DefiantBidet, do games w Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo

User experience over marketing.


Honestly, 5.1 surround sound is worth waiting the extra like 2 seconds of the logo. The fact that the game only has mono or stereo sound output just because he didn’t want to have a logo on the screen for a few seconds is not putting user experience over marketing.

It would honestly make more sense that Nintendo told him he couldn’t add it because they didn’t want to pay for it and this is how he justified it to himself.


Most households have a TV with TV speakers, only capable of L/R. Why pay money and have people sit through a corporate short film for a feature most won’t use?


Its two seconds for the benefit of 5.1, so the people that have it can benefit. And the people that don’t can upgrade later.


The problem people have with your argument is not the existence of 5.1 surround sound.

Nor is it that the vast majority of households can’t afford a properly tuned surround sound setup instead of haphazardly throwing speakers around which arguably creates a worse experience than stereo.

It’s that the Dolby implementation requires publishers to license it and pay for an unstoppable ad that plays before every session, while benefitting only the petit bourgeois.

Notice how you reverted so quickly to your capitalist brainwashing. May be a good inspiration to see what other ideologies have been implanted into you.


It is two seconds.


Not only is it just 2 seconds, but it’s 2 seconds while the game is no doubt being loaded into memory while it plays anyway.

This is like whining about the Pixar animation that plays before all of their movies (for much longer than 2 seconds).


I would understand the complaint if it was longer, like 5 or 7 seconds long for just the Dolby logo. But its not.

Like, if seeing a logo for two seconds bothers you that much, better close your eyes when driving riding the bus walking around town, otherwise you might see a dreaded billboard or advertisement.

gamermanh, avatar

Gonna just completely ignore that said 2s is otherwise unneeded so you can feel like you still have a point, hm?

Seeing an ad while walking does not require me to stop what I’m doing and wait for the ad. Putting an unstoppable ad in your pre-game logo does


Loading screens in a game take longer than two seconds and don’t have the benefit of running one time before the game starts and adding surround sound support. So you would rather be greeted with a black screen as a game with less features loads instead?

Great idea.


People in this thread don’t want to waste 2 seconds per use of a video game on a logo screen, but will happily waste the day discussing it.




The irony of not wanting to “waste time” when you’re about to play a video game, too.


That’s me time, not dolby time

gamermanh, avatar

Discussing it provides entertainment value of some degree

Seeing a logo for 2 seconds does not

You guys cant actually be that fucking stupid, right?



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  • gamermanh, avatar

    Yet you keep replying, how funny


    Hey, let’s not resort to name calling.

    gamermanh, avatar

    I didn’t, I insulted their intelligence by insinuating that I didn’t believe they were as intelligent as they are



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  • gamermanh, avatar

    Don’t really care, honestly.

    Still not name calling.


    It is actually unreal to be downvoted for saying this. What a place to be.


    Yeah. It’s called principles. Maybe when your corporate overlords have some for sale you’ll be and to afford them.


    My state banned billboards for the same reasons.

    It’s a really good reminder when I’m ever in another state that things like that just… Aren’t needed.

    The advertising thing is a slippery slope, and it’s OK for people to draw the line for how far down the slope they’re willing to go higher up than you would. It’s also OK that your line comfortably holds a 2-second ad.

    No position here is unreasonable, and everyone should keep that in mind.

    missingno, avatar

    Gamecube doesn't have enough RAM to preload everything at startup like that, you have to go through the menus and pick a game mode and map to load.

    Surely if it needed that startup load anyway, then Sakurai wouldn't be saying he turned the license down in order to get players in the game faster. I'm going to trust Sakurai's word here!

    essteeyou, (edited )

    Sure, and the Spectrum ZX I used to use 35 years ago had even less. The GameCube is ancient history, it’s not the benchmark for a reasonable amount of memory for anyone.

    Edit: apologies, I forgot we were talking specifically about a GameCube game.


    Per use.

    I strongly prefer 0 seconds.


    If every single software a company licensed to produce a video game required this, you would be waiting an hour to see the start menu. Don’t let any company do this or they all will.


    Negative change worms it’s way in through small defeats. The first DLC’s were a small price for a lot of content, the first YouTube ads were only a single ad that was just a few seconds long, the first video game preorders came with amazing rewards, etc. When you allow for 2 seconds, then what’s 3 seconds? What’s 4, 5, 6? What’s 30 seconds? What’s 2 minutes? We’ve seen examples of this all throughout capitalism’s history; to ignore them is, well, ignorant.

    missingno, avatar

    Bear in mind that Kirby Air Ride came out in 2003, on a console that's only meant to be hooked up to CRTs. How many users back then do you think would've had access to this feature in the first place? Or would still be playing this game if/when they upgrade later?


    It was uncommon, but not so uncommon that it didn’t warrant being added to the game. Especially when Dolby was handing out licenses like candy apparently. I would imagine it was cheap to get a license, and would make some sense why Air Ride wouldn’t have it. Air Ride is my favorite Kirby game, but even I recognize that Air Ride is probably one of the lowest budget Kirby games.


    That sounds a bit as if you were saying: The plebs shall wait for the joy of the wealthy.

    hoshikarakitaridia, avatar

    So many assumptions here.

    Let me refute them through educated guesses.

    • most people don’t have anything other than stereo
    • most people don’t want anything other than stereo
    • not everyone has the money to even get a decent TV, let alone 5.1 or God forbid 7.1
    • Kirby does not focus an people with high end playback devices. It’s traditionally a kids game.
    • 2secs Everytime you open the game can add up and be really annoying. Especially for kids, which are the core audience.

    So because some people have a crappy home theater setup everyone should have a crappy experience?


    From the pareto principle it can be said that if the cost for adding a feature for the little percentage of users is quite high, it is not worth it.


    Hey my setup’s great, I just don’t need 5.1 surround sound that bad


    Without at least 5.1, why even bother playing games or watching movies?


    Now you’re just playing


    Sound is at least as important to the experience as the picture. Go watch a scary movie with the sound muted and you’ll notice it’s not scary at all.

    Playing a game or watching a movie with just 2.0 audio, or worse: using the TV’s built-in speakers, is such a diminished experience that you might as well not bother.



    Watching a movie with 5.1: great

    Watching a movie with 2.0: great

    Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s cool, and I find good sound design at least as important as good visuals. It’s all part of the aesthetics package. One of my fondest media memories is watching Jurassic Park at a relative’s house with the sounds of the raptors coming from speakers all around. I even spent great expense setting up my own 5.1 setup.

    But I’ve been chasing this dragon for too long. Audiovisual fidelity doesn’t move the needle for me anymore (pardon the metaphor overload). I no longer feel the need to have my media reach out and immerse me - if it’s good, I can do the work and use my imagination to get lost in the fantasy


    Imagine consuming media with speakers rather than high-end OEMs to shut out all outside sound. Might as well just read books in a crowded café.


    Imagine not being able to feel explosions in your gut because you have a pair of tiny speakers strapped to your head instead of a big long-throw woofer moving air.


    Sorry I’ll be explicit: I’m making fun of how pretentious you sound and can’t take anything you say here seriously. I actually agree that a monster sound system can greatly enhance a movie or game experience, but the difference depends on the specific media. I saw Fury Road three times in the theater because I knew my home system would never match the experience. Something like Star Trek TNG or My Cousin Vinny or, as the topic of this post, Kirby’s Air Ride hinges far less on the audio quality to deliver the intended content. Gatekeeping enjoyment behind speakers makes you a colossal ass.


    Who games on a 5.1 surround setup?

    hark, (edited ) avatar

    Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. This is a significant enough feature that a couple seconds is really not a big deal. There are likely time-wasters just as long, if not longer, elsewhere in the game and they do not contribute a much richer audio experience. While I’d love to minimize time wasting as much as possible, this is something that appears once on boot-up while I’m sure there are other time-wasters that appear multiple times while you’re playing the game. If they’re even a fraction of a second, they will quickly add up more than this logo’s time.

    Donald Knuth has a great quote on this: “The real problem is that programmers have spent far too much time worrying about efficiency in the wrong places and at the wrong times; premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming.”


    Because Lemmy hates everything that isn’t FOSS. The more time I spend here, the more I see that it is no better than Reddit.


    Don’t like it? Write your own equivalent and selfhost it using my favorite distro. /s


    Exactly. This place sucks just as bad as Reddit, and the only reason I don’t go back to Reddit is out of principle.


    Cry moar!


    Nope. It’s just an unnecessary label which provides no additional features, i.e. no benefits. You can have Dolby sound without the Dolby label.

    hark, avatar

    The title states “Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo” presumably because you actually cannot have Dolby sound without the logo. Yes, technically you could, but it’s likely part of the license agreement and so him refusing to display the logo as outlined by the license means he couldn’t use Dolby sound in the game (or would get sued if he went ahead and did it anyway).



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  • RightHandOfIkaros,

    You can downvote me too, I don’t really care about imaginary numbers. No need to apologize.

    I am just disappointed that Lemmy was supposed to be a better place than Reddit, but my experience on Lemmy has actually become worse than my experience on Reddit.


    You say you don’t go on reddit out of principle. Now can’t you understand someone not wanting users sit through a 2 second pointless marketing animation, out of a similar principle?


    Find an instance that more closely aligns with your ideals then. Lemmy is not one place.

    kratoz29, avatar

    You can downvote me too, I don’t really care about imaginary numbers. No need to apologize.

    You care enough to be bothered with Lemmy.

    I am just disappointed that Lemmy was supposed to be a better place than Reddit, but my experience on Lemmy has actually become worse than my experience on Reddit.

    I mean, at least this can be fixed, you can’t really fix Reddit.

    And I think we still have a better experience on Lemmy than Reddit, for starters we don’t have ads here wink.

    TBH I agree with you, 2 secs doesn’t seem like a big deal to me, especially when many other awesome games implement it, but that could also be because I have been desensitized from the daily ads of my life (it used to be worse, I have an ad blocker for anything, but I still use open TV as a background noise and there are some other advertisements you can’t just evade).

    I agree with the statement up here that when we allow these 2 secs it lets the path open for more annoying stuff in the future, but also it is ultimately a decision from Nintendo to continue the deal with them if it is annoying enough for most users.


    I don’t care about the number. The frustration comes from people that act exactly as Redditors do. Lemmy users in this thread insulting and name calling, etc. I don’t care about the insults themselves (which are against communit rules), the fact that Lemmy was supposed to be “a better place” and yet the exact same crap is happening is what is disappointing.

    Reddit is equally as fixable as Lemmy. Just because the primary owner of Reddit is a shareholder and the primary developer of Lemmy is a communist doesn’t make it easier for either to do anything. The fundamental problem is the users, the people hiding behind anonymity. They can be the absolute worst garbage being because they’re anonymous, instead of just being a decent human. Changing that people isntantly go to that rather than a kind human is the only real way to fix it, and in that regard Lemmy can never be fixed just like Reddit can never be fixed.

    Lemmy was not always like this. But since about 7 or 8 months ago, it became this way. And there is no going back.

    kratoz29, avatar

    Lemmy was not always like this. But since about 7 or 8 months ago, it became this way. And there is no going back.

    Well, are we gonna ignore where the biggest influx of ppl comes from?

    I’d say don’t take it too personal if other ppl think differently than you, I think this is the healthiest approach we all can take (especially when we are discussing hobbies).

    This stopped being a matter of Lemmy vs Reddit, you can’t really fix Internet people, and that is to be expected.

    altima_neo, avatar

    Two issues though. Sakurai was taking about how he likes the ability to jump from game to game at an arcade and jump straight into the game. But a lot of console games had you go through intros, menus, tutorials, etc. And he didn’t like that, hence why he was saying he’d rather not have an extra logo screen to click through

    The second issue was that the game in question was a GameCube game. It only outputs in stereo. Surround sound wasnt a common thing in games at the time. It would have been the old school Dolby Surround/Pro Logic II encoding. Most gaming setups didn’t have surround sound receivers or sound bars yet. Also, it’s a Kirby game. The target audience wouldn’t have cared

    hark, avatar

    The arcade experience is fundamentally different from the console experience. Arcade games are generally crafted to eat quarters and kick players off as soon as possible without making them feel ripped off. Jumping in and out of games is common at arcades. While it’s nice to save that couple of seconds on a console game, it’s not something that adds up a lot unless you’re jumping between games a few minutes at a time, which again, is more like an arcade and doesn’t make as much sense in a console gaming context because you generally have a better idea of what games you own and want to play.

    As for the second issue, if it was a feature that wasn’t worthwhile and that nobody cared about, then why was he considering it in the first place? There are many technical details in games that exist that casual players don’t pay attention to, but subconsciously would enjoy. Surround sound adds quite a bit to a racing game, considering that the entire game is about racing against other characters that are positioned all around you.


    The perception of delay is a lot larger for a single initial delay than a lot of smaller delays within the game. It’s very noticable if a game takes 20 seconds to get past the intro screens, while it is barely noticeable if a quarter of a second of delay is added to the loading between each level, even if it adds up to a lot more than the initial loading screen.

    Considering that the use of 5.1 surround would be a very rare case for the target aidience, I find the choice of dropping it to be excellent to enhance the experience.

    hark, avatar

    Perception plays a huge role, that’s true, but I guess we’re just going to have to agree to disagree since it’s ultimately subjective.


    If it was money thing, couldn’t he just say “I needed as much coin as I could scrape up to get Sora from Disney” like he basically said with the last wave of DLC characters?

    Maybe it’s my nostalgia glasses, but this is something I actually believe coming from Sakurai. The man almost hates useless ads as much as Lemmy users.


    Nah, not for me anyway


    Except the 2 are not causally related. One can have 5.1 without the logo or, even worst, the waiting time.


    Yepp. Surround sound is not tied to Dolby.

    altima_neo, avatar

    Here’s an example of the Dolby logo from another GameCube game that offered surround.


    GREAT game


    Is that the whole thing? I thought it would be a long screen with JUST Dolby. That’s like two seconds and has other credits on it. I don’t understand folks’ rage over that.

    Nurse_Robot, do games w Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered has a warning about racial and ethnic stereotypes

    I’m a fan of this. It’s better to offer content with context and education than to fully censor it.

    halcyoncmdr, avatar

    100% this is the way things should be handled. If we get rid of or hide mistakes of the past, they will simply be repeated as people forget.

    A note about historical context is an easy, and small solution to acknowledge the change in society without altering the original content.


    Metal Gear Solid Master Collection did this as well.


    What did they have to provide context for in the Master Collection?


    i think misogyny and incest


    And portrayal of Tobacco which you can’t really do anymore

    UntouchedWagons, do games w Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo avatar

    Based. Unskippable logo screens are a nuisance.

    NutWrench, avatar

    Yup. The game company intros are the first thing I edit out of a game’s config files. Especially if they’re unskippable.


    They’re so pointless too. What are they even expecting forcing them in our faces to accomplish? You either care about audio or you don’t. Seeing your logo isn’t going to change that


    Marketing. If people think Dolby is good, they will prefer products with Dolby compatibility, and Dolby makes money from that licensing.


    Except most people don’t give a shit about Dolby. Even audophiles mostly don’t care about them as a company or the fact that they’re involved beyond the games ability to support high end output devices. Put that garbage on the box or in the credits at the end of the game where it belongs


    Most people that say they give a shit about surround sound don’t have it set up correctly anyway lol

    They’re lucky if the speakers are even in the right place…let alone tuned properly. Good AVRs come with a microphone and most of the takeover projects I did when I was in home AV had it sitting unopened in the box.


    Audiophiles loathe that crap. It’s not making better sound, just adds loudness and other shit. Surround? It’s like when groups long time ago started using stereo and made the sound Left then Right then LEFT etc. After the first experience its just a nuisance.

    But gotta sell the crap I guess. Good they just didn’t care about big corpo :-)

    yamanii, avatar

    No way you just dissed stereo, were you filtered by Vulcan Raven in MGS1?


    If you don’t have more or less a listening room with the loudspeakers very well placed, you won’t notice a difference. Mono with a good setup will give spatial clues as good as stereo. Yes you might get the left-right mixed up I guess but does it matter?

    There was some mp3 matchbox shaking sound clip that really felt like it went around your head (popular maybe 10-15 years ago?), a simple mobile phone produced the effect very well, you just needed to close your eyes.


    Half assed audiophile here. I only have two ears. I just want clean and balanced. Two channels is just fine.


    PSA: On PS5, after launching your game, hit the PS button. If there are activities, you can probably hit square to resume. This speeds through all the startup wankery and the main menu straight to loading your save. It rarely saves time, but it means you can launch your game and walk away to get a glass of water or whatever. I enjoy it.

    newthrowaway20, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

    It’s honestly amazing how well this game sold considering how mid the gameplay actually is. Having a popular IP really helped.

    gAlienLifeform, avatar

    Eh, people don’t buy for the gameplay mechanics most of the time, they buy for what they see in the trailers and read in the descriptions. Being the only videogame available for this IP, having the WB marketing juggernaut behind it, releasing at a time of the year without much competition, coming out on every single platform - it would have been weird if this game wasn’t the best selling one in 2023.


    Exactly. You don’t know what the gameplay is until after you buy the game, unless you are savvy and watch reviews or something, which hardly any consumers do.


    Also, it’s not like the gameplay was mind bogglingly terrible, just some bland questing and a serviceable combat system. The main thing the game had to do to sell well imo was sell the environment and vibe which I think it did decently.


    Are you saying that marketing works?!


    My wife, whose entire history with video games is Sims 3, Animal Crossing: NH, and Pokémon Go, played through this game start to finish and loved it. It wasn’t really made for “gamers”, it was made for Harry Potter fans that wanted to play a Hogwarts game. It didn’t succeed as a gaming revolution, it succeeded in bringing non-gamers to buy it.

    Personally, I love that she got into it whether it’s mid or not, because it introduced her to a lot of the mechanics necessary to play “real” games in the future. And she had a lot of fun.


    I’m both a gamer and HP fan.

    I thought the game was great, and I didn’t really realize the depths of people’s distaste for it, I guess.

    Was it crazy revolutionary? No, but it was fun.


    Fellow HP fan, I was kinda weirded out by the whole “free access to unforgivable curses” and “canonically killing people” and the honestly kinda disheartening stance on goblin personhood but man flying around the grounds is so fun

    HerbalGamer, (edited ) avatar

    Oh yeah me too. There are a lot of moments in the writing that make me go “wait… what? are you sure about that?” and some of the game design was iffy here and there but the main attraction is just the fact that they’ve given us a “full-scale” Hogwarts and surroundings.


    Oh no kidding, I loved how they handled the curses. For the most part at least. Like, I would’ve been pretty disappointed if they weren’t usable in-game at all, but was never sure how they could introduce them in a realistic way. So HL literally having entire side quests devoted to you discovering the curses and learning how to use them honestly blew away my expectations.

    My only issue with them is being able to use them in front of others so casually. They should’ve just made them unusable if you had another character accompanying you.

    BigBananaDealer, avatar

    the last video game my mom played before hogwarts legacy was like…pac man in the arcades. it was amazing to share our progress together and bond


    Haha! That sounds like so much fun!


    What can you say gamers love anti-Semitism.


    The IP was my only interest. Games like this I get bored with so I generally avoid. But the views of the school looked great and I’ve always wanted to walk around it, like the fantasy version of it. I’ve been to the real set and walked around that which is cool. My only complaint is I bought it on PC so I didn’t get to see Azkaban.


    What do you mean? I played on pc and went to Azkaban, what very little there was to see anyway

    Carighan, avatar

    Azkaban is not based on platform but house, join Hufflepuff to see it.


    I thought that was a PlayStation exclusive


    I thought the gameplay was awesome. To me, a really impressive entry to a potential series. What did you feel were the weak points in the gameplay?


    I found the combat to be serviceable, and at some points I had fun with it. But it kind of got repetitive really quick. Like once you learn the core mechanics, they didn’t really introduce a lot after that to keep you on your toes. But the main problem I had with the game came from the quests, they just felt so monotonous. I love exploring the castle, but finding every little collectible just felt tedious and didn’t really seem to have any payoff.

    All things I hope can be improved with an eventual sequel, I’m definitely glad I picked up the game. But it’s not something I’ve ever considered revisiting once I beat it.


    Yeah, agree with these points. It had that first entry vibe to it, similar to the Outer Worlds. Lack of enemy variety was a pretty big one, once you were a few hours in.


    Just seen they’ve uploaded this pretty funny video 😂:

    Gigan, do games w Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo avatar

    What a chad move

    savvywolf, do gaming w Xbox boss would ‘love to find solutions’ so games aren’t lost when the 360 store closes | VGC avatar

    If you’re not intending to sell them for profit any more, then just let us download and emulate them.

    It’s not a hard problem.

    TonyTonyChopper, avatar

    heads begin exploding at Nindento HQ


    It's not even their company and just the suggestion here has their legal teams on high alert and ready.

    TonyTonyChopper, avatar

    I avoid using their actual name so I don’t get an automated cease and desist in the post


    You really thing not referencing them or making any content related to any of their IPs will prevent them from sending a C&D? They’d probably send one out to everyone if it didn’t cost them any money to do so. God forbid you hire some plumbers, wear a red shirt, or draw something in the shape of a star.

    all-knight-party, avatar

    Isn't some of the issue there that just because they don't have plans now doesn't preclude them from deciding down the line to do something? If they release that all for free then later ports or things of that nature directly lose value.


    Companies that don’t actively market/license their IP should lose it fairly quickly and be required to release it to the public domain.

    all-knight-party, avatar

    I'd agree with that, there should be a stricter standard on that stuff across the board with media.


    Who’s going to maintain that infrastructure of free old game downloads? Companies don’t like to work for little benefit. It’s way harder than you think.


    Drop the ISOs on torrent, problem solved. No need to reinvent the wheel, just do what the pirates have been doing for decades at this point.



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  • hedgehog,

    And BitTorrent is already used to distribute games! Blizzard uses BitTorrent to distribute WoW, for example.

    Small correction, though - BitTorrent wasn’t released until 2001.


    Do you not understand how IP we works? MS publish a minimal amount of the actual titles on the 360, the remainder belong to third party publishers that woukd never agree to this. MS have already tried to bring the whole 360 catalogue to the S/X back cat but can’t get a lot of these publishers to sign off on the adaptations needed to get them running.

    Stamets, do games w Video game actors speak out after union announces AI voice deal avatar

    This is the one career I wanted to do something in. I started voice acting years ago.

    Honestly just seems so pointless lately. Half the time voice over artists are not even recognized or even paid a decent amount. Now they wanna just copy and paste our voice.

    I’m tired.


    Even the recognized ones don’t get paid well. Weird that SAG would sign off on this so easily when SAG actors and writers striked for months with AI being a big part of the issue.

    Stamets, avatar

    Because voice actors are not considered real actors by SAG-AFTRA. Despite the fact that doing voice over work is typically far more grueling than being in front of a camera. I’ve never met a VOA who wasn’t looked down on by other SAG members. Even by fucking extras. “You just stand in a booth and read lines.”

    Sanctus, avatar

    Guarantee none of them have experienced being on your 10th take in the booth, with the previous line fed to you by the Audio Engineer through your cans, and the next line is whatever comes next alphabetically. Its just as valid as any other form of acting. People on a high horse because of their job is the most asinine shit. Its all work.

    Stamets, avatar

    It’s why I love actors who’ve done voice over work. Like most of the Star Trek cast has in one form or another, whether thats for Star Trek Online or another game entirely. All of them saying that it was mind numbing work and it drained them but that they now have enormous respect for people who do that.

    While most people look at Critical Role and just go “oh it’s easy!” as if you aren’t spending 4 hours doing exertion noises for climbing fucking stairs.

    Pistcow, (edited )

    Question, what do conventional actors fall under when they voice for something like a Disney or Pixar movie? What would be the protections from using Seinfield’s voice if he did a new Bee movie? Or are they protected by SAG Actor and its just the nerd VOs that are fucked?

    Couldn’t imagine an A-lister ever voicing a AAA game if they fell under those rules.

    samus12345, avatar

    Wish there were a way for you to post examples without doxxing yourself. Ah well!

    Stamets, avatar

    I occasionally record readings and narrations of dumb things on Mastodon but they’re usually just super quick. Like so quick that I don’t even bother fucking with noise reduction or anything. Just get bored and go “I LIEK THIS POEM”

    GreatAlbatross, avatar

    I’ve done voice acting before, and honestly, you’re right on the money.
    So many people don’t even notice if the voice work in a piece of media is good/bad.
    Playing one game, several of the main characters sound like they were recorded in completely different rooms.
    And I’m sat here like a mug with a deadened setup, wondering why I bothered.

    When that little detail is paid, I can see games absolutely jumping on the machine generated bandwagon.

    Stamets, avatar

    I’ve been trying to figure out a deadened set up for a while. My closet isn’t big enough as a gay man, no. I’m not going back in. I need one of those lil curtain thingies that create a dead space.

    But yeah I agree. Resident Evil 4 killed me for that. So many of the characters sounded amazing and then Ada just stuck out like a sore thumb. I don’t mean because of a poor performance or anything either. I wasn’t totally happy with it but I blame the game director for that, not her for doing what they asked of her. But everyone else was done in a professional set up and her quality is NOTICABLE different. It fucked up the entire DLC for me and I haven’t been able to really enjoy it.

    Doing voice acting and then hearing all the ways people mess up in stuff is astounding. Not that I don’t, mind you. I’m not perfect. But my god do you notice all the major errors in every game out there once you start working a bit in the field.

    wahming, do games w Two indie Steam games were disguised as Helldivers 2 to scam players

    They weren’t ‘indie steam games’, they were just a scam. No need to blacken the reputation of actual indie games.


    They were originally indie games that were released back in October, and then the dev just recently changed the store info to match that of helldivers

    Carighan, do nintendo w Nintendo reportedly showed a demo of the ‘Switch 2’ console at Gamescom which included visuals comparable to the PS5 and Xbox Series X. avatar

    Uh huh.

    I mean sure, two outlets reporting it, but I’ll believe it when I see it. With the Switch Pro/2/U/360/Series N in particular, the leaks were always so outlandish and in the end turned out false, while we can clearly assume the overall news about a Switch successor being in development to be real, any specific piece of news I’d immediately discard and put into the “made up stuff”-folder for the time being.


    Remember when Switch was comparable to PS4?

    ElBarto, avatar

    Or when they told us that you’d be able to cross platform with xbox and you play streaming xbox games to get better graphics.


    This report would make the switch more powerful than a steamdeck. I’ll believe it when I see it

    garretble, do games w The upcoming Crazy Taxi reboot is a triple-A game, according to Sega avatar

    Please just give us what we want: micro-transactions to paint the taxi different colors and then a skin for $50 to change the taxi into a London black cab.

    Then it will truly be AAA

    Dirk, avatar

    It will be a shared world multiplayer-first service game so it can be an AAAA game like that recently released Black Flag add-on that got out of control.


    If they charge 70 bucks for it and include the mtx store then it’ll be even better as a AAAA game.

    Thassodar, (edited )

    Oooh I have an idea: instead of in-game MTX tie it to a soda product, like Coke, and make it that every time you get more Coke PointZ you can unlock a new in-game skin that makes your car into a rolling advertisement for Coke.

    The only way to get the right amount of Coke PointZ is to buy a 24 pack a week for 3 months, or a 20 oz bottle a day for 5 months, and half the PointZ expire after a month and a half.

    Coke, you have my contact info.


    You just made some executive somewhere cum

    echo64, do games w Square Enix’s president says it will be ‘aggressive in applying’ AI

    It’s worth remembering that this guy says anything that’s in the current trend because just saying those things helps share prices. Then nothing comes of it.

    FF16 wasn’t stuffed full of nfts or crypto or even microtransactions even though the president makes comments about this stuff.

    These words aren’t for you, it’s for the market.


    So will every single tech Director-VP-CxO; then in 5 years everyone will say “AI” in the same tone of voice they say “Blockchain”


    I doubt it. AI is actually useful for games. I’d love a Skyrim where there were infinite unique npcs who don’t repeat dialog on a loop.


    I’m actually in the process of trying to get this setup to try myself. Wish me luck!


    In that specific context - of generating idle chit chat, sure. But is it ever going to be capable of generating the crucifixion quest from CP77, or Guild quests from Skyrim or the Festers Blue Star Bottlecaps from FONV?

    or is it going to be more A New Settlement Needs Your Help from FO4, or Dunk the Shape / Kill X Enemy Ys from Destiny 2? which, yknow, we already have.

    Generating idle text does not a great game make. Especially when you could just write it better.

    And that’s not to mention the impact on the VO actor - who is unlikely to want to sell the IP to their voice


    Will it ever be capable of that? Most certainly yes.

    But we won’t ever get there if nobody does the first step.


    I am actually working on something for the quest generation problem. It is still in the experimental phases, so who knows if it will bear fruit, but don’t sell the concept short.


    I remain politely skeptical. I’m not the least technical person- but also not a dev - but this AI has to create multiple NPCs that say sensical things, in a narrative form, in a reachable location, in a playable architecture and geography, using themed assets, realistic and not over-/under- powered rewards… draw, plot and arrange said assets, actors, cues, generate speech-to-text and assign the correct asset to the correct cue/trigger — all of which seem to me to be beyond the reach of AI/ML models at the current point in time, or else subject to multi-hour loading and generation times.

    Then there’s the issue of if you’re generating assets for the engine, and it needs a filesystem to store those assets, is it not incredibly easy to create massive security holes? An attacker looks at the program, see it generates and FBX or OBJ and can use that as a security hole to inject malicious code.

    Also, doesn’t engines like Unity, Godot, need to compile these assets and process them? It’s beyond my technical knowledge but you can’t edit game assets on the fly, right? Like I can’t just open up MYGUN.TEXTURE and paint it blue and now I have a blue gun without closing the game, right? How do you work around that?


    You can change assets on the fly, yeah. Usually with stuff like making a gun blue you’d just load another texture and apply it to the material. It really depends on what the game is designed to do. For example a game where all the lighting is baked would have issues if certain parts of the level were changed in real time because you’d need to rebake the lighting (or add some dynamic lights specifically for certain objects)

    Stuff like creating a quest in real time to the extent of hand crafted quests doesn’t sound like it’s quite there yet but there doesn’t seem to be a technical limitation there other than what AI can do and how to refine it to do that in an interesting way. You never know but it still feels a bit early considering how little has been done so far.


    other than what AI can do

    Not to belabor the point here, but in a discussion of “can AI do this” [now/soon] - saying “if AI could do this… then it could do this - but it cant - but it might” doesn’t seem to really counter my point that the next 5 years being full of empty promises about the potential (but not actualization) of AI.


    I was more just giving context about how things work from a game dev perspective


    If AI can’t find its market (which for all the hype it hasn’t thus far), then yes. Alternatively AI finds its market and it just becomes a norm that’s expected so no one will mention it at all


    if AI can’t find its market (which for all the hype it hasn’t thus far)

    AIs market is every market, which is why it seems like AI isn’t “doing much.” The primary benefit of AI in its current form is finding and driving efficiencies.

    It’s much more like the internet in the early 90s than it is the block chain. AI hasn’t had its “dot com bubble” begin yet, because right now it’s all targeted services.


    AIs market is every market

    no, it’s every market when it’s actually a part of those markets, delivering value and funding itself. It is not doing that today. It may do that tomorrow, but not today.

    Today AI is in the investor-funded, throw everything against the wall stage. the hope is that something will stick and become what drives that industry in the future. It hasn’t found that yet. AI could vanish tomorrow and no one would notice.

    SCB, (edited )

    It is not doing that today.

    It is absolutely doing that today. From medicine to fucking call center QA.

    That you don’t know about it is further evidence of my claim - AI is currently being leveraged within existing toolsets that you also do not know about.

    One Verint system can do the jobs of multiple QA professionals while also handling WFM tasks that previously required 1-3 more jobs, all of which are innately high-paying due to being so specialized.

    I use Synthesia every day to make training content (well, my intern does, but still). This content would take a minimum of 4 people to produce without the existing software. I know because we considered building that team and went with Synthesia instead. These aren’t plugs either - there are competitors to both of the above that are continuing to push features forward.

    AI is absolutely paying for itself.


    Guy’s gotta stay in $2000 dress shirts somehow.


    They did try that Symbiogenesis NFT bulshit. Now I’m not even sure if anything came out of it. Apparently it was supposed to be released this December but I didn’t hear a single thing about it.


    Did they try it? There was 1 trailer and the backlash from the internet was so severe the project got completely buried.


    Apparently it was released December 21th, but I cannot find a single thing whatsoever about how it played out. Which by itself doesn’t make it seem very successful.


    It’s all just SEO farming. Square Enix isn’t setting the world on fire with 14 and 16, and there was exactly zero hype for OT2 and Various Daylife (worst game title ever), so they need to always say hypemachine phrases just in case anyone searching for AI or NFTs is also hungry for a milquetoast JRPG.

    KingThrillgore, avatar

    These words are also for the hopes that someone will buy this company and put them out of their misery. If FF7R 2 fails in the marketplace, they’re doomed.

    quams69, do games w Rocksteady pulls Suicide Squad an hour into early access after players’ games ‘auto completed’

    Some publisher dickheads are totally unaware their business minmaxxing is absolutely the reason this product wasn’t developed properly but I am sure the devs at rocksteady will get all the flak as per usual and the people actually responsible for this sabotage will probably move laterally to another position where they can ruin more shit people like for a six figure income.

    MamboGator, avatar

    Warner Bros owns Rocksteady and WB is absolutely destroying itself with bad decisions ever since the Discovery merger. They were already bad before, but David Zaslav seems to have made it his life’s mission to ruin everything he touches and is of course as hands-on as he possibly can be as CEO.


    One of these days people will learn to not preorder games


    Did anyone preorder this dumpster fire?


    Yeah I mean you had to buy the deluxe to be in the early access release


    Oh and they’re going to frame this as a great success. Reality need not apply.


    After getting disappointing sales figures they will probably conclude it’s all because console gaming is dead and that they should instead focus on making mobile live service games where the real money is.

    UrLogicFails, do gaming w Denuvo security is now on Switch, including new tech to block PC Switch emulation

    Personally, I’m not much of a PC gamer, so I don’t have a lot of personal experience with Denuvo; but this sounds pretty concerning.

    My understanding is that by Denuvo LoJacking into every part of the game, it seriously hampers performance; and the Switch is underpowered enough as it is. I can only imagine how poorly games will run if the Switch has to devote resources to Denuvo as well.

    Plus, from a preservation standpoint this is terrible too. Even if the studio drops Denuvo down the line, it will forever be included on the cartridge. This means that in the future, the only way to play this game will have to be an emulated copy, since you won’t be able to get the update to clear the (no longer supported) Denuvo from the game.

    Peruvian_Skies, avatar

    Exactly. But AFAIK every Denuvo game eventually gets cracked, so at least we will have the pirate copies. From a preservation standpoint, a dumped ROM is much better than a physical cartridge anyway, since it's more portable and easier to back up. It's the contents of the cartridge minus the physical limitations.


    There’s plenty of games which haven’t been cracked. More often than not, a game is updated to remove denuvo or a drm-free .exe is released accidentally.

    It’s been hard to crack games and from what I’ve read, it now relies on one person and they have been a bit of a lunatic.


    EMPRESS is their name and yeah, they are bonkers. They are also very picky and influenced by donations, so obscure games won’t be cured from DENUVO ever. Judgement, a somehow popular Sega release, was cracked days ago, and it’s a 2018 game. They picked a fight with a ripper\cracker Skidrow in .nfo announcing that.

    Hunter2, (edited )

    For clarity sake, Judgment only released this March September 2022 (thank you for the correction) on PC. But for example, Dead Space Remake, which released in January, is still uncracked.


    Judgement came out on PC in September '22.


    You’re right! I was thinking of the sequel.


    Lost your judgement for a sec.


    EMPRESS may be a lunatic, but it’s not like we have any better options. If anything, I wish EMPRESS would teach the next generation of d€nuvø crackers and that they would be chill and just crack for the sake of piracy/preservation.


    With what level of trust pirated releases need, it’s kinda worrysome to depend on that person. And they doesn’t seem like one to share their secrets.


    I hope it’s not a single person but a group mascarding as one deranged individual so it means that capable crackers are more widespread than one singular genius holding it down.

    SenorBolsa, avatar

    Who really knows it’s all very strange to me, the scene has generally always been very much out of mainstream politics except when it relates to tech/IP law, and generally pretty egalitarian, insofar as no one knows who is on the other end of any conversation.

    ono, (edited )

    I can only imagine how poorly games will run if the Switch has to devote resources to Denuvo as well.

    Pokemon Go added code obfuscation (I forgot the name of the company that provided it) some months after it was first released. Phones started running very hot, battery life dropped drastically, and people who played a lot had to replace their batteries (or phones) in a fraction of their normal lifetime. Also, as you imagined, performance dropped significantly.


    Wouldn’t necessarily be impossible to “remove” Denuvo from a cartridge after a certain amount of time, not physically remove it, but bypass it with a patch. Makes sense to add in this capability too, since Denuvo licenses can be subscription based and at some point it just isn’t worth the ongoing costs.

    Definitely expect a huge performance hit though. Games with Denuvo run like absolute shit lol.

    Stamets, do games w Ubisoft CEO defends Skull and Bones’ $70 price despite its live service leanings, calls it ‘quadruple-A’ avatar

    Been playing the closed beta and I know it’s a beta but the game releases in 7 days. Not a whole lot you can do in that time.

    The game is still really unpolished and feels jarring. The opening section has you in a rather large vessel but the thing turns on a dime. Only water craft able to turn like that is a jetski and even that didn’t have the super tight turning radius this thing did. There was also no time in turning. It felt really jarring, especially when Black Flag did it so well.

    The voice acting of the characters you start with is extremely uninspired. I don’t blame the actors but the director who decided this was okay. It’s so jarring and disconnected. Characters aren’t even consistent on pronunciation of simple things.

    The combat is hyper simplistic. It’s just hold left trigger to aim and then hold right trigger to fire. A quote I said to my buddy while playing was “Huh. My pirate ship is fully automatic.” The cannonballs just kept firing more and more until I needed a reload, then more and more. Everything is bulletspongey and nothing visually seems to change or update to sort of reflect the damage that you’re doing. Most vessels you fight against have multiple giant red boxes where the helm is located and those boxes are explosive and almost guarantee a one hit kill. It just feels so basic and simple and boring. When you complete the opening battle and get your own small craft, you start getting attacked by sharks who are leaping out of the water to attack the boat. Not you. The boat. Because that makes sense. And you have to attack and kill the sharks by throwing harpoons at it, also super simple point and click. Think the fish fight in Resident Evil 4 Remake or even RE4 OG.

    Walking around on the ground is painful. You can’t sprint, for a start, and the character will either keep walking for another few feet when you stop or suddenly stop. This leads you to getting used to the trail so you stop preemptively and end up 5 feet away from the thing you need to do, forcing you to start walking again and that animation is also way too long.

    One of the locations you have to go to at the start is called ‘West Island’. I’m sorry but how simple and boring do you have to be at the start of the game to just lazily call it West Island because it’s in the west?

    This game is awful. It’s a patchwork disaster which is only made more concerning by that article saying that the third creative director just left the game before it even launches.


    The last I heard about this game it was another article about it being delayed again and who knows if it will ever finish. Now I hear it’s out in 7 days? WUT.

    Stamets, avatar

    Fucking same. My friend told me two days ago the open beta was out and that’s when I discovered the Feb 16th launch date.


    Jesus, can’t blame the guy for ditching if that’s what they came up with after 7 yrs. I never had any hopes for it anyway but the increasing price tag for these so called AAAA games are infuriating.


    AAAA games, these guys will just keep increasing the price and the As.

    This thing really is the future then.


    I found Sea of Thieves already quite boring, but it did get the atmosphere right. Also the ships had to be properly staffed and controlling them felt like what I expect it to fell like. Also they managed to put out new content even though it was cheaper from the start. In other words: Ubisoft can suck it.


    Good lawd, i genuinely feel bad for you. And they’re expecting $70 for this. I’d expect more from a f2p mobile game.

    Stamets, avatar

    It felt like a f2p game. I play a decent amount of Star Trek Online and spend some time with some other free games. SnB has the same unpolished vibe. Like you’re seeing the framework of the entire game with posters hung over holes in the wall


    Oof, thanks for the review, I was looking forward to this game but didn’t keep up with it past the trailer. Looks like a solid pass for me. I’ve been enjoying the safer seas from Sea of thieves after grabbing it on sale.


    Always good to see a new pirate on the sea of thieves! Safer Seas is great for a basic tutorial, but don’t be afraid to jump to High Seas as soon as you are familiar with the mechanics. Do not wait until you’re level 30.

    The new quest table in season 11 makes it safer and easier than ever to earn gold as a solo player, so there’s no point in taking the 70% reduction from Safer Seas.

    The first thing you want to focus on is buying a captained ship. This will massively increase your convenience in selling loot, and is really the only thing you can buy that actually “upgrades” your character.

    The next thing you want to focus on is … whatever you want! Progression is just cosmetics and getting better at the game. It’s a true sandbox.

    If you want to get better at PvP, just fight every ship you see. You will sink a lot, but each time you will get a little better. Don’t be afraid to lose fights and lose treasure to other players. There will always be more loot!

    For useful tips and tricks aimed at new players, I recommend Phuzzybond’s guides on YouTube.

    Happy sailing!

    Stamets, avatar

    As someone who just downloaded Sea of Thieves on the PC, thanks!


    I grabbed it because I can play in pve with friends. We’re all old people now and can’t take the toxic shit that came with the game from hardcore kids who play and fuck over new players. You probably won’t ever see me in high seas, it’s to toxic of a player base unfortunately.


    Understandable. But for anyone else reading this and is interested in moving to High Seas, I should make it clear what is considered “toxic” in this game:

    Toxic (actual bannable behavior):

    • Hacking.
    • Using slurs, verbal abuse, etc. (the common standards you will see for voice/chat interaction in modern online games).

    Not toxic:

    • Attacking other crews for any reason, even if they don’t fight back or don’t have any loot on their ship.
    • Trash talking that doesn’t go into the category of slurs and personal abuse. (That being said, you can mute other crews any time with a hotkey).

    One of the things that frustrates new players is the misconception that there are rules or standards for getting attacked by other crews.

    Fighting, lying, stealing, and sneaking are all part of intended gameplay. They are the essence of the game, and are what leads to the most exciting and memorable player interactions. I say this as an almost exclusive solo player who is always at a disadvantage in PvP situations.

    That being said, you can always choose to be nice, and that can also lead to rewarding player interactions. But you should never assume that the other crews are playing by your rules.


    There is a difference between pvp and camping noobs to the point they quit. Tons of people stopped playing because of the toxicity.


    I only played the beta a couple months ago and I found it unbelievably boring and uninspired. I’ve never been so uninvested in a game’s world and this is a motherfucking pirate game. How is it this dull?!

    Cruxifux, do games w Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered has a warning about racial and ethnic stereotypes

    Imma just be pissed if her tiddies ain’t triangles.








    If that thumbnail is a screenshot of the remaster, then they’re looking rather round to me.


    The collection has both a remastered graphics mode and an option to switch to the original graphics.


    Well I’ll put the torch and pitchfork away for now then

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