I play on.

    I’m glad you’re having fun. This is not a reasonable response to criticism of your favorite space toy simulator. I have invested money into this, too. I also want it to thrive. I hope you have a lovely day.

    Friendship, avatar

    I can count the number of times I've been put into an empty server on one hand. The game has a pretty dedicated playerbase.

    That said, I completely agree with the notion that time restrictions don't really make sense right now. The game is far too buggy in it's current state to really make the insurance claim times make sense and the developers seem a little out of touch on that. They have actually tried to increase the wait time several times to massive outcry from the community. I really think they would be better served cutting the grind down a little bit while they iron out the game.


    I can’t discount that the state of my network is somehow responsible for putting me in near-empty servers (it’s complicated), but your second paragraph is exactly spot on.


    Disagree. The intention is for SC to be a space sim sandbox, so I’m surprised they’re only making you wait 10m.

    When you take your car into the shop and have to wait a few hours for it to be repaired, you don’t think “the solution they want me to go with is to buy a second car for this moment”, right? But that’s the argument you’re making here. If this is the lens you see all games through, then it’s impossible for anyone to make a game that’s just literally normal life.

    Conversely, I could argue that mobile games are built around instant dopamine rushes. Any 10m wait is explicitly accompanied with an option to pay the wait away immediately. Afaik, that’s not an option here, if you’re a new player, you have to wait that 10m no matter what. Correct me if I’m wrong. But that’s not a very good job at capitalizing on the wait time.


    What value do timegates add to video games? How does the user experience improve or degrade if the wait is, say five minutes? One minute? None? Is the point of the simulation to wait for everything? What’s the difference between acceleration humans can’t survive and wait times? What’s the line we can’t cross to suspend disbelief?

    I personally think it’s all made up so making me twiddle my thumbs for 10m is fucking stupid. If I wanted a waiting simulator I’d play “kickstarting Star Citizen” or a less punishing game like Desert Bus.


    Like it or not it does have an effect, which is to raise the stakes. If everything is instant gratification there are less lows, but also less highs. You may prefer games that are less punishing, and that’s fine, most people do. It does have an impact on the experience that creates value for people who like a more punishing experience, though. It doesn’t create that value in the moment you’re waiting, it creates it when you’re debating whether a risk is worth it somewhere else in the game. If there was no punishment for a mistake, there’s no reason to debate the risks, and that removes the high of taking a risk and having it pay off.


    Time is the one thing we all suffer through equally.

    It doesn’t matter if you’re a whale gamer with 100 ships or a normal person with 1 or 2.

    Those 10 minutes pass the same for us all. And it’s that consequence upon death that gives real weight, meaning and purpose to your choices.

    It’s what’s meant to keep you from going, “hurr durr guns go brrrr” and shooting everyone you see on sight like a neanderthal.

    The only thing I don’t agree with is the current durations given the state of the game.

    Often your ship explodes through no fault of your own. They should incrementally increase wait times as the game stabilizes more on my opinion.

    But in a game where death is not permanent like real life time is one of the few things that weighs on us all the same.

    And yes, ofc owning more ships b/c you’re wealthier than other players does give you an advantage over other players, doesn’t invalidate my point.

    If anything that’s making it more realistic, and some day 200 years from now when they implement “Death of a Spaceman” there will be harsher penalties to death that you can’t whale your way out of, forcing you to prize your life and take action accordingly.

    It’s not meant to appeal to everyone. Nothing is meant to appeal to everyone.

    If you don’t like it, that’s fine, don’t play, no one is forcing you.

    If you disagree with the game mechanics, that’s fine, don’t play. No one is forcing you.

    If the devs need to do x, y, and z to appease you as an individual or you’re going to quit, that’s fine, don’t play. No one is forcing you.


    In spite of your short attention span, these are good questions. The point of a proper simulation isn’t to be fun, and game that wants to be fun is usually not a perfect simulation. A game that wants to be a fun simulation has to find the middle ground. I’ve heard it referred to as “the good suck”: It sucks to have to wait for something in a game to happen, but it contributes to a larger, sometimes desired feeling of immersion. But yeah, there’s always a line where the suck outweighs the fun.

    In the case of SC, if the game literally makes you sit and do nothing for 10m, that’s one thing. But my guess is it doesn’t. My guess is you can do other things in the meantime. So it’s basically like any game: you can’t just do anything you want at any time, otherwise it’s not a game, it’s a skinner box.


    In the case of SC, if the game literally makes you sit and do nothing for 10m, that’s one thing. But my guess is it doesn’t. My guess is you can do other things in the meantime

    What do you mean by ‘guess’? Have you not played it?


    Nope, have you?


    Yes, actually. Do you read what you’re replying to?

    Actually just have a good day, I hope you find what you seek in life.


    I mean, I played the garage sim, and arena like 10 years ago when it came out, but that doesn’t count.

    So are you able to corroborate my estimation? Are there other things to do in that 10m, or are you actually forced to stand around and do nothing?

    !deleted5791 avatar

    Well, it’s not like that’s exactly an outlandishly improbable guess though?


    What value do timegates add to video games?

    Well, if taming dinos in ARK was instantaneous, it would massively change the game, and turn it into nothing but a constant stream of t-rex (or other large predator monster) battles. Those 1-hour countdowns are a time-gate for balance.

    If reloading in CS:GO was instantaneous, there would be no tactical decision around when you do it, or danger presented by it happening at an inopportune time. Those 3-second reloads are a time-gate for balance.

    There are tons of time-gated mechanics across all sorts of games. You just don’t like this one.

    How does the user experience improve or degrade if the wait is [less]?

    Well, it means that other players may have to contend with them too-quickly returning to a fight as though nothing happened, which would be pretty crappy if you just got finished killing them. It would mean that if you fly across the solar system in a ship with a very fast Quantum Drive, you could potentially just summon your large, slow ship at your destination, effectively obviating the difference in travel time.

    What’s the difference between acceleration humans can’t survive and wait times? What’s the line we can’t cross to suspend disbelief?

    It’s not about realism, it’s about game balance. Your ships are something you need to take care of. Dying is and will have major consequences (loss of items, for instance). Do you think that Eve’s manufacturing timers are about realism, or that they are disrespectful to the players? Should a tiny shuttle take the same amount of time to build as a Titan (the largest ship class in the game)?

    It’s game balance.


    It gives combat stakes.

    TTK is obviously substantially longer than an FPS, so instead of the 15 seconds you need for an objective mode there, you need something more substantial for battles to fundamentally work.


    The intention is for SC to be a space sim sandbox,

    But it’s not, it’s a tech demo where your ship blows up on the pad for no reason


    This isn’t a good argument, though. You replied to somebody stating the intention with a description of a game that’s in alpha.

    Generally, they want everybody to have a good time, but that’s not realistic right now. Star Citizen isn’t being marketed as a fully functional game is being marketed as an alpha where people can see features that are being worked on.

    Getting mad about one thing working as intended because something else isn’t right now just sounds like your expectations aren’t aligned with reality.


    “But that’s the argument you’re making here”

    That is clearly NOT the argument they are making lol, stop making up stuff! The argument is it’s a game. It’s written there…

    !deleted6508 avatar

    Real pilots rely more on the instruments than the window


    “A lot of the ship hud is dense with useless information.”


    Yeah but they have a useful instrument panel. The panels in SC are not particularly useful except for combat. There’s 3 separate graphs that display your power usage in the Cutlass, not counting the HUD.

    I’m not trying to be snarky, but landing in hangars or on pads in SC requires third person mode. You have no tools to check your clearance except experience. I have no issue landing F-35s in VTOL VR without autopilot assistance, or flying IFR/VFR in MSFS, but in SC I feel like I’m piloting a brick through a tank-commanders vision slits. Even dedicated fighters place the pilot so low in the cockpit that the entire bottom half of the screen is just interior and MFDs. Real fighter pilots can look down at a decent angle, because visual is essential in dogfighting which is the only kind of fighting this game has.

    CatZoomies, do games w Humble Choice October 2023 Review - A spooky month avatar

    For those who don’t want to watch someone’s YouTube video of a Web site you can go to for free, here’s the link:…

    Here are the games:

    • The Quarry Deluxe Edition
    • Metal Hellsinger
    • Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes
    • Rebel Inc: Escalation
    • Spirit of the Island
    • Lords and Villeins
    • A Juggler’s Tale
    • Mr. Pepper

    Pay $12 USD for October 2023 Humble Choice monthly membership to get all this stuff for Spooky Halloween themed gaming stuff.

    deranger, do games w 15 Underrated Indie Games

    Could have been a text list

    ekZepp, (edited ) avatar

    Dude… is right under the video. 😐

    1:48 - Evil Tonight

    3:36 - Prodeus

    5:30 - Sayonara Wild Hearts

    6:54 - Rain World

    10:45 - Echo Generation

    12:31 - World of Horror

    14:16 - Crosscode

    16:45 - Huntdown

    17:39 - Narita Boy

    20:01 - Paradise Killer

    23:14 - Mo: Astray

    25:08 - Book of Travels

    27:59 - Spookware

    30:53 - Yuppie Psycho

    34:00 - Phoenotopia Awakening

    36:31 - Outro

    deranger, (edited )

    That’s the thing, I don’t want to go to the video.


    Thanks for this. I clicked the link, then immediately noped out when I saw it was a video. I was hoping for an article with a numbered list.

    e0qdk, avatar

    Thanks for copying the list out; I'm not visiting YouTube either at the moment. I think I probably saw this video a while ago though -- at least, that particular set of games looks very familiar...

    I've played some of them and have some things to say about them:

    • Paradise Killer: I liked the music in this one. I'd never encountered the vaporwave aesthetic before bumping into this game via a Let's Play (back when I was still going to YouTube) which probably enhanced the weirdness factor of the game for me. It clearly took inspiration from Danganronpa, so if you liked that game you might want to check it out (or vice versa if you somehow ran into Paradise Killer without having heard of Danganronpa, I guess).
    • Crosscode: I found this game frustrating. I liked a lot of things the game did -- like the interaction with party members (EXCEPT for dungeons) and running around the map searching for secrets -- but... the default difficulty seemed to be set to maximize annoyance. I mean, it's doable. I was very stubborn about not changing the timing setting -- probably too much so -- and was eventually able to beat the main game, but the way it was tuned definitely reduced my enjoyment. The game claims that adjusting the setting doesn't matter, but tracks statistics about it (like GTA-style stats) which made me really stubborn about not changing the setting. A lot of the challenges in the game are Zelda-esque timing puzzles -- from hell. Like hit the switch then run over and do something before time runs out but with 20 steps instead of the one or two you'd find in a Zelda game. (If you don't like those sorts of timing puzzles you probably won't have a good time with this one.) So, of course, the timing is set in such a way that it's often tricky to actually pull off (particularly with aiming involved) even once you've figured out exactly what needs to be done. I did it, but more often than not got pissed off while doing it. The game additionally had the interesting idea of having competitive dungeons. Your party members would challenge you on the overall time to clear dungeons. So, in addition to the time pressure of individual puzzles, there was an overall time pressure to race through the puzzles as fast as possible. I liked the idea of where they were coming from with the party member interactions for dungeons but I'd have preferred to take my time with things frankly. It ultimately doesn't matter that much whether you win or lose those (I won about half of them), but having the game rub my nose in it for being too slow after getting frustrated at puzzle timing and aiming for an hour or more in each dungeon kind of sucked. The overall plot of the game was interesting enough to go through, and I liked the characters for the most part, but a lot of the gameplay was frustrating. Very mixed feelings on this one.
    • Phoenotopia Awakening: This game was another mixed bag. I really wanted to like it. There were a lot of parts I did like... but it is very flawed. First is the gameplay. It presents itself as a mostly cute pixel platformer/adventure game, but the developers seemed to be thinking "Dark Souls" with stamina and such and... it really did not work for me. Thankfully, you can turn most of that crap off -- and I did so unabashedly. (I beat DS1 before playing it, and since playing it I've beaten DS2 -- so it's not like I can't handle hard games. It just did not feel good to play with those mechanics enabled.) Second is the story. There's a decent enough hook to get the main adventure going fairly early on, but the game doesn't deliver on it. You get to the end and the big dramatic question of the game is... still unanswered! That is really not ok! (Instead you get a bunch of unnecessary backstory for the main character that I took as a big "fuck you"; I won't say more than that in case someone does want to play it and find out for themselves, but the ending was really unsatisfying to me.) The game had a lot going for it -- the music's good (and I still listen to some of the tracks occasionally), and there was a lot of charm in places. Some of the areas were really pretty and there were a bunch of fun little interactions -- but I really don't know what they were thinking with some of it!

    It’s so hard to please people eh? gently pat in the back


    Thanks for posting this! I too am guilty of not wanting to open the video in the first place, lol.

    DingoBilly, do games w Starfield, is it getting review bombed?

    No, it’s just an overhyped game that doesn’t deliver.

    brihuang95, do gaming w Red Dead Redemption and Undead Nightmare Coming to Switch and PS4 avatar

    $50 for a port (not even a remaster) onto a last gen console? and not even a PC release?! man i’m disappointed to say the least.

    scrubbles, (edited )
    !deleted6348 avatar

    Goddamn I’ve been looking forward to a release for years now but goddamn this is sad.

    THE MAJORITY OF THE MAP IS ALREADY DONE IN RDR2. JUST REBUILD THE GAME AS DLC FOR THAT. Ffs we’re all willing to shill out major dollars for Rdr1 to be remade in rdr2s engine and with West Elizabeth already existing in RDR2s map you could easily just continue on from the end of 2 into 1!

    Hell most of the characters are in 2 as well! Port the quests and voice acting over, not saying it’s not massive but ffs that’s the 60 dollar DLC we’d ALL gladly pay for!

    Goddamn studio execs are morons.

    Edit I see that there are rumors and speculation that a full PS5/XSX/PC remaster is also possible, but at this point I’ll believe it when I see it. I really hope so, but I’m just so annoyed with how game studios handle this now. If they need cashflow in between major releases then do what Witcher did with Blood & Wine. We don’t need a new engine for every small release, release a decent DLC and honestly I’d pay $50-60 bucks for it. Blood and Wine deserved the $40 and honestly maybe a bit more. If they redid RDR1 as DLC to RDR2 I think it’d be very fair to pay $60 for it and it wouldn’t require a whole new engine.


    That’s the thing - loads of people are also willing to shell out for a port

    Why make a decent profit by remaking the game, when you can have a small team port the game over a few weeks and rake in basically 100% profit

    I’d wager the difference between the number of copies that would see for a remake vs for a port is depressingly low

    !deleted6348 avatar

    That’s probably true sadly, but still only ps4 and switch… Which I guess are the two systems that don’t have back compat.

    That’s the thing about rdr1 though, they could basically name their price a true remaster and tons of people would buy a full one too. You could set a ludicrous number like 150 and I shamefully would still buy it if it were a good remaster.


    You might be willing to pay an absurd amount, but you’re definetely in the minority there, most people will definetely not be willing to pay more than $60 for a remaster

    Sordid, do gaming w Path of Exile 2 Official Gameplay Walkthrough avatar

    It looks cool, but frankly I’m far more interested in how it’s going to be monetized. I bought into PoE early access back in the day but stopped playing after a few years because I got fed up with how its game design is compromised in order to accommodate its business model. Specialized stash tabs for currency, maps, cards, etc. are basically a mandatory purchase, since inventory management is hell without them. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but IMO deliberately introducing game design problems, such as tedious inventory management, so that you can sell the solutions is a scummy practice. The same goes for drop rates, which are frustratingly low in order to force you to trade instead of finding your gear yourself, since in order to trade effectively, you need to buy a few premium tabs. Even though I actually made all these purchases to overcome these artificial hindrances, being squeezed like that left such a bad taste in my mouth that I just couldn’t enjoy the game anymore. If they keep this up in PoE2, I’m going to steer well clear.

    admin, avatar

    …but IMO deliberately introducing game design problems so that you can sell the solutions is a scummy practice.

    This isn’t your personal opinion. This is a valid complaint from many avid gamers. I am not one of these avid gamers. However, I have read about this issue from many gamers in this particular space (i.e. non-casual players).

    Sordid, avatar

    I dunno, the game seems extremely popular and successful despite this, so clearly a lot of people don’t mind. It’s hard to gauge what the majority opinion is.

    admin, avatar

    Right…It is hard to gauge this…I’m just going off of all the ‘talk’ that is seen/read on social media.


    they havent added any new special stash tabs to store for a while. heist and expedition storage is free


    On the one hand I totally agree, on the other hand I spent like 40€ on PoE for everything I wanted and got way more gameplay out of it than of many full price games.

    Sordid, (edited ) avatar

    I also have a lot of playtime in it, but most of it wasn’t really quality time. I tried real hard to like the game, but in hindsight I should’ve given up on it way sooner. Even with all the tabs, inventory management is still a nightmare. I hate the currency system with a passion, I resent the fact that there’s no loot vacuum, I despise having to manually identify items. I don’t like trading, and trying to find my own gear was like being rolled around in a zorbing ball made out of sandpaper. There’s way too much friction everywhere in the system for no good reason. I love the core gameplay, the monsters have cool designs and are fun to kill, the skills feel punchy and satisfying to use… It’s just the overarching structure built around that that ruins it for me. Shame.


    I resent the fact that there’s no loot vacuum

    Can you elaborate?

    Sordid, avatar

    In modern ARPGs, you automatically pick up currency just by being near it. In PoE, you have to individually click each currency item to pick it up. Given that PoE has a very sophisticated loot filter system, I find it very strange that it requires so much clicking to pick stuff up. You’ve already decided what loot you want to pick up when you set up your loot filter, so the clicking is mostly superfluous and could be automated. IMO that would make the game play much better, since having to stop to pick up loot interrupts the gameplay and breaks the flow.

    Skray, avatar

    That would require every player even new ones to make very complex loot filters and understand what loot is valuable and not to automate it.

    Every item in PoE that is automatically picked up doesn't take up inventory space (Metamorph organs, Expedition fragments, Sulphite, Azurite). The concept is that players make an active decision of what they're picking up and that they're aware of what they have because they made an active decision to pick it up.
    It doesn't take control of their inventory away from the players.

    It also feeds into the dopamine loop, when you get an exciting drop you see it on the ground it doesn't automatically just get sucked into your inventory.

    Sordid, avatar

    That would require every player even new ones to make very complex loot filters and understand what loot is valuable and not to automate it.

    No, it wouldn’t, because it would not be mandatory (just like loot filters themselves aren’t).

    Every item in PoE that is automatically picked up doesn’t take up inventory space (Metamorph organs, Expedition fragments, Sulphite, Azurite).

    You’re this close to getting it. The extremely limited inventory space in PoE and other ARPGs is a severe design defect, the games would be much better if inventory space was simply infinite. I’ve had a long and complex discussion about this very topic with someone just a day or two ago, so I don’t feel like explaining myself on this point all over again. Feel free to check that if you’re interested.

    It also feeds into the dopamine loop, when you get an exciting drop you see it on the ground it doesn’t automatically just get sucked into your inventory.

    That would be much better solved by having a pop-up show you the exciting drop as you automatically pick it up. That way the player would still get their dopamine hit without the game also constantly filling their annoyance meter by making them pick up garbage manually.


    Yeah, hard to criticize the model when you can just get everything you need for less then the price of a AAA game. It just makes it a “free to try” game, instead of a truly free to play one, and that’s fine.

    And besides, in recent leagues they have gone less hard on the specialized stash tabs model, and more on the cosmetic one. They haven’t added a league specific stash tab since delirium league, and that was over 3 years ago.

    KoboldCoterie, avatar

    They’ve said that all microtransactions from PoE1 will carry over to PoE2, which implies that all of those stash tab requirements will still exist, and we can presume they’ll just keep adding more.

    Sordid, avatar

    Wasn’t that back when PoE2 was supposed to just be a big update to PoE1? I haven’t followed the development news all that closely, but I know that used to be the plan.


    Nope, they said it again during the live stream where they had two people play part of the third act this exile con. Every mtx that effects something that is present in both games will be shared between them. I’d guess stash tabs will be included in both games, so those should carry over.

    KoboldCoterie, avatar

    There was a (recent) PCGamer article that specifically called out stash tabs as being something that would be shared… I don’t know if they were basing that on anything or just speculating, but as you note, it seems obvious that that mechanic would be in both games.


    It’s all in what you think is worth it. For me, it’s my favorite genre. I have spent about $400 or maybe $500 for over 2500 hours of gaming since the beta in PoE which is way less per hour than most games I’ve paid for up front. It’s worth it to me for playing a fun game for all that time. I also don’t really think they purposely design the game to need stash tabs. It’s just what it is. Look at D4 and all the people complaining they can’t buy more. They obviously didn’t design it like that. It’s just that type of game.

    Bottom line for me is I haven’t spent money in that game in years and still play every league because everything I ever bought is still there and will be in PoE2 as well from what they say. I wonder about the tabs…


    I too enjoy the genre but don’t have any games to play. Can you recommend a new-ish game worth playing?

    (gonna pass on D4 tho ;)


    Chronicon was pretty fun. Mini healer too.


    Looks like fun! Thanks


    I actually love PoE’s inventory management, but I play the game “wrong.” I hardly ever trade, except to grab a cheap unique here or there that enables a build. I pick up and manually ID all the items that could be useful, even knowing that there’s only like a 1/10,000 chance that they actually are. I pick up all currency, even portal scrolls. I clear maps at a pace that might be described as “puttering.” And typically I RIP early in maps and start the league over, so most of my playtime is in the story, where successive characters can pick through my stash for junk my old character was hoarding for no reason, that might now have some use for levelling a different build.

    It’s probably my favorite ARPG.

    KoboldCoterie, avatar

    You’re basically playing PoE like an incremental game. Your first character advances at a glacial pace, and dies. Your stash is basically prestige currency your next character can draw from to be faster. And so on and so forth.

    I kind of love it.


    man I’m glad that works for you but that sounds awful to me. I would make so many more alts in poe if it weren’t for the torturously boring and needlessly long campaign.


    Completely disagree. It’s a good game made by good people. You can finish the campaign with just the default tabs, then can buy more tabs if you are enjoying the game.

    It is a game developer driven by passion and not corporate profits.

    Sordid, avatar

    It’s an online ARPG, the campaign is basically just a tutorial, the real meat of the game is in the endgame. So yes, you’re right that you can finish the campaign just fine without making any purchases, but that’s not saying much. Also, the low drop rates will kick your butt throughout the campaign and forever after regardless of whether you make a purchase or not.


    I guess, but lots of players do Solo Self Found, ignoring trade entirely. It’s like doing race mode.

    Depending on the build you’re going for, it can be more fun. Sucks if you need specific build-enabling uniques that you can’t farm for with div cards, but it works well for lots of builds.

    You can still trade between your different characters on the same account, too, so it can be fun to create a character for the items you’ve found.


    You get tens of hours of high-quality gameplay for free when you go through the campaign. How is that not saying much? I feel like it is not a bad deal at all. If you like the game when you probably need to drop some money to get most out of the experience. I think that’s fine. Though it is a fine line where they are walking in terms of monetization through inventory management. Would be interesting to know how large portion of the income is from stash tabs etc vs cosmetics.


    Many (most) people have not had fun playing the campaign in PoE 1. And we sure as hell hope GGG s doesn’t listen to people who only play through the campaign and quit. Although they don’t spend any money so it shouldn’t be an issue.


    I should play the campaign through again. Haven’t played the game after the 10 acts became a thing so essentially I’m just a noob again. I’ve mostly read that people are sick of the campaign because they have already played it a billion times, and not that first timers are having a bad time.

    Sordid, avatar

    You get tens of hours of high-quality gameplay for free when you go through the campaign. How is that not saying much?

    Because the high quality doesn’t come in until way later. When you’re playing through the campaign for the first time, you have neither the knowledge nor the resources to make a proper build, so the gameplay is very bland in comparison to what you can do later. Which means that the fact that the campaign is so long is actually a negative. It’s a tutorial that takes like twenty hours to slog through. This seems to be a common problem with free-to-play games. Warframe devs acknowledge and joke about the fact that the game starts getting good a hundred hours in.


    Bland, really? I’ve never thought it being bland. Though I have not played the game aftee the 10 acts became a thing so maybe it has changed.

    Sordid, avatar

    In comparison to how the game is once you get a proper build going, yes, the campaign is bland as hell. Basically all ARPGs are like this due to the way their progression works.


    Uhm the game is free?

    I didn’t play PoE1.


    Diablo 4 retails for $70. If you spent less than that on PoE, I’d say you’re getting a good deal.

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