ShellMonkey, do games w What games have you sunk the most time into? avatar

Rimworld, way too much Rimworld. A big part of it is that I’ll often have it one a second computer during the workday just on pause to pop in during downtime but I guess that still counts as playtime just being loaded.

Fizz, avatar

Ive got 2.2k hours in RimWorld and I’ve only ever tried to launch a spaceship once(spoiler I died).

Such a good game, such good modding scene.


I’ve tried the game a few times and it doesn’t click with me. What’s is it that you find so appealing?


Emergent gameplay is what appeals to me

ShellMonkey, avatar

For me a lot of it is in trying to maximize efficiencies. Setting up task duties and resources where you have plenty enough but not overloading your storage. Defensive position designs to counter any possible situation. Layouts to the base to allow free movement.

Lot of others try for specific artistic ideas or scenario goals, but I’m something of engineer minded player.


I’m not efficiency oriented at all. Which I dislike because I wish I was, but simply not. I do like base building games, and enjoyed Banished a lot.

I imagine you’ve played Satisfactory.

Fizz, avatar

I like that each pawn builds up a personality overtime and grows as a character. I pretty much just play Rimworld as a doll house simulator


I feel this way about XCOM. I’ll give this a shot.

Fizz, avatar

When someone does a heroic move I elevate them to hero status in the colony and they get a better bedroom, better armour and the best weapon.


Dangit you’re making me want to play. Can you build an army with laser guns?

Fizz, avatar

Charge rifles or charge lances in vanilla. More laser weapons that you could ever use if you use mods.


Look for the “vanilla expanded” mods.

It is a dedicated and organized team of modders that has output a stunning amount of content, all of it cohesive, and what many would consider required “base game” content.

They have literally put out dozens of mods that could be standalone DLC, all for free.


I will. Going to start playing again today. Trying to pull away from Hollow Knight which I committed to finally trying this holiday. That’s a fantastic game.

Zarxrax, do games w Making peace with liking very few games?

I’ve found that as I got older, my taste in games has narrowed significantly. I used to be able to play pretty much anything, or especially any popular or critically acclaimed games. But these days I just don’t give a shit about most of what’s out there. I do have certain genres and developers that interest me though, so I know there are occasionally going to be some new games that I really like. And every now and then I might get surprised by something too.

natecox, avatar

I suspect this is a natural result of having much more limited time as we become adults. I used to love all kinds of games too, but today if I feel like a game doesn’t respect my time it gets thrown right onto the “no thanks” pile.


It’s limited time, but also the selection these last few years has felt very uninspired. Everything is extremely derivative and been done to death.

There was a mass consolidation of developers/publishers recently, on top of further extended development cycles that has really limited any kind of variety we might have seen.


The last few games I was looking forward to have all been pretty disappointing.


You can only play reskins of essentially the same game for so long. Not to mention recycling gameplay loops microtransaction hell toxic multiplayer experience (cheating griefing), makes for a minefield of unplesant game experiences. Sticking to what you like and know is how you get enjoyment out of playing.


Yep I just go to indies now. The AAA studios feel just samey.

robolemmy, avatar

I’m retired and have basically unlimited time. I still don’t like most games.



Does it not feel weird sometimes to be disconnected from the gaming zeitgeist? Like, we can obviously still follow news and whatnot, but I'm particularly talking about having no significant emotional investment in contemporary releases—in other words: being disconnected from the hype of announcements and release cycles.

I know people consider this a blessing in this age of hyper-consumerism, but there's a communal aspect to it that I like, and it often feels odd to not be part of it.

KingJalopy, avatar

Not weird for me. I don’t play anymore at all. Don’t even have a system to do so. But, I watch YouTube videos about games and game facts or speed running every night before bed. I know more about games now than when I actually played them. I just don’t have time for them anymore but that doesn’t mean they don’t interest me. I lost my passion for playing games years ago but not the idea of it. I don’t know or care about the hype but I just find it terribly interesting via others hype or interest in these games. If that makes sense.


Like, we can obviously still follow news and whatnot

I stopped following the news first, then largely lost interest in new games after that. After TotalBiscuit passed I haven’t seen a single thing about video game news or reviews. If there’s something I’m interested in I might skim through a review, but that’s the most I do.


I thought I was the only one!

can, do games w You know what would be cool? If all those (job name) simulator games could all be joined.

Pretty sure we’re in that

SharkEatingBreakfast, avatar

I’m not having fun or making money.

Who do I send a bug report to?


A therapist


But therapists are expensive :(

ProdigalFrog, do games w Denmark is the 5th country to pass the #StopKillingGames EU threshold - 340K out of 1M signatures in total!

If you’re not sure what StopKillingGames is about, the creator of the campaign, Ross Scott (of Freeman’s Mind fame) made this short video to give the rundown.


I'm in the US and can't help, but that video is fuckin brilliant. I want to have a beer with that guy


You’d probably enjoy his normal content then! He makes great stuff.

mp3, do games w Does AAAA just mean awful triple A games now? avatar

The extra A comes from the MBAs adding their grain of salt that no one wants.

snooggums, avatar

So the extra A is for ‘Asshole’?


A (A Grade, not B grade)

AA A Advanced

AAA An Advanced Advertisment

AAAA An Advanced Advertising Arsehole.

Mad_Punda, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before

Calcium Contract is a boomer shooter with a pretty unique rewind feature. Humorous with old school feels, but for a modern time. It’s a one man project.

Sanctus, do games w Recommendation engine: Downvote any game you've heard of before avatar

Gridworld - a simulation game made up of a grid, as the name suggests. You can control the size of the grid, and what spawns in it. The core of the game are these tiny creatures that each take up 1 square. They have varying nodes on them that represent traits and abilities. Under the hood the game says these have to be “wired” correctly by the neural network to make a creature act right. So basically you let this thing run for hours and eventually get little square creatures that eat plants and maybe each other to live.

MentalEdge, do games w Half Life 3 avatar

Valve doesn’t need to make games anymore. Their corporate structure allows for it, but relies on people at the company wanting to work on it.

But if they don’t, it’s not really a problem. The company is doing fine.

I think they just lost interest. They got back to it with Alyx because VR was exciting and new territory to explore.


Pretty much this. I’m fairly certain that I read years ago that Gabe just wasn’t interested as well. Which fair enough valve don’t need to develop games now because they have to but because they want to.

Coelacanth, avatar

This is the correct answer I think. They’re also not interested in releasing sub-par games, and again like you say they don’t need to release games at all to make money anymore. So if they’re not that interested and haven’t come up with anything conceptually/mechanically that reaches the high bar they’ve set for themselves, it makes more sense to scrap/postpone.

Their reputation is much more important, and they’re just not going to half-ass Half Life 3. It will come out when they feel they have something truly extraordinary, or it won’t come out at all.

WraithGear, avatar

They seem to release these games as some sort of tech demo show showcasing what they see is the future of games. One has the set peice structure of game design, two was the physics engine, and Alex was VR. So other then the continuation of the time line, half life Alex pretty much was half life three. Also they know the hype/meme train has been building for so long that nothing will be good enough. Like Duke nukem.

Cheems, avatar

Don’t worry we have Alyx 2 to look forward to

darganon, do games w What's up with Epic Games?

The multi-billionaire owner with the backing of the Chinese government is claiming that he’s the underdog against a popular company/piece of software/GabeN. He’s made some poor choices interacting with the community.

Yes, it’s probably nice for a publisher to have a guaranteed income, which is why they sell exclusivity. It leaves a sour taste in my mouth, so I choose not to support it.

The rest about the launcher being bad sounds unhinged to me, but some people are really into that.

They bought Rocket League and actively made it worse.


The multi-billionaire owner with the backing of the Chinese government

Who cares about the backing if it has no effect on anything? I’m more concerned about Valve having a separate Steam client for China, censoring their games specifically for China and even reportedly banning for bringing up Winnie the Pooh.


lol XD, let me tell you, if someone is financing something like that, they sure as heck expect something in exchange someday.

So, you believe a government powerful enough to make unaffiliated companies bow to their liking won’t leverage their investment?

Why do you think they invested? Just for fun?

You invest to gain influence, not to have less influence.

AustralianSimon, avatar

Since this is a gaming community, it would be more relevant to say that Tencent likely has a stake in something that you already play or use, like Discord.

AustralianSimon, avatar

Like Epic which is the topic of this thread.


Most investments aren’t to gain influence but to profit. At this time, there is no sign of Epic doing anything that could be explained by the alleged influence of the Chinese government, and as the majority owner, Tim Sweeney has the final say anyway.


I never said it was not for profit. I said you invest to gain influence, which is true by fact, not an opinion. If I buy a significant number of shares in a company, I do so because I want more than money; I want influence on decision-making. I do not think the Chinese government is only interested in monetary gains; do you think that’s their only goal?

And again, do you believe a country/government able to indoctrinate any business that wants a share of their market, like the Steam example, is only invested for monetary gains and nothing else?

Tim Sweeney can do and decide many things, but opposing the Chinese government is certainly not one. And I don’t know how you imagine influence, but having 40% of a company is something I call influence, wouldn’t you? Even if they can’t tell him how to run the business, he sure as hell will do nothing that could worsen the relationship between him and his biggest investor, aka Tencent. And who is behind Tencent? The Chinese government.


It’s all in the realm of “what if”. Sure, it could attempt this or that, but it hasn’t, nor is there any guarantee that it would fly. That just brings me back to the original point of when a company that is not partially owned by the Chinese actively works to please the Chinese government to further their business interest but I don’t see much of that with Epic. If you look at some of the other companies in which Tencent has a large stake, like Dontnod, there’s absolutely no sign of the Chinese agenda in the games either.


Yes, and you are entitled to your own opinion, but that does not change the facts. No, the influence is not “what if it is there” – it is there, plain and simple. That’s not up for discussion. It’s public knowledge that Tencent owns 40%, and Tencent is a government-controlled entity. It does not matter if they “abuse/use” it actively or not. It sounds like, in your mind, influence is only relevant when you use it actively, which is not true.

Cybersteel, avatar

They’re also just plain unethical. There’s never been a government as insidious as the CCP in exploiting vulnerable foreign nations like South Africa or South East Asia thru incentives that are basically just a debt trap.


Who cares about the backing if it has no effect on anything?

It’s more illustrating that Epic isn’t underfunded. I don’t know anything about steam in China.


Epic not being underfunded is stating the obvious. Just look at the scope of their Fortnite collaborations.


I don’t disagree with everything you said here but come on, Steam is basically a privately owned PC games store monopoly that has now been going on for 25 years. Since it’s not public we can’t really know for sure but there’s a very real possibility that Epic is the underdog here


I don’t think steam has any anti-competitive behavior that I’m aware of.

Fortnite has roughly 100 million more monthly active users than steam, to say nothing of every piece of software running Unreal Engine, Epic is huge.


Steam was fined in Australia for not providing refunds for games


It was a bit more than just an issue of Valve not providing refunds.

Read about it here and here.

Sylvartas, (edited )

Epic doesn’t make nearly as much money from Fortnite’s players as steam makes from their users though. Same for UE royalties. I don’t think there’s a single UE license that has a 30% rev share (which is what you get on steam if you don’t have big AAA sales). Hell, I don’t even think there’s one at 10%.

Steam doesn’t have anti competitive behavior yet. Gabe has made some bad decisions in the past (may I remind you that he greenlit Bethesda’s paid mods idea ?) but he does seem to generally put the users first. But what happens after him ? Imo the company will go public at some point, and it’s pretty much downhill from here


Gabe had a say in greenlighting horse armour? What?

Sylvartas, (edited )

Horse armor was a dlc, not a mod (well, there were also joke mods), and it was for oblivion. They tested the paid mods on Skyrim back in 2015 (Bethesda is apparently having another try right now, although it looks like valve is out of the picture this time). Officially implemented on the steam workshop and all, and obviously valve was supposed to get a cut out of every sale which is probably why they were A-OK with it


Steam somehow prevents publishers from selling games at a cheaper price in competitors’ stores, even if their cut from the store is lower. That is extremely anti-competitive and has to be illegal.


True. I forgot about that in my comment actually. I think they calmed down on that because it was basically illegal in a lot of countries though.


If you sign up to use Steam to distribute your game then one of the things you agree to is to make it available on Steam at the same price you offer anywhere else. This protects Steam’s business and ensures that Steam customers aren’t disadvantaged.

However, it also applies even if the alternative channels don’t make use of Steam directly (e.g selling on Epic). This is where the Wolfire Games lawsuit comes in. Will be interesting to see how it goes.

rdri, do games w What's up with Epic Games?

Pretty much every single decision you can see from their history since the inception of EGS is either stupid or blatantly destructive to gaming industry. Just some examples: better revenue shares for developers? Sure but this translates into worse platform. Money bonuses for exclusivity is great for developers? Sure but the game is then stuck at the platform that gives no means for users to interact and let developers know how they could improve their product. Cross platform multiplayer platform that works? Sure but then we have to deal with stupid requirements like having an account on additional platforms we may not want to use, even to play single player modes sometimes.

You can also check Tim’s Twitter and see how ignorant and hypocritical he is. I wouldn’t mind it but his decisions seem to actually affect the whole platform and therefore the industry so… too bad.


Don't forget how he abandoned PC gaming when Unreal Tournament 3 bombed after they released shitty mid tools and the modding community they built up over UT 2k3 and 2k4 dissolved.

resketreke, (edited ) avatar

better revenue shares for developers?
Money bonuses for exclusivity is great for developers?

It actually goes to publishers, so the only way devs see that extra cut is by self-publishing. So I guess for smaller indie devs it can be a good deal.

Sterile_Technique, do games w What game did you find in a bargain bin that turned out to be awesome? For me it was Z by Bitmap Brothers which I got at Zellers for $0.47 avatar

Elder millennial, here. One of the weird things about the 90s was cereal boxes marketed to little bastards like me at the time would often have some kind of toy included in it.

PC gaming was kind of in its infancy and growing rapidly in popularity, so eventually the inevitable happed: a cereal company promoted their cereal by shoving a fucking CD into it, that little bastards like me lost their shit over, installed, and played the snot out of.

Chex Quest.

It was literally just Doom, except reskinned so the demons were boogers, and everything else was a fucking Chex cereal advertisement.


Best box of cereal my parents ever bought. Not a bargain bin, but I feel like “in a box of cereal” fits the spirit of the question.


When I grew up AoE was put in cornflakes.




Cornflakes is cereal. AoE is Age of Empires, you might have heard about it. The comment I replied to was talking about games being released in cereal boxes. Where is the context lacking?


…if you read that comment without context, it sounds funny? It did to me, anyway.


Ah, I see.

bridge_too_close, avatar

Hey that was me, too! Definitely worth $4 for that game, and a free box of cereal, lol.


Gonna vouch for Chex quest. That game was SOLID! 😂


That had to be wild to work on. You get brought into the kickoff meeting for what you assume is going to be some soulless marketing gimick, then they start laying it out.

It had a plot, a decent amount of levels. There was a good amount of heart that went into that.


I got the original roller coaster tycoon from a cereal box! I got other games too, but that’s definitely the best (by far), and only one I remember.

Schaedelbach, do gaming w What are some games that "spin" failure states?

Hades! Whenever you die, you get reborn in the “house” of your father Hades. Dying and being reborn is an integral part of this game and is what keeps the story going. You also get to upgrade and unlock weapons that way. Highly recommend this game if you like fastpaced and smartly designed action games!


That’s basically true of all roguelites, right? The whole genre is built around the idea of playing through, dying, and coming back stronger so you can go farther. I’m thinking Rogue Legacy, Dead Cells, Slay the Spire, The Binding of Isaac etc. etc.


I played Rogue Legacy and Dead Cells combined at least 150h and only a bit of BOI. I know that in RL the shtick is that with every new run another one of your family is the character. And in Dead Cells you just use a new body every run. The stories in those games aren’t very elaborate and the games would just be as good as they are without story.

Hades is different in that the story parts of the game are an important part of the experience (you go around and get to know a lot of different characters and find different ways to upgrade stuff) and that the main character Zagreus doesn’t really die - he is also a god. When you lose all hp you just get transported back to Hades and almost everyone there has new tings to say and the relationships develop over time.

I don’t know how to explain it better but the main idea of a roguelite is clearly there the execution is way more elaborate and story heavy than RL, DC or BOI. Slay the Spire is on my imaginary backlog of games in need to play before I die.

Mandrew002, do piracy w So how fast do y'all think Starfield will get cracked when the early access goes live tonight?

1 hour and 13 minutes

ram, avatar

Yup, was just Steam DRM. There’s universal tools to crack that. Less so “you can’t play our game unless you spend money” and more “it’s slightly inconvenient to install this way, innit? Why don’t you go buy it instead, bruv?”

Leate_Wonceslace, avatar

I sometimes say that Steam is the best DRM; most advantages for the least inconveniences.

WarmSoda, do games w Starfield - Review Thread (87/100 OpenCritic)

exploration in the game is unfortunately weak in many aspects; This is due to the large reliance on procedural generation of environments. Also, the role-playing elements do not have a strong presence or impact.

That’s what I was afraid of.

Kaldo, avatar

I was really hoping proc-gen would be just for the terrain and surrounding areas and the interesting setpieces would be as handcrafted (or as close as possible) to a regular TES/Fallout experience. I guess they had to trade in a lot of these to make the big universe happen though...


That’s how they described it, too. Oh Todd you done it again!

Looks like there’s not much to do on the planets. One review even said the classic “get lost on the way and end up doing ten other things” just doesn’t happen in this game anywhere. It can happen in a city, but then they also said the cities are pretty meh.

That sucks to hear.

Ashtear, (edited )

I really hope I’m wrong about this in five years, but it looks like No Man’s Sky did even more damage to the space sim genre than we thought. We’re in a year with great handcrafted experiences that still feel vast: Tears of the Kingdom, Baldur’s Gate 3, even Everspace 2 in a similar setting (and Everspace 2 wouldn’t have had the same, fatal loading screen issue if it was a AAA game). Starfield went the other direction.

By chasing the procedural generation dream, from everything I’ve seen, Bethesda really hamstrung the space exploration to get there. Fortunately I really like the old Bethesda formula, so hopefully the Skyrim/Fallout experience that’s still there will be enough for me to want to put hundreds of hours into it. I’m just hoping developers don’t keep trying to do this for games in space settings.

Wookie, (edited ) avatar

It sounds like No Man’s Sky. You’re supposed to be able to explore the whole galaxy and see many creatures, environments, etc but they all end up being the same so exploration is boring, at least to me it was

tkohldesac, avatar

I felt similarly. Exploring is just another thing to "do" to get credits/nanites. It was cool to see genuinely new things like the huge Dune-styled worms but once you see one you've seen them all.

That extends to base building too. I have no reason to build a base anywhere else in the galaxy once I have a capital ship that does all my crafting for me. Except resource collecting, I guess. But meh, different strokes for different folks. I don't think there's been a non-MMO continually-updated game that I've come back to as often as NMS but coming back is usually pretty short-lived.

EnglishMobster, avatar

This is the core issue with all procgen games, IMO.

You are promised "infinite exploration", but in truth there are countable variants of the procgen algorithm. Once you see all those variants, you've effectively seen everything. Sure, you'll see small variations, or new ways to combine the existing variants... but when you see all the "tricks" the veil falls.

iHUNTcriminals, (edited )

variants of the procgen algorithm. Once you see all those variants, you’ve effectively seen everything. Sure, you’ll see small variations, or new ways to combine the existing variants… but when you see all the “tricks” the veil falls.

So it’s like using mainstream social media.


I firmly believe procgen can be good, but the games featuring it heavily are very bland. The potential is there though, I’m sure of it.


That’s what makes this even more of an issue. The game isn’t procedural. They used procedural tooling but everything is set in stone now. They could’ve gone through and cleaned up and tweaked everything so it didn’t feel bland. Doesn’t sound like they did.

I knew the writing/rpg aspect was going to be shallow like all of Bethesda games but, they always had fun exploration so this is unfortunate to me. It sounds like they reuse assets a lot, even in the main quest line. Like same buildings with the same enemy placement just on a different planet.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

It sounds like they reuse assets a lot, even in the main quest line. Like same buildings with the same enemy placement just on a different planet.

Damn they’re gonna pull a Mass Effect 1.

Neato, avatar

It's definitely a Bethesda game. Their dialogue choices and roleplaying has always been shit. People like Bethesda games primarily because they're given a large open world to explore. But they made most of this one procedurally generated so they've lost their main good quality. I really hope the players are pushed by the stories and side quests to the hand-crafted worlds and the procedurally generated are mostly in the background for players that want to go off the beaten path.

bread, do games w Petition Activision Blizzard and Grinding Gear Games to ban Elon avatar

Do your mental health a favor and stop devoting attention to this.

Majorllama, avatar

They can’t.

I tried to make a comment about this in a different thread. Only you can control how you wanna spend your energy every day. Stop giving it to being angry at them all day. Unless there is something you can do to take actual action its just ruining your day with no real change taking place.

My father has requested that the family only talk to him about politics if there is something he can do. A petition to sign. A protest to mount. Something. Otherwise he doesn’t want to hear what Trump and his lackey’s are up to because he knows he can’t do anything about it and letting it ruin his daily mental health does him no good.


Your father sounds incredibly based.

Majorllama, avatar

He’s got his moments. I’m kinda fond of him.


Is your dad in his 40s? He sounds like the kind of guy I’d want to talk sports to.

You know…assuming your dad is a Cleveland sports fan.

Majorllama, avatar

Unfortunately he’s in his 60s and he thinks sports are “stupid”.

Still love him though.


You’re on Lemmy. This place is obsessed with posting about Elon every time he farts.


Thank you for reminding me to update my filters to include Elon. I keep meaning to and finally have.


Hey thanks! I had “Elon Musk” in my filter. Apparently, I have to add one for just his first name too. This damn platform has a huge boner for him.


It's hard not to when the man who just did two nazi salutes at the presidential inauguration is also trying to insert himself into our gaming spaces. We don't want nazis in our communities.

bread, avatar

It’s not hard at all, you choose what you allow to take root in your mind. Additionally, I disagree that that’s what he did; his motion was not an actual heil, and I feel that labeling it as such without better evidence continues the unfortunate trend of dilution powerful words. I don’t think a conversation on this topic will yield anything meaningful, so I’m not going to elaborate further, but I wanted to present an opposing opinion.


Ok, you lost any credibility your original words had when you said it wasn’t a hitler salute. It clearly was. I wish I knew how to post video here. It’s a 2 second video, and it’s clearly a hitler salute.

bread, avatar

They shouldn’t hold any credibility in the first place, I’m just some faceless username. I already saw the video, that’s what my opinion is based on. I say his hand’s angle and movement are quite different from a heil, but if you want to disagree, that’s fine as well.

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