WEAPONX, do games w Final Fantasy 17 needs "a younger generation" of lead developers, suggests FF16 producer

I wish they would stop with the weird hack&slash/ATB combat. Also, with PC ports they should use standard PC control scheme and menus. And i get it, PC is not big in Japan, but they are selling the games to western audiences.


As a big fan of the old FFs I really enjoy the new ATB and hack and slash combat. 16 is fun and I think 7R is a great middle ground as well as being a true extension of the classic ATB stuff.

helloharu, avatar

People seem to forget that the ATB stuff started to come in at IV/V. I’m not sure I want the turned based mechanics and gameplay of games like FFII for the sake of misplaced nostalgia. Give me ATB any day over that.


I would love a return to turn based combat.


Any return to turn-based would probably have to be careful about it. Persona 5 managed it well, but it easily reaches criticism of being too much of “Use fire on ice”. Ideally, every decision a player is making in their infinite-time turns should have some form and consequence to it. I have always hated the “solution” wherein you can turn on an Auto-Battling system. It fixes the problem, but doesn’t acknowledge that the problem is battle decisions always being completely unnecessary and routine, which itself is something that can be fixed using more intelligent game design.


They already nailed the turn based system with FFX imo


fyi: SMT and Persona based their combat system on weak points way earlier than P5. I’m not saying it is immune to criticism, but it’s a series standard by now


Ooooooooh. Ouch. “It is a series standard” is exactly the sort of weak point that leads to some big franchises like Final Fantasy staggering.

There’s a reason games like Persona gained such popularity. It is NOT because players learned to use a thunder attack on the floating pair of chairs.


Persona’s combat system, if tweaked correctly can be a tremendous strength: there’s a chance to have a great turn-based system in which elements play the role of the main “puzzle” to strategize over with both your demons and your party cast. I agree that Persona 5 had very little strategy in it, let’s hope for future entries to be better.

I wonder what kind of battle system the new Atlus JRPG will have


I think they brought up p5 specifically because it’s a super-modern turn based RPG, so the same kind of thing a new, turn based, ff would be. This modern game, despite being overall well received, got some criticism for its turn based system being too much of the “use obvious elemental weakness” style strategy, and not more novel ideas.

Ledivin, do games w Indie publisher Versus Evil closed and all staff laid off

alleging that the publisher had breached obligations of their agreement in purchasing Versus Evil. tinyBuild announced in a recent trading update that they had settled the litigation, agreeing to pay the claimants “$3.5 million in cash (in addition to legal costs).”

…are you allowed to have layoffs after receiving a $3.5M settlement from your publisher? I know everyone will be feeling bad for the devs but this sounds sketchy as hell of them


As long as all wages are paid then there’s no obligation to continue employment in “at-will” states.

The employer must pay all due wages, but after that they can close or fire for any reason, including “fuck you, got mine”


Yes, this was a founder complaining that they didn’t get paid or whatever their complaints were. The company was bought and owned so they can do whatever.

As usual, c level gets rich, workers get laid off.

njm1314, do games w Google, Netflix, Apple and Amazon are the "barbarians at the gate" of the games industry, says ex-Sony boss

Like anyone is worried about more Google gaming. It’s like an idiot tax on people who are too dumb to have learned not to trust them.

Dark_Arc, avatar

I did some of my gaming for like 2 years for basically free thanks to Google’s refund, and got free gaming hardware (controllers)… call me an idiot or call me a genius, but, that was a heck of a deal.


Honestly I really like Play Pass on android. Mostly because it’s only 3usd here thanks to regional pricing and there’s a lot of great value! My issue is that Google generally sucks at keeping things going so I’d never invest anything beyond that with them.

My Steam account from 2006 is still going, all of the games work, it’s mostly the same platform but better. I don’t think Google can match that.

hogart, avatar

This. Valve is doing a lot of good. People can claim they are doing a lot of bad as well but I can’t mention many companies with purity from top to bottom.

brsrklf, (edited ) do games w Google, Netflix, Apple and Amazon are the "barbarians at the gate" of the games industry, says ex-Sony boss

Another article mentioned that this guy is now working for Tencent (announced in 2022). Before becoming yet another Galactus in the industry, Tencent is originally an online service provider and (mostly) an ad company.

What about barbarians trying to ruin the glorious video game empire now?

Funny how this small detail doesn’t show up in that article, where he’s only “ex-Sony boss”.

TheQuietCroc, (edited )

Tencent has been around for a decade, that’s past being “at the gate”

Beardedsausag3, avatar

I left the living room window open for 5 minutes for fresh air.. Fucken ten cent was sat on the sofa enjoying my coffee, petting my fucken dogs be time I came back.

Deceptichum, avatar

Google, Apple, Amazon, Netflix as we all know have only been around a few days.

TheQuietCroc, (edited )

In gaming? Netflix is definitely at the gate with the current options they have. Apple as well with their Arcade service. Google and Amazon keep coming back but never stay long, I’m not even sure they should be in the conversation.

Tencent has been in gaming for a long time now, they’ve owned Riot since 2011. They’ve had their hand in other gaming companies many times since then. They’re well past the gate, it’s not even in their rear view anymore.

Simon, (edited ) do games w No Man's Sky Orbital Update brings full ship customisation and a complete space station overhaul

Do you guys do anything other than to pile on to shit on this game? Shit on Star Citizen? Shit on buying anything ever? Shit on Sean Murray and how naive he just was and you would just do such a better job right?

Thought this would be a cool place to talk about games. How do you not have any awareness that [removed for civility]

Makes sense though since Linux is [bad word] at running games unless you have a Steam Deck.


I recently switched my laptop over to pop os and I’ve had no issues running the games I want to play using Lutris. Hell I’d argue Linux runs old games better than windows because of lutris. I have a few games I tried running on windows 10 and no matter what I did the game would insta ctd. But after switching and installing them using a lutris config I’ve actually been able to play those games. I even thought for sure I’d lose some of the functionality of my laptop (key lights, touch screen, something) but nope it all worked straight after install.

Linux has come a long way since I last tried it ~15 years ago


Linux has come a long way since I last tried it ~15 years ago

100% this. Linux has been my daily driver since ~2005 and it seems like suddenly one day I went from playing tux racer and trying to get Skyrim to work to some degree with wine to buying games on steam with little fear of having to anything more than choose proton experimental and maybe add gamemoderun to the settings. It’s a completely different world now.


Stop being so simped you cuck. The game’s pathetic and it should have been like this from the start

And it’s GNU/Linux and we don’t need games anyway as they’re unproductive


and we don’t need games anyway as they’re unproductive

So you come to a games community to shit on games and brag about how your shitty OS doesn’t play them?

Make it make sense


Username Spez_

Of course it’s going to be a shit take.

Dremor, avatar

Please stay civil (rule 2)

Dremor, avatar

Please stay civil (rule 2).

If you come across such comment, please reply to them instead of OP, maybe you will start some interesting debate instead of just try to stir conflict in the community.


Sorry, edited

Dremor, avatar

Still out of context.

If this was a reply calling on someone baselessly criticizing the game, I’d allow it, but OP just posted an article that doesn’t even criticize the game.

Still, thank you for your edit.


There was just too many derivative comments to choose from. I didn’t want to make it personal with someone. This was not directed at OP I thought (perhaps incorrectly) that that would be clear.

Dremor, avatar

If you find one that seen interesting to debate upon, reply to it.
For the other, don’t waste your time on them and just downvote.

The vote system was made for this reason.

Kolanaki, do games w The Day Before studio say the game's downfall was thanks to "a hate campaign"
!deleted6508 avatar

They hated it because it fucking sucked, dude. Just one look at the final product and you can tell you how fucked up it is. You don’t even need to play it to see it sucks; that’s how bad it fucking sucked.

junezephier, do games w Latest Baldur's Gate 3 update adds colour-blind settings, hireling customisation and best of all, sponge baths

According to RPS, that’s full of spoilers.

TSG_Asmodeus, avatar

Yeah holy crap, a bunch are sentences like: Fixed an issue that would cause spoiler (MAJOR PLOT POINT) to occur later than expected

I think they meant to spoiler tag them and forgot.


Spoiler is right before the highlights in bold

TSG_Asmodeus, avatar

At the very top of the document, it says:

SPOILERS - Please bear in mind some of the entries below might contain spoilers, proceed at your own risk

But it doesn’t separate them, or have any cover whatsoever. So if I want to find out if a quest that’s bugged for me is fixed, or other issues, I do have to read it at some point.

This is why I think they meant to spoiler tag it and didn’t (I edited it to remove actual spoiler content):

The ‘(GOAL)’ background goal for Soldiers will now unlock correctly after you spoiler kill (ENEMY) and escape the (AREA).


Ah I’ve never seen a tag in their patch notes before, just the disclaimer since early access.

fiah, avatar

So you can use a sponge and soap but you can’t even chill in a tub completely naked like my man Geralt? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

Nepenthe, avatar

Up til now, we've had:

• The sudden realization that you can bathe and don't have to crunch around in weeks of dried gore

• The further realization that at least one npc mentions you stink and should probably do something about that

• Standing relatively close to a waterfall for a few minutes if you can find one, or perhaps walking at a normal pace through a really deep puddle.

• Sophisticated method — stealing a water bottle, throwing it really hard at the floor, and hoping the splashback is enough

After months of steady work, we can use the soap now, but you're going to have to give your fellow gamers a minute to get used to things before you start making other suggestions


There is a cloak that makes you wet when wearing it at the start of act 3 - I always use that to clean of blood after a fight

Nepenthe, avatar

How did I forget about that cloak!? I got that before reloading because I kept failing my attempts to steal all my money back. I didn't expect all of those to be so addictive. I loved it.

My personal favorite was the boots that grant their wearer misty step for the tradeoff of leaving all your other clothes in a pile at your starting point. Still kinda sad I couldn't snag those again.


I’m 300 hours in the game and I never heard of those two items

!deleted6508 avatar

I just go to my camp and back; that always magically makes me clean.

Rade0nfighter, do games w Meet the men hiding their FIFA Ultimate Team addiction from their families

Haven’t played fifa but understand that loot boxes are basically gambling. Arguably worse than gambling because with gambling at least you might win something “real”.

Curious though - there was a screenshot in the article where you could preview a loot box before buying - does that not make it more like “buying” the players instead of “gambling” for them?


The cunning thing is that the preview doesn't really change the random boxes. You still don't know what's in the next one.


How does a FIFA Ultimate Team Preview Pack work?

All packs for sale in the FUT Shop have an eye icon and a button to trigger the preview. Doing that exposes its contents as if the player actually had bought the pack and opened it.

Once the player has seen the revealed cards, they may then buy the pack with either FUT Coins (the free in-game currency) or FUT Points (the premium). If they don’t like what they see, they don’t have to buy the pack. But there will now be a 24-hour wait period before they can preview another pack or buy a different one in its class. If they buy the pack, that timer immediately expires.

Puzzle_Sluts_4Ever, (edited ) do games w Elite Dangerous studio Frontier Developments announce layoffs and "organisational review"

I obviously don’t have a deep insight into FDev’s finances. But they have pretty openly said that Elite is a foundation of the company.

And yet, they have done everything they can to kill that. Cutting back on social media spending to more or less make every single Influencer say the game is dying. Turn updates into a trickle of “You know that thing that was added two years ago? They finally added enemy NPCs around it”. And even actively screw over the people who were dumb enough to buy the ten year pass by not even providing steam keys for the pre-ordered expansion (currently on two of ten or so?) to let people take advantage of Valve’s CDN.

It is genuinely baffling. Other devs are, if anything, focusing too much on keeping the bread and butter live game “live”. Whereas FDev seem to have decided that they can do whatever to E:D and the money will keep flowing… which might be true but…

Also, should be obvious but: Lapsed E:D fan who bought the lifetime pass like an idiot.

Just to elaborate on the community streams more. Most live games have their community managers (sometimes devs) do a weekly or monthly stream where they play the game, talk about what is coming, interact with the playerbase, etc. They are almost all puff pieces, but whatever. FDev reduced the frequency of those (I forget if by half or straight to quarterly) which was IMMEDIATELY fuel for “Frontier is sunsetting Elite”. And it isn’t like they fired the community managers. They just… do less streams.

Pyr_Pressure, do games w Among Us’ first new map in over two years brings beaches, mushrooms and toasty marshmallows

Is the game still full of third graders hitting on any one with the slightest hint that it may be a girl?


My problem with it was the 3rd graders calling everything “cap” because they’re stupid fucking kids.

It’s a pretty fun game otherwise.


I mean we had stupid sayings, too.

Fly. Hella. Dope.



No cap.


Forsooth, Top Drawer, Ahoy ahoy…etc.

Sanctus, do games w Diablo 4 Season 2 will put fun before balance, but "we want every build to be viable" avatar

Decrease grinds. I want to play the fucken game not do chores. I drop games nowadays as soon as I have to grind. Grinds aren’t fun, they are methods of artificially increasing playtime and engagement. That doesn’t mean hand everything out, it means make the things you do for stuff varied. I didn’t think this would be so hard but over the last 20 years grinds have gotten worse not better. We should be doing away with them in favor of engaging mechanics. Instead everything is more or less the same game with different flavor texts and models. But they all have grinds.


I find grinds aren’t too bad.

But the grind itself has to be fun. Diablo has a gameplay problem that makes the game much less fun, and in turn, their grind sucks.

Sanctus, avatar

A grind is a lapse in content. A grind is a hamster wheel in place of interesting mechanics. To grind is to toil, all in the name of throwing it away next season to start it again. If I’m purchasing entertainment, I expect to be entertained and not simply convinced I am entertained. It is not a problem that it is possible to do in a game, that much is fine if you wish. It is a problem when the developers expect you to grind hours to achieve something. It equates to nothing but a long days work at the long day factory.

Example: AC6: Fires of Rubicon allows you to purchase mech pieces in a shop for credits. These credits are handed out at mission end. You can grind “The Wall” mission in under a minute to recieve a hefty sum. Or you can just play through the story again. Thats fine within the context of the game and I can choose to grind if I want.

Diablo on the other hand expects us to literally restart every 3-4 months and do everything all over again (except the campaign itself). Which in itself is alright cause the “Immortal Realm” exists. But that effectively turns each season into a massive grind. So if you want to participate, you have no choice but to grind. Its just a little upsetting I bought a grinder and not a game.


Yeah I played for 2 hours this season, saw that I have to unlock every waypoint and do a lot of the side quests and fortresses and whatnot. On top of having to get back to certain levels so I could actually start playing the game on T3… I kinda just noped outta there

Sanctus, avatar

I don’t feel like games are designed for the average player anymore. They expect everyone to no-life that shit and be happy. Nah.

KingThrillgore, do gaming w No one should have to “grow a thicker skin”: Valorant studio commit to harsh penalties for harassment avatar

It seems like a toxic community surrounds Riot’s games worse than they do other games.

Riot could do some housecleaning of its own.


Yeah the common factor in all their games having fucked up communities is them.

HipsterTenZero, do games w Nightmare Kart, the Bloodborne-inspired PSX-styled racing game, is out now avatar

Hell yeah, bloodborne kart

squirrelwithnut, do gaming w Elden Ring is getting a free-to-play mobile version with in-app purchases


FROM’s and Elden Ring’s good names will be forever tarnished with this bullshit. Even if, and it’s a big if, this turns out to be a decent port it still feels really, really gross. This is really disappointing.

Kolanaki, do games w Capcom is worried that mods “offensive to public order and morals” will ‘tarnish’ the rep of their PC games
!deleted6508 avatar

Capcom exec is mad that someone replaced the 9 foot tall dracula woman with Thomas the Tank Engine.

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