BuboScandiacus, do games w Deadlock (Valve's Unannounced Title) Passes 12k Peak Players in Closed Alpha avatar
Dequei, avatar

Heyyyy buddyyys!

Luci, avatar

Friends! Pals! Fellow lemmy users!


Shot you a message.

Zoidsberg, avatar

I love your personality and think we could be great friends, too.


Is there a limit to referrals?…


I think so, but it doesn’t say how many you get.


If you’ve got an extra still I’d be down


Same here. I’d love to see what Valve have been up to.



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  • Hellstormy, avatar

    Same here! :)


    Same over here :)


    Would love an invite if you don’t mind!

    Anissem, (edited ) avatar

    Any chance you can invite anymore? I’d love to give this game a try, huge TF2 fan.


    Wait how can i refer friends?


    idk, but please remember me once you figure it out.


    me too pwease

    Coelacanth, (edited ) avatar

    Reminds me of the old Dota 2 closed beta days… Good times. Also on an unrelated note, if anyone has a spare invite my DMs are open.


    I slept on my DOTA2 invite and only years later dumped 3k hours into it.

    I won’t make that mistake again, given the chance.

    Coelacanth, avatar

    I remember playing Dota 1 and 2 in parallel for a while because so few heroes were in the beta and I wanted to play new hotness like Ember Spirit. Fun times.

    Quitting Dota has been great for my mental health, though. But I guess I’m at least curious enough about what the frog is cooking to risk getting addicted to something new.

    EarMaster, avatar

    As you got invited by OP would you mind sharing your invites too? Asking for a friend me.

    BuboScandiacus, avatar

    I don’t have the game yet. It used to be instantaneous but now it may take several days according to some people on the internet

    Zoot, avatar

    Thats a shame… gives us time to become your friend though, right? I heard you enjoy games


    I can invite too if people need it, shoot me a DM


    I heard you got a referral, remember all those times I’ve helped you with (insert problem)? You wouldn’t mind if I asked for a referral from you?


    We are friends, right?

    umbrella, avatar

    hi fren.

    card797, do gaming w Why do mobile games suck nowadays?

    They always sucked.

    kratoz29, avatar

    I don’t know man, I had my fair share of fun with a pair of Nyan Cat games, the original Plants Vs Zombies, Nimble Quest (I just got this again on Android and cracked the heck out of it with Lucky patcher, and still suck lol), Tiny Wings, Angry Birds and I could be missing some others.


    Infinity blade

    kratoz29, avatar

    Oh yeah, I fired up my old iPhone 6s to play the Infinity Blade II, no regrets!

    Wahots, avatar

    Galaxy On Fire 2 was great, but Elite Dangerous on PC later kicked the absolute crap out of it.


    These were originally the exception, but all eventually followed the rule.



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  • Omniraptor,

    I’m fairly sure those were paid tho



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  • Omniraptor,

    I mean the high quality paid games are still around, and I’m reasonably sure new ones are still being made. They’re not a lost art, just not as popular as free games

    Riven, avatar

    They’re making the same argument people make about music. There’s plenty of good music out there of all genres. Radio just doesn’t play it and you have to go out of your way to find what you like.


    That’s just the wages of living in a huge postmodernist society that produces a vast amount of media. We no longer have centralized institutions (or rather they’re losing relative importance) so you have to go looking through the depths of either recommendation algorithms or topical forums

    Riven, avatar

    I find that to be a good thing. The less centralized institutions that can control what we do the better. I say that while social media is the biggest it’s ever been.

    Zehzin, do games w For the people playing City Skylines 2 how do you solve 'High rent" avatar

    For people not playing Cities Skylines 2, same question


    I’ve actually looked into this a little bit, and it seems that the best strategy is to have a lot of money. It doesn’t actually decrease the rent at all, and in fact makes it worse in the long run, but it keeps it from becoming a problem for YOU.


    Same answer: build more housing and denser housing

    beefcat, do gaming w I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu avatar

    I honestly just don’t get the point of these screens.

    It lets the game see which controller or input method you are using. This screen was (and maybe still is? I’m not sure.) a requirement for certification on consoles going back to the Xbox 360, when wireless controllers became ubiquitous.

    Having to press a single button at the start of a game is a pretty minor complaint.


    Why can some games just pick that up in the main menu, but others can’t?

    Noved, avatar

    What if I have an Xbox controller plugged in and want to use my keyboard? A simple spacebar hit sets the default controller for fit this play session.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    Personally, I think if I cant just use both at the same time it’s kind of shit. Only a handful of games actually work like that, and it’s insane. I shouldn’t have to go into the settings and switch control types. I should just be able to use them if they’re plugged in, like GTA or BG3.


    Wouldn’t that be just as applicable from the interaction with the main menu? When the player selects a menu entry (eg Start, Load, Options), that tells the game what you’re using.

    Kolanaki, (edited )
    !deleted6508 avatar

    Plenty of games are able to determine what you’re using without having such a screen. The “press any key to continue” screen has been a thing my entire life (born in 85), and it has never been necessary for anything other than simulating the “insert coin” screen for arcade games.

    BG3 can use both at the same time, and yet it still has two of these screens. If you’re playing with a controller, it will say press any key then you press a button and it changes to “press A to continue” before you actually get to the main menu.

    And it’s even dumber because you can see the game detects your controller before the first logo screen ends when the cursor is auto hidden.

    Protoknuckles, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

    “Job’s done” Warcraft


    Definitely. I also get “We’re ready!” “I’m not ready!” from Warcraft in my head every morning. My kids are trolls, maybe?

    spankmonkey, (edited ) avatar

    That’s a good 'un!

    Juntax? Who you want me kill?

    It’s been a couple decades and I don’t know how it was spelled, but that’s what I remember hearing. Loved playing the Horde.


    Do you want axe? Except as “dyouwan tax?”


    My life for Aiur… er I mean Ner’Zhul


    “Your sound card works perfectly”

    samus12345, avatar

    Enjoying yourself?


    Work work


    Watchu want me kill?

    They’re all so clear in my head.


    Me not that kinda orc


    “Ur, ur, ur!”

    Hubi, avatar

    Warcraft has to be the one of the most quotable games of all time.

    Albbi, (edited )

    W-w-w-w-what do you want? Why do you keep touching me? 🎶

    The secret audio track on the Warcraft 2 CD was amazing.

    samus12345, avatar

    In the age of chaos…

    In the age of chaos…

    In the age of chaos, two factions battled for dominance.


    ‘Stop poking me!’


    “Get yer finger outta that bunghole!”

    “I think I’ll use my human call. I’m so wasted, I’m so wasted”.


    “Keep yer feet on the ground!”

    Katana314, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

    Occult Crime Police is a fantastic free offering for those looking for a bit more Ace Attorney. It mostly follows the gameplay of Ace Attorney games, in which you investigate murder scenes involving strange, paranormal phenomena, and then discover contradictions in people’s witness accounts to uncover the culprit. It’s a bit easy, but maintains some great humor and charming animation production value.

    subignition, (edited ) avatar

    This is SOLID GOLD holy shit



    Continuing this in the same thread as it’s a bit topical:

    Are you a fan of Love Live! School Idol? Me neither! I basically knew nothing about it at all. Regardless, Gyakuten Live is an incredibly detailed cutesy Ace Attorney style game, in which the characters of the show gather for “school trials”. Though you may need to put up with a cutesier all-girl cast, and the stakes are much lighter and involve things like stolen possessions rather than murder, the mysteries end up having a surprising number of twists and even some heartfelt motives at the end. Features a fully custom soundtrack and LOTS of custom artwork, matched with some traditionally silly Ace Attorney humor.

    So far, THREE cases are available, and each features a different prosecutor. The game’s page lists plans to continue up to 6 episodes.

    In ItchIO’s standard, the game is “name your own price” - so you can choose to download it for free. It’s unlikely to come to Steam since it technically infringes on an anime/manga without permission.

    One more coming if my AA recommendations are well received.


    Adding one more to the Ace Attorney spinoff block:

    Tyrion Cuthbert: Attorney of the Arcane is a well-written fan spinoff of the AA formula, taking place in a fantasy universe where magic is real, but mostly the domain of the nobility. Trials are a form of theatre, where the nobility knows how to tip the scale, but your mentor knows how to tip them back.

    It introduces some very enjoyable mechanics, in which knowledge of each spell’s effects and conditions constitutes its own evidence. Tyrion bears his own magical ability that lets him view the thoughts of witnesses. He is also accompanied by the defendant of his first case, a mercenary-mage named Celeste, who gets a lot of investigation banter with Tyrion, much like Maya and Phoenix.

    Five cases in all, and none of them are shortened crapshoot cases, nor is there a downer ending; all the major threads conclude with satisfying endings, and the developer hopes to make a sequel from the world they’ve built.

    Oh, and as is common for AA games, take a listen to “Eye of Horus”, the game’s equivalent of the “Objection!” theme when Tyrion nails a contradiction. The game’s soundtrack as a whole has some real bangers, for both the high points and the emotional pulls.

    bungle_in_the_jungle, do games w What are the best indie games you've ever played?

    Stardew Valley by a long shot.

    Hollow Knight is up there too.


    I recently bought stardew valley and its fun but the farming grind feels kinda forced, no? I feel like I need to pay attention to not loose myself in the game which defeats the purpose.

    What is your experience there?


    The grind is fun for me, but once you get through a few seasons there’s also so much time to explore and talk to the villagers


    Got it. Thanks for chiming in.

    I can imagine it gets better but the grind is kind of not for me. The mining and farming grind in minecraft I understand and the grind in factorio as well. Maybe its heightened due to the saving cycle that seems to want you to keep going.

    MrScottyTay, (edited )

    I used to find it kinda stressful until i realised there was no time limit to the game like the usual harvest moons so once I realised that, I never find myself rushing around or overextending my ability to farm to grind more and just focused on what I was enjoying in the game which was a bit of everything.


    Can relate. It’s the same for me but I have to constantly remind myself of the fact which is why I cant relax, sadly.


    There is sort of a time limit though, you get your “review” at the end of the second year (at which point no new events happen). Also getting things planted in time for when the seasons change etc is kind of time-limiting.

    But that’s all detail, it’s great that people can enjoy it without time pressures!


    Really? That sucks I’m sure I’m on year 3 and I’ve had events happen


    Were they things that don’t usually happen in years 1 and 2? I guess they could just be stuff that was added since I last played!


    I only really played early on, not dabbled with it properly in years but I do remember things happening. It’s not like I could only get things to happen in the first two years in game

    CileTheSane, avatar

    You can also get a new “review” whenever you want after that.


    Well that’s probably a good thing for playing casually. I think end of year 2 is the earliest though, so that’s kind of a “soft” deadline.


    For me the game only became fun when I started playing with the wife, we split up tasks and got a lot more done and was much funner


    Neat, thanks for the info.

    MacedWindow, avatar

    I usually put off doing too much farming until I have a decent sprinkler setup.


    There are ways to play (besides mods) where you barely have to grow crops. Unless you’re trying for all the achievements there’s not really a wrong way or a time limit to play.


    Don’t forget minecraft was originally just one guy. 15ish years ago. In Java.

    Now over 600 people work on it.

    aluminium, do games w Xbox's new policy — say goodbye to unofficial accessories from November thanks to error '0x82d60002'

    No bro, Xbox isn’t evil anymore. Phil Spencer is a good guy and Gamepass is the “best deal in gaming”./s

    On serious note there is some legit reason to do something like this. Things like the Cronos Max or Rapid fire controllers are a legit problem in multiplayer games because they are hardware cheats essentially.

    But they could have created an API that allows games to check if a unoffical device is detected if that is the reason.


    From the article

    The problem seems to revolve around brands that haven’t acquired this licensing

    It seems to just be rent seeking? Since it’s retroactive there probably isn’t a security change and malicious hardware can spoof being licensed, though this is unclear. So it probably only hurts legitimate small brands.


    Yeah its probably rent seeking, I was just pointing out there are legit reasons to ban certain hardware.


    I get your argument, but I’d say it makes room for a legit reason to control and identify hardware, not ban it.


    absolutely, hence why I put forward the idea of an API that would allow games to stop people from joining multiplayer matches or flag their highscores if sketchy hardware is involved! For Single Player games, who cares!

    But deep down we all know that this first and formost is a money grabbing scheme from micro$oft


    Shooters on console. LOL

    Play it on PC, has less cheaters.


    Play it on PC, has less cheaters.

    fun fact, whenever a game has crossplay - and has a big enough player base that i can do this, i will turn it off 100% of the time purely because I have experienced sooo many cheaters from the pc side of the crossplay.

    a very common complaint about crossplay over on the consoles side of thing is “let us do just-console crossplay”

    it is what it is, but it’s also funny to see someone say what you said there. One of the great things about pc gaming is the freedom you have to do what you want, which unfortunately makes it 1000000x easier to cheat.


    I’m on PC but yeah as far as I know Xbox One and Series still have their security fully in tact so there is no way to run cheats on your console.

    This is one of the few points you gotta give to consoles even as a PC player!


    I don’t think cross play for competitive is worthwhile because either PC players have an advantage in the form of mouse aim, or console players have a wagon-dick-sized advantage in the form of aim assist. Competitive cross play only makes sense if you have input based match making.


    What’s frustrating for me is when the PC side cripples mixed-input entirely even though I just want mouse-look, gyro aim, and analog movement from my controller without any aim assist. (Looking at you, Destiny 2 and Halo.)


    Can’t figure out if you are trolling or if you are just very stupid


    I call bullshit on that.


    Less cheaters on pc? lol

    pory, avatar

    So use a tool like this for call of duty multiplayer lobbies, not globally. Who cares if people “cheat” in single player games?


    As an avid modder I can tell you that’ll make it harder but not impossible, I was halfway to hotwiring an xbox controller so I could run my xbox over parsec

    TehBamski, do games w Anyone else suddenly itching to blast Nazis in Wolfenstein for no reason at all? avatar

    For no reason at all? No, no, no. For all of the right reasons? Oh, for sure.

    domi, do gaming w Funko Pop abuses domain name reporting system, takes down avatar

    I hope they will switch their registrar. That’s just unprofessional.

    Coelacanth, do games w Valve lifts NDA on Deadlock, streaming and talking about the game is now allowed. avatar

    Having the game streamed by all these huge channels before it’s even officially announced is kinda crazy. Everyone wants to play Valve’s “secret game” of course, so it’s free marketing. Pretty clever.


    Valve doing their Valve thing.


    So Valve specializes in controlling the rate of release?

    Jaysyn, do games w Fuck Ubisoft. avatar

    I've been boycotting Ubisoft for years, haven't missed a damn thing.

    woelkchen, avatar

    I’ve been boycotting Ubisoft for years, haven’t missed a damn thing.

    Yeah, there are so many great games by non-shitty developers. Skipping Ubisoft, EA, and Activision entirely is not only possible but there are more great games left than one can play anyway.


    Yeah, that’s pretty much where I’m at with gaming now. Why settle for a subpar experience? I don’t have the time or finances for that.

    cottonmon, avatar

    Yeah, they’re a pretty shitty company. Weren’t they one of the first companies to implement always-on DRM?


    Yeah, I think it was in Assassin’s Creed 2. At the time, people were unable to play the single player game they bought at launch because Ubisoft shitty authentication service couldn’t handle the load.

    Guess who didn’t have that problem…

    TWeaK, do gaming w Rant: Valve's new Steam Deck screws speak volumes about their ethos.

    While other companies around the world are constantly in search of new ways to screw their own consumers

    You bastard, take that upvote.

    ComradeKhoumrag, avatar

    I read the title with that connotation. Was actually looking forward to hearing a valid complaint of the steam deck but Surprise!

    lukas, avatar

    I can already hear my business administration professor scream that everyone in the free market tries to screw each other from that statement lol. Why yes of course, money. Planned obsolescence is the only logical choice, people! I bet nobody will source old, but durable products and repair them instead, no no. That’ll never happen!

    stoy, do games w What games have you sunk the most time into?

    I got suckered into playing 800+ hours of GTA Online and paying thousands of SEK for shark cards over a year or two before I realized what a terrible game it is.

    I was addicted to it, and paid money every month to buy shark cards.

    When my work situation improved however, I took a few steps back and realized that I had wasted a lot of money on it and that I was only chasing the dragon that was just out of reach, kept away from me by carefully crafted mental mechanics of the game.

    I was disgusted and refused to participate further.

    I uninstalled it right away and have never looked back.


    Super proud of you internet stranger. Addictions fucking suck and are hard to break. Congratulations!

    stoy, (edited )

    Yeah, I never let it spiral out of control, but I did let it take all of my lessiure money for a year or two, not fun.

    But educational.


    I never spent a dime on it, but I did play for over 3000 hours before rock star blocked linux. I enjoyed the grind rather than the reward, so it sort of became my little safe-space game when I was really stresses out. could always just go hang out with my buds for a few hours and grind out a million bucks. I’m still kinda torn up about the anticheat situation tbh, I would gladly play alone if there were any way to play the same game. but story mode just doesnt compare for me, completly different game :(

    Draegur, do gaming w Gamer_IRL

    i haven’t bought a single game from them in 20 years.

    but i’ve played plenty enough.

    Eat my ENTIRE ASS, Nintendo.


    Yup. I’ve been boycotting Nintendo and EA for the past twenty years. EA due to the destruction of countless talented studios (Origin, Bullfrog, Westwood, Pandemic) and Nintendo when they were caught by the EU doing anti-competitive price fixing (which they still seem to be doing today).

    I have missed out on nothing. A game is just a game; a piece of multimedia content to entertain. There are countless astonishing games out there; missing out on a few doesn’t harm you.

    People really need to learn to vote with their wallets. And no, I don’t think sailing the high seas and yarharhar legal questionability is acceptable. You don’t need to play the game. There is nothing that important you’re missing out on for the “cultural zeitgeist”.

    Piracy still increases the fandom and increases sales (contrary to what IP owners will tell you). So piracy is still supporting these organisations and feeding into their success.

    Vote with your wallets. Don’t support business practices and businesses you don’t believe in. Give your time and money to those that deserve it.

    SARGE, avatar

    Bullfrog, Westwood, Pandemic

    Right in the childhood/teenage years…

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