I love the reboot franchise. So fascinating to see what the world would look like. The milkshake Nazi level is iconic. Scary and funny at the same time.
Per quanto riguarda l’armonia, la mia insegnante di basso mi ha consigliato “Capire l’Armonia Moderna” di Claudio Flaminio. A sua detta fa un buon lavoro nello spiegare concetti senza parlare troppo “musichese”. Io ho fatto sinora solo qualche pagina ma non ho incontrato particolari problemi
I just tried new colossus yesterday, actually, and I was surprised how big of a dive the writing took compared to the first game, I had to stop when the resistance guy bursts out of bathroom during that really forced emotional scene in the sub.
I loved the first game and the old blood dlc, so was a bit of a bummer :(
That’s already hours in, and it was only getting more ridiculous. I had a looksee at Yatzhee’s old review of it, and he confirmed my feelings on it, and said it got even worse later. I may watch a let’s play of it at some point, but I just wasn’t having fun, so I’m unlikely to pick it up again, personally. Just doesn’t have the magic…
Guy looks kinda like he’s wearing a jacket with a gap at the waist. That would totally not work. You can’t have a gap that lets air out. The Apollo suits were one piece designs; two piece with a hard shell locking waist ring came later.
We’re talking nowadays about compression suits that are only inflated around the head and maybe some upper body. Those would help a lot with mobility, but nothing like that has been deployed yet.
Wchodzimy już na zdecydowanie mało dyplomatyczny poziom komunikacji między mocarstwami… Zwyczajowo z uśmiechem kopią się pod stołem, jak na dyplomatów to już w okolicach plucia pod nogi.
I’m surprised you disliked Syndicate story yet adored Unity’s. Sure Syndicate’s story isn’t anything to write home about but I found it at least consistent and coherent. It’s a typical, evil mastermind needs to be taken down story. Is it amazing? Not really but it’s serviceable. Unity on the other hand, is… To be honest, I can’t even remember any parts of it other than Arno being a miserable prick for most of it.
Unity definitely had the much better gameplay though. Parkour, co-op, assassination missions and the beautiful rendition of Paris were all great.
It’s funny because he played the goddamn boss of Death Stranding which I played against for 70h before beating him on my first playthrough on the highest difficulty.
Unity was just too long and by the time he becomes and alcoholic/you’re stuck in that town for a while I just didn’t care anymore. I’m surprised I even finished it.
That being said the actual big assassination missions were super cool and I wish they had built on that formula more. It felt very rewarding to get creative and I liked how you had so many ways to play them. It was very good design.
If you retire with no SS, medicare, an insurance that is required to cover you, medicaid to keep the doors open for even a retirement home to care for you, and your 401K is destroyed from the plunging depression that’s on the rise… it might be cool to worry a bit.