deafboy, do games w Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo avatar

The only thing worse than unskipable ads are the waiting screens (press a button to continue) in front of the loading screens.

I mean, the machine is capable of billions of operations per second. Why is it waiting for ME to push a button?


But however will it determine the player one controller … on a desktop computer?


Dunno if you want a serious answer, but 'press start' titlescreens that start up an animation if you leave it unpressed too long are a throwback to when if a screen showed the same image for too long, it would fry the image on to the screen and leave a little ghost image, so screensavers were a screen saver. This allowed one to demo software and just leave it running without worrying about damaging the product hardware.
These days however it is totally unnecessary.


So that if you leave the room to make yourself a tea or something while the game is loading, your won’t miss the cut scene / beginning of the action / lose the game because it started without you present.


It’s just an arcade feature that got brought over


At least some games parallelize this. The game then already loads assets, caches shaders etc while the intro rolls.

don, do games w Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo

Pro gamer move

AFC1886VCC, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

I pirated the game. The first part in the actual school was really fun. But once you get out into the world, you quickly realise that it’s just another generic open world game with outposts, collectibles, and general busywork that you’ve seen in every other open world game. It got boring very quickly for me and I never finished it.

Eccitaze, avatar

I also pirated it, and yeah, I definitely got my money’s worth from it. I tried to have fun, but it’s the poster child for “mile wide, inch deep.”

Maybe they can reuse the environment for a better game in the future.

yamanii, avatar

I was very interested in mods for this game, people found all kinds of fun cut stuff that would’ve elevated this game so much like companions having commentary for several quests when you used a mod to bring them, and having actual consequences for using the dark arts. But it’s impossible to implement.

KairuByte, avatar

Technically it’s possible, but you’d have to reply on the cooperation of empress and that’s… not gonna happen.


I loved the mod that turned all those animated paintings into anime vtubers, so goofy


I agree. The magical feeling of being a student at Hogwarts soon evaporated as soon as you got a broom and didn’t really need to visit Hogwarts again and instead just fight endless random enemies, which gets pretty easy as you level up.

I was also disappointed by the endless voice acting. There was so much pointless talking and you couldn’t really control the outcome, all options seemed to result in a positive outcome when I just wanted to be a badass Malfoy but you’re not allowed, you jave to be a goody goody Hermione, juat in Slytherin clothes.

TowerofPimps, do nintendo w Nintendo reportedly showed a demo of the ‘Switch 2’ console at Gamescom which included visuals comparable to the PS5 and Xbox Series X. avatar


ramble81, do gaming w Xbox boss would ‘love to find solutions’ so games aren’t lost when the 360 store closes | VGC

“I wish we could find a solution to the problem we’re going to cause” says the person causing the problem in the first place.

Napain, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

poped in to say transrights! that’ll be all


fuck harry potter, read terry pratchett

Carighan, avatar

Bit unfair, because when compared to Terry Pratchett, just about everything else gets tossed to read more Pratchett. 😅

(not that I disagree, Pratchett is best)


Imagine if JK Rowling had even a 1/1000th the artistry and intuitive empathy Pratchett had for the world, there would be millions upon millions of people out there with a life long love of a series who didn’t feel betrayed and forced to make a choice between being part of a community that textually hates them or continuing to love their childhood nostalgia.

<3 trans people <3 granny weatherwax and I really wanna get drunk with nanny og.


Careful, Nanny will make you do chores.


Does Nanny NOT make you do the chores?? She told me everyone else was very studious about doing them and that only I was slacking off.

Wait a minute….

She had me convinced SHE was the one being fooled this whole time, she even told me so


I just wish there was more media of the Discworld other than the books, a handful of movies and some games of the 90’s. It is such a big universe that has so much room for stories.

Obi, avatar

I’m sure the studios will get around to it and then we’ll get a million sequels. Maybe the estate owning the rights is not keen on authorizing works.

Carighan, avatar

Yeah I don’t think his daughter is that hot on allowing a lot of people to do stuff with it. Last year’s animated Maurice movie was about the only thing in a long time, I think?

Silentiea, (edited )

Can I just read Pratchett without fucking anyone? I’m ace and it’s just really smelly and uncomfortable.

dumpsterlid, (edited )

Absolutely but I do recommend whispering to yourself “get fucked JK rowling” before reading a book as it is good luck. You can substitute “eat shit” or whatever else feels right to you and it should still work fine.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Can I just read Pratchett without fucking anyone?

You can, but you’re missing out. Getting to the climax of Guards! Guards! is really something else.



Jamie, do gaming w Todd Howard wants Elder Scrolls 6 to be ‘the ultimate fantasy-world simulator’ avatar

I think Dwarf Fortress is going to hold the crown for ultimate fantasy world simulator. I don’t think ES6 will allow for systematic breeding and killing of mer-children for their valuable bones.

De_Narm, do games w Hogwarts Legacy has officially cleared Zelda as 2023's best-selling game worldwide

It’s multi-platform, uses one of the biggest IPs of an entire generation and seems to do it quite well too. Everything else would have been more surprising to me.


I’m shocked the online outrage from gamingcirlclejerk didn’t work


It’s like the sub made for taking the piss out of gaming criticism and critique did what it was supposed to do.


Not really, they were often really serious about it which made it all the more ridiculous. Sometimes it’s a fun circlejerk sub, sometimes it’s presenting their slacktivism almost as being some gaming vanguard and fighting a war against the game.

It was pretty funny.


I used to love that sub, but these days they are only focused on the outrage culture. Nothing inherently wrong with that, I like to laugh at people who take their video game waifu too seriously. I initially joined that sub because it seemed like the best place to have level-headed conversations about overhyped games, like the Witcher 3. Everywhere else seems to love that game as if it’s the second coming of Jesus, but if you find some places that didn’t like the game, they swing a bit too hard on the opposite site, so you can’t have a conversation with them either. I found plenty of people in that sub who loved that game, but knew where the shortcomings were.

darkphotonstudio, do gaming w Phil Spencer has reportedly reassured employees Microsoft ‘won’t stop making Xbox consoles’

Whenever a company addresses a something like this, like insisting a thing that is rumoured to be happening isn’t happening, it is almost certainly happening.

ampersandrew, avatar

To be fair, the rumor isn't that Microsoft is getting rid of consoles. The rumor is that they're making decisions that will, in a handful of years' time, almost certainly result of getting rid of their consoles.


So, the distinction is that they are getting rid of consoles… later? Wow, thanks. That was fair!

ampersandrew, avatar

The distinction is that they're making a decision that will likely result in not making consoles anymore. It's like how governments don't decide to increase traffic; they decide to expand freeways to more lanes, but the only thing that can come from that is that they increased traffic. They think they're solving a problem, but they're actually, usually, making it worse by those actions that we have a historical record for how they play out.

YuzuDrink, avatar

Haven’t there been some pretty flagrant cases where someone said “we are not doing XYZ” and then like 3 months later there was a big press announcement stating “guess what? We’re doing XYZ, and think you’re going to love it!!”?

BautAufWasEuchAufbaut, avatar

Can’t decide whether you’re talking about Google shutting down Stadia or the Berlin Wall /j

bekopharm, avatar


Haha, this also came to my mind :D


3 months being exactly one financial quarter. They probably weren’t lying, they were committed… for that quarter. When they read the numbers next quarter, well that’s completely unrelated to today’s commitments!

Coelacanth, do games w Baldur’s Gate 3 director says he thought the game would be too short because of all the cut content | VGC avatar

I believe it. There was a steamcommunity post last year detailing all the cut content. I believe some of it has been added back through the patches (I only played through the game once, around launch).

To me the tadpole consequences is the most egregious, as the whole system and decisions connected to it feel so hollow when they end up not mattering at all.


Yeah, stuffing more worms into your brain being purely a beneficial mechanic with no drawbacks is a very weird choice. This whole system was honestly better in early access than it ended up being, having the tadpoles be just a dialogue option with a very easy check but consequences the more you used them. The ring that Omeluum gives you was even supposed to help, only to get changes into a boring Charm resistance ring on release.

Coelacanth, avatar

I don’t know if it’s been culled by now in patches, but when I played there were still lines by the narrator talking about the consequences and “if you do this, there’s no going back” regarding the brain worms. All lies, it turns out.

I have no clue why they cut it, but having it actually impact your potential choices and your endings would be thematically appropriate and make for fun and difficult gameplay choices, I would have thought.

The lack of consequences for the brain worms - and lack of rewards or even mentions for abstaining! - was part of why Act 3 soured me on the game quite a bit. Come on, not even a silly achievement for not using any Illithid power all playthrough?


Yeah, I was very dissapointed by that as well. As far as I’m aware, the only time it matters is when

Act 3 spoilerThe Emperor offers you the Astral tadpole, if you used any worms you have to pass a check that grows harder the more worms you consumed to resist using it, if you abstained you can just say no.

Big shame that’s all that remains of this system.

Coelacanth, avatar

Yeah but even that is pointless because there are literally zero consequences to accepting the Astral Tadpole! Even though you’re half Illithid supposedly it all kinda just goes away in the happy ending. I don’t get it.


Wait you can go half? I took it and became a full on mindflayer immediately. Was this changed in patches?

Coelacanth, avatar

As I recall there are two decisions. First you get the choice of the Astral Tadpole, which opens the outer ring of mindflayer powers and gives you black veins in your face and the status “half-Illithid”.

Later - as part of the ending - you can decide to become a full on mindflayer, because for some arbitrary narrative reason the mcguffin can only be operated by one.


Oh that’s right

BenVimes, (edited )

Furthermore, there is an option to destroy the special “gift” if you can resist accepting it. However, all you get for doing so is a few brief lines from the Emperor. Your companions don’t seem to notice, and there isn’t even an quest log update.


the consequence is that your character looks like shit with black veins all over the face after the awakened upgrade

swab148, avatar

My first character actually ended up looking better lol, like more badass than before. But omfg do NOT give it to Shart.


Pretty sure there is an achievement for not using any right?

Coelacanth, avatar

There wasn’t when I played but it might have been added in a patch.

chemical_cutthroat, do games w ChatGPT was used to write Gollum game apology, it’s claimed avatar

I mean, that’s more effort than was put into the rest of the script …

FontMasterFlex, do games w Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered has a warning about racial and ethnic stereotypes

This is fine, no issues really, but if you’re offended by something in a video game fictional story that was made over 20 years ago you should go touch grass.


They did the same thing with the Destroy All Humans! remakes. Which was probably needed, because the Japanese level in 2 is really iffy


eh. i get the ‘need’ for these companies to have the disclaimers and i honestly appreciate that they are not changing anything here. but the mob is fickle and seemingly can’t distinguish real life from the online life where being offended somehow gives them clout.


Yeah the Japan level made my jaw drop… the early 2000’s really were the last time you could be this blatantly racist against the Asian Community in popular media… But I’d rather go “Oooof” than pretend the game was never like this.


Do you see any merit to the pushback against such media?

You sound like you favor rationalism, and I agree with dismissing people who are crazy, but setting crazy people aside, do you see potential harm in promoting negative racial and ethnic stereotypes?


Stereotypes exist for a reason. They aren’t made up, non-existent characteristics. 90% of people that are getting offended by such things are not even part of the group that’s being stereotyped. It’s usually white liberals that are “offended” by any of this. Are they beneficial? probably not, but they sure are not nearly as harmful as people like you make them out to be. As a straight white man, I’m vilified by the mob regardless of my positions on anything, and that in itself is a stereotype. So I don’t put any stock into hypocritical perceived slights against humanity.


Got it, so you have a major victim complex and don’t really have a rational argument for the rest. Thank you for at least being clear


Thank you for proving my point.


Stereotypes exist for a reason. They aren’t made up, non-existent characteristics.

As a straight white man, I’m vilified by the mob regardless of my positions on anything, and that in itself is a stereotype.

You rationalized deserving vilification, and whinged about what a victim you are. You can’t think this conversation is in your favor.


Went silent real fast eh?


sorry my life doesn’t revolve around your internet drama. got real shit to deal with. like work. and life. idgaf what you think about me of what point you think you’re making. have fun with what little “power” you think you have here. i couldn’t care less about this.


Who the hell doesn’t?

You’re the one out online here spewing your opinion that what other people care about isn’t important.

Once again you reveal yourself a hypocrite


how is it hypocritical? idgaf what you think, just like you likely don’t gaf what I think. you’re just out to call people names behind the safety of a keyboard and screen.


As a straight white man, I’m vilified by the mob regardless of my positions on anything, and that in itself is a stereotype

Lmao you dingus


Even if I agree some games have gone too far on censorship, I don’t like having this totalitarian attitude to any kind of “offense”.

There are certain weird themes I really like in niche games, but I acknowledge if they were “thrown in” to a game about shooting or adventure, would sour the experience for a lot of common players. I’d point to perverted character designs as a common one - sexualized character designs are obviously appealing to some players, but to others they can actually make it hard to get absorbed in the story of a game like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 or Nier Automata. Even for a series like Persona, there have been players that decided “What weeb shit” and abandon the game because of the way female characters get harassed at times.

It’s easy to call it “political”, but politics comes from personal opinions - and it can genuinely affect how people view the media. These days I have a much more vehement reaction to stereotyped Native-American depictions (“Indians”) over when I was a kid. I doubt it’d make me hate Tomb Raider, but I can see why they’d have a warning.

kajib, do gaming w Braid Anniversary Edition has ‘sold like dog sh*t’, creator Jonathan Blow says

I absolutely adore this game, but imo it’s a terrible candidate for a remaster. The graphics were already stylized so I doubt a graphics update would make much difference. It’s a puzzle game so the replayability is already low. And I can’t imagine that developer commentary get people excited about buying the game again.

I wish this was successful, but I can see why this went sideways.

lemillionsocks, do gaming w ‘I am sorry’: Unity partially walks back on controversial monetization plans | VGC avatar

Hopefully game developers stick to their guns and start migrating future projects and training to other engines like Godot. They played their hand once I wouldnt trust them to not screw you in the future


Re-Logic (Terraria’s developers) have already gone on record saying, "even if Unity were to recant their policy and statements, the destruction of trust is not so easily repaired.” That’s the stance I think every developer should be taking. Unless you have a Unity game that can be released by the end of the year, all devs need to seriously consider switching engines.


Proprietary and Closed Source software should never be trusted.


And when the code starts open source if they do a move like that (see Elasticsearch vs Opensearch, or Terraform vs OpenTF) then the community can fork it!


I love the idea of an open source engine becoming the industry standard, even if just for indie titles. Blender is a great success story and shows that FOSS can compete with industry standard creative software.

anteaters, avatar

IIRC Godot’s reduzio mentioned at GDC there was considerable interest from various publishers and developers in building their own engines ontop of Godot.

NOT_RICK, do games w Microsoft’s CEO say it’s ‘doubling down’ on being a game producer and publisher | VGC avatar

I mean, you don’t spend 70 billion on a market sector you’re going to deemphasize.

radix, avatar

*70 billion this year alone.

2021: Zenimax for 7.5B
2018-19: Ninja Theory, Playground Games, Undead Labs, Compulsion Games, Obsidian Entertainment, inXile Entertainment, Double Fine Productions (all unknown amounts)
Earlier: Rare for 375M, Mojang for 2.5B


Oh shit, Double Fine too? Psychonauts 3 here we go!!!

Glitchington, avatar

Psychonauts 2 happened because Microsoft bought Double Fine and said, “How much time/money do you need to finish your game?” And basically gave it to them.


Hell yeah, I’m happy they did! That game was an absolute delight to play, just like the first one. The people at Double Fine really knock it out of the park!


What? No. Double fine kickstarted the game. That’s why psychonauts 2 happened. Revisionist crap needs to die.

Glitchington, avatar

Literally watched an interview with Tim Schafer, they ran out of Kickstarter money and Microsofr saved the day. Look it up before calling me out please.


No one saved the day, they fund raised before, everyone does, many people found publishers if needed after running out of croudfunded money. There is no saviour here.


If this was true, I don’t think MS will let them release it on PS4

Glitchington, avatar

Was Kickstarted for all consoles, they ran out of money, Microsoft bought them and left everything as-is, just gave more money. Go watch the interview about it.


Double Fine Productions

Brütal Legend II NOW!

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