
Lowered_lifted, do gaming w Starfield and Baldur’s Gate 3 Revive Age-Old RPG Debate About Encumbrance

It’s such a trash game mechanic because it forces realism where there is none. You have faster than light travel in your game? Why don’t you have teleporters? You have magic in your game? Why don’t you have a Bag of Holding? If you are going to impose the constraint on the player for balance or gameplay reasons then at least make it fun, have a mechanic that is interesting in some way. Maybe teleporters and bags of Holding are expensive to build or don’t get unlocked until you collect 10 flippityboos but at least reward progression and picking up objects and don’t turn every decision into agony.

@LunarLoony@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

RuneScape has an excellent fast travel system. In fact, it has a whole bunch of 'em, and you have to work for them; either by completing quests, or by training your skills. You can also get items to expand your inventory somewhat, but they only work for specific item types.


RuneScape did it pretty well for sure yeah I always felt like there was a good level progression for items like at level 60 in old school bronze items were just straight up trash lol

li10, (edited )

Even if they think it’s a fun mechanic, they fundamentally fucked the amount you can carry imo. Should be higher than it is by default, because I straight up don’t want to waste skill points on that.

Then they’ve fucked the amount of cargo you can have on a ship. Either make it infinite, or ridiculously high even for a small ship.

I’ve got multiple freight containers on my ship, and apparently each can only carry about the same amount as my character??


A bag of holding still has limits.

mrnotoriousman, (edited )

One of the voice lines is "I wish I had a bag of holding" too haha


And the character says it so fucking often


Also you’re limited in weight but holding 5 heavy armors and 7 two handed swords in fine.

Picking up that silver spoon can tip you over the limit however.

Froyn, do games w Blizzard Finds New President in Former Call of Duty Executive Johanna Faries

Microtransactions are so hot right now.

Stern, do games w Microsoft Closes Redfall Developer Arkane Austin, Hi-Fi Rush Developer Tango Gameworks, and More in Devastating Cuts at Bethesda
@Stern@lemmy.world avatar

Arkane- I mean, yeah Redfall was a clunker but Dishonored, Deathloop, and Prey all did pretty well I thought… though I suppose the two Wolfenstein games they did were kinda trash so there is a bit of falloff between the “glory days” and now.

Tango- Hi-Fi Rush was a bop, and Ghostwire did well enough I thought. Not seeing a good reason here.

Alpha Dog - Mighty Doom? Okay thats a fair closure.

prioritizing high-impact titles and further investing in Bethesda’s portfolio of blockbuster games

Chasing blockbusters is gonna fuck them up but I suppose more room in the lower weight classes isn’t bad for gamers since it lets indies and others who aren’t the big boys shine, and lord knows thats been wild over the past year’ish.


Depending on who you ask, Deathloop was also a flop.


Not am Austin game though.

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

but Dishonored, Deathloop, and Prey all did pretty well I thought

I thought Arkane Austin (the closed one) was only Prey of those. Which is a shame, because Prey was utterly fantastic.


It is. Lots of “gamers” can’t be fucked learning the difference between Austin and arkane, it’s like how there’s people who think bioware Montreal is the same as Edmonton or rockstar north is the same as san Diego when north makes GTA and the other red dead. Generally gamers don’t care what studio does what just the first part of its name. Arkane Lyon are developing blade and that’s still in progress.


Arcane austin was already killed by the development of redfall. Most of the talent responsible for making dishonered and prey the games they were left during development of redfall. If arcane austin went back to making immersive sims instead of closing, it would be a new team making it, with little help from the pedegree implied by arcane’s legacy.

Keep in mind however that arcane was two studios, the main studio in lyon france, and the other in austin texas. Dishonered was developed jointly. Dishonored 2 was lyon, pray was austin, and deathloop was lyon.

The lyon studio still exists. They are continuing to make games. The only thing announced from arcane is the marvel’s blade game. Not optimistic, but arcane may still be around a while yet.

TheSadPineapple, do games w Nintendo Cancels Japanese Esports Events Following Threats to Staff and Spectators

It didn’t say in the article but why the hell are people sending threats? Knowing the types of gamers that send threats it’s probably a really fucking dumb reason, isn’t it?


Out of every esports event that could face issues I did not think anyone would be crazy angry about Nintendo. Did someone get blueshelled too many times in Mario Kart? I mean, what would drive people to get intense about Nintendo?

@Lanusensei87@lemmy.world avatar

Smash (specially Melee) has always attracted questionable people. So if it had happened there I wouldn’t be surprised… but this is for Splatoon of all things.

Dudewitbow, (edited )

Specially melee? When the fallout happened, it was significantly more ultimate personalities who were confirmed problematic, mainly due to the fact that someone younger is more likely to have been playing ultimate(melees an over a 20 year old game), which would lead to a higher chance of a negative interaction.

Splatoon also has some animosity towards nintendo as they were also behind the smash scene because they know that nintendo does not ultimately care about them, as caring about them leads to how Arms fizzled out.


Nintendo games might be very family friendly, but Nintendo as a company has a well-earned negative reputation in a lot of verticals including esports and community events.

The article doesn't clarify where the threats were coming from, so it may be for different reasons. And obv it doesn't justify harassing and threatening random employees though.


Threats are obviously not justifiable and are not okay but Nintendo has been earning a lot of badwill with gamers recently with their decisions to disallow small esport events. They have also aggressively copyright struck videos in the past that realistically just gave their awesome games free advertising but that’s not okay with them, etc

They seem to make a lot of really dumb business and especially community decisions despite making some incredible games. It’s not too surprising some people would feel burned with that.

!deleted6348 avatar

I’m guessing some hyper-triggered gamer who saw there was a girl playing or something equally stupid


Apparently Nintendo doesn’t let small esport competitions to take place. They want to be the only ones. But at the same time that’s just as dumb a reason to send threats as what you said lol. There is never a good reason to send threats regardless


If they shut down other people’s events I don’t feel so bad that someone shut down theirs.


Probably still mad that Mario’s big booty was shrunk

@iAmTheTot@kbin.social avatar

anyone who would send a threat has a dumb reason.


It was Sega. Because Sega does what Nintendon’t


I need to preface this by saying it’s really stupid that anyone’s sending threats, but I think the reason they’re doing it is because Nintendo has made a very hard-line stance against small esport events. You arent allowed to host events without their permission


Nintendo is my favorite gaming company, but man, their IP lawyers are absolutely vicious. Granted they’re also in Japan, the poster boy for a corporate-owned country (I lived there several years, no joke, if you think big corps run the US you ain’t seen nothing yet) which makes American IP law look like Chinese IP law, but even for a Japanese company, they’re brutal. What I find rather ironic about it is that a measure they took to protect their image and that of their brands from controversy over bad gamer behavior, led to bad gamer behavior directed at them. But either way, to these idiots sending threats, it’s a classic instance of “this is why we can’t have nice things”, ruining even the fun we were allowed to have for everyone and probably making it even less likely that Nintendo will reverse their policy.


To being it a tier higher, id argue South Korea is a tier higher for corporate owned countries.


Gotcha. I can see why people are upset. But threats? I guess I was right in thinking it was a dumb reason. Nintendo can go fuck themselves for sure. But at the same time if you are the type of person to send threats over trivial bullshit you are still a garbage human.


I fucking hate gamers, and I am one.

Remember when people started sending death threats to the CDPR over the Cyberpunk delays? People had been spending way too long sucking Witcher 3’s dick so they automatically though CP2077 was gonna be the next game of the decade.

They were right, in a way.


Threats are never justified, but I do see why they did it. “If we cant do it, you cant either” is a pretty common mentality, and this is a surefire way to completely shut down the official events.

The worst bit is now, if nintendo caves at all and pulls back their draconian behavior, these people will count it as a victory achieved via threats and likely encourage their use elsewhere.


How can they prevent you from hosting unofficial events? What legal basis do they have for it?


Depending on your definition of “unofficial”, nothing. But at some point you need to make media to tell people about your tournament, or you want to stream the tournament, and doing either of those without using Nintendo’s copyrighted material/trademarks is impossible.


I hate that. Thanks for the response.

Luci, do games w Why Unity's New Install Fees Are Spurring Massive Backlash Among Game Developers - IGN
@Luci@lemmy.ca avatar

Just a reminder that other game engines exist. Some are even free and just as powerful, if not more.


Like godot!

Here's a bunch of other dev related tools link.


Also stride!



Stride looks great, thanks for the link.

@Kata1yst@kbin.social avatar

And O3DE, formally Amazon Lumberyard / CryEngine


@wave_walnut@kbin.social avatar

I'm interested in Flax game engine.


I know nothing about game dev.

Is godot really just as powerful? I’ve heard of it, but I always thought it was for 2d stuff.

dustyData, (edited )

It shines in 2D where Unity falters, yes. But it’s perfectly capable of doing 3D competently. It’s shaders and lightning pipelines that are a bit rough on the edges, but that can be overcome with time with more brainpower coming in to contribute. The scripting is also far more robust than the hodgepodge that Unity tries to pass off as C#. The great advantage is that Godot is a non-profit foundation with a transparent governance model. Not a predatory venture capitalist behemoth like Unity.

@EnglishMobster@kbin.social avatar

Godot is a passable engine. It doesn't have a massive pile of money behind it, but it'll generally do most things adequately.

Honestly - and I may be biased as I'm a AAA dev who works with the engine - Unreal is really the way to go. Reasonable pricing on a powerful engine. The main issue is that it's bloated as hell and there's a learning curve... but if you're an indie, it's just as usable as Unity. Plus if you wanted to get into AAA development someday, Unreal is super popular and used everywhere.

CaptDust, (edited )

It’s been really great for 2d, 4.0 made it really good for 3d, and it’s even decent for general GUI applications, as an engine it feels ready for wider adoption to me.

I think it’s not up to Unreal quality, but for the vast majority of indie games I believe it’s enough.

LetMeEatCake, (edited )

Unity is Unreal’s biggest marketer now, it seems…

Curious if some of the many internal AAA engines out there might start to get shopped around as a new alternate to UE. Sony, Ubisoft, and Microsoft all have a few in house engines that at least on paper seem viable for branching out — the biggest obstacle would be support, I suspect. Which isn’t a trivial obstacle, to be clear.

idTech is due for a resurgence. Maybe Valve could even get a revival in usage of Source.

@Paranomaly@sh.itjust.works avatar

I’d love to see Capcom license the RE Engine with how nice and smooth all the games made on that have been

fsxylo, (edited )

This doesn’t help people who were already knee deep in a project.

I might invest in some cheap liquor instead.

Godort, do gaming w Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Addresses Studio Closures

You dont need to remind us to sympathize with the people you laid off, Phil. Thats the whole reason why your PR is bad right now.

Grass, do games w Why Bethesda Responding to Starfield's Steam Reviews Is Part of a Rising Games Industry Trend

Tl;dr: everyone does it, but the examples provided don’t sound like a child going nu-uh and making defensive excuses.

@Hypx@kbin.social avatar

Developer feedback is usually about answering questions that the players have, or finding bugs that were missed in QA. What Bethesda is doing is quite a bit more ridiculous.


I think the article goes out of its way to describe how rare this is for a AAA game

Raz, (edited ) do games w Bethesda Is Responding to Negative Reviews of Starfield on Steam

No Man’s Sky has had no loading screens during gameplay, and space to planet transitions on full planets, since what… 2016?

The Creation Engine is just too damn old.

Edit @Dark Arc: You’re right. Creation Engine is just too damn shitty, I guess. I called it “old” because the gameplay feels so antiquated.


No man sky also barely has a story and has zero voice acting. It’s apples and oranges, just because they’re both fruit doesn’t mean they can be compared


Except you just compared them in saying they are both fruit. In fact, saying they are both fruit is finding a commonality between them when comparing. There are many metrics on which Apples and Oranges can be compared. They are different colors, have a different internal structures, and different juice content. These are negatively correlated comparisons. More positive correlations would be that they are both roughly spherical, provide vitamin C, and grow on trees.

I have always hated that expression. You can compare anything since comparison is just the act of identifying similarities and differences (positive and negative correlations). One can make meaningful comparisons between and apple and a suspension bridge if the situation calls for it.


Ohhh my godd, me too. It’s so anti-intellectual.

To anyone who might care, you can identify an apple as a low-quality orange, but that doesn’t also mean the apple is a low-quality apple; they’re optimized to different ends. That is, I think, the point of the expression.

But, if we’re trying to evaluate them on something like taste, which is entirely subjective, yeah, I’m comparing those shits. And, I’m going oranges all the way.


You shouldn’t compare apples and oranges because they are both great but for different reasons and purposes. It isn’t anti-intellectual to recognize that apples are way better for pies than oranges are but if you want some amazing juice and don’t want to go through a whole process to make it good; oranges are the way to go.

This and the many other examples I didn’t want to fill this page with are the reason why it’s a saying. It’s much faster than prefacing what exactly said apples and oranges are going to be used for before giving a real answer and I personally feel it shouldn’t at all be taken literally.


While I don’t disagree with you in spirit, the use case for most instances of the expression are to dissuade the act of comparison at all because the two quantities are so dissimilar that the correlations are irrelevant.

It is an anti-intellectual statement because it presupposes that the person doing the comparing is not able to distinguish between meaningful comparisons and ones which are irrational but support their argument. It ranks up there with “big words” as far as I am concerned, saying more about the person they are being said by rather than the person they are being said to.


So why not stand on that hill when it’s relevant?


I do. That is a side effect of always standing on the hill. I am there when it matters, but also when it doesn’t. Such is the curse of my superpowers.

Captain Pedant AWAAAAYYYY!


This made me giggle like a little girl



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  • mellejwz,

    It’s relevant because it’s there. If you don’t play those parts it doesn’t mean it’s there. They put the time in other things more important to the game than transitions. Also, the engine is completely different.


    If you don’t like Bethesda games just come out and say it. Those are two games that provide completely different experiences to anything Bethesda has ever made.

    Do I wish Starfield had less loading screens? Sure, but the only thing I’m really upset about is that it doesn’t show the ship animations every time I take off and land. But that’s an immersion issue and Starfield is more immersive than either nms or cyberpunk either way.

    As far as technical issues go, I couldn’t play it when I had popOS installed but since I switched to Windows I’ve had zero issues on a 3080ti

    @Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

    “Engines” are not static things. What we call “Unreal Engine” goes back to the 90s.

    These comments always bug me as a programmer because it’s like someone calling a 2023 Camero old because it doesn’t have the acceleration of a 2023 Mustang… The “age” almost certainly isn’t the problem, it’s where the effort has or hasn’t been put in to the engine and more importantly the game itself (e.g., carrying on the metaphor, the Camero might be slower getting up to speed because all the R&D for the last 3 years was on a smooth ride).

    @Zoboomafoo@lemmy.world avatar

    That’s true, but the comments are valid when talking about Bethesda games


    Yeah to be honest what strikes me the most about companies like Bethesda is just how little they’ve improved over the decades. There’s nothing stopping them from making major improvements like removing loading screens, adding vehicles finally (I wonder if the ships are really a hat like the train in fallout 3), fixing the buggy ass collisions and physics, or any number of dumb shits they just keep leaving in game after game. It really speaks to the institutional inertia and spaghetti mess their code must be.

    @Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

    I would assume those things are just not prioritized by management because they’ve never been things that have caused sufficient outrage and/or aren’t seen as things that can increase sales… You can’t exactly use “look we fixed physics” in a marketing video to sell a new game. Maybe you can use “look we have vehicles”… but what’s the number of people that will really care? What % will that increase sales?

    e.g. maybe someone would care if EA made your need for speed character able to get out of the car and walk around… Do I care? Nah.

    (I bothered to look at the Wikipedia page and) they added multiplayer support to Creation Engine for Fallout 76, that was a huge undertaking.


    I mean fixing these things can definitely increase sales, but you’re right not in the sense that they are directly marketable. The thing that makes games really blow up is word of mouth, people recommending them to their friends, and you get that best by making a game with overall quality. It’s basically a given at this point that Bethesda games are buggy messes that get fixed by modders. Every time you have a major bug, game crash, or save corruption it takes you out of the world and forces you to remember you’re playing a game that barely works, which makes you like it less. All of this hurts sales, if not today in the future. So yeah, they probably aren’t prioritized by management, but management is wrong. They often are.

    @Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

    Fair assessment, though I’d critique:

    Every time you have a major bug, game crash, or save corruption it takes you out of the world and forces you to remember you’re playing a game that barely works, which makes you like it less.

    These aren’t the improvements you said you wanted ;) Fixing physics, adding vehicles, etc are features/major changes that can increase instability/take a lot more time to QA.

    @MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

    Creation Engine is static. Others, you are right, change.

    @Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

    Bethesda revealed in June 2021 that they were working on a new iteration of the engine called Creation Engine 2, and that it would power their upcoming games Starfield and The Elder Scrolls VI. Creation Engine 2 features real-time global illumination and advanced volumetric lighting.


    Case and point

    @MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

    Just slapping number 2 at the end doesn’t mean it’s better. That’s like how Microsoft made Edge browser by forking IE11 and it’s suppose to be better. And how big of a joke is volumetric lighting and “real-time global illumination”… hahaha. Oh my. Source 1 had that when Half-Life2 was released. Advancement.

    Here’s an in-game example of that global illumination.

    @Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

    Creation Engine is static. Others, you are right, change.

    Points out it does change.

    jUst sLappInG a nUmbeR 2 aT tHe End dOesN’t mEan iT’s bEtTer

    That’s like how Microsoft made Edge browser by forking IE11 and it’s suppose to be better.

    It is… By a lot, ask any web developer. Even before they switched to using Blink under the hood it was a significantly better browser. Now it’s literally a reskinned Chrome. Meanwhile IE11 is a complete mess that requires a ton of hacks to get it to do what you want.

    In both cases IE -> Edge and Edge -> Chrome Microsoft changed the literal browser engine. … This just kinda makes my point even more so, the general public has no idea what constitutes an “engine change” and can’t judge whether that will yield the results they want.

    Oh my. Source 1 had that when Half-Life2 was released. Advancement.

    You’ve seen how low poly Half-Life 2 is right…? Destiny 2 only allows certain areas to have the flashlight on because if they don’t plan for it the flash lights can tank their frame rates (seriously) – but hey “Left 4 Dead 2 had a flashlight in source engine!” /s.

    I can almost guarantee Half-Life two also didn’t have “Global illumination”, maybe real time lighting for the flashlight, but Global Illumination is a much bigger thing.

    This is Half-Life 2 with global illumination: youtu.be/WWYpKRETv8k?si=9eTDmx10m3l9nwdR

    Here’s an old forum from 2005 talking about how “real global illumination isn’t yet possible” gamedev.net/forums/topic/…/3282572/

    @MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

    Points out it does change.

    In case you haven’t figured it out, it’s a joke that their engine doesn’t change. Whether they want it or not, they have to at least adapt some things and am well aware of that. Joke is that they do so seldomly and we don’t see much progress in quality.

    By a lot, ask any web developer.

    I am a web developer and have been for 20 years almost. So I know what am talking about. I know IE, whether I like it or not, so intimately I can still quote all the bugs they had from IE6 onwards. All Edge did, was drop legacy compatibility mode, nothing else. Underlying Trident engine got a minor bump. Hence why I quoted it. But by all means please enlighten me with your Google skills in order to justify the fact Bethesda scammed you out of your money once again.

    You’ve seen how low poly Half-Life 2 is right

    Yes, and number of polygons means nothing. Which is why there’s an ongoing joke about people needing to upgrade their computers to run Starfield, when there are better looking games out there which run much much better.

    And you are equating global illumination with ray tracing, which is not the same thing. You can do partial global illumination without doing ray tracing. Only thing that means, coming from Todd Howard’s mouth is that they are not using baked in lights, which I don’t believe him either. Remember how FO76 had 16x the details? But in reality they copy and pasted foliage that many times and called it a day with same shitty textures. Yeah, that kind of Todd treatment is expected whatever he says. Even if they did do ray tracing it doesn’t matter one bit if game is boring, which it is.

    Also, I gave HL2 and Source engine as an example as a joke as well, since game looked awesome and ran on pretty much any hardware. With the release of Lost Coast, which is what you should be comparing Starfield to, it was demonstrated what Source can do. Lost Coast was released in 2005 and looks significantly better and demonstrates many things Bethesda these days boasts about.

    In the end, if all that matters to you is what Todd tells people and then pretends he didn’t and number of polygons so be it. I on the other hand like my games to be entertaining, regardless of how they look.

    @Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

    All Edge did, was drop legacy compatibility mode, nothing else. Underlying Trident engine got a minor bump.

    Really? So Chakra was just a fever dream I had? (windowscentral.com/microsoft-edge-gets-better-aga…)

    The initial release of EdgeHTML on Windows 10 included more than 4000 interoperability fixes. (en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/EdgeHTML#cite_note-13)

    Initial public release of Microsoft Edge. Contains improvements to performance, support for HTML5 and CSS3.

    “Minor bump” that fixed 4,000 bugs, and added HTML5 and CSS3.

    I suppose ES6, C++11, Java 8, Python 3, etc are also just “minor bumps.”

    I didn’t even buy the game, it didn’t seem interesting to me. I just am frustrated by the fundamental lack of understanding about what an “engine” is and the fact that they’re almost always being iterated on in different ways.

    Diversity of engines is a good thing, everything shouldn’t be Unreal Engine, Blink, V8, Clang, etc

    @Nihilore@lemmy.world avatar

    Case in point

    @Dark_Arc@social.packetloss.gg avatar

    Huh, thanks for the tip!


    Casing point


    They are completely different games though. Watchdogs 2 had less loading screens than Hitman 3, but that doesn’t really mean much to say.



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  • aidan,

    I’m not saying it to justify it, I’m saying that not having loading screens doesn’t make No Man’s Sky a better game. I think Star Citizen is a better comparison to Star Field in terms of style- and is much more empty.


    I’m not saying it to justify it, I’m saying that not having loading screens doesn’t make No Man’s Sky a better game.

    It makes it better in terms of loading screens.


    They are compared because they both are advertised as filling the same niche, of space exploration with emphasis on exploration.


    Except they don’t really? And I didn’t see that much. Starfield to me seemed like it was being advertised as for RPG fans, and that they would have a lot of dialogue. And that space was just a setting, not the main character.

    haruajsuru, do games w Bethesda Is Responding to Negative Reviews of Starfield on Steam

    I have played most of the fully 3D Bethesda RPG games and I am accustomed to their game design, bugs, and janks.

    But the only thing I hate about Starfield is just the way the game always talks about how amazing exploration of the unknown is (heck, your main character is even a part of the explorer group name Constellation) while trying everything it can to stop player to do just that (overly rely on teleportation, cannot travel seamlessly between planets, etc…)

    It feels like you are playing an institute scientist in an fallout game, always stay in your high tech base and only travel using teleportation to the outside world

    This is a major turn off for me and there is no way to fix it

    @acosmichippo@lemmy.world avatar

    100%. The best part of Bethesda open world games is exploring the open space between towns, quests, objectives, etc. Fast travel is an option, but rarely necessary. If you rely on it you will miss lots of cool stuff.

    Not so in Starfield, the space between objectives is literally empty space.


    I mean, that’s why it’s called “space”, right? That’s literally what it is.

    @acosmichippo@lemmy.world avatar

    yes. the point is it doesn’t work well in a video game.


    So why are you playing it then?


    And space travel isnt actually a fun adventure, but the point of a video game is to romanticize the concepts. Not make them as boring and realistic as possible


    I agree. Unless that’s the whole point of the game you are making, and then it’s just the nature of the game. Flight Sim is one of my friend’s favorite games, but not so for me. At least they aren’t telling people that they are wrong about it being boring because it’s realistic and realism is better or some crap.


    There is, in fact, a very heated debate on whether or not simulators that stay true to form are actually games. With the argument being, they are either toys or simulators.

    “I had fun playing with it” isnt exclusive to games, as a ball is not a game but I would gladly throw it against a wall for hours by myself with some music.

    But lots of people would likely shit on an attempt to rebrand those things as “video toys” when the distinction is largely only relevant to people studying design, so the heated debate is mostly between academics and pedants.


    There’s lots of actual stuff in interplanetary space that you can pull on for inspiration on how to make an interesting game.

    You can have counters with shady trader types that are only in the vast gulf between the systems, there could be rogue planets with billion year old abandoned cities to explore filled with automated defences for you to fight and interesting loot at the end. Distant ancient asteroids that contain the seeds of the first life in the universe that when you interact with temporarily give you status change that you can only get from asteroids and temporarily gives you super strength or something, allowing you to complete missions in a way you otherwise would not necessarily have done.

    The way these kind of side quests are supposed to work is the player is plodding along trying to get from point A to point B and on the way they get sidetracked by this side quest (the clue is in the name Bethesda). Maybe it changes their priorities or how they’re going to tackle and upcoming mission. Side quests are not supposed to be independent standalone things, they’re supposed to integrate with the main story. They’re not supposed to be something you find easily there’s supposed to be something you come across on your own as you’re exploring the environment, but you can only do that if the developers bothered to provided environment for you to explore. If they just teleport you to your destination then there’s no opportunity for this kind of emergent gameplay.

    Loads of stuff you can put between the star systems.


    That’s a fair opinion to have, but my preference is actually exploring the towns. I love that Starfield removed many of the middle of nowhere winding dungeons that I got so bored of. (Dwemer/Nord ruins in Skyrim and office buildings/other skyscrapers in fallout 4.)


    I’m actually fine with personally, but what I dislike is that Starfield is too grindy and slow.


    Yeah it’s quite an accomplishment to make the vastness of space feel claustrophobic and small.

    Some of the response to the reviews is bizarre - one seems to try to claim that the planets are not boring because they’re realistic and the real world is boring, and that the player is probably just overwhelmed by the awesomeness of it all.

    It almost feels like the game Devs have convinced themselves that they’ve been working on the greatest game ever made and when told “no you haven’t” they’re responding by saying “you just don’t get our vision”.

    It’s an ok game. I’m actually less bothered by the loading screens and more by the old fashioned story telling. This game would have been amazing if released closer after Skyrim. But it’s been 12 years and we’ve had Witcher 3, Cyberpunk and Baldurs Gate 3 that have changed expectations. All of them are better at evoking a sense of emotional engagement with the game, and actions having meaningful consequences in the plot. Subplots like the bloody baron in Witcher 3, or Judy in cyberpunk have stuck with me in a way characters and events in Skyrim and now Starfield just never have.

    Problem is I suspect Bethesda will focus on all the loading screen / sense of scale complaints and not register the more important (imo) issues with the stories, characters and gameplay. Less but better is the real lesson I think.

    @MeanEYE@lemmy.world avatar

    Funny thing is, they don’t care. As long as they have fans who will complain but still buy their product at full price… they simply don’t care. This is evident with every product of theirs. Fallout76 had bugs originating from FO4 that were patched by community but were reintroduced in FO76.

    aksdb, do games w Bethesda Is Responding to Negative Reviews of Starfield on Steam

    If a significant amount of people “misunderstood” you, it’s not their fault, but yours for not clearly communicating or not tailoring your communication for the target audience.

    Same here: if people play the game “wrong”, you didn’t design it properly and/or marketed it completely wrong.

    Sure, there will always be “dumb” (or too clever) individuals who you simply can’t properly address and satisfy, but if the group is large enough to be loud, you failed your job.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    If a significant amount of people “misunderstood” you, it’s not their fault, but yours for not clearly communicating or not tailoring your communication for the target audience.

    I find this ironic, because even the tutorials in the game only communicate half of the information you need. A lot of them just outright expect you to have played one of their games before. I could imagine if this was someone’s first Bethesda RPG, they’d be confused as hell. Plus there are a few things unique to Starfield that are confusing even if you’ve played every one of their games before.

    Carighan, do games w Ubisoft's customer values
    @Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

    I wish you had kept the original title, because that has significantly more content than yours.

    Anyhow, getting back to:

    Ubisoft Exec Says Gamers Need to Get ‘Comfortable’ Not Owning Their Games for Subscriptions to Take Off

    That’s hilarious, because as usual Ubisoft is blaming anybody but themselves. Subscriptions did take off. GamePass is quite popular overall. Not owning your games is completely normal, look at how many games everyone has on platforms such as Steam et al.

    It’s just that Ubisoft’s absolutely shitty subscription for their absolutely shitty games, Ubisoft+, has not taken off, because surprise, you only get Ubisoft’s shitty games with that, not all kinds of games like on GamePass. It’s almost like they’re trying to jump the enshittifcation-process that video streaming sites were and still are going through, jump straight to single-publisher services with tiny catalogues, then wonder why nobody would want to pay for that when the service where you get games from ~everyone still exists as a competing service.

    It’s just an exec trying to justify why they want their bonuses despite failing to meet targets. And blaming gamers, of course. They’re always at fault, never the bad execs making stupid decisions that completely fail to capture the amrket.


    Point taken, I’ve updated the post to include the headline


    Just the way they go.

    Steam is a success. Well we can too! We’ll force our launcher on them and they’ll love it like they love Steam. Forget that people hated Steam when it first came out and that they had years to work out the bugs and they offer more than just Valve games and it’s not always required. Also the remember me button actually works!

    GamePass was a success. Well we can too! We’ll force our subscription on them and they’ll love it like they love GamePass!

    They just keep repeating this same cycle of copying the other guys, wanting the pros that come with it but not thinking about the small parts that made theirs work and Ubisoft’s suck.

    simple, do games w Starfield Paid DLSS Mod Creator Hits Back at Pirates, Threatens to Add 'Hidden Mines' in Future Mods

    That’s hilarious. I can’t believe someone would openly admit to putting malware in a paid mod, I’m surprised anyone actually bought it in the first place.

    ArchmageAzor, do games w Modder Behind Oblivion Fan Remake Vows to See It Through Whether Bethesda Releases a Remaster or Not
    @ArchmageAzor@lemmy.world avatar

    Bethesdas remaster would probably be nothing more than a version with updated graphics and lighting and support for modern software. This guy is rebuilding the game from scratch in a modern engine.

    @LittlePrimate@feddit.de avatar

    in a modern engine.

    Well, at least more modern than oblivion, Skyrim’s is 12 years old…


    Fun fact there were olny six years between Oblivion and Skyrims release. Thats right skyrim has been out longer than the release time between oblivion and skyrim.

    AmbientChaos, (edited )

    You can add Morrowind to that timeline too, which came out in 2002, so 9 years between Morrowind and Skyrim. Crazy…


    Which is in itself a slightly updated version of Oblivions gamebryo, which was conceived in the 90s. Calling it a modern engine is extremely generous if not completely wrong.


    Which happens with most engines. UE5 is an update version of UE4 and so on.

    @Virkkunen@kbin.social avatar

    These people are rebuilding the game from "scratch" in Skyrim's Creation Engine version, but it's still nothing more than a version with updated graphics and lightning. Bethesda's probably going to be using FO4 or Starfield's CE version, which will have the same result albeit shinier.



    It’s much more than a lighting and graphics overhaul.


    updated graphics and lighting and support for modern software

    even that would be expecting too much, I’ll be shocked if that “graphics update” is anything more than only slightly better texture replacements


    Oblivion already is 4K/60fps on XSX thanks to FPSBoost and resolution enhanced. They’re gonna have to justify if just a bit more than that.

    Fix potato faces and leveling system would be a good start. Add real beards for Nords.

    TowardsTheFuture, (edited ) do gaming w Starfield and Baldur’s Gate 3 Revive Age-Old RPG Debate About Encumbrance

    It’s not “here to stay” it’s a feature that is used or not used depending on the level of realness wanted. Some are fine with hand waving away encumbrance, some are not.

    If you’re playing a walking simulator, it is kinda part of the immersion.

    If you’re running around killing every Greek god under the Sun, but suddenly you pick up your 7th weapon that’s just chains with something at the end of it, and BOOM you can’t move anymore cuz your too heavy, then it’s getting in the way. Instead of implementing encumbrance they just, limit you to 6 weapons and tada, they could explain it as “it’s too much weight” but they won’t give you the option for it to happen as slowing you down would kill the pace and feel of the game.

    Baldurs gate is a DND based CRPG and Starfield is a loadscreenwalking simulator. Of course they have encumbrance.


    Baldurs gate is a DND based CRPG

    Although DND games usually handwaive encumbrance with bags of holding.


    Fair, depends on the game. CRPG’s will tend to have it in. I mean for example WotR and Kingmaker you can get a bag of holding if you buy it or put stuff into strength on characters or etc in order to not have to worry about it much but it’s still there, and not spending the money on it or building any characters with strength means you will be limited.

    @Dee@lemmings.world avatar

    bags of holding.

    It’s true. The character in my current campaign has two bags of holding and a bag of devouring.


    And you’ve got KOTOR and Pillars of Eternity and others that are clearly D&D derivatives, but solve the problem handily with a “stash” whose contents are never accessible in combat.

    I have never understood the fascination with inventory management. I just want to find stuff, and use that stuff later on. If I wanted something as boring as my actual job, I’d just do my actual job and get paid for it instead of buying a game.


    In BG3 it is a balance mechanic. Heavy objects tend to be completely OP and are used to cheese combat. encumberance limits this and even allows building your character specifically for this playstyle.

    In Bethesda games encumberance is in part there to protect players from themselves. If every object can be picked up (and that is a design principle in those games) and every object has a Value, then the optimal strategy is always to grab every single object you can find and then sell everything at once. If that does not sound like fun to you that is because it is not, but still i know multiple people who play those games this way even with encumberance in place. Players will always find a way to ruin their own fun, the only hing you can do is to put systems in place that disincentivise these behaviors.


    Heavy objects tend to be completely OP and are used to cheese combat.

    You shut up. Barrelmancy and goblin tossin’ are perfectly legitimate martial arts!


    A “stash” that is only accessible outside combat mostly preserves that balance, IMO.

    Most games come up with a range of ways to get around the problem, even when they do have a strictly limited inventory with encumbrance:

    • Zero weight quest items
    • Ability to run or fast travel while encumbered (FO4 selectable perk)
    • A pet or NPC capable of carrying your less valuable stuff back to the vendor for sale (Torchlight had this, did Diablo? I haven’t played in decades.)
    • Pack animals/robots
    • Portable vendors (Skyrim had a demon vendor you could summon once a day)
    • Bags of holding (or similar)
    • Warp chests (many chests with same contents/inventory around map)

    etc. ad infinitum. The fact that most games implement a variety of ways to deal with absence of an infinite inventory is kind of a tipoff that it’s more of a burden than a desirable aspect of gameplay. Most of these games are holding up a carrot (or several) to get you to pursue certain achievements just to reduce the monotony of inventory management.


    Just because you don’t like inventory management doesn’t mean others don’t.

    as boring as my actual job

    Again, subjective, considering the popularity of job simulator games, like truck sim.


    “I” is a first person pronoun that refers to the one who is speaking or writing.

    ryathal, do games w Baldur's Gate 3 'Isn't Going to be on Game Pass', Insists Larian Boss

    Game pass needs games with lots of dlc and season pass bullshit for it to make sense for non Microsoft games. If you actually make a good game, it’s way more profitable to ignore game pass.


    It's also profitable for long-duration early access games where most of your users and potential purchasers already have already bought it. Good cash injection right at the end of development from an audience that probably wasn't going to buy it anyway.


    Whilst devaluing your sales for the next thing as now people say “ill wait for it to be free”


    That’s just untrue. Games like Immortality, Citizen Sleeper, Unpacking, and Planet of Lana are complete, highly-rated, and on Game Pass.

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