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I will wait until they fixed some issues DF mentioned before I’ll buy it. (also currently busy with other games.)


well, I am not good but consider I can usually finish all the combo trainings 100% so my execution is quite okay. (I quit fighting game cause the button tapping is quite noisy, so no more fighting game after my son was born. )

  • street fighter have a couple arch type, ryu/ken is shoto and they have actually different play style even though their basics looks similar.
  • for any fighting game the distance that your opponent’s attack can reach is very important. a good player can simply whiff punish you and throw jabbing you because you don’t understand the +/- etc after a blocked/whiffed attack.
  • hit confirm is also important, which means a simple combo that you can start when you have advantage, but not too “negative” when it’s blocked. (training mode can show these info) Where the first 23 hit of your combo is safe and once you get better and landing those 23 hit combo, pick something that allows you to cancel into special moves, knock down or throw(which is also a down). All the more fancy complex combo is not really useful if you can’t even land a 2~3 hit combo on opponent.
  • punishing specific match up’s bad move, ie. a fireball at wrong distance allows opponent to jump in and lands full combo out of it. you have to do training mode a lot and study your match up.
  • and finally, study the neutral game, where both side starts from distance that all normal attacks are out of range, what can you do from that point of space and what opponent’s char can do from their space. If you keep getting beat by opponent’s certain move, rewatch the replay, check their input, record that input to a training dummy, and find what you can do as counter.

It’s a huge time sink and there are also cheaters(on pc specifically), so good luck.


If you only play old games for story mode, the CPU read inputs so you are gonna have a bad time anyway if you don’t exploit their tendencies. Don’t spam fire ball cause I think by the 2nd or 3rd match you start to getting jumped on. In fact, if you know how to do anti air(couch heavy punch from Ken) with proper timing you can beat the run pretty easily except char with command grab.

Like for CPU don’t even try complex input, read on internet for most basic punish(like empty jump in and then throw against zoner) cause throw is really high damage & strong in SF2. If you push them to wall then you do the light punch fireball with some distance to bait them to jump over then do your punish.


if you mean the dive then just standing medium kick with proper spacing, if you are on emu you can snap shot the match or add more token and just practice anti air if it jump and dive from mid distance.

Source :…/Ken


I got AC:Odyssey during one of the sale cause I dig Greek mythology, had to get cheat engine and spare me the grind for upgrading gears and ship. Like sure you can just keep picking up randomly dropped Epic/Rare and replacement them when you leveling up(there are even player quest that put in specific spot to give you resource for those upgrades, just so other players can farm it) But I ain’t get any time for that, I just cheat engine in max out resource and upgrade my Legendary gears I found through out the game. And you know what? By the end of the game(and I didn’t find every Legendary, like maybe 60~70% of them) it would take me setting the resource to max twice to fully upgrade all my legendary + epic(with perks I like) gears. It would take probably months of my gaming time should I got it on console and can not use cheat engine.

No, upgrade gear is not required to finish the game. But after this experience I decides to never get another Ubisoft AC game nor any RPG on console or with always online feature(which means all transaction are done and authenticated to prevent cheating. ) I’ve done plenty open world, RPG, Monster Hunters without having to cheat. But the recent single player grinding + selling time saver booster pack make me whip out the cheat engine again. And I only cheat those stupid resource gating game that are designed to pad hours in to your play through.


Yeah, they know they are doing though, they are aiming for those that work 9-5 have life and kids and some spare changes and milk them hard. Like this game would take 200 hours to complete fully with X hundreds of hours of post game content that was designed to make your grind, but you can also pay for this [xp booster, resource pack, legendary set, etc] to make sure you can enjoy the post game content if you don’t have the time to grind the game how it’s “meant to be played”.

In my AC:Odessey example, I think at one point the designer might be doing a heavy zelda influenced where you just pick up stuff enemies dropped and the blacksmiths are there for you to repair items broken as resource dump. (which make sense and very fitting of that era and how resource would work) But once that MTX department put their finger in now you have a derailed system. There is a spread sheet that list the hours required to upgrade a legendary piece to which level, and recommended level to get them(as their starting level is fixed and not like the enemy droppped item that matches your level), I saw the numbers and downloaded the cheat engine table the next hour.


Because FSR3 is really new, released Sep 2023. Even the games that actually can patch in FSR3 didn’t get to do it properly until Avatar nailed it and just earlier this month released another update to push it further. In short, AMD is working with devs to improve their plugin integration to various engine devs, and I don’t think 3.1 is the “end goal”.

FSR 3’s result really depends on how developer understand and work with the proposed render pipeline compare to DLSS(which basically runs AI kernal to guess what pixel values to fill). Especially with games that features pip scope(fake UI scopes with on the fly fov changes are fine) or some translucent elements where it can not do the velocity buffer properly. (basically most of the fringeness on edge or flickering/swimming are mostly from precision, and ghosting are from wrong velocity when you see the old FSR artifacts).


cause commercial rental is a commitment, if you can’t find another company to take over your lease, chances are you have to pay the majority of left over amount + penalty + restoration. Licensor commitments are similar but probably on tech/software licensing, ie. server rentals, Maya/Speedtree licensing agreement for the site, whatever cloud service they use for backup and share stuff, etc. Those at bigger scale aren’t paid year to year like your regular indie studio just subscribe to Adobe/Autodesk for app uses per seat.


Yeah, the title is pretty much just written that way to have that shock factor.


IMO, it’s hard to claim best game of all time unless it ages well, and not just some unique gimmick the game provided at the time.

Ie, I don’t like Tetris but for sure it is one of the best game of all time.

However, if what you mean is good games that somewhat get outshined by others or lacks media attentions, then I agree. There are plenty of other games, and I think people would have bias toward their favorite genre/type.


that’s why I argue you can’t put “best” and “all time” together. If the title says “best game of their time but got snubbed by medias” then I might have a couple of my own to provide as example.


very typical for people that never even run or host their own server from data center or even cloud service.

live streaming is worse in bandwidth consumption compare to youtube with same resolution input to output. Like youtube can do whatever they like to keep the outgoing low even if you encode according to spec. But streaming with the demand of like 4~6s delay their 2nd pass to try lower the output bitrate is just not gonna be as good as youtube. That’s why twitch still don’t have 4k stream, they have new beta programs thanks to newer codec on newer GPU, as otherwise their data center is gonna get crushed hard.

PenguinTD, (edited )

Since they are bought by Amazon I think any service they wasn’t on AWS would have been moved to AWS. Basically, on demand video streaming service (netflix, youtube, etc) does have finer control of how they want to re-encode and have like bit rate throttle on the server/client side so you don’t see too much buffering if internet connection is acting up. This means they can throttle you down to 360p like youtube auto if their data center isn’t fast enough to fetch the high bit rate yet and then feed you the higher quality one once they got it. (or down grade if your connection goes bad) But twitch stream is like I have a 10Mbits stream incoming and I have to copy, run a 2nd pass on the fly for different resolution, duplicate to outgoing servers and send to user all under 46s delay. I am not expert on the backend side and only have some experience dealing with streaming around 20162018. So to me that’s incredible feat but the short timespan means they can’t crunch the output bit rate even if it’s pretty static video. Compare to youtube, if I uploaded a 2030 minutes video in about 12GB on disk, it took them about 35 hours to re-encode, even if the source is already encoded with AV1. (I am not partner so I join the queue like any normal pleb on the internet.)

edit forgot to respond to the cloud GPU thing, I think AWS will be charging Twitch the same way as other company, so AWS aren’t really “losing” money if Twitch choose to use cloud instance with GPU(which would be kinda dumb). They need higher throughput for the data in/out so whatever the CPU ingest part I mentioned above is just to breakdown the stream and feed to user as quick as possible. They are not going to waste anytime to give you better quality stream with lower bandwidth cost. they just feed you whatever fits into their bandwidth budget basically.

Ghost of Tsushima's DLC Iki Island is the best part of the game

Hello all! I have played Ghost of Tsushima last year, and while I thought the visuals were stunning and the gameplay and atmosphere were tremendous, the game felt a bit too long and repetitive for me. The story was nice, but due to the slow pace it didn’t have the emotional impact it might have gotten if the game was a bit...


I think so but I also feel that the arena/duel can feature a bit more variety of high level enemies that uses different weapon types. I really miss when some of the duel that the enemy use things that are not blade and wish they could be extended more even onto say archer based boss, or ninja style boss, etc. (I guess the legends/raid type of boss may have more variety but I don’t really like that rng loot drop grinding part so I skipped the whole thing. )


good luck with that angle, practically “all” creative industry software have a free learning or community edition until you cross certain threshold and they are also all very dominant software, not because there are no competition, but more like existing market share friction. Like asking Maya artist to transition to Blender.

There are also plenty of game engine out there that are free or cheaper, UE4 or UE5 aren’t exactly click 2 buttons and you have a game. (in fact, people spend decent amount of time to trim features/plugins they don’t use/need from the source to cut build time and memory cost for the shipping build.


care to layout how he buy his way into his own monopoly?

  • buy exclusives or studio? most big publishers do that.
  • give free games out? It’s consumer friendly.
  • drive Valve or other store front out of business? lol
  • make EGS/EOS so good and free that no one wants to publish on Steam? lol, any advance in that 2 department Steam as platform will respond way before they take foot hold. (EOS voice chat back end does work nicer compare to steam’s one if the game build for it. BUT, many gamers just use discord instead.)

anything I missed?

Epic’s capital is tiny compare to other big publishers.(MS, Sony, Tencent)


Valve’s steam provides values to consumer but aren’t entirely “consumer friendly”. Some of their “give ins” are entirely because of competition.


  • self refund and refund window, directly copy EA’s origin.
  • allow big publisher to negotiate store cut, direct response to Epic’s store cut.
  • linux push is entirely for steam’s own survival, not a pro-consumer move.
  • their policy changes on steam reviews over the years.
  • the Steam UI revamp multiple times and makes discovery pretty messy when they tried to gamify the discovery process. All for easier marketing campaign pushes. (I found it pretty annoying, but I also don’t like the Netflix style on EGS or other store front.)
  • Valve’s market place and their key/lootbox and cross game drops are among the pioneers just shy of the scummy gacha from the mobile space.
  • Valve’s policy dictates that you can not sell at lower price on different store front. Ie. a game dev selling on EGS can take off 18% and get the same amount of revenue from the store front, but they can’t price lower because of Valve’s policy. That’s not consumer friendly.

The fact that Valve can just charge 30% even if a developer didn’t use “any” steam feature is simply because they can. And we are all eating the cost cause developers have to factor that in as well.


There is actually a case going on regarding the platform pricing parity.…/Regarding-the-Valve-class-acti…

And there are other articles that checks for if you can sell at lower price(without temp sales) on EGS, only 5 out of 41 did so. I take it with some handful of salt cause ars didn’t actually list out the games and who is the publisher behind those 5. That’s why I post the first link from a developer’s stand point. We will only know details once the case developed more.

Regarding reviews, it’s like manage or moderate a forum, but it has huge impact if your changes aren’t communicated, I just list this one but if you are more interested you can dig up older/newer changes. Simply put, if it wasn’t through backlash and developers pulling teeth to push some odd changes like this back to a more neutral place. (ie. Early Access Reviews, Product received for free, product refunded tags are all much later than this article.) Steam’s reviews would be something like youtube shorts that I simply skip. Is it better in the end? I don’t know, cause you can still influence how popular a review is by the upvote/found useful from marketing campaign. Extra costs from developer to marketing(and still subject them to exploits), harder to navigate for consumer(like Amazon reviews), it’s really messy and not really consumer/producer friendly.

I put my points in simply because there is a overwhelming “worshiping” of Valve/Steam that make the 30% cut seems justifiable, and distribution for digital good seriously can’t be more expensive than physicals right? you can go check how much average Amazon charges seller even given it’s dominant position as digital market place. Or simply put it this way, youtube/netflix/social bandwidth consumption is bigger than game distributions for average user. It might be a case for triple-As that come at 45G per game but vast majority of games are about 12 hours worth of streaming(<20GB), I’d like Valve simply provide a usage based charge like cloud providers and developers can pick and choose what features they wanted to pay accordingly. 30% cut is not normal just as lootbox is not normal, they did it simply because they can. (as in traditional brick-and-mortar shop like BestBuy charging extras for cables etc, even with Amazon as competitor.)

Sorry if I miss some parts to provide follow ups, simply too tired to focus on stuff. Mark my words, once Gabe passed gamers are gonna have the reckoning coming for them. All my purchases are based on how much money the developers can get at the end. I buy games on store/launcher even if I don’t like them, but if more bucks goes to developer, that’s where I choose to buy. That’s the important part, we buy stuff to support the developer we like/love, not to support the “platform” selling them.


They even bought out Rocket League and delisted it from Steam, even though it was already published and had been on the platform for years.

As a PSN/Steam launch Rocket League player and still playing. The only thing I don’t like about this decision is that it’s losing the workshop integration since Epic doesn’t have their own implementation. Otherwise I don’t blame them for doing this and it does not affect any “new” players after the F2P switch. Workshop was eventually rectified with community mod for EGS version but I wish there is workshop maps on consoles as well, some of them are really well made, my son love those a lot.

Note, it does not mean I like or approve how they run Rocket League and recent changes. In fact I decided to stop buying anything on RL with recent removal of player trading until they implement new features or improve RL that’s worth my bucks. I’ve paid enough in RL to let me go another 57 years for my share of server cost. (base on my calculation of hosting a server with similar capacity, my numbers might be off but pretty sure I paid more than enough. average around 7090 CAD each year since launch. )

I can’t criticize Epic for making their own properties exclusive

If I buy off Skyrim’s right and have my own store and did the calculator for risk and return, you’d be dame sure I will delist it and only host on my store so I don’t have to pay another store front 30% for the new Alan Wake II engine powered version of Skyrim.

Why buying exclusive deals are everywhere because making profitable games are almost like making correct bet on penny stocks. As a developer I would choose safe income to ensure we can keep going if no one else is willing to offer exclusivity deals. Those deals are really good for indie games especially if they are self-publishing instead of having to split with a stronger backing publisher. This is the part most steam worshiper or people that criticize Epic’s moves don’t get their head around and then threaten to “boycott” their once “loved” projects or developers, call them greedy, and abandon the fans, or backers. I believe some dev even promise to give out steam/gog keys after the exclusive deal expires but still getting shamed to death by accepting such deal. Developers aren’t your personal slaves, they got bills to pay and company to run.

Sorry, I’m not sure I understand what you’re getting at with this. Are you saying other storefronts/platforms on PC aren’t free, or that Epic Games Store currently does a better job?

No, sorry for my failed sarcasm, EGS as storefront are probably worse than EA’s Origin that was retired or Ubisoft’s crazy Uplay. It’s impossible with the current market share and dominance from Steam even if Epic actually put serious resource into making EGS better, and we all know they aren’t. Because any right minded person would put more resource on product that make them money, for Epic it’s Fortnite, for Valve it’s Steam and not [Insert project name] 3. Just like Gabe have his plenty of pet projects, Tim also have his own pet store front and law suits. Rich people do what rich people do.

And, I want to point out, Tencent the venture capital/investment arm and Tencent the publisher is very different entity. Like yeah they have the CCP tie and stuff but the people that runs the venture capital is just similar to any other venture capital, they want their investment make them profit. Compare to say, EA/Activision buying your studio, I’ve heard better things from industry friends. Oh, and they would try to avoid publish that Tencent owns their shares etc to avoid this kinda of finger pointing from internet folks. Even the Tencent venture capital people knows this and suggest keeping acquisition/investment under wrap. Epic is public company so they have to disclose. Wouldn’t it make sense? If you are a venture capital project manager would you:

  1. pick and invest company that have good potential and planning to carry out their project and product then make big bucks in return and racking in your bonus. Less effort more result?
  2. invest and dip your fingers into everything you can using your board voting power thus make future investment collaboration more difficult. And then getting fired because the company complaint in postmortem?

EA/Activision did their thing because they were in the game of owing your IP and then cut you off from your creation. They have long history of doing that and then fuck up the sequels/prequels/reboots, they don’t care since they got what they wanted. EA was doing much better now from what I can hear.

My points and arguments are solely on don’t view Epic as a malicious actor and focus on what changes it can bring to the digital game selling store front. Way too many people just “fuck Epic” and does not see the full picture and place their loyalty with a platform, just like fans of console wars. For example, during the past sale, I bought Witchfire on EGS, bought Cyberpunk on GOG even though I don’t have good experience with Galaxy, almost bought the new Jedi on EA Play but decided against it because Disney doesn’t need more of my money and I should not give in to my StarWars fan itch and buy a so-so product from the reviews I read. I made my purchase decision solely on one simple rule, how can I give the developer more revenue cut from the purchase I made.


cause you would then have to dispatch a 3rd party audit to make sure Gabe isn’t reading from a teleprompter that his lawyers prep to answer any questions on the fly. You can prep your script “before” but not during, once you are on the stand you are on your own, subject to the court rules, etc.


They will have to face the consequence because then the lawyer will bring up stuff that shows:

  • you know and you are lying
  • you said/did/wrote something and you forget but here is the internal email etc.
  • use that to their advantage when possible.

Target is to make the case, through Gabe is just a attacking vector.


Did you followed the Debb vs Heard one? I know it’s kinda special case with lots of video and court recorded footage etc. Gabe isn’t exactly a celebrity that expose their private life, but if internal emails is on the table for discovery then it can also be very different. Cause they will just tell you “you said/wrote make a decision here from this email” then start off that. Like you said who is a better actor? Can you suddenly remember details with which “partial” quote are referenced without context from email 6 months ago for your argument? And then suddenly don’t remember any details making a decision 2~3 weeks ago? From neuroscience, our memory is pretty unreliable as we can fill the gap all we want. But it’s court case just how the judge/jury believed what part they saw/hear.




I hope you understand the principle of putting down names and/or title in email for paper trails is a thing, you don’t really think Valve is a “flat” structure as marketed, right? I’ve consider myself lucky that I didn’t run into much political or ethical drama thing for my career, but simply put names down and confirm the decision in writing dodge me quite a couple big bullets.


I didn’t design that system, and I think it is this way because in the past without forensic evidence, the witness role basically put the burden to people who are testifying or on the stand for questions. That’s why nowadays when the suits wants to push shady things they go off record cause they don’t want to keep any evidence. It’s up to the minions to smart up to make sure you cover your own ass.

And, sometimes company make or break during trials. I don’t want to see value flop, but I also think 30% is a lot if you don’t even use steam features. (here I mean you only publish on steam, but you don’t use their DRM/Friend/Matchmaking, workshop, lobby, etc. But if a dev do indeed use those backend service I think it’s justified. )


I bought on launch, and it’s getting new content and NG+ on 16th.


Lol, this is something they could have done before the layoff.(no seriously, how hard it is to just disable any notification with a preference?)


Yeah, I was rerunning the old game and now in the dlc part, almost done and still like all the more challenging puzzles.

Many of the terminal questions and interaction though is what make you stuck the longest. I know you can save scum if you want to see what other path from you choice, but you can also do that online by checking the wiki for example.

They don’t really have real consequences game wise, but make you still think about those questions when you lie on the bed.


fast is still consider intensive encoding, so if you want to record higher fps you need to use veryfast. Without hardware based codec everything will be running on CPU so it’s normal to go full steam.

Space sim Squadron 42 is "feature-complete" and gunning for Starfield's lunch with massive new video ( angielski

Squadron 42 is the single player campaign of Star Citizen, that is supposed to launch as a separate game. It's basically a small portion of Star Citizen, but with a story and ending. I'm still not confident; waited too long for that.


They lost me like exactly after I put in money and started the insurance idea. I regret heavily putting money directly to the main site instead of kickstarter, at least I might have chance to get a refund or something since the pitch content changed.


I didn’t even bought the 3rd SC2 expansion, I bought the 2nd one and not even playing through half of it. I did play a bit of overwatch due to friends asking me to play with them, but quickly drop it cause I really don’t have time to grind or play that game and keep up with the meta.

Buggy games should be 100% allowed to be refunded. angielski

I have no idea how many runs I started in BG3. Every few moments I report a bug. Every update the game seemingly gets worse. Decisions don’t work, pathing is awful, after the latest update attacks no longer connect properly and my character claims not to be able to attack with a clear line of sight and so on. I have never...


Have you consider sending your collection of ticket and professional bug reports to Latina and properly get a 2nd job and earn your justified income?

Granted I haven’t finished my first run, but locking out contents/dialog/story path is part of the deal in crpg no? (Or, like if you killed some NPC and then later not be able to finish a side quest involving that dead guy is fairly normal.)


Yeah, I am 3/4 through the dlc so only zone 4 and secrecy zone left. Actually the 1st zone is harder than 2/3 combined with the recorder device star puzzle. The rest I just go through pretty easily. Hopefully secret zone is harder than 1.


I loved the old ones, I hope this is good enough for today.

PenguinTD, (edited )

YES!! Time to double check if I completed the original DLC puzzles. (I just open up and I forgot most of what I’ve done so far, might as well restart the DLC.)

Edit: since Croteam used Unreal Engine for 2, if you want them to get more rev-share, buy on EGS(waive 5% royalty, EGS only take 12% cut.) I know this is not a popular opinion, but I will buy on platform that give devs more money. It’s only 30CAD if you own the previous one even from the EGS free games.


But, Valve literally pick up and implement what Overwatch did and input buffering is not new as well since Rocket League used it for a long time, also partially thanks to Overwatch dev if you watch Psyonix’s GDC talk. So yeah, many game dev does innovate through out, and don’t credit everything when Valve implement what other did and maybe make other improvement along the way. That’s how everyone improve, by learning from each other.


honestly, this is a great test of this era. Tencent the investment company that throws money around the world to make more money is a far apart from that mtx game making publisher/studios. Like any venture capitals, the best investment is something you put money, does nothing and then profit. If you invest 50% in a company then have to assign half the board and have them point fingers smudge everything to gain total control, it does not make the investment sound, and it’s a money sink since non of your assigned board member needs to pull money or make a profit, they just need to be there pretending to give a fuck until the money runs dry or in some rare case, they actually succeeded then sell their bonus and move on. (no, they can’t just dispatch a Chinese over.)

As much as people don’t like to see that Tencent name, I think it would be cool for Kamiya san to have full control and make his own games. Heck, I don’t mind if it’s Tencent, Sony, MS or even freaking EA as long as Kamiya gets total creative freedom to run the company.


I used to not trust that as well but it really depends on the people the runs the project. Like every other company investment company will have evaluation benchmark or metrics for different management styles. They do have control shares(with voting power), but the best ones are those you don’t need to do anything. ie. Tencent invested in Epic, not majority but sure they make 10x more than they initially invested and does not have to do anything to manage the company.

People like to think that Tencent(or any big publisher) wants to manage company like in RTS where you have to micro almost every unit just not that last bit(like auto attack when enemy in sight). But the reality is that’s a huge amount of work and paper trails everywhere for decision making. If later comes around for the finger pointing why the project/company not doing well, you are not going to get away with it. Yes, people may make stupid decision and some are ego/power tripping given that position, but the raw result will eventually leads to better management style for investing firm cause they have their own bottom lines to keep.


Yeah, as you mentioned, it’s quite a split interns of mobile vs console/pc market. And we have games that fails(just look at recent EA/MS games that tried to push mtx/battle pass) because there simply isn’t enough time in the world’s console/pc game population to commit to 2+ more pass/weekly event games. I play only rocket league + whatever single player games and only dip into other multiplayer short term. So guess what kind of game I don’t spend money on or even trying when it’s F2P?

Your assumption is based on once you switch to live service model you will make more money, however that’s not true. You can only do live service model when you have enough player retention, player that keep coming back because you have enough new content to play, and that player base with carefully done monetization makes you money(player willing to spend money is proportional to the player base and social impact). Look at Halo Infinity, such a big IP that fails spectaulary, and if you are investment company, you willing to push the same self destruction button?

We are talking about people that handling billions of fund and try to make their career looks good, not worse.

Would they push for monetization once they hit jackpoy and have good candidate that can make the transition? Sure. Is that something you can see from Kamiya’s past games? I don’t think so. So if it is Tencent give money to Kamiya and let him do his stuff, I am sure that they trust him enough to make quality games that turns profit.


Thankfully, so far Tencent hasn’t done that yet.

I wonder why?

hope for Embracer Group reviving neglected studios

I am not quite into that accquisition sub-culture but remember when there were a lot of acquisitions that seems semi-malicious? They resulted in key figures departure, sequels flop hard, and projects eventually stopped existing. My personal take on Embracer is that they wanted to buy existing IPs that they can do the following:

  • license out IP to people studio that wants to do remaster(ie. like recent Quake 1/2 remaster by Bethesda license to Nightdive ) or prequel/sequel/reboot
  • restructure companies they have and make new ones, these company have experienced creative leads/devs that can push new IPs they wanted to do
  • sell on good old games, humble bundles to milk some left over values.
  • sometimes owning old IPs comes with some perk like Hollywood run out of ideas and then start making game movies.

I don’t get this “raw pixels are the best pixels” sentiment come from, judging from the thread everyone has their own opinion but didn’t actually see the reason behind why people doing the upscalers. Well bad news for you, games have been using virtual pixels for all kinds of effects for ages. Your TV getting broadcast also using upscalers.(4k broadcast not that popular yet.)

I play Rocket Leauge with FSR from 1440p to 2160p and it’s practically looking the same to 2160p native AND it feels more visually pleasing as the upscale also serve as extra filter for AA to smooth out and sharpen “at the same time”. Frame rate is pretty important for older upscaler tech(or feature like distance field AO), as many tech relies information from previous frame(s) as well.

Traditionally, the render engine do the stupid way when we have more powerful GPU than engine demand where the engine allows you to render something like 4x resolution then downscale for AA, like sure it looks nice and sharp BUT it’s a bruteforce and stupid way to approach it and many follow up AA tech prove more useful for gamedev, upscaler tech is the same. It’s not intended for you to render 320x240 then upscale all the way to 4k or 8k, it will pave way for better post processing features or lighting tech like lumen or raytracing/pathtracing to actually become usable in game with decent “final output”.(remember the PS4 Pro checkboard 4k, that was a really decent and genuinely good tech to overcome PS4 Pro’s hardware limit for more quality demanding games. )

In the end, consumer vote with their wallet for nicer looking games all the time, that’s what drives developers gear toward photo real/feature film quality renderings. There are still plenty studio gears toward stylized, or pixel art and everyone flip their shit and praise while those tech mostly relies on the underlying hardware advance pushed by photo real approach, they just use the same pipeline but their way to reach their desired look, Octopath Traveler II used Unreal Engine.

Game rendering is always about trade-offs, we’ve come a LONG way and will keep pushing boundaries, would upscaler tech become obsolete somewhere down the road? I have no idea, maybe AI can generate everything at native pixels, right?


well, don’t buy NV cards then. I switched and actually feel my dollars worth the purchase. (6800xt)


nvidia is using their investor’s dollars really efficiently, which is what leads them to today’s dominance, but also make them like bully toward their business partners(like EVGA, who knew what other vendors are being treated. )

some of the early investment to push dominance in cuda:

  • NV directly fund researches and provide equipment for accelerated computing(both graphic and non-graphic), which in return researcher are really familiar with cuda and their results improve cuda’s design/driver/compiler. the AI training side eventually leads to tensor cores.
  • NV then use those to help software developers to integrate CUDA-accelerated application, like GPU-renderer, GPU-simulation, GPU-deep learning, GPU-denoiser, GPU-video encoding.
  • NV also helps game developer implement or integrate techs like RTX, DLSS, or ealier ones like hair/physx, etc. And those notorious game specific driver enhancement. ie. they basically work with the game and have ways to set driver side parameters for each game. These collaboration also leads to that GeForce Experience’s auto best quality settings for your pc feature.
  • they also make CUDA only card for number crunching at data center.
  • all above leads to when making purchase, if you are not just playing games, your most viable cost efficient is to buy NV if your work software also use those CUDA features.

The business plan and result is then positive feedback cycle, crytpo surge of sales or investment money is extra but Nvidia did put them to good use. But above plan make more investors willing to pump money into NV. There are no better business than monopoly business.

Then, some thing happened for consumer end, don’t know exactly when or reasons they start selling flag ship and crank up their GPU’s prices. People would be like, dude their used GPU with crypto is selling 3x~5x higher then MSRP, why wouldn’t they just increase and get all the revenue themselves. That maybe “part” of the reason but I think they probably testing water in both front(their data center number crunching card were way, way more expensive than even the top tier consumer cards.) They took the chance, with global chip shortage and other “valid reason” to up the price and then check what the market respond, now they have about 2 generation worth of “price gouging” the market data to set their price properly.(plus the door in your face effect. ) Note, big manufacturers sign component deals in years, not quarters, the chip shortage might affect difference sector heavily, like say laundry machines, but for NV you can bet your ass their supply is top priority.

They did lose out on the console front, and like many already mentioned, NV’s CEO no longer have passion in pushing game tech, he is all AI now. Depending on how they aim their business, their game side gpu business may not doing something really worth mentioning until AMD can put up a serious threat.


even at ideal condition there is about 1~2ms latency(streaming 1080p game), while hitting 90hz requires 11ms frame time. so you are asking the game to at least perform at 111fps or above to function under said ideal condition. I think if some manufacturer can put together a chip set where they do the frame gen tech on the head set side, so the game just need to run at 60fps it would be a better option.(like PS VR ) Frame gen does require some other buffers to generate the in between frames, so that’s more info to stream over the bandwidth.


You mean denuvo? I think it’s a money sinker now so might as well remove it at this point. But it’s EA’s call. Also, yes I have to download EA’s launcher as well.

PenguinTD, (edited )

I generally avoid denuvo and EA. I literally break this stance just to see what they did with UE5 but ended up enjoying the game as well. It sucks cause denuvo means I can’t hook up RenderDoc and see how they render a frame compare to stock UE5. The movement reminds me a lot of original Quakes(very close to Q3) where you can have lots of control mid air and really snappy movement speed with their mechanics(blinks and grapples). But yeah, if this game doesn’t have this “use all UE5 latest tech” tag I will probably not even know or touching it cause I don’t play shooters after like Battlefield 3. Cause I am old and I like fast arena shooter not modern slow pace CQB/battle pass shooter, I was quite disappointed after trying Halo Infinite. But, that said, any shooter fits my criteria, would probably fail in sales. ^^;

lol, I go take a look, yep, battlefield 3.(note, I have no idea when I added crysis, it’s probably from a bundle or something and it redeems directly. I had high hope when crysis 2 released. ) And yes, I did played 2042 open beta cause we had a company game day that picked the open beta.(and yep I don’t like it. )


Like which type of shooter is your thing?? For me it’s the quick arena/team shooter, my good shooter example would be Q3 and Tribes 2. I think it’s really satisfying when moving quickly and shoot people with actual projectiles, rocket/disc launcher in my examples. (not a fan of hit scan type)


well, they did name it RE Engine but it was developed and used on many other projects as well.

Games made with RE Engine

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