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AaAaaaAaAA, w A heroic Starfield modder just straight-up deleted those repetitive temple 'puzzles' from the game

So you need a shit tonne of mods to make this AAA game enjoyable?

SturgiesYrFase, avatar

Sounds about right


The absolute state of AAA gaming nowadays.


I played the game 40+h without any mods and had a lot of fun. It is very much enjoyable without mods. Can mods make the game better? Yes, sure Are the mods needed to have fun with the game? Absolutely not.


For my curiosity, what on Earth could you possibly do for those 40 hours? Cause for me that’s about 5 times more than it’s worth spending with the game in its current state.


Side quests. The game is about side quests


I’m 60 hours in and haven’t touched the outpost, ship building, or equipment modding. Main quest and 2 faction side quests completed. I’ve enjoyed my time and bought the game with the expectation that it would be FO4 with some things improved some things worse and a new setting.

There are definitely failings and it’s not a 10/10 game but for a lot of people it’s a great game. The proc gen system needs more variety but that can be improved through updates and mods. If you prefer handcrafted content follow the quests and you’ll see minimal repeats of the POIs. I don’t regret my purchase one bit and would be fine if no DLC, mods, or updates happen even though I prefer they do. End of the day make your own decision based on what you like just realize it’s not a dumpster fire and not the perfect game that everyone should run out and play.


I did more or less like you. I tried the outpost a bit, but when I realized they were irrelevant (same with modification and ship building) I just continued the main quest.

The dame has flaws, and I generally don’t buy games when they just come out, but I’m not disappointed in this purchase, despite the flaws of the game.

DarkMetatron, (edited )

Lots of cool side quests, a main quest that is one of the best from Bethesda, exploring the universe. And yes even the power puzzles from time to time to unlock a new power. I have about 100h (hard to say as steam is not logging the time for me anymore because I use mod manager and sfse) now (started with modding after entering NG+ at about 40h and still find new fun things to do. I am in NG+2 at the moment.

Mods I use are mostly cosmetic (I love to change some posters or magazine covers when ich switch NG+) or QoL like faster animations or better UI.

pancakes, avatar

I have 60 hours in and just got to the temples. There’s a ton of things to do. I’ll probably get 100 hours into the base game and then many, many more hours from mods.


You keep asking this in this thread. What answer do you want? The game has a shitload of content in it. I’m 35ish hours in and I have so many random quests and things to do. I’ve spent hours wandering around planets. Around cities. In space stations. Scanning things, reading stuff.

It’s completely fine if what the game has to offer doesn’t appeal to you, but if you truly cannot comprehend how anyone could enjoy it, then I’m afraid you just don’t have much perspective.

This is, objectively speaking, a large scale open world game with hundreds of hours of content. It should be self evident that what it has to offer will appeal to some and not to others. How can you think that because it doesn’t appeal to you, it shouldn’t appeal to anyone? That makes no sense.


Blame Skyrim


Which one? ;-)


Considering the main quest is like 10 hours long and then the game tells you to just wander around I’d say yes.


So your paying what like $80 for the “game” then needing the community to make it decent? So glad I haven’t bought it


That’s the entire point of Bethesda games, and has been for 20 years.


First Bethsda game you’ve played? They make a great frame, but half-ass the interior lol.

McArthur, (edited ) w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly

Competition sounds great, so long as it has all of the following:

  • Something better than steam input and the steam controller.
  • Something better than steam vr.
  • Something better than steam workshop.
  • something better than proton
  • Something better than steams friends/chat/activity interface.
  • Something better than the steam overlay.
  • Something better than big picture.
  • Absolutely no exclusives, and no deals forcing developers to use it.
  • A nicer store interface than valve, with better community pages, curator pages, discussion pages, etc.
  • An equivalent to steam fest with a strong demo scene.
  • Something better than remote play together

This is of course also ignoring just how efficient, clean, customisable and ergonomic the steam interface is compared to all competition

Oh wait! That doesn’t exist. All we need is some way to guarantee valve doesn’t become public.

JowlesMcGee, avatar

Not to mention family sharing. I'm not sure of another PC store front that does the same, but it's been a bit help with my friends in being able to show games to each other and letting us try things before buying, similar to sharing discs back in the day.


… And Steam Remote Play.

Imotali, avatar

Don’t forget that mods often don’t play nice with games off steam

AnyOldName3, avatar

It kind of doesn’t, though. Because you can still launch non-Steam games through Steam, and activate retail Steam keys without Valve taking a cut, there are plenty of ways for things to compete against the Steam Store without needing to also compete against the Steam launcher.


All we need is some way to guarantee valve doesn’t become public.

I am hoping for aperture science to find a immortality solution for Gabe.


I think we need some Australium instead. GabeOS will put neurotoxin in the next Steam Deck.


Oh I see I see… that’s why they made current air vent smell so enticing, so when they release it we all go to smell it.

Chailles, avatar

So is it going to be GAbEOS or Gabe Johnson?

Chailles, avatar

You don’t even need all of that really. A lot of Steam functionality can be utilized just by adding it as a Non-Steam Game. Steam Workshop isn’t the necessary if you have a modding scene, you just need a good mod manager.

The key point on whether I’ll use your storefront or not is whether your plan for success is to buy out anti-Steam contracts (remember that it’s not exclusivity to EGS, its to not release on Steam) to get customers and low revenue cuts to get developers and most importantly, to run a loss leading business for a number of years until you are profitable. If EGS were to ever become profitable, how long until they switch to squeezing out as much as they can? They’ve already rescinded their “curated” catalog.

gamer, (edited )

This is not a good way to look at it. Competition is good regardless. It doesn’t matter how good Valve is today, if a viable competitor comes out, Valve will be forced to get better in order to compete.

All we need is some way to guarantee valve doesn’t become public.

This is wrong. Valve can enshittify without going public. If you think that public corporations are the only ones that are greedy/evil/anti-consumer, then you’ve never heard of the “private equity” industry. Look up the recent fight between the FTC and U.S. Anesthesia Partners in Texas for a clear example.

In capitalism, free market forces are what keep tug of war between produces and consumers fair, and competition is the fuel that keeps those free market forces moving. The fact that the Valve of today is both good and a monopoly is just a temporary rounding error/outlier. Over time, Valve will go to shit and consumers will suffer simply because Valve has almost no competition. This isn’t a question, it’s a fact of the mechanism of the economic system they exist in. It’s like gravity; just because you haven’t hit the floor yet doesn’t mean jumping off that building was a good idea.

Epic games, whether you hate them or not, is fighting the good fight. They are doing shitty things (exclusivity, etc), so maybe they aren’t the chosen one who will take challenge Valve, but they are on the right side of that fight. Hoping that Valve will stay great forever is foolish.

…but I will add that I don’t think Epic alone should be trying to take down Valve. Valve is way too entrenched in this market to be taken down with any realistic competition (probably why Epic is resorting to exclusivity deals). The FTC needs to step in and regulate the market. Idk what that would look like, but it’s possible to do it in a way that makes everyone happy. For example (off the top of my head, so probably flawed but whatever) the FTC could enforce interoperability between digital marketplaces so that consumers don’t need to install 30 different launchers to access their purchased libraries. That relatively small change could lower the bar to entry for competitors by a lot, and not be a burden to consumers at the same time. EDIT: and it would not be anything drastic like forcing a break up of Valve.


What a shittake


“hmm… a well thought out, reasoned response. But I disagree! How should I express my opinion effectively, to both this person and others who wander by?”

What a shittake

“Ah, yes. My masterpiece. Everyone must see this.”


Its funny how you credit the invisible hand of free market forces to keep things fair but acknowledge everywhere else that the only thing that actually intervenes to promote fairness is the FTC as government regulatory body.

If we could drop the obvious bullshit romanticism of capitalism this would be a mostly accurate post.


Found the tankie lol

Unregulated capitalism doesn’t work. I don’t think anyone has ever seriously claimed that it does. The FTC isn’t the only thing keeping the market fair, the free market does that on its own. When a company does a shitty thing, they lose customers and die. That’s true in pretty much every market in the real world, except for a few problematic ones where there are bad actors trying to cheat the system.


Plenty of people claim that it does. That is the entire ideological premise you invoke with the free market fetishism (laissez faire, Chicagoan school, Austrian economics) the “free market” means free to exploit consumers, not free to choose. Consumers do not have enough capital to afford any meaningful check against corporate snake oil. This over simplistic narrative youre spinning doesn’t match up with the track record.

Also, you don’t have to be an authoritarian communist to know that the free market is a crock of shit. Anybody with the ability to look at the past few hundred years would know Friedman hayek rothbard and most all libertarians are absolutely full of shit or just plain misguided

Imotali, avatar

Anti-capitalist ≠ tankie

In fact Communist ≠ tankie

Tankies are specifically defenders of Marxist-Leninist communism and their one party state rule (which is ironically not communism, it’s Stalinism which is a form of autocratic socialism)


Sure, but

  • Lemmy == Lots of tankies
  • Tankies == Anticapitalist

So I operate on the assumption that anticapitalist people on Lemmy are tankies. It’s not true in all cases ofc, but without more info, I think that’s a safe default.

That dude calling my post “bullshit romanticism of capitalism” gives a bit more confidence that they’re a tankie with a strong case of grassphobia.


Great example of oversimplification and reaching for conclusions that reinforce your bias. An effective way to shield yourself from valid criticism or any self reflection is to automatically discredit the person who brings it to your attention, whether its true or not is of little importance right?

Imotali, avatar

Lemmy is not full of tankies, yours truly a communist.

And your post was free market romanticism.

weeahnn, avatar

Sure, but

  • Beer == Germans
  • Germans == Fascists

So I operate on the assumption that German people on Lemmy are Fascists. It’s not true in all cases ofc, but without more info, I think that’s a safe default.

And before you call my flawless reasoning stupid… I don’t really have anything to say.


logic error on line 2: Beer == Germans

Beer does not equate to Germans, rather Germans equate to Beer. If we fix that error, then it doesn’t fit the original pattern:

  • Germans == Beer
  • Germans == Fascists

That would only work if Beer == Fascists, which of course is not true.

Also, wrong does not equal stupid, rather stupid equals wrong. Which is to say, you comment is wrong, but not necessarily stupid.


Epic games, whether you hate them or not, is fighting the good fight. They are doing shitty things (exclusivity, etc), so maybe they aren’t the chosen one who will take challenge Valve, but they are on the right side of that fight. Hoping that Valve will stay great forever is foolish.

My dude… If you’re doing shitty things, you are in fact not “fighting the good fight”. if anyone is doing that it’s someone like GOG.


I meant that they’re fighting Valve, which is “the good fight”. They’re not the only ones doing it, and they’re definitely not the best ones doing it, but they’re doing it. If they do manage to take a big chunk out of Valve’s marketshare somehow, that will be good for everyone, even people who decide to stay on Steam.

Imotali, avatar

No they permanently lost claim to “fighting the good fight” when they literally bundled their software with malware.


Apologies for the confusion when I said to stop preventing steam becoming public. I was just too lazy to write something along the lines of defining some kind of perpetual way to prevent the downfall of steam. Ideally it becomes an open source utopia tomorrow… but that’s not exactly realistic for a game store or as a business decision by valve and without people beying able to fork it we are never safe.


All of the following? Why would you need to be better in every way? There’s a perfectly valid use case for trade offs. Eg, let’s say some competitor had exclusives, no VR, the store interface was a little worse, and it was only roughly comparable on many other points. If it’s simply faster and more lightweight, that’s its competitive advantage. Or if it focuses on being open source and DRM free like GoG, that’s a competitive advantage.

Expecting something to be better in every way (than something with a massive head start) or else it might as well not exist? That’s just unreasonable. I don’t require a clothing store to be better than Walmart to shop there. I mean, the clothing store doesn’t even sell fruit! Why would anyone shop there when you can go to the Walmart and buy some grapes with your jeans?


Except these aren’t two different kinds of stores, they’d both be gaming marketplaces and if one has better features in every regard… Why use the inferior one at all?


If It’s not better in every way why would I swap? I’ll just keep using steam. The only selling point you could use to get me to swap is the promise of feature parity with steam and open source. I would support that even if it hurt a lot along the way, but I doubt it will happen.


Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good


It can’t exist. You can’t launch a new competitor to a mature and well-developed platform and hope to come anywhere near its feature set right off the bat. That’s never gonna happen, especially when a lot of the “requirements” you presented there are expensive shit that takes years of hard work to develop. You’re gonna have to give them time. And money, as it happens. They’re not gonna be able to develop that VR you present as a requirement if everybody refuses to use their platform because there is no VR. It’s a catch 22.


I’d be happy to support any kind of platform aiming to do these things even if it doesn’t have them yet, so long as it was open source or had some kind of structure that prevented enshitification. I’d contribute, probably force myself to use it where possible much like I do with other things. The issue is that the current competition trying to do what steam does (epic) is just trying to do it but worse.


Then they should be able to use the same tactics Valve used in the beginning.

But then you Valve fanboys start to cry when specific software requires you to install the Epic store? Which Valve did before.

JackbyDev, (edited )

Something better than steam workshop.

Maybe Nexus Mods’ third mod manager will be better than the first two? lol.


As soon as it has linux support for more than wow… people praise valve for proton lots but workshop has also done so much for Linux nmodding which is otherwise a nightmare.

Izzy, w COVID And Working From Home Made Starfield Development "Very, Very Slow," Todd Howard Says avatar

People for once not being overworked has made it clear that the scope of modern AAA video games is unsustainable.


Yep. Not every game needs to be a huge open world (or in this case galaxy.) Give me tight well written games that are complete on launch, that’s all I’m asking for.

Alto, avatar

Titanfall 2's campaign is one of the best examples of this. Not very long, but high quality and ridiculously fun

108, avatar

Trust me

InEnduringGrowStrong, avatar

I’m playing Titanfall 2 multiplayer right now.
Best sub $10 game in a while.

Alto, avatar

Words can't describe how happy I am that the official servers are back. One of if not the best FPS games in the last decade.


I got this on sale, because I liked the original games premise but didn't want to buy a MP-only game. I've yet to play it though. XD I hope it lives up to expecations.


Yeah a really great game for really cheap.

I haven’t tried the multiplayer but I loved the story.


We really went from

2D platformer saturated To 3D platformer saturated To FPS saturated To Sandbox Saturated To 50+ hour $70 incomplete open world saturated

IHeartBadCode, avatar

scope of modern AAA video games is unsustainable

Helpful hint, it's not just video game programming. Those hijacked gas pipelines in the US, unsecured SCADA systems weren't because every sysadmin was falling asleep, it's because nobody pulling the trigger wanted to listen to the sysadmins screaming that blindly deploying shit without audits, was a bad idea.

In pretty much every single technological failure, there's usually a common thread. Someone did (or forgot to do something) in the name of profit.


Sysadmin - can confirm.

Have a VP wanting to ram a newly acquired Europe entity through a migration and I am just yelling in every meeting about regulations. No one gives a shit so I’m just making them sign everything they say. CYA in full deployment.


On the acquired side, currently going through integration. We had a looking date to cutover a major portion of our systems and it was absolutely only a fail forward situation if it went south. Surprisingly, they recognized and listened to us saying it wasn’t ready and needed more time…got us six more months but definitely a rare moment from my experience in IT. Hopefully a sign that the new company knows what they are doing.


I can side with what you’re saying, but I don’t understand how forgetting something in the name of profit in other industries has anything to do with the pace of game development.


It fails downwards. And I know that doesn’t make sense but when you push something through as fast as possible everything below it falters.

QA is garbage, QC is garbage, development becomes garbage because of those fast timelines because something has to be cut. You can’t do everything you need to do with shorter timelines - and that’s where it becomes “in the name of profit”.


You’re describing the state of application/game development, yes.

But again, what was that rant involving other industries about?

ConsistentAlgae, (edited )

Just that it’s fairly similar across other industries. It’s a pretty common thread in most industries when people try to force things through without planning properly.

Also I wasn’t ranting about other industries, just making a note that it occurs everywhere. Profit for profit sake has made a lot of industries worse, including the gaming industry.

Edit: do you think QA/QC and development work only occurs in the gaming industry?


Many modern AAA games has become glorified toilet paper rolls. They tried to keep manufacture then in hopes to milk everything possible, then when you are at the end of roll they hype and sell you a new one. Make them feel like you absolutely have to play the next installment to get a closure or something new branching out.(prequel/sequel/reboot/timelines/etc.)

It was unsustainable at the pace and amount pre-covid, unhealthy for hardcore gamers as well. We have to actively not buying and playing new games cause I can play certain amount per day/week.

With covid and post covid, I actually finished more games compare to before. Well, the extra 2 hours not needed to commute I can do whatever I wanted.

Kolanaki, w This Fallout New Vegas Mod rewrites over 1,000 functions to improve performance and reduce load/save times
!deleted6508 avatar

Man… if vanilla New Vegas is still giving you performance issues, you might wanna upgrade your toaster.


If it brings me a few minutes more battery life on my steamdeck, it is worth it


The achievement is less about the need, but more that someone did it.

I’d be equally excited if something optimized the shit out a PlayStation 1 game too.

Coelacanth, avatar

I mean, isn’t vanilla New Vegas pretty famously unoptimized? I think its performance has less to do with your hardware and more to do with the engine (hence this mod).


Todd, I didn’t know you were a Lemmy user.


How much can upgrading a computer cost, $10?

– Todd “I haven’t had to buy my own groceries since Morrowind dropped” Howard.

Chailles, avatar

But I mean, this isn’t just for Vanilla New Vegas, is it? Plus New Vegas is known for being particularly unstable.

moosetwin, avatar

I would if I could


It absolutely does, though. Vanilla crashes all the time and has several game-breaking bugs. I don’t recommend that anyone plays New Vegas unmodded – especially on a newer machine that’ll be less compatible (like my 7700X + 4090 rig running Windows 11) – unless you just hate yourself. You need community patches to get it in a playable state.

Same goes for Fallout 3. It’s not nearly as buggy as NV, of course, but try running it Vanilla on a modern Windows 11 machine and let me know how well that goes for you lol. You get massive framerate dips and it literally crashes every 5 minutes on a brand new PC if you don’t install any mods to make it compatible.

!deleted6508 avatar

I mean I still play it on a modern system mostly unmodded (I do minor QOL mods like adding/moving fast travel points to limit loading screens but nothing super fancy or specifically for performance). Still on windows 10, though. I get no performance issues, though crashing is still a worry. It’s not like every 30 minutes tho, like when it was new 🤣


Still on Windows 10, though.

Well there you go. Win10 is old enough now to still be compatible with those games. But like I said, try it on a modern machine running 11.

That said, even in my Windows 7 days, NV still crashed all the time. The game had a rushed development; it’s a miracle that it runs at all on any PC.


Windows 11 is essentially a skin and experience pack for win 10, in fact it was.originally going to be the nezt update to 10. very little has changed that will affect how games run.


I played NV unmodded and hardly had any crashes in my +150 hours. All I did was to deactivate all but one CPU core iirc.


It’s not a toaster problem lol. Every time to enter a loading screen you pray the game doesn’t randomly crash


My toaster of a desktop can easily run the game at pretty good framerates yet the game just sometimes decided to just crash like it’s nobody’s business.

Hell, it ran it just fine before getting an upgrade from 4gb to something like 16gb of ram, but the problem wasn’t performance issues. Instead it was random crashing. Mods completely fixed that issue.

New Vegas is a pretty good game, but I wouldn’t wanna play it unmodded because I don’t wanna deal with random crashes.


Nah, with mods the lack of threading makes oblivion and fo:nv unplayable once you add on enough eye candy


The vanilla game is still Bella buggy, awesome, but hella buggy.


Try playing F.E.A.R without the performance mod, a 5800x3d and 4090 will only get a studdery mess and that game is from 04

kibiz0r, w Unity: disappointed at how removal ToS has been framed. We removed it way before the pricing change was announced not because we didn't want people to see it.

Removed a legal document BECAUSE OF LOW ENGAGEMENT? I can’t even.


You don’t read the ToS of all the services you use 3 times before each time you use them? I’m shocked and appalled./s


Before, in the middle of, and after using it. Have to hit the target of engagement.


That is 100% cokeheads in a board meeting looking for anything that might stick reasoning right there


Gamers have demonstrated the ability to accept and regurgitate absolute nonsense explanations from giant corporations so he probably figured game developers would be the same.

Justas, w I wonder why Godot and Unreal are getting so much interest today avatar
smileyhead, (edited )

And we are sure it would stay that way thanks to libre licence. Godot is a collective project, but even if it wasn’t and charge for copy/support/assets, we still would own our copy and could just get someone else to work on it if they screw up.

CookieJarObserver, w I wonder why Godot and Unreal are getting so much interest today avatar

Actual awnser?

Well Unity Made a announcement to make Devs pay per Download and many devs straight up said their games will be deleted the day these changes are made.


Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! Unless you have anything to do with Unity, because there are no winners in this shitshow.


Oh, Unity will lose too.

Somehow, I keep remembering Reddit.

CookieJarObserver, avatar

This is reddit api Desaster but worse.

GCostanzaStepOnMe, avatar

Reddit famously doing red numbers since the API change.


That’s a normal thing to happen after you decide to bankrupt your business partners. (But do we know it already? I thought Reddit wasn’t public.)

But Unity here decided to bankrupt their customers, so I do expect their numbers to change much more quickly.

CookieJarObserver, avatar

They will just bankrupt themselves.


Hum, that “just” is really undeserved here. I’m sure they will drag many of their customers with them.

CookieJarObserver, avatar

I doubt that, devs can switch Code, Shure some game devs need to remake already written code but i think there will be someone making a code translator right now.


This is nowhere near reality.

Even if you could just “translate” code from one language to another, that ignores asset pipelines, asset store libraries, and all the build pipelines that allow you to ship cross-platform.

You also need to now train your entire dev team on a new tech stack.

Switching engines is an enormous effort

CookieJarObserver, avatar

If you can do it with databases you can do it with most other code. Shure it won’t be problem free but way better than bankruptcy. And users will understand that it might be buggy for some time if you explain it to them.

And yes you have to retrain your staff but its their job.

And of course there will be library issues but there will be someone making new libraries.

GCostanzaStepOnMe, avatar

Right, just make a database and then draw the rest of the fucking owl.

CookieJarObserver, avatar

Im not exactly that sorry for most tbh, there have been many other languages and engines that aren’t unity, they have been doing shit for years now, people could have switched already. This now is just tip of the iceberg basically.

Im only sorry about small studios and indie devs that worked on something for years and now that.


But Unity mostly targets smaller devs. The big AAA studios don’t generally use Unity, they usually use Unreal or something home grown.

It’s mostly AA and indie studios that use Unity.


One of the biggest appeals of modern gane engines is that you barely need any code but that also means everything is centered entirely around the game engine, I doubt there is any way to transition that, it probaly means devs have to start from scratch and reimplement the mechanics.


I’m using Godot 3 for my current project because even the relatively minor changes I’d have to make to port it to Godot 4 would be unfeasible. If I had to change engines entirely I’d have to just abandon the project.


Oh really? Do you happen to have a link I’m curious.

nanoUFO, avatar

Reddit didn’t retroactively try to steal money from developers. Also a game engine doesn’t need a community to exist, it just needs to be good, a community is helpful but not required.


I mean, reddit retroactively stole money from redditors. Any gold/coins you paid for? Gone. Why? Because.

Da_Boom, avatar

If it’s good, it will generally develop a community around it anyway.

WeLoveCastingSpellz, avatar

It needs devs to be usefull


Unity will lose way, way more than Reddit.


Almost certainly so. Unity is threatening to bankrupt their customers, while Reddit only did it to some value-adding third parties.


And they tried to pivot by saying it would be by device forcing devs to collect and share their users’ data.

CookieJarObserver, avatar

Wich is a violation of EUs GDPR…


I’ve hated Unity since its buggy trash first showed up in flash games Sure they ironed out the bugs and it went mainstream, but I never forgot how it shouldered it’s way into the picture. Now it’s pulling this shit and I’ve got that inevitable mixture of smug and disgusted that accompanies the all-to-familiar experience of “I said this was a bad idea but did anybody listen to me? Nope.”

brihuang95, w Unity reveals plans to charge per game install, drawing criticism from development community avatar

wow literally every fucking product is undergoing enshittification to a service model.


It’s surprising how slow the process has been in many instances


I said this would happen back when it was just the ISPs having data caps and cell phone companies charging for every text/data caps/ peak hours. Oh, but I was just a raving lunatic then. Fuck the human race. We get what we deserve.


Speak for yourself. I don’t deserve this just because other people are morons.

mustardman, (edited )

All of those things you listed have always been unpopular. Idk why anyone would think that makes you a lunatic.


Nah, smart people don’t deserve to suffer just because most people are stupid and careless.

567PrimeMover, avatar

Time to end the failed experiment that is capitalism

CrazyEddie041, w Unity May Never Win Back the Developers It Lost in Its Fee Debacle avatar

There's also the matter of future developers to consider. I'm in the process of looking at game engines to learn, and Unity has decisively crossed itself off the list. Even if current studios and developers stick with Unity, startups and novices would be foolish to pick a game engine that might suddenly decide to charge them out the ass with little to no notice. Existing developers have the issue where they already have tools and experience with Unity, but newer folks don't.


Myself I really wish that Godot would finally start getting traction in being the most advanced and the most used game engine. And it’s free.

Just look at Linux - it’s free, most used and most customizable server platform, even tho paid alternatives (e.g. Windows server) exists. I wish Godot would become de facto standard game engine.


I doubt it will ever happen but if it dose that would be a perfect fit for open source, big studios could contributr and share parts of their progress between each other like big companies do in the Linux space and at that part it would probably become and stay the most advanced option fairly quickly because you can’t compete with a entire industry and community at once!

captain_aggravated, avatar

Godot should definitely be adopted more by the indie and small studio scene. I think there’s going to be some folks who slide over to Unreal because Godot’s 3D capabilities don’t even match Unity’s yet, but there’s some stuff it can do, and it’s in active development.

Akasazh, avatar

So you’d say you’re waiting for Godot…

… To become s success?


Clever hahaha


Honestly, then use it. The more folk using it, the more people will be contributing to it, the better it will get.

Like all open source projects, if people don’t want them to wither on the vine then people need to keep the projects active in any way they can.


Godot definitely profited from Unity’s fuckup. Godot Engine hits over 50K euros per month in funding



JoMiran, w Baldur's Gate 3 is now the top rated game on Open Critic avatar

Divinity: Original Sin 2, Larian’s previous game is and they did that one when the studio was a fraction of the size it is now and on a miniscule budget when compared to BG3. It’s just a wonderful studio, full of talent and enthusiasm that starts from the top.


Yeah and dos2 they really figured out the formula. Bg3 feels basically like dos2 but with a lot more story and cinematics, but not to say dos2 didn’t already have a ton too. It’s a good thing though, both games are amazing.


Bg3 feels basically like dos2

That was all I ever needed to hear. 😄

JoMiran, avatar

I really like that dice roll mechanic they added in BG3, it’s highly satisfying. But yeah, mechanically D:OS2 and BG3 are pretty much the same. I hope BG3 makes people give D:OS2 a try.


Honestly that’s my biggest complaint tbh. I just don’t like DnD combat. Miss rates are way to high and feel awful. It’s way too RNG and I have to save scum like crazy.

JoMiran, avatar

I’m happy to keep the systems different like this. That way D:OS and BG continue to be different play experiences, because I do want a D:OS3


I bought divinity 2 when it came out. Haven’t played it yet! Still in the back log.

JoMiran, avatar

There are so many hilariously broken builds. You can play it serious or you can go the full comedy route.


barrelmancy > all other builds


I absolutely adore their feedback/early access system.

All games should have an early access like that. Not a shitty way to release a crap full of bugs to steam out, but a very analytic/data and feedback base way to improve the game. Basically giving the players a very large demo that can be easily changed in order to improve it.

Naatan, w CD Projekt Spent Roughly $125 Million Turning Cyberpunk 2077 Around Post-Launch

CD Projekt announced on October 5 that the expansion starring Idris Elba cost a hefty 275 million Polish Zloty (around $62.7 million) to develop and approximately 95 million Polish Zloty (around $21.6 million) to market.

I’m not saying repairing and adding missing functionality isn’t a good size portion of that cost, but calling it a $125 million cost based on the cost of the expansion and marketing which were already planned regardless of how well the initial release did is miss-leading at best.


Yeah this headline should really just say the ~$41m they actually spent improving the game because that’s still an incredibly impressive number (2/3 the amount of a full expansion). I hate when there’s a good story to tell but they want to make it look even better so they decide to mislead instead of just saying the actually impressive thing

switches, w War Thunder user leaks restricted military documents for AH-64D Apache Longbow avatar

i feel like every military needs to go through their personnel and fire every war thunder player on principle at this point. like come on.


Security clearance red flag

HarkMahlberg, avatar

My pet theory is that the military uses the war thunder forums as a honeypot to catch leakers.


Isn't that the general theory?

eldritch_lich, w Unity: An open letter to our community

It’s almost funny. Honestly, the only way I can see them regaining any trust at all is by a complete change in leadership and increased transparency and accountability.

I haven’t calculated how much the new revenue split would be on average so take this as a random scribble on a napkin, but I wouldn’t be surprised if most studios choose to never upgrade to the next version.

Just remember, the current CEO was too greedy even for EA.


It’s almost funny. Honestly, the only way I can see them regaining any trust at all is by a complete change in leadership and increased transparency and accountability.

so obviously it is not happening, and by the time the CEO is replaced it will be too late

Jaysyn, (edited ) avatar

It's not just the CEO, most of the Board are buddies with Elon. If the Board of Directors didn't specifically want this, it wouldn't be happening.

IHeartBadCode, avatar

Just remember, the current CEO was too greedy even for EA

John Riccitiello is his name. Dude has the anti-Midas touch. Everything he has ever touched turned to shit. How people keep hiring him is beyond me.

That said, the board of directors is also part to blame for this. One name stands out, Roelof Botha. Same guy from Sequoia Capital that backed the whole Elon Musk taking a loan out for Twitter and old buddy of Musk's from PayPal days. He's also been known for some "choice" selections on where to put VC money.

And of course you have Barry Schuler of "I made AOL popular" fame. So… Yeah, he's a choice selection for the board as well.

But on the other side of it, you've got David Helgason one of the co-founders of Unity who has been pretty vocal about "We fucked up!". But to me that is a tell-tell that Riccitiello et al. sold the rest of the board on the change.

Point being, the board is made up of hard going MFers who fuck up along the way and folks who are easily rolled over by promises of $$$. So while the CEO is indeed "a work of something", the board is a perfect storm of "egos and pushovers".

Either way, yeah, I think that since literally no leadership change is coming from this "you put the same chemicals in, you're absolutely going to get the same reaction out." The only thing they have likely taken from this whole thing is that they cannot be as obvious about changes as they were.


Everything he has ever touched turned to shit. How people keep hiring him is beyond me.

Some CEOs are hired for that specific purpose. If a board wants to do greedy shit they hire a fall guy. There are plenty of jobs for that guy.

Veraxus, w CD Projekt employees form a union avatar

I am so happy for them and proud of them. This is the correct response to unnecessary layoffs or any other worker abuse. I hope more people in the industry will follow their example!



I hate to have to justify layoffs but it’s at least true that lots of studios are unexpectedly (from a couple years ago) hemorrhaging cash right now. anytime inflation is so high for so long, discretionary spending on entertainment is near the first to get cut from consumers budgets. people aren’t sitting at home like we were in 2021 only buying digital entertainment anymore.

Wirrvogel, avatar

EPIC is laying off 900 people so Tim Sweeney can follow his stupid dream of a Meataverse. He even said this in his “apology letter” where he writes, that he spends too much on metaverse, so he has to lay off people, but then he ends with the promise to continue to overspend on the same thing going forward.

He lays off 900 people, 1/3 of them even core people making his game(s).

It is stupid decisions like this that make the layoffs “necessary”, not anything actually related to the development of games, when it comes to these big developers/publishers.

Don’t let them fool you that this could not have been prevented.…/layoffs-at-epic

For a while now, we’ve been spending way more money than we earn, investing in the next evolution of Epic and growing Fortnite as a metaverse-inspired ecosystem for creators. I had long been optimistic that we could power through this transition without layoffs, but in retrospect I see that this was unrealistic.


About two-thirds of the layoffs were in teams outside of core development. Some of our products and initiatives will land on schedule, and some may not ship when planned because they are under-resourced for the time being. We’re ok with the schedule tradeoff if it means holding on to our ability to achieve our goals, get to the other side of profitability and become a leading metaverse company.

He is totally fine with crunch because he on purpose understaffed his core development teams, he is happy for an upcoming community event while having laid off all the staff for that and will continue to make the same mistake again, while laying off 900 people at a time where getting a new job is hard and where many of them rely on finding a new job or losing their working visas.

Fuck him! Do not defend him!


I’m not just taking about epic, there were layoffs in basically every gaming company that exists the past few months

see this for more:

unity, naughty dog, Ubisoft, EA, Amazon games (twitch) and much more.


bit of a strawmans argument you’re refuting here.


While you fought for workers rights, I studied the blade.

While you were attending strikes against America’s true citizens, I mastered the block chain.

While you wrote to your government, I cultivated inner wealth

Now that the world is on fire and we’re at fault for it, you have the audacity to come to me for a living wage?


TIL CDPR is a multi-billion dollar company


Kind of? Idk it’s not the most accurate meme for the situation, and possibly a little mean spirited.

redcalcium, (edited ) w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.

If Denuvo’s claim that their DRM has no negative performance impact were true, then why Ubisoft pull this shenanigan (adding Denuvo DRM just hours before release)? Ubisoft must’ve know their game run better without Denuvo so they want the reviewers to play the drmless version.


Everyone knows Denuvo’s statement isn’t true. There are hundreds of games with Denuvo that have improved performance after being cracked, compared to the legitimately owned version. This conversation pops up all the time. It’s quite funny when pirated games have a better experience. At least until Denuvo is removed to cut cost (it’s a subscription).

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