spacecowboy, do gaming w ‘The Day Before’ Developer Shuts Down Four Days After Launch

Ah the age old pump n dump.

garretble, do games w ‘Fortnite’ Has Actually Made The Metaverse After Everyone Else Quit avatar

If Fortnite is the definition of “metaverse” we are using now, then woof.


true, but it is surely a testament to how miserably Zucky has failed

garretble, avatar

That true. He did fail spectacularly.

Joltey, do gaming w ‘The Walking Dead’ Just Released A Shocking, Hilariously Bad Game

Not exactly surprising. The previous TWD games that based themselves on the TV show has been pretty bad.


Exactly this. The comics property has Skybound, but HBO seems to just be doling out the TV show licence left and right.

Gork, do gaming w ‘The Walking Dead’ Just Released A Shocking, Hilariously Bad Game

What the hell. The article has major show spoilers on the first damn sentence.


That episode aired in 2010, and they’re pretty much just describing the trailer for the game


Seriously? If you haven’t see the ending of the first season by now you don’t get to complain about spoilers.


I’m the biggest The Walking Dead fan! I almost made it to the third episode!

Catastrophic235, avatar

Someone spoiled the Dead Space remake ending for me a week before it even came out.


Having never played either, is the remake ending different from the original ending?

zipzoopaboop, do gaming w ‘The Walking Dead’ Just Released A Shocking, Hilariously Bad Game

Par for the course. Walking dead releases garbage after garbage, all downhill since the telltale game

Pratai, do gaming w ‘The Walking Dead’ Just Released A Shocking, Hilariously Bad Game

Videos are posted to Twitter. No thanks.


It really looks so bad. The cutscenes aren’t even animated, they’re keyframes with voiceovers like Ace Attorney.

SineNomineAnonymous, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour


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  • A_Random_Idiot,

    I’d be shocked if GTA6 has an offline/solo mode, with how much they’ve milked GTA5 Online for.


    The fuck over SP got is the biggest crime after the cucking we got over Anthem.


    Which is why no one should buy GTA6.

    but of course you know the mindless hordes of ignorant little goblins out there will not only buy it, they will preorder the mega super luxury ultra elite edition at that, making the game have a launch day sales record twice that of what GTA5 was in its entire first week.

    Thus proving to TakeTwo, Rockstar, and every other company that it doesnt matter how shitty, or how exploitative that they are… because gamers are fucking morons and will dumptruck money to their doorstep, and not even major fuckups like cyberpunk and starfield can prevent it.


    I liked Starfield and I still logged a shit ton of hours on it.

    But it’s story, dialogue, and character interactions feel that bad combination of rushed and PG13 in a setting that should be R. The fact that they will likely never rewrite and re-record these quests kinda blows. And the looting took a step backwards with the lack of clothing pieces and non-unique clothing stats.

    I’m excited for what the modding community does to the game, which is the major reason I bought it. I’ve got over 3000 hours on skyrim, less than 200 of that is vanilla gameplay ¯_(ツ)_/¯



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  • A_Random_Idiot,

    You can have your story.

    in small, online only installments for 29.99 a piece.

    jedibob5, do games w On Starfield And Hogwarts Legacy’s Single TGA Nomination Between Them

    It’s kinda crazy how quickly people just… stopped talking about Starfield after release. Like, even if it ended up being bad or disappointing, people would’ve at least still been talking about it in that capacity.

    Starfield was one of the most hyped releases in years, at least since Cyberpunk, yet when it finally released, it seems like the entire gaming world played it for a few days, collectively decided, “eh, this is alright I guess,” then moved on. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the mood towards a game shift so rapidly from massive hype to complete indifference…


    I think discussion around it just became toxic, you can’t really say anything about Starfield without a bunch of people hijacking the conversation to talk about how much they hate it.


    Maybe I just don’t look at the right parts of the internet to end up seeing it, but I haven’t even really seen anyone talking about hating it.

    Coelacanth, avatar

    I watched some videos on it after it released and for about a week after my whole YouTube frontpage was full of Starfield-bashing (many with several hundred thousand views) so it’s definitely out there.


    Yeah a couple of streamers I watch made it a point to stream “starfield bad” streams and then stream literally anything else while talking about how it was better than starfield


    I’m not sure how, you got lucky.

    Lemmy was filled with posts linking to clickbait articles from PcGamer bashing the game.

    YouTube just flooded my feed with videos about how Starfield was the worst game ever made, modern gaming was dying or something of the sort after watching a couple positive reviews.

    Even in comment sections, whenever I mentioned some nitpic I had about the game, I’d get answers bashing the game as if I had said it was terrible.

    It was pretty much everywhere for a month and a half to the point I just decided to stop trying to find discussions on it.


    I don’t hate it, I’m mostly just ambivalent to it. It felt like Bethesda’s Ubisoft moment, where they went from being a company that had been doing something really well and switched to doing something really safe…which is iust boring and generic nowadays. For the first ten or fifteen hours it was like ooh my first Bethesda game in ages! And then I put it down and never felt compelled to go back. I don’t hate it, I don’t love it, I don’t really feel anything towards it. Skyrim grabbed me from jump street and I was all in, same with FO…idk I really wanted to like Starfield…but I just never really felt anything towards it.


    I feel like the same thing thing happened with FO4 until the new mod tools came out. Like I bought starfield, it’s ok, but IMO it won’t hit it’s stride as a game I play frequently until there are a bunch of mods to improve QoL


    That’s what hype does. Hype can be good if the end product lives up to it, or the hype isn’t so potent. Tears of the Kingdom comes to my mind for this. The hype was more like “it’s coming, we think it’s going to be cool” and a couple of gameplay vids. Then their reputation combined with the understatement of how good the game actually was created a wildfire of good hype.

    Starfield was like “PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR THE BEST GAME EVER MADE, IN THE WORKS FOR HALF A DECADE, YOU’LL NEVER PUT IT DOWN, GAME OF THE YEAR GUARANTEED” and created a ton of bad hype. Bad hype is good for sales, but creates unrealistic expectations and makes a lot more people go “meh” once they find out what it is.

    Let me tell you a secret: bad hype is intentional. All that matters to a studio is how much they sell, not that players continue playing.

    Bad hype makes players stop talking about a game pretty quickly.

    ThunderingJerboa, avatar

    But didn't TOTK also have the issue that to some it felt like an "expansion pack" (Probably closer to a switch's version of Majora's Mask, where many assets are reused and remixed with a new gameplay element added). While it was a good game its probably not as revolutionary as BOTW. It also doesn't help it was the switch's first 70$ title.


    I’m not really commenting on how the actual game was, just the hype building up to it. Nintendo consistently teaches a masterclass on hyping their IPs. Whether or not the game was good, or worth the money, is an opinion beside the point.

    In the same vein, people call starfield “fallout but in space” and “fast travel simulator 2023”. There are plenty of things to criticize there too. But I honestly think the reason those criticisms weren’t taken in stride like totk was is because of all of bad hype surrounding the release. People expected a lot more.


    Totk was the 2nd open world Zelda. Starfield is the 5th Bethesda game. AssCreed would be the 27th? Ubisoft game

    Diminishing returns I guess


    Also, “as revolutionary as the last one” is probably not the standard we should hold all sequels to. Changing the fundamental design of a series is important to do periodically to keep it fresh, but well executed iteration is also really important. I definitely feel I’ve gotten my time outta totk, and I’m not done with it, tho I have gotten a little distracted by life, bg3, and picking ror2 back up.

    Also for anyone looking at full price switch games as too expensive, you can pretty frequently find $100 eshop cards for $90, which you can use to buy a 2pack of game vouchers, and effectively get any switch game for $45, including totk.


    I mean, the only game on the GOTY list where the hype is still going is Baldurs Gate 3. At least thats how it feels to me. Granted Im not into nintendo games as I once was both the new Zelda and Mario felt like they flew by me. Maybe it was the stacked year. maybe I didnt have as much time for gaming or maybe Im not seeing them much on the internet. BG3 sure feels like its cementing itself into the 2023 zeitgeist.


    This is where I was. Decent game, just lost interest after like 2 weeks. There was a bit too much fishing around in the inventory and clicking through menus.

    There were definitely a few cool moments in it, but I think they got to engrossed in the procgen planets to really give it all that handcrafted feel. Having 1000 planets forced the content to be too spread out. And other games have been out for years that handle the procgen better.

    7/10 review guy was right. Decent game with some cool parts, but also a lot of issues and annoyances.


    Yeah this about sums up my feelings on it. The main story seemed alright from what I experienced, and the characters seemed fairly interesting. Better-written than FO4, at least. I was particularly charmed by the PC’s parents that you get when you take that one perk at character creation.

    But the exploration just feels… dull and empty. Surveying planets just felt like a chore, and any particular landing spot on a planet was just a few cookie cutter lairs scattered among a bunch of nothing. Didn’t feel like you were actually discovering anything interesting.


    Funny thing is that when Morrowind came out using the grandfather of their current engine, they even advertised how every single stone was hand-placed and how that made the world feel more alive compared to a procedurally generated world. Guess some things still hold true.

    Carighan, avatar

    Well calling Starfield impressive but also immediately-boring would be a massive understatement.

    It almost feels like a benchmark. With all the gameplay depth and immersion that goes along with running one. It’s not bad at what it does, quite the opposite in fact. It’s stellar. But there’s just so little to it, despite the massive world fulll of blips and bits. It’s Skyrim driven to an insane extreme: Even wider, even grander, even more impressive. And even more shallow. Much more shallow.

    DumbAceDragon, do games w On Starfield And Hogwarts Legacy’s Single TGA Nomination Between Them avatar

    Outside of all the drama around the game’s launch, I’ve heard nothing about hogwarts legacy, even from HP fans.

    BigBananaDealer, do games w On Starfield And Hogwarts Legacy’s Single TGA Nomination Between Them avatar

    is there an award for best music? cause starfield should win that

    and i cant believe hogwarts didnt get 1 nomination. that was a fantastic game and it made my mother so happy to be a witch in the harry potter world and explore hogwarts


    The problem with HL is that it had very little to offer beyond “you’re a witch at Hogwarts”. They put together a great setting… then did nothing with it. It’s a huge pity and a great waste of something that could’ve been amazing.


    I absolutely liked the castle, was very cool, but aside from a few story missions it didn’t feel like you were in school.

    You can run around at night without issue, didn’t have to attend certain classes until you wanted. Maybe some more persona style social simulation aspects mixed in would help. Idk.


    I don’t know, the class component thing in fire emblem three houses absolutely killed my interest in that game. Sometimes it’s good to skip a bit of the monotony.


    This is true, it can really throw off the tone. But for a game that is supposed to be about going to school, it didn’t really feel like it.

    Maybe they did try it and had to drop it because it wasn’t fun. Not sure.


    It’s a heavy year so I can understand Hogwarts being left off especially since people have a reason to dislike. Very loved by the casual audience (where I am at least) but I don’t think any of my gamer friends cared for it that much.

    BigBananaDealer, avatar

    it being loved by the casual audience made me think it would for sure be nominated for something


    I’m pretty surprised it didn’t get any nominations. I guess it didn’t do anything revolutionary, but it was a polished open world rpg with a good story and world building. Personally I think it’s partly because TOTK is given too much praise.

    Donebrach, do games w On Starfield And Hogwarts Legacy’s Single TGA Nomination Between Them avatar

    Maybe if the games did anything, uh, interesting. Didn’t play Hogwarts because I can give 0 fucks about the H Potter universe. Starfield was definitely one of the Bethesda games of all time. Just a smattering of mechanics stolen from other games and simplified. It was fun but by no means anything to write home about. Put about 140 hrs—will probably not play it ever again. Did put 120 int BG3, will probably play again in a couple months.

    ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

    Hogwarts legacy was good until the hype wore off and then you notice that it’s not very good story/gameplay wise and the whole game coasted on the castle itself.


    Oddly the same with Starfield.

    It was good until you notice the game doesn’t have any depth. 1000+ planets but they’re all window dressing.


    Hogwarts was fun, not really all that groundbreaking in any particular way but it was a good take on that universe for sure.

    stallmer, do games w On Starfield And Hogwarts Legacy’s Single TGA Nomination Between Them

    “One TGA Nomination between Starfield and Hogwart’s Legacy” is an odd way to say Hogwart’s Legacy got zero.

    Did they just really need to get that game’s title into the story for SEO or something?

    !deleted7120 avatar

    I mean, he talked about both games. It seems like neither one alone was enough for an opinion article, so he wrote about both.

    systemglitch, do games w GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour

    Thank fuck for indie devs making the best games right now at an affordable price.

    I have over a thousand games in my steam library and my most played is dominated by indie games.

    guyrocket, avatar

    I am curious which indie titles you would recommend.


    What’s your genre?

    solivine, avatar

    Can you recommend any dungeon crawlers or survival games?


    Hades on the Switch might be right up your alley


    Some dungeon crawlers I enjoyed: Hades, Enter the Gungeon, Torchlight 1 & 2, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Legend of Grimrock, The Binding of Isaac Rebirth

    HocEnimVeni, avatar

    For the king (1&2) & Valheim


    Shattered Pixel Dungeon is my all-time favorite mobile game. It's a Rogue-like with hundreds/thousands of ways to win; but be prepared to be humbled.

    makingStuffForFun, avatar

    Literally just made it to the shop keeper after defeating the slime boss. It’s a hell of a game. Maybe one of the best.

    solivine, avatar

    See I normally like this type of game but struggle to get into this one in particular. I’m also confused about most items in it.


    Ape Escape is very quick to pick up and a blast to play. It’s more of the old school side scrolling style, but definitely in the survival theme.


    For a literal dungeon crawler: Demeo

    Jaysyn, avatar

    Neverwinter Nights has 20+ years of custom content, runs on almost anything, is still getting graphical & engine updates and has modules & persistent world servers that cover both of those genres & more.


    TIL: NWN is still alive.

    guyrocket, avatar

    Tower defense and strategy in general.

    sleisl, avatar


    guyrocket, avatar

    Cool, thanks. Wishlisted this.


    Try Factorio, its fantastic

    guyrocket, avatar

    Thanks! On my wishlist already.


    For strategy paradox games are always fun

    guyrocket, avatar

    Do you mean Paradox Interactive? Publishers of Stellaris, Europa Universalis, etc.



    Kata1yst, avatar

    If you want something competitive, Legion TD2

    guyrocket, avatar

    Looks interesting, thanks.


    Not exactly a minor indie game by any means, but bloons td6 is the game I’ve player the most on mobile by some distance. It’s £6 with no microtransactions and a shit load of content. If you like TD games this is a home run.


    First person shooters


    Check out Splitgate not indie but I had a good blast with my friends


    I thought Split Gate was shutting down.

    Otherwise I'd agree it's great fun.

    taaz, (edited )

    CrossCode! Why is this freaking game still such an underdog?
    Zero Sievert is also well worth mentioning.


    CrossCode isn’t my type of a game but I saved Zero Sievert, looks good!


    Yeah, CrossCode is absolutely amazing. I didn’t hear about it until recently. I’m so glad I didn’t completely miss out on it. It’s like my number 1 favourite game now and I almost missed it.

    I like to make sure I bring it up anytime people ask about good games they may not have heard of.

    Literally my idea of the perfect game.


    Welcome to the CC simps, because you're certainly not the only one who does that. It's generally a no brainer considering that they also still offer a demo to just try it out. Of course that doesn't tell you much about the great story and characters, but I think the fluidity of the movement and combat system definitely can convince people over already.


    This list is utterly fantastic, but if you haven’t given Dave The Diver a chance you definitely should. It’s by far my favorite release from this year, and the devs seem to have even more content planned.


    Heard about it, haven’t played it yet but I did have heard great stuff about it, it’s definitely on my future radar


    I recently played Outer Wilds for the first time last week. Games like this, I always worry they’re overhyped, but it was great.

    There’s a lot of good games on this list, plus ones I’ve never played before, I should probably check some of them out.


    Ignore the pre-release hype (I mean hype before anyone gets to try the game, early access hype is good). If the game is hyped after people get to play it, then I find it’s safer to trust, though personal preferences can still make it miss the mark.

    AceFuzzLord, (edited )

    I’d like to add Ardor to the list. It’s a free turn based deck building game where you face off against hexagon creatures on a hexagon board. It’s pretty polished for an actual free to play game.


    This sounds interesting, thank you!


    Ty for the list!

    MeanEYE, avatar

    In addition to that:

    • Atom RPG;
    • Dead Cells;
    • Into the breach;
    • Shadowrun series;
    • This war of mine;
    • Dust - An Elysian Tail;
    • Broforce;
    • Bastion;

    Many more of course.

    ShitOnABrick, avatar

    In addition to these games I find these games below to be an absolute hoot

    • disco elysium
    • beamng drive

    Chained echoes is also a banger


    It’s like people don’t know Brotato even exists!

    MeanEYE, avatar

    So many Bros.


    Would you say bastion is the best supergiant title pre-Hades? I’ve been eyeing both that and transistor for a while

    MeanEYE, avatar

    I would. But I didn’t play a lot of their games. Bastion is kind of unique. Story is pretty linear but its structure is quite a novelty. There’s an awesome narrator that is telling the story, but he reacts to everything you do and has a snarky sense of humor. Game is well designed action RPG with a good variety of weapons and in my eyes very little replay value. Still worth the asking price though.

    Adori, avatar

    Can confirm these are absolute bangers


    Can confirm your confirmation, some of these are incredible experiences

    Adori, avatar

    I agree with you man, thanks for agreeing with me

    ShitOnABrick, avatar

    I see an fellow barotrumua player. My favourite aspect of barotrumua is the griefing clowning aspect


    That feeling when you have played (and loved!) Like 90% of this list lmao

    …do I play too many games?



    Thank you very much for the recommendations!


    Rock and stoneee o-T


    Disco elysium


    Yea, I wouldn’t give them any money, though. The actual creators got fucked and any purchases of the game go to the people that fucked them. Great game, but I’d sail the seas for it.


    I was going to reply, but most of the games I would recommend are already listed out.

    Some gems are missing, but I’d need to be at my PC to figure out which ones.

    However, I did not see Unexplored 1 mentioned by anyone off the top of my head.


    A few of those games form my core of things I’ll go back to every so often, though my list isn’t all Indies. I’d probably throw CDDA, Dwarf Fortress and KSP in there too though, off the top of my head. Surprised to see foxhole in there but I suppose it’s in a relatively decent state at the moment and it’s somehow claimed 1400 hours from me on steam now.


    I have over 1600 hours in Binding of Isaac.


    You seem like the kinda fella that could appreciate Brotato too :-)

    USSEthernet, (edited )

    Sea of Stars recently came out if you liked older SNES RPGs. Reminiscent of Chrono Trigger, they even snagged one of the music producers from it. Great story IMO. I got about 45 hours out of it.

    Hollow Knight if you like metroidvanias. Played through it 2 or 3 times now. My son and I are excited for the sequel if it ever releases.

    Tricky Towers is a family fun Tetris type multi-player game.

    Blue Fire, 3D platformer/metroidvania.

    Hacknet, OS UI hacking sim.

    Crab Champions (early access coded by EDM producer Noisestorm), 3D bullet hell/loot&shoot where you play as you guessed it… a crab. Has an amazing soundtrack.

    Darkside Detective, 2D point and click puzzle solver with a hilarious storyline.

    Death’s Door, top down dungeon crawler/RPG.


    Kingdom Come Deliverance is easily in my top 3 favourite games ever, counting as far back as home world 1 (which also ranks in those 3.) If you give KCD a go be warned though, it will relentlessly punish you for any foolishness early on. It’ll make you work for every thing, no starting out as some warrior running down mobs of bandits. But it pays out with a true RPG experience that rewards incremental skill progress.

    In the last decade, apart from the witcher 3, only Indy studios have produced truly memorable experiences for me.

    Rose, do games w Here Are The Six GOTY Nominees For The Game Awards 2023

    I get that Baldur’s Gate 3 is a great game and I have no reason to dispute that, but its presence in any category this year leaves no chance for the rest, making the nominations pointless.

    Waker, (edited )

    If it’s that good or deserves to be awarded, no?

    I get what you mean but, what do you suggest? Not praising it?


    Praising it but leaving room for the rest as well. Otherwise what’s good about watching the ceremony? There’s no excitement when everything feels predetermined.


    No one said the rest aren’t good in some areas but if BG3 is clearly the winner then why pretend it’s not?

    I just don’t watch the ceremony I guess… I just see the results afterwards


    Thoughts like this are why AW2 only has one entry for performance. I’d much rather a game that excels gets many nominations then hand out pity nominations to get everyone pleased


    Nomination itself is a kind of a prize. Yes, BG3 will probably win everything, but that’s what happens if it’s really that good at everything. LotR won 11 Oscars because it was better than all the other contenders that year, but the nominations mean they were recognised as good enough to go against the winner.

    simple, do games w On Starfield And Hogwarts Legacy’s Single TGA Nomination Between Them

    Sort of a nothingburger article. He says that they didn’t get nominated, then says they probably didn’t deserve to get nominated. Even people that liked the games agree neither should’ve been nominated.

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