MargotRobbie, do games w WB’s ‘Ready Player One’ Blockchain, VR, AR, AI ‘Readyverse’ Will Of Course Be A Disaster avatar

Not even going to joke about this, but I am really hoping nobody there gets the bright idea to make a Barbie blockchain or NFT or anything like that.

Speaking of “Ready Player One”, the author Ernest Cline also wrote literally the absolute worst, grossest, most misogynistic poem I’ve ever had the displeasure of reading in my life. Now you’ll have to read it too to make sure the “Reqdyverse” never succeed and thus, zero possibility of Barbie blockchain.


This was really sad and arrogant


That was so fucking weird and gross. Thank you for sharing.


bruh just search for “homemade” on PornHub

ICastFist, avatar

lol wtf

Dunno when he made that (1990s? Early 2000s?), but nowadays even those “nerdy, smart” women are easy to find in porn. Hentai also has that in droves.


Late 90’s but I couldn’t find an exact date (I didn’t look very hard).

notannpc, do games w WB’s ‘Ready Player One’ Blockchain, VR, AR, AI ‘Readyverse’ Will Of Course Be A Disaster

WB execs are currently in the #1 position on the list of dumbest motherfuckers of 2024. And boy are they setting the bar REALLY high.

Filthmontane, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

Check out my new game: Paint Drying Simulator! With real time paint drying action! 6000 hours of play time! Only $129.99!


Wow, that’s like less than $0.03 per hour of playtime? Sign me up.

barely_aware, do gaming w Microsoft’s Xbox Series S Parity Demands Are Now Handing Sony Free Wins

I still don’t really understand this. Local splitscreen on a game the size of baldurs gate does make sense to me as being a technical hurdle, obviously rendering the game world twice is extremely taxing.

I keep seeing complaints about other games also, lots off people seem to be blaming the Series S for Remnant 2s slow xbox patches.

The Series S is basically an X with a weaker GPU, how are games (that also release on PC) not scalable enough to run on the S at 1080p when they can run at 4k on the X? I’d love a technical answer, if I replace my 3080 with a 1060 I could run the game on my PC and a lower resolution/graphic settings. How is this different from the Series X/S? I’m not a programmer/developer and I’d really like if someone could explain too me why the Series S is a problem because from my view point it’s lazy developers with unoptimised games


did you think of the possibility that even Larian’s low settings still can’t run on series S? Given the amount of assets I saw it’s actually quite possible that vram requirement are pretty high and that’s why PS5 have delay as well so they can figure out ways to consolidate textures used etc. Like they can’t even manage to let me stack rope or water bottle properly in inventory(maybe some asset id not cleaned up during development), so having excessive vram usage is fairly easy/common for content heavy games.


To be clear, I’m not trying to attack Larian here. I think splitscreen is a much bigger technical hurdle than other games have to deal with and delaying it on the Xbox was the right idea. But, the PC versions minimum requirements is 4GB vram and recommended 8GB vram. The Series S has 10GB vram. I’m more annoyed by the anti Series S rhetoric going around about it holding all games back, because most games with a PC release scale no problem

Triplexxor, avatar

What you forgot to consider is that the Xbox has to share the RAM with the VRAM. The game on PC has 8GB RAM and 4GB VRAM as minimum. That is 12GB of RAM. The Series S only has 10GB. Which is 2GB less than minimum.


You needs less RAM in total on a system with a unified memory architecture, like both Xbox consoles.


True but not 2GB less, the Xbox is also still running an OS albeit a slimer one. I’d guess the smaller OS saves at best 1GB of RAM.


I did not realise that the Series S shared it’s Ram and VRAM. That is something I had missed. Thank you


And with PC, there is only one view point at one time. You can have characters all over the map, but it only needs to render one at a time. Worst case it loads and unloads assets as you switch back and forth. With split screen console, gotta have both loaded at the same time.


It’s not baseless rhetoric when a dev team has literally called it out as a big tech hurdle.


See my other reply, 4gb beam is not the same requirement for series S cause consoles use unified memory.(also it only have 8GB for game)…


What you’re not seeing or understanding:

The Xbox Seried S does not have 10GB VRAM it has 10GB VRAM/RAM that can be dynamically allocated to whatever the game needs.

Baldur’s Gate 3 needs 12GB combined VRAM/RAM at minimum. While the Xbox OS peobably doesn’t eat as much RAM as Windows does the difference is apparently not 2GB which leaves the Series S with not eniugh RAM to power the game.

As others mentioned for the Steamdeck Splitscreen was disabled, however that was likely done to save GPU performance, unlike the Series S the Steamdeck has enough RAM (16GB) to meet the minimum requirements.


Today’s Digital Foundry video suggests that this is far from the issue. Even the highest texture settings fit comfortably in 6 GB. IIRC it was around 4,5 - and consoles typically go for high rather than ultra settings.


Xbox series S have 8GB for game, so while BG3 might consume around 4-5GB on PC, console with unified memory couldn’t afford this. All the other assets(model/animation/audio clips/massive amount of icons) needs to be loaded as well. With split screen, you can have one person tries to go into conversation (that streaming in high res texture/face models, etc) while the other one stay and still render the world with all the things their camera can move around with.


I went back and had a look. It’s between 2165MB and 3720 MB based on settings. Doesn’t really seem problematic on the low end.


I don’t know what to say other than maybe you should send Larian your resume and type “I am sure series S can be ported no issue, here is my numbers.” I am sure Larian would love to have simultaneous launch like PS5 and you can cut a really good deal if you can manage to pull that. BUT, you would have to pass the [Persuasion] check though, hope you have high cha to back it up. :)


Very funny. Just saying that textures don’t seem to be the issue. Any number of other things might be from rendering methods to whatever.


For one viewport!

The problem with Series S is split screen.

Also that’s 6GB of dedicated VRAM. Consoles have unified memory, so you need to fit the OS and the non-graphics memory in there too.


That's only VRAM. You're missing the other half.


It’s unified RAM on Xbox. And medium settings are 2165MB on PC.

!deleted7120 avatar

It wasn’t delayed on the PS5; that was the original release plan. They moved the release UP for PC because they didn’t want to have to compete with Starfield’s release. Since that’s not coming out on PS5, they left the release date as is.


Right, I forgot about this, thanks for correction.


Split screen might be difficult for Series S due to memory constraints. Keep in mind that all assets both players are seeing must be loaded in memory simultaneously. This includes textures, models and animations. These assets are normally not loaded into the memory unless they’re visible by the camera. This becomes problematic if there are two cameras facing different parts of the map at the same time. Then you potentially need to double the memory requirements, which the Series S might not have.


The Series S is basically an X with a weaker GPU

If it was just a GPU difference, you’d be right it should be easy to just run it less pretty. But the memory limitations are the real issue. The X has 16 GB of memory and the S has 10 GB. And worse, the memory performance is drastically different. The X has 10 GB that runs at 560 GB/s and 6 that runs at 336 GB/s, where as the S has 8 GB at 224 GB/s and 2 GB at 56GB/s. (I did not miss a zero on the last value)

wizardbeard, avatar

Holy crap that’s an absurd kneecapping with the RAM. No wonder they’re having parity issues

!deleted7836 avatar

It has less RAM than the Xbox ONE X as well and is incapable of running backwards compatible games with Xbox One X enhancements.…/xbox-series-s-likely-wo…


Holy shit I had no idea. The Xbox One X really is more powerful, at least in some regards, than a system that came out 3 years later.


Wow i did not realize that about the ram


I was unaware that the memory difference was so drastic. I was under the wrong assumption it was the same speed but less (as less is needed for 1080p)


Some phones have more RAM than a Series S? Wow.


They are usually more expensive too tbh.


Xbox owners who are not following video game news every second of the day might find themselves buying a Series S version thinking they can play co-op with their friend who owns a Series X and they…can’t.

The problem here is implied to be local co-op between X and S players?


The main difficulty with split screen is that you need to be able to fit everything you need to render the scene into RAM, twice. Let’s go through some cases:

Just rendering to a higher resolution still lets you get away with the same amount of RAM if you use low-res textures, or a moderate increase because you’re using high-res textures, but only in the foreground – all you need is enough GPU compute power to push the pixels.

If you’re rendering VR both camera perspectives are going to be nearly identical, looking at the same objects, so RAM use is nearly identical to a single camera. Your frame time targets are much stricter in VR, you have to have high and very regular fps or people are going to puke, but again that’s compute pressure, not memory pressure.

In the split-screen case all bets are off: When players are at opposite sides of the map there may be literally zero meshes and textures in common between those two areas and you need twice the RAM for twice the amount of camera views. Nothing in common is the worst case, yes, but it’s bound to happen, and not leave PR in a situation where they have to say “We degraded performance when players are far apart to promote an atmosphere of closeness and cooperation”.


The Series S is basically an X with a weaker GPU

And significantly less RAM, which is probably the issue here.

simple, do games w On Starfield And Hogwarts Legacy’s Single TGA Nomination Between Them

Sort of a nothingburger article. He says that they didn’t get nominated, then says they probably didn’t deserve to get nominated. Even people that liked the games agree neither should’ve been nominated.

avatar, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

High quantity, low quality?

Maybe video games should be priced at value per hour


It would encourage me to complete games as fast as possible and stress me the fuck out. Renting games per hour is a dreadful idea

metanomaly, do gaming w ‘Destiny 2’ Is Now Reselling Old Seasonal Cosmetics For Nine Times The Price

:Shrug: Don’t buy cosmetics. EZ.

Not even disagreeing, but how many “gamers mad at capitalism” rage-bait posts/articles/vids do we need?


Apparently one for each and every instance of it happening…


Yes, unironically. It doesn't stop happening. If we get too desensitized and passive they'll keep inventing more ways to be terrible.

It used to be that any monetized cosmetics were already seen as a gross cash grab, now people are thankful it's not gameplay related. But there is also plenty of gameplay related ones too. The gaming industry is just so bad now.

DoucheBagMcSwag, (edited )

Exactly. This defeatist “iTz jeust opshunal” and “shaming them is a waste of time” response is asking to get fucked over more

Remember Battlefront II when the community got fed up and shamed EA into removing loot boxes?

How about RuneScape recently? Who was slammed so hard they first dug in their heels and then finally relented and pulled their pay to win battle pass?

Also those developers and publishers bitching at Unity need to be quiet because….”capitalism has been complained about enough”

Yes, in all these situations, we consoomers should all just shut up and take it because “it’s been talked about enough already”

This attitude is why Madden players get what they get every year

Keep that attitude up and you’ll see Bungie release an “upgraded” $30 battle pass on top of the current one and take all the cool and useful rewards out of the first paid track just like what Activision did with “Blackcell” for Call of Duty.

Serz, avatar

I hate that it gets dismissed as just being cosmetic. I love making cool looking characters in games, it’s really fun and is part of the content for me, especially if it’s multiplayer.

Computerchairgeneral, do gaming w Here Are Some ‘Starfield’ City Maps, Since The Game Doesn’t Have Any

Once again fans are stepping up to help Bethesda patch up their latest release. Still, the fact that there are no city maps is just kind of baffling. I could understand a bad map or a confusing map, but just a bunch of icons in blank space? It still feels like it should be a glitch even though it is apparently completely intended.

SkullHex2, (edited ) do gaming w Microsoft’s Xbox Series S Parity Demands Are Now Handing Sony Free Wins avatar


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  • spacedogroy,

    The Series S is more powerful:…

    But the Steam Deck is a portable console, so the design considerations are different, so it’s a bit of an apple to oranges comparison. On pure numbers, though, Series S will perform better. (Steam Deck is still awesome though 👍)


    I’d guess that the series X would need to show at least full HD

    With the Steamdeck it only needs 720p which is a pretty big gain in performance


    800p, not 720p, but yes


    The problem is the memory usage for split screen multi player. Steam Deck doesn’t do split screen.

    skullgiver, (edited ) avatar


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  • HumbleFlamingo, (edited )

    I’m not sure. I saw some one comment that they were running split screen on Windows, but I can’t personally verify that. Based on what I know of software development, it’s likely part of every version of it but not necessarily easily accessible. For example DoS2 has split screen coop on PC, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at it. You have to plug in 2 controllers and do some extra steps but it works.

    Maybe if you plug in a second controller on steam deck you can?

    EDIT: missed an ly on likely


    No. You can run split screen on non-Steam Deck PCs, and in fact you can launch BG3 on a Steam Deck as if it were a proper PC with split screen enabled (it prob just won’t run well).

    beefcat, avatar

    Feature parity is not a requirement for Deck verification, Larian simply disabled split screen on the platform and called it a day.

    Microsoft requires feature parity between Series X and S versions of the same game. If you want to support split screen on Series X then you must support it on Series S as well.

    SkullHex2, (edited ) avatar


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  • o_oli,

    Yeah it’s basically like a launch option that will configure it in a certain way. You can in fact with a launch option tell the game to ignore this, and play split screen on Deck. I have seen people doing it but I doubt it runs well but I guess that’s the beauty of PC/Deck gaming that you can do whatever you want to and make up your own mind.


    The default profile for Steam Deck disables split screen. You can enable it but it will run like shit. It running at ~30 fps with the default profile means it can be verified.

    Bimbus, do gaming w ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared For 100,000 Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700,000

    Well deserved. Im in Act 3 and the game is phenomenal.

    Brunbrun6766, avatar

    How?? My friend and I have logged 15 hours and…we haven’t even reached a city yet

    lanolinoil, avatar

    Same must not be sleeping a lot

    riskable, avatar

    Poor fella has a mind flayer brain parasite egging him on at all times.


    I took off Thursday - Friday to play and that’s all I’ve done all weekend. Back at work now. :(


    Wait, acts? Are there literally like title screens like “Act 2 - The bad thing happens” or do you just call it act three in a storytelling structure kind of thing? Because I played like 15 hours this weekend and only barely made it to the underdark for the first time (no idea how far into the game that is). Howlongtobeat said the main story takes like 24 hours so I figured I’m a good way through the game already.

    Can’t wait to get back to it

    Hanabie, avatar

    Underdark is still Act 1. You’re on your way to the Act ending, but not quite there.


    That’s probably an estimate for Early Access. There’s so much more to the game. You’re just scratching the surface of the game :p


    The no lifer, are you not married or have kids to tend to?

    But I am glad that you literally can save anywhere(except cutscenes) and continue.


    Yeah, I literally had the entire Sunday off to play with nothing (urgent) to do. Don’t get many days like that though. Literally played for 13 hours yesterday

    kamen, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

    Can I counteract that with “then maybe you should release finished products at the initial public release date”?

    WereCat, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

    €200 for Vampire Survivors?


    not enough tbh

    AgentGrimstone, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

    Wellllll I think it should be priced by how much I enjoy it. Make a great game, get paid bookoo bucks! Make a shitty game, you get what you deserve.


    Wouldn’t that be covered by the proposal? Make a shitty game and I’ll barely play it.


    There are holes in my comment but just trust me.

    fosforus, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

    Sure thing! GTA 5 average game time was 52h (main+extras), so its price is then about $1 per hour at launch. Looking at my Steam library, I’d probably have saved hundreds if not thousands over the last 20 years if all the games were billed like this…

    Have fun implementing the payment system that reliably measures and bills this with zero downtime, internationally! And even more fun when nobody mysteriously chooses to subscribe to this shit.


    Yeah, but dollars per hour is stupid. I care more about enjoyment per hour. Just maximizing play time is what has cause open world games to be boring as hell. I’d rather spend less time with a game that’s more enjoyable over a shorter period than more time doing the same few activities over and over and getting nothing out of it.


    To be fair, for most games which you actually choose to continue playing, enjoyment per hour must be at or above a certain threshold otherwise you’d stop playing.


    Well, there are a lot of psychological tricks that can be used to make us keep doing things we aren’t enjoying. We’re just big dumb apes who are easy to manipulate.


    The fun in gta starts after the story is done though. Thats when you can spend thousands of more hours in it

    Pseudonaut, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

    My logical brain: He’s not wrong. The rest of my brain: Yeah, good luck with that, asshole.


    No, he’s wrong.

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