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AdmiralShat, w Baldur's Gate 3's success is not about setting a new "standard"

The only reason this is still a discussion is because game journalists have nothing else going on and half of them are AI by this point

nottheengineer, w Starfield gets low-spec PC mod for those gaming on potatoes

It’s sad that this is necessary. And given that it took less than a week for modders to get actual performance gains means that bethesda could’ve easily done it themselves.


You see modders care for the game.


Starfield is a shit game that should not need the level of detailed gfx to run. Anything from 2000 will trash Starfield today. The devs know this.


Bro you hating.

Username02, (edited )

I can understand the hate. I can’t understand the love. Feels like people that like starfield never touched any genuine good games before.


I mean theres certainly a game there, but its very much a game pass filler or a sale game. Its definitely not worth the asking price.
Its like Fallout 4 but with less going on all around you. The dialogue is improved I can give them that, but all around the game is pretty uninspired and bland, its very much a console game. Theres a lot better out there.


I’m surprised that the mod is even necessary given that the game can run on the Xbox S or whatever the hell it’s called.


They probably optimized the minimum settings for that and spent zero time considering low-spec PCs.

I’d guess that this is a management issue and not a development one.


The Series S is still current Gen tech running at a lower power profile. A lower end PC may be using a previous gen CPU or GPU making it harder to optimise.


Don’t think Bethesda is focused on making their gaming look specifically bad just to make it run on older hardware. Similar to all other companies there is a minimum spec. I do think that having such great mod support allows for this to happen which is great.


They are sabotaging their own sales by not doing it. Starfield is such a hyped game that many people who don’t usually game much will want to play it and those people tend to not have the most up-to-date hardware. The PC I built in 2018 for about 1100€ is pretty much exactly the minimum spec for starfield. And given that minimum specs usually target 30fps for some reason, I’d need this mod if I wanted to play it at a reasonable framerate.


I'm running starfield medium graphics on a 1660 super and getting 60fps at 1440p.

It honestly runs fairly good on just a decent graphics card.


Good to hear, maybe the minimum specs are just a very conservative pick for this game.


It’s a first party title used to drive Gamepass subs now, they have different metrics for success. Not to mention you can play it streaming on multiple services too and on console. They’ll be fine not appealing to people stuck a decade back tech wise.


From a money perspective, probably. But there’s also the PR perspective to consider, and they threw away an easy win there. Starfield can run decently on the steam deck and if they cared to optimize it for that, it would have been a big win.


People were going to shit on it no matter what, literally the only game in recent memory that the Internet didn’t shit on was Baldurs Gate 3, and that’s probably mostly because it’s a much smaller company.

Bg3 is great don’t get me wrong


That shouldn’t be a surprise for a five year old computer.


This seems like pure speculation. The relative number of people below this spec is probably not worth it for them to focus on this. Besides their explicit support for modding allows them to improved sales value. Consider for example Skyrim. It was re-released so many times and people kept buying it and mods allowed it to look great even years after its release. I think by narrowing their scope they can focus on development of a good core and by leveraging their mod community it can run on older or higher hardware. Win win in my opinion.

nanoUFO, w Blizzard on Steam Overwatch 2 review bombing avatar

They are adding more micro transactions, that’s going to fix everything! 🙄


We see the shit show that d4 is and that’s a fully paid $70 game. I’m not sure they have the skill to even do anything other than micro transactions and nerfs.

chemical_cutthroat, w ChatGPT was used to write Gollum game apology, it’s claimed avatar

I mean, that’s more effort than was put into the rest of the script …

Schaedelbach, w Peter Molyneux is ready to disappoint us again with his latest game, a blockchain-based business sim

It’s all just buzzwordsalad at this point.

Who the fuck genuinely cares about a digital plot of land? The only reason stuff like this attracts people is the hope to make money, and therefore only people who only care about the monetary aspect play games like Legacy.

I highly suggest the YouTube channel “Jauwn”! The dude plays nft games “frome the perspective of a gamer”, so he tries to give those games a fair shot (although he is clearly biased against nfts in general). To no one’s surprise each and every nft game is just a grift to mine money in the pockets of idiots who think they are smarter than the rest.

wccrawford, w Star Wars Fans Launch Class Action Lawsuit Over Cancelled KOTOR 2 DLC

They deserve their refunds, but…

This is a lesson that you never buy something based on a future promise. Buy it based on what it is, not what someone says it’ll be eventually.

rikudou, avatar

Yeah, the first and only time I did a pre-order, the company went bankrupt. I was thinking of pre-ordering something from EA in case there was a curse on me and they would go bankrupt as well.

chemical_cutthroat, avatar

If you preorder something from them, and they go bankrupt, I will fully refund your purchase.

Sanctus, avatar

Star Citizen players in shambles rn

Haui, avatar

Everyone will call me naive again but how about we actually hold people to their word?

Why is it not illegal for say politicians to say one thing and do the opposite?

If a game studio says „we‘re gonna make the greatest game ever!“ I would like to make them prove it or refund everyone.

You can’t say „contains no nuts“ and put nuts in it, why is there a caveat for other stuff? Just keep to the truth. Why is it so hard to normalize advertising without tons of hyperbole?

(I‘m autistic and I see telling the truth as a good thing. I don’t understand why someone would like to be lied to. Omit something to not hurt them, ok. But outright lying is wrong on a binary level imo. As in not ok ever.)

JowlesMcGee, avatar

You're right, they should be held accountable. Unfortunately, the easiest and most effective way to hold them accountable for the average person is to not blindly trust them. There just isn't good forms of recourse for us to challenge things like this when it happens, so the best bet is to not preorder things so that they have to prove it is what they say it will be.

Haui, avatar

I agree. But I also believe that we give up to easily because „thats the way it is“. My point is we should push more in the other direction and try to go binary (right/wrong) as much as possible. If something is morally wrong, it needs to be put into law asap nearly no matter the cost.


way too much noise in the average population tho, people are thinking about their entire lives not just what is 100% most correct.

But we do have a system of laws for things like this, but they only work for the rich ofc


It’s very difficult to draw the line between lying and someone being mistaken

A politician can want to do X then learn it’s impossible

A game can promise X then run out of money before accomplishing it

Haui, avatar

I agree 100%. In business, you have to prove your innocence when subject to a lawsuit. Same goes for lying imo.

If you ran out of money to keep your promise, you will be able to prove that. Same goes for having to compromise to get some other benefit.

The initial point I was trying to make is that we are so accustomed (imo) to being lied to that we don’t make people prove that they didn’t plan that from the beginning.

For example: where I live, it is common practice to make food pictures for ads or menus that a) dont resemble the final product and b) are made with completely different, often inedible substances to look like a better version of the real deal. Something that an hones picture can never achieve. This needs to be illegal. This is not someone running out of money or compromising but premeditated lying.

Touching_Grass, w Relogic: Makes a statement on Unity and donates 100k to Godot and FNA with a further 1k a month moving forward.

I didn’t realize until now that unity’s CEO was CEO of EA. Making a lot more sense now why unity would make such a bone headed decision

Riccitiello returned to EA to serve as CEO from February 2007 to March 2013,when the board of directors accepted his resignation because of the company’s financial performance. Following EA, he worked as an advisor to startup companies and became an early investor in Oculus VR.

chaorace, avatar

MonEA. It’s in the executive.

underisk, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod avatar

Does anyone even install these mods or do they just exist for people to get outraged at?


Mostly the outrage.

Rottcodd, avatar

I would imagine a bare handful of people install them.

There's some number of people who are so angry and stupid that the mere sight of something like an option to choose pronouns fills them with blind, seething rage, so for them, mods like this are essentially QOL improvements.

More's the pity...


Small government alpha males scared of having the option to choose he/him as their pronouns

RiikkaTheIcePrincess, avatar

option to choose pronouns fills them with blind, seething rage

Yeah I was there when BATTLETECH (still dunno why its name has to be so LOUD :P ) launched. Every hatefool was raging about it, apropos of anything or nothing. Try to talk about any part of it and it's "OH YOU MEAN FUCKING PRONOUNWARRIOR?!?!" and a bunch of incoherent senseless bile. There's a sizeable group of people who deeply love being offended, and it's not us (queerfolk/LGBTQIA+/QUILTBAG/GSM/whatever). Like, I'm neck-deep in queer over here and every time I play a game with a pronoun selector at the beginning I promptly forget about it but oohhhh nooo, not these bellends. They somehow think a button at the beginning of the game that matters like three times ever has entirely DESTROYED videogames with LIES and FALLACIES 🙄

They'd be a joke and an insignificant oddity if they didn't deliberately make messes of everything else (say, going to MWLL/other games, ranting about "pronounwarrior," pretty sure some critters got teamkilled over it...) for no good reason.

Rottcodd, avatar

They'd be a joke and an insignificant oddity if they didn't deliberately make messes of everything else

My opinion exactly.

In ways, I actually feel sorry for them. In the first place, it has to suck just to be that angry and spiteful, but underneath that, it must really suck to feel so powerless and desperate and insecure that something as trivial and irrelevant as pronouns can send you into a compensatory rage.

My pity is greatly diminished by the fact that they're toxic assholes who try to force the world to accommodate their own failures though.


I just cannot get over what a terrible name “quiltbag” is. How do you say that out loud and not immediately think better of it?

RiikkaTheIcePrincess, avatar

Well, it's... pronounceable? Technically?

Okay I don't actually like it and don't know anycritter who does but it's there soooo putting it there seemed like a good idea at the time? 🤷

Laurentide, avatar

Meanwhile, my canonically enby commander is rocking a fabulous magenta mohawk and having fun headshotting all the King Crabs so they can sell them to afford catperson surgery.

RiikkaTheIcePrincess, avatar

Hah! Good luck with that :3

(Same but mine doesn't have the mohawk and doesn't specifically hunt KGCs :P ^.^ )

Laurentide, avatar

I’m not hunting them specifically, their cockpits just happen to be magnets for my Marauder’s laser and autocannon rounds. :P

The first one I saw, in an early “titan” mission, got taken out by a single alpha strike from long range and dropped three salvage. (I renamed it Queen Crab when I noticed that some parts of the mech were white after applying my blue/pink paint scheme.)


Wait, Battletech? The turn based one? From 2018?

That’s amusing. I played that a couple months ago. I don’t recall ever selecting a pronoun, but I’m sure I did and then just moved on like a normal person.

RiikkaTheIcePrincess, avatar

Yeah, that's the one. There was so much outrage because it had the word "pronoun" in it at all 🤣It's just a little thing on the side during character creation and its effect is absolutely trivial. Actually I think the other MechWarriors 'have pronouns' too if you deliberately open the character editor for them. It's really the bare minimum, like I'm trying to come up with something sarcastic but those people were freaking out over nnnnooothing like the one word in one game is gonna ruin videogames for them forever, or some crap.

Which, like... if we could somehow trans so hard they'd go away don't they think we'd do it instead of just getting yelled at?


I’ve seen that in videos, but I always assumed it was for show to get their viewers riled up. I honestly can’t imagine an actual person doing this on their own, unless they were encouraged to do it by some influencer.

As in, how many people fire up a game, get mad that pronouns exist, and then search online for a “fix”? I think that number is pretty small.

But then again, I tend to be pretty careful about distancing myself from bigots.

Rottcodd, avatar

I think that number's pretty small too.

I'm just saying that it's not zero.


I can see someone with a modlist with 252 mods in it adding one just to max it out, and a plugin like this wouldnt conflict with much.

_haha_oh_wow_, w Unity will quietly waive controversial fees if developers switch to its ad monetisation service - report avatar

Welp, looks like it’s time to abandon Unity entirely.

kadu, avatar

We will truly live in a world where 95% of games are based on Unreal Engine, 4% on Godot or GameMaker Studio, and 1% custom engines.

Which is such a shame… When Unreal does something bad, like absolutely messing up shader compilation, pretty much all games start suffering with this for years. And there are some amazing engines out there… Resident Evil’s scales surprisingly well and looks way better than it has any right to.


Because Capcom’s in-house game engine is really scalable.

kadu, avatar

That’s what I wrote, yes.


well, they did name it RE Engine but it was developed and used on many other projects as well.

Games made with RE Engine

woelkchen, w COVID And Working From Home Made Starfield Development "Very, Very Slow," Todd Howard Says avatar

Made Starfield Development “Very, Very Slow,”

Should have upgraded their PCs, I guess…

Thebazilly, (edited ) w Peter Molyneux says he regrets over-promising his games

It just means we’re in the lull between games. Molyneux always does this.

  • Hype new game
  • Game comes out and cannot possibly live up to the hype
  • Apologize for overhyping game < You are here
  • Start developing new game

I have a love hate relationship with this man. He has spearheaded some of my favorite games even if they came nowhere close to what was promised. It’s so weird to come back to Fable and enjoy it more than I did when it came out.


Fable is incredible if you were too young or too insular to know who Peter Molyneux is or what he had to say on the topic.

Maajmaaj, w Game prices are too low, says Capcom exec avatar

Tell that fucknut Tsujimoto to take a fuckin pay cut if he’s concerned about increasing wages. I’m not paying $80-$90 for a fucking game. Hell, I’m still not completely cool with paying $70


Are you buying $70 games though?

Maajmaaj, avatar

Probably twice this year. Everything else is either a subscription or on sale.


The last triple A game I bought at launch was ‘Watchdogs Legion’, to comemorate my new PC. I figured I just build a new computer, so why not celebrate by buying an expensive game. It was a stupid impulse buy.


I’m still not cool with them raising PC games from $50 to $60 almost 20 years ago just because they could and used the console parity excuse due to their licensing fees. I don’t think I’ve bought a AAA game since EA’s stunts around 2012/2013.

NotAPenguin, w CD Projekt recommends starting a new game when Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 drops: 'starting fresh will enhance your overall gameplay experience'

Finally coming out of early access!


Now I only need to wait until the game is <= 20 € on disc.

Early_To_Risa, w Darkest Dungeon Developers: statement on the recent Unity changes

10 stress damage right there


Unity, remind yourselves that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer

Pxtl, (edited ) w I wonder why Godot and Unreal are getting so much interest today avatar

People switching to Unreal are like the ex-Twitter users who went to Tumblr and Threads.


Certainly Godot is the safer bet (probably why they are surging so much more right now), but Unreal is nowhere near as bad as Threads. Unreal is open source, and the license specifically forbids Epic from making retroactive changes like Unity just did:

  1. The Agreement Between You and Epic

a. Amendments

If we make changes to this Agreement, you are not required to accept the amended Agreement, and this Agreement will continue to govern your use of any Licensed Technology you already have access to.

driving_crooner, avatar

I was really confused because from some reason I was thinking that Unreal and Unity were the same.


Unreal is not open source, it’s source-available. Open source generally gives freedoms like redistribution, yet that is explicitly not allowed by Unreal. To get access to the source, you need to agree to a licensing agreement with them.

That said, source-available is a lot better than most proprietary software licenses.

raptir, (edited )

You’re confusing “free” (as in freedom) with open-source.

ETA: you’re correct that Unreal is source available, but a lot of what you listed is not required to be open source.


Are you stupid? Read the definition of open source


What did I mention that’s not part of the open source definition? Btw, I’m using this one, and only mentioned redistribution, which is the first one:

The license shall not restrict any party from selling or giving away the software as a component of an aggregate software distribution containing programs from several different sources. The license shall not require a royalty or other fee for such sale.

The next big part is able derivative works, which is also not allowed as part of the Unreal license AFAIK.

jack, (edited )

This is the only definition and @raptir clearly hasn’t read it before trying to correct you.

jack, (edited )

Source-available is just as bad as proprietary as it distracts from the freedom that open source/free software gives. It also undermines open source by confusion which you are trying to clear up right now. Don’t legitimize source-availability


That’s only true if you’re talking about the goals of open source/free software generally.

If we’re just talking about a game engine and releasing games, being able to modify the engine is absolutely critical when optimizing a large game. So having source available is absolutely a very practical thing when using proprietary software.

So it really depends on what you’re concerned about. Source available is just as good as open source in most cases if your goal is to build closed source software. If your goal is to build open source/free software, it’s awful.

jack, (edited )

In most cases you are NOT allowed to modify source-available code, just to look at it


I’m pretty sure you can always modify code for personal use, you just can’t always distribute those changes. In the case of a game engine, this would mean you could modify the engine code in development, but you could not release your game with those changes in.

Unreal allows modification and distribution, but only if you’re a licensed user and only for your combined work, but you cannot distribute your own fork of Unreal, aside from a patch set for other developers.

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