
Chef, do gaming w Please think of how your actions affect Gabe

The rumor is Ozempic.

As long as homeboy is healthy and happy, doesn’t matter how. Good on you, Gaben.


Is there anybody rich who isn’t on it?


I doubt Hemsworth needs it

Dagnet, (edited ) do gaming w Yes, also a full-priced game. Why do you ask?

Watch people defend microtransactions in dragons dogma 2 even though they paid $70 for it. “but you don’t need to buy then!” and being able to customize my character shouldn’t be limited at all, literally adds nothing to the game

@samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

They do suck. Thankfully for me, there was nothing to tempt me because it’s all consumable crap you can get in the game.


It aays a lot more about someone’s personal willpower than Capcom’s greed to me. Easy to point at the greedy asks from that company, nobody else is selling a 100 USD turtle costume pack.


Yeah it’s pretty greedy. They are going after the players with less willpower, which all these companies do. Seems like Japanese companies get away with it more than Western ones. I just gotta say that Dragon’s Dogma 2 is the best game I’ve played in a while and I loved the true ending. Just wish these companies had some regulation against this shit.


It’s not limited by the DLC and you’d know that if you had done any looking into it whatsoever. You can literally, within the first hour of gameplay, access an NPC that lets you completely appearance edit as many times as you’d like for an easily obtained and infinitely renewable currency. Peoppe who want to play the game are not hindered by the DLC in that game in any way, no corners were cut to sell you anything more urgently.

It’s common knowledge that the creative designer hates MTX and chooses to put easily accessible items in the store to satisfy capcom shareholders. In later Devil May Cry, one of the purchasable mtx is quite literally packs of the orbs that pop out of every single enemy. This is unironically some of the player-friendliest MTX we’ve seen in years for single player adventure games, no actual content walled by dollar value on the disc, but people like you who haven’t even watched ten minutes of gameplay are generating infinite negative press.

Wouldn’t your efforts be better focused on actual predatory titles? There’s tens of ongoing early access titles on steam that will never ever finish, and there’s more egregious MTX schemes in capcom’s own game library. Their new IP, Exoprimal, has an obscene amount of playable content walled behind tens of hours of grind or MTX. You can make objective statements about what’s being kept from the player with titles like this, instead of propping up “I shouldn’t have to pay for customization” seeing as you literally don’t.


“It’s not limited by the DLC and you’d know that if you had done any looking into it whatsoever.” Stopped reading there, cause you clearly didn’t read my comment, nice try troll.


It’s common knowledge that the creative designer hates MTX and chooses to put easily accessible items in the store to satisfy capcom shareholders.

Nah not common knowledge.

Doesn’t matter. Call out shit when you see it. What’s really disappointing is your fanboyism to all of this.

This is unironically some of the player-friendliest MTX we’ve seen in years for single player adventure games, no actual content walled by dollar value on the disc, but people like you who haven’t even watched ten minutes of gameplay are generating infinite negative press.

Do you realize how you sound? I was originally going to mock you, but I really believe you mean well.

Don’t defend this practice.

Imagine if they put ads on the pause screen. If someone said, “It keeps video game prices low!” That’s extremely debatable. You can point to how cheap games are. You can point to how many games are made without ads. You can show data how developers don’t see a penny. You can even point to the thousands of games that were released without ads on pause screens.

Wouldn’t your efforts be better focused on actual predatory titles?

Who cares about Magical Girl mobile gacha or whatever. If Nintendo made micro transactions in a Zelda game that’s this idiotic, you bet people will shit on it. Capcom is a major game developer, and by doing this, they’re signaling to other companies that this is okay.

That’s unacceptable. And Capcom deserves all the bad publicity.

You can absolutely go, “It’s all optional it’s all easy to get you don’t have to spend a penny”… Your willingness to make it the norm is problematic.


You don’t understand the difference between content and convenience DLC. MTX and ads are not equivalent. The game does not show you these purchases outside the store page. You’re a bandwagon rider and that’s cool I guess, but it’s clear you have absolutely no nuance when it comes to dlc practices and you’re looking for internet points via a reddit style dunk. Nobody mentioned gacha but you, nobody mentioned nintendo (MUCH WORSE COMPANY THAN CAPCOM LMFAO) but you, maybe get a few years on before you started deciding you have a clue about the industry (or most consumers!).

After a peek, you’re a reddit content reposter so I’ll be blocking you either way lmfao


I wouldn’t mind if it were priced to actually make sense.

Like why would anything cost more than $1? Or even $0.01? Just greed and stupidity.

Microtransactions for cosmetic items that cost 25% or more of the base game itself are just insane. A whole game, or 4 cosmetic items, that must have taken sooo much effort to design those items to cost so much.


Eh sorry but even $0.01 is too much. Wanna make a free game and charge for micro transactions? Sure, heck, I even spent some on league of legends. But if Im paying for the game? I don’t care if its “just cometic!”, “actually a fair price”, “you can earn it in game”, all of that sounds like bullshit to me and always will.


If they don’t make any money they won’t bother with microtransactions at all.

So it’s either $0.01 for cosmetic items or they don’t make cosmetic items at all because You’ve already paid for the game, and making new things just costs them money.


You are set in your mind that those cosmetics wouldnt happen without microtransactions but the truth is that many games were made and still are where cosmetics aren’t held for ransom and the return for that exists in customer fidelity but ofc all AAA studios only care about immediate profit, gotta appease the share holders. As an example, witcher 3 had free cosmetic dlc.

Nighed, (edited ) do games w I didn't read the TOS for Baldurs Gate 3 until now
@Nighed@sffa.community avatar

I think this was one of the few EULAs I actually read though, mostly to see if I was going to sell my soul to them as part of it.

Did not, but was not disappointed, their lawyers definitely got to have some fun.

FartsWithAnAccent, do gaming w Never understood this
@FartsWithAnAccent@lemmy.world avatar

85% of my time in GTA is spent driving like a jackass for fun.

SendMePhotos, (edited )

Username reminds me of a Bash.org quote:

+ (6778) - [X]

SABDO: on one of those speech-to-text programs my friend ripped ass onto the mic.

SABDO: and it typed out “France”

SABDO: we were like, wtf?

Bash.org Archive

Edit: I think I commented on the incorrect comment. Oh well.

@FartsWithAnAccent@lemmy.world avatar

So glad Bash.org got archived!


There’s an archive?! My life just got a lot better.


Just learned that safety standards in Star Wars suck and almost every mc falls down a hole at least once.

simple, do games w "The Day Before" makers Fntastic are shutting down.

Wow, that was fast. Usually you’d get an apology post and a promise things would get better before a studio admits it failed.

From the post it sounds like they could’ve been swimming in debt and can’t pay for any more development.


Apparently they were going to make an attempt, but life comes at you fast


MagnyusG, do games w GameStop’s definition of “New”

Same thing happened to me recently with their stupid BOGO sale, I bought Xenoblade Chronicles DE and Skyward Sword “New” and they sent me both packages with no plastic wrapping whatsoever, the pre-owned stickers very obviously ripped off and lots of damage to the cases. I went to a brick and mortar to return it and they didn’t reimburse my shipping fees, I had to call customer support for them to give that back to me.

I tried to just buy them new in store and they told me they “don’t carry rare games like that anymore.” I said fuck it, and went to my local Walmart for Xenoblade and Target for Skyward Sword and it cost me less. What a fucking joke. GameStop is trash.

My most recent gripe is with Amiibo, Nintendo literally announced some new ones recently and yet none of their supposed retailers carry them, aside from Amazon who have ridiculous upcharges on them. Went to GameStop and the employees didn’t even know what the fuck I was talking about. So if you can’t buy them directly from Nintendo you’re shit outta luck cuz good luck finding anyone that sells them for retail price.


GameStop is trash.

Yup. And none of this is a surprise or new revelation - they’ve been trash the whole fucking time. Some folks just got so into their ‘big short’ fanfic that they thought keeping this company alive would be fun and profitable.

hopefully they had fun. it’s gonna crater sooner or later thanks to their business practices, and thank goodness. Mom & Pop shops like Pink Gorilla are way better any day.

seaQueue, (edited )
@seaQueue@lemmy.world avatar

So if you can’t buy them directly from Nintendo you’re shit outta luck cuz good luck finding anyone that sells them for retail price.

This is par for the course for basically any physical Nintendo product. Ninty is categorically allergic to manufacturing enough supply to satisfy demand and the resellers figured this out about 10-15y ago. Any limited production run product is almost immediately bought out on Amazon and the other big retailers websites and relisted at a markup on Amazon/eBay. If resellers smell blood in the water around a manufacturing run of a popular game (ie: Nintendo is close to selling through the available physical cartridge supply) they’ll buy that up and resell it too. Nintendo would rather their products be unavailable for however long it takes them to decide to manufacture more (usually somewhere between two and six months) than have excess stock on hand.


I tried to just buy them new in store and they told me they “don’t carry rare games like that anymore.”

Wait, was that bullshit, or was that game still a ridiculously limited release in America? Does NoA really hate this game that much?

In Europe physical XCDE doesn’t really look that rare.


GameStop went to shit a long time ago and should have gone out of business and folded their assets. Instead because of some redditors they think they still have a valuable business with loyal customers.

Once they hard focused on NFTs I knew it’d never get better

CharlesDarwin, do games w This should be illegal
@CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world avatar

This really sucks when you have to explain this kind of thing to your kids…


That’s the horrible thing about online services. You never really own it, it can be taken away from you at any time. If you want to preserve something, you need physical and/or offline access.


And in addition to that sentiment, compression from moving or sending a copy of a copy is known to very slowly degrade digital media, so physical is almost always preferred.


As long as you are very serious about your backup system, digital can outlast physical.

doctorcrimson, (edited )

Sure, it’s possible, but it’s unlikely. A properly kept laserdisc compared to, for example, a YouTube Video isn’t even a competition. Physical media not exposed to radiation or impact can last decades if not centuries. Don’t even get me started on Vynil.


Piracy is a pretty great backup system for everyone. You’re welcome.


Somebody somewhere is archiving it or it has the same problem.


Literally every seeder is part of that archive. You can look at individual trackers in the microcosm as individual archives and indices, but it’s the culture of piracy that causes the wide scale collection and preservation of media.

We’re actually at this kind of interesting cross-generational point of guerilla archival where it’s become easier to find certain obscure pieces of media history. I suspect this is in large part due to things like bounties, where suddenly a forgotten VHS of a 35 year old HBO special that aired once or twice could be a step toward a higher rank and greater access to a wider range of media.

Modern piracy has a strong incentive toward finding lost material that’s no longer readily available. Zero day content is great, but have you seen the RADAR pilot or both seasons of AfterMASH?

They belong in a museum. Indie would be proud, even if Harrison wouldn’t. Not that I know his perspective on piracy.


Constantly moving compressed files are not the same as a physical media archive, literally the entire point of this discussion.


Are you here to repeat that nonsense about file transfer being lossy?


Are you here to repeat that nonsense that parity loss doesn’t exist in your world?


Th s is hila ious. Wait, w t’ ap e i g? c n’t ead y r p st!


I have a folder on my D: called OLDINSTALL.

It’s my entire hard drive from 1996, including DOS.

I think it’s a couple hundred megabytes in size, but the vast majority of the files and games were exclusively in floppy disk format.

I don’t have a floppy drive or any disks anymore.


Games don’t get lossy compressed when sent. They aren’t films or photographs.


Also even if you’re using lossy compression you don’t recompress things every time lol.


If you use most digital formats for media and compress them with something like .7z or Winrar, then it might take years or decades to noticeable degrade, but it is still a matter of when not if.


Holy crap. File compression is not the same thing as lossy media compression.

File compression uses mathematical algorithms to create definable outcomes. Meaning it doesn’t matter how much you compress/uncompress a file, it will always be exactly the same.

5 X 2 will always give you 10 and 10 ÷ 2 will always give you 5.

lightnegative, (edited )

Err, no. Lossless compression is lossless and there are a bunch of techniques to ensure that a copy is bit-for-bit identical to the original




It is literally the other way around.

There is no way for digital media to degrade, unless it is the physical media.


Compression and transmission of data causes loss of parity. We lose or flip some 1s and 0s. Over time the effects become very noticeable. The best visual example I can think of are experiments where YouTubers downloaded and reuploaded their own video 100 times, it very quickly degrades. In a more reasonable scenario, near lossless file types and compressions would degrade much more slowly.


You’re referring to a video codec degrading as it keeps rendering the video again, not just copying and pasting the bits. There is no degradation from copying and pasting a file as-is.


No, I am not referring to that. YouTubers have the option to download their own videos. Not steal it with a video downloading tool.

bitwolf, (edited )

That’s YouTube’s processed video not the original.


And when you download the processed video and reupload it, it’s a 1 to 1 conversion of the same video codec, and every generation it gets worse. That example is a low hanging fruit, but the concept applies to everything.


No, this is because YouTube compresses every file before distributing it. This happens even when downloading on the creator side.


Literally every file distribution method compresses the media first. A better argument was that YouTube re-encodes the video during the re-upload with a particularly lossy method to save on bandwidth and server space.


That 1:1 conversion through the same codec is very likely lossy. However that’s not a straight file copy which is what you originally said causes degradation.


You really jumped in here to tell me exactly the contents of a comment I made just below it in the thread, as if I didn’t already know it.


I jumped in to point out the flaw in the YouTube experiment you’re referring to.


Can you think of a better visual example that a simple person could see and understand?


Imo, an easy way to remove YouTube’s postprocessing from the equation would be to copy a video file to and from a nas or other computer several times and compare it with the untouched file.


experiments where YouTubers downloaded and reuploaded their own video 100 times, it very quickly degrades

That just means Youtube’s software uses lossy compression, that is a Youtube problem, not a digital media problem. Are you familiar with the concept of file hashing? A short string can be derived from a file, such that if any bit of the file is altered, it will produce a different hash. This can be used in combination with other methods to ensure perfect data consistency; for example a file torrent that remains well seeded won’t degrade, because the hash is checked by the software, so if anyone’s copy changes at all due to physical degradation of a harddrive or whatever other reason, the error will be recognized and routed around. If you don’t want to rely on other people to preserve something, there is always RAID, a 50 year old technology that also avoids data changing or being lost assuming that you maintain your hardware and replace disks as they break.

Here’s the fundamental reason you’re wrong about this: computers are capable of accounting for every bit, conclusively determining if even one of them has changed, and restoring from redundant backup. If someone wants to perfectly preserve a digital file and has the necessary resources and knowledge, they can easily do so. No offense but what you are saying is ignorant of a basic property of how computers work and what they are capable of.


It’s the most obvious example of a digital media problem. Computers might be able to account for every bit with the use of parity files and backups with frequent parity checks, but the fact is most people aren’t running a server with 4 separately powered and monitored drives as their home computer, and even the most complex system of data storage can fail or degrade eventually.

We live in a world of problems, like the YouTube problem, compression problems, encoding problems, etc. We do because we chose efficiency and ease of use over permanency.


Computers might be able to account for every bit with the use of parity files and backups with frequent parity checks

Yes, and this can be done through mostly automatic or distributed processes.

even the most complex system of data storage can fail or degrade eventually.

I wouldn’t describe it as complex, just the bare minimum of what is required to actually preserve data with no loss. All physical mediums may degrade through physical processes, but redundant systems can do better.

but the fact is most people aren’t running a server with 4 separately powered and monitored drives as their home computer

It isn’t hard to seed a torrent. If a group of people want to preserve a file, they can do it this way, perfectly, forever, so long as there remain people willing to devote space and bandwidth.

We live in a world of problems, like the YouTube problem, compression problems, encoding problems, etc. We do because we chose efficiency and ease of use over permanency.

All of these problems boil down to intent. Do people intend to preserve a file, do they not care, do they actively favor degradation? In the case of the OP game, it seems that the latter must be the case. Same with Youtube, same with all those media companies removing shows and movies entirely from all public availability, same with a lot of companies. If someone wants to preserve something, they choose the correct algorithms, simple as that. There isn’t necessarily much of a tradeoff for efficiency and ease of use in doing so, disk space is cheap, bandwidth is cheap, the technology is mature and not complicated to use. Long term physical storage can be a part of that, but it isn’t a replacement for intent or process.


I wouldn’t describe it as complex, just the bare minimum of what is required to actually preserve data with no loss. All physical mediums may degrade through physical processes, but redundant systems can do better.

I think you didn’t read correctly on the statement about the most complex system failing. I’m not saying that is the most complex system, I am saying the most complex system will fail.

It isn’t hard to seed a torrent. If a group of people want to preserve a file, they can do it this way, perfectly, forever, so long as there remain people willing to devote space and bandwidth.

LMAO at the idea of comparing every bit of every portion of every seeder’s copy with each other simultaneously and then cross referencing every parity file to be doubly safe, and then failing to see the chance of loss of parity during transmission of said files even after that. I will admit it would take a lot longer for a torrented file to degrade than some other forms of file distribution, but it’s not going to last for a thousand years, mate.


I am saying the most complex system will fail.

And I am saying complexity has little to do with it and also that a system can exist that will not fail.

it’s not going to last for a thousand years

Specifically why not? What is unrealistic about this scenario, assuming enough people care to continue with the preservation effort? All nodes must fail simultaneously for any data to be lost. The probability of any given node failing at any given time is a finite probability, independent event. The probability of N nodes failing simultaneously is P^N. That is exponential scaling. Very quickly you reach astronomically low probabilities, 1000 years is nothing and could be safely accomplished with a relatively low number of peers. Maybe there are external factors that would make that less realistic, like whether new generations will even care about preserving the data, but considering only the system itself it is entirely realistic.


Specifically why not? What is unrealistic about this scenario,

Read the above conversation to find out.


The best visual example I can think of are experiments where YouTubers downloaded and reuploaded their own video 100 times

This has nothing to do with copying a file. YouTube re-encodes videos whenever they are uploaded.

A file DOES NOT DEGRADE when it is copied. That is something that happened to VHS and cassette tapes. It does not happen to digital files. You can even verify this by generating a hash of a file, copy it 10,000 times, and generate a new hash and they would be 100% identical.


You should perform that exact experiment with a sufficient number of bits, you’ll be surprised.

CeeBee, (edited )

No I won’t be, because I’ve done this before for various reasons, but not a single but was changed.

Let me put it this way. A computer stores programs and instructions it needs to run in files on a drive. These files contain exact and precise instructions for various components to operate. If even a SINGLE bit is off in just a couple of the OS files, your computer will start throwing constant errors if not just crashing entirely.

And this isn’t just theory. It’s provable. Cosmic rays have been known to sometimes hit a drive and cause a bit-flip. Or another issue is a drive not being powered on for a long time causing bit-rot

At this point I’m starting to think you’re a troll. There’s no way someone believes what you’re saying.

Edit: autocorrect


I’m going to stop responding to you few left in this thread because I don’t think you’re trolls, I know you are.


Then you’re not a troll, just completely deluded and frankly stupid. You’ve been getting so many genuine responses trying to help you learn, but you keep digging in your heels and doubling down on being confidently wrong.

Believe whatever you want, just keep it to yourself.


They want to “help me learn” that a form of media storage invented and refined within a couple of decades will outlast all other forms, because they’ve deluded themselves that the things they rely on are perfect and that failure is impossible.


What you’re talking about is 100% unrelated to what the discussion is about. The media the files are stored on are irrelevant. USB flash drives are known to die within just a couple of years in some cases. But when the storage media itself fails, then the data on it is more is less lost. And that includes degradation of the medium itself. That’s why both spinning hard drives and solid state drives need to be powered on and “refreshed” every so often (about a year for solid state and roughly a few years for magnetic). And degradation in this context means beyond the point where each bit can be reliably and accurately read from the medium. Once you go past that point you end up with corrupted data. And that includes pictures and videos. A raw picture probably won’t be affected too much with a single bit flipping, but a jpg for example, will visibly look corrupted. This is what a corrupted jpg looks like. And it can occure with just a single bite or byte being incorrectly changed/saved jpg1 jpg2

And here’s an example of corrupted video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-bz21deEeY

All it takes is a single corrupted byte in either the b-frame or i-frame in a video and it will cause that momentary glitch. That’s what happens when data “degrades”. Digitally copying a file absolutely does not “degrade” data each time it is copied. The idea is just laughable. We aren’t talking about copying a VHS tape.

slaacaa, do games w "The Day Before" makers Fntastic are shutting down.

dead game

damn that is brutal

@Talaraine@kbin.social avatar

you can say that again


Funilly enough I had no idea DayZ is still around and also actually launched at one point?


Namalsk (modded map) is hugely popular.
It’s also on consoles…

@GrammatonCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Standalone is still a bit janky, but provides a fun experience on console


TIL Dayz isn't in early access any more.

Tb0n3, do gaming w ANTI-UNITY STRATEGY

Or use a different engine.

@Meloku@feddit.cl avatar

That would be a valid option… If the game was in the planning stage.


Which is consistent with my criticism. The OP says from now on, meaning future games as well.


This is what worries me about Dyson Sphere Program. They “technically” have a finished product right now, and are still in beta. Hopefully they get the Dark Fog implemented before they have to kill the project.


Inb4 Silksong gets delayed till 2032 while they switch engines

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, do games w "PSN isn't supported in my country. What do I do?" Arrowhead CEO: "I don't know"
@Semi_Hemi_Demigod@lemmy.world avatar

Take Two interactive is really lucky this happened right after they sacked the KSP2 team, otherwise people would be talking about that instead.


I’m not sure ksp is popular/broad-based enough to generate much of an uproar. I’m unhappy about it, but most people just see another headline.


And Roll7


what ?

Dequei, do gaming w Help
@Dequei@sopuli.xyz avatar

dude, why are you paying the same game more than 1 time?

MudMan, (edited )

Yeah, for instance I played basketball once and I was done.

I was roped into playing poker twice, but I already knew the ending, so it wasn't as good the second time.

!deleted6508 avatar

You’re being down voted but I see it.

(OP has a typo in the image that says "short but repayable game)

@edgemaster72@lemmy.world avatar

My brain autocorrected the typo in the image but I caught it before reading the comments, then it auto"corrected" the top comment to match the fix for the post, but this time I didn’t catch it til you pointed it out.

@snooggums@midwest.social avatar

Edit: Dang it, I misread the typo too.


Cause the game is fun and I already paid for it.

@Zagorath@aussie.zone avatar

New platform?

@Sorse@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Because they are a Nintendo fan

AngryAnusHornets, do games w Anyone remember Xfire?


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  • regalia,

    2013 was 30 years ago 💀


    Yee olde gamer

    @FARTYSHARTBLAST@kbin.social avatar

    Remember Mplayer?


    I remember playing Jedi Knight on the Internet Gaming Zone

    My back hurts


    Remember heat.net?

    FARTYSHARTBLAST, (edited )
    @FARTYSHARTBLAST@kbin.social avatar

    Hah, I had a promotional mix tape album from them - there was some good shit on there actually. Sneaker Pimps, The Crystal Method, etc.


    I have footsoldier dogtags still. 10six was my jam. Still alive via project visitor.


    Unfortunate project visitor is pretty dead last I checked. 10six is impossible without having a very active clan, your bases get decimated the moment you go offline.

    @yukichigai@kbin.social avatar

    Same on the dogtags. Never got into 10six; I was more of an FPS gamer at the time. Lots of Duke Nukem 3D. Lots of shareware Quake.


    Nice, I didn’t have tags, but I got the shirt. I really only played Quake 2 and Unreal Tournament


    Pepperidge Farm remembers


    It got forked into MPV and is still under active development.

    SuperSynthia, do gaming w Deflated

    Bane of my existence. These game companies lock in and I bet my left pinky toe cuticle they sell our data too -_-


    I’d wager selling your data as an additional income stream is one of the primary reasons some studios do it in the first place.


    This is why a lot of sites demand an account log in if the user disables cookies (or at least they did for a while). They need those cookies to link the activity to a user, and since they can’t do that secretly anymore, they just force the issue with a user account the user “chooses” to make.

    @KSPAtlas@sopuli.xyz avatar

    I’ve seen sites straight up need money to deny cookies, yeah no im just leaving your site whatevers on there isn’t worth


    Just don’t enter any real info, and use a spam email address.

    What are they going to do? Check?

    Loads of companies think I’m from Zimbabwe

    Semi-Hemi-Demigod, do gaming w Fuckin' kids these days...
    @Semi-Hemi-Demigod@kbin.social avatar

    Can't wait to have nursing home LAN parties


    We look forward to having your father in our facility. We’re sure he’ll like it here at Shady Acres.

    What accommodations will he need with us here?

    • Is he mobile and can walk on his own or does he need a walker or a wheel chair?
    • What is his medication schedule?
    • What genre of games does he play? RPG, FPS, RTS?
    • Is he an angry gamer? Do we need to stock extra controllers/keyboards because he throws a fit when he gets headshot like a bitch?
    • Is he a spawn camping piece of shit?
    • Do we need to worry about him griefing or tea bagging everyone?
    • Will he buy a Defuse kit and “rush B” if he has the bomb?
    • Can you provide a list of skins he owns in various games?
    • Can he use Push-to-talk or not breath into the goddamn mic when on voice chat or discord?
    • Is he good at trash talking where his burns are witty and on-point, or does he just scree into the chat with nonsensical garbage like a fucking child?
    EdibleFriend, (edited )
    @EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

    You will work till you’re dead.


    Someone kill OP I wanna retire

    @EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar

    I’m honestly not sure how that will help the situation but, at the same time, it’s worth a shot.


    Why? I live below my means and have a robust savings/investment plan

    @EdibleFriend@lemmy.world avatar



    Calm down, AuthoritarianLeft.

    Fredselfish, do gaming w Unacceptable
    @Fredselfish@lemmy.world avatar

    What you don’t like dad jokes. The whole game anytime you do anything it is a dad joke response one of many reasons I love the game.

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