
Gamers_Mate, do games w Bethesda Quietly Removes Denuvo DRM from Ghostwire: Tokyo

Sorry we cannot afford to pay the DRM licensing fee. As a result we will no longer be able to inconvenience our customers or prevent people who were never going to pay for our game anyway from playing.

@domi@lemmy.secnd.me avatar

It’s twice as funny in this game because they added Denuvo a year after release. Meaning all pirates got the game DRM free on day one while paying customers got Denuvo patched in.

Absolute waste of money.


I think they did the same thing with anno 1800, only difference is they haven’t cracked it yet so no dlc on the pirated version.


Stuff like this makes me wish I was smart enough to be one of those DRM crackers.

@Nutteman@lemmy.world avatar

Same cause the only one who really knows how to do it with Denuvo is kinda bonkers in the brain zone


Enshitification of DRM moving to subscription based ended up being the most pro consumer move in the long run.

tuckerm, do games w Bethesda Quietly Removes Denuvo DRM from Ghostwire: Tokyo

I suppose they only did it now due to some license agreement expiring?

Yep, if I understand it right, Denuvo charges an annual fee to be used. That's why you always see it getting removed after the game loses relevance, when sales aren't enough to justify paying for Denuvo anymore.

Kind of weird how, because Bethesda (and other publishers) are Denuvo's consumer, this particular anti-consumer license agreement is actually benefiting the players, haha.

Vode_An, do gaming w IGN posts written review of Cyberpunk: Phantom Liberty, but withholds video review. CDPR is, once again, not letting reviewers use their own gameplay footage before release.

Arbitrary limits on information just mean you have something to hide

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Arbitrary limits on information just mean you have something to hide

And even if that’s not the case for a specific game, normalizing this shit means that once you have something to hide, it’s no longer raising eyebrows.


I agree, but I would say that treating it as a worst case interpretation every time would lead to the best outcome.

Never normalize hiding info from the people, and only the honest rise to to the top. Radical honesty is good for everyone.

@Kaldo@kbin.social avatar

I mean...yeah. This sounds deeper than it actually is lol.


Yeah, could be bugs but could equally also be spoilers

loobkoob, do games w New Report Makes Disturbing Allegations Against The Lord of the Rings: Gollum Developer - IGN

The idea that only having a €15M budget is what caused this game's issues is ridiculous. It's not a game that had good ideas and just failed to execute them properly; it's fundamentally bad on a conceptual level.

The setting and story concept are bad. When the game was first announced, I don't think I heard or saw a single discussion where someone was excited to experience playing through the story of Gollum in that time period in the story. Or even playing as Gollum at all - he's a great secondary character in the books and films, but he's hardly a character you want to play as in a video game. There's no room for character development either.

The game design is bad. It's just bad. No amount of time, money or polish is going to fix the terrible basic design principles the game is built on. And even if they had 10x the budget and hired a world-class lead game designer from the start, it still would have the issues with the story and character.

The whole project is one that shouldn't have left the brainstorming session it was conceived in.


This is revisionist. There were a lot of people excited to play as gollum and people being concerned.


people excited to play as gollum



I have no better source than the person I replied to. I was on Reddit when the game was announced and it was clear that the game was about being gollum. Plenty of people were excited.


You can go back on reddit and look. Calling it revisionist is a bit of a stretch. The temperature on this game was very much mid to uninterested. Sure there were people who were excited, but it wasn’t a majority at all.


I was excited when it was first announced. I was hoping for a stealth game with gameplay like souls games or the shadow of mordor games. Sadly the game wasn’t even close to that so I didn’t buy it.


Those were your go-tos for gameplay expectations for sneaking around as a pretty weak little goblin man? I would’ve gone for Styx instead, a game about sneaking around as a little goblin man. (Which I think actually belongs to the same publisher)


Obviously combat would have to be balanced for Gollums powers. 1v1 an orc could have been fine but anything else would overpower him. I didn’t play Styx so I can’t compare it. I played the Splinter Cell Series and Dishonored, but both offered technology and weapons with range to help with sneaking. So I opted for games with a high fantasy setting. A game with controls like Souls, balanced for sneaking and ambushes as a focus, using the environment as your asset? Feels to me like it could work. Well, nothing like Souls, Shadow or Styx happened and we got whatever the Gollum game was.


I only played one for maybe like 2 hours, but they seem like pretty good games, you could probably pick one up for cheap on sale.

Also when I think of Soulslike Gollum, all I see in my mind is this gormless little creature wielding a 6 foot axe or something and that just makes me laugh.

Anyway, yeah, Nacon/Daedelic had several studios that had more experience making stealth-action games. I mean, besides the guys that made Styx, they also have the Shadow Tactics guys. Isometric tactical stealth could’ve been another option.

It’s honestly like they just made the absolute wrong decision for all things during development.


I was for sure And I know quite a few people who thought the concept was good

@victron@programming.dev avatar

The first time I heard about the game, not long before it was released, I thought it was a joke.

!deleted6348 avatar

I’m not convinced whoever pitched it wasn’t joking either, and then studio execs picked it up and ran with it


I could have seen it as a Stardew valley-esque Hobbit farming Sim, you start with simple farming, interacting with lore accurate villagers, fishing, cave gathering as Smeagol.

Then after a certain point of the game in a quest you find the Ring and your memories start getting hazy and your farming skill starts deteriorating and your cave gathering skills improve and the Ring blanks out part of your days and suddenly you find Deagols body and get flashbacks to what happened.

In the epilogue you start your usual day in the cave ‘bed’ instead of your Hobbit hole bed and you go gathering and meet Bilbo. Then cut to black

Gamoc, (edited )

What was released was a disaster that hadn’t had anywhere near enough thought and consideration put into it. However, frankly if you don’t think a gollum game couldn’t be good I’d have to blame it on a lack of imagination.

Naatan, do games w CD Projekt Spent Roughly $125 Million Turning Cyberpunk 2077 Around Post-Launch

CD Projekt announced on October 5 that the expansion starring Idris Elba cost a hefty 275 million Polish Zloty (around $62.7 million) to develop and approximately 95 million Polish Zloty (around $21.6 million) to market.

I’m not saying repairing and adding missing functionality isn’t a good size portion of that cost, but calling it a $125 million cost based on the cost of the expansion and marketing which were already planned regardless of how well the initial release did is miss-leading at best.


Yeah this headline should really just say the ~$41m they actually spent improving the game because that’s still an incredibly impressive number (2/3 the amount of a full expansion). I hate when there’s a good story to tell but they want to make it look even better so they decide to mislead instead of just saying the actually impressive thing

Ashtear, (edited ) do games w Larian Started Work on Baldur's Gate 3 DLC, Then Canceled It: "The Studio Was Elated"

Can’t help but wonder how much of this is due to Hasbro’s mismanagement.

As much as I’d love to see more content from them on BG3, seeing what Larian can do now that they have scaled up to being a major studio is exciting.

Edit: Swen said on Twitter today that it’s not on WOTC.

!deleted6508 avatar

Can’t help but wonder how much of this is due to Hasbro’s mismanagement.

All of it.


Is anyone else still confused

Larian is somehow an independent enough to tell Hasbro to go fuck themselves but not independent enough that Hasbro told them to layoff people, and they said ‘okay’.

Are they independent? Or are they not?


Larian didn’t lay anyone off. Hasbro laid off WotC employees who were working on support for BG3. They have no power of Larian.


Larian worked with Hasbro to make BG3. Hasbro lays off people who helped them (from Hasbro). Larian doesn’t have much say about it other than “it sucks dude”.

@starman2112@sh.itjust.works avatar

Nobody at Larion got laid off. Larion worked closely with some people at Wizards of the Coast to make Baldurs Gate 3, and those people got laid off.

Larion could make a game entirely on their own with no involvement with Hasbro or WotC (and they have), but they can’t make anything related to Dungeons and Dragons or the Forgotten Realms without Hasbro and WotC’s cooperation.


Thank you for answering my question. That makes more sense.


They were lamenting that all of the team at Hasbro-Wotc that they worked with on BG3 was laid off.

Not that Hasbro caused layoffs at Larian.

Katana314, do games w Capcom President Thinks Game Prices Are 'Too Low' - IGN

Prices have mostly been decided by minimum wage. If you want a million people to buy your game, you need a million people to have $60 they can spare.

@ares35@kbin.social avatar

if you dropped game to $30 from $60, would double or more people buy it? or would too many people see the lower price and think it must be a shitty game to be 'that low' and pass on it?

bungle_in_the_jungle, do games w Where's Our Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Review? (IGN denied review code)

Lol. They have absolutely 0 confidence in the game otherwise they’d be sending these codes out no problem.

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve read somewhere else a couple of days ago that the official explanation is that without the public servers being live, reviewers would not get the full experience.

Not defending WB (I’m not interested in that game at all), just giving context.


That’s just an excuse. WB choose when to activate the servers. They could have easily put them online for reviewers.


Unless they’re having trouble getting them working, which isn’t encouraging for launch.

They at least have some working, they flew a bunch of streamers to LA for an event and had them stream the game a few weeks back.

Looked like a crackdown-ish game with DC character running around. Think like the Spider-Man games of the last few years but without the beloved characters

ColeSloth, (edited )

So they could be in a game world with like 50 other people?

*turns out it’s just a 1 to 4 person game.


Reviewers getting copies a week before launch are generally netting like 40-50 hours of game time in a short timeframe. Combine that with the fact that it’d be more like hundreds of reviewers and you might actually have a decently active community.


Oh no! The reviewers won’t be able to buy MTX! What a shame!

@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Well, now they’ll be reviewing a fully Denuvo’ed copy, so the version actual buyers get to play.


I have seen it happen before when review outlets don’t get copies, but the game still turns out awesome. I think it happened for Doom Eternal.

It feels pointless to play devil’s advocate here though, since one way or another, I’m basically sure it’s going to be terrible. I just don’t like consigning internet opinion based on anything other than gameplay and actual reviews.

@ThunderingJerboa@kbin.social avatar

You are referring to Doom 2016 actually. While that turn out decent, one of their key arguments was due to it being online focused. We all know Doom 2016 had rather generic multiplayer.

With that said, it feels silly not to have issues when publishers refuse to send out review keys. Its a huge red flag for a game, this doesn't mean it will be bad but its a trend we shouldn't be happy about. Its only done to help preserve preorder numbers.

toiletobserver, do games w Activision QA Workers Protest New Office Mandate, Calling It a 'Soft Layoff'

My team’s return to office was so successful that we all had the opportunity to share covid with each other and nearby teams. Management’s complete lack of understanding of the work they are tasked to oversee makes arm waving butts in chairs policies seem like a viable way to not seem incompetent.

mesamunefire, (edited )

My old place of employment told everyone that they had to go back to office earlier this year. 1 month later, about 10 people out of a 15-ish department found remote jobs. They just shuttered the local office after a couple more months. My new place is much better :).

Most of us are experienced software developers or software adjacent. There is a lot of companies looking.

@Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

This is going to be the pattern at all these places doing RTO: The ones who are capable of getting WFH jobs will get them, and they'll be left with their least capable folks.


Yep! I was lucky in a way, I had a friend of mine who recently got a job that needed help/was hiring. There were a couple people when they let go of everyone that is still looking for work.

WFH jobs are a huuuuge benefit.


Its real estate. They have huge, expensive offices they /know/ are barely necessary, and they absokutely cannot afford the loss they would incur if they had to sell (because all that is debt financed and based on bullshit) AND uf one large tech or office firm did that, soon there would be pressure on all of them to do that.

That could crash the commercial real estate market and lead to the real estate market in general going down.

While this would benefit the vast majority of workers, it would financially harm those with lots of vested stocks and other investments.

Oh and of course working from home makes middle management /obviously/ more or less useless. And basically all managers (there are some exceptions) and all VPs (near 0 exceptions) and above are sociopaths who crave feeling important and superior to others, and they will do anything to continue that lifestyle.

Why do you think the largest union actions in the US in maybe 50 years are either not covered by the media, or demonized in the few instances they are?

NOT_RICK, do games w Bethesda Is Responding to Negative Reviews of Starfield on Steam
@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

I didn’t find any of the responses to be insightful, more a marketing reply to convince people who are off put by the negativity. This is coming from someone who’s played the game nearly 80 hours. Still disappointed by it, but I have a hoarding sim problem


Bethesda games make hoarding painful though.

@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

I prefer the use oxygen to run mechanic over the now you can only walk mechanic. But yeah, it could be better. Let me hold all the guns Bethesda, encumbrance isn’t fun. I should just use the console and add that mod that reenables achievements


Are you kidding? Slowly unloading your ship 200 pounds at a time and waiting for it to hopefully actually transfer to the pods is so fun. Not to mention they have absolutely no storage so you need a wall of them that you must then manually search to find anything. The best is when your cargo ship doesn’t fit on the landing pad so you have to carry it all yourself. Or you could build a convoluted network of shipping docks and either manually fuel them or create another convoluted network of shipping docks just to ship helium 3 to all the other shipping docks. Fuck I love loading screens.

Rage aside, the game itself was pretty fun for a run or two, but after that the shallowness really showed. Outposts suck ass though. I made shitty ones and figured I’d hit ng+ before actually caring about them, but I couldn’t make myself care. Benches go outside, I don’t give a shit.

God I’m just remembering how bad it is now. If the terrain isn’t perfectly level go fuck yourself, you can’t expand your hab. I build a fucking boardwalk with multiple levels and shopfronts in FO4, I had nearly full map coverage for artillery, I could attract settlers to live there and defend it. Now I just drop an extractor and power and fuck off.


yeah not having the ability to have shops and all that stuff like fallout 4 sucks, hopefully they will keep adding things like they did to fo4 to get the game to a better state


I mean, to be fair in every Bethesda game you had to do some…let’s call it “inventory management”.

At least in Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim


I mean, to be fair in every Bethesda game you had to do some…let’s call it “inventory management”.

At least in Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim


I had a barrel outside caius’ house that I dumped all my extra stuff into. One barrel held everything. My current storage outpost has… At least 10 resource storage crates? And that’s still not enough. Plus actually hauling all that shit from mining outposts.


Replying to myself because I just can’t get over how shitty storage is. I can carry my armor, pack, like 8 guns, and way too many consumables, then stack another 130 or so on top of that. The giant ass storage crates as tall as me? 100, take it or leave it.


Real talk inventory and weight limits are 99% time completely useless mechanics that detract from gameplay.

CatZoomies, do games w Ubisoft Says Skull and Bones Has 'Record Player Engagement', but Fails to Announce Sales
@CatZoomies@lemmy.world avatar

User accidentally opens Uplay when trying to double-click Steam

A store banner ad shows ‘Skull and Bones’

User immediately frowns in disgust and tries to spam the X button to quit Uplay

Uplay privacy-invading telemetry captures an image of the user frowning via the webcam, and tracks the movement of the mouse cursor moving across the banner ad of ‘Skull and Bones’

Uplay closes, telemetry is uploaded to Ubisoft’s servers



junezephier, do games w CD Projekt Spent Roughly $125 Million Turning Cyberpunk 2077 Around Post-Launch

surely Edgerunners isn’t fair to count toward that? That was already in the works before launch, it’s not as though they had a bad launch and thought “wow we should do an animated series to repair reputation”


I looked up the budget and from what I can see they spent less than 4 million on it so excluding it they still spent a pretty penny.


That’s totally fair, that checks out

@hsr@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m pretty sure the article is referring to the 1.6 patch, also called Edgerunners update, which released around the same time as the animated series.


Pre release I was so hyped for cyberpunk, was patient and waited for reviews, so voted with my wallet and didn’t buy it, and just forgot it even existed

Watched Edgerunners animated series off the cuff and it had no business being as good as it was (same as Arcane - gj netflix)

The next time it went on sale I snapped it up and havent regretted it one bit. One playthrough on my old hardware, obligitory playthrough to test after I got an Rtx, and another now 2.0 is out - definitely got my moneys worth


A lot of the hate was undeserved, IMO. Besides one absolutely hilarious bug where I called my ride in an odd place, and another where part of a mission didn’t trigger so I had to reload the last Autosave which was about 30 seconds back, the game ran well for me and a lot of friends at launch. And CDPR responded quickly and had patches out within a week fixing most of the gameplay affecting bugs.

I typically judge games pretty harshly, and my only experience with CDPR prior was Witcher 3, which dropped with some bugs but was patched within a week, and really didn’t understand the level of shade CDPR received.


I had a midrange PC at the time, and only encountered a handful of bugs my first play through.

Performance could be rough in downtown sections, but it’s was far from unplayable on day one.

I am firmly convinced that most of the people experiencing horrible performance or mystifying bugs were attempting to play the game on their smart fridge or something. If you had a decent gaming machine from the last 7 years or so, the game ran fine.

That being said, it should have never released on Xbox one or PS4. Those consoles were just too old and the performance wasn’t their.


A lot of the problems and stupid glitches people had were from playing off of a hard drive. The game really needs flash storage, even if it’s SATA. That should’ve been a recommendation from the start, if not an outright requirement like it is now with 2.0.


I think the console releases were largely to blame for the bad rep. Esp the older gen ones. I played from launch on PC and I had a lot of bugs but nothing game breaking and it didn’t stop me from thoroughly enjoying myself.

addie, do games w Zelda Producer Eiji Aonuma Doesn't Really Care About the Series' Chronology
@addie@feddit.uk avatar

Which makes perfect sense - none of the previous producers have. Mostly, they’ve just used their stock characters and locations, and made a game that they thought would be fun out of them. There’s a couple of games that qualify as ‘direct sequels’ (Ocarina -> Majora’s, Wind Waker -> Hourglass) but even then, it doesn’t benefit you much to have played the preceding one. Would be weird to try and twist the games into a chronology that strikes me mostly as ‘fanon’ anyway.


Nintendo did try that, though, and mixed it around again whenever they felt like it. “New research uncovered that…” blah blah. Better off if they don’t bother anymore.

JigglySackles, do games w Bethesda Is Responding to Negative Reviews of Starfield on Steam

I wish these idiots would quit trying to tell the people playing the game that they are wrong for not liking it. Like, no man, listen to them, this is feedback. You can’t take all of it without a pinch of salt but if you see a common theme, then you should address it.

maxprime, do games w Sony Reportedly Pauses PlayStation VR2 Production to Clear Backlog of Unsold Units

If they finish working on PC support then they’ll have no problem clearing their stock.


Yep, would get this over the meta headsets that I have stayed away from if it got full PC support. Until then just going to wait to see if Valve releases anything new.

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