ICastFist, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour avatar

Man, imagine if movies or books charged you by the hour. Lord of the Rings would make bank!


Thing about a book (and a movie) is, that once it’s out, it’s done (99.99% done).

For a game like GTA Online (be it V or VI), there are ongoing server costs, massive content updates, support, all that jazz.

I’m not saying I support it, just that I understand


That’s why live services games needs to incorporate micro transactions. The studio needs to have a constant revenue stream to maintain the development and the infrastructure cost.

That’s why live services game needs to end

ICastFist, avatar

That’s why live services games needs to incorporate micro transactions.

Not really. Subscriptions are a thing, or used to be, at least. But they’re nowhere as profitable as mtx.

That’s why live services game needs to end

MMORPGs would like a word with you


your understanding is misplaced; their ongoing costs are MASSIVELY offset by their in-app purchases already. to claim they need more is just greed.

Koordinator_O, avatar

Game companies make profits unrivaled by any other industry and all we hear is “it’s not economic to sell a game for 60 bucks.” Now there are microtransactions and those profits skyrocketet. Now even that is still not enough. It’s just Ridiculous.


When did I say I support microtransactions? It doesn’t have to be both at once.

nosurprises, do gaming w ‘Starfield’ Announces Nvidia DLSS Support, Food-Eating Button, Future City Maps

By the time I buy it on a sale, it’ll be a great game it seems!

snowbell, avatar

I can’t wait to play it in three years

massive_bereavement, avatar

big patient gamer energy here, I didn't regret waiting for Cyberpunk.

acastcandream, (edited ) do gaming w Microsoft’s Xbox Series S Parity Demands Are Now Handing Sony Free Wins

 I have a series S and even I think it’s unreasonable to expect full parity with a PS5/XSX after three or four years. It’s a $300 piece of hardware - it is remarkable what it does at its price point. It will be useful for a good 10 years, but it will not be able to keep up with new games after 5 at most in my opinion. It’ll be great for Indies or back catalogs.

They need to stop trying to make it functionally a series X and focus more on making it a gamepass/xcloud machine. As it is, it’s just an albatross around their neck.

Edit: Everything signaled that they were going to make it into a xcloud machine essentially. I’m not sure why they haven’t really pushed that harder.

stopthatgirl7, (edited )
!deleted7120 avatar

I feel like their planning for it was really shortsighted - like they were hoping to get a as many people to buy the console as possible so they could “win” the console war early by having more people adopt it by putting out a cheap console people who didn’t want to spend so much would be drawn to, and weren’t really thinking beyond the first few years of the generation. Maybe they figured once they had the lead, they cold get people up upgrade or something. By they didn’t get the early lead and now the cheaper console means devs can’t really fully develop for Xbox. This will only get worse as more games start getting developed.


Microsoft is terrible at Gaming. I fear how everyone seems to be ok with them buying companies up and putting games on GamePass. It’s not going to end well. It’s not even going well if you really take notice.


It’s going great for me as the consumer with Game Pass. I have had over two years of essentially free games, because Microsoft rewards is too generous and easy to exploit. But I have no illusions about whether or not this consolidation is good for the industry. It simply isn’t. Yeah I guess y’all can call me out or whatever for using it anyway, but the series S with nearly free GamePass has just been too good for me as a dad with a full-time job and children. I’m still against the merger lol

I vote with my dollar where I can, but sorry, sometimes I make compromises just like anybody else. That being said, if I have to start actually paying for it, even at the current price, I’m out. So basically it depends on when they decide they don’t want rewards to stay around.

!deleted4132 avatar

I mean, if you’re basically getting GamePass for free, I don’t think anyone would blame you for using it. May as well, right?


Some people can be pretty dogmatic about this stuff but yeah, I feel like it’s better than cash. Especially because the stuff I do for rewards gives them pretty useless data and I have all kinds of privacy stuff running in the background protecting my data


Its going great now. The monopoly they want is to increase charges on you and you have to pay forever to keep access. This is specifically the point of gamepass.

It may workout for you in the short rub, but you are still losing choice and value (you only rent access) in the process.


As many people already boycott sony consoles due to them paying extra to game studios to never release certain games on xbox, there’s literally no alternative currently.

And Game Pass is great, if they pump the price too much, it will just seize to be relevant and life goes on. AAA games are pretty dirt cheap considering prices have increased way slower than inflation and average game complexity.


But Microsoft is doing exactly the same thing, only instead of paying for exclusivity of one title, they’re buying developers so not just their next title, but all future releases will be exclusive, up until MS decides they’re not worth it and dumps them.

Sony absolutely participates in anti-consumer practices, but let’s not pretend that MS is any better.


Day one releases on PC and Xbox, and coming later on PS5 is quite a bit different to day one on PS5, year later on PC and never on Xbox.

There’s bad, and then there’s “you’ll never play this unless you buy our console”


What games have Sony bought exclusively too? I’ve seen them pay for development of several. Microsoft has taken away sequels from PlayStation in the past. That’s worse imo.


I feel like I made it pretty clear that I understand it’s going great right now specifically. 

!deleted4231 avatar

I think the problem they’ve given themselves is that they pushed it as a cheaper alternative to the X whilst also maintaining that it’ll be able to play the same games.

How do they go about messaging that can’t be the case going forward without pissing off those that spent the money on the S in the first place.


As I said in another comment, I own a series S, and I think it’s pretty ridiculous of me to expect a $300 piece of hardware to be able to play the latest games past five years. Even with what they have said, I just kind of assumed it can’t be true. 

I imagine in two or three years I will switch to dev mode and boot retro arch on it. 

!deleted4231 avatar

Right but you’re probably a little more clued up to this sort of stuff than the average consumer who’s seen the marketing and thought ‘oh lovely, I don’t need a disk drive’ in this thing.

Both my brothers own the S. It’s an incredible little machine, but imo they screwed the proverbial pooch when they pushed this as a 1080p alternative to the more powerful Series X.


Hey I get consistent 1440p and decent upscaled 4k! lol


In almost every other case, it is playing them. BG3 is one outlier.

!deleted4231 avatar

Only takes one though. As soon as someone looking at buying a console sees there’s a chance they’ll miss out, they’ll potentially make the decision to go with the Sony machine instead.

Microsoft already has an exclusive issue, this isn’t doing anything but compounding that issue.


Oh totally, this isn’t a good thing. At the least Xbox has its own, hopefully great, RPG coming out at the same time.

breadsmasher, do gaming w Steam Deck Won’t Survive 2025 Without A Significant Upgrade. - (Original clickbait headline and not my opinion!) avatar

Easy solution - I just wont be buying games the deck cant run.

Optimise your games for lower end hardware. Problem solved.


The steam deck was lower end hardware when it came out. It’s natural for it to lose support right about now.

EarWorm, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

Unrelated question, does anyone know any good pirate sites?




What happens if I post here?

Dasnap, avatar


mrfriki, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

Then why are not GTA games priced at $20-30?


Because they offer thousands of hours of play time? Like seriously, all the things you could say against this idea and you choose to go go with “But GTA, one of the games with the most lively open worlds, where you can do so much exploring and random stuff, doesnt have much play time”


I don’t think he said that… I think he meant playtime is overpriced which considering the amount of people worldwide that play gta and the profit ratios it definitely is

helenslunch, do games w The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter avatar

Clickbait title. I can’t find any justification for calling a player being banned as The Verge “under fire”.

SineNomineAnonymous, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour


  • Loading...
  • A_Random_Idiot,

    I’d be shocked if GTA6 has an offline/solo mode, with how much they’ve milked GTA5 Online for.


    The fuck over SP got is the biggest crime after the cucking we got over Anthem.


    Which is why no one should buy GTA6.

    but of course you know the mindless hordes of ignorant little goblins out there will not only buy it, they will preorder the mega super luxury ultra elite edition at that, making the game have a launch day sales record twice that of what GTA5 was in its entire first week.

    Thus proving to TakeTwo, Rockstar, and every other company that it doesnt matter how shitty, or how exploitative that they are… because gamers are fucking morons and will dumptruck money to their doorstep, and not even major fuckups like cyberpunk and starfield can prevent it.


    I liked Starfield and I still logged a shit ton of hours on it.

    But it’s story, dialogue, and character interactions feel that bad combination of rushed and PG13 in a setting that should be R. The fact that they will likely never rewrite and re-record these quests kinda blows. And the looting took a step backwards with the lack of clothing pieces and non-unique clothing stats.

    I’m excited for what the modding community does to the game, which is the major reason I bought it. I’ve got over 3000 hours on skyrim, less than 200 of that is vanilla gameplay ¯_(ツ)_/¯



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  • A_Random_Idiot,

    You can have your story.

    in small, online only installments for 29.99 a piece.

    Coelacanth, do games w ‘Fallout: London’ Sets GOG Record, Gets Hotfixes In Big Update avatar

    Very cool. I still haven’t gotten to play it, but I’ve heard good things. Hope they find success with their newly founded studio!


    I don’t have a PC so I can’t play. But im still looking forward to watching it on youtube.


    Curious, not trying to be snarky. Why don’t you have a PC?


    Because of the cost of entry.


    Gotta get you one of them 6th Gen Intel work computers and slap a 1650 in it from ebay lol

    NutWrench, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour avatar

    Of course it’s a Forbes article.


    Forbes says companies should make more money. Wow hot take Forbes thanks

    xkforce, do gaming w Positive ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ User Reviews Split Unusually From Critics

    Ah yes the Mcdonalds effect. Objectively its greasy trash food but sometimes that’s just what people want.


    McDonald’s is an anomaly amongst fast food in my opinion.

    All fast food is trash, but I have the exact same greasy, salty, mediocre experience with McDonald’s every single time. No other chain has the same consistency between different locations. Its just a safe option every time.

    jackpot, avatar

    thats very intentional, they all dource their potatoes from the same type

    Enzy, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

    Good luck with that.

    grabs pirate hat

    filister, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

    So practically he wants to create a SaaS model to eternally milk their user base. As much as I like the game devs working for rockstar, their management is an utterly horrendous bunch of scums and in a way I wish that GTA6 is one giant flop.

    alienanimals, do games w WB’s ‘Ready Player One’ Blockchain, VR, AR, AI ‘Readyverse’ Will Of Course Be A Disaster

    Ernest Cline is a sellout who got lucky piggybacking off the success of popular franchises. I’ve seen high schoolers write better than that guy.

    inb4_FoundTheVegan, (edited ) avatar

    It’s easily the worst book I’ve read, and I only finished because of the unintentional hilarity of it all. In a story ostensibly about how evil media mega corporations are, the author wrote a hail corporateove love letter to top selling franchises without realizing the irony.

    There was potential in it being a self parody, although in a way the whe situation is funnier because he was so earnest.


    I spent my first audible credit on that book. I hadn’t seen the movie…still haven’t. But it was narrated by Wil Wheaton, and I knew him from reddit. He did a good job. That’s all I have to say about it.

    Fredselfish, avatar

    Same only way I heard it and the movie sucked ass. He is a sellout won’t even touch the second one.


    It’s a blur to me now but I just remember so many forced 80s references, and the plot was basic. Fan fiction vibes.


    Ironically I found the megacorp produced movie version much more palatable both because it wasn’t stuck on making that which the author liked the only media worth obssessing about, it showed that fans of all eras enjoyed themselves equally in that world. And because it gave more of a human core to Halliday’s quests and the plot, rather than it just being about who’s more of a fanboy gets rich and gets the girl.

    Seeing the book describe how Wade is so great at reciting every line of War Games just took me out of it. Am I supposed to be impressed by this second hand fawning over a different story? Is there even a point to that beyond Halliday/Ernest Cline thinking it’s cool?


    I agree. I couldn’t get through the first 10 pages.

    Since I haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere else in the comments, I thought I’d leave this here:…

    “372 Pages We’ll Never Get Back” is a podcast where Mike Nelson (MST3K, Rifftrax) and Conor Lastoka (Rifftrax) read and review books they’re “pretty sure they’re going to hate”. RP1 is the first book & source of the podcast title, since it’s 372 pages. It’s like Mystery Science Theater 3000 for books and it is hilarious, I highly recommend.

    Yurt_Owl, do gaming w ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared For 100,000 Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700,000 avatar

    surprised how successful this was since it barely got a mention all the time it was in early access so thought it would have a relatively mild release but no the g*mers heard bear sex and everyone flooded in to buy it.

    Aryuproudomenowdaddy, avatar

    the g*mers heard bear sex and everyone flooded in to buy it.

    side-eye-1 side-eye-2

    FuckYourselfEndless, avatar

    I think it’s more so that “bear sex” was just joke-worthy enough that people talked about the game that otherwise wouldn’t talk about it and news of the game spread beyond its usual corners of the internet. So more people heard of the game and I guess the openness that “bear sex” entails is pretty appealing for a CRPG.

    Commiejones, avatar

    Could it be that the hard core Baldur’s Gate fans are OG/serious Gamers and have learned to not pre-order? BG 1 & 2 were released way before gaming was mainstream. Most of the casual gamers probably only care about BG3 due to hype from other gamers who would also be “Never Pre-order” folk.

    Yurt_Owl, avatar

    Its more that no one wanted to burn themselves out on early access before the real thing came out but actually it was the bear sex

    Ghost33313, avatar

    My wife found out BG was out. Saw it was a full release price and was kind of like, "meh I can wait". I joked about everyone playing just wanted to edit their character's genitals and she immediately put it on top of her Wishlist.

    TXinTXe, avatar

    2.5 million copies sold in EA, but barely got a mention? ok…

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