mjhelto, do games w What are the best indie games you've ever played?

No other game has had the impact on my way of thinking more than Outer Wilds.


Came here to say Outer Wilds. That game is a masterpiece and I encourage anyone and everyone to try it. Only two things I’ll say are this: The less you know about it going in, the better the experience. The DLC is also worth it.


It’s one of those I downloaded, played 10 minutes of, and then got distracted by something else. I’ve done a good job avoiding spoilers, I’ll check it out next.


That’s actually very ironic, the game needs about half an hour to get you hooked and yet so many people quit it beforehand. You’ll understand what I mean when you play it

mjhelto, (edited )

Interestingly enough, I did the same thing. When it launched, I was big into piracy and had a shitty job to pay for games with. Played until I could fly the ship, flew into the sky, then promptly lost control of my ship and didn’t touch it again for at least half a decade. So glad I bought it and played it without spoilers!


The less you know about it going in, the better the experience.

This includes the knowledge that it’s good. You should forget that people praise it everywhere because that has a potential of ruining the experience. It did for me, somehow.

jroid8, (edited )

Came here super late to ask: how? I played it and after discovering most of the things in game I couldn’t continue without guides (not good with puzzle games). I also don’t get attached to characters that can’t move with a few lines of dialog (no I’m not a psychopath, OneShot’s endings always give me mixed emotions for a few days). I’m not looking to argue I just want an answer

Maalus, do games w What games do you recommend for my girlfriend?

It’s funny how people overestimate what a person that never gamed can do. OP, Factorio is constant precise clicking with an unintuitive UI if you haven’t played any games. So is Satisfactory and similar others.

Start with things casual gamers play. There is a reason Sims is so popular. If you want to later (muuuch later) introduce her into the FPS genre - Portal 2. It has very little controls to remember, and very rarely is there any action that needs to require dexterity in aiming. Also, Valve invisible tutorials are awesome for new gamers.

cottonmon, (edited ) avatar

Yeah, I played It Takes Two with my gf last week and she had trouble with the most basic jumps because she couldn’t use the keyboard and mouse at the same time. It might be easier with the controller, but moving a character and the camera at the same time is surprisingly hard to learn for beginners.

The best recommendations here are the games with extremely simple controls. I think Vampire Survivors was a good pick since you only need to use the keyboard for most of the time. Adventure games was another good recommendation since it should only require the mouse.


Yeah, I’d also recommend more casual games.

Good that she likes organizing, but Factorio is way over the head of any non-gamer. Doubt it would keep her entertained for long. Its only great if you like micromanaging and meticulously playing around with game mechanics. Which usually only happens after being exposed to gaming long enough.

It Takes Two is much better for a beginner since it isn’t a punishing game.

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime is an other great couple game.

We were Here if both of you like puzzles.

Dark_Arc, avatar

Yeah, I played It Takes Two with my gf last week and she had trouble with the most basic jumps because she couldn’t use the keyboard and mouse at the same time.

This is probably a stupid question … but it was an actual mouse right? Like we wasn’t using a touchpad?

So many OSes default to the touchpad being disabled while typing and that causes big issues for WASD keyboard and mouse games.

cottonmon, avatar

Yes, she was using a mouse

Dark_Arc, avatar

Okay, totally fair just checking for my own curiosity 🙂

ericbomb, do games w Games that force you to make hard choices

If you like randomly made stories, you can try Rimworld.

You will quickly find yourself asking very difficult questions. Is taking on the cripple something you can afford to do? Is using medicine on a less valuable colonist smart? Do you let some of your colonists starve, or start a war with friendly neighbors? Cannibalism will make your neighbors hate you and some of your colonists might rebel over it, but that’s better than some of them starving… right?


I should play Rimworld one of these days. Always heard good things but just never got around it.


If you’re into colony Sims Rimworld is amazing! Biotech and Idology are also great DLC expansions that give you a lot more options. IMO Royalty is the weakest one so if you’re just starting out I might recommend passing on it unless you really love the game

bouh, do games w What's up with Epic Games?

Epic is the worst of the 3 platforms for a user. It is a drm like steam, but with less games on it, and even less optimized (so even more wasted resources and time loading useless advertising).

Steam has it that is makes game run on Linux smoothly, and the biggest library of games. Gog is drm free. Epic has absolutely nothing a user may want, except for free games so that you are now captive of their shitty platform.

AustralianSimon, avatar

This. Steam also offers reviews, achievements, workshop, communities, groups, streaming, etc, etc


Epic doesn’t have to be as good as Steam; it has to be better than Steam. People don’t up and leave platforms they like for new platforms for no reason. Epic can take a smaller cut on games but if that doesn’t carry to the end user why should I care.


At this point, I don’t know if Epic can get better than Steam in the ways that matter simply because they are clearly trying very hard to gain a dominant market position in ways that make it seem like they would abuse such a position, while Valve has had that dominant position for decades without abusing it. Valve is one of the few companies I trust these days. That trust is Valve’s to lose, not any other competitor’s to gain, though I am open to other adjacent providers (like I’ve got an xbox game pass sub, a ps5, and switch).

pendulum_, avatar

Valve is one of the few companies I trust these days. That trust is Valve’s to lose, not any other competitor’s to gain

So much this!

deafboy, avatar

I have zero experience with epic or gog, but steam got incredibly bad lately. It’s not uncomon for it to consume 2 entire CPU cores just by animating some store page background.


Steam has always been rather bad on performances, but epic somehow managed to do worse.

Gabu, (edited ) do gaming w I banned my kid from Roblox.... what next?

Minecraft / Terraria, 100%. Both games have available co-op, so they can play with their friends, and allow quite a bit of creative expression. Terraria is made by some of the best indie devs ever, if it helps, having been getting free updates for years, even though the devs said they had finished the game years ago.

For a more socially open experience, I could also recommend Sea of Thieves. It’s a game about manning a pirateship and collecting loot, where you can sometimes run into real people on their own adventures (or get your ship sunk by them, after all, they’re also pirates). There is co-op, too. A cash shop is available, but all items are strictly cosmetic, with many items available through gameplay alone.


Yeah I love Terraria. I’ll see if I can get his friends interested in it too. Heck I’ll buy them all copies for xmas.


Terraria for the win, way more fun than Minecraft with more motivation for exploration and of course the combat.

I wonder if they still do that “friends pack” deal where you get 4 licenses for not much more than 1?

sam, do games w PSA: If you still have a Mojang account for Minecraft: Java Edition, you have less than a week left to migrate to a Microsoft account to avoid profile deletion avatar

So when do I get my refund?

gabe, (edited )

Never. Microsoft says fuck you.

I will say it sounds like a lovely lawsuit waiting to happen though, especially in countries with good consumer protections. I wonder how Canadian law would feel about this? 🤔

xkforce, (edited )

Microsoft is a trillion dollar company. Unfortunately I doubt any country is going to meaningfully harm them over accounts like this. (I am one of the people that cant migrate because the email I had associated with it is gone and the game was gifted to me so long ago that I wouldn’t be able to easily prove it was mine)


You’d be surprised, EU fines and consequences to shitty anti-consumer actions like this are built to hurt. There’s a reason why the new iPhone has USB-C, and it’s not out of the kindness of their heart.


Apple is building proprietary USB-C cables that the iPhone will extremely prefer. So absolutely not for kindnes

Pxtl, avatar

Yes, but in this case? The users are being migrated to a new authentication account and have been notified for many years that they needed to move over - it’s been like 5 years, right? The servers are staying up. And if you’ve got a Mojang account, any possibility of this still being under even the most generous warranty is long gone.

If you want to participate in a community where you control the software, you should be getting into open-source games. Minetest is great! It has a better modding system than Java edition! But ultimately, if you’re playing commercial games, you have to deal with a reality that the company owns it and there’s no guarantee what will happen to their servers after the warranty is expired.


I paid like, 10 dollars what’s gotta be 15 years ago now.

Like if there’s a class action lawsuit over this I wouldn’t turn down the settlement but I’m not losing any sleep over it

Anticorp, (edited )

Some of us paid $39. :(

Edit: I think that’s what it cost. It was awhile ago, but it wasn’t cheap.


Of note is that if you purchased the game before ~2012, the user agreement had no clause regarding them being able to change it willy-nilly.


I mean, I paid like 8 bucks for the game (or however much it was in the indev version) but it’s still shitty and arbitrary.

WarmSoda, do games w Starfield - Review Thread (87/100 OpenCritic)

exploration in the game is unfortunately weak in many aspects; This is due to the large reliance on procedural generation of environments. Also, the role-playing elements do not have a strong presence or impact.

That’s what I was afraid of.

Kaldo, avatar

I was really hoping proc-gen would be just for the terrain and surrounding areas and the interesting setpieces would be as handcrafted (or as close as possible) to a regular TES/Fallout experience. I guess they had to trade in a lot of these to make the big universe happen though...


That’s how they described it, too. Oh Todd you done it again!

Looks like there’s not much to do on the planets. One review even said the classic “get lost on the way and end up doing ten other things” just doesn’t happen in this game anywhere. It can happen in a city, but then they also said the cities are pretty meh.

That sucks to hear.

Ashtear, (edited )

I really hope I’m wrong about this in five years, but it looks like No Man’s Sky did even more damage to the space sim genre than we thought. We’re in a year with great handcrafted experiences that still feel vast: Tears of the Kingdom, Baldur’s Gate 3, even Everspace 2 in a similar setting (and Everspace 2 wouldn’t have had the same, fatal loading screen issue if it was a AAA game). Starfield went the other direction.

By chasing the procedural generation dream, from everything I’ve seen, Bethesda really hamstrung the space exploration to get there. Fortunately I really like the old Bethesda formula, so hopefully the Skyrim/Fallout experience that’s still there will be enough for me to want to put hundreds of hours into it. I’m just hoping developers don’t keep trying to do this for games in space settings.

Wookie, (edited ) avatar

It sounds like No Man’s Sky. You’re supposed to be able to explore the whole galaxy and see many creatures, environments, etc but they all end up being the same so exploration is boring, at least to me it was

tkohldesac, avatar

I felt similarly. Exploring is just another thing to "do" to get credits/nanites. It was cool to see genuinely new things like the huge Dune-styled worms but once you see one you've seen them all.

That extends to base building too. I have no reason to build a base anywhere else in the galaxy once I have a capital ship that does all my crafting for me. Except resource collecting, I guess. But meh, different strokes for different folks. I don't think there's been a non-MMO continually-updated game that I've come back to as often as NMS but coming back is usually pretty short-lived.

EnglishMobster, avatar

This is the core issue with all procgen games, IMO.

You are promised "infinite exploration", but in truth there are countable variants of the procgen algorithm. Once you see all those variants, you've effectively seen everything. Sure, you'll see small variations, or new ways to combine the existing variants... but when you see all the "tricks" the veil falls.

iHUNTcriminals, (edited )

variants of the procgen algorithm. Once you see all those variants, you’ve effectively seen everything. Sure, you’ll see small variations, or new ways to combine the existing variants… but when you see all the “tricks” the veil falls.

So it’s like using mainstream social media.


I firmly believe procgen can be good, but the games featuring it heavily are very bland. The potential is there though, I’m sure of it.


That’s what makes this even more of an issue. The game isn’t procedural. They used procedural tooling but everything is set in stone now. They could’ve gone through and cleaned up and tweaked everything so it didn’t feel bland. Doesn’t sound like they did.

I knew the writing/rpg aspect was going to be shallow like all of Bethesda games but, they always had fun exploration so this is unfortunate to me. It sounds like they reuse assets a lot, even in the main quest line. Like same buildings with the same enemy placement just on a different planet.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

It sounds like they reuse assets a lot, even in the main quest line. Like same buildings with the same enemy placement just on a different planet.

Damn they’re gonna pull a Mass Effect 1.

Neato, avatar

It's definitely a Bethesda game. Their dialogue choices and roleplaying has always been shit. People like Bethesda games primarily because they're given a large open world to explore. But they made most of this one procedurally generated so they've lost their main good quality. I really hope the players are pushed by the stories and side quests to the hand-crafted worlds and the procedurally generated are mostly in the background for players that want to go off the beaten path.

Mandy, do gaming w What are some game genres / styles you like that aren't being made anymore, or are being mde but not very often?

Games that are made for the sake of making the game insread of being made to squeeze as much retention and money out of you as possible

Now thats a style that is becoming increasingly rare


I contend that there are more games out there now that are made for the sake of making them than ever before. It’s just that fewer and fewer of these games are AAA titles. The indy scene is really what are making these games nowadays.


That or modding. Modded Minecraft is done purely because someone wanted to have the functionality of magic wands or engineering or resource processing in their lego game. It’s completely unmonetized and gets extremely involved very fast. I fondly remember my nuclear reactor exploding and having to work around the irradiated zone. Good times.


the indie scene may be greater for that but is also filled with the same money making trite and on top of that constantly copying each other and barely doing anything new.

Rozauhtuno, avatar

Half-assed unoptimized horror game : Find the 8 pages before the tooth fairy jumpscares you!


Just follow a YouTuber with similar tastes and play the indie games they play. AAA is creatively dead


Thank you but I trust youtubers opinions as much as a gaming “journalist” which is to say, not at all

  1. Willing to paint an entire swath of people with a broad, negative brush
  2. Unwilling to spend any effort finding media you might actually enjoy.

The problem might not be with the industry.


Youtubers are inheritor by the virtue of their existence just are a little to biased like the gaming magazines, I also find text much easier digestable than 2,5 minutes of invideo ads, sponsors selfplugs, like button smashing.or whatever else they want to subject me to

I spend far more effort trying to find gold than one really should have, there shouldnt be a need to spend so much time

Take a genuine hard look at this industry, an industry full with exploitation, lootboxes, micro and macrotransactions, the same 5 ideas ad naseum, where for every cuphead you have 10 slendermans, (thats just the tip of the iceberg)

you mean to tell me in THAT industry its ne with the problem? Cause thats a fair assassment and ill support whatever conclusion you may or may not draw


I have hundreds of games in my steam library with no in game purchases or lootboxes which I have enjoyed for between 50 and 2000 hours each. If you really have that much trouble finding games you can enjoy playing, then you need to change your habits.


I think it’s more that, in absence of a gaming social circle, games discovery in the indie scene is hard. So, the easiest way for a lot of us is to find a gaming content creator who played games we like and play whatever they’re playing.

There’s a YouTube streamer I’ve been following for over a decade and every single game he plays is a 5/5 for me. At least ½ of my gaming is just games from his channel. It’s super easy; I don’t even watch him on Twitch much, but I can scan his recent broadcasts for gaming suggestions, and watch him play for like 30 minutes to figure out if it’s for me.

That_Devil_Girl, do games w What games popularized certain mechanics? avatar

Though it was used in a few games before, a Quake tournament and Half Life 1 cemented the use of WASD controls.

teft, avatar

ESDF is the superior keybinding


I am glad I am not alone!

teft, avatar

There literally dozens of us!


But for real, i struggle to play games with wasd default and now keybind changes. Part of it is as simple as my hand is just used to using esdf and I constantly hit the wrong keys in those games. But the loss of useable keys on my pinky just feels so bad.


^ This. So much this.

Used to play Warframe pretty religiously with wasd, where shift was part of a key movement combo. After a year or so, developed significant pain in my left pinky.

Shifting to esdf was damn awkward for about 2 weeks. The sheer pinky comfort though.👌


I wish I could upvote twice. It just allows so much more customization, that allows much more comfortable hand positions. I often with disable my caps lock and use A and caps lock as run and crouch.


I am unable to play Fallout 4 because E is hardcoded to be “Use.” You can change all the movement keys, but for some reason you cannot change that keybinding. So you can make E be forward movement, but every time you approach a door or chest or person you will automatically open or talk whether you want to or not.

It made the game completely unplayable for me.


Asdf is just better for general key availability imo

!deleted6508 avatar

I never understood this for first-person shooters. You can’t walk forward and backward at the same time, so I don’t see why being able to press the forward and backward movement keys at the same time would be useful at all.

Top down games with 8+ directions of movement it’s great, though.


It’s not about being able to push both movement buttons at the same time, it’s about being able to push more buttons in general. For hero shooters, mobas, MMOs, and other games with lots of inputs spreading out your reachable keys is really good.


Esdf requires more dexterity and is generally less accessible.

I’m an idiot and misunderstood which key bind was being talked about


It’s such a pain remapping controls on every. single. new. install.

But it’s worth it. Fuck wasd


it’s one key over, is it really swear-word level different?


If naughty words cause you a level of righteous indignance, my recommendation is to abstain from online activities until one reaches the age of majority


Been RDFG since about 2002. One of my roommates in college was in the top thousand on Unreal Tournament. He talked me into it. God, I get good at that game playing against him.

nokturne213, (edited )

I remember using wsad on an ascii graphics game I played back in 85 or so. I think it was called dungeons and dragons, but was not made by tsr. Larn, hack, and Moria were all similar games but I did not play those until later.


yeah HL definitely was the one popularized it as default. quake players changed the bindings for it; i know because i played that game with old-school doom/duke controls

cRazi_man, do games w Is it possible to safely "give away" a Steam account to a stranger?

It should be fine. You’ll have to be thorough in removing personal information. I would prioritise giving it to someone I know rather than a complete stranger.

Everyone else seems to be very concerned about the terms of service, but I don’t know why ToS is of utmost importance to everyone suddenly. Anyone would gladly share their streaming service passwords, would previously rip CDs or DVDs, use VPNs to circumvent porn restriction laws in their country, lied in sites/apps to sign up as a teen, etc…suddenly Steam ToS is somehow sacrosanct.

This came up recently when Steam confirmed your account cannot be left to anyone else when you die. The conclusion everyone seems to mention there is: if you leave your username and password in your will, how would Steam ever know or enforce this?

Go ahead. Do what you want.


I don’t think it’s so much a concern about violating the ToS as it is the consequences of violating it. Valve may be able to lock the account or close it if they have good reason to suspect the account has a new owner. An example of solid evidence of this may be changing the payment method for purchases, such that the name on a credit card doesn’t match the previous cardholder name on the steam account.

But if the new owner doesn’t plan on making new purchases on the account, it would probably be more difficult to confirm the account was transferred.


I never gave out passwords for my accounts that I paid for no one is getting access to shit I pay for because if something goes wrong and the account is banned then I’ve pissed money down the drain.


They’re talking about giving away their account. They don’t care about what happens to it, except maybe in the sense they’d prefer someone who wouldn’t waste it.

ampersandrew, do gaming w Best Soulslike game for beginners? avatar

Of the ones I’ve played, Elden Ring. The biggest aid for new players being that if something’s too tough, you just go somewhere easier and come back later. The opening area has a boss roaming a field designed to teach you exactly that lesson.

steal_your_face, avatar

I’ve also heard the magic in Elden ring makes it easier than the others. Any thoughts on that?


I hate other souls like games but managed my way through Elden Ring because of this and what /u/ampersandrew said about going away and coming back after exploring and leveling a bit more.

steal_your_face, avatar

Cool. How’d you like it?


I had a great time with it (mostly) but I don’t want to play it again… If that makes any sense? Ha ha.


It’s too big. Simple as that.


Doesn’t linking users work differently here? I thought @ampersandrew would be the canonical way to mention users, given that it includes their instance. I’m still fairly new to Lemmy, so maybe that’s app/instance-specific


Oh yeah, my bad. Did that completely on autopilot!

ampersandrew, avatar

The magic is similar to Dark Souls 3. I don’t know that it’s any more overtuned or anything, but there’s a lot of fun in finding broken builds, and there are tons of them.


It is the most wizarding friendly game FromSoftware has made.

Through their other games the pattern was for wizards: the level getting to the boss was tough managing your spell uses, but then the boss was easy if you reserved enough.

In Elden Ring there are less ‘levels’ and almost none of the classic ‘runback’ to a boss if you die. So you almost always can full power a boss.

Which feels easier in comparison. Though the Elden Ring bosses were designed around that more.

Imminent DLC will shake things up too.


I liked the magic in Elden Ring. First Souls game I played magic in and I feel it was very strong. If you’re going with sorceries, just be aware that the first magic teacher is easily missed. Look up where they are if you get too far into the game without finding more magic.

tuckerm, do games w Many players have become "patient gamers". What are games people might miss out on by waiting for sales?

For me, the only reason to jump on a game early is if it's necessary for there to be a thriving multiplayer community to enjoy the game. That's something you would miss out on by waiting for a sale. That early stage, where everyone is still figuring out how the game works and finding new strategies, can be fun. But I rarely play multiplayer games now, so I just skip that and I don't mind.

If it's a singleplayer game, there's no reason to jump on it early -- and certainly not to enjoy it as a technical spectacle. It'll look just as good five years from now.

I remember replaying the original Half-Life in 2008 for its ten year anniversary, and thinking, "This is still fun, but the graphics are almost distractingly outdated." But when I replayed the original Mass Effect from 2007 just a couple years ago -- which was more than ten years old then -- I thought it looked just fine.


I would argue there’s some merit to catching the cultural “wave” of a new AAA release every now and again.

Obviously I don’t do it often, but I recently picked up Baldur’s Gate 3, and it’s been fun to talk to people about it at work and such.


That's a really good point. Sometimes the fun you can have with the game's "multi player" community isn't in the game itself.

Baldur's Gate 3 is probably the best example I can think of. (And I don't have it, and it is really tempting for the reason you just gave.) I actually overheard two people talking about it at a coffee shop today, and three people talking about it on the train a couple weeks ago. I can't think of any other game that has been like this.

setsneedtofeed, (edited ) avatar

The late 90s and early 2000s were a time of rapid increases in game graphics.

We went from DOOM in 1993 with sprite enemies, abstract textures, and technical limits like not even being able to have second story rooms on top of each other to Half Life in 1998 with full 3D characters and objects, physics, and much higher resolution textures.

Jumps in graphics back then could be huge. As graphics get better though, improvements on them become diminishing returns. It stops being going from 2D to 3D or going from block head models with textures pasted on to modeled faces, and starts becoming things like subcutaneous light scattering. Things will keep looking better and better but we’ve long ago hit a baseline with graphics.

Mass Effect was made on Unreal 3. While we are currently on Unreal 5, there have been lots of games released in the intervening years that either used Unreal 3 or a modified version of it.

samus12345, avatar

Yeah, while there is an improvement in graphics, it largely plateaued after the PS3/360 “HD” era. We’re fast approaching a time when a 20 year old game will still look pretty good by modern standards instead of hopelessly outdated.

setsneedtofeed, avatar

We’ve also reached a point where the novelty of ultra realism has worn off. People expect certain AAA games to look realistic, but nobody is wowed by it anymore.

(Anecdote time: Personally the last time I was wowed by realistic graphics was Battlefield 3. The Frostbite 2 engine was a noticeable and impressive step up, but ever since then I haven’t felt a sense of visceral awe even if I know graphics keep getting better).

In my mind the graphics themselves barely matter as much as aspect ratio, controls (for some genres), and stability on modern hardware when it comes to judging if a game is “hopeless outdated”.

Since this comment chain started with Half-Life, I admit there’s no way around it looking dated, but it doesn’t hurt my eyes or confuse me as some really old games do (Goldeneye 64 sadly falls into this category). I understand what the game is showing me, and the gameplay, art direction, and tone hold it up for me.

samus12345, avatar

The last time I can recall being wowed by graphics was when I finally got an HDTV in 2008 and saw Oblivion on it (the environment, not the ugly lump of clay people). The jump to HD was huge, but ever since then it’s been incremental advancements.

sharkfucker420, do gaming w How are you all playing these insanely complex games? avatar

Personally I just hop in an wing it. In the case of baldurs gate I already understood most classes and races because of DND but in general when it comes to games like that yeah I just wing it and hope for the best


This is it basically. Especially for the first time you don’t really need to minmax anything and still have a good time.

bernieecclestoned, do piracy w Megathread removed Edytjedhgmdhm avatar

No one could spell it

hogart, avatar

Big brain move if I ever saw one!

VraethrDalkr, (edited )

Here’s how it’s pronounced: /ɛdɪtʃɛdʒm̩dʰm̩/


Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.



JaymesRS, avatar

Seems like a simple acronym to me:

Everyone Do Your Thing, Just Episode Downloads (for) Home & Great Movie Downloads. Happy Media.


Everyone Do Your Thing, Just Eat Doritos, Hershey’s, Green Mountain Dew & Happy Meals.

kamiheku, (edited ) do piracy w What's the best way to rip music off Spotify so that I can store it on my HDD?

DownOnSpot is the only one correct answer.

Edit: Zotify and Onthespot (which has a GUI) look good, as they too download straight from the source.

AphoticDev, avatar

Direct links aren’t allowed, you need to edit that. We can talk about piracy, but no linking.


Even if it’s a link to a tool, not a specific piece of content?


I think you misunderstood the rule about not linking to pirated content.

AphoticDev, avatar

Maybe. I suppose we could always report the comments linking directly, and let the admin decide, couldn’t we?


Go ahead. The rule is about copyrighted content, not open source tools.


No, you have misunderstood what the rule is about.

You’re not allowed to link to pirated content, such as a download link to the Barbie movie.

But you’re free to link to places that discuss the Barbie movie, places that discuss where to watch the Barbie movie, and places that teaches you how you can rip the Barbie movie yourself.

The only things you cannot link to, are direct links to pirated content

SaltySalamander, avatar

Look at that, doubling down.

roon, avatar

But it’s just a link to GitHub right

RandomLegend, avatar

Never heard of it… Always used on the spot

Is it better?


Huh, wasn’t aware of that one! Looks like it works in a similar way, so should be good. Has a graphical user interface, too, so more approachable. Thanks!

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