AgentGrimstone, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

Wellllll I think it should be priced by how much I enjoy it. Make a great game, get paid bookoo bucks! Make a shitty game, you get what you deserve.


Wouldn’t that be covered by the proposal? Make a shitty game and I’ll barely play it.


There are holes in my comment but just trust me.

fosforus, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

Sure thing! GTA 5 average game time was 52h (main+extras), so its price is then about $1 per hour at launch. Looking at my Steam library, I’d probably have saved hundreds if not thousands over the last 20 years if all the games were billed like this…

Have fun implementing the payment system that reliably measures and bills this with zero downtime, internationally! And even more fun when nobody mysteriously chooses to subscribe to this shit.


Yeah, but dollars per hour is stupid. I care more about enjoyment per hour. Just maximizing play time is what has cause open world games to be boring as hell. I’d rather spend less time with a game that’s more enjoyable over a shorter period than more time doing the same few activities over and over and getting nothing out of it.


To be fair, for most games which you actually choose to continue playing, enjoyment per hour must be at or above a certain threshold otherwise you’d stop playing.


Well, there are a lot of psychological tricks that can be used to make us keep doing things we aren’t enjoying. We’re just big dumb apes who are easy to manipulate.


The fun in gta starts after the story is done though. Thats when you can spend thousands of more hours in it

Pseudonaut, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

My logical brain: He’s not wrong. The rest of my brain: Yeah, good luck with that, asshole.


No, he’s wrong.

guyrocket, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour avatar

He didn't say it but he wants you to RENT software not OWN it. Make no mistake, this would be BAD for consumers.

HubertManne, avatar

thats what mmos are. its been done.


That’s not software. That’s a service. If you can’t pay, you can’t expect them to be maintaining servers.

HubertManne, avatar

well yup and thats what they want the games to be. a service. multiplayer diablo2 was much like an mmo but no servers needed. You could run the server and play with your friends or even open it up but everyone needed to have a copy of the game. so it has been done and they want to do it more and more.


While I’m super into self hosting instances, that usually defeats the point of MMOs. The unfortunate truth of the matter is that the publishers of MMOs often defeat the point of their game after long enough anyhow.

All that has generally pushed me towards round based games where the only advantages are my own personal skill.

bermuda, do gaming w Here Are Some ‘Starfield’ City Maps, Since The Game Doesn’t Have Any

Tbh Bethesda has never really been great at maps. Even skyrims is a little jarring


I wonder if it’s done on purpose to make the world appear larger?

We’ve all been hoodwinked

stephfinitely, avatar

I honestly didn't think about this but I kind of fell like a lot of things where done to hide the limitations.


Perhaps. I think in terms of Fallout they may have made the maps kind of “stylized” like how the rest of the pip-boy is, but it definitely didn’t make the game very fun. Especially when I was lost in one of the many maze-like dungeon levels and the map just wasn’t helping.

canis_majoris, avatar

The indoors Fallout map is the worst thing ever. I don’t think it’s ever once helped me out of a jam or cleared up confusion. If there are multiple levels (and there always are) it’s all just slapped together in a single plane on the map so it makes less than zero sense.


Yeah. The worst case of it I’ve seen is in the “Come Fly With Me” quest in New Vegas. The indoor area is split into two sections each that are both multiple floors, and both of the floors vary surprisingly not at all in the way they look. Especially the underground section. The quest has you navigating the whole building about a dozen times too, so it just becomes a nightmare.

Virkkunen, avatar

"A little jarring" is being very generous. For me, Skyrim's map is one of the worst maps I've ever had the displeasure of using. Skyrim is a grey game with grey landscape, and the map really emphasizes how grey everything is: grey land with grey icons on top and grey clouds covering most of the landscape (such a great idea). I don't mind that the map is 3D, but the camera angle limits is what pisses me off, they seem to choose the worst possible angles to showcase the map. There are no road markings whatsoever, and the LOD is so low that you can barely make out any feature on the map (considering you're lucky to find a patch in the map that isn't covered by the grey clouds).

I know that Fallout's maps are bad as well, you can barely see shit in them except for the markers, but at least it's in theme with the game, so it gets a pass. Starfield's is in theme and is pretty much like the Fallout maps, but the fact that there's literally no other features make it terrible as well, but I much rather have a completely blue screen with some markers spread around than trying to navigate Skyrim's map.

Oblivion's where it's at. They should have expanded on what they did there: simple 2D maps that are in theme with the game, clearly depicting main roads and some minor paths and simple depictions of the main cities' walls.


I just wrote a little jarring because I frankly didnt play much of Skyrim. I know, I’m such a heathen ;). So I was just going off of memory. You’re right that it’s bad though now that I’ve looked at videos of it.

arc, do gaming w The Main Lesson From ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Should Be ‘People Hate Microtransactions’

Hogwarts Legacy also sold a shit tonne, in part because you got the whole game, not half a game with a “season pass” or pay to win DLC.


I think hogwarts sold so well because of the JK backlash. Brought a lot of attention to the game. It was a good game though. Baldurs is getting attention because of how good it is. And treating your customers with respect goes a long way. I just bought DOS 1 & 2 because of how much I’m enjoying BG3 and wanted to vote with my wallet. Plus I hear they’re also really good.


I think Hogwarts sold well because it was a genuinely good game which captured the spirit of the franchise, a decent story line, an explorable world and had some decent combat mechanics.

I think the JKR boycott did help in an underhanded way because most of the protesting was shrill straw man character assassination. People tuned it out and bought the game anyway based on word of mouth. The real losers in this nonsense were gaming websites who undermined their own credibility by boycotting the game or scoring it badly just and turning the review into a diatribe about gender politics.

SupraMario, do gaming w Steam Deck Won’t Survive 2025 Without A Significant Upgrade. - (Original clickbait headline and not my opinion!)

OMG two games don’t work! How many others do? O yea that’s right, thousands…the library for the deck is magnitudes larger than pretty much every console out there…hell I’ll say it, every console released has smaller libraries than the deck.

InterSynth, do gaming w Baldur’s Gate 3’s Statement On Microtransactions Warms The Heart avatar

Never put companies on a pedestal.
Before Larian, it was Bungie, BioWare, Rockstar, Bethesda, CD Projekt RED.

ExcessivelySalty, avatar

@InterSynth Exactly, people need to understand companies are there to make money.


!deleted7120 avatar

Yup. You’ll always end up disappointed when they inevitably behave just like any other company.

ElectricAirship, do gaming w PlayStation 6 Priced At $700 Like PS5 Pro? It’s Looking Likely avatar

Just get a PC? Parts prices are low right now and they are far more useful than a console that has a “planned expiration” every 5-10 years.


That’s not really a good comparison. After 5-10 years you’re going to need a PC upgrade as well if you want to keep up with current game tech and run games at high settings. That can easily cost $700. Remember, consoles are usually mid-range computers.


But on your new pc you can still play your old games which is not a given on consoles


True, but that’s just more of an added benefit of PC. I have to assume the vast majority of people who build PCs for games have the desire to play new games that come out. There may be a few people who build PCs with only the desire to play old games. But i don’t think that is the majority.

Plus if someone doesn’t want new games then they wouldn’t need or care to upgrade their console from one gen to a next. So i don’t think that’s relevant in this discussion.


Considering Nintendo selling very old games just emulated on their switch for almost full price I’d say people want both new games and their classics. The point is you don’t have to decide which games to get. I play Baldurs Gate 3 but also Age of Wonders 1 or the early Devil May Cry games. I can actually play the whole DMC series on one device while my PS5 is collecting dust as every game costs more there than on PC and I don’t have a big library of games.

Also I’d have to pay way too much money just to be allowed to play online on servers that Sony doesn’t even run. Over the span of 5-10 years I’d have to pay probably around 400-800€ just to play online.

I’m not 100% sure anymore but my pc with an AMD GPU and CPU cost me maybe 1300€ and runs everything i want on highest settings so far. I think the biggest price point on PC is people getting duped by sites like userbenchmark to think they need an Nvidia card that’s ridiculously expensive.


But you aren’t required to upgrade, it will just not be as fast/HD as it would be on newer hardware. On console it is very likely the old hardware will not be developed for at a certain point, so you will not be able to play it even if technically it would run decent on the hardware

FeelzGoodMan420, (edited )

I’ll try to respond below. Lemme know what you think:


Need to upgrade every 5-7 years if you want to play new games on next gen consoles. Can play your old games indefinitely.


Need to upgrade every 5-7 years if you want to play new games that are more demanding and require next gen parts. Can play your old games indefinitely.

In terms of playing new games on an old PC, try playing cyberpunk on a PC from 2013 (7 years prior to CP77 release in 2020). You’ll get like 2 fps. Not even playable.

So to conclude, sure, you can try to play new games on your old ass PC, but it’ll run like crap and won’t be a good experience.

Edit: just to clarify, my opinion is from the perspective of someone who wants to play new demanding games. If you play super easy to run new indie games, then yea I agree with your point. Added benefit of PC is the ability do that indefinitely.


Or a steam deck. The cheapest option for that is like a bit under 400 I think and it doubles as a PC while having a massive library of games plus emulation.


Even the bigger model of LCD with 512 GB compared to the cheapest 64 GB model is on sale at the moment, for about 350 Euros (still under 400 US Dollars I think). It’s crazy!


You can’t just buy a steam deck tho. I couldn’t get one if i wanted.


The Steam Deck isn’t really a 1:1 replacement for a home console though, it really depends on your use case. It’s great at what it does, but not everyone is looking for a handheld. And if you’re into more demanding games the Deck also struggles to keep up. I love my Deck but if I had to choose between it and my desktop gaming PC I’d choose the desktop every time. Although it admittedly also was quite a bit more expensive.


True, if you wanna play games with really high requirements you need to cough up mu h more than 700 euros, I’m just saying the Steam Deck is better value than a PlayStation.


@FluffyPotato @astrionic Agreed, it doesn't even compare. Something I always forget since moving over to PC now is that console players have to pay monthly to play online, even when they have an internet connection. The concept is just absurd to me now on the PC side of things.


Saying the Steam Deck is better value than a PlayStation isn’t really a meaningful statement without further qualification because they are two very different devices. That was kind of the point of my previous comment. If you don’t need any of the handheld features and just want to play on your TV then the PS5 is better value. If you want a handheld a PS5 is obviously completely useless and the Steam Deck is insanely good value.

Also, if you want to play current, demanding games, a €700 PS5 Pro surely is enough. Even a regular PS5 should do for now since the Pro isn’t even out yet. Personally I prefer a more powerful gaming PC, but if you just want to play some of the latest AAA games on your TV you don’t need to spend more than 700€ unless you have other specific requirements.

jordanlund, do gaming w Microsoft’s Xbox Series S Parity Demands Are Now Handing Sony Free Wins
!deleted7836 avatar

Something I’ve been saying since the beginning, nice that people are catching up…

FTA: “The Xbox Series S was cheaper, but lacked the horsepower of the more expensive Series X.”

It’s not just that, the Series S lacks the power of the PREVIOUS GEN Xbox One X. The RAM limitations makes it impossible for it to run backwards compatible titles with the Xbox One X enhancements. AND it doesn’t have the 4K Blu Ray drive present in both the Xbox One S and Xbox One X.…/xbox-series-s-likely-wo…

This is the first time a console developer has released a new machine less capable than equivalent machines in the prior generation.


This is the first time a console developer has released a new machine less capable than equivalent machines in the prior generation. PS3’s switch to cell architecture springs to mind, which put game devs on their back feet trying to write code for it and made backwards compatibility impossible without including a PS2 in the case.


Sorry but I cannot agree with that take. The PS3 was difficult to develop for, sure, but it was immensely more capable than the PS2 architecture. See what naughty dog was able to produce on it in the last years of the console lifespan.

But I do agree that for developers, the PS3 was a step backwards in terms of ease of use and tooling. And luckily they fixed that by basing PS4 on PC architecture.

Still, I flippin’ love the PS3 🥲

reksas, do games w The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter

Decent thing to do would have been ask valve for time when they want the article published


They did ask Valve:

Though Valve didn’t respond to my requests for comment

Appoxo, avatar

Then don’t post it.


If every news outlet avoided a topic because the company wouldn’t outright confirm its existence, we would never have reporting based on leaks and rumors. That’s dumb and would make journalism worse for everyone.

Appoxo, (edited ) avatar

It wasnt a rumor or hearsay but literally breaking a gentlemans NDA.
I havent played it but as I heard they requested not to show it and the journalist supposedly recorded whole gameplay and wrote about it?
Seems like a clear deal to me to cut of and ban his account for breaking an agreement for early access.

Reporting about leaks and rumors is totally fine. But that’s like being the primary reporter of a whistle blower


“Gentleman’s NDA” is not a thing. It’s either a legally-binding NDA or it’s not. It’s within Valve’s right to ban him from the game but saying the game shouldn’t be covered at all is silly.

Appoxo, avatar

It is. It’s called Trust.

If I call you a friend and tell ypu something confidential I trust you to not talk about with someone else and you do regardless, I will quit the friendship.


Game publishers are not your friend.


They have the same attitude I have to tech support tickets.

If I call and the user doesn’t answer then I guess the issue is fixed isn’t it? Ticket closed.

Donebrach, do games w On Starfield And Hogwarts Legacy’s Single TGA Nomination Between Them avatar

Maybe if the games did anything, uh, interesting. Didn’t play Hogwarts because I can give 0 fucks about the H Potter universe. Starfield was definitely one of the Bethesda games of all time. Just a smattering of mechanics stolen from other games and simplified. It was fun but by no means anything to write home about. Put about 140 hrs—will probably not play it ever again. Did put 120 int BG3, will probably play again in a couple months.

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

Hogwarts legacy was good until the hype wore off and then you notice that it’s not very good story/gameplay wise and the whole game coasted on the castle itself.


Oddly the same with Starfield.

It was good until you notice the game doesn’t have any depth. 1000+ planets but they’re all window dressing.


Hogwarts was fun, not really all that groundbreaking in any particular way but it was a good take on that universe for sure.

pinkdrunkenelephants, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

That’s a terrible idea. You’d pay more than an entire paycheck just to play a typical JRPG which typically have 40+ hours of gameplay. I’m not paying $600 to play one game.

This is developers incrementally conditioning you to accept an even worse state of things for games. And if they follow through, I’ll pirate their shit and never give them a dime of my money again.

tym, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

Dollars per hour divided by total copies sold. Eventually, it’s free.

off_apparition, do games w ‘Alan Wake 2’ Complicates An Already Wild GOTY Competition




SineSwiper, avatar

People are sleeping on Armored Core 6.


It’s a good game! Though it does have a more narrow appeal than BG3 does.


I love FromSoft games. I still haven’t gotten around to AC6. It launched at such a bad time with so many other games coming out, especially if you have GamePass. BG3 came out about the same time (not on gamepass, but easy purchase), then Starfield (which was frustrating and bad, but still took time), Payday 3 (which is alright but flawed, and hopefully will be improved like PD2 was), and Cities Skylines 2. Notable mention to Counter Strike 2, while not doing anything that new for CS, it’s still the thing we’ve been waiting for for years. I still haven’t gotten around to it yet either, but patches are improving things so waiting is good.

OrgunDonor, avatar

I would be surprised if this doesnt take it overal this year.

It is my 2nd favourite game of the year, but I am very biased towards fighting games and Street Fighter 6 is so damn good.

There have been just way to many great games this year, and honestly dont have enough time(or money) to get through them all.


Instead of a zelda game, they gave us mid legos and 10 fps. I dont understand how anyone thought it was playable.

Its an expansion for botw, at best.


Not being playable is a bit extreme, it’s just boring and tedious, and steps back on its extreme design choices of the predecessor


To me, the stutters down to single-digits made it unplayable. Good for those that perservered?


If you want to disqualify games for quest-breaking glitchiness at launch, BG3 gets disqualified before TotK does.


Meh, BG3 was playable for me. It might be a case of simply being able to throw more power at it, but im indifferent to the why.

At least I could experience one of the games.

Not sure BG3 is my GOTY either, but i dont work in the industry anymore so dont really need to be concerned with it.


As someone who almost 100% it with all shrines… Nah. Totk honestly didn’t take enough risks as botw and the new additions were disappointing. The sky islands were copy pasted many times with the same layout, the dungeons were arguably not much better than botw, and the depths all looked the same.

The game is also piss easy once you have enough hearts to tank hits. Still so disappointed I first-tried the final boss.

Still a good game, but 8/10 at best. In a year where much better games came out I wouldn’t even nominate it for Goty


I haven’t played that yet but BotW is the most over rated game I ever played.

FoundTheVegan, avatar


As a fan of the Ocreana and Majora, I was super disappointed with the same dungeon just copy pasted 4 times with basically no story or dialogue. It was a fine enough open world game I guess, but it wasn't a Zelda game.

brawleryukon, avatar

BotW was great, but not if you were wanting a traditional Zelda.

TotK is hot garbage. They just took BotW and leaned way too hard into the whole “build silly contraptions!!1” thing that some fans were doing with BotW’s physics interactions.


What? That does not mean anything? Totk is not even a word

!deleted7120 avatar

It’s short for Tears of the Kingdom.

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