grillme, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 2nd

Also playing some Avowed. I was kinda sceptical after Outer Worlds but it is way better in every way so far!

Grey, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 2nd

Been enjoying the alpha of project CW. love me a high energy tank game. Sad it’s ending today

dream_weasel, do games w Are modern Final Fantasy games bad?

I played FF7 only and loved it. I did not care for the first remake game, and have not finished it. Hanging at like 70% complete.

missingno, do games w Are modern Final Fantasy games bad? avatar

I'm just disappointed in the way Square Enix seems to think turn-based combat is anathema for some reason. The series has abandoned its roots, it just isn't FF to me.


I really liked 12s gambit system. It was really fun.


I thought it was a really nice change. They kept the ATB system all the older games had, and it didn’t break between overworld and battle screens constantly, making for a seamless transition between the two.

missingno, avatar

I tried to like 12, but I found it painfully tedious. I couldn't carefully ration my MP the way I wanted to with gambits, and I don't want to automate the game anyway, I want to actually play it myself. But manual takeover just felt way worse than a normal turn-based system too, the way it grinds the pacing to a halt and takes forever made it apparent that the game isn't designed to be played manually.


I think that is what made that battle system interesting: More focus on delegation over micro management.

The main portion of the battle played outside of the battles themselves and was all about how you essentially “programmed” these workflows for each character to work in harmony together to win battles. You could get in the fray to fix any unintended outcomes of these flows, but was mainly to observe the outcomes and make adjustments.



I was actually very cold to the idea of the gambit system early on because “the game plays itself” sounded like such a cheap style of gameplay.

Later, though, when I got a better sense of what it was trying to accomplish, it made a lot more sense, especially when thinking about the game in the context of sharing the same world as Final Fantasy Tactics.

Tactics is all about troop strategy, simulating that experience of being a military commander. The gambit system in 12, meanwhile, is like taking that concept and moving it down to the ground level, where you have to strategize with your allies before an engagement and then trust that people know what to do in the moment, with the player intervention happening one character at a time being more like real-time improvisation than strategizing.


Clearly they haven’t played Persona 5/Royal, and seen how much you can innovate with turn based battles and make them really fun

missingno, avatar

It's not like Square Enix doesn't know how to make good turn-based games. They've been hitting it out of the park with their smaller budget projects like Bravely Default and Octopath Traveler. So I don't know why they've rejected it for FF, imagine what they could do with a big budget title if they tried.

I joke about how halfway through development, someone at Square Enix must've realized that Bravely Default was actually a good game, and thus too good for the FF name. So instead they had to throw darts at an English dictionary to rebrand it.

Walican132, do games w Are modern Final Fantasy games bad?

16 is absolutely fantastic. I haven’t read any reviews for it so I don’t know what they are saying but I had an absolute blast playing it. Had a smile on my face from beginning to end. Well, I enjoyed it atleast I found the ending very sad.

IronJess, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 2nd

7 days to die on Xbox also Call of Duty DMZ.

TransplantedSconie, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of March 2nd

I went retro this weekend:

City of Heroes! It was fun running a mastermind again for a bit.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. The opening scene where Snake jumps onto the ship is still killer after all these years.

BmeBenji, do gaming w need retro game recommendations

Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland was my absolute favorite GBA game as a kid. It’s extremely linear but so well put together

ProdigalFrog, do gaming w need retro game recommendations


Sunset Riders and Wild Guns are fun little western shooters.


Rock’n’roll Racing is a fantastic racer.


The Wario games are pretty superb for quick sessions

BillDaCatt, do games w How the hell is there not a Green Arrow video game?

Because Warner Brothers owns the rights to all DC games right now and nobody at Warner has any idea how to actually produce good video games. The Arkham games were good because they came out before loot boxes and online-only games were a thing. Now if a game doesn’t earn a billion dollars in the first year, the game is considered a failure.


WB have made MK boring

Battle_Masker, do games w How the hell is there not a Green Arrow video game? avatar

Mr Zaslav, the CEO of WB, the company who owns the rights, doesn’t want WB to be profitable so he can sell it off to a private equity firm and make out like a bandit with his CEO bonus intact


How does that stack up, lower the value to sell? Shareholders approve his bonus, why would they want to lower their value.

knokelmaat, do gaming w need retro game recommendations

I really like Donkey Kong Country as a kid. Great environments, fun platforming and a timeless soundtrack.

On GBA my most played game became an underated licensed gem: Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. The GBA version is completely separate from the ones on other platforms, but it’s a great turn based strategy game in which you get to command the heroes and other units through all important battles of the original story. Really fun!

TimLovesTech, do gaming w need retro game recommendations avatar

What do you consider “gen 4”, because I’m guessing we may not be thinking the same if you consider the gba “gen 4” era.

tal, avatar

If he means “4th gen and GBA”, that’d work.…/Fourth_generation_of_video_gam…

That has it as Genesis and SNES era.


Ya. That’s what I meant

TimLovesTech, avatar

I guess Mortal Kombat, Golden Axe, and Streets of Rage on Genesis, and Mario RPG on SNES. Not a lot of games that standout and hold up. There were a lot of games I played on my Genesis, but there were better games in previous gens and afterwards.

missingno, avatar

They said gen 4 and GBA. 2D platforms that'll run on a cheap emulator handheld.

SplashJackson, do games w Are modern Final Fantasy games bad?


Petros, do wolnyinternet w Alternatywy dla Substacka (idiot-friendly)? avatar

Darmowa, dobra, wygodna. Wybierz dwie z trzech. 😈 Możemy Ci postawić Wordpressa u nas na serwerze. domena Twoja, albo pod którąś naszą. Federacja działa w obie strony, RSSy też, dużo zasobów nie zeżre, bo to multisite. Jak będziesz miała, to się dorzucisz do hostingu.


Z wtyczką ActivityPub mogłoby to ułatwić publikację na dwóch frontach (czyli na swoim blogu i na gęsi), brzmi jak dobry pomysł.

obywatelle, avatar

Ghost używa tej wtyczki, ale nikt mi nie wyjaśnił czym ona jest. :p


ActivityPub to fundament fedi, wspólny język wszystkich systemów, które go tworzą. Jeśli jakiś system używa ActivityPub lub ma wtyczkę do tego, to można go obserwować na fedi.

Zatem jeśli Ghost ma wtyczkę do ActivityPub, to powoli Ci publikować wpisy tak, że ktoś inny z pleromy, mastodona, lub innego zgodnego serwisu, będzie móc obserwować nowe wpisy na Twojej stronie.

obywatelle, avatar

A to tak, to można zawsze - ofc wtedy wtedy to ja muszę ogarnąć cały dizajn i wszystkie fajerwerki. Albo nawet ktoś mi pomoże, OK, ale to wcale nie pomoże mi dać tej samej rady innym i uznać tego za alternatywę. :(

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Z tego co poczytałam, Ghost jest jakoś podatny na federalizację, choć nie mam nadal pojęcia jak działa i czy może być zdecentralizowany.

Myślę że konieczność wnoszenia jakichś drobnych opłat za serwer czy hosting to nie jest tragedia, jeśli wszystko działa w sposób, który komunikuje użytkownikowi jasno, jakie ma korzyści i jest debil-friendly. Tak jak właśnie założenie konta na Substacku.

Petros, avatar

Powolutku idziemy właśnie w stronę budowy takiej infrastruktury, jak opisałaś. Zaczynamy od siebie, ale osoby zaufane i chętne na early adopters są więcej niż mile widziane. To one właśnie określą, jak ta infrastruktura ma działać i wyglądać. Inaczej się nie da, jeśli chcemy niehierarchicznie i oddolnie. Zresztą, jeśli nie ma rzeczywistego zapotrzebowania, to nie ma sensu rozwijać tematu.

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