Veraxus, do games w Images leak of Valve's next game, and it's an Overwatch-style hero shooter

Valves next game…


it’s an Overwatch-style hero shooter

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.


Won’t hurt to give it a shot, but I’ll be cautiously optimistic.


Man, I was taught “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” but you’re burying it by it’s genre, I hope you can experience new things once in a while .


What if you’ve already played all the big names in that genre and hate all of them?


Going to let an unannounced games rumored genre ruin your day?

Gamers need to set a better image of themselves.

Inui, (edited )

I never said that lol. The top commentor used a well known meme. I just want to play a cool new single player Valve game.


Well, it’s valve, so honestly the odds of it being genre-defining in an already established genre? Pretty high, actually. Seriously, when is the last time valve put out a shit game?

Here’s hoping it helps OW2 finally die.


Well they did make Artifact. But if something is the best of something you already don’t like, that’s still disappointing. I don’t play games like DOTA or CS so outside of Half Life Alyx they haven’t put out anything they caters to me in a very long time. Since Portal 2? Which is fine. But I’m still disappointed.



… OK name two!


I honestly forgot about that piece of crap lol.


It’s been many years, maybe even decades, since I liked a straight up turn-based single player RPG. I seriously can’t think of one that has sucked me in since FFX. I even tried Divinity Original Sin 2 after so much hype and good reviews from my friends. But I just didn’t like it.

However, Baldur’s Gate 3 sucked me in. According to steam, approaching 100 hours of playtime (although I’m sure there is a good chunk of time where I just walked away with the PC with it “paused.”)

I’m not saying you’ll like the game, I have no idea. But to already be convinced that you won’t like it based on pretty much the nothing we’ve got it terribly presumptuous.

Inui, (edited )

I don’t think ‘past data’ is nothing. Something might defy your expectations but its perfectly reasonable to expect you won’t like something if you’ve never liked anything from that genre before. I’m not ordering pizza from a restaurant if I’ve eaten 12 pizzas before and never liked any of them. I’m ordering the pasta or something.

Especially if you have liked games that company has made in other genres you already know you do like. I’d have been pretty excited about almost any other Valve announcement.

I hope the game is good for people who like that sort of thing.


I’m not ordering pizza from a restaurant if I’ve eaten 12 pizzas before and never liked any of them.

I was very intentional with my language, and pointed out that we know pretty much nothing about the game, so claiming you know you won’t like it is h reasonable. This is nothing like having a pizza, not liking it, and then not getting that same pizza again. This is like not liking the pizza at one store, it’s much closer to saying you don’t like the pizza in one store, so you know you won’t like it in another. Still imperfect because it would be closer saying you’ve never had a pizza you like, so you won’t like the pizza in a new store, which is more reasonable because you have a lot of information about that pizza.

But we have virtually nothing about this game.


To be faaaaiiiiir… D:OS (both of them) make the age-old mistake of having really slow, uninteresting, prologuish RPG starts. It takes a solid 5h of powergaming or 10h+ of normal play to get past that hump. That’s the point where the story picks up and you have enough tools to start really taking advantage of the games sandbox.

With BG3 they really seemed to have learned their lessons.


Edit:This was meant for the person above.

This seems reasonably different than the headline implies. It’s a hero shooter, in that there are classes based on heroes (like Team Fortress 2 as well). The gameplay is more moba it sounds like. I think I’ve only played one other moba shooter, and it failed quickly, so that’s different already.

It’s not a copy of OW, and even if it were it could still innovate. Half Life might be a “Doom Clone”, but it did stuff no one had done before. There’s plenty of innovation potential without inventing a new genre. Even if you do create a new genre, it’s probably still just evolution of existing things. No one ever has an original idea. It’s always inspired by their environment.


I hate beets. HATE them. I will eat durian, thousand-year eggs, stinky tofu, and a million other things that most people won’t touch… but beets? Fuck beets. Their sweet-yet-earthy funk is like a dead animal that has just started to decompose. I don’t care if they are cooked, pickled, or stewed in borscht… hate them and won’t touch them. They ruin everything they touch.

This is like that. They are cooking with lots of beet-like ingredients. Some people will love that. But as for me…I hate it… I hate just everything about it… and I hate it because I’ve experienced all those ingredients before. Over and over and over again. What they are making is for a very particular crowd, and I am not part of said crowd.


This seems reasonably different than the headline implies. It’s a hero shooter, in that there are classes based on heroes (like Team Fortress 2 as well). The gameplay is more moba it sounds like. I think I’ve only played one other moba shooter, and it failed quickly, so that’s different already.

It’s not a copy of OW, and even if it were it could still innovate. Half Life might be a “Doom Clone”, but it did stuff no one had done before. There’s plenty of innovation potential without inventing a new genre. Even if you do create a new genre, it’s probably still just evolution of existing things. No one ever has an original idea. It’s always inspired by their environment.


All fair points, and given the way Valve operates (like a free collective) this would only happen if there were some really passionate people leading and working on it.

That said, it’s still a mix of things I just really do not have any interest in. Competitive online game, esports focused, MOBA-like, PvP, hero shooter… that’s a whole lot of hard no-thanks from me.

I’d love some new light-narrative single player and/or co-op stuff from them, though.

xantoxis, do gaming w GAME staff discovered zero hours contracts move via mass Microsoft Teams calls

This headline is almost incoherent, I wish they’d stop teaching journalists about newspaper shorthand headlines. We’re not limited to broadleaf sized headlines any more, just put some fucking words in there so it makes sense.


I have a very hard time understanding these headlines, but I normally blame it on my English (English isn’t my first language), but good to know that that’s not the case. Reading them twice or more doesn’t help. I just give up and let it go.


It’s honestly a problem for native speakers. So many times headlines make no sense or are extremely misleading.


I read the article and it’s not really any more clear.


Yes, even just the first paragraph makes sense.

Staff members were told of GAME’s impending change to force staff onto zero hours contracts, first reported yesterday by Eurogamer, via mass video calls held on Microsoft Teams.


Are you paid to craft distraction posts? The headline and article are clear but your post (clearly upvoted by bots) is now the point of discussion (likely some responders are also the same bot accounts).

How much do you earn in service of corporate interests?


I don’t think it’s a conspiracy, but it is definitely odd.

In my opinion, the headline is very clear.


Who do you think is paying random Lemmy users to complain about headlines on news articles? Seriously, who do you imagine is behind such a ridiculous conspiracy? Where is the value in such activity?

Also, upvotes are public. We can see who upvoted him, and it wasn't bots.


How can you possibly know if an account is or is not a bot in this age of LLMs?

And the value is where it’s always been - astroturfing.


How can you possibly know if an account is or is not a bot in this age of LLMs?

You tell us, you're the one saying the other guy was "clearly upvoted by bots", you show us how you came to that conclusion, chief.


"Bots exist" isn't an answer to "prove that post was upvoted by bots".

Quit being obnoxious, my guy.


Feel free to come up with your own thesis for the behaviour then. Why do you think a bunch of discussion has formed around a falsehood where all the parties of that discussion seem to agree and yet none have discussed the subject matter at all.


Feel free to come up with your own thesis for the behaviour then.

People upvoted him because they agree with him. Not that hard to figure out.

Why do you think a bunch of discussion has formed around a falsehood where all the parties of that discussion seem to agree and yet none have discussed the subject matter at all.

Because the headline is trash, hence the conversation at hand.

Carighan, (edited ) avatar

I got to ask, has reading comprehension really come down that much in the recent decades?

Could the title be expanded to be more prosaic? Sure!
But at the same time, it’s intuitively and entirely understandable.

Who? GAME staff
What? Discovered something
What exactly? That they’re moving to zero hour contracts
How? Via a mass Microsoft Teams call

Or, written together, the title up above. And that’s a completely normal sentence structure, it’s essentially how your brain should expect a sentence conveying that information to be structured, or the final part would be at the start (“Via a mass microsoft teams call…”).


Sure, but while I understand the sentence structure I still don’t know what it’s talking about without the article itself

I think the point they are making is that we use these short titles even though we don’t need to. It might be correct, but why not make better use of the medium

MonkderDritte, (edited )

See? I understood it that GAME staff discovered that zero hours contracts (whatever that is) move via team calls (wherever, and however that happens).

So much to reading comprehension. That title is trash.


I just find it weird that you felt compelled to post an explanation for something that is “intuitively and entirely understandable”. It’s almost as if you knew that lots of people couldn’t understand it.

bisby, (edited )

What exactly? That they’re moving to zero hour contracts

This isnt what the headline says though. “Discovered zero hour contracts” isnt how normal people speak. I have no clue if a mass teams call means they discovered some people were already on contracts, or that they were moving everyone to them, or some people, or (not knowing what a zero hour contract is) that the company has new contracts with game publishers.

You took your own understanding of the headline and even in your “its simple” added details that weren’t there originally.

BitingChaos, do games w Overwatch 2 is now Steam's "worst game of all time" avatar

They destroyed Overwatch 1 and gave us Overwatch 2.

I want to play Overwatch 1. :(

GeekFTW, avatar

Don't worry, another year or two and they'll be selling us Overwatch Classic™ for $15 a month.

Pxtl, avatar

Which one? The game was rebalanced so many times it was basically several different games. If they put in a 2-2-2 mode with the weaker open-queue tanks, I’d call that close-enough to Overwatch 1. Of course, that still would mean the new expensive monetization model. Like there’s one skin in the free tier of the current battle-pass, and it’s for Torb.


i miss 6 torb games, ow was good when quick play was just goofy

Swedneck, avatar

All match-based games should have competitive, casual, and anarchy modes.

ADHDefy, avatar

SAME. OW1 was one of my favorite games. Still mad about it.


What happened to it?

ADHDefy, avatar

When they made OW2, they replaced OW1 with it. Technically, I think OW2 is just a really big update for OW1. But now there's no way to play the old version that a lot of us liked better. :(

superduperenigma, do games w Stardew Valley creator confirms he's made "a ton of progress" on update 1.6

Indie devs:

So many people are still playing it, and many new people every day, I want it to be the best it can be

It will never be perfect, but I feel an urge to keep improving it. Up to this point, it’s been my life’s work, and I care a lot about it.

AAA companies:

So many people are still playing it because exploiting poor impulse control and FOMO are at the core of our game design philosophy. We want it to be the most profitable it can be

It will never be enjoyable, but we will make sure people feel the urge to keep logging in to grind their dailies so their purchase of a battle pass can be justified. Ever since we started allowing pre-orders it was already profitable, and we stopped caring about quality.


Indie devs: suddenly I’m a millionaire thanks to this one-hit-wonder game that I spent 6 years making. I think I’ll keep updating it so people keep buying it.

AAA companies: We need to pay 400 people over a course of 2 years. 30 million is less than 10% of the budget

tb_, avatar

AAA companies:
We made record profits!

Also AAA companies: We’re laying off a substantial portion of our team.

MeanEYE, avatar

Don’t forget the mandatory apology JPEG on Xitter.

We have done our utmost to make the enjoyable experience more accessible to average user. This has in turn resulted in sub-par experience for some. As we constantly try to improve quality of our products and this was a valuable lesson from which we plan to grow into more responsible company that caters to people’s needs.


Which is repeated every 3 years when there’s some kind of outrage

NetherFalcon, avatar

“and we stopped caring about quality” good god that feels so true, it hurts

Cosmonaut_Collin, do games w Stardew Valley creator confirms he's made "a ton of progress" on update 1.6 avatar

This reminds me of Terraria where they claim a final update, but they just can’t stop adding new things. I love devs with this kind of passion.


Where’s the best place to catch up on the updates, haven’t read anything since the multiplayer update.

Cosmonaut_Collin, avatar

I just look at the update history on steam. I don’t necessarily go to other websites. Every update has been minor, but I still consider it. Maybe they just meant no more major updates, but even still, it’s impressive they have kept maintaining that game for over 10 years.

Nytelock, do games w BioWare lays off senior writing staff as part of its recent job cuts

They’ve really lost the right to be called bioware at this point. Almost all of actual bioware has left or been canned.

ummthatguy, avatar

Seems sadly on point. Their M.O. since at least as far back as Westwood (RIP Command & Conquer) has been to acquire a name brand, sap it for short term nostalgic profit, then dismantle usable assets. I love Dragon Age: Origins… and to some extent Inquisition, but damn if she ain’t what she used to be.

mihnt, avatar

Even playing through Mass Effect 1 > 2 > 3 back to back has been a challenge for me. The games just get simpler as you go along and it is so frustrating.

And I'm not talking about just the talent systems and looting etc, the fucking dialog gets to a point where sometimes 2-3 of the options will give the same result, and ugh. Ruins so much of it for me.


You make a good point. Is there a life-tree of devs that shows their companies and games? It’d love to see those art directors names we know across the different devs and publishers they worked for but also the lesser known names that really make great games what they are.


There’s MobyGames, but it’s often out of date or missing information.

tal, avatar

Hmm. It'd be interesting to go through game credit screens and build a database to try to predict good games.


That's the story of almost all EA studios. Respawn afaik has kept their senior staff but also have expanded too much for me to believe there's a "Respawn identity" anymore.

What's funny that happened with Bioware and Criterion, too.


Respawn has only made like, five games? Two of which are licensed IP and not any good. They have one great game in TF2. There was never a “respawn identity”. Hell the company was started by old Infinity Ward people.

beefcat, avatar

Their Jedi games weren’t any good?


Literally everything Respawn has made has been good.

stopthatgirl7, (edited )
!deleted7120 avatar

It really is a ship of Theseus question at this point, huh.

Call_Me_Maple, avatar

At least with the ship of theseus it’s an inanimate object. You could replace any board or sail and still consider it the ship in question. Is it still in fact the ship of theseus? That’s debatable but you could say that it still represents the ship.

In this case BioWare is made up of thinking human beings all that are motivated by different factors. You can’t replace one person with another and expect the same of them even if you got someone who followed the initial person’s logic as closely as possible, they’d still end up with different results to the first.

That is if EA even cares enough to replace the previous developers with like minded individuals which I highly doubt. BioWare of old, make great games while telling the best stories possible. After modern day EA’s influence? Make as much money as you can while puppeteering as the BioWare of old.

That’s how I see it anyways.


You can’t replace one person with another and expect the same of them even if you got someone who followed the initial person’s logic as closely as possible, they’d still end up with different results to the first.

but this is… how businesses work. No business is the same people ALL the time. i don 't know why people expect any different here. and the quality of writing has suffered as of late, so why not get new blood in? i really don’t understand what the issue is here.


I think just using % solves the silly Theseus question entirely. It is 30% original. Bam, no confusion


What if you replace each piece of the original ship with an identical piece? What if you use all of the removed pieces to build an identical ship? Which one is then the “real” ship?


What if you replaced half the pieces and used the replaced parts to build a new ship


What if you had a time machine and sent a ship made out of original parts back in time then swapped half of the parts between the two ships?

Will the older pieces immediately rot to dust because the older ship already had those parts swapped out in its past, so the older pieces are actually trapped in a time loop, but since they keep getting older they just disappear, but it’s ok because you have the new pieces from the past so you’re left with a ship with new pieces and slightly older pieces?


So I could have 3 original ships of Theseus?


… If you have 33% of the original ship left. What makes you think there are 3 original ships. It’s like you’re trying to confuse yourself. If you took 33% of the original ship to make a new one, you did just that. Being vague isn’t profound


What’s vague? You can divide the ship into 3 and replace the missing pieces for each third. You now have 3 ships with 33% of the original, all of which fit your criteria


The original ship is where the pieces are coming from, the new ship are made from those pieces. This is sooooo dumb to be arguing. Just be more specific and no issues.


If you replace the quality parts with manure bricks, at what point has it become the shit of Theseus?

DrSleepless, do games w Stardew Valley creator confirms he's made "a ton of progress" on update 1.6

That guy is amazing


It blows my mind every time I see Stardew Valley. Singlehandedly wrote the story, characters, the music, effects, coded the game etc. Simply stunning.


Sure, but the storage chest was a poor example for progress.

Nacktmull, do games w Disco Elysium standalone expansion reportedly cancelled and quarter of staff facing redundancy at ZA/UM avatar

I wouldn’t want to buy an expansion from the people who stole Disco Elysium anyway.

How Disco Elysium Was Stolen From Its Creators

About the Disco Elysium Investigation (It’s bad.)

Glitchington, avatar

Yeah, this seems like the business equivalent of a slap in the face to the original devs.

BarrierWithAshes, avatar

The whole thing is such a clusterfuck. I've never played it but I can sympathize with how the fans have been jerked around.

Nacktmull, avatar

I you are into adventure games and/or like the idea of a story heavy rpg without combat I wholeheartedly recommend you trying it.

BarrierWithAshes, avatar

I've tried several games like it. Arcanum being one of the most similar but I just can't get into that style, no matter how many times I've tried lol. Same reason I won't play Planescape: Torment. Just not for me. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


It’s not very much like Arcanum, though. Arcanum and Planescape are moer or less straight RPGs, Disco Elysium is practically a variant of a point and click adventure.


It’s a point and click puzzle game with rpg elements, that’s how I’ve been explaining it


I really wanted to get into planescape torment because I have heard amazing things about the writing and I have played decently far into the beginning (escaping from the body morgue complex into city) but the whole damn game is just grey and beige and I couldn’t take it after awhile lol.

BarrierWithAshes, avatar

I'm sure its got an incredible story and I'd love it if I actually sat down but im in the same boat. Just not interested.


I sympathise with them, but played it without any insight into any drama. It’s one of the best games I’ve played.


If anything the employees getting fired and the project being shitcanned adds another layer of social commentary


Still do not understand how this wasn’t hostile takeover.

Shadywack, do games w Activision Blizzard boss Bobby Kotick departs in just a few days avatar

Good riddance to that fucking scumbag.


This golden parachute is glorious.

He says exiting the building.

TheFerrango, do games w Xbox is still committed to making consoles, says boss Phil Spencer

They also said they were still committed to Zune and Windows Phone.


They probably weren’t lying then or now, they are committed… for this quarter. When they read the numbers next quarter, well that’s completely unrelated to today’s commitments!

AccmRazr, do gaming w The Witcher producer blames Americans and social media for Netflix series' simplified plot

Look at this clown! First, they came out saying they weren’t even fans of the material. You have Henry Cavil in the lead role who is a super fan of the source materials arguing with you and the writers about the show. And then you finish it off by blaming the audience for your decisions. Mind you, the audience you have ultimately attracted is largely influenced by the decisions you have made throughout the production of YOUR show. The audience didn’t make this show, YOU did


Is this the same person? This is just an executive producer, not the writer or show runner.

Pretty funny to call out someone for not reading something while simultaneously not reading the article to know who it is you’re even talking about.

Overzeetop, avatar

If you're the executive producer, it's your fault that your team members fucked it up. If you cannot find a competent writer to properly express nuance on the screen, it's still your fault. You hired the wrong person to adapt the books. You are the boss, the final say, the one-ass-to-kick when things go wrong. The Witcher is not some nuanced story about regional distinctions in low-visibility communities told in short form, which seems to be his only acclaimed experience, followed by several production failures.

This entire interview comes down to "those lazy zoomers don't know how to appreciate good film." From the description of his past, massive failures it appears to be a problem with his process and ability, not an audience problem.


by several production failures

Hehe savage


If you’re AN executive producer:

brihuang95, do games w Unity reveals plans to charge per game install, drawing criticism from development community avatar

wow literally every fucking product is undergoing enshittification to a service model.


It’s surprising how slow the process has been in many instances


I said this would happen back when it was just the ISPs having data caps and cell phone companies charging for every text/data caps/ peak hours. Oh, but I was just a raving lunatic then. Fuck the human race. We get what we deserve.


Speak for yourself. I don’t deserve this just because other people are morons.

mustardman, (edited )

All of those things you listed have always been unpopular. Idk why anyone would think that makes you a lunatic.


Nah, smart people don’t deserve to suffer just because most people are stupid and careless.

567PrimeMover, avatar

Time to end the failed experiment that is capitalism

mihnt, do games w Starfield players create famous faces in-game, and a Todd Howard flashlight avatar

To see this content please enable targeting cookies.

Nope. Fuck you.


Can’t even reject all cookies. Like the personalized ads option only has an “accept” button. Isn’t that a GDRP violation?


You have to go into “manage settings” and the second header to get a “reject all cookies” option. Fucking bullshit tbh, because it was lagging out on my phone while I was trying to navigate it

mihnt, (edited ) avatar

I don't know. I'm a dirty American with Consent-O-Matic.

Here's the github for anyone that wants.


Who the fuck does that? Add this website to the unwelcome list.


Ahaha I had exactly the same reaction xD

KingThrillgore, do gaming w Twitch "isn't profitable" admits CEO, in wake of recent layoffs avatar

You know what that means: Gifting a sub with Prime is about to go away and so are all the loot drops with Prime. Also, more no opt out ads, longer preroll ads, and a larger list of partnered games getting headway.

So you know typical enshittification stuff.

Carighan, avatar

This always makes me wonder how their operation can be so pricey.

It sounds more like their human resource cost is just absurd, not that their underlying technical operation is the problem. Plus assuming they did any calculation on the ads at all, their server usage should pay for itself as more load means more views means more ad impressions.

But what does Twitch need X-thousand people for if they still cannot do anything about curating content with those endless people? All I see of them is someone writing flip-flopping statements about whether nudity on stream is okay or not, always depends on which month it is it feels like.

KingThrillgore, avatar

Video encoding is an expensive operation and probably the second largest cost next to wages. And apparently they aren’t even on an AWS SLA.


Are they really a revenue sink to cover up taxable income?


Shouldn’t the encoding happen locally, on the user’s computer, before it’s even sent to Twitch?


The user doesn’t send several different resolutions of video, the streamer just sends the source, and once thay have enough viewers, twitch reduces the resolution on their side so the viewer can choose either quality.

CleoTheWizard, avatar

Or they just shutter twitch once they realize it’s unprofitable.

worsedoughnut, avatar

Don’t get my hopes up

NOT_RICK, do games w Activision Blizzard boss Bobby Kotick departs in just a few days avatar

I’m glad he’s finally fucking off, it’s just a shame it’s with such a fat bag of cash

SnotFlickerman, avatar

Don’t worry, it’s never enough cash, so he will assuredly be back to fucking shit up in some business capacity soon enough.

KingThrillgore, avatar

He’s gonna run Unity (further into the ground) I just know it and they’re waiting for the new year to send the offer.


Wally has all the prerequisites of being their CEO, Lack of talent


Hello fellow not rick

NOT_RICK, avatar

Get off my lawn!

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