Davel23, do gaming w Pet peeve, games that won't let you save

The thing I fucking hate is when the game doesn't make it obvious when a checkpoint is activated. Then you go to quit the game: "Everything since the last checkpoint will be lost". Well WHEN WAS THE LAST MOTHERFUCKING CHECKPOINT, ASSHOLE?

!deleted4210 avatar

Yeah, it really can’t be that hard to show a saving indicator…


I hate that even when it is obvious. If I save and then immediately quit and it says “everything since the last save will be lost” I’m always paranoid that it means I didn’t actually save correctly.


“obvious” means, I think, that it says something like “last saved 5 seconds ago”


I mean, I hate that too. “I’m going to lose 5 seconds of progress?! Oh no!” It ought to be able to see that I didn’t do anything progress-relevant in those 5 seconds and just skip the dialog…


Now you’re talking about doing a save state comparison to avoid one line of dialogue. Have fun with the preceding lag spike, I guess.


Add counters to progression:
20/180 quests completed
1805/9456 dialogue choices explored
567/568 npcs killed
95/102 areas explored
And whatever else you define as progress

Add this info into your save data. When quitting the game, open the most recent save, read the counters, compare to current values, display a nondescript “you’ve had a little/a lot of/no progress since you last saved, are you sure you want to quit without saving?” Shouldn’t take so long that it triggers a lag spike, I don’t think.


Will a change in position be considered a progress though? How far?

There are a lot of questions to answer in such a case, so I’d argue that a timer is good enough

NeryK, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis? avatar

The Sniper Elite series is basically nazi-killing porn. Those won’t let you down, especially if you enjoy unplanned testicular detonations happening to nazis of any kind.

RobotZap10000, avatar

I personally enjoy the PLANNED testicular detonations a lot more!


The new entry in the series drops today, my nerd herd plans on doing the co-op campaign this weekend. I played SE4 and had a blast mixing WWII with the stealth aspects of Assassins Creed (the old ones where Ubisoft wasn’t just phoning it in).


I didn’t even know a new one was coming! I love surprises like this. Thanks!

I just hope it’s actually good…


From the trailer it looks like we got a new MC, or atleast the whole game is more french (because your in France).

Going to miss the wonderbread mouth-breathing american tourist in Italy like SE4 had.

As for game-play, they added Souls like invasions in SE5 and they still have the co-op campaign (which is the important part). Beyond that, looks about the same ol’ shooting nazis like we have always had.


As for game-play, they added Souls like invasions in SE5

Ohh, now I remember why I didn’t buy SE5…

Can that be turned off?


Yah, its optional.

Melatonin, (edited ) do games w PSA: If you still have a Mojang account for Minecraft: Java Edition, you have less than a week left to migrate to a Microsoft account to avoid profile deletion

This is bullshit. What could it possibly matter to them, other than to force people onto their miserable platform. Bastards.

Pxtl, (edited ) avatar

Authentication servers do not run themselves, they need babysitting and patching and upgrading because this is users’ passwords and secrets. Microsoft obviously does not want to keep managing this old login system because it’s miserable unrewarding janitorial work for a sysadmin or a developer.


Oh gosh, they bought a computer game company and they don’t want to pay to support existing customers? They don’t want to maintain accounts that represent HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of hours of creativity, a long-time faithful user fanbase, because they now feel it’s miserable unrewarding janitorial work?

It’s MINECRAFT! Do you even know what people do on Minecraft? It’s not saving progress we’re talking about here. It’s destroying an ARCHIVE. It’s a life some kid has lived in there.

You make it sound like it’s perfectly reasonable to ditch this community because it’s an expense and an inconvenience. Get lost with your Microsoft defense. They don’t need you. They don’t give a shit.


Gee whiz, you sure are mad about a person explaining reality to you

douglasg14b, (edited ) avatar

This is becoming the norm here unfortunately…

notacuban, (edited ) avatar

I think they’re a very vocal, but disagreed with, minority. I think some people here think all of Lemmy is unwaveringly anti-corporation and anti-capitalist.

I’d consider myself mostly anti-corporation and mostly anti-capitalist, but I also understand that not everything every corporation does is out of some desire to commit the worst thing possible on mankind (e.g. retiring old authentication servers that they’ve kept running for years while warning people that it’d eventually be cut off).

Anyway, Lemmy hates these 5 Cs (in no particular order): -Corporations

-CEOs (in particular Elon Musk and Spez)

-Conservative politics of any kind


-Chromium browsers, even the privacy-oriented spinoffs.


Reality is trash, send the nukes flying please.

zanyllama52, (edited ) avatar

Soon we’ll all be drinking toilet water, and doing a live dress rehearsal for Mad Max.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

This seems to be a common feature of Lemmy

Pxtl, (edited ) avatar

The players still have their stuff and their user ID, just under a new login process. They’ve been pestering users to make this migration for years and years.

Edit: also, this is Java edition, meaning the worlds they built are just Minecraft save files that a new user could access. The cloud-based one was Bedrock Edition, that’s the one where you’d have cloud-based worlds that you could lose if you lost your account.


What’s getting destroyed? You wouldn’t be able to login to the server but the data would still be there. Transfer the account (or make a new one) and the data’s still there as well.

I’m more annoyed that Microsoft split off Java Edition and Bedrock into two pieces of incompatible software, but I’m honestly surprised they’ve supported the old auth services for this long.

beefcat, avatar

I don’t see how you could possibly make Bedrock and Java compatible with each other seeing as the whole point of Java edition is compatibility with mods written in…Java…

The shitty thing to do would have been to tell mod users to fuck off and force everyone over to Bedrock. Instead they’ve done well by the community, maintaining Java edition and even giving it preferential treatment when it comes to updates. Bedrock is built for consoles, where mods are not a thing and performance is more important.


Yeah, I get that Bedrock is for consoles, but as far as far as “performance” that’s mostly a front-end consideration.

I just wish that there was a level of compatibility where one could still self-host and allow the console etc players to join

beefcat, avatar

The fun part is most of the people bitching have no clue how to do any of this. Probably the same people who bitch about new games not supporting Windows 7.


Well, they can force a lot of people who never saw the notification to have to buy the game again if they want to keep playing.

Carighan, avatar

You’re welcome to take on the rewrite of our auth-service too, since it seems so trivial in your world. Always fun to drag legacy services around for those 12 really loud and angry users.

beefcat, (edited ) avatar

They don’t want to hire people to build and maintain a secure login platform when their parent company already has one. This is way more work and liability than most people realize.

Adramis, (edited ) do gaming w The Steam Deck is changing how normies think of gaming PCs.

Post: Uses the word normies in a positive sense and literally says it’s great that gaming is more accessible

Fediverse: Is this a neckbeard?

It’s amazing that a non-slur single word can get y’all so fucking bent out of shape. It was worth a double take, but not shitting on the entire post. It’s literally a post about a non-traditional gamer / not-power-user / etc person finding a sense of community and fun because of the rise of handhelds. Is shutting down that discussion over one word worth more than seeing the good in recent trends?

I hope we continue to see more good handhelds get made - I’d personally love a Steam Deck, but seeing Valve get some good competition would be good for the technology (not you, Apple / Meta). Maybe I’m just too old, but I’d love to see slide-out keyboards again…


I’m glad that somebody said it. Lemmy is becoming quite a shit show in this regard. These FOSS enthusiasts and Linux master race people are really starting to deter me from the platform.

I love FOSS software! I love Linux! I hate people telling other people how to think or what to spend their time with. Most of the people in this thread can fuck right off.


Post: Uses the word normies in a positive sense and literally says it’s great that gaming is more accessible

Fediverse: Is this a neckbeard?

The reaction is a bit more like

“B-B-B-BUT THE CONNOTATIONS!!! Bro you just LITERALLY used a word that has PROBLEMATIC CONNOTATIONS because it’s ALSO USED by PEOPLE I DON’T LIKE, and that makes you GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION!!! I am PROUD of how I combine purity testing and code switching into a DEFINITELY accurate litmus test, because I think I’m a character from Dune!! I don’t know what the FUCK ‘context’ is but it SOUNDS like something the ALT-RIGHT would care about!!!”

If I ever caught myself taking an obvious self-effacing remark seriously, I would be so ashamed. Anyone coming into this thread with hurt feelings about the word “normies” is a huge dork and needs go outside.

Evergreen5970, (edited )

I would really appreciate if we stopped doing the “if you disagree with my opinion you’re an [insult] and also must be out of touch with reality so I will say you need to go outside” thing. It’s really exhausting. This is Beehaw, the be(e) nice server and I’m kind of getting sick of seeing this kind of snark on a server where the expectation is people being nice to each other.

I was skeptical at “normies” but the overall tone of the post is inclusive, so I’m not the target of your rant because I figured it out. I was able to figure it out because I’m terminally online and have the experience with online posts to know that some people use it as a pejorative and some people use it as a self-deprecating catch-all for people who aren’t too into their hobby.

I also have autism and some people with the condition aren’t as good as me at putting together the connotations of words AND the overall post to figure out the poster’s intentions. And some people aren’t terminally online and have less exposure to seeing this word used. They’ve likely overwhelmingly seen it used as a pejorative, and end up very skeptical of this post. I don’t like the idea that people like me, or that people who might have reasonably arrived at a different conclusion about this, are being told that they’re huge dorks who need to go outside.

Really starting to feel like Beehaw is just like any other online space. I see the same amount of snark and negative assumptions of people who didn’t see something the commenter’s/poster’s way. Sure, it’s free of bigotry, but all the spaces I occupied were already bigotry-free. Even back when I was on Reddit, because in the small subreddits I looked at the few bigots were downvoted to hell and had their comments hidden. (I’m aware that not everyone was lucky enough to only be interested in topics that had easily accessible bigotry-free areas so Beehaw still serves a useful purpose for them.)


Yeah, I get it. Here’s the thing though, this specific part:

I also have autism and some people with the condition aren’t as good as me at putting together the connotations of words AND the overall post to figure out the poster’s intentions. And some people aren’t terminally online and have less exposure to seeing this word used. They’ve likely overwhelmingly seen it used as a pejorative, and end up very skeptical of this post.

Those people all have one thing in common: nobody put a gun to their head and said “what’s going on with this post? Make the call and post your comment NOW”. One thing all we here on the internet do all have in common is the ability to read, and to use our sapience to make decisions about what we read. To say “this seems out of line. Could it be what I think it is, or am I assuming?” By process of elimination, a person either chooses to do that, or chooses to be assumptive. And also:

I don’t like the idea that people like me, or that people who might have reasonably arrived at a different conclusion about this, are being told that they’re huge dorks who need to go outside.

There is no reasonable way to get to the wrong conclusion.
If you’re being reasonable, you either find the right conclusion beyond all reasonable doubt, or you concede that you don’t have enough information and then move on with your life. The only way to get to the wrong conclusion is to jump to conclusions, because being reasonable requires you to start from the point of “there may be no answer I can find”. The people in this thread who got it wrong made assumptions, jumped to conclusions, and defended themselves by being belligerent. That is a fundamental lack of respect for others’ intelligence that goes beyond being rude to people and using mean words.


To say “this seems out of line. Could it be what I think it is, or am I assuming?” By process of elimination, a person either chooses to do that, or chooses to be assumptive.

I’m assuming you’re human right now, even though the possibility exists that you are an alien who hasn’t revealed themselves as such and that your alien self prioritizes engaging here instead of talking to the world’s governments. I’m choosing to be assumptive because I don’t care to track you down and try to match your identity to a human person in real life, because I find doing that distasteful even if I never end up exposing your identity to anyone else in the world, and because I am extremely confident that this assumption is correct. But it is still an unproven assumption.

Should I hold the possibility that on the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog or alien or something in my head because it’s an assumption? Probably not. I should probably assume you are human. People will make assumptions they believe to be reasonable, and people will also call out what they believe to be bad behavior even if they’re wrong.



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  • The_Hunted_One, avatar

    You’ve already been asked to be nice yesterday. It’s not about “suffering fools”, its about working to make Beehaw a positive space, and acting in good faith, even when you disagree with other users. Resorting to insults is not in line with that.


    That really just went right over your head, huh? I really thought anybody would be able to make the connection. Pro tip: being nice, acting in good faith, and insulting people are all matters of intent, not just action. If you’re going to moderate based on peoples’ intent, that I’d think it’s probably pretty important that you actually be right about it in the first place. Wouldn’t you agree?

    The_Hunted_One, avatar

    Here’s my perspective on how I’ve viewed this exchange:

    In response to your initial comment, Evergreen expressed their opinion on how people might have interpreted a comment to be more literal than it was intended. They also expressed their desire for Beehaw to try and move away from the type of dismissive “go outside and touch grass” type of argument many of us were accustomed to seeing on Reddit. They provided examples of where the use of “normies” has previously been a negative connotation, and how someone might arrive at that conclusion based on prior experience, even if it was not accurate

    From my perspective, your response to that comment boiled down to 2 points: -No one is obligated to respond -It doesn’t matter what your previous experience is, it is wrong to assume that an interaction might be playing out like previous times it played out.

    If it were worded less aggressively and more cooperatively, I believe this could have been a very constructive conversation about social expectations and assumptions.

    Evergreen then responded with a list of reasonable assumptions that we make based on previous experience.

    You responded with an insult.

    Its pretty clear with that last message, and your responses to moderators that your intent is not to have constructive conversations and make an effort to make Beehaw a better space.

    Please take some time to read the Beehaw Core Principles section:…/beeple-code-of-conduct/

    TheRtRevKaiser, avatar

    Hi, please remember to Be(e) nice. I also think it’s a little silly to get in a huge flap about the headline of this article, but I’d ask that you also remember to be kind to other users.


    I applaud your ability to suffer fools, but it’s not one I share.

    SharkEatingBreakfast, do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games? avatar


    Survival. But you’re in the middle of an ocean. Good luck!


    The way the game drip feeds you information. I love it!


    Is it available for android?

    SharkEatingBreakfast, avatar

    No, but it’s on Nintendo Switch, PC/Steam, and a few other consoles, I believe!

    I think it may be my favorite game of all time, so if you choose to play it, I hope you have fun!

    lemmylommy, do games w PlayStation product manager says ads being shown was just a bug

    Don’t you hate it when there is a bug in your code that magically attracts ads? They just appear without warning or reason.


    I hate when I accidently spend months developing an ad feature that gets turned on by accident in my ps5.

    WarmSoda, do games w Valve issues DMCA takedown for "Team Fortress: Source 2"

    Portal 2 isn’t an ongoing live online multiplayer game with in game purchases.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    Seeing the down votes I have to say this: He has a point here. TF2 is a F2P game that generates its revenue these days from marketplace and key transactions. If someone were to remake the entire game and it was allowed to release, it would most assuredly damage TF2’s revenue. A mod for Portal 2 has more potential to generate revenue because anyone interested in the mod that doesn’t currently own Portal 2, would have to buy the game.

    At the end of the day, Valve is still a business. This news sucks for people who love playing games, but is entirely not unexpected.


    Is it right to push more gambling based micro transactions in a game that lacks actual support?

    If this were any other company people would be raging

    !deleted6508 avatar

    If this were any other company people would be raging

    If this were any other company, I’d be saying the same thing. Nintendo shuts down shit left and right; most of them are mods for games that the only way to use the mods is via emulation. And it’s a lot easier to pirate a game for that than it is to dump one you own legitimately.

    It’s certainly within their right to protect their shit. The ethics and morality of what that shit happens to be is irrelevant to the copyright discussion.

    Also: TF2 is still supported… It still receives regular updates. It had one on the 9th.

    sosodev, (edited )

    Those “updates” are pitiful. As far as I understand the vast majority of update content is still being supplied by the community. The game is still flooded by hackers with no word on when that will be addressed if ever.

    bia, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?



    Snake? Snake???



    The punctuation you can hear.

    squirrel, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? avatar

    “Bomb has been planted”


    “Terrorists win”

    Sterile_Technique, (edited ) do games w Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals avatar

    The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt $39.99 $3.99 (90% off)

    If you’ve somehow managed to avoid Witcher until now, it’s a dark medieval fantasy, 3rd person, open world RPG based on Norse Slavic mythology. Lots of political intrigue, choices that actually impact outcomes in game. Fantastic voice acting, story, soundtrack, and combat/gameplay mechanics. This is one of the best games on the market - if you don’t already have it, now’s the time! There are also two DLCs that are each the size and scope of an entire standalone game - don’t miss those!

    Also available DRM free on GOG for the same price.

    (shoutout to @Klystron for GOG intel)


    I started replaying Witcher 3 a week or so ago. It really is an amazing game. But I will admit that the combat is just ok. It’s not awful, but it sure as heck isn’t great. The magic and other mechanics, I’d also call them just OK, maybe even occasionally bordering on less-than-good. Geralt’s movement, even just traversing or trying to loot things, can often be slippy and weird.

    Thing is, all of the other parts that are important for a great RPG and narrative just shine SO much more brighter that they really make up for the very mediocre gameplay aspects. It really is more than the sum of its parts.

    Sterile_Technique, avatar

    Once you get a hold on dodging/parrying/etc, you’ll feel like a damn ninja, especially on harder difficulties; but leading up to that, yeah combat is… OK. Also don’t miss out of experimenting with different builds - one of my favorites optimized using bombs, which later into it makes you a walking B-52 - fun build if you enjoy clearing trash via a wave of pure chaos, then mopping up the stronger guys by way of the sword.

    And yeah, the whole package is what counts here: Witcher 3 is a fantastic all around game. It isn’t without it’s imperfections, but they are barely noticeable amidst the tsunami of ridiculously high quality you’ll be hit with from all the other features.


    For sure! And as much negative I said about the combat, it’s punchy, never drags on, and the enemies you fight are usually all set up well as part of the story. They’re not just random mobs, so even the fighting has good narrative weight even if it’s not the mechanically deepest ever.

    This time through, I’ve been making different choices and stopping to explore more and take in more of the world. First time I played it, I had NO IDEA that if you stopped and listened to some npc convos you can pick up quests that way! Doesn’t even really feel like I’m playing it over again, or retreading the same stuff. There’s SO much in it.


    It was never a strong combat game imo. It’s a fantastic game despite the combat, not because of the combat.


    Good fish! I will download it right away.

    Just one question, I have never played any of The Witcher series game. Would I be okay in jumping directly into the 3rd part?


    It helps if you know the lore, because at the beginning there is a scene where someone asks you about decisions you made in the first two parts. But I didn’t know anything and just guessed. But after that you don’t really need to know what happens before


    This is optional and only happens if you check “Simulate Witcher 2 Save” when creating a new game I believe. Just choose no.


    Can you suggest a video which briefly explaines the lore of 1 and 2?


    Sadly no, it’s been a long time. My guess would be as good as yours. But like Singfeld said, you can skip that option

    Sterile_Technique, avatar

    Witcher 2’s controls are a bit janky, but it’s a solid game in and of itself for the story alone; if you can stomach some pretty bad mechanics to enjoy an otherwise decent product, I’d say start at #2.

    Witcher 1 is… so bad it’s kinda comical. I’d just pull up a story summary of Witcher 1 on youtube and call it a day. If you’re a masochist, go ahead and give the actual game a whirl; but I’d recommend modding the snot out of it to at least make your character OP as fuck, allowing you to mostly skip the god-awful combat. But even then, the only selling point is the story, which again you can just pull up on YouTube.

    That said, you can dive into 3 with zero knowledge of the previous two and be just fine. There are things that will go over your head, but nothing significant.


    Yes, tbh. Most missing backstory tends to be from the books rather than the games, and anyone with half a brain can infer what’s going on.


    open world RPG based on Norse mythology.

    Slavic mythology, not Norse.

    Sterile_Technique, avatar

    Oh, good catch. Fixed.

    maynarkh, do games w Game wikis just aren't as popular anymore?

    I don’t know if it’s just anecdotal, but it feels like a lot of content is moving to Youtube. People make a 10+ min video out of what used to be a paragraph on a wiki site.


    I’ll give you my reasoning as someone who used to heavily use Wikis but now heads to YouTube:

    As much as I hate the ads on YouTube, the ads on wikis actually make it harder to process and distill the information I’m searching for. YouTube will get there eventually too but for now it is the most efficient way to gather information.


    Do you actually keep ads on, on purpose? I know people turn Ublock Origin off for certain creators for youtube, but browsing the internet at large would definitely be a different experience.

    Wiki sites are free too so they’d have to be ad riddled…


    Yeah I’ve actually had to resort to this a few times with Armored Core 6 specifically. It seemed like Wiki sites just didn’t have the detail for each spot, but did have generalized information for each mission for example. But the extra tidbits for each just straight up wasn’t filled in. I’d google, find a gaming website which had some info, but literally not all of it. It was also in the classic ‘recipe’ style bullshit website where you get through 3 full screens of fluff before what I needed.

    I decided I’d help where I could but it came to me after playing two more games in that time that EVERY free wiki site had the same issue. I just don’t remember that problem 3-5+ years ago.

    Anomander, avatar

    I normally hate turning to Youtube when there's a text resource available, but I've definitely found there are some situations where explaining a trick or a location in text is massively harder than just watching someone do it in a video.


    I'm a mechanic irl, and I have this issue all the time. I don't need a 12 minute 38 second video to show me how to get some particular bits apart, while text and long lost pictures don't work very well either.


    There’s this guy who made maps of more than 200 games on GameFAQs and he’s my hero

    Pxtl, avatar

    Youtube lets creators monetize their content, wikis don’t. Everything is a hustle now.


    Even that feels sketch though. Most of the actual info I really needed had less than 10,000 views. Usually more in the 2-3k range which makes jack squat on Youtube dollars.


    Call me an old geezer, but I can’t stand videos for about 95% of all video game guides. They are either too slow or too fast, and include 10 mins of talking for “and the hot key you are looking for is H”.


    This is why I only look for the videos where the uploader is showing their screen, and then watch them at 10x speed (using the Enhancer For YouTube addon) with the sound on mute.


    We need sponsorskip to shorten tutorial type videos


    I’ve been thinking lately that a lot of people are way worse at reading comprehension than I would have guessed. Like, there’s a large chunk of the population where reading is difficult and uncomfortable. Of course they prefer YouTube.

    We’d rarely encounter these people on a text first medium like here.


    I can’t stand listening to them. 99% of people doing these videos, any videos, on YouTube have no concept or idea of how to actually talk properly to an audience. I don’t want to have to skip through someone fucking mumbling in an indecipherable accent to find what I need.

    Give me written instructions/guides. It’s faster, I can re-read easily at my own pace (fast!) and I don’t get annoyed by someone’s nasally voice. Yes I’m an older one too.

    CalcProgrammer1, do gaming w Steam Deck VS rivals avatar

    I have a ROG Ally and a Steam Deck. The Steam Deck experience is miles ahead. Windows is such a limitation on these handheld devices (and dare I say PC gaming in general). SteamOS is the real MVP behind the Steam Deck, it makes everything feel seamless.

    The Ally feels like a crappy ASUS launcher stapled on top of an unoptimized Windows desktop, since that’s exactly what it is.

    Also, the ASUS ROG Ally controls are nowhere near as nice as the Deck’s. The Deck sticks feel better. The touchpads allow for mouse control.

    Get the Deck.


    Yeah, the Rog Ally got the more powerful hardware, but this is a good example how power isn't everything.


    Nintendo smashing the console market twice with underpowered hardware proved that.


    I haven’t used other handhelds, but what you say is what I’ve seen from other discussions and reviews. Yes, there are more powerful systems with better screens, but the SD’s OS is miles ahead (but not without a lot of quirks as well). The touchpads are incredible - I couldn’t imagine trying to use a handheld PC without those touchpads. Also, the custom control configuration abilities built in to steam OS are incredibly versatile and detailed.

    NXTR, avatar

    Hopefully Microsoft releases a handheld mode instead of just experimenting with it. Besides the interface, they also really need to optimize for performance. Even though, with the steam deck, proton is converting draw calls it still outperforms the same deck running windows with native driver support. This really shows how the mountains of extra crap running on windows hurts gaming performance on these low power devices.

    CalcProgrammer1, avatar

    Hopefully Microsoft fades into irrelevance. I’m glad the Steam Deck is doing something about Microsoft’s control over the PC gaming market. I’m also glad Microsoft is losing in the handheld gaming PC experience. Let Windows die already, it’s long overdue (especially given the continued and intensifying enshittification of the OS every release cycle).


    Yeah, that’s not going to happen in a world where Gamepass is their new focus and those apps only work on Windows.

    CalcProgrammer1, avatar

    Hopefully this “you will own nothing and be happy” BS also fades into irrelevance. I hate how everything has to be a subscription these days. No. Just NO.

    I refuse to move to subscription based platforms. It’s anti-consumer lock-in. Unfortunately, right now, gamepass is cheap because they’re still in the growth phase and need a compelling product to get people to switch from buying their games to subscribing. However, believe me, in time the enshittification will come. What subscription-based platform hasn’t once it captured the market?


    I mean, they’ll have to make some big changes to Gamepass before it becomes worse value than buying all those games outright. Most subs are still pretty good value now for the level of content, available, they’re just not as cheap as they were when they were driving users.

    CalcProgrammer1, avatar

    That’s exactly the point though. Until they corner the market and start “deprecating” actual game sales entirely, they have to keep gamepass appealing. If they get to the point where enough people have adopted gamepass that they can stop selling games outright, then they’re free to raise the prices all they want. What are you going to do about it, buy the games instead? Not an option anymore. Buy the games, keep your rights as a consumer.


    Get a PS5? I’ve been back and forth between the two platforms for several generations now depending on who’s offering the best service.

    CalcProgrammer1, avatar

    Fuck no, moving to a console is the opposite of consumer freedom lol. Steam seems to be the levelest of heads in the gaming space, making an open platform OS and “console” and not tying people into nasty subscriptions to be able to play their games. Plus, regular sales with usually quite good discounts. While they still offer DRM and allow it on their store, they have plenty of DRM-free offerings and don’t discourage you from running third party games/launchers on their machine.


    I’m wondering how PC gaming will look like if Windows fades into irrelevance.

    Are developers going to keep releasing Windows build as it’s the easiest way to get your game working on all Linux distributions?

    Is Windows going to be reduced to an API to write games on Linux?

    NXTR, avatar

    Although I would love to see it, as long as DirectX is the de facto graphics API, I don’t see Microsoft fading into irrelevance when it comes to the PC gaming market.


    I believe Vulkan can help with that.


    Both are great options! Just to counterbalance arguments against:

    I can’t buy a Steam Deck in Australia, but I can buy the ROG Ally.

    Windows can be clunky, but that less-than-stellar experience is limited to navigating and launching games. The stock launcher works fine, it’s just bare-bones. You can set Steam to launch into big picture on boot at which point it’s the same experience as the Steam Deck anyway.

    All games install and run, there’s absolutely no dicking around required compared to some experiences on Steam Deck.

    Touch controls are nice. 120hz VRR 1080p screen is a better draw imo as it’s universally applicable to all games. That screen makes sub-60fps experiences much nicer and has better colours and contrast and uniformity (not to mention resolution).

    ROG Ally cooling system is really great, and really quiet. I don’t feel like there’s a desktop machine wedged between my hands.

    The ROG Ally performance isn’t what ASUS sold, but it’s still a good bit faster than Steam Deck, and most games I’ve tried I can hit a visual and performance fidelity roughly on par with an Xbox Series S. Which ain’t bad at all.

    Both are convenent and versitile systems, I think probably Steam Deck is more convenient whereas ROG Ally is more versatile.

    CalcProgrammer1, avatar

    I really bought the ROG Ally to experiment with Linux on it. I think it is getting there. I have Arch Linux with chimera kernel on mine as well as gamescope-session which allows it to function very similarly to the Steam Deck, but at the moment it seems TDP control isn’t working so games don’t run as well as they should. I also can’t get the ROG button to work as a Steam button even though that should be working according to ChimeraOS. I wanted Arch because it allows for dual booting vs. Chimera which does not, as well as for development purposes. I think the hardware of the Ally is solid, though I still hold that the Deck’s controls are much better. Once the Ally is better supported on Linux I think it would be a better option, as I refuse to use Windows anymore except for testing/reverse engineering purposes.


    Handheld Companion are doing good work implementing better controller options (including gyro) and power management (including autoTDP) and I believe will have napping to the OEM keys sorted out eventually. If that sort of stuff could go into a distro I could see Arch or ChimeraOS being really interesting options. Hopefully the ROG Ally sells well and there’s a community to support it in this way, it could be great!


    The Deck’s power management features are a solid selling point. There’s no reason they couldn’t be implemented elsewhere, and it would be a boon for other portable devices for sure.

    I haven’t used the Ally, but the Deck’s touchpads are just intuitive and functional, it seems so obvious in hindsight that it’s actually shocking that nobody had thought to put them on a portable until now. They work great for replacing a mouse in mouse-focused games, and for navigating desktop mode. Much more effective than navigating with a joystick.


    I would have loved to see something like that on the Ally. It’s very situational, but I can imagine in those situations it feels great (I own a Steam Controller, so I’ve used something very similar).

    I think if you had a chance to see the Ally screen in person you might have a similar feeling. It changes the experience a lot.

    For example, Diablo 4 with upscaling and the right settings is a 1080p experience, so text is crisp and UI elements are clear. At those settings in 15w I get mostly 60fps in dungeons, when things get hectic and the frames drop to 45 or 50 the VRR makes it hard to notice. Fan noise and heat aren’t really notable either, I just wish there was a little more battery to round that all out.


    I feel like the Deck’s 800p screen is plenty for the size, and it helps it perform better. But maybe that’s just my boomer eyes that can’t tell the difference. Though a bigger screen would have been amazing.


    1080p is a more flexible choice though. You can always just set it to 720p for better performance. Or upscale to 1080p or drop the internal render resolution so the UI remains 1080 while the game itself renders 720. You gain many options and lose none (other than just battery).


    All of those are visually worse than rendering at native resolution though.

    I think battery life is an important factor since these are high-drain portable devices. Any additional battery life you can squeeze out of it is a big plus.


    Not really. A screen of that size is really forgiving. I’m not sure if you have seen the Ally in person? In a lot of games you can turn some GPU intensive settings down or upscaling on and it’s not nearly as noticeable. The sharpness really stands out though.

    Anyway, you seem pretty thrilled with the Steam Deck, which is great. I’m just pointing out that there are some pretty sweet perks with the Ally (there’s plenty of downsides too). All the best!


    I wouldn’t say I’m thrilled, I still use my PC a lot more. I’d say the dual touchpads are probably the best feature for the form factor. And I think the power management features are great, but that’s just software, and I think the other platforms should implement similar systems.


    Fair enough. I can’t even buy a Steam Deck in Australia so I’m pretty happy the ROG Ally exists and is what it is. Maybe we get the Steam Deck 2 done day, I would be keen to check it out.

    TheBest, avatar

    Ive used the Ally and I would agree. The hardware is great and feels good in hand, but Valve is going to have much more to gain by supporting the software of the deck as much as possible.

    The steam deck definitely shipped undercooked, but Valve has made amazing strides to make it my a reliable and versatile experience.

    I use a steam deck dock to hook it to my TV, but A LOT of the time im using it in desktop mode in this setup. I get crisp 1080p out and its a fantastic experience for playing youtube and twitch from the couch.

    tlou3please, do games w PEGI gives Balatro an 18+ rating for gambling imagery

    I wish lawmakers had some balls on this subject. If there’s gambling, they should have to register as a gambling company and comply with all the other restrictions on gambling advertisements in each jurisdiction.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    The problem here is that Baltaro does not have gambling. It just uses cards and chips as the basis for playing the game. Like Magic the Gathering or Inscryption.


    Using chips is even a stretch honestly. There are some chip imagery here and there but otherwise ‘chips’ are just how points are called.


    They also base it on poker, yeah cards can transform each other but it’s still quite literally a poker game. This isn’t MTG. (Which is just real life loot boxes)


    But poker is only a gambling game because when you play it you “give up” something of value in the hope of winning more through playing and randomness. What makes it gambling is not the cards or the chips it’s the gambling aspect. Balatro uses card and poker hands, and so does “yatzhee”, but it does not use any gambling mechanic. Lootboxes on the other hand use gambling mechanic.


    Which is why PEGI didn’t say it was literally gambling, they said it was imagery of gambling.


    Although you may be right about why they did it, I feel like imagery of gambling is not meant to be ‘something that is in any way related to something that happens to be gambling’, it’s when gambling is shown but you’re not the one gambling. If someone in game is gambling that’s imagery, if a game uses cards for something that is not gambling it’s not imagery.


    Is there betting (such as buy-in / ante) in Balatro?

    Is there in MtG?


    No, there are no bets, no buy in.


    There used to be ante in MTG. You’d play for cards in each other’s decks and were to keep them if you won the game. Plus, there were a number of cards actively interacted with the ante’d cards and added or changed what’s in the ante

    Jordan117, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

    ECHO (2017)! It’s an indie game with AAA-feeling production quality from a tiny Danish studio that sadly went bankrupt after the game only sold a few thousand copies. I played it during lockdown on an old recommendation from MetaFilter and it has since become one of my favorite hidden gem titles.


    You play a bounty hunter named En (voiced by Game of Thrones star Rose Leslie) who wakes from hibernation when her spaceship arrives at a legendary artificial planet said to hold the secret to resurrection and eternal life. When she arrives on the surface, she soon discovers that its interior is a vast, abandoned baroque Palace, straight through to the core. As she wanders the infinite halls guided by her witheringly sarcastic AI London (voiced by Nicholas Boulton), she is surprised to find the Palace generates hostile clones of herself that hunt her down and copy her actions in a unique spin on the stealth genre. Gameplay consists of trying to navigate through various beautiful, byzantine concourses, collecting artifacts and unlocking elevators that lead deeper into the secret at the heart of the planet.

    You may or may not enjoy this based on how you feel about stealth games with minimalist combat, but for me the challenging adaptive gameplay combined with the evocative score, compelling voice acting, intriguing story, and gorgeous environmental/sound/UI design made this a really nice surprise. (And while the studio might be dead, I’m really hoping the plans to turn it into a movie eventually rise from development hell.)


    This is an incredible game I highly recommend, but I had to downvote because rules


    When a publisher goes bust, who gets the money from game sales after that point?

    mholiv, do games w What is the next "grown up game" now that Minecraft only goes for children?

    Slightly off topic here, but the most “grown up” way to play “grown up” games is to just play what you want and not care about what people think.

    If you like Minecraft stick with it. Or just play any other games you enjoy. Only kids care what their peers think of the games they play.


    Its not about what people (or peers) think. Its about the fact that minecraft isnt as fun as it used to be. Sorry if that wasnt clear from my post.


    Its about the fact that minecraft isnt as fun as it used to be (to you)

    It sounds more like you have changed, rather than minecraft.

    That is normal. People's tastes change.

    What do you think are currently games that are not focused on children and have great potential?

    That is such an open ended question as to be impossible to really answer well.

    You have stated you no longer enjoy minecraft but not what you do like playing. So again, quite hard to make a recommendation.

    Do you want building sims? Tropico or Cities: Skylines.

    Other than that, I have no idea what to recommend.


    Thanks for the feedback.

    I do enjoy games like factorio, satisfactory, now jagged alliance 3, dyson sphere program, witcher (1+3, 2 not so much).

    The thing that I liked about minecraft was that it was so tough to get into and the mechanics we‘re pretty obscure. if you didnt spoil it for yourself by looking it up you could really watch your brain working.

    I made a server where players really needed to think to get going but most new players gave up frustrated because it was too hard.

    And thats ultimately what bothers me. Minecraft in its infancy was cool for me for totally different reasons than for others (especially now) and I‘m probably just fed up with being the oddball all the time.

    That make sense?

    Pons_Aelius, (edited )

    That make sense?

    Yes, it does.

    It sounds like the discovery of the mechanics was more rewarding for you as making progress and winning.

    I‘m probably just fed up with being the oddball all the time.

    Don't be. It is the oddballs of the world that are actually the agents of change.

    Having read this I would suggest you have a look at Kerbal space program. On the surface it is a fairly simple game but the mechanics of actual space flight are very complex.

    A good XKCD about Kerbal.


    Thanks for the suggestion. I actually own that game. It’s a lot of fun, i agree.

    B0NK3RS, avatar

    The game has changed a lot but also you might have too.


    Thats a good point. I did change as well.

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