NOT_RICK, do games w Roblox gets banned indefinitely in Turkey over “child exploitation” avatar

Broken clock moment for Erdy


Why? I don’t know anything about the game, is it bad for kids?

NOT_RICK, avatar

They exploit kids for free labor among other things.…

Carighan, avatar

It’s bad and it’s kids. Like, the game is no better if you doin’t aim it at kids, but the fact they intentionally employ child labor as a gamified device is just disgusting.


It’s a game designed for kids with not enough moderation/limitations for a kids game. There’s literal porn games if you look in the right places (called ‘condo games’)


Yeah, the other problem with these kinds of open-ended social games that are heavily aimed at children is that adults who want to exploit children will play those games for that express purpose.

Same issue with games like VRChat, and to a less extent, Fortnite.


At least he cares about Palestinians. Unlike Kamala. Mrs. “Shut up, I’m talking”.

NOT_RICK, avatar

And I could say at least Kamala doesn’t have all her political opponents locked up. I wouldn’t do that though because boiling a politician down to a single issue doesn’t make any sense.


Maybe not to you, but when 15,000 children have been murdered and an entire population is starving, then boiling a politician down to a single issue does make sense to me.

Typical American apathetic to genocide.

NOT_RICK, avatar

I’m not apathetic, I’ve actively contacted my representatives demanding a cease fire. I’ve donated for aid for Gaza. Considering what Erdogan has done to the Kurds I find you argument extra rich. By all means continue to act all self righteous when I will be the one who has to deal with the other guy if you keep carrying water for his campaign.


Done more than the user just spreading hatred

TrickDacy, avatar

Typical tankie lying about what they care about.


Would you have an idea about what they would care about? Like are they just virtue signaling hard? Why not?

Like I could see Russians or Chinese or Republicans pushing this point just to sow division on the Israel point. But why “tankies”? Maybe I should just google it

TrickDacy, avatar

people claiming to care about Palestinians but then encouraging votes against them. Voting any way but for Harris will harm them and that’s easy to reason through but they don’t care. Ergo they do not give an actual flying fuck about any Palestinian, they just want to be seen as doing so.


I think there’s a lot you should google.


Oh, it’s not sarcasm

To be fair to you, yes. But, also. Why?

TrickDacy, avatar

Tankie bullshit


You asked Joe Biden to step down and you got what you wanted. Good job, be happy.

amanda, (edited ) avatar

You can do the right thing for the wrong reasons and this is a classic case. He’s an ethno-nationalist. Ask him how he feels about Kurdish minorities or the genocide of Armenians.


Is this sarcasm? This feels like sarcasm.

harmonea, do games w Baldur’s Gate 3 player finds “rarest” ending where characters are dogs and cats - Dexerto avatar

Everyone's malding over spoilers and not realizing this isn't an actual ending that's coded into the game, it's just a funny side effect of a spell that malfunctioned during the end boss.


They could have clarified that in the headline

harmonea, avatar

But then they wouldn't get so many clicks and reactions.


The people upset that they may have had the most secret ending spoiled for them in a headline aren’t going to click on that.

harmonea, avatar

People can also apply the slightest semblance of critical thinking and realize most gaming journalism outfits, no matter their questionable quality, will realize they won't last long if there are true spoilers in the titles. Therefore this isn't really a spoiler.

Like they're obviously going to phrase things in ways that get more engagement, which is why it's a crucial skill on the internet today that readers need to think critically and not just accept headlines literally.

I'm not saying it's right, but jfc man, you have to develop skills to engage with the internet you have, not the internet you wish you had. I really feel no sympathy for people who thought this was a spoiler. At least this is a cheap lesson in gullibility instead of a costly one.

Nepenthe, avatar

If I understand, the argument is that someone who doesn't want to be spoiled for endings should...look at a headline purported to be specifically about endings, and then read the article to see if it's about endings, which they are not going to do because there is an extraordinarily high chance it's exactly what it says it is in big letters, and any failure to voluntarily read spoilers they don't want to be spoiled for is then a failure on the part of the player?

That feels like reaching. Would rather not be mean. I think people stranded on top of zombie infested buildings whose only method of escape is a single in-use helicopter have reached less.

This is just a justification to brush off anyone who opens their mouth at all, because were there a reader who did for some reason want to click on every headline they didn't want to know about in order to make sure they shouldn't have clicked on it, that would definitely still be something that is their fault once they saw anything they shouldn't.

Even leaving aside why someone would do that, the OP made the conscious decision to post it like they did.

They could have tipped everyone off to the clickbait. They could have used a spoiler tag if they didn't bother reading it or wanted to play into the clickbait. They chose to do neither. That has nothing to do with the journalistic integrity of online gaming mags. This was a personal mistake.

I have seen communities be shockingly good about respecting this. The Hades community especially is amazing and, though the game has been out now for so many years the sequel is nearing completion, they'd probably still just give you what bare advice they have to based on your current status and tell you to keep playing because "trust me."

I don't know why the bg3 community wants to pretend it's impossible and out of their hands, while swearing it shouldn't matter anyway. It very well is, and for a game this stunning, it absolutely does.


I think it was implied by “rarest” being in quotes.

edit: at least, I knew immediately it was no such thing because of that, like every other time someone says something while doing air quotes with their fingers.

CarlsIII, (edited )


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  • mateomaui, (edited )

    In this language

    if it had actually been the rarest anything, they probably wouldn’t have used quotes.


    That’s a matter of interpretation I suppose, and you’ll have to ask the person who wrote the article, I don’t speak for them.

    The first line of the article literally says it’s a joke.

    None of this is the end of the world.

    Chailles, avatar

    It’s literally described in the very first sentence:

    A Baldur’s Gate 3 player joked that their fiancée may have found the rarest possible ending for the game when Wild Magic turned everyone into dogs and cats for the final cutscenes.

    Paradox, do games w New Nintendo patent suggests Switch 2 may solve joycon drift avatar

    Joycon drift, and all other thumbstick drift, is already a solved problem.

    1. Use bushings that actually have some abrasive resistance and aren’t softer than a fingernail.
    2. Use a non-contact based sensor to determine the XY position of the stick. Hall effect, optical, strain gauge, whatever, we’ve had the tech for 50 years.

    The reason why they haven’t done this is one very simple reason: $$$


    Isn’t the N64 controllers using optical sensor and those are one of the worst controller ever existed?


    N64 does use optical sensors, the n64 stick is actually super precise and doesn’t suffer from drift. The n64 is a goofy controller but it is simply a great and accurate input device, and a lot of the games were really designed with that stick and notches in mind.

    But it is made of all plastic and features plastic on plastic moving parts, without lubrication, so it suffers from wear of the plastic. Worn n64 sticks will actually be filled with plastic dust from the stick and gears literally sanding themselves down. The only problem with the controller is the premature wear of the stick.


    It’s crazy to me that no company ever made a decent 3rd party N64 controller. The 3rd party ones were all as ridiculous as the defaults. Great console that I loved, but would have gotten a lot more out of with better controllers.


    there was a hori n64 controller that looked like a normal double handle controller and it was really good, but it’s crazy expensive these days on ebay. I’ve also heard good things about the new brawl64.


    The Hori Pad Mini? I had never seen that before, leagues above anything I remember being available at the time. The other looks amazing, definitely a modern controller that I would have killed for back then.


    If you’re willing to pay big bucks you can you can pay for replacement parts/module made with steel

    Paradox, avatar

    N64’s issues came from the bushings wearing out, the sensors were still very good


    Primarily the plastic bowl

    Paradox, avatar

    Yup. If they’d just made the bowl out of something OTHER than ABS, they would have been good. Delrin, PTFE, even a thin layer of brass or broze, and those controllers wouldn’t have had anywhere near the amount of issues they’re known for having.

    There are third-party manufacturers who sell replacement bowls and sticks, made from everything from POM to steel.


    the reason the n64 sticks suck is down to the stick tension construction and not really the sensing mechanism. Pretty much the thumbstick was pressed against a plastic bowl that wore away into white dust through use, making it floppy. it didn’t really have anything to do with the fact that it was an optical stick

    altima_neo, avatar

    The sensors on the N64 are basically the same kind you’d find in a mouse wheel. They work fine.

    The crap part is the physical construction. There’s a lot of parts that wear down with use and cause the joystick to become loose due to the plastics wearing away.

    B0NK3RS, do games w Tekken 8 players divided as devs add “Tekken Shop” with microtransactions avatar

    Adding micro transactions after release is bullshit. There should be rules where it needs to be in from release or not.


    Right. Some people wouldn’t bother with a game at all if they knew there would be this. It’s very deceptive.

    snooggums, avatar

    Knowing they were charging for new characters was almost a dealbreaker for me. This would have stopped me if I had known.


    Paying extra for characters IS a deal breaker for me in fighting games. It’s literally pay to win.

    That said, I’ve been playing Tekken since ps1, so I’ll probably just pirate this whenever it’s available.


    Some people wouldn’t bother with a game at all if they knew there would be this.

    Perhaps if this was unusual for the genre. But it's a AAA fighting game. Anybody who is familiar with the genre knows that MTX is normal and expected, because it's going to have several years of support from the developers. I'd have a hard time believing that any Tekken fan bought this on the premise of it remaining MTX-free.


    Something being normalized doesn’t automatically make it morally okay.


    Doesn't it, though? This is what the players wanted, and the industry listened. They asked for support for the game after its release, and the industry said "Sure, but in exchange at least some of you should pay extra".

    This isn't forced upon anybody. Just because Mazaratis exist doesn't mean that you have to buy one if you want a car. It only becomes a moral problem if somebody's choices are circumvented, but that's not really what's happening here.


    Doesn’t it, though?

    It used to normal to beat your kids. It was wrong then and it’s wrong now.

    This is what the players wanted, and the industry listened.

    The reason we are having this conversation in the first place is because people didn’t want it.

    This isn’t forced upon anybody.

    They added it the game post-launch, after reviews had already come out. Anyone morally opposed to micro transactions (which as I’ll get to in next point, have a very good reason to be opposed to on principle) who had bought the game has been tricked into supporting a business practice they despise. This is incredibly scummy and should rightfully be seen as a dick move.

    It only becomes a moral problem if somebody’s choices are circumvented, but that’s not really what’s happening here.

    Micro transactions as a concept are strategically designed to exploit people with addictive personalities. This is not a theory on my part, this is legitimately what the intent behind them is. But don’t take my word for it, here’s a video discussing that very thing.

    yamanii, avatar

    There’s a pretty big difference between new gameplay (characters) and cosmetics that were clearly removed to be sold.


    Wait until the reviews are out so people can‘t be warned, and the product can’t be dunked on and then…


    Exactly. If they’d announced this before launch, it would’ve been the only thing anyone talked about. There would have been a huge backlash and I’m sure a good percentage of the community would’ve dumped the series there and then.

    This is doubly scummy. Glad I didn’t buy it yet.


    If they’d announced this before launch, it would’ve been the only thing anyone talked about.

    Not really. It'd hardly have been mentioned, at all. MTX are a part of every major fighting game, so it's hardly a newsworthy tidbit. They're completely expected in this genre. Any major competitive game that gets developer support after release is going to be funded either by microtransactions or subscriptions. The people who actually play these games know this.


    If they place something behind MTs, then I completely agree. But, if they want to add more cosmetics that don’t exist yet, and they finance it MTs, and at a fair price, it’s less unethical.

    Announcing it after reviews… Hm. Sketchy at best.


    If you tried the customisation, it feels extremely bare bones in comparison to Tekken 7. So I wouldn’t be surprised if stuff was removed to add to the Store.

    mlg, avatar


    but tbf that basically invented the lootbox which then made TF2 free to play


    At least they made it free to play. These games are still charging full price plus microtransactions


    TF2 was a better experience before it went free-to-play. I want a barrier that keeps the hordes of clueless children out.

    B0NK3RS, avatar

    TF2 before F2P was one of, if not the, best multiplayer games. It just wasn’t the same after that and good community servers died out.


    Adding shit to a game with a patch, post purchase, doesn’t require you to partake. While I hate MTX as much as anyone, you aren’t required to buy anything. Sure, this is enshittification, but you can avoid that buy buying games that aren’t “always online”.

    gamer, do games w New Nintendo patent suggests Switch 2 may solve joycon drift

    I’ll believe it when I see it. Nintendo are cheap bastards, and if they fix the drift issue then they’ll likely cause it to fail prematurely somewhere else. Maybe the rubber will be cheaper so that it wears down and has to be replaced anyways? Or the plastic will be thinner so it cracks sooner, etc.


    Also if they wanted to fix it for their next console, then they could have fixed it for this console. Hall effect isn’t some new technology, the dreamcast controller had it.


    I’m betting on sticky buttons or triggers.

    Nintendo deserves class action here tbh.


    there was a class action lawsuit about this… all it resulted in was nintendo having to provide free repairs to joycons… that eventually will start drifting again

    daniyeg, do games w Roblox gets banned indefinitely in Turkey over “child exploitation”

    most people are focusing on the free labour roblox is extracting from kids but from the article:

    Further claims stated, according to Turkish media, that Roblox hosted virtual parties promoting pedophilia and that “robux,” the platform’s virtual currency, was being distributed by bot accounts to encourage children’s involvement in these activities, and excess presence of gambling sites and their predatory tactics.

    so it looks like roblox was banned because of bad moderation in regards to gambling and sexual predators, both of which are massive issues of the platform. overall i think this is a good move which hopefully will push roblox to do better.


    thanks for that. not gonna let the littles get on roblox until they are older

    CosmoNova, do games w Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future

    Next they’ll drop the “2” in the name and went full circle.

    FartsWithAnAccent, avatar

    Adding the 2 was the worst choice they ever made IMO


    It was to disguise their excuse to add macrotransactions.
    "It's a new game! Not a shit patch!"

    TonyTonyChopper, avatar


    €10000 per loot box

    Carighan, avatar

    Overwatch 1.2, which would be more accurate?


    Why not 1.6 to attract the Counter-Strike crowd


    *1.3, 1.5 is also acceptable.

    peopleproblems, do games w Roblox gets banned indefinitely in Turkey over “child exploitation”

    It is the single most difficult thing as a parent to put my foot down about. Or it was at first.

    My son LOVES watching the YouTubers playing the (horribly developed) games and enjoys making pretend games based on what he watches (some of it, sometimes we have to skip a video). He has a lot of friends at school that play it.

    I will not let my son play it. Minecraft? Sure. Minecraft has a very different system, plenty of it crap, but it’s much easier to supervise and much less exploitive.

    But he does let me know that he feels left out when his friends play it and he can’t. He doesn’t have any siblings, so I understand how it’s difficult to lack that connection to peers. He has other ways he gets to connect - mine craft, local playgyms, events for children, sports.

    As a parent part of the empathy is feeling that sadness that comes from his disappointment in not being allowed to play it. But I think he has started to understand as he’s gotten a little older, that adults making money off of what a kid makes isn’t nice, or fair, or safe.

    Turkey did well here. I don’t think we’ll ever have something similar in the states, but I hope regulation can come about eventually.


    I straight up told my kid that he will not be playing that game. So you’re not alone out there and you’re doing well by taking an interest in your child’s activity and monitoring them appropriately. I wish more parents would do the same.


    If he likes the idea of making games, just find a playlist of Godot or Unreal 5 game building on youtube. Most of that stuff can be done low-code, and would be perfect for someone who wants to click around and make something. It can be frustrating at first… but if you find something that actually works, I bet it’d click


    There’s also a block coding plugin for Godot now too!

    Perfect tool to get kids into game creation.


    Damn, superstar. Save some A++ parenting for other people! Seriously, you must be raising a top-quality person…


    I wish. There are things we have been unable to change, even with the assistance of a couple of child psychologists.

    When he gets upset with other kids, particularly when they break rules, he is absolutely convinced he needs to be the executive of the rules and often hits or pushes the other kids.

    He was doing it before my ex and I separated. It only seems to happen during the summer at the day care program, so it’s likely something more going on there.

    Kids are still humans, and honestly I have to remind myself I’m doing the best I can. Because if I knew a better way to do things, I’d be doing that instead.

    To me it’s not about raising a superstar, it’s raising someone who shares my values, and is capable of caring for themselves as an adult. Socializing and play is the most vital part of childhood development, so I do everything I can there.


    Well put. I exaggerated, and not to minimize their issues, but the fact you clearly care and are willing to work at it makes me less worried for them.

    All you can do is encourage good behavior/perspectives and discourage the bad. At some point, every child growing up will have to decide if they want to be like their parents or not. You’re clearly doing great, just keep going! And take care of yourself as well…


    Yeah the same conversations have occurred in my household. I think you made the right choice here. I’m a huge gamer myself and developer, not on Roblox. Usually if anything it’s me being the lenient one when it comes to games in our home, vice my wife. This is one that I did not allow from day 1 regardless of the age of the kid. It was apparent to be a bad apple to me from my initial looks at it, and has only proven that point over the years. I can’t imagine though how hard it is for most parents who are not entrenched in that industry to navigate decisions like that.


    If he likes making simple games, consider introducing him to Scratch. It’s not monetized at all and last I checked, was much better moderated than other online platforms for kids.

    verysoft, do games w Tekken 8 players divided as devs add “Tekken Shop” with microtransactions

    Just another lesson to wait months after a games release before even considering it.

    Vampiric_Luma, avatar

    Early access paranoia can finally be shared by all~ Yippeeeeeeee


    I don’t buy games until the publisher announces it will be delisted.

    dinckelman, do games w Roblox gets banned indefinitely in Turkey over “child exploitation”

    Now do it everywhere else

    MortyMcFry, (edited ) do games w 4k is not 2160p - heard it here first! avatar

    It really shows how bad the marketing of these higher resolutions are. We always advertised the vertical lines and then we switched to horizontal lines.

    You can’t expect a video game journalist to understand basic display principles. EDIT: /s

    !deleted7836 avatar

    I don’t expect a journalist to know, I expect an editor or fact checker to at least Google “4k resolution”.

    Or how about “red dead redemption xbox” to see what the BC version runs at…

    Pro-tip: Xbox One S / Series S - 1440p
    Xbox One X / Series X - Native 4K…


    It’s pretty confusing

    “UHD features a 16:9 aspect ratio and is twice the resolution of full HD. In other words, two times 1080p, two times 1920 x 1080 pixels, that is 3840 x 2160 pixels. Having the same 16:9 aspect ratio means it is backward compatible with other HD derivates. However, both 4K and UHD can be shortened to 2160p to match the HD standard and therefore, companies use the terms interchangeably.”

    “If you think 4K and UHD are one and the same, I don’t blame you. I blame the companies that LOVE to use them interchangeably all the time. You pick up a Blu-Ray movie disc of a 4K movie and you will most definitely see an Ultra HD label on it. 4K is actually not a consumer display and broadcast standard but UHD is. 4K displays are used in professional production and digital cinemas and feature 4096 x 2160 pixels”

    !deleted7836 avatar

    I don’t know that it’s THAT confusing, since by definition we’re talking consumer grade products, not professional grade.

    Amd that’s a distinction consumers have been making for years.…/2022-hyundai-santa-cruz-pickup…

    I mean, yeah, technically it’s classified as a pickup truck… but nobody will ever confuse it for:


    UHD is 4x Full HD resolution. The person who wrote that can’t even do math. That’s like saying 4m^2 = 2 x 1m^2 because 2 x 1 x 1 = 2 x 2


    It’s obviously talking about horizontal lines, not pixels

    snooggums, avatar

    How is it obvious that they are talking about horizontal when they also include vertical in the same calculation?

    They just don't know the difference between pixels and lines.


    No they specifically say

    UHD features a 16:9 aspect ratio and is twice the resolution of full HD.

    According to Wikipedia resolution is:

    The display resolution or display modes of a digital television, computer monitor or display device is the number of distinct pixels in each dimension that can be displayed

    Resolution is the number of pixels in both dimensions, so they are wrong


    I think the point is that it’s ducking hard to talk about lmao 🤣


    Its pixels, why do you think QHD (Quad HD) is called that. Because its 4x the pixels of HD(720p)

    You cant talk about only horizontal because you open up the chat to ultrwides and deceptive marketing, such as AMD using “8k” to show off their new GPUs, when in fact they intentially used a ultrawide and marketed it as 8k.

    SaltySalamander, avatar

    UHD features a 16:9 aspect ratio and is twice the resolution of full HD

    Heh, no. 4k is exactly four times the resolution of 1080p.


    1920 x 2 = 3840 (4K UHD)

    That’s what he’s talking about.


    Yeah but that would only be an increase in the horizontal resolution… you’d have 3840 x 1080.

    So you gotta double the verticall resolution too, which means you’ve now doubled both horizontal and vertical resolutions, which is equal to 4 times the initial resolution


    It is double the resolution, because resolution is expressed as an x,y pair. It is 4 times the pixel density for the same screen size.

    ricdeh, avatar

    Actually, display resolution refers to exactly what you call pixel density, and NOT the pixel dimensions. This error is so common that the term resolution has practically been redefined outside of the professional (science and engineering) space, but technically, display resolution and pixel density are the same thing.

    MortyMcFry, avatar

    I thought the term “basic” would hint the sarcasm but I failed.

    It really isn’t that hard to grasp, unless you are trying to frame your article a certain way.


    You can’t expect an video game journalist to understand basic display principles.

    Yes you can.

    snooggums, avatar

    Wtf is sarcasm?


    Sarcasm is my wife.

    twistedtxb, do games w 4k is not 2160p - heard it here first! avatar

    AI generated article, or pure incompetence. Or both


    Dexerto, gamerant, and similar are all just AI generated. You can see these kinds of mistake so often

    Slowy, do games w Baldur’s Gate 3 player finds “rarest” ending where characters are dogs and cats - Dexerto avatar

    Spoiler tags for literal game endings would be nice even if they are in the titles


    It’s not like it’s an ending that most people are going to stumble upon by accident.

    Talaraine, avatar

    I mean, the person who wrote the thing literally did stumble on it by accident xD

    But I know what you meant to say. THIS ISN'T A SPOILER PEOPLE! They literally didn't provide a video because it might SPOIL the ending!

    Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

    There’re no “spoilers” as it’s a malfunctioned spell during the end scene, nothing more. That said, anyone clicking through to an article with “rarest ending” in the title deserves whatever kick in the head they get from reading about an ending scene… 🙄🤌🏼

    SARGEx117, do games w Baldur’s Gate 3 player finds “rarest” ending where characters are dogs and cats - Dexerto

    “this player finds rare ending of the game”

    describes ending

    People who read about the ending of the game: BRO YOU GAVE SPOILERS FOR THE ENDING, WHAT THE FUCK! surprised pikachu

    Exaggeration207, do gaming w Last Epoch could be new home for Diablo 4 players after content drought - Dexerto

    Looks interesting, but I gotta be honest: when I click on the Steam page and the first thing I see is a cash shop to buy “Epoch Points” for this early access game? That’s an instant turn-off for me. I’m sure it’s not as predatory as what Blizzard did with D4’s monetization, but I don’t want it in my games, period.


    What’s predatory about Diablo 4’s monetization? Seems pretty standard skins and cosmetics stuff. And the battle pass.

    But it’s not like you get better gear or anything, right?

    ampersandrew, avatar

    Time limited rewards on battle passes are pretty predatory. They're designed to keep you playing when you otherwise wouldn't want to.

    snooggums, avatar

    Slaps that FOMO part of people's brains.


    Oh yeah, I see. I guess I’m too used to that stuff that it didn’t struck me as that egregious compared to any other game.


    Jokes on them. That stuff turns me off. I’ve been playing one iteration or another of Diablo for over 25 years. I mean I take long breaks but I always come back. But Diablo 4, as well as it’s made, isn’t Diablo. I don’t want other people in my games unless they are IRL friends, and while I enjoy seasonal powers because I enjoy the gameplay, I don’t care about the rewards. And I’m just not a big fan of stacking tiny little 1-2% buffs and calling that advancement. When I drop a skill point I want to feel it without breaking out statistical analysis.

    I played the hell out of it up until the season and then for about a month into the season. And I think I’m already done with it. Rather play BG3, or replay Jedi, or finish Horizon Forbidden West assuming I still remember how to play. D4 was a good story and the production values are top notch, but it doesn’t have the replayability joy of earlier games.

    marco, avatar

    I don’t think I have interacted with another person on D4 except for a IRL friend I played with for a little while. I’m back to playing D3 and some PoE.

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