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Halo Infinite - failed
Starfield - failed
Forza Motorsport - terrible launch
Redfall - failed

Out of curiosity, I googled exclusives for Xbox series exclusives. They’ve got things like Forza Horizon 5, sunset overdrive and Ori. Like, sure, but you can’t say proudly that your console is being held aloft by 4+ year old titles when the competition is releasing banger after banger!

They just missed the mark. You can spend billions on R&D and marketing for a new console, billions on buying up game studios to make new games, but if your games suck on launch, people won’t play on your console.

What XBox has done this generation is borderline suicide.


Yes exactly. A large number of their older titles exist on other platforms like the Switch and of course, the PC, where gamepass lets people play those titles for a very affordable price.

All the more reason then to make games like Starfield and Halo infinite the absolute best games they could be


Unfortunately LGTV’s can’t be jailbroken unless you were lucky enough to jailbreak it back before they patched it.

I got mine last year and had no idea the security on it was so tight. I’m just hoping smarter minds than mine can figure out new exploits for the LGTV now that there’s demand with the ability to jailbreak PS4s


I’m holding out hope!

I’m going to disable all automatic updates in the event that it happens!

Steam year in review 2023 is up, if you want to get disappointed in how much you bought and how little of it you played. 😛 (store.steampowered.com) angielski

Personally, apparently 71% of my gaming time was spent on FFXIV. Although in my defense, most games I’ve played this year were on GOG or old free stuff from Epic I finally got around to.


You’ve had the opportunity to play almost half of all the games you’ve bought this year, with Christmas round the corner to add to that tally.

That’s a pretty good record, all things considered!


I’m not going to lie, I can’t remember the last time I had so much fun playing a shooter as I did playing Cyberpunk after the 2.0 patch and Phantom liberty DLC.

It became one of my top games of all time, and despite having finished it and trying to force myself to play something else, I’m itching to redownload it so I can get back to night city.

It took a while but I don’t think it should be excluded from the list just because of its original shortcomings. The game’s come a long way and it’s absolutely a contender for game of the year.

BG3 is still the well deserved winner though


Yeah you’re right.

That was me just letting my emotions for the game get the better of me. The best and only award it could have won is the Best Ongoing Game award, which it won at TGA.

It’s good to see CDPR finally get back into gaming’s good graces and I’m sure they’ve learned their lesson as the public and critics were far, far more harsh for the release of Cyberpunk 2077, than they were for Witcher 3. Time will tell what state Witcher 4 and Cyberpunk 2077 II release in!


Yeah, true. It was good of them to get recognised but they really shouldn’t be considered for anything beyond the award they won at TGA (Best Ongoing Game)


I see what you’re saying, but it’s unviable for much of the industry, and Apex seems to be a rare case where it found success despite the competition of overwatch, counter strike etc and despite being unknown (unlike valorant, which had significant brand recognition behind it).

But it’s unviable. Large studios need to market their games early to recover development costs through pre purchases and get people excited enough to buy day 1 (and to convince investors that there is enough excitement behind the title).

Small studios already do this - they don’t have brand recognition and therefore no money or need to market their games extensively (except on free platforms like Lemmy, Reddit etc), and hope their game somehow gets picked up by twitch and does well (e.g. Among Us). For many, many indie titles, their games die in obscurity, or get just enough attention to cover costs.

In general, what you’re asking for is the following: Don’t tell the public anything. Build a game that’s good enough but has an unknown IP (so that people who are hunting for registered URLs or LinkedIn hires don’t spot anything that could hint at a game), and then release it suddenly, but be absolutely confident that it is genuinely fun, it’s watertight (free from major bugs) and chef’s kiss optimised so incredibly well, that it gets nothing but glowing reviews on day 1 and word of mouth alone, through Twitch and YouTube is enough to propel it into the mainstream and make it an instant hit.

Or be Starfield lmao. If Bethesda is unable to do to Starfield what No Man’s Sky and Cyberpunk did, then there’s absolutely no confidence that Elder Scrolls 6 will be a good game.


This isn’t a show where CEOs get jerked off. It’s not a celebration for the 1% at the top who get to smile and pick up an award after laying off hundreds of developers that earned them that trophy.

Developers make the games that are being awarded and shown off as “World Premiers”. They get laid off right after launch as they’re no longer needed once the crunch is over.

Acknowledging this would make the malpractice known to many of the viewers who are watching.


I guess it depends on who you are, and if that’s why you’re watching.

CDPR has a disastrous launch but came through for their fans by committing to delivering a solid game that won them the “Best Ongoing Game” award, again, putting them in their fans’ good graces again for the mistakes they made.

Neil Newbon, the voice actor for Astarion in BG3, spoke in the past about how his face wasn’t a Hollywood face. Despite countless auditions, he was always turned down because of the way he looked. His voice acting and motion capture performance (i.e. actual acting!) in BG3 won him the “Best Performance” award, vindicating him from all those people who said he’s not good enough.

Neil is just one of the many stories of what it takes for individuals and studios to get recognised. This was the peak of his career, to finally be seen for what he can do, and not for what he looks like (I’ve no idea what anyone is complaining about with regards to his appearance!).

They should have given him more than 15 seconds.


A lot of us just treat this like the Superbowl and watch it just for the ads.

That is crazy to admit. Here we have people trying to do their best to remove ads from their lives; using PiHoles, AdBlockers and VPNs to get rid of as many ads as possible, but they would sit down and willingly watch ads instead of watching world-class athletes battle for supremacy on their grandest stage.

The closest thing we have in Europe is the Football World Cup. I reckon due to the nature of the sport, they play for 45mins each half and fitting in ads during play would be met with fierce backlash and boycotting. It’s insane to me that you’d look forward to ads instead!


Ok I misspoke. This shouldn’t be a show where CEO’s get jerked off.

When a game gets an award, it rewards the entire process, from planning till release, with all the numerous developers coming together to make that vision a reality. Starfield didn’t get any recognition, neither did Call of Duty, Overwatch 2 or the many other games that fester with malpractices. Sure, the CEO will pick up the award, but to get there you need to do things right. It’s difficult to stand up on the stage as a truly scumbag company.

E3 died because companies pulled out. If there’s enough community backlash to these events, and people stop actually appearing to pick up their awards or stop allowing their games to appear on TGA (and all you see on there are indie games and smaller studios), TGA will have the music played for them and be told to “wrap it up”.

When the allegations against Blizzard came to light, they were banned from appearing at TGA, and could only be nominated. I do think Geoff is aware of the public perception of the show and is trying to balance making money, and giving time to winners. What happened to Neil was unfortunate as he was one of the first winners and Geoff Keighley did say he found people had too little time to talk and stopped enforcing it as the show went on.

I don’t understand your point about Kojima. Isn’t him calling out the company precisely what he should do? Sure, he needs to do it tactfully, but I don’t see anything wrong with his delivery. That he sequed into a musical performance was hilarious and actually pretty cool.

I do agree with you about the ads though. The OD segment was far, far too long, for what wasn’t even a teaser. I still don’t understand what Gonzo was doing there, and the Alan Wake musical number (as well as the Hell blade 2 one) were fun, sure, but I’ll take longer speeches over those anyday. The show is not without fault but it’s the public who vote on the winners and make it what it is. I’m sure there’s enough discourse this year about his failings for him to fix things next year, and I’m sure he’ll address them.

What I’m concerned about though, is the lack of AAA titles. “World Premiere” seemed a bit grandiose a term to use for many of the titles shown. Everyone was waiting for Elden Ring, Titanfall, a surprise Nintendo announcement or, hell, a Fallout New Vegas remake maybe? Something?

We got Monster Hunter Wilds as the only really big game there. Light no Fire and Hellblade 2 are good offerings from established devs but hardly headliners. Major studios still don’t think TGA is a platform worthy of their products and if public perception doesn’t drastically improve, it may never be.



Neil is straight up attractive. I don’t understand the disregard for his talents but I’m guessing something else happened that put him on the blacklist?

He has insane talents and I totally agree. Hollywood is vile to the core and it’s no secret, with names big and small, old and young, veteran and rookie all content to say it as it is. It’s sad that Neil was one of the unlucky ones. What’s sadder is all the Neils who couldn’t find a break like BG3 to revive them.

Such a good point about Peter Dinklage too! It was his star power that producers banked on. I’m sure they would never have cast him if he didn’t stand out in GoT.


It’s an important distinction but a valid one

Yes, the key difference is that you’re choosing to watch ads of the genre that the show is based on, but it felt like this year we were rolling RNG for 4 hours and the best we got was monster Hunter Wilds, Light no Fire, Hellblade 2 and checks notes FOUR Fortnite ads?

Many people felt bad that there was no Elden Ring DLC, no Titanfall, no Nintendo surprise even? Rockstar could have saved their trailer for TGA, but chose to have it on their own day. Absent were the plethora of AAA titles releasing 2024-2025. It felt like we rolled RNG for ads at actually want to see, and came away slightly disappointed?


Nothing significant has changed since the original modern warfare. At this point they’re bringing back “classic” maps from like 4 years ago? They’re clutching at straws.

Don’t get me wrong; it’s a fun game. It’s probably the best multiplayer shooter out there, but it’s wrapped up in many, many layers of turds and disappointment.

  • The launcher
    I hope the Microsoft acquisition means they do away with it and go back to a regular launcher.
  • The battlepass
    I wish games stopped treating me as a product and made games that were just fun, like Baldurs Gate 3 did. I shouldn’t have a battlepass that prioritises player engagement and forces me to be connected to the game season after season as if I’m on some sort of life support machine. Just let me unlock some cool skins and let me go and play some of the other games without feeling like I’m missing out.
  • Annual releases
    When Warzone came out, and they had their first iteration of the new kind of Call of Duty games (with battlepasses), I won’t lie, it was some of the most fun I’d had since the original Modern Warfare games. Why throw it away and abandon that game for another one that comes out a year later and just sucks? Yes, it makes them more money but it fragments the player base and forces you to abandon all the perks you’ve spent ages unlocking through the battlepass.

Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll check it out for sure!


It honestly made my night to see Neil Newbon win the best performance for Baldurs Gate 3. With him talking about how he pretty much gave up on acting and went through some pretty rough times and discrimination before getting into voice acting, it’s amazing to see him finally be seen.

And let’s be clear, he wasn’t just a voice actor in BG3! He had to mocap as well as read his lines. His likeness was captured in Astarion perfectly. He was a full actor here and did an incredible job. Best performance was well deserved.


Honestly though, if they can allow me to play call of duty without the dumb launcher, I’d be happy. The launcher was only one of the many reasons I opted not to buy MW3


Dark Souls 3

Even years later, having completed the game many times, that opening song still gives me the chills! So haunting, so beautiful!

Skyrim has to be on the list for the pure joy of it


“it’s easier to apologise than it is to ask for permission”.


I don’t think it’s as black and white as that. Not to say that Microsoft isn’t dubious at times, but it seems they’re trying to weed out dodgy devices here.

Give companies free reign to create third party devices and they’ll create things that can be considered borderline cheat-y, or create things that are so bad that they affect people’s experience of Xbox consoles.

All this error code seems to be doing is requiring third party hardware to go through proper checks to verify hardware.


I mean I get it, it sucks for third party developers to pay a fee to develop for Xbox

But if you look at the quality of third party hardware available on PlayStation, Apple etc, it’s usually at a much higher quality and that gives people a perception that the hardware is better overall, even though Xbox series X and the PS5 are direct competitors.

If Xbox controllers cost $70 and crappy Chinese knockoffs are retailing for $20 and have no quality control, have cheat-y turbo buttons and break easily, they’re losing money that would have done to official controllers and also losing their brand image.

They’re not outright saying that third party devices are no longer allowed, but it does seem they want to manage the quality a little more


Absolutely! Who wouldn’t want to look at it purely from a consumer’s point of view?

It’s easy to just look at it from the consumer’s POV but the best plan is to check Microsoft when it’s actually being scummy, and not when it’s trying to just keep in line with every other company.

Sony issued takedowns of companies trying to sell PS5 faceplates, because they wanted to sell theirs at a premium. Apple is insanely notorious for proprietary hardware, to the point where the latest iPhone 15 even has its back glass fitted with a ribbon wire, so your iPhone won’t even start unless you’re using an iPhone certified back glass and it’s fitted by an iPhone tech that can enable the flag that lets your back glass work.

In a world like that, it makes no sense for Microsoft to put up with cheap knockoffs of its products especially if those products suck and are ruining its brand image.

Capitalism sucks but it is what it is. What we should do as consumers is vote with our money and not buy any accessories like this until these companies allow more third party developers to sell their parts. It just doesn’t work that way though. People keep buying this stuff no matter how high the prices go


Dude, my personal stance is irrelevant here.

I’m not saying that that’s my stance. I’m saying Microsoft is one of the largest companies in the world. You’re not going to change their mind by saying “I don’t like it”.

All I’m saying is “this is how businesses work”. If we don’t like it, we need to protest, vote with our wallets.

If you must know, my personal stance is the same as everyone else’s: it sucks that they’re forcing us to pay for first party/verified third party hardware which usually comes with a price rise.

But I thought I’d inform people what Microsoft’s position is in all this. They’re not going to stop taking massive losses just because some people on Lemmy said “that’s not nice”. Reality is that every company wants to make a profit and retain a positive brand image, especially now that Microsoft spent 69 billion dollars on Activision -Blizzard.


Yes yes we all know that big companies are going to do bad things, you aren’t revealing new information here.

You’re finding it extremely hard to understand the concepts of this conversation and still have the gall to be sarcastic and patronising. It’s surprising when you’re clearly misinformed.

We don’t really like this whole “big companies do bad things and we should expect that and not say anything about it” thing. should we just never talk about anything because big companies are big, so do what they want.

No one’s said you can’t talk about it? How are you so confused? I’ll break it down for you since you’re obviously struggling:

Companies sell products. Companies like Sony have a tighter control on their third party hardware. Companies like Microsoft are much more lenient, but it causes cheap knockoffs to flood the market and reduce their brand value and first-party profits. Microsoft will now implement a check to control third party hardware. People on Lemmy get upset. It’s hypocrisy.

You’re either upset with the whole system or none of it. Getting upset the moment Microsoft does it makes no sense. At no point is anyone saying that you can’t talk about it.

CD Projekt recommends starting a new game when Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 drops: 'starting fresh will enhance your overall gameplay experience' (www.pcgamer.com) angielski

Cyberpunk 2077 is getting a mammoth-sized update, titled Update 2.0, tomorrow, September 21, and it promises to be a bit of a game changer. A police revamp, a progression overhaul, a new cybernetics system, vehicular combat, DLSS 3.5—it's vast, and thankfully separate from the Phantom Liberty expansion due next week, so you'll...


I’ve tried to keep my spoilers to a minimum, but from what I’ve read, MAXTAC has their own siren. At 5* wanted level, when you hear their siren, a little bit of poo will come out.

Police are apparently relentless too - at all wanted levels. Oh, and straying into a gang’s territory with police on your tail can lead to interesting results lol.

I seriously can’t wait! I love netrunning, now I can be the netrunning demon everyone fears!


I’m referring to the spoilers for the changes incoming in update 2.0.

Not everyone likes to read what’s changed and want to experience it first hand. MAXTAC was not in the base game and is a huge part of the consequences of your actions on the street.


Unfortunately with games like Starfield inbound, keeping player retention means patching things the players aren’t happy with. They may be crunched but I hope they’re being compensated well for it and get a long break after

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