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KickMeElmo, w Has Unity repaired the damage done by its Runtime Fee plans?

“lol no”


Ah yes, classic Betteridge’s law of headlines.

Betteridge’s law of headlines is an adage that states: “Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the words ‘lol no’.”


A favourite of reactionist right-wing press.

Are immigrants sneaking into your home in the middle of the night and licking your children?

Well they should be. Lazy bums.


Listen, I’m licking as many kids as I can, but I’m just one immigrant!

Cylusthevirus, w Starfield Bug Forces Players to Change Gender to Fire Guns avatar


BigChicken, w Starfield is Bethesda's Least Buggiest Game to Date, Say Sources

Least buggiest? Are we just giving up on English, “journalists?”


I think the title is a joke about how Bethesda games are notoriously always full of bugs. Like, to the point that it's just expected for any new Bethesda game to be a bug-riddled mess at launch.

Hell, there are still bugs in Skyrim that never got patched, even after they re-released it onto modern platforms. Not even obscure bugs, but things normal players will encounter in their playthroughs.


It’s crazy that they haven’t used things like the unofficial patch to fix their own damn game. Like they could pretty much just copy paste that shit and be fine. But no. More than a decade later and that shit is still around and even propagated to things like FO4 and FO76.


Someone distributing it for free doesn't mean they can legally just put it in their code and sell it.

If it is licensed in a way they can use it, they'd still have to do a bunch of testing and validation to actually do it.


That’s still orders of magnitude easier than figuring it out from first principles, and nowhere near arduous enough to excuse leaving the problems unaddressed.


It's not that simple. Even using it as a base gets you into a legal gray area. Learning from a work and incorporating elements into your own work is legal, but copying someone else's legwork like this is legally murky even if you don't take the actual code.


Yeah I’m sure Microsoft-owned Bethesda is shaking in their boots about learning from modifications to their own game. That’s gotta be everything stays buggy.

Buddahriffic, (edited )

If an employee writes code for a company, the employer* owns the copyright.

If an individual writes code on their own time, they own the copyright.

If someone publishes a free mod containing code, that mod could contain a combination of that person’s code, code from other contributors, and even other copyrighted code that none of them had the right to in the first place but it either hasn’t been noticed or isn’t being pursued because there’s not likely any money in it anyways.

It’s that murky area that I’m guessing they’d want to avoid. They might be more likely to hire the modder to do that again from scratch for them than to use their work directly. Blizzard did that back in the day with two (that I know of) of the people writing modding tools for StarCraft. Their tools remained on the modding site and were never officially adopted by Blizzard but the authors worked on the WC3 map editor to add some of that functionality right into the official map editor that was going to be released with the game.

Edit: corrected a mistake where I said the opposite of what I intended to (that the employee owned the copyright rather than the employer)


Hiring the modder is not necessary, to look at a mod, go ‘oh that’s what we did wrong,’ and fix it. That’s not the ctrl+c/ctrl+v situation you seem to expect. And considering it’s their own game, and fixing bugs, the legal concerns are practically nonexistent.

If an employee writes code for a company, that employee owns the copyright.



Oops thanks for putting that out, corrected.

For the first point, it might be more of a patent thing than copyright, because you can patent improvements you come up with for someone else’s invention.

Though another angle might be that game studios want to avoid encouraging a freelance game improvement market where people look to financially gain from swooping in and making improvements to their games. It might result in improvements they already planned to make but hadn’t gotten to being blocked by patents and license demands. I don’t agree that this is something that should be avoided, though I don’t think current IP laws would make this a desirable system for anyone other than lawyers.

That’s not to say that it’s legally impossible to figure out how to navigate pulling in community changes to the main game, there’s just complications involved that so far Bethesda has preferred to avoid. They might even just want to avoid a case going to court to set some kind of precedent because it might involve paying royalties to modders. IMO they would deserve to be paid if their work gets pulled into the game directly or indirectly, and even just as modders adding value to the base game I think maybe they deserve some compensation for their efforts.


I don’t even know who you’re talking to at this point. It bears little resemblance to anything I’ve written.


Just generally rambling about reasons why companies might not want to adopt user-authored changes in their main game.

There’s copyright that applies to code (which would cover copy/paste). There’s parents that apply to ideas (which might still cover cases where you didn’t use copy/paste). And there’s precedence where if you do something one way one time, others might expect you to continue doing it that way even if you intended it to be a one-off (which might overlap with both of those).


He’s saying the “Least buggiest” is not proper phrasing. It should be something along the lines of “the least buggy/bugged” and it’s a pretty bad title for someone claiming to be a “journalist”.

Chozo, (edited )

Doesn’t matter what he claims, he just wrote an article for a publishing/news/media company. That’s called journalism, professional or not.

jour·nal·ism /ˈjərnlˌizəm/ noun the activity or profession of writing for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or preparing news to be broadcast. “she had begun a career in journalism”


Now define "claim" (verb).

ryven, (edited ) avatar

It doesn’t have to be “proper” if it works as a joke. It implies that a Bethesda game can’t be merely “buggy,” it must be the “buggiest,” even if it’s (paradoxically) less buggy. So, “least buggiest.”


I seems in general journalism has gotten worse and worse with their grammar. I honestly wonder if their editors even look at even the title before things are posted online.


When I used to do copywriting for junk SEO, I began to suspect that my editor didn’t actually read anything I wrote and just passed it through a content uniquness filter, so I started putting in random references to HP Lovecraft stories in the articles I got assigned.

They all got published, no questions asked. For a while if you searched “Homeopathy and the Esoteric Cult of Dagon” my content was the only result


For a while? So are other companies now hustling in on your game.

tal, avatar

I imagine that LLMs have been trained on his reviews by this point and are vigorously producing articles exploring the intersection of pop gaming and the Elder Things.


Alas, I just tried searching that and a few close variants, and find nothing but this Memmy post.


Hah, this was about 10 years ago - I doubt anything I wrote is still around.


Ah damn, I guess the internet monks didn’t make new copies of your articles before they feel apart and decayed to dust. Too many monks these days probably follow the flashier acrobatic martial arts career path.

Though they are doing a good job of preserving the ancient internet memes.


What are editors? — journalists probably

tal, avatar

I mean, an automated grammar checker should get this. Shouldn't even require a human editor.

Plugging it in there catches it and suggests "least buggy".


Rewording things is also one of the few things that LLMs seem to be able to reliably do, too.


Our first public comment about Starfield being a polished game came from journalist Tyler McVicker, who’s currently under an embargo for the title.

Wow they name dropped a youtuber. Nevermind, went to my favorite source for gaming, Dexerto, aaaand it’s the same shit.

SuperSpruce, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.

Why the hell would they add the DRM after release when the game is already cracked before the DRM was added? I can never understand this logic.


Before and on release date, most sales are to a minority of highly engaged gamers that then create reviews and hype. Ubisoft needs that hype as they know the majority of the profit they will make is from sales after the release when the general public reads those reviews and then decide to spend their dollar on the game because the reviews were good. Also the majority of the general public won’t pirate anyway…


But once it’s out it’s out. I at least understand the logic of DRM from launch because it delays cracks, but once you’ve released without DRM it’s out there lol.


Maybe the drm is so fucked that the game performance suffers too much for the reviews


I have a hard time believing most people read reviews


I don’t know how the launch went but these days the release version of games is usually a buggy mess with half the content stripped out of it so they can sell it later as DLC or a season pass


But… it’s not cracked?


To fuck over their customers. As usual.

Addition, w Starfield hasn’t hurt No Man’s Sky’s popularity – it may have even helped it

Having played a lot of NMS and now sinking time into Starfield, these comparisons need to stop. NMS and Starfield are wildly different games.

It’s just like when people compare Terraria and Minecraft, or Overwatch and TF2. It’s a poor comparison beyond the vague theme of each game.

NMS and Starfield are both set in space, give the player a spaceship, and let the player land on planets. That’s where the similarities end.

dreadgoat, avatar

It's strange, people can't seem to help themselves.

Even the Star Citizen community was full of people talking about how Starfield was finally going to deliver as the superior sandbox space sim.

Space Game is not a genre, it's a setting. Bethesda RPGs are gonna Bethesda RPG, no matter how you flavor it.


It’s like Cyberpunk again, people gave themselves grand ideas about what a game would be regardless of what the Devs were saying, then got upset it isn’t the game they imagined but the one they were told they were getting.


I get what you’re saying, this happens with almost every major release but cyberpunk promised far for than it delivered. The version 2.0 that released soon should have been what we got in the initial release. We were promised multiplayer, that got cancelled. We were promised multiple dlc, phantom liberty is the only dlc they’re going to release. I’m still excited nonetheless.


Both also have base building mechanics, survey objectives, jet packs, mining lasers, but that’s really where the similarities end.

WeLoveCastingSpellz, avatar

They would be very similar. if Bethesda was competent both games have lots of similar elements from, yes having ships to scanning resources on a planet to having a jetpack. So it is fair and understandtable to compare these games pretty much the biggest difference is that Bethesda not having seamless apace travel and I ain’t letting them off the hook for “well they are just different games 🤓” bullshit.


I’m actually kinda glad it didn’t have seamless space travel. I don’t think it’s entirely necessary. Colour me the 1%

WeLoveCastingSpellz, avatar

This way space travel is reduced to fast travvel


Lol yep


Depends, of you’re jumping to a system you have enough range/fuel for it is, it don’t need to be scanned to enter the sector, sometimes your forced to go though other places you may want to avoid.


Same here, it’s impressive technically the first few times you see it in NMS, but eventually it gets old. Starfield loses nothing by not having it.


You sound like you’re in an abusive relationship with Bethesda.


What? Fuck off idiot


I don’t think it’s unfair to point out that many of the people who were interested in Starfield leading up to launch thought they were getting more of a space sim than they did, proceeded to look for alternatives, and NMS was there being pretty good at what it does now. The OP article demonstrates this and is not a comparison between the games. In my case, Starfield just reminded me that NMS exists and I decided I’d rather be playing it. Fundamentally comparing the games is ridiculous, but it’s no surprise that NMS ended up in the conversation.


I recently started playing NMS again right before Echoes, although I didn’t know Echoes was coming up. While I never made a conscious link between seeing all of the news about Starfield and me choosing that game when I was last looking through the plethora for something to inspire me, I think it may have had a subconscious effect on my choice.


Maybe they should have paid attention to what was actually being said by the Devs then. They clarified that it wasn’t going to be like NMS/Elite/etc at least a year out from release.

rikudou, w Valve fails to get out of paying its EU geo-blocking fine avatar

Nice. As much as I love Valve, region-blocking sucks and the EU enforcing it is great.

Deceptichum, avatar

Yeah, it’s really going to help the citizens of the poorer EU countries when they have to pay the same high prices as their higher earning neighbours.

Truly a win for the EU and it’s citizens.

woelkchen, avatar

Yeah, it’s really going to help the citizens of the poorer EU countries when they have to pay the same high prices as their higher earning neighbours.

Had you cared to even read the one-line summary, you’d know it’s not about different prices within Steam but about activation keys.

aBundleOfFerrets, (edited )

Which will unavoidably inflate the prices of said keys in said poorer countries. The article mentions this explicitly.


Steam prices are already the same. Steam games aren’t cheaper in Estonia at least.

Deceptichum, avatar

Because they stopped doing it years ago to avoid the EU going after them.


The geoblocking is in place to prevent people from buying keys in one (cheap) region and activating them in another (more expensive) one. It’s about both, you dolt.


The EU has very clear law on digital ownership. It’s the same reason if you buy a PC with Windows installed in the EU, you have the right to take that Windows install and put it on another PC, regardless of if it’s OEM or not. This hasn’t prevented Microsoft from doing regional pricing for Windows and if this affects Steam’s pricing that’s on Valve.

Deceptichum, avatar

Had you cared to read the fucking article.

The original charges centered around activation keys. The commission said Valve and five publishers (Bandai Namco, Capcom, Focus Home, Koch Media and ZeniMax) agreed to use geo-blocking so that activation keys sold in some countries — like Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary and Latvia — would not work in other member states. That would prevent someone in, say, Germany buying a cheaper key in Latvia, where prices are lower.

woelkchen, avatar

Had you cared to read the fucking article.

I did and unlike you I even understood it.

That would prevent someone in, say, Germany buying a cheaper key in Latvia, where prices are lower.

ACTIVATION KEYS from key retailers. It’s not about prices within the Steam storefront.

Deceptichum, avatar

Valve said that the charges didn't pertain to PC games sold on Steam, but that it was accused of locking keys to particular territories at the request of publishers

It’s not like Valve played no role in this.

Games can be sold on other places besides the Steam store. This still negatively impacts consumers.

woelkchen, avatar

It’s not like Valve played no role in this.

I never claimed otherwise.

This still negatively impacts consumers.

Some consumers maybe. It will benefit others.


Temporarily. But then Valve might just set prices the same everywhere in the EU and also restrict keys sold by other retailers.

woelkchen, avatar

I can order any goods via mail from across the border, like a BluRay of a PS5 game.


I don’t see what that has to do with Steam, digital goods are regulated differently than physical goods.

woelkchen, avatar

digital goods are regulated differently than physical goods.

But this is still about activation keys which are frequently printed out, put in a plastic case, and then sent to retail markets.


That sounds like a separate thing entirely. I could be wrong, but I don’t think Valve has any say in how keys not sold through the Steam storefront are resold, so supposedly the lawsuit should target whoever is distributing keys in that way. AFAIK, Steam only offers two ways to buy a game–buy the game for yourself and buy as a gift–and in neither case does Steam offer the keys directly to users.

And then there’s this from the article:

In a statement back in 2021, Valve said that the charges didn’t pertain to PC games sold on Steam, but that it was accused of locking keys to particular territories at the request of publishers. It added that it turned off region locks for most cases (other than local laws) in 2015 because of the EU’s concerns.

So AFAIK Valve isn’t distributing resellable keys that are region locked, it’s region-locking at the point of purchase and allowing developers to request region-locked keys. So it would be on publishers to abide by EU laws, no?

The again, I don’t live in the EU, nor have I ever bought a physical Steam key (not sure if Valve directly offers that in any way).

woelkchen, avatar

So it would be on publishers to abide by EU laws, no?

Yes. Bandai Namco, Capcom, Focus Home, Koch Media, and ZeniMax are named by the ruling. Never heard of Focus Home before, though.


That’s on Valve, not the regulators. Valve is perfectly free to lower the prices EU-wide to what the citizens of the poorer EU countries can afford.

Deceptichum, avatar


Are you deliberately being thick?

Valve doesn’t set the prices.

And more importantly no business is going to charge everyone the low price instead of charging everyone the high price if forced to pick one or the other.


🤷 Still not the regulator’s fault.

Deceptichum, avatar

It is their fault for removing that option however.


Sure, in the same way it’s the government’s “fault” for removing your option to, say, run a protection racket, or agree to a contract of indentured servitude, or sell baby formula with melamine in it. There are lots of abusive or exploitative business models that the government removes your option to engage in! And the government is right to do it.

Deceptichum, avatar

Not at all.

Offering those less capable of paying, a reduced price isn’t abusive or exploitative.

There is a huge difference between the things you’ve mentioned and this. You’re being intentionally dishonest at this point and there’s no further point in this discussion.


The cost of producing something doesn’t change depending on who you sell it to. Charging anything beyond cost + some reasonable profit margin is unethical profiteering.


go price discrimination!

we should give more companies more market power so they can do it more.

fucking competetive markets suck - i cant believe all these fucking laws trying to limit monopoly power.


Merwyn, (edited ) w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

Tes 3: Morrowind, every NPCs can be killed and of course if you kill some of them before they got usefull to progress the main quest you are locked.

At their death there is a notification message like “you fucked up, you can reload or continue to play in this world forever doomed”. BUT, in my first playthrough some broken mod I installed was hiding this message …

Also, in the same game you could lose quest item and be unable to finish the main quest. But that kind of require you to be stupid on purpose, because it’s obvious what item are important.

EDIT: found the in game message: " With this character’s death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created."


I think that’s the best way to handle it. Let me kill whoever I want as long as I know the consequences.

Steeve, (edited )

First time I played I had to load a save back in Seyda Neen because I killed some poor half naked dude in his shack in Balmora. Fuckin Caius Cosades.


😰 You killed Daddy Caius


Isn’t it like the first quest you get? 🫠


Hey man, Morrowind quests don’t hold your hand! It’s not like there’s a minimap and some big ass marker over his head saying “don’t kill and rob this half naked dude who looks like a skooma addict in his tiny studio apartment because he’s secretly the spy master for the main faction in the game”! I was young! I chose violence!


I would even check whether he even speaks to you first 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠


What kind of monster uses mods on a first playthru


It was some small QoL changes in the UI and menus, recommended by my friend who recommended me the game. I don’t remember exactly the changes but there was nothing big added or changed in the gameplay


Me, more and more these days. Especially if the game has been out for a while.


If the game is made by Bethesda then it’s warranted. They’ve never been capable of making an acceptable ui it seems


Good news. You can still beat the game if the “thread of prophecy is severed”, but it is fairly challenging and generally requires stumble-luck or at LEAST knowledge of how to normally beat the game. It helps to know the identity of another character you have to kill in cold blood to get “almost back on track”. And then the location that serves no real purpose except to get back on track from that situation.

Merwyn, (edited )

Yes indeed, I know what you are talking about. But I would not really consider that the “normal” ending as described by OP. Even if the ending scene itself is exactly the same, it’s a very different path and clearly a much harder one.


Well… Yes. Not saying it doesn’t fit the topic. Just a really cool way they handled it all.


Sure ! And I discovered that only years later by reading a wiki page. But actually it make sense that it’s also feasible this way.

Gooey0210, (edited )

Marvelous morrowind I should’ve put some “morrowind joke” but I don’t remember any

gravitas_deficiency, w Unity: An open letter to our community


You showed everyone who you are, Unity execs. You also pointedly did not even begin to address any of the other sketchy shit, like the vouchers you were handing out to try to sink AppLovin, or the silent and unannounced modification of your license agreement that was discovered by the community after the fact.

Fuck all the way off.

Mandy, w Unity May Never Win Back the Developers It Lost in Its Fee Debacle

Fantastic, let them die Let a company, just once, learn a lesson


Not a good idea to leave Unreal Engine without decent competitors. Other universal engines are too small to compete with UE.


Honestly, Unreal has been in a different league ever since Epic started dumping Fortnite money into it. That’s probably why Unity tried to start charging more, because they’ve been falling behind for the past few years and can’t afford to keep up. Not that I think it’s good to leave Epic/Unreal without decent competition, but I’m more inclined to blame Fortnite for the downfall of Unity than the indie devs Unity just scared off with their desperate cash-grab.

captain_aggravated, avatar

Unreal has been in a different league basically since its inception. Compare the original Unreal engine to its contemporaries like Quake or Half Life and it’s amazing what they could do, if you had a box that could run it.

The difference between Unreal and Unity is Unreal has a sustainable viable business model (I think I’ve come to the conclusion that there are no “sustainable” business models under capitalism, what with demanding infinite growth and lal that). Epic Games develops their own games; the development of Unreal Engine has pulled its weight as a component of Fortnite and such. Same thing with Valve; I don’t think they ever bothered to charge for developing a game in the Source engine because they made their money for engine development through Half Life 2, Portal, TF2, Left 4 Dead etc.

Unity on the other hand doesn’t make and sell games, so they have to either directly charge developers (which they both do and don’t) or they operate their own adware nonsense. And neither of those revenue streams are enough. Which means they don’t have a viable business model. So they pull a stunt like this to hasten their inevitable bankruptcy.

tias, (edited )

Yeah I was a game programmer in the early 2000s. Unreal made my jaw drop back then already. They’ve always been state of the art (although arguably CryEngine had the lead for a while), long before Unity came around. As you might remember, it started out in 1998 as the game Unreal (and then Unreal Tournament) which was a kickass first-person shooter. It has been around for 25 years now.

Unreal is now also selling their engine to Hollywood productions that want to replace green screen with real-time effects for the actors to play against. It’s impressive stuff, and I bet they’re going rake in tons of money through that channel as well. Unity is just not in the same ballpark.

That said, there’s room for Unity if they’re willing to find a business model where they don’t compete head-on with Unreal. As the article indicates there is (was) a strong community providing tons of cheap or free-of-charge assets, and it’s been very appreciated among indie devs for these reasons. Unity excels in support for mobile and web platforms. They don’t need to make their engine support all the latest cool technology. They just need good developer relations and tools that make it easy to turn cool ideas into fun games. The fact that they squandered their biggest asset (the community) shows that the leadership does not comprehend Unity’s value proposition. It is being lead by fucking morons.


Having used the Unreal engine, I’m actually surprised it’s not more popular than Unity.

I’m leaning towards people saw Unity as “the scrappy underdog” to Epic. When really, Unreal engine fought like hell to get to where it is.


Tencent, which owns Epic Games to 40%, is a big turnoff for me.


I’m sure the person responsible for the change is going to be feeling devastated as they buy back all the stocks for fractions of what they paid.

Anticorp, w A quarter of Starfield players couldn’t even be bothered to finish the first mission

Starfield has been out for long enough now that anyone interested in playing it likely already has.

Not even close, especially not in the year that also brought us Baldur’s Gate and Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. How much free time does this writer think everyone has?


It’s a Bethesda game. In a year most of the bugs will be fixed by the Unofficial Starfield Special Edition Patch, and it’ll be on sale.


They were actually fairly accurate that it’s their least buggy title yet. That’s not to say there are none, but they are few and far between. The game just isn’t that fun for now. Animations take too long (currently already mods to fix most of them), traveling is boring, outposts suck, and just so much QoL changes are needed. Bug fixing isn’t really required from my experience. Plenty of other fixes are though.


As much as they do, probably

Aganim, (edited )

Yup, definitely interested in Starfield. But at the moment still enjoying Act I of BG3, Cyberpunk 2077 patch 2.0 and DLC are right around the corner and after I’ve finished those Cityies: Skylines 2 will be available. So I’ll probably have time for Starfield somewhere early 2024, depending on if my recurring Satisfactory itch hits before that. But by that time more official and unofficial bugfixes and QoL mods will be available, so I’m fine with waiting a bit longer to play. This year is just filled with too many goodies. 😁


I’ve played Starfield (did not purchase it on Steam…) and it’s alright. I haven’t finished it, and I won’t be for a while. It’s is missing so much QoL and so many thing will need the mod toolkit for modders to fix, which isn’t available yet. It should not be purchased by anyone at the moment. You’ll have a better time in several months, and it’ll quite possibly be cheaper.

There’s so much else to play. I’m wanting to get around to Armored Core 6 sometime, but Payday 3 is coming out, and Cities Skylines 2 and Counter Strike 2 (both CS2, and cities dropped it’s ‘:’ to add to the confusion) are coming soon. I may hop back into Cyberpunk if I get around to it, but it’s on the lower end of the list. There’s literally no reason for anyone to bother purchasing Starfield for a bit.


Yeah this one is most definitely back burnered cause it didn’t launch with DLSS and Bethesda always has a million bugs. I’ll wait for the mods to fix everything and play the polished games first.


I haven’t even got around to Sea of Stars, for pity’s sake


Why buy then? Wait for a sale and buy then.

highduc, (edited ) w Facepunch (Rust): Unity can get fucked

Garry pulled Linux support from Rust so imho he can get fucked too :)

Edit: to clarify I mean after I and other people purchased it with Linux support.
So now he knows what it feels like when you purchase something and the seller changes terms on ya. Nice!


“Rules for thee but not for me” - Gary probably


I’m sure the 2% of Steam users that they were almost definitely losing money supporting will enjoy this announcement for decades to come.


Taking away advertised features that literally one single person bought your game for is unacceptable.


You’re welcome to have that opinion. My opinion is that this is a niche issue that doesn’t actually affect anyone’s ability to play the game because dual-booting an unregistered copy of Windows and using tools to remove the watermark isn’t difficult. It’s realistically not a problem unless you’re hyper privacy-sensitive, in which case there are cut-down versions of Windows out there that strip all of the gunk out.


Windows is malware.

But that's entirely irrelevant. It is literally impossible for any business in any scenario taking a feature away that a customer paid them for to be forgivable, and should unconditionally constitute fraud.


Umm… pirating windows is your recomended solution?

Look don’t get me wrong I could say it’s if anything more cost effective for simply the dev’s to say “OK anyone who has more than 1 hour of linux play time prior to this date qualifies for a refund”.

Of which, most likely is a handful of people so easy work.

Screw privacy sensitivity that’s a moot point. Installing windows isn’t a minor tweak to a computer .First of all the suggested method is technically breaking the law. Secondly you are talking minimum adding in a windows partition, so an extra 50 GB storage on top of the amount the game takes. Comprimizes to the boot loader on the system, in which there’s a high chance of messing up an existing install.

nanoUFO, (edited ) avatar

Cough p2w skins and items. Gary isn’t making his own engine I don’t know why he even brings it up, most of the programmers are probably unity devs. Though facepunch is probably the richest indie studio on the planet.

circuitfarmer, (edited ) w Trouble running Starfield? Todd Howard says 'Upgrade your PC' avatar

It’s BS though. People with TOTL hardware are having issues. Those systems don’t underperform because the game is advanced or anything like that – the game underperforms because it is a new release that is poorly optimized. It’s also expected because it’s on a senior citizen of a game engine that likely needs a few other nudges.

Todd Howard forgets that PC users see this shit all the time, and it’s pretty obvious with this one. Hoping to see talk of optimization in a coming patch instead.

Edit: a good example – not hitting 60fps in New Atlantis, but concurrently, CPU usage in the 50s and GPU usage in the 70s. That’s a sign of poor optimization.


My friend and I were just discussing the likelihood that some hardware producers pay game devs to purposely output bad optimizations so users are encouraged to spend more on upgrades.

circuitfarmer, avatar

In this case, you get Starfield free with the purchase of select AMD CPUs or GPUs.

But it’s weird for Todd Howard to come out with this push now, because it’s in response to those already playing the game.

Rheios, (edited ) avatar

I mean, that’s probably why he would make the push. The bait’s in the mouth (people have the game), then comes the pull of the hook (they have to upgrade to try and handle its poor optimization, fulfilling the benefit of AMD backing them). And Beth doesn’t lose anything if its too frustrating and people stop playing over it because they already have the money.

EDIT: Admittedly I keep forgetting that game-pass is a thing, but maybe even that doesn’t really matter to Microsoft if it got people to get on gamepass or something? That makes my earlier point a bit shakier.

circuitfarmer, avatar

Yeah, MS wins either way, so long as people still want to play the game.


…like not launching with DLSS. What a weird oversight.

circuitfarmer, avatar

AMD is the official sponsor. That’s the one thing that wasn’t a surprise.


It's not an oversight, they were paid to not include DLSS.

MentalEdge, avatar

While I’m no fan of paid sponsorships holding back good games, this is untrue.

Neither nvidia nor amd block their partner devs from supporting competing tech in their games. They just won’t help them get it working, and obviously the other side won’t either, since that dev is sponsored. There are some games out there that support both, some of them even partnered.

So yes, it’s bullshit. But it’s not “literally paid” bullshit. Bethesda could have gone the extra mile, and didn’t.

hypelightfly, (edited )

AMD blocks partners from implementing DLSS. You're probably right that it's not paid bullshit as the payout isn't monetary. But it's still being blocked due to the partnership.

This is hardly the first game to do this. Jedi Survivor, RE4 have the same problem. AMD sponsored FSR2 only. The work required to implement FSR2 or DLSS is basically the same (motion data). That's why DLSS mods were immediately available.

Since FSR2 was released not a single AMD sponsored game has DLSS added. Even games done in engines like unreal where all the dev has to do is include the plugin.


Literally not the case here, as evidenced by public communications.


Yes, it is the case. Companies lie all the time.

HKayn, (edited ) avatar

Is there actual evidence for AMD blocking DLSS?

And no, AMD being a sponsor is not sufficient evidence.


There is circumstantial evidence, no direct evidence as contracts are not public. There is no evidence, (circumstantial or direct) that AMD is allowing partners to add DLSS.

Every single AMD sponsored game released since FSR2 launched does not include DLSS despite it being trivial to add if the work is being done for FSR2. For Unreal engine games it can be enabled by including a completely free plugin, the work is already done. Yet, the AMD sponsored games don't. There is even a game that announced DLSS support before it released and then removed it after becoming AMD sponsored (Boundary).


To be more accurate, they were paid to include AMD optimization instead of DLSS.

Alto, avatar

I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe brute forcing a 26 yesr old engine that makes skyrim have a stroke if you try to play above 30fps isn't a good idea

_waffle_, (edited ) avatar

What game engine is 26 years old other than the Unreal engine?

Edit: stepped on some toes i guess lmfao


Gamebryo, the base of creation engine used by Bethesda for this

_waffle_, avatar

Ah okay. Thank you for the actual answer


Is it actually the same engine?

Animoscity, avatar

No, Im not a fan of the game personally but a quick search shows they are using the creative engine 2, which is a newer version of their engine.

Alto, avatar

Ill see if I can find it when I'm at my PC, but in an interview a dev said it was still using significant amounts of code from their Gamebryo engine from 97


They could have called it Creative Engine 129030129784.32985 for all that it matters. It’s just a name for an engine update, as they do for every new game. They didn’t re-write it from scratch; that would be a billion-dollar venture.

From what I’ve read it’s the exact same engine as FO4 with better lighting (and of course, as with every new game, some improvements locally relevant to the gameplay).
But, fundamentally, underneath the fancy lights, still the same engine. That explains the 2008-esque animations, the bugs, the performance issues, and general flatness of the game. It can’t be more than “Skyrim in Space” because that’s what it technically is.


Because putting a 2 after the name makes a new engine. It’s just a new iteration of the same old engine that runs Fallout 3, skyrim, and Fallout 4.

Tranus, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

I’m finding it very difficult to phrase this comment. I want to share my thoughts, but I know that if I am perceived as a bigot, everything I say will be seen as something to be defeated rather than understood. But tiptoeing around the subject doesn’t convey my meaning any better. So please, give me the benefit of the doubt long enough to hear me out.

I think what nexus is doing here is inappropriate. Mods, by their very existence, give players choice. Even this one: it means players can now choose he or she or to not be asked at all. Nexus, by removing this mod, is exerting what influence they have to eliminate that choice.

Nexus has considerable influence. For many games, particularly Bethesda games, they are seen as the default and complete source of mods. When looking for new mods to install, most people wouldn’t bother checking other sites since everything is on nexus. If players aren’t aware a mod exists, in other words they are unaware an option exists, that hinders them from making that choice. Also, their vortex mod manager makes installing mods from nexus super simple. By removing the mod from their site, they are making installing the mod at least a little bit more difficult.

I have seen multiple people posit here that removing the mod is fine because it does something so silly and pointless that no one should care about it. But we all care about silly, pointless things from time to time. I have spent days comparing all of the ways of getting unified GTK and QT themes on my desktop to try and get them just right. That was entirely pointless. But I wanted it that way, so I made it that way. I don’t have to justify it to anyone, and neither do the users of this mod. Installing the mod will only affect their game, no one else even has to know about it. Nexus’ decision does effect other people. They do have to justify themselves. Removing the mod is telling people they must select a pronoun. If it is really so pointless, nexus shouldn’t have bothered removing the mod.

People also claim that the political implications made by the mod are dangerous, and must be suppressed. I know you’ll roll your eyes at me, but yes: I’m making the free speech argument. It really is important though. If we, as a society and as individuals, accept suppressing speech for it’s ideological contents, then we are begging the question: which ideas are ok, and which aren’t? The ability to control public discourse is powerful, and highly coveted by anyone who wants to bend society to their will. It has been done before, and we know how horrible the consequences can be. It is incredibly dangerous. Answering that question at all is only justifiable in the face of a comparable danger. Is the idea of not being asked one’s pronouns really a comparable danger? Nexus seems to think so.

Of course, free speech also protects Nexus’ right to control what they put on their platform. I am not saying they shouldn’t have that right. But nexus is a platform, not a person. They position their site not as a place for them to share their own content, but for others to share theirs. Any modification to the contents of their site is a modification to other people’s speech, not just Nexus’s. They ought to use their capability in this regard responsibly and sparingly. Their actions here are neither.

I thought that others here on Lemmy believed in the same principles I do. That people should have total control over their own software and activities with it. That neither corporations nor governments should take any action to unduly control what they do with their own property. The belief in FOSS and decentralization seemed to go hand in hand with that. But if something like this can make you all turn on those principles, then maybe the resemblance wasn’t even skin deep.


“Free speech” means you will not be captured by the cops because of your opinion. Private entities are free to enforce any restrictions they want on their site. If you disagree with them, simply stop using the site, like we did with Reddit.

steventrouble, (edited )

It wasn’t removed because of the pronouns though. It was removed because the mod description violated their community policies.

There are plenty of mods just like it that the site keeps up. Dozens of mods even remove black characters from games, which is way worse. The difference is, those mods don’t write long rants about how much they hate minorities and liberals in their descriptions.


To be entirely fair, if it’s not the mods content itself, but the description, that got it removed, that should probably be clarified front and center. That’s a pretty big shift from the mod being removed based on it’s simple existence.


This finally explains it. I was about to write something similar as the comment you are replying to, because it did felt like a totally unnecessary PR stunt of another corporation that only exploits the issue for publicity, and I really hate that.

But if the mod description was as bad as you say, then removing it was the right move.

Astaroth, (edited )

It wasn’t removed because of the pronouns though. It was removed because the mod description violated their community policies.

There are plenty of mods just like it that the site keeps up. Dozens of mods even remove black characters from games, which is way worse. The difference is, those mods don’t write long rants about how much they hate minorities and liberals in their descriptions.

if that’s true then it makes sense

Edit: I just found out about the spider man pride flag removal mod debacle and read the official statement by Nexus Mods:

In regards to the replacement of Pride flags in this game, or any game, our policy is thus: we are for inclusivity, we are for diversity. If we think someone is uploading a mod on our site with the intent to deliberately be against inclusivity and/or diversity then we will take action against it. The same goes for people attempting to troll other users with mods deliberately to cause a rise. For our part, we will endeavour to do a better job of moderating our website to this ethos ourselves.

We aren’t the authority on what users can and cannot mod. Us removing a mod only means it cannot be found at Nexus Mods, nothing more, nothing less. We also note that we are not the only site that has removed this mod from their platform. As a private business, we have a right to choose what content we do and do not want to host on our platform. Respect this right the same way you want respect for your rights.

By Nexus Mods’ own words they will take action against anti diversity/inclusivity mods and actively take a stance on what kinds of mods are allowed on Nexus Mods.

So regardless of what the mod descriptions may or may not have said, it seems Nexus Mods would’ve deleted this pronoun removal mod as well.

These aren’t mods I would’ve bothered using (and I don’t even play these games either) but Nexus Mods trying to police what mods players are allowed to use is pretty shit.

The great thing about mods is they only affect the people who choose to get them and gives everyone more choices to change games to what they want, and I don’t think anyone should try to force what kinds of mods are allowed or not.

The whole point of modding is that you find something you don’t like or think could’ve been improved in some way, so you change it to your preference.


The fact that you wrote that wall of text just to not get attacked speaks volumes of the current state of progressivism in this place, you can’t say anything and you are walking on eggshells.

And you know what? Fuck those dipshits.

PoliticalAgitator, (edited )

And are these “progressives” in the room now? No, they’re clearly not. Nobody is attacking him and he’s not even being downvoted.

He wrote the wall of text because he has the self awareness to know that the comment he is writing is functionally identical to what a far-right reactionary “hiding their power level” would write.


What are you fuckin talking about? Are you are bot or something?


He wrote the wall of text because he has the self awareness to know that the comment he is writing is functionally identical to what a far-right reactionary “hiding their power level” would write

This paragraph is the funniest shit I have read today.


Yep, you’re exactly what everyone expected.


Yeah sure I’m the boogeyman booooh, the irony is so delicious.


if you’re having trouble comprehending what he wrote in a few sentences, perhaps your bot needs more tokens to parse what he’s putting out, for humans it’s incredibly straight forward.


He edited his comment and added more, Sherlock


If I’m Holmes what does that make you, Boebert?


I haven’t been caught jacking off men in theaters in front of children, so I guess no?

Any more incredible witty remarks?


I haven’t been caught

it’d be better for everyone if you just didn’t jerk them off in the first place, jeeze…

instead of waiting for enforcement and accountability take responsibility for your life.


it’d be better for everyone if you just didn’t jerk them off in the first place, jizzz…




WalrusDragonOnABike, (edited )

Did they edit your comment too where you quoted them?

In case you edit your comment, the quote was

He wrote the wall of text because he has the self awareness to know that the comment he is writing is functionally identical to what a far-right reactionary “hiding their power level” would write


Walking on eggshells vs having a weak stance to argue from isn’t the same thing


Look up the paradox of tolerance.


This is not a place of acceptance. This is a left wing echo chamber. You either tow the narrative or GTFO.

I think of myself as very moderate. I’m neither supportive of right wing horse shit or the lefts batshit insanity. I’ll get downvoted into oblivion every time for pointing out this place being extreme left, or for making any comment that doesn’t align strictly with the narrative taking points.


Literally enlightened centrism.


Yah, how dare someone not be a polarised momo and make me have to assess their pov without a convenient label with which to dismiss it.



  • Loading...
  • saze,

    😄😄 No personal offence meant good sir.


    what exactly is the left’s batshit insanity in this instance? literally that the game lets you pick your pronouns?

    did you know that fallout: a post-nuclear role playing game (1997) also allowed you to do this? a few other games that have let you do this are fallout 2 (1998), mass effect (2007), fallout 3 (2008), mass effect 2 (2010), skate 3 (2010), the elder scrolls 5: skyrim (2011 and also every year since), mass effect 3 (2013), fallout 4 (2015), sonic forces (2017), mass effect andromeda (2017), cyberpunk 2077 (2020), trackmania 2020 (2020), and literally every other game ever to feature a character creator. if this is batshit insanity, then i can’t wait to find out what you think of unions.


    Dude I thought reddit was leftist and then I came here. Funny thing is I’m a pansy lefty European (believe in social healthcare, UBI and all that good stuff) yet this place is a bit much for me.


    I can deal with lefties a lot easier than r/politics types.


    Great distinction.


    Depends on the community. I have had reasonable results, but I do have to be extra careful. It probably helps that I’m kind of a stealth leftist.


    I think of myself as very moderate.

    You were wrong.

    Stanley_Pain, avatar

    What narrative talking points? Gay people exist, trans people exists. There’s nothing political about that. If you think otherwise you need to adjust thinking of yourself as a moderate.


    I mean we already have seen this before with Marvel’s SpiderMan pride flag removal mod.

    barsoap, (edited )

    I think what nexus is doing here is inappropriate. Mods, by their very existence, give players choice. Even this one: it means players can now choose he or she or to not be asked at all. Nexus, by removing this mod, is exerting what influence they have to eliminate that choice.

    I don’t think you’re a bigot, but I also think you’re off the mark.

    First off, the mod has quite literally zero value. Installing it is more work than ignoring an option during character creation. I constantly ignore options I don’t care about during character creation, it really isn’t hard. It’s hard to interpret the intent of the creator of the mod, as well as its users, as anything else but being out for blood.

    That alone though isn’t a reason to remove the mod – Nexus is full of useless mods. But something neat happens when you do nuke the mod: Bigots come out of the woodwork, you can ban them in one fell stroke, and thereby lessen your moderation load in the long term.

    Last, but not least, the curse of neutrality aka the Nazi bar thing.

    Oh, EDIT:

    Removing the mod is telling people they must select a pronoun. If it is really so pointless, nexus shouldn’t have bothered removing the mod.

    You don’t have to select a pronoun. The default will match the phenotype of the body you select.

    Corkyskog, (edited )

    I am now totally confused as to what is even going on. After reading multiple top level comments, many responses and then reading the article (gasp I know… blasphemy) I can’t tell if conservatives are mad about pronouns being an option or not being an option. Many of the comments made it sound like they added pronouns, the way the article is written makes it sound like they removed the ability to choose pronouns.

    So which is it. Who is mad, and why exactly?

    Edit: Okay, maybe I understand now. Someone created a mod that removed pronouns. The place that hosts mod downloads, removed that mod from their list of downloads. Now people are mad it was removed. Do I have that right? If so, my only remaining question is if one were to use the mod, does it mean others not using the mod can’t see their pronoun(s)?

    Nath, avatar

    I think this is the reply that prompted me to reply at the top of the post. Does your edit mean I was of some help? You appear to have the right of it, yes.

    As to your second question: what mod loadout a player has will have zero bearing on another’s experience. If one were to use the mod, others would not be affected.

    Corkyskog, (edited )

    Yes, I believe re-reading your comment (not sure if it was post or pre edit) finally made me put all the pieces together.

    If this is single player, the controversy is even more dumb than I had originally thought.

    Now I am curious what the default pronoun options are, and if you were able to skip choosing it entirely, or pick “other” or “none”?


    Apparently it defaults to the one matching your phenotype. The game gave you the option to change it if you felt like it. The mod removed that option and may have had a rant against the existence of LGBT+ people in its description and that description was the cause for removal (I can't verify since it was removed, but that's what others have said).


    Does anyone know what the list is? Can you even choose they/them or xe/xem? Or is it just you could pick the inverse?


    "There are three pronoun options right now, He/Him, She/Her, and They/Them."


    Selecting the sex of the PC has been a standard feature in practically every RPG with character creator ever, and definitely in Bethesda RPGs, what they added is an option to change pronouns the PC is referred to by NPCs from the default. If you want them to match you simply don’t touch that option, done.

    From a developer’s perspective it’s dead simple, similar in triviality as allowing people to mix+match any voice to any body type. Cyberpunk’s free choice of genitals needs some implementation care but if you’re planning for it from the start it’s also easy.

    Where things get more complicated is things like dresses for male bodies, especially if you don’t have any shape keys in place. But if you use one body mesh for everything and simply shape key it into male and female then it’s again no issue (you also need to lerp animations then, probably, male and female bodies walk differently because hips). Basically it’s hard if your asset pipeline is simple, if the pipeline is sophisticated it’s easy.


    If so, my only remaining question is if one were to use the mod, does it mean others not using the mod can’t see their pronoun(s)?

    It’s a singleplayer game. Nothing you do can have any effect on the experience other people have with the game.


    Removing the mod is telling people they must select a pronoun.

    No, it defaults to body type.

    This option is literally nothing to people who don’t care - and the people who care enough to dislike it, are assholes. They have their private reasons and their private reasons are bad. Bigotry is not an OK idea. We’ve had that discussion, it went very predictably, and it has a right answer. We don’t need to endlessly litigate whether we’ve been too harsh about demonstrable bigotry.

    A website saying ‘no thank you’ to an act of petty bigotry is a non-event. There is no fucking danger in moderation excluding that. That’s what moderation… is. That’s why we have human beings reviewing stuff, instead of offering an unfiltered pile of everything all the time.

    In this context of moderation: game modifications must successfully and safely do something useful. This fails on two out of three points. It successfully removes a feature. But that feature is easily ignored with no side effects or consequences, and the blindingly obvious motivation behind its removal is overt sexual prejudice. While safe in the sense that it won’t brick your computer, it’s plainly a threatening message to the people who use this feature - it is dehumanizing. It is treating the possibility of their existence as something intolerable, to be excised. To be physically removed.

    You can still install this stupid mod. It hasn’t been erased from reality. It’s just not approved on one website with clear rules against exactly that sort of thing. Making bad things harder to do is not some betrayal of your right to make terrible decisions. A lot of things that are possible have barriers for good reasons.

    And none of you grasping at freedom as an excuse to entertain bigotry seem remember - we all have a right to freedom of association. We don’t want to deal with that shit. You can’t make us, and still pretend you care about choice.

    SpaceCowboy, avatar

    This mod is taking away a choice though.

    I’m pretty sure the vanilla game has the option to choose pronouns that conform to whatever your feelings about gender are. So choose that option and play the game.

    Why should Nexus devote resources to a mod that removes options from a game? There’s no point to this mod for anyone that’s of sound mind. The only reason for it’s existence is some petty bullshit from people that hate trans people so much they will install a mod in a feeble attempt to feel like they hurt people in some small way.


    If the mod just totally skipped character creation and the goal was to just save time, I could see the purpose. But its clearly not there to save anyone time; its just there as an excuse to tirade against certain demographics for existing.


    No it’s not, you have the choice not to download it it’s not forced upon you.


    I’m pretty sure the vanilla game has the option to choose pronouns that conform to whatever your feelings about gender are.

    If you’re a hardcore heteronormie, congrats, the default behavior of the game conforms with your worldview. Simply choose a male or female body, and don’t even touch the pronouns. They’re automatically what they’re “supposed” to be.

    Calcharger, w 'We owe them a huge debt': Baldur's Gate 3 lead writer hopes they did '90s BioWare proud avatar

    My only complaint is how horny everyone is. I act nice to people and they wanna jump on my dick. Literally had a mind flayer try to smash my pelvis and I’m like DUDE MELLOW OUT


    We are this close of having a proper RPG that’s also a proper AVN.

    Coelacanth, avatar

    Absolutely agreed. I asked one person if they wanted to share a drink at a celebration (that’s just social decorum, right?) and have done no flirting before or after that and now that person talks to me like they’ve been in love with me their whole life.

    And I get the idea that you want to let everyone sleep with their favorite NPC regardless of who they’re playing as but it just feels weird to me that everyone is so both pansexual and horny. It makes me feel like nobody has any preferences and just falls in love with you because you’re the main character.

    And in general it also lessens the sense of camaraderie a bit for me when it comes down to sex so much. I wish some companions had other interests and had no desire to get in your pants.


    Is there even a point to the romance? It doesn’t seem to have an actual effect on the story, so far.

    bouh, (edited )

    You could say that of real life too…


    No? 😂

    Coelacanth, avatar

    I can’t say anything about the ending but as of the end of Act 2 at least one romance can have an influence on the main story.


    everyone is so both pansexual and horny.

    Finally I get some representation in a game!


    You not gonna complain about “woke” ???



    I think it’s great for people to have representation but I’m hoping that someone makes a mod to turn it all off. I also really just want an adventure without having to deal with horny party members.

    Coelacanth, avatar

    I think there is already a mod that turns off all approval gains, but beware that I think this also blocks off several companions’ personal quests, since they’re related to the relationship. At least that’s what I heard.

    The mod I’m using tweaks approval so the gains are smaller for little stuff, losses are bigger and important story decisions etc become more significant (in both directions). I unfortunately didn’t find it until I was already near-max with several companions but it should in theory make it more difficult to end up with everyone being in love with you before the third long rest.


    To be fair it almost feels like a homage to early bioware. I remember a few bioware games that had this issue. I remember the forums being full of complaints about surprise romances in mass effect or dragon age.

    I do think the issue is more prevalent I’m BG3 though.

    Coelacanth, avatar

    It’s made worse by Larians decision to absolutely juice the approval gains when going from Early Access to Full Release, apparently. Makes everything move way too fast and really exacerbates the issue.


    I fucking love it, it’s great

    Fjor, w Ubisoft just added Denuvo to Assassins Creed Mirage via a day-1 patch a few minutes ago. AFTER all the major reviews went online.

    Ubisoft making themselves an even more loveable company…

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