snailfact, do games w The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter

I can’t believe their secret game they gave to 10 thousand people got leaked

ccunning, do games w The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter

Why wouldn’t they just put journalists they gave access to under embargo?

edgemaster72, avatar

It’s not clear if he got access from Valve or from a friend or someone else. The article simply states

Earlier today, I received a no-strings-attached invite to play Deadlock on Steam.


Ok - but they all originate from Valve, right? They couldn’t just put it behind a paywall or “NDA”wall?

edgemaster72, avatar

From my understanding users of the beta can then invite others to join as well, Valve isn’t necessarily directly choosing who has access. So if Valve didn’t send the invite themselves they wouldn’t know to specifically put someone under a more strict NDA or whatnot because they’re a journalist. Could they have done more to restrict all users from sharing information? Yes, since apparently you just have to hit escape to bypass the agreement pop up, and there’s no other sort of NDA or contract or w/e in place upon joining.

I’m just speculating, but I think they chose not to do that so people could openly get their friends playing with them instead of going through waves of sign ups and hoping to get in together, or otherwise risk people losing interest when they can only play with randos. I could also see a line of thinking where you assume people want to talk about the game, so let them bring others in to play with them and that gives them someone to talk to about it too instead of just spilling the beans for randos on the internet.


That’s all I’m saying. Valve is the gatekeeper and left the gate wide open. They blew it and they’re looking for someone else to blame.


Valve fucked up but the Verge still broke the social contract regardless of whether they’re legally in the clear or not.

Doing something just because “it’s legal” doesn’t make it a moral justification. My wife and I have a joint bank account. It is legal for me to take money from it and gamble it all away, the gate is “open” but that doesn’t make it morally justifiable.


Meh, I don’t think there’s anything morally wrong with what he did. What he did wasn’t just legal, it’s literally his job. The only issue is that Valve is now angry at him for their own failing.

To continue the same analogy, they didn’t just leave the gate open, they literally invited a bunch of people and told them to invite other people. I’m not sure what they expected if not this exact situation.


Valve isn’t really angry as far as I can tell, or have heard. They’re about as angry as any other person which goes and posts this stuff online: revoking access. If Valve wanted to expand their testing userbase without people leaking it online, they would have sought NDAs and other legally-binding agreements with testers and - by extension - journalists who can test the game.

RangerJosie, do games w The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter

What was so secret about it?

Cyv_, (edited )

So apparently they had a bit asking players to not share info about the game, but you could technically back out of it without agreeing so legally they can post whatever they want. It feels like a case of “this is legal to do but maybe kinda shitty and valve might be upset”. Basically the agreement was informal and not enforceable and the verge just said fuck it. They did get banned afterwards, but I think that and not working with them in the future is all valve can do.

Edit: didn’t even require agreement, so honestly it’s kinda fair game. I was a bit hostile calling it shitty, I felt like it was a loophole or something but it’s more Valve just saying “hey pls don’t” and the verge replying “no thanks”, and eating the game ban since that’s all valve can really do.


If 10,000 people are doing something, it is NOT secret, and journalists must report on it for the general benefit of society.

Valve has their head in the clouds if they thought they could keep an informal secret among the population of a small town.


This isn’t some grand conspiracy it’s a closed beta for a video game. It’s pretty normal to have an NDA or embargo agreement to get access. It sounds like valve just goofed the implementation. So yeah it’s totally legal for them to post it, valve just might avoid giving them early copies in the future.


Totally. Verge just lost their access to breaking gaming news. They’ll be blacklisted from now on.

That said, I don’t know anyone who goes to The Verge for breaking news on gaming.

KingThrillgore, avatar

Polygon is Vox’s gaming site and I imagine the shitlist will extend to all Vox properties. So the editors at Polygon now have another department to blame for their woes.


There is no NDA for Deadlock, and anyone in it can invite anyone they want, as often as they want. It’s not like Valve has no idea how to privately test their game. I think they made these decisions deliberately.

Cyv_, (edited )

A bit of the eula says not to share info about the game, but you can literally back out without accepting the eula, and still play. So I don’t know if I’d call it intentional, but there’s definitely no legal reason they can’t post whatever they want. They just got banned for it and might have damaged their relationship with valve somewhat. Depends on how much valve cares tho.

Edit: it wasnt even a eula apparently, just a “pls dont tell people ok?” Pop up. Thanks to the folks clarifying <3


There’s no EULA just like there’s no NDA. That pop up and a one sentence post about not sharing info about the game on the forum is all there is.


Oh ok, I must’ve misread the article, thanks for clarifying :)


There was no NDA, and the EULA is skippable.


Don’t know why you’re getting crushed for this. It’s not even just about this particular game; one of the major players in the largest entertainment industry on the planet is doing something highly unusual. That’s in the public interest.

Lemmy users should know better, too, as The Verge was one of the leading reporting outlets on what happened on Reddit last year. Adversarial tech journalism is part of what they do.

KingThrillgore, avatar

Adversarial journalism is always spun as “journalism out of line” when this is the foundation of all journalism.


Yeah that’s a fair point. I was mistaken thinking it was an actual eula they bypassed because valve didn’t make it so you couldn’t just close it, but it’s not in any way legally enforceable. I thought at least it was one of those grey “technically correct but obviously an unintended loophole” kind of things, but they literally just said “pls don’t tell”. I’m mostly thinking that risking the connections you might have to valve aren’t worth a scoop on a game still in what seems to be alpha or closed beta, but if I were valve I really don’t think they can be that mad, everything the verge did was basically fair game if they were fine with a game ban.

I guess when I think of public interest I think of stuff like reddit selling user data without consent, or games using manipulative tactics. It’s hard to feel like it makes sense to be aggressive with something as benign as “game we don’t know much about yet, smells of dota/moba” But then again I’m not a game journalist, and I stand corrected.


There isn’t even an informal agreement. It simply says not to share anything. Not even “by playing this, you agree not to share anything”. It’s just “please don’t share anything”.


Yeah, gaylord_fartmaster let me know. I thought the message was one of those “scroll down and click agree on this eula” things but its just a pop up box, so it’s def not enforceable.


Nobody is saying it’s enforceable. It’s just a shitty thing to do when someone shows you something in confidence, asks not to share it, and you publish an entire news article about it. It’s just a dick move. Obviously nothing illegal about it.

KingThrillgore, avatar

Valve got burned many ages ago with Half-Life 2 and they only go to press about a game when it’s in the final phases of development, to release.

Carighan, avatar

Bullshit. The actual reason will be that this is far better marketing once you’re at a level of Valve. Shit gets leaked anyways, might as well make it intentionally so to fuel the hype cycle.

Vertelleus, do games w ‘Fallout: London’ Sets GOG Record, Gets Hotfixes In Big Update avatar

I jumped through a lot of hoops and got it installed on Linux. I’m sure I’ll have lots of trouble with patches too.


Right there with you brother. That was not a fun experience.


I don’t have this problem because I have Windows snort


Windows is the new arch



ivanafterall, avatar

NICE, which Windows are you using bro? I’m running 10 with a stock kernel and GUI, as well as a bunch of custom modifications, including a custom desktop*.



What was your Problem? I installed it yesterday on my Deck fairly easy


Not the guy toy responded but I can give my experience.

The first annoyance was downgrading Fallout 4. Now I know there’s a mod that can do it for you but I’m not going to stick my Steam credentials in some random piece of code. So I did it manually which wasn’t hard but it was annoying.

The second burden was getting F4se to run because for whatever reason I couldn’t launch FO4 without downgrading to wine 8.0.x. Luckily I found out glorious eggroll version of wine works with FO4 and actually starts F4se automatically.

But by far the biggest hurdle was the actual installation of Folon. I couldn’t get the installer to install the mod. I ended up unpacking the installer and manually copying the files into the FO4 folder.

Then I got the train bug and manually installed buffout. Then I got an XDI error so I had to manually reinstall XDI as well.

What’s the easier way?

De4th69, (edited )

UHmm, that sounds rough.

Well, you can check the scripts of the tool yourself. They’re all in the zip file you download from nexus. It just sends the credentials to the Steam API and uses the auth token for the rest. That’s exactly what the Steam app on Android does. And it’s also not some tool from a random dude, it’s the official downgrader tool from the FOLON team. They even link it on their homepage. I get being paranoid with credentials, but in this case i saw no problem. Sorry for my rambling, but this “issue” is blown way out of proportion imo.

I just followed this guide

It’s deck specific, but the deck just runs arch. The only difference from the guide was that i didn’t used the gui .exe and just ran the .sh script in Konsole.

That’s actually something i still have trouble with and i’m hit withe the “No Female” bug. Gonna try your suggestion for F4SE bug. I’m currently installing the recommended mods which are suggested in the downgrader tool.

Edit// installed GE-Proton 9-11 and it runs with F4SE, so thank you :)


Well, you can check the scripts of the tool yourself. They’re all in the zip file you download from nexus. It just sends the credentials to the Steam API and uses the auth token for the rest. That’s exactly what the Steam app on Android does. And it’s also not some tool from a random dude, it’s the official downgrader tool from the FOLON team. They even link it on their homepage. I get being paranoid with credentials, but in this case i saw no problem. Sorry for my rambling, but this “issue” is blown way out of proportion imo.

Ah, I didn’t think about who made it. I just saw two options, either I go through the code to make sure it’s nothing sus or I do it manually and because I didn’t feel like going through code I did it manually. Should’ve paid more attention I guess.

As for the guide, I haven’t tried the Heroic launcher. I generally use Lutris but I will try that when the big patch comes out. Hopefully they also upgrade to a newer version of Fo4 because the ultrawidescreen mod is having some issues.


Yeah, a lot of people are missing who made the tool.

I can just speak as a deck owner because i’m not at home till october, but heroic saves a lot of headache. Combined with SteamTinkerTools is was really easy to set up everything.

Do you use the UWS-Mod they mention on the downgrader tool Nexuspage?


I used Truby9 but I just noticed that there’s a compatibility fix. Maybe that’s what I’m missing.


First issue was the downgrade failing to run because it claimed I was missing an ssh library. Then I found a work around that involved grabbing the uncompiled source and running the script from there, but that failed to connect to steam. I finally downgraded using a manual method that took forever, but it worked. Once I finally got it all running, I hit the infamous crash after the train ride bug.


Ah that’s unfortunate. Which distro?

They included Buffout 4 in the latest patch, so hopefully thus issue won’t be affecting more players in the future

BradleyUffner, (edited )

Fedora 40. I downloaded the latest patch but haven’t had a chance to try it out yet.

Update: I did a quick test before work, and the train ride no longer crashes. I’m psyched to dive in for real at the end of the day!


I haven’t even been able to get it work using Nexus mods with my Steam version. I’m getting the intro screen/menu, but it never actually loads a new game after that. I’ll just wait a few months/years til I remember about it and try again.

seathru, do games w ‘Fallout: London’ Sets GOG Record, Gets Hotfixes In Big Update avatar

It’s been two weeks since Fallout: London arrived, for free, and earlier than expected.

What part of Fallout: London was “earlier than expected?”


I guess if you never expected it to actually release?

FenrirIII, avatar

Given that it was put on hold indefinitely after the next-gen update, I suppose any time is earlier than no time.

solsangraal, do games w ‘Fallout: London’ Sets GOG Record, Gets Hotfixes In Big Update

would like to play but don’t want to buy all the dlcs it requires. weird requirement…


The anniversary edition has all the dlcs (and I think it’s the only edition you can buy)

capt_wolf, avatar

Only $14 on Fanatical right now too. Totally worth it


Not really. Most large story DLCs for any Bethesda game require all expansions. I suspect it’s for assets, but I would also just pick the largest use case (and already owning the expansions most certainly is the largest use case) and say it’s a requirement also, so I’m not chasing down edge cases for people all day. Just the rough math of releasing something you have to support afterwards.

TachyonTele, (edited )

Any game as old as FO4 is going to have huge mods (and probably most small mods) that require all the DLC.

That’s how it’s been since expansions and mods have both been things. Literally “welcome to PC gaming”.

Expansions/DLCs will usually have game fixes inherently included.


Even if they don’t actually “use” the DLCs, it makes sense to require the same content that the developer owns and used to test the mod.


Especially new assets and scripting that DLCs provide. You’d be a fool to try make something as expensive as this mod without utilizing every available resource.

BleatingZombie, do games w ‘Fallout: London’ Sets GOG Record, Gets Hotfixes In Big Update

I’m still having trouble with long loading times


There’s mods to fix that. I went from 3-4 minutes loading to ~30 sec.


Ah, they really captured the full Bethesda experience!


A little buggy too, just like the FO4 experience on release. I’m still enjoying it though.


I keep reading that mod will ruin your textures over several hours

Coelacanth, do games w ‘Fallout: London’ Sets GOG Record, Gets Hotfixes In Big Update avatar

Very cool. I still haven’t gotten to play it, but I’ve heard good things. Hope they find success with their newly founded studio!


I don’t have a PC so I can’t play. But im still looking forward to watching it on youtube.


Curious, not trying to be snarky. Why don’t you have a PC?


Because of the cost of entry.


Gotta get you one of them 6th Gen Intel work computers and slap a 1650 in it from ebay lol

Korkki, do games w ‘Dota 2’ Adds ‘Street Fighter’ Style Fighting Game In Crownfall Update

Why does forbes care about Mobas dickfighting?

HATEFISH, do games w ‘Dota 2’ Adds ‘Street Fighter’ Style Fighting Game In Crownfall Update

The fact that they included frame data for a game so simple makes me wonder if they’ve considered a dota fighter like League is doing with 2XKO.

SkullBoi, do games w ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Ends Its Weekly Updates

Feels so good to see a live service cashgrab fail

Princeali311, (edited )

Their apparent solution to this is more live service games (at least from a few weeks or so ago).

Edit: Link…/warner-bros-aims-to-increase-focus-…


“If at first you don’t succeed. Fail, fail again.”

DrSleepless, do games w ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Ends Its Weekly Updates

TIL you can update poop

Whirling_Cloudburst, do games w ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Ends Its Weekly Updates

It was so bad that many of them decided to finally touch grass.

atmur, do games w ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Ends Its Weekly Updates

Watching live service games crash and burn is just so cathartic.

EveningNewbs, do games w ‘Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’ Ends Its Weekly Updates

Nature is healing.

ampersandrew, (edited ) avatar

Not until Helldivers 2 dies too. I was tricked into thinking it was healing, and then that game exploded.

EDIT: The truth hurts, but that’s still a live service game that’s actively working against the interests of consumers and preservationists. The more money and playtime people give it, the worse this situation gets.


I still don’t think the enemy is “all live service games” exactly. A lot of us have a style of gameplay we enjoy that makes us go “That was fun! I want some more of it.”

Just that Rocksteady made singleplayer games well, and their poor shift just informs us that not all games need to be live service, especially when the gameplay shifts to something no one likes in order to achieve Number Go Up (similar situation with Gotham Knights)

ampersandrew, avatar

Number can go up without being tied to a server you don’t and can’t control. Those games still get made, from Titan Quest to Borderlands. Nothing about the gameplay loop of Helldivers offends me; the totally unnecessary forced obsolescence does. The thing that makes it a live service game is the thing that makes it incompatible with surviving for more than a few years without an Act of God, like Knockout City. I also hate that people have been trained into differentiating “single player” and “live service”, as though multiplayer must inherently be this way when it doesn’t have to be. A live service game is just an inferior version of a game they could have made that would survive offline, because it’s tied to their servers. Do you think Sony could have mandated a PSN account after the point of sale if it was available DRM-free and allowed you to run your own servers?


There is some hope for these games. For example Shadow of War works perfectly fine now and doesn’t have any of it’s “battle pass” stuff in it anymore. It can happen.

ampersandrew, avatar

If Helldivers 2 gets updated to work offline, including multiplayer, I will no longer wish for its death. I just don’t think that’s at all likely.

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