@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar



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@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Oof. Wasn’t this the one that was going to have in-depth object customization? I was looking forward to it from a dollhouse-building perspective. Even if it wasn’t great, having some competition might convince EA to allocate more dev resources to the Sims, which has ruthlessly embraced the “minimum viable product” philosophy for a long time.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

As a Blood Mage sympathizer, I say we let Solas cook!

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

This is Sakurai’s explanation, and it seems reasonable to me:

“I feel very sorry for making the user wait,” he explained. “If you take one second from each user, that means you’ll be taking 10,000 seconds from 10,000 people. The more this repeats over the years, the more time you will cause players to lose."

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

If I weren’t lazy I’d make a “I’m literally the guy in the photo” meme about this.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Perfect! :D

There is one uncleared level remaining in Super Mario Maker, with 18 days to go before the servers shut down (www.issmmbeatenyet.com) angielski

UPDATE: Ahoyoo has confirmed that Trimming the Herbs was uploaded with TAS tools, meaning that The Last Dance was the final legitimate level all along! Congrats to kazeihinn on the Last First Clear! The journey continues in Super Mario Maker 2…...

ryven, (edited )
@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The red balls are lit Bob-ombs. While lit, they can be carried, thrown, bounced on (with spin jumps), and kicked (when touched any other way), and obviously after a short time they explode. Thrown, dropped, kicked, or bounced Bob-ombs kill enemies and collect coins.

Yes, in Super Mario World the spin jump allowed you to bounce on dangerous enemies including Piranha Plants, and actually the Super Mario Maker version is nerfed in some ways: in the oringal SMW you could also spin jump on certain things like fireballs and saws that you can’t in SMM.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Sorry, yeah, it is intended that all levels are beatable. To upload a level you must prove that it is beatable by clearing it from the beginning without dying, and then clearing it again from each checkpoint (if there are any) to prove that it can also be cleared from any checkpoints.

Hacked levels have existed that cannot be cleared, but they can be reported and Nintendo takes them down. They should all be taken down by now, but in any case if it’s obviously impossible (the goal is completely blocked by impenetrable walls) Team 0% marks them as hacked on their spreadsheet in addition to reporting them, so they wouldn’t count.

In this game you can download levels and see the full level in the editor, so it isn’t possible to make a level that is “practically” unclearable using hidden information. Any things like hidden keys, “passcode” sections (where you need to hit blocks a certain number of times in order to manipulate things hidden off screen), etc. are trivially defeated by viewing the level in the editor.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s only in SMM2, which doesn’t allow you to edit other people’s levels. And actually there is now a 3rd party tool to view SMM2 levels so those levels are now exposed as well.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

As someone who played 1 and then 5, I was really annoyed by how nice most of the demons in 5 are.

Also that one character whose arc is about coming to terms with the fact that her family is actually broke, when she had built her identity around being rich… but MFer you’re a demon overlord! Your overlord power is mind control! Just take other people’s money!

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don’t think DD1 and BG3 have very much in common, honestly. DD1 was not a game where you engaged in immersive dialogue or developed interesting relationships (well, there was a relationship mechanic, but if you didn’t know how it worked, it didn’t feel like you had a lot of input.)

It was more a game about walking around surprisingly atmospheric environments and then fighting for your life against surprisingly difficult encounters. (It also had the reverse-difficulty-curve problem, where the beginning of the game was very hard and the enemies felt very tanky because of how damage was calculated, and then once you had some reasonable gear and stats the game got much easier.)

I would definitely watch someone else play an hour or two of DD2 when it comes out before you decide to buy it, especially if the action combat was what you didn’t like about Dark Souls.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Very cool! I’m looking forward to it, but it also seems like the first expac that I might not want to enable for every playthrough, which is interesting—I wonder if we’ll see more of these themed packs going forward.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Seranas not even marriable

Open the console (~), click her, and try:

addtofaction 19809 1

No promises how well this works with Serana; with Lydia it turned out that she has all the right voice lines for getting/being married, which is neat.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Is she? I swear I had to use the console command when I married her, uh, 12 years ago, did she get added after launch?

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

NetHack sort of has this.

You eat the giant corpse. You’re having a hard time getting all of it down. Stop eating? y/n


You choke over your giant corpse. You die. Do you want your possesions identified? y/n

Or, if you can’t choke to death because you’re wearing an amulet of magical breathing:

You stuff yourself, and then vomit voluminously.

It’s not really the same, because eating doesn’t heal you and you’d usually rather do it when nothing is trying to kill you, although sometimes it can’t be helped.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I haven’t forgiven them for banning Bonesaw577 after his legendary Jak and Daxter run at SGDQ2016.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s not super clear, but probably for ignoring directions from the organizers who tried to get him to stop impersonating Owen Wilson (for some reason) and stop telling people to tweet @AirCanada.

I think the ban has run out and he can submit runs again by now, but these are the kind of petty grudges I like to hold!

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It goes without saying, but don’t commit crime, and certainly learn from your mistakes if you do.


@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I have quit playing games over way less than that, lol. I have so many games I own but haven’t finished, and just as many that I’ve finished but would play again, there is no reason to stick with any particular one if I’m not feeling it.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

This is the first I’ve heard of Jumplight Odyssey. It looks potentially cool, but $30 for an early access title is a big ask in a year completely saturated with banger games, and based on the reviews it seems to need a bit more time before it is really ready. I’m not surprised, then, that it didn’t do as well as they hoped: if they hadn’t just announced that they’re stopping development, I would have put it on my wishlist to come back to in a year or two when it’s feature-complete, and when hopefully I’m not in the middle of so many other games already. If that’s a typical response, they probably didn’t get many sales.

ryven, (edited )
@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It cannot really be about that, there are tons of incest porn games on Steam that pass largely unremarked upon, and this seems way less explicit than most of them. Surely if someone wanted to punish incest game creators, they’d start with one that’s way more explicitly incesty?

I think they just decided to bully these devs, in particular, and whatever they say it’s about is just a pretext for the bullying.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don’t think fast travel is the problem. The problem is that there is an actual “exploration” part of the game, where you wander around planets scanning things and looking for points of interest, but it is by far the most boring part and I have not had much fun when interacting with it. There is nothing exciting to find, and it primarily rewards materials that I mostly haven’t had a lot of use for, because when I need something specific for research or crafting I can buy it at the store, because materials are nearly worthless in terms of credits.

The mini-dungeons and other points of interest you can find need to be way cooler for the wandering-around-on-planets to be worthwhile, and the actual exploration gameplay needs something more than walking across plains and hills in order to be interesting.

The best parts of the game are when you pretend it’s Fallout In Space and hang out in cities doing quests for randoms.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m like 90% sure that the character creator has lighting features enabled that are normally disabled for performance reasons, which is why it’s much easier to look good in the character creator than it is in the game.

If I’m right, maybe modders can “fix” it (although it will probably tank performance).

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Ohhh I knew there was something different about the clutter placement in Starfield! There’s so much of it I catch myself triple checking areas to make sure that I didn’t miss anything worth picking up.

ryven, (edited )
@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So you can fly in space, and fight space battles there, but you can’t really fly fast enough to fly from one planet to another in real time. To move to a different point of interest in the system, you need to fast travel to it. So the meaningfully interactable part of space is just the immediate area around each fast travel point.

I’m not far enough yet to know if the interior gets more interesting after you add more modules to the ship; the starter ship is basically an RV: bed, galley, cockpit.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Coming fresh off BG3, the quality of the writing and the amount of character expression in dialog is like night and day. Honestly there was even one moment fairly early on when I said to myself “Fallout 4 would have let me extort this guy” and then I realized how egregious it was that I felt I had less agency in this quest than in FO4.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The traditional answer to this is to just not let players cast spells that would be costly to implement, in the same way that we can’t currently cast Reincarnate or Magic Jar. There are still high level combat spells to look forward to, like Meteor Swarm.

ryven, (edited )
@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m mostly just surprised that I’ve seen people say AC6 is more accessible than previous ACs when it’s probably the hardest AC game since Last Raven. The chapter 1 boss is as hard as the final boss of Verdict Day.

Of course, I said the same thing about Elden Ring; my friend was trying to convince our other friends that it was more approachable than Dark Souls, and I was like “The first story boss has higher moveset complexity than Nameless King phase 2!” I think in the end most people still found it more approachable, which I don’t really understand because I think it was way harder than the non-DLC parts of DS3, so maybe I’m just looking at these games wrong/weird.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s not the lack of a grid specifically that bothers me in BG3, it’s that there are a lot of scenarios where in tabletop an enemy would be ruled to have cover, but in BG3 the shot is simply obstructed and your character needs to move before they can take it.

Also sometimes the automatic positioning for melee attacks is bad and will tell you that you can’t reach, but if you click to move and then click to attack you actually can.

Also the fact that AoE spells target the ground specifically instead of an arbitrary point in space, which means in some areas you get weird situations where the enemies are close enough together to fireball all of them but you can’t do it from your location because the spot where you need to place the fireball is in a slight depression that you can’t see into from where you are.

Also there is some weirdness about casting AoEs through doorways, where even if you can see someone that doesn’t mean you can fireball them because it’s treating the fireball “projectile” as being wider than I would expect, so that it can only go through at certain angles.

I do think a grid system would be less likely to have these issues, but they could be fixed without it.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Well, if I didn’t sign up when it was $1, I’m certainly not going to now…

ryven, (edited )
@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It doesn’t have to be “proper” if it works as a joke. It implies that a Bethesda game can’t be merely “buggy,” it must be the “buggiest,” even if it’s (paradoxically) less buggy. So, “least buggiest.”

ryven, (edited )
@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s worth noting, I think, that the definition of shovelware has slipped somewhat since it was coined like thirty years ago, and I think this is leading to you and niisyth talking past each other. Shovel Knight for Switch was maybe shovelware by the original definition, which was “shovel a bunch of old software onto a CD and resell it,” but by the Wii era people were using it to refer to software that is just bad, but exists to trick people into buying it by promising to be more full-featured than it actually is. The Wii had so many titles like this that it seemed like they were “shoveling” shit directly onto store shelves and calling it games. In this new definition, it refers to titles like My Horse and Me or Imagine Party Babyz. So if they are thinking of the newer usage, it sounds like you’re insulting Shovel Knight’s quality as a game.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You can revivify party members who fell into chasms by using the scroll/spell on their “soul orb,” which should appear somewhere in the area. Granted, it may be far enough away that you need to survive the fight first.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Whaaaaat? I’ve played For Answer and Verdict Day and I remember them being rad as hell; why were the review scores so low?

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m excited, but I’m not done with BG3 yet, and I’m also supposed to be getting stuff in order so that I can move, so it’s going to have to wait until next month.

What is up with Baldur's Gate 3?

This is not a criticism - I love how much attention this game has been getting. I’m just not understanding why BG3 has been blowing up so much. It seems like BG3 is getting more attention than all of Larian’s previous games combined (and maybe all of Obsidian’s recent crpgs as well). Traditionally crpgs have not lit the...

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Well, I had already bought BG3 in Early Access before the OGL debacle, and before Hasbro (WotC’s parent company) sent the Pinkertons to intimidate some small time Youtuber into giving back some unreleased Magic: the Gathering cards that he had been erroneously sold early by a distributor. So I couldn’t very well boycott it when I had already purchased it and played like 30 hours of it.

I’m still not buying new D&D books or MtG cards.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Katamari Damacy, the game where you roll up terrified humans into your giant ball of trash and hand them over to your emotionally distant father so that he can turn them into stars, is a wholesome game? I’d dispute that!

I’m also not sold on the wholesomeness of Undertale, given what you have to do to hear the best song in the game.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I actually love PoE’s inventory management, but I play the game “wrong.” I hardly ever trade, except to grab a cheap unique here or there that enables a build. I pick up and manually ID all the items that could be useful, even knowing that there’s only like a 1/10,000 chance that they actually are. I pick up all currency, even portal scrolls. I clear maps at a pace that might be described as “puttering.” And typically I RIP early in maps and start the league over, so most of my playtime is in the story, where successive characters can pick through my stash for junk my old character was hoarding for no reason, that might now have some use for levelling a different build.

It’s probably my favorite ARPG.

Where are all the good stealth games?

I’ve been trying to find one throughout the Steam summer sale and come up dry, and now I’m out of money until the 15th. Hopefully y’all can help me find a good one before the winter sale. Here’s a rundown of what I’ve tried so far and what I’ve liked and dislike about them:...

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Mankind Divided can be played as stealth games, and I really liked them. Note that they aren’t “pure” stealth games, there are some encounters where you cannot avoid fighting.

Also DE:MD kind of ends in the middle, so if you are a story player you will be frustrated to know that there seem to be no plans for the next sequel.

@ryven@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Oh thank you, I could not remember what exactly was in each game. The bosses I’m thinking of must have been in HR then.

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