
Railcar8095, do gaming w Tarkov studio claims it actually doesn't have the server capacity for everyone who bought the game for $150 to play its upcoming PvE mode, still wants players to pay extra

If only there was a way for dedicated fans to run their own servers for PVE co-op with friends…


Is there?


SPT with MPT mod.


No. And considering how they are gatekeeping the feature behind a 250$ purchase, it is very lucrative for them to keep it that way. Unless shit hits the fan and the players decide they won’t pay.


Apparently there is! There is a mod for SPT called MPT (now renamed to fika). It has a github but the download is only available through their discord. Took me a while to find it. Gonna see if we can get it working tomorrow.

_sideffect, do gaming w Ubisoft is stripping people's licences for The Crew weeks after its shutdown, nearly squandering hopes of fan servers and acting as a stark reminder of how volatile digital ownership is

Lmao, fuck licenses; pirate it, and we’ll make our own servers.

They can’t do shit then

@wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world avatar

Afaik nobody has cracked it as it’s always-online, though I’d be happily incorrect about this is one can slide me some sauce. I’m one of the affected players in the shutdown (still play occasionally) so the ability to continue playing this game would be very nice.


Afaik there is no crack for The Crew because it stored your progress on ubisoft’s server and has no local save data.


So if we need to somehow pirate it we need to break ubisoft drm and rediect the calls for savedata that are supposed to be sent to the servers to a local storage

redcalcium, (edited )

There is a possibility that the game actually has a hidden “production mode” where it allows offline play. Make sense though because the game developers must be able to run the game during production where the server hasn’t been up yet. Research into the possibility of reenabling this mode in retail build seems to be losing steam though. Looks like it picked up some steam again: steamcommunity.com/app/…/4306075118785997064/


It can’t not have local save data. It can delete it at exit, sure, but it needs it to load the game properly. Save game extraction might be more complex, but it is still sent to the local machine.

Unless it’s a streamed game of course.


Seems like it.

Save Game Dumper now available


@seliaste@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

There are cracks that managed this tho Nfs:World and wangan midnight comes to mind

Endorkend, do games w A heroic Starfield modder just straight-up deleted those repetitive temple 'puzzles' from the game
@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

All game content and story issues aside, what pisses me of the most is that a month after release, we still only had a microscopic amount of bugfixes that don't even address some of the larger issues with the game.

I don't want to bring up BG3 again, but at this timespan after the game release, Larian already fixed THOUSANDS of bugs, big and small and overall, the game was much less obviously buggy than Starfield is. It's issues were more inconsistencies in logic and a handful of quest breakers, but otherwise not even noticeable until you read the patch notes.

It's crazy to me there's so little action from Bethesdas side in fixing this heap. I guess it rolls into their bullshit PR of pushing for Awards (they are literally looking to get a Grammy ...) and saying the game is nigh on perfect.


When has Bethesda ever released patches to fix anything short of game breaking bugs? And even then more often than not they don’t fix those.

I mean, some of the most popular mods for fallout 4 and skyrim were community patches. I’m not saying I agree with that practice, just that this is par for the (shitty) course for Bethesda. Starfield probably won’t be an actually good game until there are thousands of mods for it.


Yeah, people tend to forget how shitty Skyrim was at launch. It was completely unplayable on PS3 for literal months.

@Pxtl@lemmy.ca avatar

I’d wager technical debt is the reason. It’s no secret that Bethesda’s engine is bad. Bad code makes it harder to do bug-fixes, because it’s harder to find the root cause of things and the risks of having accidental side-effects is far higher. There’s only so many hacks and emergency fixes you can slap into a codebase before it becomes a house of cards that collapses if you breathe on it the wrong way.


Hopefully having MS money will allow them to take the time to learn/create a new engine, it already showed its limits in Skyrim


Yeah because Windows is definitely a flawless product


Might be a shot in the dark here, but a game engine seems like it would be different than an operating system.


so sorry
You get the “technically correct but missed the point” award


You’re the one who brought up Windows where it had no place. They said MS money not MS OS developers.


And the MS OS developers are backed by…?


Once again nothing to do with Bethesda. You just want to shit on MS because “MS bad!”.


I forgot Lemmy is a continuous Linux circlejerk, my bad.


The engine is what makes the games so great though, no other engine I know is so flexible and open for mods, while at the same time can keep states for huge numbers of game objects that can be manipulated and moved freely in the whole Game world. Yes it has limitations but I am happy to live with those in exchange for what it enables. It is more then a fair trade in my eyes.


Why does this piss you off? Do you make a habit of getting angry at very predictable things? They’ve always done this.

!deleted6508 avatar

“This is the way it’s always been done” is also the same rhetoric bigots use to justify racism. Just because Bethesda has always sucked ass doesn’t mean anyone likes it or wants them to continue to suck ass.

okamiueru, (edited )

What the fuck are you on about? I’m not defending Bethesda. I’m saying that if a company makes games with the exact same kind of flaws every time - getting upset when they do it again suggests the issue might be with the inability to make basic inference.

It’s like if you don’t like chocolate, buy a bar of chocolate, and going “Gah! This one has chocolate too!”.

They didn’t rewrite the creation engine. It’s going to have the same feeling and issues as other games made with that engine. It wouldn’t have to be this way if they had done a good job. But, they don’t seem to have to do that for a lot of people to enjoy their games. But being surprised by it? Nah, that’s on you (figuratively)

!deleted6508 avatar

Nobody is saying they were surprised by it; they’re saying they are disappointed in it.


Being disappointed requires unmet expectation. “Surprised”. Why don’t you pick a word you prefer that conveys unmet expectations? I think you know perfectly well what I mean. And if you don’t, then, well, I’m not here to argue.


Larian needs a good reputation to sell

Bethesda has a bad reputation and still sells so they don’t need to fix it. Their reputation is to make games with the things you outlined specifically

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

Larian also just gives a fuck about putting out a quality game.


Can confirm, Divinity 1 and 2 and both fantastic and got free massive content updates


I got Hogwarts game the other day and there are known bug affecting gameplay for months. That fucking shield flashing up constantly is painful.


I’m almost certain most of the team went on vacation after launch. However, that should probably be over by now and there still hasn’t been much of anything as far as I’m aware.


Please explain the larger issues with the game. I have like 50 hours into it and the only things I’ve noticed were 1 glitched quest (Madam Devine won’t progress, which was fixed with 1 command) and some companion bonuses not applying. Also my chameleon-wearing companion’s head would remain invisible sometimes! But largely the game has played well. It’s great to bitch and moan but what actual bugs are you talking about, because personally I haven’t seen them!


I’ve noticed exactly 2 issues so far myself.

  1. Rarely, outposts can become unbuildable. You have to save and reload
  2. The bounty system is slightly more jank than I’m used to. Sometimes I’ll get a 15000 bounty for a stealth kill while unseen - those 15000 bounties never go away from witness death. Other times a 650 bounty that immediately goes away from “last witness died”. I had to save-scum a pirate ship because it happened with some specific folks, and I solved it by chucking a grenade into the bridge. I commented elsewhere, grenades are super-stealth and you usually get away with throwing a grenade in full view in a crowded room if you can hide before it blows up.

I’d like to see #2 fixed/improved, but honestly don’t mind either very much.


I had to use a cheat and kill a achievements because into the unknown was bugged. Where the temple should have spawned there was a mining rig and the scanner never distorted. It’s a pretty common issue reported over and over again on their discord (which is a freaking horrible way to deal with support BTW). And then on the final quest one of the mini bosses clipped through an elevator and I had to wait like 10 mins while he decided to teleport behind me.

teawrecks, do gaming w 'Marketing's dead, and I can back this s**t up': Larian's publishing director says players 'just want to be spoken to, and they don't want to be bamboozled'

I wouldn’t say that past generations wanted to be marketed to, it’s just that before the internet, marketing was the closest a customer could get to being spoken to by a brand.

And at some point in the history of marketing, I think companies used to see it that way too, marketing was a means of communicating with potential customers what your product offered. But as capitalism progressed, and media outlets expanded (print, radio, film, TV, etc.), honesty was optimized out in favor of “bamboozleism”.

It’s now easier than ever for a brand to have a direct, two-way conversation with their customers at any time, but marketers are still stuck in that 20th century mindset of “we just say whatever we want, and you just accept it”. The internet is in the process of popping that bubble.


Largely agree. I think the bamboozlers were there the whole time - after all, a lot of early radio was for propaganda purposes. But I do think most companies try to do things the right way, and there was a point when marketing was seen as simple outreach.


I work in the industry, and yeah. Before, marketing was based on utility. “Buy this because it can do this and this and that”, basically marketing how effective or what it can actually do for you. Around the 50s (in the US) marketing changed to be based around lifestyle. “Buy this so you can be this”. Now nearly all ads appeal to emotion instead of reason, and it is very effective.

Researching about what a product offers is so much harder than just buying on a whim because the ads and the product are colorful.

You can see this change in old (really old) newspapers. Ad spreads were chock full of text about features. Now 3/4ths of the ads are an image of a happy woman if marketed for gals, or a stoic muscly man if marketed for guys.

Gives me the ick.


Limbic capitalism. The product will make you happy. Only the product will make you happy.


The act of purchasing the product will make you happy.

Subscribe now to receive happiness for a monthly subscription fee of $14.99. Or, save 18% by paying $149.99 for the whole year!


THX 1138 gets home and throws out the widget.

avater, (edited ) do gaming w Tarkov studio claims it actually doesn't have the server capacity for everyone who bought the game for $150 to play its upcoming PvE mode, still wants players to pay extra
@avater@lemmy.world avatar

They are a Russian Developer with contacts to military units who support the war in Ukraine and also mocked Ukrainian with screenshots in their game…so why expect you no shitty behavior from them?

Stop supporting them and let their game fail.






Source? I would love to confirm this. If it’s true I will stop playing instantly


From what I found they have made no comment other than “they will not leave any markets due to war”

As for being Russian

"We have a mix of talent, some veteran developers, some new to game development. But everyone loves guns and FPS games. One of the studio leads is actually a former Spetsnaz officer, the Russian equivalent of the U.S. Special Forces."

Phegan, (edited )

I am aware they are Russian, and I don’t expect them to actively condemn the invasion, as it would be dangerous for them. If there is proof they were actively supporting the war or mocking Ukraine, that’s a different story.

@avater@lemmy.world avatar

I am aware they aren’t Russian

they are a Russian developer, they moved their office to london but still maintain their office in St. Petersburg


Sorry typo.

@avater@lemmy.world avatar

They moved their office to London (wonder why…) but part of the team still works from their origin in Russian St. Petersburg. And here is what I’ve found:



Thank you

avater, (edited )
@avater@lemmy.world avatar

And this happened more than once, so that is a long-term partnership. Buyanov recorded joint videos with Dmitry “Goblin” Puchkov, a Russian translator and blogger known for his anti-Ukrainian stance. And Puchkov himself was a guest at the Battlestate Games studio.

Nikita Buyanov and his company actively partnered with companies in the Russian military-industrial complex. This group actively funds and supplies separatists, they ask for donations to supply their members who are going to fight in Ukraine, they participate in podcasts from occupied cities and Tarkov’s developers prop up their platform by including them (in no small capacity) in their game.

One of the new traders they are planning to add into the game is named “Khokhol” which is an anti-Ukrainian ethnic slur used by russians. There is also a feature in the game where you can become a character called a “Scav” when you become one you are assigned a random russian name, sometimes they are memes like “garandthumb” or “robokop” but in their depravity, there is a chance that your character can be named “Hohol” which you see when you die, or other players see when you kill them.

The developers of Escape from Tarkov, the Russian studio Battlestate Games, have published several new screenshots of the game. As Artem Lys noticed, on one of them the character shows the middle finger to the player in pixel uniform and with yellow tape on his hand, which clearly symbolizes the Armed Forces of Ukraine.




daniskarma, do gaming w Ubisoft is stripping people's licences for The Crew weeks after its shutdown, nearly squandering hopes of fan servers and acting as a stark reminder of how volatile digital ownership is

If buying is not owning, pirating is not stealing.

@ampersandrew@lemmy.world avatar

The problem is this game can’t even be pirated due to how it’s architected.

Landsharkgun, do games w Helldivers 2 boss apologizes for 'horrible' dev comments, says Arrowhead has 'taken action internally to educate our developers'

" A moderator on the game’s Discord server, for instance, said “watching u all cry, amuses me so much,” while another said on Reddit that complaints about weapon nerfs were perhaps in reality a question of “skill issue.” "

Are you kidding? That’s fucking hilarious. Learn to use a different weapon than the railgun you absolute chuffs.


I was expecting hate speech or something… but this sounds almost like friendly banter


The crying comment comes off as more of a dick thing to say, but the skill issue bit is pretty funny.

vertis, do gaming w The makers of Palworld are desperate to hire more developers: 'We are overwhelmingly short of people'

There is this exercise you can do for Agile/Lean estimation where you run a multi stage beer store by passing only order quantity notes up and down a chain.

The intent is to trick the participants into a whiplash effect where the retail store has a one off jump and so orders bigger than normal, and the whole supply chain then gets excited and thinks this is the new normal rather than an anomaly.

The exercise ends and the excess beer in the chain is counted.

Staffing when hyped is similar.


You are not wrong, but remember that they only employ like 40-50 people. Even if the playerbase goes down to 10% of what it is that’s still not a lot of people.

bruhduh, do games w Court rules Gabe Newell must appear in person to testify in Steam anti-trust lawsuit
@bruhduh@lemmy.world avatar

I’m out of the loop, can someone reply what’s going on? I’ll leave this comment for those like me who curious what happened


David Rosen of Wolfire Games (Receiver, Overgrowth, Lugaru) is alleging that steam reps have threatened to de-list his game if he lists it as less expensive on other platforms. Specifically not just steam keys but other distribution platforms.


Which is hard to believe, considering how many times I’ve bought steam games on other (legitimate) platforms that were cheaper than on steam, that are still on steam today and werent removed for being cheaper on another platform.


Not only that, but games you’ve actually heard of, too


I believe it is in the Steam marketplace agreement, and applies to all games. Are you referring to sales on other platforms, or to the full listed price?


All those Humble Bundles for a start.


Sure, but Valve essentially reserve the right to no longer sell your game if it’s offered cheaper elsewhere. See the quotes on pages 54 through 56 of the complaint.


Which is a dick move on valves part.

Remember folks, Valve isnt the peoples company.

All the good things it does, it does only because of regulation pressure or lost lawsuits.


They also make nice hardware, but they don’t do that out of the goodness of their hearts of course


Fyi I like valve but im in no way sworn to them.

I think the justification would probably be that if they continued listing the item:

  1. It maybe mislead consumers into paying more for the same thing
  2. The reason why people pay more in that scenario is for convenience (IE all games in the same place) but that would be exersizing valves monopoly, so it may be safer to just remove to reduce complaints to steam about the higher pricing because there will be operational cost to processing those support requests and complaints

I don’t feel like valve does everything because of lawsuits. Open sourcing proton wasn’t due to a lawsuit. Releasing Cs2 as a free upgrade to csgo wasn’t due to a lawsuit.

On the other hand and in response to your comment, I think the regulatory fix is that platforms must display their platform fee clearly and separately to the publishers price.

@deafboy@lemmy.world avatar

Open sourcing proton wasn’t due to a lawsuit.

Wine and dxvk was already opensource. They couldn’t have closed it even if they wanted to.


Minor note about only a single point here

CS2 as an “upgrade” to CSGO has been less than well received from what I can tell. If they wanted it to be free it should have been a new game and left CS:GO in place. Removing a game many of us paid for in favor of a newer, different game isn’t something that should be praised, and should be called out as the anti-consumer move it was.


It isn’t the peoples’ company, but nor is it a publicly traded company that is obligated to pursue profits above all else. It’s Gabe’s company, and he gets to run it as he sees fit.

Ultimately Wolfire’s argument falls apart not because Valve is setting the terms, but because their claims about Valve’s position in the industry and supposed abuse of power don’t hold much water.

@deafboy@lemmy.world avatar

TIL: valve is run by robots.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Remember folks, Valve isnt the peoples company.

No corporation is “the peoples corporation”, but some corporations treat their customers with a lot more respect and fairness in pricing/policies than others.


Yes, but people have to be reminded of that with “sweetheart” companies like AMD and Valve, because they get too deep in the koolaid and forget it.


That hasn’t been my experience, could be a regional pricing thing.




Oh shit. I love David Rosen. I also live GabeN…

I should be the judge.


Yeah, it sucks when mommy and daddy fight.

ech, do games w Peter Molyneux is ready to disappoint us again with his latest game, a blockchain-based business sim

Pete in June:

“I do think, though”, he concedes, “we have stumbled, and it feels like stumbling on a mechanic that has never been seen in a game before.”

“And a lot of this is very mystical because I’m trying to avoid to tell you what it’s like. But it’s going to be a lot more like a kind of Fable - Black and White - Dungeon Keeper kind of experience”

Of course it was blockchain bullshit.


“A kind of Fable - Black and White - Dungeon Keeper kind of experience”

Three remarkably different games there. Ol lyin Pete just wanted to mention the greatest hits to drum up interest in his nft nonsense.


I’m not really familiar with those games, only with the infamousness of molyneux, but wasn’t the player’s actions leaving behind a pretty clear effect on the world a common theme in those games? That may have been what he was referring too.

It may also be him naming those because those games were the heights that he wants to go back to. The games he had made when he was still relevant must be much more present in his mind than they are in ours.

@ChaoticEntropy@feddit.uk avatar

He knows the buttons to push to sell his snake oil.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Narrator: It was more like a kind of Godus experience.

Sordid, (edited )
@Sordid@sh.itjust.works avatar

it’s going to be a lot more like a kind of Fable - Black and White - Dungeon Keeper kind of experience

Based on this description and given the only thing two of these games have in common, I can only conclude his latest project is a game focused on using your floating god hand to slap the shit out of your minion(s). I’m just not quite sure about the Fable connection…

gingerrich, do gaming w Elon Musk demanded a cameo in Cyberpunk 2077 while wielding a 200 year old gun: "I was armed but not dangerous"

What an absolute cunt of a human being.

Maultasche, do gaming w Starfield NPCs keep getting bodied mid-sentence and it never isn't funny to me

This Fallout video is one of my favourite occurrences of this issue.

!deleted7120 avatar

That is amazing and I laughed so hard I had tears.


Holy shit my sides. That robot has 0 fucks to give, get slapped.


This is the first thing I’m reading today, and I think it’s going to set the entire tone for the day. 

Thank you, it’s amazing!

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The last one linked in the article was really good, too.



May you rest in peace.

@storksforlegs@beehaw.org avatar

I’m pretty sure I woke up my neighbour laughing at that this morning… holy crap

Shayeta, do games w God of War Ragnarök will require a PSN account to play on PC

Not if I pirate it.

@DarkDarkHouse@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Cheaper, better

dependencyinjection, do gaming w Phil Spencer blames capitalism for games industry woes: 'I don't get [the] luxury of not having to run a profitable growing business'

I actually can’t believe this is coming from a high level employee at a corporation.

Like we all know this is true, but isn’t it big to hear one of them talking about the insanity of the system.


I like it. I prefer the honesty.


It’s PR. Anti-capitalist sentiments score well in focus groups.


Wouldn’t these sentiments lead to expectations and then actual changes in policies?


As long as the policy changes lead to even more profits, then sure.


If nothing else, it keeps an anticapitalist narrative in the public discourse

@kadu@lemmy.world avatar

A controlled anticapitalist discourse. This is no different than that Pepsi ad with the “protesters” sharing a Pepsi with the police.


Time will tell. I mean, he’s not wrong. I think it’s pretty clear that studios have to make profitable games at the cost of interesting games. But it’s not like msft or anyone else is going to change their behavior. They have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to profit as much as possible.

@p03locke@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

lol the difference of course being that Phil Spencer is not living on the income of a standup comedian.

AstralPath, do gaming w Phil Spencer blames capitalism for games industry woes: 'I don't get [the] luxury of not having to run a profitable growing business'

Nobody forced this guy to be a soulless capitalist. He chose his career path. Oh woe is you, Phil. Must be so hard for you. /s

@KingThrillgore@lemmy.ml avatar

He’s speaking for the rest of the industry that also makes product that tangentally pays his bills. Not all assholes have to be brazen 24/7.

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