Shoutout to a great top down racing game on deck: Circuit Superstars. Simple, cute, clean presentation. All racing, no fluff. Also, 4 player split screen! I will have to give art of rally a try too.
Niestety, celowa zmiana też wydaje się wiarygodna, bo ranking całości komentarzy chyba jest znacznie kosztowniejszy obliczeniowo niż ranking całości postów.
Those are all mature systems, and I’d say that rankings for games on old systems are reasonably consensus at this point. You can just search for “best system whatever games” and get lists, look for games in genres you like; I’ve had luck doing that in the past, as that avoids a lot of the chaff.
I personally probably have gone back and played Super Metroid the most on the SNES, but depends on what one likes. If you like RPGs from that era, different set of games.
So far I kinda like it but haven’t played much, just arrived at the docks.
The art style is nice and you really can see the love for details. The voices feel a bit off, for a non-nativ english speaker it sounds like americans trying as hard as they can to speak with a british/Victorian era accent.
For those who’s playing on PC, check mods for performance. After some tinkering I’m getting solid 120+fps @1080p with high/max settings with RT enabled (FSR quality and FG) on a RTX 3060 and a Ryzen 3600.
I will give an update as long as i don’t forget it
Soooo… I think I’m about to leave the first proper map. The voices aren’t as bad as I thought at the beginning. Some NPCs have stronger accents than others, taking the backstory of the island to account it totally makes sense since a lot of people are coming from different regions.
I love the comments from the companions every time you stumble across a new region, street, house. It really lets you feel like they know the way around and you’re the visitor.
The story picks up a notch and gives enough choices for every mood. Also it lets you remember some of your choices and opens new ways to solve some quests. Combat feels better and better as more you dive into. All weapons are viable and are well balanced. I started as a heavy two hand melee but now my second loadout is a book with a pistol…
The map design is really really nice IMO. You really have to take a look behind everything to find something. The loot is plausible. Enemy placement don’t feel off.
After all it’s a good solid game. Maybe not a full priced one but for 10-20€ off a really nice worth to be played one.
I hope it doesn’t fall off the more you play…
Performance got worse in Paradis but still is around 90 in my case.
We have totally different tastes lol, I loved 12 and thought 8 was kinda ass. I hope you find what you're looking for with future games!
Personally, I'd love to see another game set in Rabanastre. If 17 was set there, it would be a must-buy for me. Another bonus would be bringing back the license system.
I don’t really care for them anymore. I think they’re still very well crafted games from a passionate team, but I haven’t really felt great about a FF game since 10. Ignoring the MMOs:
12 was decent but the story was pretty dry in the first half and Vaan was just not a compelling protagonist at all.
13 was reasonably fun to play after finding the “rhythm” I think they intended from the combat, but I never loved the story or any of the characters aside from Sazh.
15 had a lot of potential in the story, I actually liked the “dudes on a road trip” concept, but that awful sword hanging mechanic was always so unreliable that it eventually killed my progress in its tracks.
After that, I skipped 16 entirely.
The 7 sequel was actually really good, but everything I liked about it came directly from the original or built on top of it in a transparent way. The spooky ghosts and action combat were changes I strongly disliked and endured just to see the extended original story, but I thought they were huge steps back. It was a very good game that constantly had me wishing they just stuck to expanding the original story which is plenty convoluted on its own.
I still haven’t played the 7 sequel part 2, but I expect I’ll feel pretty much the same - in awe of the world and expanded story but constantly annoyed by spooky ghosts and mediocre action combat.
I really think the 7 sequels show that the Final Fantasy franchise has a place in the modern JRPG scene, but they would benefit from a return to form. I’d love to see the next FF game sporting a fast paced Persona-style turn based combat system combined with maybe an Akira-style dystopian techno-futuristic setting. All the parts are in there somewhere, they just need to figure out how to put them together in the right order.
I’ve played 7, 8, 7 Remake and Rebirth, and 16. I love each and every one of them.
16 can be tough sometimes just with how much cruelty exists in the world that the game is set in. Otherwise I find it quite excellent. The combat is really fun and varied, music is really good, characters are deep and complicated, visual design and graphics are really really good.
7 Remake and Rebirth are outstanding. I just put 150 hours into Rebirth since it launched recently on PC. I played the original back in the day and loved it back then, the nostalgia that remake and rebirth give me is like a highly refined illicit drug and it’s great. Nanaki and Cosmo Canyon are some of my most beloved gaming memories ever.
I barely remember 8 but I played it a ton as a teenager, still have a bunch of music from it (great salt lake music still sends chills down my spine!)
You lost me at XII wasn’t great and saying XIII had an OK story. The writing on XIII is one of the most atrocious I’ve experienced, it hits like a korean dramedy. The combat was OK but had the depth of a puddle. A realm reborn has a steep climb to 60 but it’s worth it for the great story and impactful world events (granted the fetch quests get boring, the community makes up for it). XV was not great, the world-building prior to release was exciting but the hit from the game was lacking. They tried to make it better with episodes and extended content but by then I didn’t feel like coming back. The combat was a sore disappointment, long gone were the puzzles of the prior games. The story was OK enough but it didn’t carry the game. XVI suffers from the same problem as XV. The story is pretty fitting in a fantasy setting, the set piece moments are absolutely sublime, but the pacing and combat are off. Not enough depth. It feels, much like XV, as a final fantasy for dummies (and the performance and technical aspects of the game leave a lot to be desired) XII is a goddamn masterpiece.